A Mark In Time

Mark Knopfler Discussion => Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 09:28:11 AM

Title: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 09:28:11 AM
So, after the DIRE STRAITS album was the winner in the last poll attention now turns to find out the favourite Mark Knopfler 'Solo' Studio album amongst our regular AMITers...
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 26, 2021, 09:33:28 AM
This is going to be much harder for me.   :think
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album poll - Round 1
Post by: MagicElliott on October 26, 2021, 09:42:53 AM
This is going to be much harder for me.   :think

Oh my gosh much harder. Should be interesting though.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 10:00:24 AM
This is going to be much harder for me.   :think

I found it very difficult too but eventually got a vote down....not sure this is going to be an easy poll!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on October 26, 2021, 10:07:46 AM
Won't be too difficult for me. There are albums that I will always listen to and some others that I haven't played for years. I know where my first three votes will go to  :clap
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: quizzaciously on October 26, 2021, 10:13:33 AM
Without a doubt the first to go is Privateering. In the retrospect, I remember this album as "this album with too many songs filled with blues numbers". It should've been a regular classic MK album, but instead, feels like a random collection of songs to break the "first double album" gimmick. So I would eliminate it, not for songs, but for the whole "album" aspect of it...
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 10:24:06 AM
First for me was DTRW - lovely album in some ways and with some very good songs but not one I play a lot and certainly not one i instantly go to for an MK fix!...I'm gonna struggle for the rest of the polls though.....
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 10:25:06 AM
Without a doubt the first to go is Privateering. In the retrospect, I remember this album as "this album with too many songs filled with blues numbers". It should've been a regular classic MK album, but instead, feels like a random collection of songs to break the "first double album" gimmick. So I would eliminate it, not for songs, but for the whole "album" aspect of it...

Possibly Privateering will get my 2nd vote....
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on October 26, 2021, 10:30:29 AM
Votes are not confidential then  ;D so my first vote goes to Privateering for several reasons.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 10:33:27 AM
Votes are not confidential then  ;D so my first vote goes to Privateering for several reasons.

Votes themselves are wholly confidential but its totally up to the individual if they want to tell the world what they voted my friend! ;)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Jules on October 26, 2021, 11:38:21 AM
Tracker is my least favorite with no doubts.

The songs are too long and usually are long because they have a repetitive music going on and on where nothing happens that make me feel tired of listening. I only rescue "Laaughs and jokes, Basil and Silver Eagle", the rest are plain boring to me.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dustyvalentino on October 26, 2021, 12:40:29 PM
KTGC for me although I agree about Privateering. Could have been a good single album with the blues stuff removed.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: border_reiver on October 26, 2021, 12:51:43 PM
KTGC hands down. One eternal pee break.  ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: SamGolden on October 26, 2021, 01:13:01 PM
Sailing to Philadelphia... for sure  :wave
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: KnopfleRick on October 26, 2021, 02:46:16 PM
KTGC for me although I agree about Privateering. Could have been a good single album with the blues stuff removed.

Also KTGC for me and I agree about Privateering 1000%.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Jules on October 26, 2021, 04:09:13 PM
I used to have the same opinion about Privateering but I was playing it in my car, driving to work, and I found myself enjoying even the blues ones... It really grew up on me with time.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 26, 2021, 04:29:27 PM
I used to have the same opinion about Privateering but I was playing it in my car, driving to work, and I found myself enjoying even the blues ones... It really grew up on me with time.

That happened to me with KTGC.  I didn't like it much at first, but now I love it and it's become one of my favourites.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 04:38:03 PM
I used to have the same opinion about Privateering but I was playing it in my car, driving to work, and I found myself enjoying even the blues ones... It really grew up on me with time.

That happened to me with KTGC.  I didn't like it much at first, but now I love it and it's become one of my favourites.

