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The GH concert I was at in Leeds lasted just over 3 hours, but that included a 20 min interval. We did get 26 songs, a few of which were from the soundtracks, which I really loved (not rubbish dmg)! I remember Max Bell, a music journalist at the time saying he went in clean-shaven and came out with a beard. I still have the newspaper cutting. I really loved that concert and I was walking on air for weeks afterwards!
Maybe your source is having us on Pottel? The other night we had PONO and all sorts for a while.
no jokespoke to sourceif it were a joke, it would be a bad one, i would have chosen far more interesting titles (long highway comes to mind...)
There are thousands of people who go to see a concert for only DS songs, let's face it. I think it's too bad for them not to hear SOS.