But here the damned electronic drums are not very good (frankly put terrible imho ). It looks to me that it was one of those mainstream 80ties things that also Terry started using. The Solid Rock intro is similarly ruined. (But still Terry is da man.) It reminds me of Alan White from Yes, who had the same overdriven sound in 1984 and later.
Yeah, the synth is very good. The reason it's not on aLchemy is that Tommy Mandel was probably jumping his ass off even during that part of the song
Yeah, the overdriven drums are a shame, a mandatory gimmick for the mid-80s, that at least Alchemy does not suffer from. Alchemy aged better than Wembley in this respect, maybe this is why Mark ok'ed it rather than Wembley, fits better with his "purer" current sound.
As for Tommy Mandel, you might be quite right
I personnally think that Guy Fletcher designed a whole new sound when he joined DS, for the best (ambiant tracks) and the worse (overuse of keyboards on sultans, for instance). Guy's influence was reduced considerably for the subsequent OES tour (much less synth, but... more pedal steel, not my cup of tea).