Funnily enough Superval, I'm the same with regards KTGC - I just couldn't get into it for a long time but certainly of late, like you it's up there now!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: rmarques821 on October 26, 2021, 06:55:21 PM
KTGC for me too. Heart Full of Holes and Let It All Go are the only songs I listen to often. The rest is just dull.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 26, 2021, 07:19:45 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 07:33:52 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

An album in my eyes should be an adventure where each song bounces off the next....A lot of MK's Album's do this and there are a couple where this does not happen....
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 26, 2021, 07:48:19 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

An album in my eyes should be an adventure where each song bounces off the next....A lot of MK's Album's do this and there are a couple where this does not happen....

Some albums are definitely more cohesive than others. I've always felt Mark's albums are too long / have too many tracks, and therefore have too many fillers and lose their cohesiveness.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 26, 2021, 07:55:24 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

An album in my eyes should be an adventure where each song bounces off the next....A lot of MK's Album's do this and there are a couple where this does not happen....

Tracker does that for me. As soon as I hear the first notes of Laughs & Jokes, I close my eyes and I am on a journey with MK.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 07:58:12 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

An album in my eyes should be an adventure where each song bounces off the next....A lot of MK's Album's do this and there are a couple where this does not happen....

Tracker does that for me. As soon as I hear the first notes of Laughs & Jokes, I close my eyes and I am on a journey with MK.

Get Lucky, Tracker & KTGC are the same for me........ :wave
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 26, 2021, 08:00:47 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

An album in my eyes should be an adventure where each song bounces off the next....A lot of MK's Album's do this and there are a couple where this does not happen....

Tracker does that for me. As soon as I hear the first notes of Laughs & Jokes, I close my eyes and I am on a journey with MK.

Get Lucky, Tracker & KTGC are the same for me........ :wave

I feel the same about KTGC and Shangri-la, but more especially Tracker.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 08:02:03 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

An album in my eyes should be an adventure where each song bounces off the next....A lot of MK's Album's do this and there are a couple where this does not happen....

Tracker does that for me. As soon as I hear the first notes of Laughs & Jokes, I close my eyes and I am on a journey with MK.

Get Lucky, Tracker & KTGC are the same for me........ :wave

I feel the same about KTGC and Shangri-la.

Oh blimey yes, Shangri-la - First few bars of 515am and you are in MK world!!!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 26, 2021, 08:37:39 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

An album in my eyes should be an adventure where each song bounces off the next....A lot of MK's Album's do this and there are a couple where this does not happen....

Tracker does that for me. As soon as I hear the first notes of Laughs & Jokes, I close my eyes and I am on a journey with MK.

Yes, Tracker is really nice. I need to revisit it tonight. Funnily enough, as guitar centered as I am, Beryl is the track I like the least on Tracker. Or, it's the track I feel fits the rest of the album the least.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 26, 2021, 08:41:13 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

An album in my eyes should be an adventure where each song bounces off the next....A lot of MK's Album's do this and there are a couple where this does not happen....

Tracker does that for me. As soon as I hear the first notes of Laughs & Jokes, I close my eyes and I am on a journey with MK.

Yes, Tracker is really nice. I need to revisit it tonight. Funnily enough, as guitar centered as I am, Beryl is the track I like the least on Tracker. Or, it's the track I feel fits the rest of the album the least.

I tend to agree with you about Beryl, although I do like it as a song. 
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: KnopfleRick on October 26, 2021, 10:21:51 PM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

An album in my eyes should be an adventure where each song bounces off the next....A lot of MK's Album's do this and there are a couple where this does not happen....

Tracker does that for me. As soon as I hear the first notes of Laughs & Jokes, I close my eyes and I am on a journey with MK.

Get Lucky, Tracker & KTGC are the same for me........ :wave

plus Shangri-La for me. Sometimes I wish the journey would never end.  ;)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on October 26, 2021, 11:39:38 PM
 Can't believe that Kill to get Crimson is about to leave FIRST!!  :hmm  :smack
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Banjo99uk on October 26, 2021, 11:53:10 PM
It’s easily DTRW for me. Way too many skippers.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 27, 2021, 03:08:15 AM
It’s easily DTRW for me. Way too many skippers.

