Kingdom of Gold never did it to me. I don't like the album version very much and think the solo live on stage is just a nice try to enhance the song, but somehow it still doesn't work for me. (Whole other story with Yon Two Crows: Total other song live, he really builds up and gets angrier and angrier, starting with a deep humming voice, ending in a heavy guitar chaos so to say.) I would say YTC is really developing live, whereas KOG is somehow just a try to get something more out of it. But maybe I don't understand the song at all.
Talking about repititon: I know BEFORE GAS & TV is not liked very much in general among AMITERS, and that one is definitely repetitive, but is a MASTERPIECE compared to KOG, alone the lyrics are a whole other dimension of greatness.
If there is one wish that I could have (ok, two) for this tour: BEFORE GAS & TV and SO FAR FROM THE CLYDE. Now that we have 5.15 am, Gator Blood, and some others, I am perfectly happy, almost.