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Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / K Wallis B and the Dark Shades
« Last post by the visitor on February 01, 2025, 01:33:20 AM »
Found a link to this tune from 1987 feat. a lot of the BIA tour line up, minus Jack, Guy and Mark but including John, Terry, Chris White, Alan and additionally Phil Palmer plus a supporting others.

Not sure what the background to this tune is but recall it gets a mention in the Myles Palamer book.  Always was interested in the in between time from end of BIA tour to OES and what might have been.

Listen here


Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: So far away cover by Justin Wells
« Last post by Robson on January 31, 2025, 10:54:17 PM »
It's interesting to me how So far away is in esence a sad song but the feeling I get when I listen to it it's not sad because it's played in a major key.

I think that is one of the strengths in his songwriting, creating contrasts.

Exactly! There are funeral songs, and yet they don't make you sad.
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: So far away cover by Justin Wells
« Last post by TheTimeWasWrong on January 31, 2025, 10:31:24 PM »
It's interesting to me how So far away is in esence a sad song but the feeling I get when I listen to it it's not sad because it's played in a major key.

I think that is one of the strengths in his songwriting, creating contrasts.
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Lindes sad departure (Ed's view?)
« Last post by dustyvalentino on January 31, 2025, 06:51:23 PM »
no mr. B. i meant Hal went to see MK at the RAH. it may have been poorly construed but that IS what it says there ;-)

I think you are mixing up Phil with Hal ( your posts Jan 27 ).
I have no idea ( or interest) in what either does and haven’t claimed to.
 I don’t mind being corrected (at all ) but I only queried Phil “regularly” going there ( which HAS been corrected ) , I didn't mention Hal in that context.
Funnily enough the last time I saw Hal was one of the Cream reunion concerts in, I think, 2005  at the RAH, and we had a nice chat.
I hope that clears things up.
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Lindes sad departure (Ed's view?)
« Last post by dustyvalentino on January 31, 2025, 06:50:19 PM »
The reply below to Pottel is from Ed:
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: So far away cover by Justin Wells
« Last post by Barrow boy on January 31, 2025, 05:26:47 PM »
Great job by Justin, he made a whole new song from the original lyrics.
It's interesting to me how So far away is in esence a sad song but the feeling I get when I listen to it it's not sad because it's played in a major key. MK knew how to take shitty situations and get the best out of them
I just posted a new video on WWW.BRENDANCROKER.COM: Brendan playing Mark's song Iron Hand back in 2003.
This song was a part of Brendan's protest song tour called "What Part Of NO Is It You Don't Understand?"

You can watch it on  WWW.BRENDANCROKER.COM, section Latest News

Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Lindes sad departure (Ed's view?)
« Last post by Pottel on January 31, 2025, 04:28:58 PM »

Bear in mind that being the second guitar to Mark Knopfler has got to be the hardest gig in music.
It's like being the second pianist to Oscar Petersen or second drummer to Buddy Rich.

But why exactly? Because of Mark's high expectations (are they so much higher than other A-list artists?)? Or do you refer to Mark's personality? Buddy Rich for instance could be downright nasty to his band. This may have applied to Mark in the past, but I don't think Richard Bennett for instance would have stuck with Mark for nearly 30 years if that were the case after disbanding DS. Or is there something musically that makes it particularly challenging?
Don’t be naive.
I dealt with the Nashville bunch in the Q and A. The answer re Richard, Glenn, Jim, Chad etc is in there.

Chris will speak for himself, but I would imagine it would be difficult for a top, pro level guitar player to sit doing basic chords while MK is showing off with the widdly bits :)

Got it. Yes there’s been alot of widdling over the years, especially down the porcelain bowl.

Chris will speak for himself, but I would imagine it would be difficult for a top, pro level guitar player to sit doing basic chords while MK is showing off with the widdly bits :)

It would be difficult for anybody suffering from egomania :lol If everybody wanted to play the first fiddle, we wouldn't have an orchestra. I always thought all the controversy surrounding Mark's musicians was simply the battle of egos or, in rare cases, other personal reasons.

Thousands of musicians could only dream about playing with the likes of Oscar Peterson, Buddy Rich, or M Knopfler. And if you think playing the second fiddle offends you, go ahead and show people how it's done.

