I was astonished to see so many reservations about the blues tracks on Privateering. I remember some (UK) people saying that his accent didn't fit... On the other hand I think it is authentic when Mark told us in interviews about the record collection of Steve Philips being a "university of blues" for him... Blues being alway a part of his music seems to be out of question, but he never played it so pure and raw, did he?
My opinion is, I like it very much, it was long overdue. MK was a brand for always mixing genres, styles and almost the fear of using "only" one single and original style... So in a certain way Privateering offers something new in his career... you could also say, because of "lack of inspiration" he turns to where every old muso gets somewhere in his career, doing just another blues record...
I thought it might be worth a new thread for discussion...