"Step out a little"? Vgonis has it right.
As I've said before, MK is a much more predictable performer than BD. Night after night, MK produces a very high standard of performance and that's great. I like the fact that he gives the band members space and proper acknowledgment and I like the fact that he generally seems to be enjoying himself on stage.
On the other hand (and I may be completely wrong when I say this), he also seems to be working within his comfort zone. If you go to see him several times on one tour (as many of you do), you pretty much know what you're going to get from night to night. You might get the odd song different from a previous night and you might get a slightly different arrangment or a slightly different solo but it will all be within a fairly narrow band of expectation. Everone seems so well drilled.
Now I'm not saying that MK should become "another BD" in style, approach or whatever (God forbid!), because I want Mark to be his own person but I would like to feel that he's trying different things - live, on-stage and before our very eyes - things that are spontaneous. The band are terrific players but they all know what to expect next. The whole performance has been worked out beforehand, in the privacy of the rehearsal hall or whatever, and, with almost no variation, that is what we get to hear from the stage each night on a tour.
So, I am not advocating wholesale change but a wider choice of songs and a bit more spontaneity.