I assume some die hard fans, who have a big bankaccount, got several sticks if not a stick of every show so far. Now I would like to hear your opinions which stick you think is the best so far? In terms of best peformance, vocally, vibe, sound and all.
Before RAH my reference concert was Istanbul - very nice, energetic performance of Sultans and TR !
I have replaced on my playlist Istanbul with RAH - although they are quite close, I feel RAH has an edge for the whole atmosphere and energy. TR is longer and has more original licks in the end solo.
Then Amsterdam is needed for KOG with Ruth, and at least of of the 3 (3 only !! what a shame !
) recordings of YTC (Bucharest, Sofia, Lubjana). My favourite is Lubjana for the extended solo. dmg prefers Sofia, which is true has a better build-up to the solo. Matter of taste.
Nice to have is Liverpool because of the extended So far away (and Gator Blood).
And of course if you like Back to Tupelo, Piper to the end and 5.15am you need to get sticks where they have been played
Belgrade 5.15am is my favourite, first time it was played but best energy in the guitar solo. Tupelo and Piper are great whatever the stick I believe.