The show was great.
Great venue with a nice atmosphere but not the best for music. Too small. Too loud and too many people going in and out, at least from where I was. Monday morning, my hears still hurt. Maybe the feeling from standings is different.
A wonderful evening anyway.
I didn't see anyone, my apologies BBB, Millionaire and arabia. It's definitely the way I travel that ruins every meeting. Always on the edge, short connection times, and I don't have to queue because I always go for seats. Same happened in Glasgow. At least there I actually saw dmg

Will try to improve myself next tour.

The show was great, MK obviously happy to be home. In great shape. The sound was too loud for electric guitar but was wonderful during acousitc guitar songs. The highlight ? No surprise, I found Marbletown was the best ever. That song is like good'ol Tunnel of love from the BIA tour : you can pick up anyone, get blown away and really think it's the best you've ever heard.
Did I say Mark played so well ? No STP glitch
I was impressed during the whole but especially one moment was amazing : Don't think twice, it's alright.
We all know Bob plays guitar on that one

. I saw in Geneva and Roma : there's nothing to do, we could'nt hear Mark's guitar.
Different in London. I really saw Mark's genius. He was really following Bob's guitar playing and was trying to save the song. The Alchemist was back in Hammersmith and he turned bob's lead (guitar) into gold.