A Mark In Time

Mark Knopfler Discussion => Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Rolo on July 15, 2024, 07:04:16 PM

Title: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 15, 2024, 07:04:16 PM
I am not saying that MK's music is getting worse or that i miss the good old days of his guitar skills.

I remember when STP was released, i was thrilled listeing to almost the whole record. Almost every song have the WOW Factor till today.
I feel that, when Mark started to record everything at BG, instead on having plenty of time to explore colors thru the songs, he rushed things a little bit.

last time that i was very impressed, artistically speaking, was listening Privateering. In my opinion, despite the huge amount of songs, its a bold album. Well, some songs were already on development since the MK/BD Tour and had time to grow until the recording.

So, instead that I write a bible here, in resume...

The thrist that we have about more MK songs or when will came the next album it's all about that Wow Factor that is gone?

Or the fact that, since 2012, the huge amount of 'little songs' turns the 'really good ones' weak?

And I am not talking aout the concerts.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 15, 2024, 07:36:54 PM
"it's all about that Wow Factor that is gone?

But for me, is. For example, listening to One Deep River I felt this.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Love Expresso on July 15, 2024, 07:58:20 PM
I agree. The Wow factor is a very fitting term and it got lost for me from Kill To Get Crimson on, very clear. As you said, Privateering was a big comeback for Wowsers and since then it gets more and more ... anti-wow. Only in 2018, I remember saying WOW, Down The Gutter is really his worst album so far, by far. (Another Wow! was the 2008 set list but that was concert/live)

But it all very natural to me, I am very thankful for what he gave us, including DS, STP, TRD and SL. It is absolutely normal that his artistic output or flow gets thinner. It's only hard to accept for a fan coming down from these hights.

You exactly nailed it, good post!

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Darling Pretty on July 15, 2024, 08:34:13 PM
I thought about that many times. The wow-moments were gone from Privateering album and especially the tour onwards.
The album didn't make it for me. And the tour was a bit of a replica of the GL tour. and SOS was missing at some gigs for the first time

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: stratmad on July 15, 2024, 09:00:57 PM
I think I know what you mean by the wow factor. Big, memorable songs like TR or TOL. Those days are long gone, of course.
For me, there have been at least two or three songs on each solo album so far where I'd go "wow, that's a song only MK could've written", where the music and the lyrics just fit perfectly with the message. DTRW has 4 for me: Nobody's child, When you leave, Bacon roll and Heavy up.
With the new album, it's the same.
It seems to me that the later albums took a lot longer to grow on me, maybe because they're more complex.
But in the end, it's always: "Wow, it's an MK album!" :-)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 15, 2024, 10:31:27 PM
"it's all about that Wow Factor that is gone?

But for me, is. For example, listening to One Deep River I felt this.

Sorry, Robson. I do not understand. :)

Did you felt that the Wow Factor is gone?
Or you felt THE Wow Factor.

In my case, listening to ODR, there are a couple of songs that were great potential do be WOW.

I agree. The Wow factor is a very fitting term and it got lost for me from Kill To Get Crimson on, very clear. As you said, Privateering was a big comeback for Wowsers and since then it gets more and more ... anti-wow. Only in 2018, I remember saying WOW, Down The Gutter is really his worst album so far, by far. (Another Wow! was the 2008 set list but that was concert/live)

But it all very natural to me, I am very thankful for what he gave us, including DS, STP, TRD and SL. It is absolutely normal that his artistic output or flow gets thinner. It's only hard to accept for a fan coming down from these hights.

You exactly nailed it, good post!


That is the point.
I think that KTGC is very artistic, however lacks energy.
It's a good album, but is weak.
It's their first big BG recording, so it's very homemade.
Well, the NHB album was recorded at Mark home studio...

After Privateering, i agree that Mark's music is anti-wow.
I feel that since Tracker, all songs, band, playing are too "lazy".

I thought about that many times. The wow-moments were gone from Privateering album and especially the tour onwards.
The album didn't make it for me. And the tour was a bit of a replica of the GL tour. and SOS was missing at some gigs for the first time

In my opinion, the 2011 tour with Dylan was GREAT.
The last that was full of energy and visceral playing.
Dylan was on fire back then. So maybe Mark and the boys felt a little pressure by Dylan's fire.

I think I know what you mean by the wow factor. Big, memorable songs like TR or TOL. Those days are long gone, of course.
For me, there have been at least two or three songs on each solo album so far where I'd go "wow, that's a song only MK could've written", where the music and the lyrics just fit perfectly with the message. DTRW has 4 for me: Nobody's child, When you leave, Bacon roll and Heavy up.
With the new album, it's the same.
It seems to me that the later albums took a lot longer to grow on me, maybe because they're more complex.
But in the end, it's always: "Wow, it's an MK album!" :-)

TR and TOL days were gone.
TR, SOS gone since 2008.
The fire was gone since 2008 (except for 2011)

There are many songs that only MK could do.
But lacks FIRE!
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 15, 2024, 11:19:16 PM
"Did you felt that the Wow Factor is gone?
Or you felt THE Wow Factor.

In my case, listening to ODR, there are a couple of songs that were great potential do be WOW"


For me, the wow factor has not disappeared. It still is and very often.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 15, 2024, 11:27:37 PM
It is interesting. I've always wondered about this. Why are songs that are slow (without fire) criticized? Are slower songs weaker, less interesting? This is probably a question from the sociology of music :)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 16, 2024, 01:09:29 AM
It is interesting. I've always wondered about this. Why are songs that are slow (without fire) criticized? Are slower songs weaker, less interesting? This is probably a question from the sociology of music :)

When I said fire, i want to say intensity. Deepness.
As english is not my main language, it's hard for me to explain.