100% agree with you Banjo99uk.....
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 27, 2021, 03:12:52 AM
Can't believe that Kill to get Crimson is about to leave FIRST!!  :hmm  :smack

Good job there is 6 days still to go yet....
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 27, 2021, 08:14:11 AM
It’s easily DTRW for me. Way too many skippers.

DTRW for me for the same reason.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 27, 2021, 08:59:27 AM
DTRW is not a perfect album and is kind of all over the place. I like it, though, because it has a certain level of experimentation and new impulses that are rather rare on Mark's albums.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on October 27, 2021, 09:33:14 AM
Sailing to Philadelphia... for sure  :wave
It had some votes though  ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on October 27, 2021, 09:35:58 AM
I will create as many ghost accounts as I need to to save KTGC from an early exit.  ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 27, 2021, 10:01:44 AM
I voted for Down The Road Wherever. I am surprised to see how many votes it's has, I thought lots of people were gushing over it when it came out. I think it would have been better had the bonus tracks been used in the main album, instead of some of the songs that are in it, however, as with all of Mark's albums it still has many sublime moments. The solo albums are so hard to choose, even more so that Dire Straits as there are so many high quality songs, and so many more songs per album.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 27, 2021, 10:04:38 AM
I voted for Down The Road Wherever. I am surprised to see how many votes it's has, I thought lots of people were gushing over it when it came out. I think it would have been better had the bonus tracks been used in the main album, instead of some of the songs that are in it, however, as with all of Mark's albums it still has many sublime moments. The solo albums are so hard to choose, even more so that Dire Straits as there are so many high quality songs, and so many more songs per album.

I voted for DTRW purely as for me it was lovely when it came out, it was fresh, vibrant and pure MK but as time has gone on it has slipped to the bottom of the pile. Its certainly one I don't go to for an MK fix. The bonus tracks however are a different story!!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 27, 2021, 10:05:20 AM
I will create as many ghost accounts as I need to to save KTGC from an early exit.  ;D

 :lol :lol
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 27, 2021, 10:08:12 AM
DTRW is not a perfect album and is kind of all over the place. I like it, though, because it has a certain level of experimentation and new impulses that are rather rare on Mark's albums.

Yes and in the long term I'm not sure the experimentation on the album works...
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 27, 2021, 10:16:45 AM
DTRW is not a perfect album and is kind of all over the place. I like it, though, because it has a certain level of experimentation and new impulses that are rather rare on Mark's albums.

Yes and in the long term I'm not sure the experimentation on the album works...

True, and it can quickly become old. But I'd rather have risky experimentation (not talking avantgarde weirdness here :)) than stale predictability. Twice-told tales and all that.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: MagicElliott on October 27, 2021, 10:47:40 AM
I was going to vote KTGC, but it has a certain warmth, vibe and consistency that I like, and I like Fizzy, Behind With the Rent and Madame Geneva's a lot. It just about trumps Privateering, which has more songs that I like, but is just all over the place. And way too long. Privateering at the bottom for me.

Edit: I vote considering the album as a whole, and not based on how many songs I might like individually. An album should be more than a collection of songs ("playlist") and more than the sum of its parts.

I couldn’t agree with this post more. None of the KTGC songs are among my favourite MK songs but it’s just the sound of the whole album. Guy’s synths and organs, the tremolo usage etc. It’s a great sound.

Afraid I went for Golden Heart. Other than Cannibals and Rudiger, doesn’t do much as an album for me.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dmg on October 27, 2021, 01:04:35 PM
May as well just have the first two albums in this poll because that's what we'll be left with.  Much more difficult choice from almost any of the others tbh.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 27, 2021, 01:41:21 PM
May as well just have the first two albums in this poll because that's what we'll be left with.  Much more difficult choice from almost any of the others tbh.

