Sorry to bring up this old topic again.. but it struck me while listening to the Stuttgart Live version (several times in a row) what we know about the meaning of this great song.. Kursk and the date of his birthday..
as it was usual back in GUS days, maybe news were reporting a few days later about the catastrophe, and Mark just had celebrated a beautiful birthday in August with his (then) two years-old daughter (Isabella). He might have thought back to that sunny day in the garden, thinking, my god, that day I was so happy, in the garden playing with my "darling, my beautiful daughter", these poor guys were sitting there, in the vault... hope you get the picture. Some sort of sorrow and sadness. Both pictures, the beautiful and the sad, maybe let the idea of the song going... how close it all sticks together, being happy and being sad..., and of course as a happy dad, feeling with other fathers, being sure that those guys in the Kursk had left family members, too...
Maybe naive and a little broad interpretation, it might come from my curiousness about what the heck Mark is doing on his birthdays...