Haul Away is a song with FIRE and is very, very slow.
Kingdom Of Gold it's a slow paced song whitch is burning.
And i am not talking about Brothers In Arms.

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 16, 2024, 01:22:59 AM
"As english is not my main language"

For me too:)

I agree. I wrote this post in general, I didn't think about what you wrote :) Generally faster songs are more popular. I wonder why...
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Wario on July 16, 2024, 05:53:12 AM
My humble opinion is that fast music motivates people more and that is why they prefer it. But in the case of artists like MK, the public has a lot to do with it. In DS's days, rock, solos, and the guitar itself were much more central to their music than they are today, and that's okay. But people are already accustomed to thinking that Mark is a rocker (and he is, but over the years he "softened" and today I think he focuses more on the melody and lyrics than on the guitar), so he has to see with that too. I believe, for example, that crooners never quite felt comfortable trying to be on trends, singing pop. It wasn't his thing, and even though almost everyone came to see them to hear songs from the Great American Songbook, the mass public and some fans still imagine Knopfler more as a rock star than as a singer-songwriter.
My thoughts.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Stiglar on July 16, 2024, 06:53:59 AM
Everyone will have their opinion/preference of course!

But wholeheartedly I actually felt the "wow" factor when I heard "River Towns" from Tracker. I put it on the stereo when I got the vinyl and I thought it captured such an atmosphere instantly.

I felt similarly when I heard Janine on ODR, Just a very well written song and the atmosphere is beautiful.

I understand I might be in the minority however, I think i've found something I really liked on every album that gave me a wow the first time I heard it. Are some albums better and have more Wow's than others? Absolutely.

 I don't know if i've 100% agreed with the british grove way of recording, I think it's made some good/great songs weak with the production and some performances, but like a lot of artists as they get older, it becomes about making the recording process smooth and enjoyable for the songwriter/artist. It's why MK can still crank out an album/bonus album/tracks etc. He enjoys the process he has at BG and it's easy for him as he ages. Without it we may have had no music at all, or much less and the gems I love so much may not have come to fruition.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Jules on July 16, 2024, 08:50:17 AM
I feel that, when Mark started to record everything at BG, instead on having plenty of time to explore colors thru the songs, he rushed things a little bit.

Very curious you say that because all records before opening BG were rushed in terms they were using proffesional studios in Nashville, or LA for Shangri-La, that were very busy and expensive at the same time, so they have a very limited amount of time to make the records, when he opened BG, he made sure having a room specifically for him and Guy where they spend a lot of time experimenting, most of the time with combinations of guitars and amps, and tea, LOL, but the reality is that they have many more time than before.

Actually I think that when they used other studios, that previous work was made too by MK and Guy at the Mews studio in Notting Hill, but they didn't had so much space and equipment like they have in BG.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: dustyvalentino on July 16, 2024, 09:19:28 AM
When was the last time you were wowed by a 75 year old?
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: stratmad on July 16, 2024, 09:38:10 AM
When was the last time you were wowed by a 75 year old?

Many times in the past couple of years: Randy Newman. Van Morrison. James Taylor, David Gilmour, Carlos Santana. And Willie Nelson, and he's 90!
I don't think age is a factor at all for an artist, whether they're a musician, a painter or a writer. It's rather a question of energy, taking an interest in the world and having something to say, and finding a way of expressing it.
Mark has obviously still got a lot to say, and he's found a way of channelling it into songs.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Love Expresso on July 16, 2024, 09:38:32 AM
When was the last time you were wowed by a 75 year old?


Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: dustyvalentino on July 16, 2024, 09:44:31 AM
I was wowed by Paul McCartney a few years back when he was 77 or whatever, but I think the point I am making is that these are exceptions rather than the rule.

And in most cases we are talking about live performances rather than studio work so apples and oranges in terms of what we are discussing with MK.

I LOVE Willie Nelson, but can someone send me something from one of his studio albums from age 75 onwards that has the wow factor? It should be easy, he's made like 50 albums since then!
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: stratmad on July 16, 2024, 11:07:01 AM
When was the last time you were wowed by a 75 year old?



Very much un-wow for me, but that's been the case since the 1990s. I'm not referring to his songwriting, which is definitely very wow, but his live performances.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: stratmad on July 16, 2024, 11:17:34 AM
I was wowed by Paul McCartney a few years back when he was 77 or whatever, but I think the point I am making is that these are exceptions rather than the rule.

And in most cases we are talking about live performances rather than studio work so apples and oranges in terms of what we are discussing with MK.

I LOVE Willie Nelson, but can someone send me something from one of his studio albums from age 75 onwards that has the wow factor? It should be easy, he's made like 50 albums since then!

I had the new single in mind, "The border", which is one of those mini-dramas, sung with great intensity, although it seems to be such a simple somg.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Love Expresso on July 16, 2024, 11:43:21 AM
OP was explicitely not talking about live performance.

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: stratmad on July 16, 2024, 12:48:14 PM
OP was explicitely not talking about live performance.


In the case of Bob, it also applies to the performance on the albums. But it's always been that way with Bob, he could be so much better musically. But maybe it's the way he wants it.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 16, 2024, 01:15:38 PM
When was the last time you were wowed by a 75 year old?



Peter Gabriel
There are several moments on the new Snowy White album: wow. But everything is really a matter of taste.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 16, 2024, 01:16:16 PM
My humble opinion is that fast music motivates people more and that is why they prefer it. But in the case of artists like MK, the public has a lot to do with it. In DS's days, rock, solos, and the guitar itself were much more central to their music than they are today, and that's okay. But people are already accustomed to thinking that Mark is a rocker (and he is, but over the years he "softened" and today I think he focuses more on the melody and lyrics than on the guitar), so he has to see with that too. I believe, for example, that crooners never quite felt comfortable trying to be on trends, singing pop. It wasn't his thing, and even though almost everyone came to see them to hear songs from the Great American Songbook, the mass public and some fans still imagine Knopfler more as a rock star than as a singer-songwriter.
My thoughts.

