I hate to say it - but i agree with Danny....there has been too little set list progression and development in recent years with the last three or so tours being largly identical. People unfortunately dont want to see the same MK show each time - we know we are going to get R & J, Sultans, BIA etc - but the rest are lacking surprise - SFSL, Marbletown, DWB, TR, SAN etc.
Goodness knows (well actually MK knows) why this set list gets wheeled out tour after tour - but it cant be doing anything for the semi hard core fans, who KNOW they are going to get the same tunes they heard last tour - these people will not attend multiple shows like the majority of us - but only a one or two, and if they know they are going to hear the same tracks, then less so.
Im actually moving abroad to a territory that MK doesnt play regularly and hasnt played since 2005. If a job comes up and i have to move earlier then i wouldnt be TOO gutted to miss MK becuase i just KNOW there wont be any huge surprises in the set this time around. Tried and tested songs that the majority dont want to hear for the thousanth time rolled out time and again. Its unlikely ill see MK again as he doesnt tour where im heading, again if MK has some surprises and gems each tour, i would be pretty miffed only able to listen to live MK on USB sticks.....but my genuine thoughts about maybe not seeing MK live again.....meh....do i care?