Where I was sitting, I would say that a greater proportion of the audience were Dylan fans and, for the average concert-goer, much of Mark's set would have been unfamiliar. There was a small amount of "people-shuffling-around" but, by and large, the audience members were respectful and listened to all the songs. I sensed that the musicianship was appreciated and there was a generally positive response but no one individual song in the main set seemed to stand out in terms of audience reaction. The encore, being a DS song I guess, did receive a great welcome almost from the beginning.
In short, "Haul Away" got no bigger or lesser reaction than most of the songs in the set.
I think I've said before that Mark was both brave and absoutely right to keep to his newer songs. As I also think I've said before (maybe not), people not familar with his recent/latest albums/album would have taken note and, in some cases, have one and sought out the relevant albums after the concert. I didn't look too closely but I don't recall seeing anything about PRIVATEERING around the two venues I went to. I am happy to be disabused of this contention but, if I'm right, this was a real pity.