It's true.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 16, 2024, 05:14:03 PM
When was the last time you were wowed by a 75 year old?

Very much un-wow for me, but that's been the case since the 1990s. I'm not referring to his songwriting, which is definitely very wow, but his live performances.

I always like Bob live performances. Loud and powerfull.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 16, 2024, 05:26:45 PM
MK's songwriting is always top notch.
He was a pop/rock singer and guitar player and i am sure that he used to like his success as an pop artist.

He was making slower songs/concerts since 2006. Wicht is normal.
SL is a slow paced album with a lot of soul and deepness.

During the making of ODR, Mark choose to spend more time on the studio recording and listening the songs. He always said that the 1st take was the best. However, ODR, in my opinion, is way better than DTRW and Tracker its just because this extra time on studio.

I think that, if he try another group of musicians, the chances about a new WOW factor tends to increase.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 16, 2024, 06:07:38 PM
MK's songwriting is always top notch.
He was a pop/rock singer and guitar player and i am sure that he used to like his success as an pop artist.

He was making slower songs/concerts since 2006. Wicht is normal.
SL is a slow paced album with a lot of soul and deepness.

During the making of ODR, Mark choose to spend more time on the studio recording and listening the songs. He always said that the 1st take was the best. However, ODR, in my opinion, is way better than DTRW and Tracker its just because this extra time on studio.

I think that, if he try another group of musicians, the chances about a new WOW factor tends to increase.

It's true.

After three months, I can say that I like this album more than DTRW. But I've always really liked MK's flirtation with country music
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Banjo99uk on July 16, 2024, 08:59:13 PM
When was the last time you were wowed by a 75 year old?


Glen Campbell whilst going down with Dementia. His Ghost On The Canvas album is fantastic.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: KnopfleRick on July 16, 2024, 09:33:46 PM

After three months, I can say that I like this album more than DTRW. But I've always really liked MK's flirtation with country music

Same here! And Mark's flirtation with country music (love this term) makes his music so special to me.
I get that wow feeling when MK announces a new album and it continues when listening to his new songs.  ;D
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 16, 2024, 09:35:22 PM
Very curious you say that because all records before opening BG were rushed in terms they were using proffesional studios in Nashville, or LA for Shangri-La, that were very busy and expensive at the same time, so they have a very limited amount of time to make the records, when he opened BG, he made sure having a room specifically for him and Guy where they spend a lot of time experimenting, most of the time with combinations of guitars and amps, and tea, LOL, but the reality is that they have many more time than before.

Actually I think that when they used other studios, that previous work was made too by MK and Guy at the Mews studio in Notting Hill, but they didn't had so much space and equipment like they have in BG.

In my interpretation, MK and Guy spent more time at BG doing the Pre-Production.
The songs are sent to the band and then recorded in 2 or 3 weeks at max.
In my memory, SL was recorded in 4 weeks, same as RPD.
STP was recorded between 1998 and 2000. GH between 93 and 95.
I have absolutely sure that MK spent some time with GF doing Pre-Production weeks earlier the RPD and SL recordings.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 16, 2024, 10:06:30 PM
Shangri - La 2 months (february - march 2004)

First album recorded in British Grove in 3 months (january - march 2007)

Get Lucky 6 months (october 2008 -  march 2009)

Privatereing 5 months ( november 2011 - march 2012)

Tracker 10 months ( january - october 2014)

and then it was years of recording ( two DTRW )

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 17, 2024, 10:59:09 AM
First album recorded in British Grove in 3 months (january - march 2007)

Get Lucky 6 months (october 2008 -  march 2009)

Privatereing 5 months ( november 2011 - march 2012)

Tracker 10 months ( january - october 2014)

They not spent thie amout of time recording.
The recording process was 3 weeks at max.
Tracker started a pre-productionin at Jan/14 and it takes 1 month. They reunited the band in late Sep/14 for the recordings. 

If MK and the band spent 10 months recording Tracker... Certainly, the WOW factor was gone.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Jules on July 17, 2024, 11:44:25 AM
First album recorded in British Grove in 3 months (january - march 2007)

Get Lucky 6 months (october 2008 -  march 2009)

Privatereing 5 months ( november 2011 - march 2012)

Tracker 10 months ( january - october 2014)

They not spent thie amout of time recording.
The recording process was 3 weeks at max.
Tracker started a pre-productionin at Jan/14 and it takes 1 month. They reunited the band in late Sep/14 for the recordings. 

If MK and the band spent 10 months recording Tracker... Certainly, the WOW factor was gone.

Actually it takes way more time as Mk and Guy usually spend a year or two testing things and crafting demos before the proper recordings starts.

For example, KTGC started the MK and Guy work alone at the end of 2005 and progressed along 2006 until they went on tour with Emmylou Harris, and resumed their work alone for the remaining of 2006, and the first proper sessions with other musicians started in 2007.

And exactly the same with the rest of records.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 17, 2024, 12:03:26 PM
Actually it takes way more time as Mk and Guy usually spend a year or two testing things and crafting demos before the proper recordings starts.

It's nice. Since Guy became 'The Man', MK has a person to share his toughts.
The Demo process can take years because it's not a linear work.

For example, KTGC started the MK and Guy work alone at the end of 2005 and progressed along 2006 until they went on tour with Emmylou Harris, and resumed their work alone for the remaining of 2006, and the first proper sessions with other musicians started in 2007.

