Apparently Bob Dylan. But I suppose this laughing face beside your comment indicates a rhetorical question.
well, no actually, the funny face meant I don't take it seriously, not that I knew what he meant. So enlighten me, why is it Bob Dylan's fault if I don't get an Oscar? I would have thought the main reason is that I don't work in the film industry but hey, what do I know?
Oh so she had to get a baby with the chauffeur.
I don't get that one either
Dear Rollergirl don't worry, I guess it was a joke put to the test, that obviously failed. It was based on loose mental - mixed meanings connections, but it must have lost any sense or meaning since the time between the posts are sometimes 48 hours (not in this case but it is more or less the same, it has to do with the original mood you are in. Any explanation on that will cost you a bunch. After all you get this one for free
Here hope ll these faces help you a bit.
) .
If you are so kind to scroll down, you will find that ds1984 ironically thanked BD. And right after you posted a lovely - jokingly little sentence thanking your ma and pa. Making the connection between them BD (having won an Oscar) and your comment which reminded me of the speeches at the Oscar ceremony, I made that comment.
tunnel 85's comment that followed right after was common yet cute,
And yes, I try not to think what ds1984 means with his latest comment, because my brain hurts ( a Monty Python reference) Louis was such a natural ds1984. Good to know someone else enjoys his movies, too.
By the way I'd like to that my prime minister. He is so good, everybody thinks he is out of this planet.
And the original topic was, again?