Danny Jun 11th December 1990 17 years (wooow)
Current winner of the "Youngest Member of This Forum"!!!!!!!!
Congrats, Danny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get to work, Allen, if you want to produce younger MK fans! A mighty weight rests on your shoulders.....
pottel-thanks for the 'older than dirt" calculation and explanation...I feel "dirty"...
WM-you are still full of sh*t (age-wise)...and otherwise....
Val-you are still the oldest-sorry-but very cool! Really!
Ian-have hope...you have a great future and wonderful talent as a photographer! Plus, great taste in music...
Joan-get over your "perfect age for MK"-I am just as perfect (age-wise) for MK. Hrrrumph.
RG-100 years, combined? I am depressed...
shangrila 1-got any wine you want to distribute, via email (gbobmi@gmail.com) old man?
IrisRose-your wisdom and intelligence surpass your bovine avatar (even though it's a beauty!)
BBB-40 and fabulous! You just keep getting better! *kisses*
Ingrid-40? Fabulous? YUP! It's all downhill from here....hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa! just kidding....you're 40 years young!
Fieneke-You are still a baby! Pushing 50? HAH! A youngster! (According to many people, including myself).
Linda-Join the club-the "Older Than Dirt But Hot As Hell"-MK-adoring wimmen...
In fact-ditto to all us wimmen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeroen-Glad you could join us, hope you explain to your daughter (someday), hope your wife understands! WE ARE KNUTZ!
Gerry-I love youuu, my much older (than me) husband!
The End