And exactly the same with the rest of records.

2 years working on a weak album.

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Jules on July 17, 2024, 12:12:29 PM
Actually it takes way more time as Mk and Guy usually spend a year or two testing things and crafting demos before the proper recordings starts.

It's nice. Since Guy became 'The Man', MK has a person to share his toughts.
The Demo process can take years because it's not a linear work.

For example, KTGC started the MK and Guy work alone at the end of 2005 and progressed along 2006 until they went on tour with Emmylou Harris, and resumed their work alone for the remaining of 2006, and the first proper sessions with other musicians started in 2007.

And exactly the same with the rest of records.

2 years working on a weak album.

It's weak for you, for me is a masterpiece, one of my top MK records!

And it's two years because, first, they experimented a lot with melodies and instruments, just listen to "Behind with the rent" played at The Hurlingham Vip Party and you would listen how different is from what ended in the record! They tried many many things with all the songs.

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 17, 2024, 12:38:35 PM
Actually it takes way more time as Mk and Guy usually spend a year or two testing things and crafting demos before the proper recordings starts.

It's nice. Since Guy became 'The Man', MK has a person to share his toughts.
The Demo process can take years because it's not a linear work.

For example, KTGC started the MK and Guy work alone at the end of 2005 and progressed along 2006 until they went on tour with Emmylou Harris, and resumed their work alone for the remaining of 2006, and the first proper sessions with other musicians started in 2007.

And exactly the same with the rest of records.

2 years working on a weak album.

It's weak for you, for me is a masterpiece, one of my top MK records!

And it's two years because, first, they experimented a lot with melodies and instruments, just listen to "Behind with the rent" played at The Hurlingham Vip Party and you would listen how different is from what ended in the record! They tried many many things with all the songs.


Yes, and needed Secondary Waltz, completely changing the song:)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 17, 2024, 12:43:14 PM
It's weak for you, for me is a masterpiece, one of my top MK records!

Let me explain about 'weak album'

The are great songs on KTGC.
In The Sky, Heart Full Of Holes, Fish And The Bird, Punish The Monkey.
And some strange ones like, Madame Geneva, Fizzy And The Still, Behind With The Rent

It's (as i said before) a very artistc album.
However, in my opinion is badly recorded.
And, for me has almost the WOW Factor.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Love Expresso on July 17, 2024, 01:51:44 PM
Hm. Ich to his own of course. But I can't see why KTGC would be badly recorded? Any examples? I think it sounds astonishing good! If there is a solo album from MK that is badly recorded (sonically), it would be Down The Dump wherever?

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 17, 2024, 02:49:02 PM
Down The Dump wherever? :disbelief
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Darling Pretty on July 17, 2024, 09:20:59 PM
Slow Learner
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: hunter v2.0 on July 17, 2024, 10:34:04 PM
Apart from the occasional song, Mark hasn't wowed me in a long, long time, neither as a songwriter nor as a guitarist. He's become a great craftsman, but artistically it's all too safe and predictable. And as a person, he has in my opinion become incredibly dull. I keep up with what's happening in Mark's world, but it's mostly for "old times' sake".
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 18, 2024, 12:14:08 PM
Apart from the occasional song, Mark hasn't wowed me in a long, long time, neither as a songwriter nor as a guitarist. He's become a great craftsman, but artistically it's all too safe and predictable. And as a person, he has in my opinion become incredibly dull. I keep up with what's happening in Mark's world, but it's mostly for "old times' sake".

I think that we like the most is the Fake MK.

You nailed it.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: gonetroppo on July 18, 2024, 01:48:48 PM
Hi everyone,

I've never posted on here before, I'm just a lurker, but this thread piqued my interest quite a bit so I wanted to throw my two cents in.
I'm quite a new fan of Mark's work, so if I had to guess why my opinion might differ so heavily to everyone's here, it would be that. Personally as if shifted through Mark's solo discography over this year (yes that's how recent of a fan I am, I'm very late to the party) I've found his catalogue is beautiful and quite diverse which I'm sure isn't very groundbreaking to say. However, I find a real standout to me has always been the tracker album, especially the songs Basil, River Towns, and Silver Eagle. Yes, it's not his most musically interesting or technical album, but I find a lot of beauty in its retrospective atmosphere and storytelling.

Again I'm a new fan, I think it has a lot to do with why I feel like, "Oh wow this is incredible!" whereas I've gathered most of the people who regularly post on here have been living with his music for decades and have watched every album slowly trickle out. I can understand my opinion isn't worth much but I thought maybe a fresh-faced perspective on Mark's music would also be interesting to some of you. I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's mind on whether Mark still has the so-called "wow factor" but he definitely has a new fan in me and it's been a joy discovering his music. 
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 18, 2024, 02:00:29 PM
Hi everyone,

I've never posted on here before, I'm just a lurker, but this thread piqued my interest quite a bit so I wanted to throw my two cents in.
I'm quite a new fan of Mark's work, so if I had to guess why my opinion might differ so heavily to everyone's here, it would be that. Personally as if shifted through Mark's solo discography over this year (yes that's how recent of a fan I am, I'm very late to the party) I've found his catalogue is beautiful and quite diverse which I'm sure isn't very groundbreaking to say. However, I find a real standout to me has always been the tracker album, especially the songs Basil, River Towns, and Silver Eagle. Yes, it's not his most musically interesting or technical album, but I find a lot of beauty in its retrospective atmosphere and storytelling.

