Ok, I made my decision. Only one show for me, Oberhausen. Because two shows means two nights in a hotel, two train tickets... No. I will be happy to go to Oberhausen, it is a Sunday, Monday is my day off, fits perfectly well, so no second show. Sorry, Hamburg, but this time you won't see me. Just too expensive.
I hope Mark will not use this as an excuse to raise the ticket prices for his next solo tour...
To be fair, to see a show with two big names of that caliber, and with the show starting at 7:30, so that three hours (or a little bit more including breaks) until
23 h possible) are realistic, is not too expensive if you compare with ticket prices of other show cases in these days. It is just too expensive for me....
And like Fienecke, I better save more money to spend it next year and see MK more than once, and MK pure and alone! With lots of Forumers around!