A Mark In Time

General Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: JF on April 06, 2024, 04:05:53 PM

Title: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: JF on April 06, 2024, 04:05:53 PM
few days ago I saw a screen capture of a video conversation between Waters and Gilmour

can't remember if it was on FB, TW or Intsa

don't know if it was a fake or not but I can't find it anymore

does anyone saw it and can find the link again please ?
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 06, 2024, 06:21:10 PM
I would be extremely surprised that these two ever talk again to each other, sadly.

The feud started in 1985 when Waters left Floyd and Gilmour decided to continue without him. It was harsh, but nothing that drastic that things could not get better with time. Starting 2000, they started to talk again, out of common interest (The Wall live release). In 2005, they played together in live 8. 2011 was maybe the warmest moment, when Gilmour played Comfortably Numb at Waters' wall show in Dublin.
Very nice words by Waters were spoken that night.

Since then, nothing much, then they started to fight again about Animals release, Pink Floyd web site... Still petty, still not that drastic.

But that changed last year, when Waters advocated controversial views on Ukraine. Polly Samson (Gilmour's wife) went bust and publically insulted Waters in a tweet, calling him antisemite, misogynistic, lip-synching performer, Poutin apologist... And Gilmour backed his wife. These words were completely out of proportion. I can understand that one would not agree with Waters's controversial views (I myself do not agree with most of his stuff), but calling him an antisemite makes no sense, just like calling him a fascist because he wears a fascist leader costume when performing Run Like Hell (which he has done since 1980!). Then Waters insulted Polly in return ("Imagine waking up next to THIS").

It has gone way too far to imagine any kind of reconciliation now. Or...are you sure, JF?

Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: JF on April 06, 2024, 06:59:52 PM
I would be extremely surprised that these two ever talk again to each other, sadly.

The feud started in 1985 when Waters left Floyd and Gilmour decided to continue without him. It was harsh, but nothing that drastic that things could not get better with time. Starting 2000, they started to talk again, out of common interest (The Wall live release). In 2005, they played together in live 8. 2011 was maybe the warmest moment, when Gilmour played Comfortably Numb at Waters' wall show in Dublin.
Very nice words by Waters were spoken that night.

Since then, nothing much, then they started to fight again about Animals release, Pink Floyd web site... Still petty, still not that drastic.

But that changed last year, when Waters advocated controversial views on Ukraine. Polly Samson (Gilmour's wife) went bust and publically insulted Waters in a tweet, calling him antisemite, misogynistic, lip-synching performer, Poutin apologist... And Gilmour backed his wife. These words were completely out of proportion. I can understand that one would not agree with Waters's controversial views (I myself do not agree with most of his stuff), but calling him an antisemite makes no sense, just like calling him a fascist because he wears a fascist leader costume when performing Run Like Hell (which he has done since 1980!). Then Waters insulted Polly in return ("Imagine waking up next to THIS").

It has gone way too far to imagine any kind of reconciliation now. Or...are you sure, JF?

Yes I think the same. that's what I wrote :


but, I saw this pic few days ago. it was two screens like Facetime or wahtsapp or Messenger, with David and Roger talking together... and the caption said someting like "reunion possible again ?" or someting like this