Again I'm a new fan, I think it has a lot to do with why I feel like, "Oh wow this is incredible!" whereas I've gathered most of the people who regularly post on here have been living with his music for decades and have watched every album slowly trickle out. I can understand my opinion isn't worth much but I thought maybe a fresh-faced perspective on Mark's music would also be interesting to some of you. I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's mind on whether Mark still has the so-called "wow factor" but he definitely has a new fan in me and it's been a joy discovering his music.


It's great that Mark has new fans :)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: dustyvalentino on July 18, 2024, 02:40:16 PM
Hi everyone,

I've never posted on here before, I'm just a lurker, but this thread piqued my interest quite a bit so I wanted to throw my two cents in.
I'm quite a new fan of Mark's work, so if I had to guess why my opinion might differ so heavily to everyone's here, it would be that. Personally as if shifted through Mark's solo discography over this year (yes that's how recent of a fan I am, I'm very late to the party) I've found his catalogue is beautiful and quite diverse which I'm sure isn't very groundbreaking to say. However, I find a real standout to me has always been the tracker album, especially the songs Basil, River Towns, and Silver Eagle. Yes, it's not his most musically interesting or technical album, but I find a lot of beauty in its retrospective atmosphere and storytelling.

Again I'm a new fan, I think it has a lot to do with why I feel like, "Oh wow this is incredible!" whereas I've gathered most of the people who regularly post on here have been living with his music for decades and have watched every album slowly trickle out. I can understand my opinion isn't worth much but I thought maybe a fresh-faced perspective on Mark's music would also be interesting to some of you. I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's mind on whether Mark still has the so-called "wow factor" but he definitely has a new fan in me and it's been a joy discovering his music.

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 18, 2024, 02:43:00 PM
Hi everyone,

I've never posted on here before, I'm just a lurker, but this thread piqued my interest quite a bit so I wanted to throw my two cents in.
I'm quite a new fan of Mark's work, so if I had to guess why my opinion might differ so heavily to everyone's here, it would be that. Personally as if shifted through Mark's solo discography over this year (yes that's how recent of a fan I am, I'm very late to the party) I've found his catalogue is beautiful and quite diverse which I'm sure isn't very groundbreaking to say. However, I find a real standout to me has always been the tracker album, especially the songs Basil, River Towns, and Silver Eagle. Yes, it's not his most musically interesting or technical album, but I find a lot of beauty in its retrospective atmosphere and storytelling.

Again I'm a new fan, I think it has a lot to do with why I feel like, "Oh wow this is incredible!" whereas I've gathered most of the people who regularly post on here have been living with his music for decades and have watched every album slowly trickle out. I can understand my opinion isn't worth much but I thought maybe a fresh-faced perspective on Mark's music would also be interesting to some of you. I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's mind on whether Mark still has the so-called "wow factor" but he definitely has a new fan in me and it's been a joy discovering his music.

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: hunter v2.0 on July 18, 2024, 02:50:55 PM
Apart from the occasional song, Mark hasn't wowed me in a long, long time, neither as a songwriter nor as a guitarist. He's become a great craftsman, but artistically it's all too safe and predictable. And as a person, he has in my opinion become incredibly dull. I keep up with what's happening in Mark's world, but it's mostly for "old times' sake".

I think that we like the most is the Fake MK.

You nailed it.

"Fake MK"? What's that supposed to mean?
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: dustyvalentino on July 18, 2024, 03:16:58 PM
It's weak for you, for me is a masterpiece, one of my top MK records!

Let me explain about 'weak album'

The are great songs on KTGC.
In The Sky, Heart Full Of Holes, Fish And The Bird, Punish The Monkey.
And some strange ones like, Madame Geneva, Fizzy And The Still, Behind With The Rent

It's (as i said before) a very artistc album.
However, in my opinion is badly recorded.
And, for me has almost the WOW Factor.

For me, EVERYTHING MK has ever released has been well recorded - possible exceptions could be the Twisting EP and Badges, Posters which sound a bit grubby.

And two of your "strange" songs on KTGC (Fizzy and Behind With The Rent) are two of the better songs on that record IMO!
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: hunter v2.0 on July 18, 2024, 03:35:14 PM
Yeah, great recording and sound quality from the get go. It's a joy to play any MK album from that perspective. The only objection I have is the recording of his vocals on many of his solo albums. Often they are buried deep in the mix, and you can barely make out what he is singing.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 18, 2024, 03:56:46 PM
"Fake MK"? What's that supposed to mean?

Maybe i went to deep into a joke.

Sometimes i read things like the 80's MK. The hitmaker, leader of a rock band wasn't the Real MK. The real one only appears in 2008 or so.

So, maybe the "Fake MK" was the one that have the WOW Factor.
That one that brought excitement on his releases.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: rmarques821 on July 18, 2024, 04:51:05 PM
Hi everyone,

I've never posted on here before, I'm just a lurker, but this thread piqued my interest quite a bit so I wanted to throw my two cents in.
I'm quite a new fan of Mark's work, so if I had to guess why my opinion might differ so heavily to everyone's here, it would be that. Personally as if shifted through Mark's solo discography over this year (yes that's how recent of a fan I am, I'm very late to the party) I've found his catalogue is beautiful and quite diverse which I'm sure isn't very groundbreaking to say. However, I find a real standout to me has always been the tracker album, especially the songs Basil, River Towns, and Silver Eagle. Yes, it's not his most musically interesting or technical album, but I find a lot of beauty in its retrospective atmosphere and storytelling.

