In the DSIS letter from November 1992, Liz Whatley wrote:
The Italian shows (1992) went virtually without a hitch, which I think surprised everyone because of the mayhem we had experienced there on previous visits. We had a great promoter this time, and the only slight “drama” was at the Salerno show where there was a mega-thunderstorm. Lightning hit the stage just before the band came on, and all except nine (of 96) channels on the front desk were blown out. The band eventually went on an hour late and made the best of it with the remaining channels, although there was no keyboard channel for most of the show. However, damage equipment we can deal with-we are just eternally thankful that the lightning didn´t strike a bit later when they were all on stage…
Now my question is: from which date is this Salerno show? I never heard of a show in Salerno 1992.
Does anybody have more information on this maybe?