I think that he is not told to. When you have such offer it is implicit that the public you play for would not enjoy the solo stuff as much as the big hits.
Mark is in a postion to turn it down if he doesn't feel to play that game. he plays for the pleasure of the public and this public is not the usual one.
It would make no sense to accept and play the solo stuff leaving the public unsatisfied. Mark like to play for an happy audience. And his lucky to have otherwise appreciative one for the solo stuff.
But even then the biggest ovations he get them mainly for the performed DS stuff, R&J, SOS and TR.
I think he did it not for money, not for the rich, but to support his country's automotive industry in this period of crisis.
Playing solo stuff is not the easiest for him to get sucessuful. As you said the biggest ovations are for DS stuff. Just think what kind of ovations he would get if he played TOL, PI, or OES. The fact that he is not doing it shows that he does not choose the easiest way, but the one he finds fit in a given situation...