Yes I agree that he knows stuff about DS and some negative things he said are true. But to say that a band like DS is unimaginative and boring is a very negative point of view or an opinion of a person who listened to all the studio albums like being on some kind of an errand. It's also strange to say that a lot of the more intelligent public is allergic towards Mark Knopfler and his brand of songwriting, because I think that especially that kind of public will appreciate the storytelling that Knopfler is capable of. Later on he comments that Knopfler is an excellent lyricist, capable of both wonderful romantic writing and biting social critique. There's just too many contradictions in this review. Couple of times the author comments about some songs as being epic and awesome while calling the albums from which they came boring, and there are other stuff. The live album reviews are especially funny.
The author probably wanted his review to look smarter than it is by writing down his "unpopular" opinions. These unpopular opinions work on people who don't know about a specific genre of music. Saying that Rolling Stones suck, Beatles are meaningless or that The Doors are unimaginative
to someone who doesn't know much about these things, certainly makes you a bit smarter in their eyes. Even though I don't think that DS match The Doors or The Beatles in their originality or something else, to say that Dire Straits is an unimaginative, boring and not writing good music
is pushing it too far.
I guess the main thing that bothers me is that in the introduction he says that the fanatical fan point of view is ridiculous (which I agree with) as if that means that this review will be objective and realistic, and then goes on a badly argumented rant in which he contradicts himself every couple of sentences. If you want to criticize any band of such renown, you get some good arguments instead of contradictions. Just my opinion.