Forget the signature... Why on Earth this Best Guitarist has even sold this precious item? I thought things like that stays with you till the end.
With that said, why you want to preserve the signature for? To boost up the resell value? I would just play on the guitar and won't bother.
Oooh a bit harsh there, speaking from the point of view with 3x MK Signatures myself....
I guess its different in the sense I obtained MKs signatures myself, not on my Strats but on the Fender certificates, but they are stored safely away to stop any damage.
But it would be nice to prevent further damage to the signature on the guitar..
I know I'm harsh (as always), but because I'm just not a fan of signing guitars, especially (!) on the front of the guitar. I would not give my guitar to Mark to sign it like that, because it's an instrument... But from a collector's point of view and from the resell value point of view of course it's a great investment. But otherwise, to me it's vandalizing the instrument. By famous hands, but still...
Signing the certificate is a lot better, same with Signature Les Pauls being signed on the back of the headstock. But this signature is... Meh.