I can still remember the 90s, when I was longing so much for new MK music and when I had to wait years and years without something happening.
Well, even in de 90s MK did do a lot of stuff. 1996: GH album and tour, 1997: NHB tour, 1998: NHB tour, 1999: Metroland/Wag the Dog + NHB tour, 2000 STP...
As far as concerned 'normal' albums, from that point of view, he was less productive.
But I would rather wait a bit longer for an album that's got stronger songs than an album filled with 14/15 'average' songs.
When I listen to GH of STP and I compare them with SL, KTGC or GL, the first ones are much stronger, containing better songs.
I've listened to Redbud Tree a couple of times now, but to me it looks like the song is not finished, something is missing. Same goes for more of his recent work.
Lars B.