Again I'm a new fan, I think it has a lot to do with why I feel like, "Oh wow this is incredible!" whereas I've gathered most of the people who regularly post on here have been living with his music for decades and have watched every album slowly trickle out. I can understand my opinion isn't worth much but I thought maybe a fresh-faced perspective on Mark's music would also be interesting to some of you. I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's mind on whether Mark still has the so-called "wow factor" but he definitely has a new fan in me and it's been a joy discovering his music.
And Tracker is probably my #1 album of Mark's solo career. I listen to it randomly every other day.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: SG on July 18, 2024, 05:04:59 PM
Hi everyone,

I've never posted on here before, I'm just a lurker, but this thread piqued my interest quite a bit so I wanted to throw my two cents in.
I'm quite a new fan of Mark's work, so if I had to guess why my opinion might differ so heavily to everyone's here, it would be that. Personally as if shifted through Mark's solo discography over this year (yes that's how recent of a fan I am, I'm very late to the party) I've found his catalogue is beautiful and quite diverse which I'm sure isn't very groundbreaking to say. However, I find a real standout to me has always been the tracker album, especially the songs Basil, River Towns, and Silver Eagle. Yes, it's not his most musically interesting or technical album, but I find a lot of beauty in its retrospective atmosphere and storytelling.

Again I'm a new fan, I think it has a lot to do with why I feel like, "Oh wow this is incredible!" whereas I've gathered most of the people who regularly post on here have been living with his music for decades and have watched every album slowly trickle out. I can understand my opinion isn't worth much but I thought maybe a fresh-faced perspective on Mark's music would also be interesting to some of you. I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's mind on whether Mark still has the so-called "wow factor" but he definitely has a new fan in me and it's been a joy discovering his music.

I'm a new fan too (since 2021). On Tracker my favourites are the same as yours: Basil, River Towns, Silver Eagle... and Lights of Taormina.
The albums I listen to the most are Shangri-la, Privateering, Tracker and also One Deep River.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: superval99 on July 18, 2024, 05:55:12 PM
Hi everyone,

I've never posted on here before, I'm just a lurker, but this thread piqued my interest quite a bit so I wanted to throw my two cents in.
I'm quite a new fan of Mark's work, so if I had to guess why my opinion might differ so heavily to everyone's here, it would be that. Personally as if shifted through Mark's solo discography over this year (yes that's how recent of a fan I am, I'm very late to the party) I've found his catalogue is beautiful and quite diverse which I'm sure isn't very groundbreaking to say. However, I find a real standout to me has always been the tracker album, especially the songs Basil, River Towns, and Silver Eagle. Yes, it's not his most musically interesting or technical album, but I find a lot of beauty in its retrospective atmosphere and storytelling.

Again I'm a new fan, I think it has a lot to do with why I feel like, "Oh wow this is incredible!" whereas I've gathered most of the people who regularly post on here have been living with his music for decades and have watched every album slowly trickle out. I can understand my opinion isn't worth much but I thought maybe a fresh-faced perspective on Mark's music would also be interesting to some of you. I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's mind on whether Mark still has the so-called "wow factor" but he definitely has a new fan in me and it's been a joy discovering his music.

Welcome to AMIT!    I'm a big fan of Tracker too, along with Shangri-La and Kill to Get Crimson, but I also like ODR very much.  :)

I don't think MK has lost the WOW factor at all, at least not for me!
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: stratmad on July 18, 2024, 07:53:32 PM
"Fake MK"? What's that supposed to mean?

Lol, nice phrase, and MK would probably appreciate it.
Anyway, "fake MK" reminded me of that weird 1980s telephone prankster who used Mark's name - do you still remember that one? Some bits are actually on youtube.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: iorch82 on July 18, 2024, 08:24:07 PM
To me MK stopped being appealing musically after STP. I don't find any spark in any of his latter albums, with the exception of perhaps some cuts of Privateering. I am the kind of fan that goes to the shows to listen the oldies and that's it. OFC I can appreciate most of the newer tunes in a live setting, but in terms of recording yep, pretty much all are dull and boring to my liking.

There's nothing wrong for being a MK fan because of his work in the 80's and 90's. To be fair, if he had started with say KTGK he would barely be filling up 200 person capacity venues in his shows. It's very niche music and kind of an "adquired taste" if you ask me. 
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Wizard on July 18, 2024, 09:31:29 PM
Greg Leisz steel guitar has the wow factor for me. I have never heard the steel guitar played with such feeling and soul. He is a good a steel guitar player has mark is a electric guitar player.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: KnopfleRick on July 18, 2024, 09:32:19 PM
Hi everyone,

I've never posted on here before, I'm just a lurker, but this thread piqued my interest quite a bit so I wanted to throw my two cents in.
I'm quite a new fan of Mark's work, so if I had to guess why my opinion might differ so heavily to everyone's here, it would be that. Personally as if shifted through Mark's solo discography over this year (yes that's how recent of a fan I am, I'm very late to the party) I've found his catalogue is beautiful and quite diverse which I'm sure isn't very groundbreaking to say. However, I find a real standout to me has always been the tracker album, especially the songs Basil, River Towns, and Silver Eagle. Yes, it's not his most musically interesting or technical album, but I find a lot of beauty in its retrospective atmosphere and storytelling.

Again I'm a new fan, I think it has a lot to do with why I feel like, "Oh wow this is incredible!" whereas I've gathered most of the people who regularly post on here have been living with his music for decades and have watched every album slowly trickle out. I can understand my opinion isn't worth much but I thought maybe a fresh-faced perspective on Mark's music would also be interesting to some of you. I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's mind on whether Mark still has the so-called "wow factor" but he definitely has a new fan in me and it's been a joy discovering his music.

Welcome to AMIT!    I'm a big fan of Tracker too, along with Shangri-La and Kill to Get Crimson, but I also like ODR very much.  :)

I don't think MK has lost the WOW factor at all, at least not for me!

