A totally pointless thread, this--since most of the members of this forum do not vote in US elections. I will vote for McCain just so you don't get your hopes up too high about Obama.
In truth, I wish there were a third option for this election since I don't really like McCain or his policies and Obama has very little experience, none of which qualifies him for the Presidency.
I do like Sarah Palin very much, although I realize the media will continue to try to destroy/discredit her with no letup even after the election. Suddenly probing personal questions are fair game yet no pointed questions have been asked of Obama (or, previously, Hillary). The media literally makes me sick with the blatant hypocrisy and one-sidedness.
Unfortunately, with each passing year I sadly realize a bit more that it's all just a shell game that can't be won--we as working Americans will pay through the nose no matter who is in office, the only difference is where the government throws the handouts to get re-election votes.
I could say a lot more but I have too many other things to do tonight (most nights, actually)...but there--you want some red meat? Have at it!
Keep Votin'
and yes, we have MK in common, so
Keep Knopflerin'