I'm not so sure either of the first two albums will be the outright winner to be honest. Certainly not in my top two.... ;)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 27, 2021, 01:48:51 PM
May as well just have the first two albums in this poll because that's what we'll be left with.  Much more difficult choice from almost any of the others tbh.

I'm not so sure either of the first two albums will be the outright winner to be honest. Certainly not in my top two.... ;)

Not in mine either.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Pierre on October 27, 2021, 02:02:10 PM
I had to choose between KTGC and Tracker

Basil saved Tracker.
I voted for Kill that does contain Madame Geneva but remains the album I listened to the least which is a good reason.

Probably Sailing will be the last for me

Why not create à poll where we would just classify the albums from favourite to least-liked all at once and the result would be a top 9.

Mine would be:
-Sailing  -(too many good songs to mention)
-Privateering (granted it's a bit long but Yon Two Crows, but Kingdom, but Dream and most of the second disc) And the best cover IMHO
-Down (I only skip trapper man and slow learner)
-Shangri-la (This one grew on me, there again apart from All that matter which I find too mellow all the songs are good and I mean very good, but the album has a too strong identity, it lacks some diversity)
-Golden -(The first one and my first MK concert so this one has sentimental values plus Je suis Désolé which is maybe my favourite MK track)
-Get Lucky (some weak songs for me but also some really great and it's the album that came out when I had to move to Paris)
-Ragpicker (I wish I could put it higher up the list because it contains some really great songs but I have a feeling Hillfamer could have been much longer and other songs should have been given stage play Rackpicker/ Northumberland/ A place/ Devil Baby
-Tracker (Basil and the feeling I had when I first heard the first minute of Laugh are the reason I still listen to that album)
-Kill (I haven't listened to it as an album for a few years now)

Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on October 27, 2021, 03:42:38 PM
I had to choose between KTGC and Tracker

Basil saved Tracker.
I voted for Kill that does contain Madame Geneva but remains the album I listened to the least which is a good reason.

Depends on each and everyone's taste but I think that KTGC contains a lot of great songs : In the sky, We can get wild, Heart full of holes, Madame Geneva's or Punish the monkey, which has a great theme that reminds me of Boom, like that.

And not to mention True love will never fade. I know there's not much love for this song on this forum but the 2008 live version was really touching.

And I've always thought the We can get wild would have been a great opener live but it will not happen so it's something that will only exist in my dreamworld.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on October 27, 2021, 03:49:30 PM
I was wondering, is there any chance that someone may edit the poll to include All the roadrunning? It's a duet album but I consider it being a MK album -- and a great album, no ?
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dustyvalentino on October 27, 2021, 04:54:13 PM
I was wondering, is there any chance that someone may edit the poll to include All the roadrunning? It's a duet album but I consider it being a MK album -- and a great album, no ?

I would agree but too late now!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 27, 2021, 09:01:58 PM
I was wondering, is there any chance that someone may edit the poll to include All the roadrunning? It's a duet album but I consider it being a MK album -- and a great album, no ?

I would agree but too late now!

Done!!! ;)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on October 27, 2021, 10:04:38 PM
Well done, thanks !

Er, someone to help KTGC right now?  ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 28, 2021, 08:16:54 AM
Wouldn't it be better to put All the Roadrunning in another poll with Neck and Neck and Missing...Presumed Having a Good Time? as a Best Collaboration album poll.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 08:21:47 AM
Wouldn't it be better to put All the Roadrunning in another poll with Neck and Neck and Missing...Presumed Having a Good Time? as a Best Collaboration album poll.

Funnily enough I'm in agreement, if we include ATR we have to include Neck and Neck too....
So, it's just the PURE MK Solo albums for now...

