Thank you so much for the chance to listen to this version of the song. I have been looking for it for quite some time. I had even sent money in an envelope to Lee Fardon's address mentioned at his web - page, but unfortunately i got it back a couple of months later, with a "left with no new address".
I already have the record "God given right" with the track, but with no MK guitar and production. Instead we have a bouncy piano, but it is a fine song, anyway. I only knew that he was producing, but the guitar is really very MK like! Of course the same goes for a couple of songs at the "Knife" album by Aztec Camera, but it must be a very good imitator, since at the credits I couldn't find MK contributing any guitar, just producing.
By the way i am also looking for another collaboration of MK with Sandy McLelland. Anybody out there?