My favourite of the nine I have is Manchester. In Speedway, the flute is not so obvious and I really love the versions of Coyote, Get Lucky, Marbletown and TR, but I think the RAH is pretty good too - maybe the sound is not so good as the other UK ones though. In fact I love all of my UK shows, especially the ones I attended.
I think it makes a difference to how you feel about a particular concert when you were actually there. At the Bournemouth concert a group of us from AMIT - Pottel, Ingrid, Marky and myself were singing and swaying together right in front of MK during SFA and on the recording I can hear MK say "Yeah, that's nice" - I hope he meant it for us, I like to think so anyway!
Bournemouth was very special.
Now that it looks unlikely we will get the Dublin show, I intend to download Glasgow, as there have been quite a few recommendations.