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: KnopfleRick on July 18, 2024, 09:49:57 PM
Greg Leisz steel guitar has the wow factor for me. I have never heard the steel guitar played with such feeling and soul. He is a good a steel guitar player has mark is a electric guitar player.

Absolutely! He also really impressed me and his contribution to Mark's songs is phenomenal. His soulful playing fits perfectly with the new songs.
A real master of his craft.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 19, 2024, 01:49:57 AM
Greg Leisz steel guitar has the wow factor for me. I have never heard the steel guitar played with such feeling and soul. He is a good a steel guitar player has mark is a electric guitar player.

Absolutely! He also really impressed me and his contribution to Mark's songs is phenomenal. His soulful playing fits perfectly with the new songs.
A real master of his craft.

It's true. Greg Leisz is great. His pedal steel guitar is not in the foreground like on the Golden Heart album. It is more subtle, delicate but noticeable.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: hunter v2.0 on July 19, 2024, 09:35:04 AM
To me MK stopped being appealing musically after STP. I don't find any spark in any of his latter albums, with the exception of perhaps some cuts of Privateering. I am the kind of fan that goes to the shows to listen the oldies and that's it. OFC I can appreciate most of the newer tunes in a live setting, but in terms of recording yep, pretty much all are dull and boring to my liking.

There's nothing wrong for being a MK fan because of his work in the 80's and 90's. To be fair, if he had started with say KTGK he would barely be filling up 200 person capacity venues in his shows. It's very niche music and kind of an "adquired taste" if you ask me.

For me it was after Shangri La. After that album the 'quiet man of rock' simply became the 'quiet man'. Sure there are some gems and exceptions on the following albums, but on the whole his work became too subdued and 'genteel'. And I can't forgive him that he decided to so totally disrespect his guitar talent in favor of songwriting. It's not like the man haven't had the time to put in an hour a day to keep his chops up.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 19, 2024, 11:29:29 AM
For me, EVERYTHING MK has ever released has been well recorded - possible exceptions could be the Twisting EP and Badges, Posters which sound a bit grubby.

And two of your "strange" songs on KTGC (Fizzy and Behind With The Rent) are two of the better songs on that record IMO!

To my ears, KTGC sounds a bit rushed.
I think that Guy had a perspective in mind that, if were few instruments, very expensive microphones e no compression, the listener could have the best experience. Almost like the band was in their room. (Very different from the quadriphonics, of course)

KTGC is a very artistic album and, sonically (engineering) is a conception that how Tracker could be. In other words, is a naked album.

In my opinion, KTGC have thin drums and a much trebbly athmosphere in general. The acoustics, in general, are a bit blurried, but it is what it is.

When Tracker was released, i ask Guy something similar as : - You guys ever think on re-record KTGC with the actual studio setup/equipment. The sonically achievement on Tracker was huge and KTGC was recorded very rushed (GF words).

And GF responded something like: - We are thinking about it. The possibilities that we have now could elevates the KTGC recording. A very artistic album that could be better with the knowledge that we have now.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 19, 2024, 12:05:19 PM
And I can't forgive him that he decided to so totally disrespect his guitar talent in favor of songwriting. It's not like the man haven't had the time to put in an hour a day to keep his chops up.


And his singing too.
During 2012 he was singing high and doing great things as a singer. He raised up the key for Bonaparte and played BIA in Am.

After that, his playing is downhill (maybe his tremours)
His singing is lazyer as ever be.
But his songwritting skills continues increasing.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: hunter v2.0 on July 19, 2024, 12:48:12 PM
When Tracker was released, i ask Guy something similar as : - You guys ever think on re-record KTGC with the actual studio setup/equipment. The sonically achievement on Tracker was huge and KTGC was recorded very rushed (GF words).

And GF responded something like: - We are thinking about it. The possibilities that we have now could elevates the KTGC recording. A very artistic album that could be better with the knowledge that we have now.

Wow, I had no idea they were considering doing something like that.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: dustyvalentino on July 19, 2024, 12:57:57 PM
With the speed it takes them to record an album of new songs, frankly I can't think of anything less appealing than them spending time going back and re-recording the worst thing they ever released.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 19, 2024, 12:58:05 PM
Singing high tones is not MK's natural side (for example Our Shangri-La) :) I like it when he sings low.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: hunter v2.0 on July 19, 2024, 01:13:01 PM
With the speed it takes them to record an album of new songs, frankly I can't think of anything less appealing than them spending time going back and re-recording the worst thing they ever released.


It will of course never happen.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on July 19, 2024, 01:21:27 PM
Wow, I had no idea they were considering doing something like that.

They not considered re-do KTGC.
They imagined things that could be way better if they re-do KTGC because the "similarities" between Tracker and KTGC.

Guy's answer was hypothetical.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: KnopfleRick on July 19, 2024, 07:59:17 PM
Singing high tones is not MK's natural side (for example Our Shangri-La) :) I like it when he sings low.

Exactly! I've always loved Mark's voice and with age it got even better.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: superval99 on July 20, 2024, 08:41:03 AM
Singing high tones is not MK's natural side (for example Our Shangri-La) :) I like it when he sings low.

Exactly! I've always loved Mark's voice and with age it got even better.

I agree.   I love his voice either singing or talking, especially as he's getting older.  He could sing the phonebook.....  :)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 20, 2024, 02:10:46 PM
Singing high tones is not MK's natural side (for example Our Shangri-La) :) I like it when he sings low.

Exactly! I've always loved Mark's voice and with age it got even better.

It's true :)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 20, 2024, 02:21:28 PM
Singing high tones is not MK's natural side (for example Our Shangri-La) :) I like it when he sings low.

Exactly! I've always loved Mark's voice and with age it got even better.

