Everybody who was interested in music and read the relevant magazines/newspapers around the year 1980 (when Alan joined DS) should have been able to know what this band was about, referring the decisive role MK played. From the earliest beginnings every article stated clearly that MK was the "Boss", writing, playing and composing everything. And that was the point for me to open this thread: Why taking everything in, joining both the BIA and OES tour, but then 20 years later starting to complain. I am sure Mr. Clark never would have been asked to play with Tina or Eric if Mark would have chosen another keyboard player instead of him.
Quoted from Alan's page again:
One of the songs we recorded during the Love Over Gold sessions was Private Dancer, which didn't make the album (it sounded strange being sung by a bloke) but I later recorded it with Tina Turner for her album of the same name. ...
... after MK gave his OK for using HIS song . Also all the other DS members were there, too! But of course, HE, Alan, recorded it. This is the some kind of arrogant sounding tone that is annoying me.
However, how annoyed I should ever be by his style, it is interesting to see what comes up any more. It seems he has a lot more to tell.