I can't remember wher I saw it. I think it was on FB, but not sure. and I cant' find it anymore. Maybe it was a fake  :think
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: rmarques821 on April 09, 2024, 10:53:08 PM
Obviously a fake or a clickbait composite picture.
They will never be on speaking terms again, I think.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 10, 2024, 03:05:25 PM
NEVER EVER. there was too much "anti-semite" " useless wannabe-writer wife of rockstar" insults going back and forth, in public. this will NEVER happen.
and still they need to somehow still meet and agree on things, because of the thing that is Pink Floyd ltd.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 10, 2024, 03:11:16 PM
NEVER EVER. there was too much "anti-semite" " useless wannabe-writer wife of rockstar" insults going back and forth, in public. this will NEVER happen.
and still they need to somehow still meet and agree on things, because of the thing that is Pink Floyd ltd.
I am puzzled that people are always so prompt to bash Water's excessive statements, and don't say a thing about Gilmour's wife, whom in one single tweet was way more excessive than all the statements from Waters from the last 60 years combined.
Say whatever about Waters, yes he has been a dick, but he evolves. He admitted his wrongdoings, tried to make peace, said very nice things about Gilmour at times. Even at the peak of the feud in the 80s and 90s, he was ackwnoledging Gilmour's exceptionnal guitar skills and great contributions to the Floyd albums. He is a very frank and intellectally honest person... I love Gilmour too, but it seems to me that he never wanted to move on. His wife went beyond reason, and he backed her.... Very sad.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 10, 2024, 03:17:43 PM
NEVER EVER. there was too much "anti-semite" " useless wannabe-writer wife of rockstar" insults going back and forth, in public. this will NEVER happen.
and still they need to somehow still meet and agree on things, because of the thing that is Pink Floyd ltd.
I am puzzled that people are always so prompt to bash Water's excessive statements, and don't say a thing about Gilmour's wife, whom in one single tweet was way more excessive than all the statements from Waters from the last 60 years combined.
Say whatever about Waters, yes he has been a dick, but he evolves. He admitted his wrongdoings, tried to make peace, said very nice things about Gilmour at times. Even at the peak of the feud in the 80s and 90s, he was ackwnoledging Gilmour's exceptionnal guitar skills and great contributions to the Floyd albums. He is a very frank and intellectally honest person... I love Gilmour too, but it seems to me that he never wanted to move on. His wife went beyond reason, and he backed her.... Very sad.
that is not what i meant. at least i would certainly not say Waters' statements of the past 60 yrs were less harmful then this one bold statement by Polly.
there have been sufficient proven cases of Roger actually saying/doing racist things. nothing wrong with blaming the israeli state/goverment and most particularly the donkey called Netanyahu, i do that a lot, as they ARE guilty of numerous crimes against humanity over the past 60 yrs, but all that should NOT include the average israeli person, of jewish faith or not, coz THAT would amount to anti-semitism. and that IS exactly what Roger has done over the years (besides his rightful assault on the israeli/zionist government)
he thrives on troubles and, unrelated, is now married to his 5th (!) wife. that should at least give you an inkling of what kind of a man he is.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 10, 2024, 03:24:50 PM
NEVER EVER. there was too much "anti-semite" " useless wannabe-writer wife of rockstar" insults going back and forth, in public. this will NEVER happen.
and still they need to somehow still meet and agree on things, because of the thing that is Pink Floyd ltd.
I am puzzled that people are always so prompt to bash Water's excessive statements, and don't say a thing about Gilmour's wife, whom in one single tweet was way more excessive than all the statements from Waters from the last 60 years combined.
Say whatever about Waters, yes he has been a dick, but he evolves. He admitted his wrongdoings, tried to make peace, said very nice things about Gilmour at times. Even at the peak of the feud in the 80s and 90s, he was ackwnoledging Gilmour's exceptionnal guitar skills and great contributions to the Floyd albums. He is a very frank and intellectally honest person... I love Gilmour too, but it seems to me that he never wanted to move on. His wife went beyond reason, and he backed her.... Very sad.
that is not what i meant. at least i would certainly not say Waters' statements of the past 60 yrs were less harmful then this one bold statement by Polly.
there have been sufficient proven cases of Roger actually saying/doing racist things. nothing wrong with blaming the israeli state/goverment and most particularly the donkey called Netanyahu, i do that a lot, as they ARE guilty of numerous crimes against humanity over the past 60 yrs, but all that should NOT include the average israeli person, of jewish faith or not, coz THAT would amount to anti-semitism. and that IS exactly what Roger has done over the years (besides his rightful assault on the israeli/zionist government)
he thrives on troubles and, unrelated, is now married to his 5th (!) wife. that should at least give you an inkling of what kind of a man he is.
I beg to differ, Pottel.
Roger is *not* an antisemite. Show me one antisemite statement from him, and I will admit I am wrong...
He definitely has his faults, but calling him antisemite is just not fair.
I attended 4 of his "This is not a drill" show in 2022/2023, he talked at length about this, and I understand his resentment. Roger does not judge people based on race/religion/nationality. I strongly disagree with most of his views, but still, there is nothing antisemite about what he says.
When I think Germany tried to ban him... because he is wearing a fascist uniform during "Run Like Hell !". Which has been part of the show since... 1980 ! Give him a break, this world has gone mad.
As for his 5th wife, well, I personnally don't judge personal life either. May I remind you that MK is married to his third wife, and had a couple of girlfriends before the first one. So.... what ?
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 10, 2024, 03:28:55 PM
the thing with the suit in Germany was a joke, and the germans should be ashamed of having been "used" to do that. but that is not what i was talking about.
i will go and search now, as i clearly remember seeing them.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 10, 2024, 03:33:40 PM
clearly this documentary is from a channel called "campaign against antisemitism" but i would like to point to the interviews of people involved, like bob ezrin and others.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 10, 2024, 03:34:38 PM
also, saying "imagine waking up to that every morning"
not really a nice statement either, that is basically body shaming.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 10, 2024, 03:35:48 PM
clearly this documentary is from a channel called "campaign against antisemitism" but i would like to point to the interviews of people involved, like bob ezrin and others.
Rather than other people talking, I would like to hear Roger talk, with exact quote.
Once we are down to exact quotes in context, I doubt than any antisemitsm will still hold...
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 10, 2024, 03:37:39 PM
also, saying "imagine waking up to that every morning"
not really a nice statement either, that is basically body shaming.
It is not nice, but 1) I don't think it is body shaming (Polly is rather good-looking), 2) Keep in mind that Polly insulted him publically beyond any measure first. That does not help a free-speaking mind to be nice, and 3) Nothing to do with antisemtism !
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: dustyvalentino on April 10, 2024, 05:19:22 PM