Perhaps we could include ATR, N&N and 'Missing.....presumed having a good time' in a soundtrack/Collaboration poll...
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 28, 2021, 09:19:42 AM
Maybe we could do a song poll for each solo album? If each solo album had to fit on one LP, there'd be space only for 9 or 10 songs. Which songs would you omit?
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 09:23:14 AM
Maybe we could do a song poll for each solo album? If each solo album had to fit on one LP, there'd be space only for 9 or 10 songs. Which songs would you omit?

Or for example we could run a poll in the future with one album per week and you select up to 5 favourite tracks? Thus defining the least favourite ones...😀
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Jules on October 28, 2021, 10:06:38 AM
Maybe we could do a song poll for each solo album? If each solo album had to fit on one LP, there'd be space only for 9 or 10 songs. Which songs would you omit?

Or for example we could run a poll in the future with one album per week and you select up to 5 favourite tracks? Thus defining the least favourite ones...😀

I once made a compilation of all MK records, choosing two songs per record, one bonus track per record, and from the three film scores that have songs sung by MK, choosing one.

Maybe we can do something like this, choose three songs per record, one being one of the bonus tracks, and from the film scores, choosing also one.

The one I chose from film scores was "Metroland", and between the bonus tracks I chose, I remember My claim to fame, Let's see you, Early bird and River of grog betwen others. I don'thave that compilation anymore as I had it on a cd exclusively for my car, and it stopped working.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 10:08:26 AM
Maybe we could do a song poll for each solo album? If each solo album had to fit on one LP, there'd be space only for 9 or 10 songs. Which songs would you omit?

Or for example we could run a poll in the future with one album per week and you select up to 5 favourite tracks? Thus defining the least favourite ones...😀

I once made a compilation of all MK records, choosing two songs per record, one bonus track per record, and from the three film scores that have songs sung by MK, choosing one.

Maybe we can do something like this, choose three songs per record, one being one of the bonus tracks, and from the film scores, choosing also one.

The one I chose from film scores was "Metroland", and between the bonus tracks I chose, I remember My claim to fame, Let's see you, Early bird and River of grog betwen others. I don'thave that compilation anymore as I had it on a cd exclusively for my car, and it stopped working.

Sounds good to me....
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 28, 2021, 11:15:54 AM
Many options for sure. Personally, I most interested in "optimizing" each album in terms of quality/favorites AND time. I'm still of the opinion that 45 to 50 minutes is the ideal running length of an album, especially for focused listening in one sitting.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Jules on October 28, 2021, 11:32:42 AM
Many options for sure. Personally, I most interested in "optimizing" each album in terms of quality/favorites AND time. I'm still of the opinion that 45 to 50 minutes is the ideal running length of an album, especially for focused listening in one sitting.

So that will leave one song per record probably, maybe two for Privateering as it is double.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Tomcaster on October 28, 2021, 11:59:04 AM
This is too hard to participate in. Sorry.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 28, 2021, 12:10:38 PM
Many options for sure. Personally, I most interested in "optimizing" each album in terms of quality/favorites AND time. I'm still of the opinion that 45 to 50 minutes is the ideal running length of an album, especially for focused listening in one sitting.

So that will leave one song per record probably, maybe two for Privateering as it is double.

I think you misunderstand. I don't mean creating one definite (best of) MK solo album, but rather edit each album. In other words, which songs would you include to make the running time of, say Golden Heart, 45-50 minutes?
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Jules on October 28, 2021, 12:47:55 PM
Many options for sure. Personally, I most interested in "optimizing" each album in terms of quality/favorites AND time. I'm still of the opinion that 45 to 50 minutes is the ideal running length of an album, especially for focused listening in one sitting.

So that will leave one song per record probably, maybe two for Privateering as it is double.

Ah, I get you now!

I think you misunderstand. I don't mean creating one definite (best of) MK solo album, but rather edit each album. In other words, which songs would you include to make the running time of, say Golden Heart, 45-50 minutes?
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 28, 2021, 02:13:56 PM
I am surprised to see Get Lucky doing so well.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: MagicElliott on October 28, 2021, 04:10:35 PM
I am surprised to see Get Lucky doing so well.

