Am I allowed to revise my opinion? After listening all the songs at least ten times, some considerably more, I can say this is a good album. There are no bad songs. I can listen them all the time. But there are no classics either, no songs that can be among his top 10 or top 20 songs. Some part of me says, "top this top that are silly labels, it depends on the mood, like every woman is beautiful every MK song is beautiful in its own way, if you know how to look. still i like STTR, BMTC, ODR, T13, TONGEW more thn others. The rest is also listenable.
He is old, getting older. He probably has one more good album, at most, anything more would be a surprise. He must have around 300 (?) compositions (including film stuff). This is a huge number, (and remember, he started relatively late) almost all his work was written from the heart. And he not only composed them but also played and sang them. Is there anyone else with a similar quality/quantity of output? And he's still producing. We are all fans probably starting from when we first heard him (?), so we cannot perhaps be the most perfect judges, we may tend to hyperbole, less willing to see his deficiencies,limitations etc but I still want to ask: which other contemporary artist can be compared to him? bob dylan, maybe. not many others i guess.