Thanks for the interest, Gayle...Things are always rosiest about an hour after my dose of Percocet, but I really have nothing to complain about...I think the doctor took care of what I went in there for, and I fully expect to be hurting at least a little for a while from the surgery itself, but overall I have a far brighter outlook this time around than I did for my back fusion. Maybe it's the time of year...but I have really been in a great mood in the past couple of weeks. course, I had a great pre-surgery summer! But I am enjoying recuperating, reading, napping, hobbling up to the pizza place to visit at least once a day, AND I DON'T HAVE MUCH OF AN APPETITE!!! HALLELUJAH!! Finally! Really think I'm doing pretty good and thanks, everybody, for the kind thovghts. Now if the comp wovld jvst behave! (Some of my keys have decided not to work, have to get a geek on the case.)