Reply 15.
See later.

I wonder why there are always people with a cloth polishing MK's ego without the slightest need? Everyone is self-centered, except MK, everyone has flaws, except MK, someone may have a personal problem with MK, except MK... it's so predictable, sorry for being blunt, but things can be different, especially when things point in another direction and I know someone might say... But we never hear what MK has to say about each case (in fact, he has spoken in the past about DK and PW's departure, but it was all very superficial). In the end, silence can be very convenient and I'm not here to criticize MK's stance on this controversial subject, but from a researcher's point of view it is inevitable to fail to analyze the facts, how the story was constructed. By the way, I have an interview from 1985 where it is categorically mentioned that Hal was fired from the band by Mark, it is in Portuguese, (Portugal magazine), I will transcribe it into English:

"Mark, what's left of the original line-up? Who are the members of the 85 version of DIRE STRAITST? JI-Besides TERRY WILLIAMS and ALAN CLARK, who were already part of the band on the last tour, there are three new members: CHRIS WRIGHT on saxophone, JACK SONNI, replacing guitarist HAL LINDES, who left us, and finally GUY FLETCHER, who you may know as he was part of ROXY MUSIC. I think we now represent a much more solid team and the work demonstrated on this album may well be the best proof of that. M&S-What were the reasons that led HAL LINDES to leave the group? J.I.-HAL LINDES is part of the group that is currently accompanying Tina Turner on her world tour, but it was Mark who made the decision to fire him. I think he must have other projects, since his interest has always been in forming his own group. M&S-Do you think that these personnel changes could jeopardize, precisely through the introduction of new instruments, the success that was once (and continues to be) attributed to the DIRE STRAITS sound? J.I-No, on the contrary. There is necessarily a new exchange of ideas and that contributes to a certain progress. But the most important thing is the extraordinary atmosphere of camaraderie that exists within the group, which is understood to be fundamental when we spend more than a year on tour!"

I love this type of period material, it helps us understand how history and its narratives were constructed, sometimes we find coherence and contradictions.

That interview you quote is odd.
It seems to be with M and J but only J answers?
John’s answer re Hal is completely wrong re dates.
Hal and Alan played with Tina in May 1984 NOT 1985 and Hal never mentioned forming his own group when I was around.
Tina fired him by the way….she actually called me personally to ask if I minded ( bless) as did her manager Roger Davies.
Since I wasn’t representing him I said “no” I didn't mind ( especially when Roger told me why). I’ve no reason to think Hal didn't see his future with DS until he was let go.
John’s comment re camaraderie is 100% bang on.

Chris will speak for himself, but I would imagine it would be difficult for a top, pro level guitar player to sit doing basic chords while MK is showing off with the widdly bits :)

It really depends on the mindset and maturity of the second guitar player. A young hothead who just can't wait to play a long, fancy solo just isn't the right person. A more mature person knows he/she isn't the one with the name on the marquee and understands he/she is there to support the star. I can imagine both Hal and Jack might have found this difficult. People like Phil and Richard not so much. Just a different level of professionalism.

But the point is that this situation isn't unique for Mark and his rhythm guitarists. I mean, it applies equally well to Eric C., David Gilmour, and many more.

Correct and perceptive.
Both Hal and Jack suffered a bit from the lack of maturity you refer to, both musically and the way they behaved personally ….snapping fingers at waiters kind of thing, yelling at hotel receptionists.
They were cured of that!

no mr. B. i meant Hal went to see MK at the RAH. it may have been poorly construed but that IS what it says there ;-)
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / So far away cover by Justin Wells
« Last post by JF on January 31, 2025, 12:29:40 PM »
first time I hear this cover... in minor mode !

live version :

Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Lindes sad departure (Ed's view?)
« Last post by dustyvalentino on January 31, 2025, 09:36:18 AM »
Re the solo guys coming back …

Well not anymore I think…..

If you take that together with Guy saying a new MK album isnt currently planned then my guess is ODR is the final MK record - I suspect he is quietly retiring and dealing with whatever health issues currently trouble him. It’s sad but part of ageing. Of course this could be seen as wildly speculating…

Yes, kind of shocking to think that it's the end after all this time.  :-\
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