mark was in topform, smiling a lot. after speedaway, i thought, ok, that's it, and went to takke my heavily needed pee break, but as i stand there and pee i hear SFA starting so i ran back, and was able to capture the last 2 min or so
hill farmers was top level, together zith marbletown and speedway, had hoped for more new stuff, or a BD/MK colabboration, will need to wait until sunday i guess.
bob was by far not as loud as i had feared it to be. forgetfull heart was bril. summer days i can here no more. rest of the songs were su!ng with a lot of vigor, and it looked like he TOO was in a great mood..still, no blind willie, no Things have changed. on a funny note, tzwo guys managed to jump over thze barrier and onto stage, that was some excitement for the local and BD crew. stood front roz for Like a Rolling Stone