Considering that Dylan has played around a hundred shows a year, every year, for the last more than 20 years, it may be a surprise to some MK fans to learn that almost (but not quite) all have been recorded by someone somewhere along the way. In the 20 years before that, most of Dylan's shows were recorded, too. In the earliest 10 years of his career (the 1960s), far fewer shows, proportionately, were recorded but there is still a good cross-section of his evolving style of performance. A fair number of shows are available, in whole or in part, as line recordings (as opposed to audience recordings), as well. And I haven't even begun to mention small club apperances, interviews, press conferences, radio and TV appearances, his many guest contributions, and so on, let alone the 100 radio shows (each at least an hour long) he did as a DJ. I can't imagine that his shows on this coming tour will escape the efforts of the taping community.
As to whether BD tapers will also tape the MK segments, maybe you should ask nicely.
As to whether there'll be some kind of Dylan/Knopfler bootleg release of a whole concert or more, those who perpetrate such releases won't be able to resist