I 'm Fabian, 20 years old, from Uruguay, yes, Uruguay, in South America... that little country between Brazil (next football world cup host) and Argentina
Been a Knopfler fan for 8 years i think and i've never seen DS nor MK live, the only time he came down here i was 10 (didn't even know who MK was) so every time i read that someone's seen him live is like a knife to the heart. Consecuentally, when i learn that someone has seen the man live over 7 times, i feel the urge to climb to the top of a 35 story building and jump... but in a healthy way
Anyway, the only means i have to enjoy Mark's tours is to download audience recordings, if only he came to this continent again...Oh well, crossing fingers for the 2012 tour!
And to the people who leave before Dylan's set, I only know like 5 songs from him and i dont mean no disrespect, but what the hell? That's Bob Dylan up there!