Well, now that my life is slowly getting back to normal. I thought I'll share my expereince at the last show in Sacramento.
Sacramento being the furtherest venue for me to get to, I decided to spend a night there instead of driving 1 1/2 hours home after the show. it proved to be a prudent decision as I was able to regain my vigor the next morning after a good 8 hours of sleep. I functioned literally on 2 -3 hours of sleep previous 3 nights.
My supportive husband dropped me off at around 5:45 pm at the venue. Upon arrival, I noticed just a handful of people waiting around, none of whom seemed enthusiatically enough to start a conversaion with. I strolled around when a sign stared blankly in my face. "no backpack" Oh well, I thought to myself, they could check it if they wanted to. Just before I approached the first entrance point, there walked in a group of 4 young people, 2 guys and 2 20 year-old girls. We recognized each other immediately, as we were all in the front row together in SF. We smiled to each other , started our lively conversation. I came to learn that they are fans from Germany who are following Dylan around on this tour. They'll end the tour in LA and then head back home. I admire their doings a lot.
We all walked together to the first entrance point, when the security guard came and adamantly said "no backpack" I saw no points in arguing as he 's just enforcing the rules implementing by some powers that be. I obliged. Before I knew what to do, Alrick ( German fan) offered to keep my pack in his car. We walked to his car, safely deposited my backpack in the trunk. We walked back and were ready to pass the first security check point. Little did I know the next dilemma was awaiting. The guard said " I couldn't get in with the belt I had on me". At this point, I was quite beyond words in rage. It was a beautiful stylish meatallic belt I put on my MK shirt that I got from SF. We all shook our heads and couldn't believe what we heard. " o tolerance" it's the policy at the arena. How about my zero tolearance of having my freedom trampled on.
. Begrudgingly, I removed the belt, Alrick 's hand was already there ready to receive it. We joke while walking into the final entrance check point that, sooner or later we all have to come to the shows naked.
I found my seat which was on the floor about 12 rows back. Pretty decent. Deposited myself in a chair that fits my behind pretty well. Mind you, I'm a small petite woman. To my right, a gentleman, who seemed nonchalant. He probably didn't know why he was there. 2 empty seats to my left, and I thought "cool" They probably wouldn't show up until Dylan's set. A few minutes before 7:30, the most thrilling moment of the entire night , a couple who are about 2-3 times my size, scurried in, squeezed their way into the seats. I was sandwiched and half suffocated to my left and right. I was in such despair !
I thought who would come to my rescue now. The light began to dim, the familiar feel good music started to blare " Good Evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Sacramento, Mark Knopfler" . I jumped to my feet, screamed my loudest scream of joy. I couldn't careless the distress that was upon me earlier. It was MK to my rescue !!!! I was happy as I could be completely in the zone. The couple next to me wouldn't stop chattering. At that moment, I almost felt that, MK shows should be reserved only for fans who appreciate his music.
The performance was strong. The rendition of 'Song for Sonny" "HFB" and "marbletown" were incredibly energectic. Even "what it is" sounded slightly different. Mark was quite chatty. Overall, it was a great show. As quickly as MK and the band emerged on stage to the roaring thunder of "what it is" they vanished as quickly at the end of "SFA"
The crowds were loud and responded very enthusiastically to the show.
All in all, it was a great last show. It culminated the intense joy and happpiness I expereinced those 4 nights.
Thanks for reading.