Newcastle: Block A, Row A seat 36
RAH 27th May: Arena F, row 1, seats 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,24
Cologne:Innenraum 103, row 7, seats 1,2,3,4 BAD!!!
Clermont: Parterre, rowPA, seats 22,24,26,28
Antwerp: section 003, row 1, seats 5,6,7,8
Bremen: bought by Nelly: Parkett, row 6, seats 5,6,7,8
RAH 28th: bought by Nelly: Arena F, row 1, seats 19,20,21,22,23
Frankfurt: bought by Pottel, block D, row 1, seat 7,8,9
Liverpool: Block B, row B, bought by Superval
So Pottel and Markywes only Cologne and Bremen is bad, must be because we hadn't codes