I can't tell you how many times I saw the NHBs but it was quite a few. The first time was the Lockerbie concert. Never much of a fan of DS (sorry, folks!), I really enjoyed the NHBs. Possibly they were a bit too drilled for me, in that MK kind of way, but the the range of material was interesting and there was a certain looseness to the whole thing - not unprofessional, just a touch freer - that I relished. OK, Ed Bicknell wasn't the world's greatest drummer but he was much better than adequate, carrying off his side of things well enough and getting better as time progressed. He gave a cottage industry feel to the whole shebang. Marcus Cliffe was a really good bassist - good musician, great solos and, for a bassist, very flexible and versatile - particularly suited for that type of show. The three principals need no comment from me.
Anyway, the NHBs brought Mark Knopfler nearer to me in a way that the DS shows never did. MK's subsequent solo albums have kept my interest, even if I don't savour them as assiduously as most of you. Thus, I would welcome a series of updated NHB shows.
And I can recognise Superval's disappointment at missing MK's jaunt to Robin Hood's Bay. I never saw Segovia in concert and, some time later, when I discovered he'd done a concert only 20 miles or so from where I then lived, I could have kicked myself.