These new allegations from Ezrin and Stachel feel frustratingly in line with Waters’ habitual tendency to use language that nods to offensive tropes, stereotypes, and conspiracy theories about Jews. Take, for instance, a 2013 interview with CounterPunch, where he said, “The Jewish lobby is extraordinarily powerful here and particularly in the industry that I work in, the music industry and in rock ’n’ roll as they say.” Or in 2022 when he used the word “cabal” when discussing early European Jewish settlers arriving in the Israel-Palestine region.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: qjamesfloyd on April 11, 2024, 08:25:35 AM
Roger and David will not reunite again anymore that Mark reuniting Dire Straits, people just need to accept that and move on!!!
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: rmarques821 on April 11, 2024, 08:31:58 PM
NEVER EVER. there was too much "anti-semite" " useless wannabe-writer wife of rockstar" insults going back and forth, in public. this will NEVER happen.
and still they need to somehow still meet and agree on things, because of the thing that is Pink Floyd ltd.
I am puzzled that people are always so prompt to bash Water's excessive statements, and don't say a thing about Gilmour's wife, whom in one single tweet was way more excessive than all the statements from Waters from the last 60 years combined.
Say whatever about Waters, yes he has been a dick, but he evolves. He admitted his wrongdoings, tried to make peace, said very nice things about Gilmour at times. Even at the peak of the feud in the 80s and 90s, he was ackwnoledging Gilmour's exceptionnal guitar skills and great contributions to the Floyd albums. He is a very frank and intellectally honest person... I love Gilmour too, but it seems to me that he never wanted to move on. His wife went beyond reason, and he backed her.... Very sad.
Wow, I completely disagree.
Roger has been the one that has consistently provoked DG over the years, he is the one who never managed to move on past PF. And I will not even got into his clearly racist/anti semite comments against jews and Israeli citizens in general. Roger is the kind of person who thrives on fighting and getting into arguments with everyone, it gives him energy to keep going. From DG himself, I've never heard a bad word about Roger until the moment he resumed the fighting over the Pink Floyd website/social media, whatever it was.
I used to like RW but I've completely lost respect for him over the years. And his solo album from 2017 is some of the biggest pile of donkey crap I've ever listened to. A far cry from Amused to Death or even Pro's and Con's
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Jules on April 11, 2024, 08:41:38 PM
I'm very bore of Waters. I saw him live twice, and the second one I already decided it would be the last.

His attitude is too excessive about anything.

Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Jules on April 11, 2024, 08:44:56 PM
also, saying "imagine waking up to that every morning"
not really a nice statement either, that is basically body shaming.

If I have to imagine to wake up to Waters or Polly... First would be like waking up in a nightmare and second would be waking up peacefully.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: dustyvalentino on April 11, 2024, 08:47:18 PM
I'm very bore of Waters. I saw him live twice, and the second one I already decided it would be the last.

His attitude is too excessive about anything.