I agree.   I love his voice either singing or talking, especially as he's getting older.  He could sing the phonebook.....  :)

Yes, that's why I really enjoy going back to his radio broadcasts from 2020:)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: hunter v2.0 on July 20, 2024, 06:37:42 PM
Mark for sure has a wider vocal range now, but I actually like his voice the most from around the time of OES. His voice on Alchemy, too, is great. The gruff and husky voice suited him.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: localhero1986 on July 20, 2024, 09:04:28 PM
Singing high tones is not MK's natural side (for example Our Shangri-La) :) I like it when he sings low.

Oh yes it is. We all remember Skydiver live! ;D
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Mossguitar on July 24, 2024, 12:59:32 AM
To me, MK has never lost the wow factor. I get goodbumps whenever I hear his voice or guitar. Of course early DS was different, then he was Bob Dylan, EC and JJ Cale on speed, new, fresh and a bit more impressive. But he’s still the man.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Knopflerfan on July 24, 2024, 01:25:23 PM
To me, MK has never lost the wow factor. I get goodbumps whenever I hear his voice or guitar. Of course early DS was different, then he was Bob Dylan, EC and JJ Cale on speed, new, fresh and a bit more impressive. But his still the man.

100% agree my friend, MK to me still has amazing WOW factor, ODR, The Boy and extras are testament to that for me.....
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: qjamesfloyd on July 26, 2024, 07:41:07 AM
I thought lots of people were wowed by the new album, by Tunnel 13, by All Comers, by Precious Voice From Heaven. Mark Knopfler will always wow me.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Pottel on July 26, 2024, 08:28:04 AM
I thought lots of people were wowed by the new album, by Tunnel 13, by All Comers, by Precious Voice From Heaven. Mark Knopfler will always wow me.
same here
also, am currently far less wowed by DG's first two single releases of his new (8 songs??) album. even though both, for me, are on the same level, kinda, FOR ME (pls no discussion about which one of the two should be higher up etc..)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rail King on July 27, 2024, 06:05:21 PM
The Wow factor is a very fitting term and it got lost for me from Kill To Get Crimson on, very clear.

Can't say that at all. Actually, I remember being in tears after hearing the first chords of True Love Will Never Fade for the first time. That was a "wow" moment for me, and there were many of them afterwards. As far as I'm concerned, he keeps them coming until today.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: KnopfleRick on July 27, 2024, 09:44:20 PM
The wow factor is always there when I listen to his music. For me it's an amazing phenomenon after all these years I've been listening to his music.
His singing, his playing, his writing - everything is still a wow for me and I can only thank God for his talent.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Robson on July 27, 2024, 10:05:41 PM
The wow factor is always there when I listen to his music. For me it's an amazing phenomenon after all these years I've been listening to his music.
His singing, his playing, his writing - everything is still a wow for me and I can only thank God for his talent.

I agree with every word.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: MagicElliott on July 30, 2024, 04:26:19 PM
I thought lots of people were wowed by the new album, by Tunnel 13, by All Comers, by Precious Voice From Heaven. Mark Knopfler will always wow me.

Amen to that. I got the impression that people thought this album was Mark back on track.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Stanko on July 30, 2024, 07:55:13 PM
All these comments just like old friends!

gonetroppo welcome! You are a comer too!
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: ds1984 on August 05, 2024, 02:32:42 PM
I lost the "wow" factor for Mark with the release of Shangri-La album.

The first album I do not enjoy listen to.

Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: KnopfleRick on August 05, 2024, 10:16:05 PM
I lost the "wow" factor for Mark with the release of Shangri-La album.

The first album I do not enjoy listen to.

Really?  :o
For me it's one of his best albums, only great songs, no fillers.............
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: rmarques821 on August 05, 2024, 10:30:50 PM
I lost the "wow" factor for Mark with the release of Shangri-La album.

The first album I do not enjoy listen to.
Also not my cup of tea, probably his weakest album along with KTGC. Although it has one of his best songs, Boom Like That.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: ds1984 on August 05, 2024, 10:51:50 PM
I lost the "wow" factor for Mark with the release of Shangri-La album.

The first album I do not enjoy listen to.

Really?  :o
For me it's one of his best albums, only great songs, no fillers.............

There are so many ways to record a song and make it sound a way or another.
This is really a question of feeling, that something is missing to move me.
For example All the Roadrunning is a way more enjoyable album to me.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: stratmad on August 05, 2024, 11:32:57 PM
Really?  :o
For me it's one of his best albums, only great songs, no fillers.............

There are so many ways to record a song and make it sound a way or another.
This is really a question of feeling, that something is missing to move me.
For example All the Roadrunning is a way more enjoyable album to me.

For me, Trawlerman is one of the most moving songs he's ever written, along with Sonny Liston and Back to Tupelo.
And Postcards and Ambulance are pure gems :-)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: superval99 on August 06, 2024, 07:45:05 AM
Shangri-La is in my top three favourite albums.  No skippers!    :)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 06, 2024, 09:48:29 AM
Was Shangri La not the favourite AMIT album when we did that poll a few years ago?
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: superval99 on August 06, 2024, 10:00:04 AM
Was Shangri La not the favourite AMIT album when we did that poll a few years ago?

Yes!    :)
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Pottel on August 06, 2024, 10:16:28 AM
Shangri-La is in my top three favourite albums.  No skippers!    :)
almost. the title track is my skipper.
Title: Re: Mark's WOW Factor is gone?
Post by: Rolo on August 06, 2024, 11:46:21 AM
Was Shangri La not the favourite AMIT album when we did that poll a few years ago?

My favorite MK solo album is STP.
Its a perfect blend of that Straits feel and a more roots based music.
And Mark is killing on that album.

Shangri-la was a turning point.