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Author Topic: itw Mark french magazine "BEST" 1980  (Read 8915 times)


  • Rüdiger
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itw Mark french magazine "BEST" 1980
« on: March 09, 2012, 08:26:06 AM »
Mark talks about his "new" schecter guitars (used on Making Movies)

He's also talking about :
guitar practicing, several strings at the same time (with example given : Sultans)

it's from the french magazine "BEST" 1980

here's a try of translation (with Google....) :

BEST : the first time I heard the song, I did not believe the record store who claimed that you were English, "Sultans" for me, it was still made ??in the United States.
M.K. : And it felt like what?
BEST : say Dylan and JJ Cale  if you want to label ("tags")
M.K. : I do not want to label ("tags"). I especially believe that the Straits has its own sound. It has nothing to envy to anyone. This sound has been achieved by dint of work for nights, nights where I ended up being so tired that I fell asleep on my guitar. And it happens again. Yesterday, after the concert I played in my room until 5am.
BEST : it is no longer rehersal, it's forcing!
M.K. : I don't play it every night until 5:00! But yesterday, my girl-friend was with her parents, so I took advantage. When she is home, I never play that long.
BEST : If you do not play that long, you have the feeling of wasting your time?
M.K. : Lots of times, I tell myself that I should train more often and longer too. If you find yourself a moment alone in a room and that your guitar is placed in a corner, you must seize it. You have no right to deprive you of a chance to play: we can not achieve anything without work.
BEST : Why have you forsaken your Strato for a Schecter, on the last LP?
M.K. : Schecter's are great because they feet well in hand. They are better designed and manufactured. The sound is not necessarily better than a Strat, but it has a lot size of pus. More, they are soft to the touch and you don't cut yourself with the strings. the only drawback is that they are a bit heavier (end of our advertising)
BEST : Tell me a little of your game. Looks like you play the notes in pairs, is that true ?
M.K. :Very often. Sometimes I play three strings at the same time, the second, the third and the fourth.
BEST :On which songs?
M.K. : "Sultans of Swing", precisely
BEST : Is it that your secret ?
M.K. :This is my style. I think the best way to play. You have to put the feeling too.


  • Romeo
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Re: itw Mark french magazine "BEST" 1980
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2012, 09:05:16 AM »
Thanks for the translation - a unique little conversation.
Hey, i`ve got a truffle dog - finally a song the ordinary man can relate too!


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