Plus he mimes!
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: rmarques821 on April 11, 2024, 08:48:54 PM
NEVER EVER. there was too much "anti-semite" " useless wannabe-writer wife of rockstar" insults going back and forth, in public. this will NEVER happen.
and still they need to somehow still meet and agree on things, because of the thing that is Pink Floyd ltd.
I love Gilmour too, but it seems to me that he never wanted to move on.
Humm... who decided to go on a ridiculous megalomaniac trip and re-record Dark Side Of The Moon, largely removing David's and Rick's contributions while adding his terrible vocals on every song?
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 11, 2024, 08:53:04 PM
À very interesting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:

Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 11, 2024, 08:53:45 PM
NEVER EVER. there was too much "anti-semite" " useless wannabe-writer wife of rockstar" insults going back and forth, in public. this will NEVER happen.
and still they need to somehow still meet and agree on things, because of the thing that is Pink Floyd ltd.
I love Gilmour too, but it seems to me that he never wanted to move on.
Humm... who decided to go on a ridiculous megalomaniac trip and re-record Dark Side Of The Moon, largely removing David's and Rick's contributions while adding his terrible vocals on every song?
This, I have to agree. Terrible result and intent.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 11, 2024, 08:56:51 PM
This is the only thing I want to remember from their past relationship.
Listen to Water's words, and tell me that man doesn't have a heart...

Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: rmarques821 on April 11, 2024, 08:57:05 PM
Avery intersting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:

Watch the video Pottel shared. There's plenty of evidence there, even from people who love him.
Unless you've already convinced yourself he is not an anti-semite, in that case there's no point in commenting further.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 11, 2024, 09:07:29 PM
Avery intersting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:

Watch the video Pottel shared. There's plenty of evidence there, even from people who love him.
Unless you've already convinced yourself he is not an anti-semite, in that case there's no point in commenting further.
This is what Roger himself said about it. And while I disagree with most of Roger's views, I'll give him that he is not an hypocrite. This public statement makes it clear the the is not an antisemite.

"Truth is, I’m frequently mouthy and prone to irreverence, I can’t recall what I said 13 or more years ago. I’ve worked closely for many years with many Jewish people, musicians and others.  If I have upset the two individuals who appear in the film I’m sorry for that. But I can say with certainty that I am not, and have never been, an antisemite – as anyone who really knows me will testify. I know the Jewish people to be a diverse, interesting, and complicated bunch, just like the rest of humanity. Many are allies in the fight for equality and justice, in Israel, Palestine and around the world.

The film totally distorts and misrepresents my views about the Israeli state and its political ideology, Zionism. It relies on a definition of antisemitism that sees criticising Israel as inherently antisemitic and assumes that Zionism is an essential element in Jewish identity. These opinions, clearly shared by the presenter and the two interviewees, are widely contested by many, including many Jewish people."
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 11, 2024, 09:30:51 PM
my last two cents here, if there is anyone that really has known the highs and lows of RW, then surely it must be DG.
so i assume it was not so much Polly speaking as her being the speaker for DG....?
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 11, 2024, 09:36:45 PM
my last two cents here, if there is anyone that really has known the highs and lows of RW, then surely it must be DG.
so i assume it was not so much Polly speaking as her being the speaker for DG....?
Yes. Which heavily disappoints me from him. So many words of hatred. I was not used to that until that point...
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: JF on April 12, 2024, 09:04:55 AM
my first aim was not to start a polemic  ;D

I just wanted to know if someone else saw this picture I saw some days ago. It seems it was fake...
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: herlock on April 12, 2024, 09:31:27 AM
my first aim was not to start a polemic  ;D

I just wanted to know if someone else saw this picture I saw some days ago. It seems it was fake...
Talking about Waters and Gilmour without polemic is... well... to say the least, a difficult exercise 🤣
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: dustyvalentino on April 12, 2024, 10:29:33 AM
À very interesting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:


I think when you are a huge fan of someone it is easy to wring your hands and tie yourself in knots defending them.

I see plenty of people claiming that Clapton was not a racist despite him admitting it himself.

Fans of Bowie and Jimmy Page brush off the fact that they were paedophiles by saying that everyone was in the rock world of the 70s.

As a big fan of Jerry Lee Lewis I have good arguments defending his marriage to a 13 year old...

And as a huge fan of
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 12, 2024, 10:49:47 AM
my first aim was not to start a polemic  ;D

I just wanted to know if someone else saw this picture I saw some days ago. It seems it was fake...
Talking about Waters and Gilmour without polemic is... well... to say the least, a difficult exercise 🤣
any waters thread over on Raving and Drooling (follow up forum to Yeeshkul) is mostly blocked after a while, as it tends to get hot
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 12, 2024, 11:01:25 AM
À very interesting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:


I think when you are a huge fan of someone it is easy to wring your hands and tie yourself in knots defending them.

I see plenty of people claiming that Clapton was not a racist despite him admitting it himself.

Fans of Bowie and Jimmy Page brush off the fact that they were paedophiles by saying that everyone was in the rock world of the 70s.

