Mark's options:
1. Shows up, retrieves his award and brings the house down playing Sultans of Swing and Money for Nothing with whoever is there too
Odds: 0.00001:99.99999
Evaluation: coolest grandpa ever, genius musician, legend, what a sport, wanna be like him
2. Shows up, retrieves his award but does not perform
Odds: 1:99
Evaluation: classy grandpa, wanna know more about him, which albums to get?
3. Does not show up but releases a nice statement and records a thank you video or just a statement
Odds: 1:9
Evaluation: classic grandpa, respect, sticks to his guns but cares about everyone
4. Does not show up, does not say anything
Evaluation: grumpy grandpa, what a weirdo, who cares anyway, gimme my Bon Jovi