I did meet him in Madrid 2000, the same day STP was released he did an interview in a Spanish Radio, he signed me my STP copy "With love to Julio", great, he loves me
After that we heard in which hotel he was staying and a group of fans went there, we arranged with Crockford that MK will went out for signing, pictures etc and I got my pic with MK by accident, as he was in front of me, signing a t-shirt for a friend and MK told me "pull it", I was so nervous that I didnt understand him until he told me twice. Someone took a picture of the moment and I didnt noticed it until I saw it at the Spanish City Mailing List web site... Wow, I had a pic with MK that I didnt know!
And in 2002, outside the Shepperd Bush Empire, we were waiting for him to exit, Crockford said us that Mk will sign from his car, so when MK went out, we walked along with him until the car, and then I noticed that I was just walking next to MK!!!! Funny because I was talking with a friend and didnt notice it! When in the car, I saw that John Illsley was getting out the venue, and nobody was there, so I left the car queue and went to talk with John and take photos with him. Just John, me and some of my friends, pretty intimate and a great experience, far better than have pics or signs with MK inside a car...