As a big fan of Jerry Lee Lewis I have good arguments defending his marriage to a 13 year old...

And as a huge fan of
of what?
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: dustyvalentino on April 12, 2024, 11:03:10 AM
À very interesting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:


I think when you are a huge fan of someone it is easy to wring your hands and tie yourself in knots defending them.

I see plenty of people claiming that Clapton was not a racist despite him admitting it himself.

Fans of Bowie and Jimmy Page brush off the fact that they were paedophiles by saying that everyone was in the rock world of the 70s.

As a big fan of Jerry Lee Lewis I have good arguments defending his marriage to a 13 year old...

And as a huge fan of
of what?

Having sex with bald, Belgian men, I thought that would be pretty clear.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Jules on April 12, 2024, 11:05:21 AM
À very interesting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:


I think when you are a huge fan of someone it is easy to wring your hands and tie yourself in knots defending them.

I see plenty of people claiming that Clapton was not a racist despite him admitting it himself.

Fans of Bowie and Jimmy Page brush off the fact that they were paedophiles by saying that everyone was in the rock world of the 70s.

As a big fan of Jerry Lee Lewis I have good arguments defending his marriage to a 13 year old...

And as a huge fan of
of what?

Having sex with bald, Belgian men, I thought that would be pretty clear.

Nothing like a bald, Belgian man, specially with beard!
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: dustyvalentino on April 12, 2024, 11:17:34 AM
À very interesting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:


I think when you are a huge fan of someone it is easy to wring your hands and tie yourself in knots defending them.

I see plenty of people claiming that Clapton was not a racist despite him admitting it himself.

Fans of Bowie and Jimmy Page brush off the fact that they were paedophiles by saying that everyone was in the rock world of the 70s.

As a big fan of Jerry Lee Lewis I have good arguments defending his marriage to a 13 year old...

And as a huge fan of
of what?

Having sex with bald, Belgian men, I thought that would be pretty clear.

Nothing like a bald, Belgian man, specially with beard!

Stop it, this is supposed to be a music site, not porn!
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Jules on April 12, 2024, 11:25:39 AM
À very interesting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:


I think when you are a huge fan of someone it is easy to wring your hands and tie yourself in knots defending them.

I see plenty of people claiming that Clapton was not a racist despite him admitting it himself.

Fans of Bowie and Jimmy Page brush off the fact that they were paedophiles by saying that everyone was in the rock world of the 70s.

As a big fan of Jerry Lee Lewis I have good arguments defending his marriage to a 13 year old...

And as a huge fan of
of what?

Having sex with bald, Belgian men, I thought that would be pretty clear.

Nothing like a bald, Belgian man, specially with beard!

Stop it, this is supposed to be a music site, not porn!

And why do you think I'm talking about porn?
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 14, 2024, 06:32:12 PM
À very interesting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:


I think when you are a huge fan of someone it is easy to wring your hands and tie yourself in knots defending them.

I see plenty of people claiming that Clapton was not a racist despite him admitting it himself.

Fans of Bowie and Jimmy Page brush off the fact that they were paedophiles by saying that everyone was in the rock world of the 70s.

As a big fan of Jerry Lee Lewis I have good arguments defending his marriage to a 13 year old...

And as a huge fan of
of what?

Having sex with bald, Belgian men, I thought that would be pretty clear.

Nothing like a bald, Belgian man, specially with beard!

Stop it, this is supposed to be a music site, not porn!

And why do you think I'm talking about porn?
coz you always do you dirty old spaniard! :-)
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Jules on April 14, 2024, 06:55:14 PM
À very interesting and balanced viewpoint from a Jew:


I think when you are a huge fan of someone it is easy to wring your hands and tie yourself in knots defending them.

I see plenty of people claiming that Clapton was not a racist despite him admitting it himself.

Fans of Bowie and Jimmy Page brush off the fact that they were paedophiles by saying that everyone was in the rock world of the 70s.

As a big fan of Jerry Lee Lewis I have good arguments defending his marriage to a 13 year old...

And as a huge fan of
of what?

Having sex with bald, Belgian men, I thought that would be pretty clear.

Nothing like a bald, Belgian man, specially with beard!

Stop it, this is supposed to be a music site, not porn!

And why do you think I'm talking about porn?
coz you always do you dirty old spaniard! :-)

I told you that was just between you and me, love.
Title: Re: waters/Gilmour reunion again ?
Post by: Pottel on April 15, 2024, 09:12:20 AM
hush hush. think we can now consider this topic closed?