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Author Topic: Harmonic Balancing  (Read 38712 times)


  • Guitar George
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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2008, 09:16:58 PM »
Marie: This is a remaster of Gayle's recording. I've done a much better job this time around. mostly due to listening and learning with Har-Bal. I have no idea how many versions are out there. Gayle recorded Boothbay with an Edirol digital recorder, sitting in the 2nd or 3rd row, to the right of center. I would think the differences in the recordings will be primarily due to the position of the taper and the equipment used. Course with the other versions you won't get to hear Gayle, Spence and Emily's editorial comments!  ;D I'll send you a copy. Let me know how it sounds to you.

Dan: Are you speculating that this software can distinguish between musical notes and audience noise and chatter like it can do with notes in a chord? That would be pretty amazing. Jaysus, does that mean I'll have to redo all my boots?

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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2008, 09:36:58 PM »
Dan: Are you speculating that this software can distinguish between musical notes and audience noise and chatter like it can do with notes in a chord? That would be pretty amazing. Jaysus, does that mean I'll have to redo all my boots?

I'm not 100% certain because I haven't used the program. One of the problems that could be introduced is the difference in volume of the audience noise compared to the the music "behind it". If you were to actually separate the audience applause, the only audio information left behind would be whatever the microphones picked up. Depending upon how loud the audience noise is, this could be nothing.
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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2008, 09:39:38 PM »
Har-Bal is indeed a great piece of software.  Gerry, I'd be interested to know how you get on making everything flat as opposed to balancing against a reference file, which is how I use Har-Bal.  I tend to listen listen to a recording, decide on a recording I already have that has similar broad tonal characteristics (or characteristics that I would like the new recording to have) and use that to create a reference to match to.  I find that just making everything flat can create odd false resonances - boom and rumble on recordings lacking bass for instance, or harsh results on recordings originally lacking top end.  I'd be surprised if there are many (any) albums that are totally flat across the frequency spectrum.  Your experience may be different of course.    


  • Guitar George
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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #33 on: September 02, 2008, 04:21:34 AM »
Hi Jon,

I think the general guidline of flat from 60Hz to 1-2kHz and then rolling off 10-20 db at 10kHz is a useful starting point. When I analyze the waveform of a particular track, I first just even out the peaks and valleys a bit in the yellow trace, following the natural curve of the waveform. Then I listen and use the low and high shelving cursor tools to achieve a pleasing balance. But you're right about the bass. If it ain't there on the recording, it ain't there! Same with the higher frequencies. So I try to be conservative, but I'm a compulsive tweaker, I'm afraid. Man, do I go through the cdr's! Gotta get a music server!  ;D I need to experiment more with a reference file. Since I primarily work with boots, it might get me in the ballpark faster. Recently, I've been eliminating the splits for each individual song to create one large wav file, doing a overall balance and then re-splitting into tracks again. A little time consuming... I have found the "Advance Tutorial - An Introduction to Emphatic Equalisation" in the manual to be very helpful also. With commercial recordings, especially older cds, I have been able to pretty much eliminate the digital harshness that drives me knuts. So I think the aim, especially with commercial recordings, is not to do violence to the overall sound intended by the artist and producer, but just to make a more pleasing sounding recording based on one's own ears and listening environment. Thanks for posting!


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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #34 on: September 02, 2008, 08:52:40 AM »
can't wait to get your Boothbay Rev A Gerry!!
any Knopfler, Floyd or Dylan will do....


  • Guitar George
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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #35 on: September 02, 2008, 11:57:40 AM »
It's in the mail today Pottel, along with Allen's and Marie's! I hope I haven't built expectations too high.

Dan: It's not the general audience noise that bothers me, just the loud talking of someone near the taper. For instance, the rowdy Las Vegas crowd from this tour can be heard throughout the performance, but what a performance! It's my favorite from this tour so far. even though JM was not with the band for this show. So if we could just edit out the nearby talkers on some recordings.....


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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2008, 06:47:42 PM »
Gerry, thanks for all the great work on the Boothbay audio.   The recordings get better and better.   I'd like to learn to do this.  Right now I have Music Editing Master, a program that costs less than half of your program.  I can't figure out half the things there, so I'd better learn that first.    I wish to heaven, or someplace good, that in my tiny town there could be classes.    it's nice to be able to get the instructor's arse over there when you can't figure it out for yourself.    I hope my students didn't think, "Hey Mrs. Neer, get your ass over here."  though.   ;D
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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2008, 07:39:59 AM »
Got the parcel today, Gerry.  I have just finished listening to the whole remastered recording.  What can I say?  It really got a lot of improvement.  As far as I've heard, this is the best sound quality of this unique show.  Thanks very much, Gerry!   I will find a time to share it on the tracker soon!!!

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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2008, 04:32:51 PM »
Got the parcel today, Gerry.  I have just finished listening to the whole remastered recording.  What can I say?  It really got a lot of improvement.  As far as I've heard, this is the best sound quality of this unique show.  Thanks very much, Gerry!   I will find a time to share it on the tracker soon!!!


Looking forward to that!! Thanks Allen and Gerry!!! :)


  • Guitar George
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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2008, 06:26:39 PM »
Glad you got the disc, Allen! Boothbay is such a unique performance and I have to give credit to Gayle for doing such a good job recording it. Remastering with Har-Bal just makes it that much more enjoyable. I sent a copy to Pottel and Marie, also. I think Nelly is creating some artwork for Pottel and he is also planning on uploading it. And thanks to you, Allen, for all your hard work uploading so many great recordings to the tracker!


  • A Mark in Time
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Re: Harmonic Balancing
« Reply #40 on: September 21, 2008, 03:53:58 AM »
Your remastered version has been uploaded on the tracker, glad 7 more fans have got it, and still there are 3 downloading.  Hope they'll enjoy your work on this recording.  And yes, thanks so much, Gayle!  It's you who gave us the chance to keep this unique performance in memory for ever.   And last but not least, Nelly's artworks are excellent, as always.  Here are the samples.
My idea of heaven is a place where the Tyne meets the Delta, where folk music meets the blues.


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