Sorry for my bad english:
Still a kid, thats what he says of himself. And he recommend it: Its a very important part of yourself, the one that refuses to grow up. He take care of that everyday with his "toys": the motorbikes and guitars.
Mark Knopfler has around 70 guitars, he doesnt know the exact number "I received most of them as gifts, now there is a Fender with my name and signature on it, I love it!" He also has some sportif motorbikes abnd a comfortable BMW "With the sportif all your body aches after ride them" admits. Some years ago he had a bike accident and the car driver was declared gilty and he thought better about speed since. The age, although he tries to stay in chilhood, brings more care with it. And he also has 63 years old and four sons now, Knopfler is also an OBE "Frightening, isnt it? My mom loves it. Now I got two doctorates, without studing annything!. Those titles comes from his career in music, obviously, but he was also a journalist for a while, he says he learnt a lot about life and about writting songs at that time "Journalism teachs you to write things in a short space. Condense reality in three verses or a title is not so different" He choosed "Privateering" as his new album title. "I like to be on charge of the band when we are on tour, explains. He alsomention that he does is work alone, without any governmental help. "They dont help me, like they do with opera and ballet. There is no money for the kind of music I play"
XLSemanal. In his new songs there are references to economy: The kingdom of gold, the high priest of the money...
Mark Knopfler. Yes, maybe its more on this record. The high priest of money is based on a character that I already had on mind
XL. Any names?
M.K. It would be someone that works for the government now but he used to work for banks before. You know what kind of guy I