It’s when he began to turn a bit folky. Maybe people like that.
What’s really interesting with the solo albums is that in my opinion, none of them set a definitive MK sound. All of the albums have a different feel (way more so than DS albums) in my opinion.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 04:30:36 PM
I am surprised to see Get Lucky doing so well.

It’s when he began to turn a bit folky. Maybe people like that.
What’s really interesting with the solo albums is that in my opinion, none of them set a definitive MK sound. All of the albums have a different feel (way more so than DS albums) in my opinion.

Good, it's my No.1 MK album personally...
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 28, 2021, 06:06:08 PM
I am surprised to see Get Lucky doing so well.

It’s when he began to turn a bit folky. Maybe people like that.
What’s really interesting with the solo albums is that in my opinion, none of them set a definitive MK sound. All of the albums have a different feel (way more so than DS albums) in my opinion.

Good, it's my No.1 MK album personally...

I'm surprised it's doing so well too.   There are some lovely songs on it, but too many skippers to be a favourite for me - Hard Shoulder, You Can't Beat The House and The Car Was The One.   To be a favourite I have to like every song without reaching for the skip button!  :)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 07:49:24 PM
I am surprised to see Get Lucky doing so well.

It’s when he began to turn a bit folky. Maybe people like that.
What’s really interesting with the solo albums is that in my opinion, none of them set a definitive MK sound. All of the albums have a different feel (way more so than DS albums) in my opinion.

Good, it's my No.1 MK album personally...

I'm surprised it's doing so well too.   There are some lovely songs on it, but too many skippers to be a favourite for me - Hard Shoulder, You Can't Beat The House and The Car Was The One.   To be a favourite I have to like every song without reaching for the skip button!  :)

Oooh, not a skip button in sight when GL is on to be honest, love every song - this album is an exploration of everything MK! From Border Reiver to Piper it's just a pure work of genius.....
It probably means more to me as my late father (who was not a music fan) in his last days found solace in tracks like Remembrance Day and Piper. He asked for Piper to be played at his funeral which we obliged. Dads coffin was taken into the Crematorium with Piper to the end playing....
Very moving....
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 28, 2021, 07:59:35 PM
I am surprised to see Get Lucky doing so well.

It’s when he began to turn a bit folky. Maybe people like that.
What’s really interesting with the solo albums is that in my opinion, none of them set a definitive MK sound. All of the albums have a different feel (way more so than DS albums) in my opinion.

Good, it's my No.1 MK album personally...

I'm surprised it's doing so well too.   There are some lovely songs on it, but too many skippers to be a favourite for me - Hard Shoulder, You Can't Beat The House and The Car Was The One.   To be a favourite I have to like every song without reaching for the skip button!  :)

Oooh, not a skip button in sight when GL is on to be honest, love every song - this album is an exploration of everything MK! From Border Reiver to Piper it's just a pure work of genius.....
It probably means more to me as my late father (who was not a music fan) in his last days found solace in tracks like Remembrance Day and Piper. He asked for Piper to be played at his funeral which we obliged. Dads coffin was taken into the Crematorium with Piper to the end playing....
Very moving....

That's fine!   I like those songs too, it's just the ones I mentioned I'm not too keen on, especially "You Can't Beat The House".  It's strange, because I really enjoy all of the blues songs on Privateering, especially "Today Is OK" but I have never liked "You Can't....."  for some reason.  :)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 08:03:45 PM
I am surprised to see Get Lucky doing so well.

It’s when he began to turn a bit folky. Maybe people like that.
What’s really interesting with the solo albums is that in my opinion, none of them set a definitive MK sound. All of the albums have a different feel (way more so than DS albums) in my opinion.

Good, it's my No.1 MK album personally...

I'm surprised it's doing so well too.   There are some lovely songs on it, but too many skippers to be a favourite for me - Hard Shoulder, You Can't Beat The House and The Car Was The One.   To be a favourite I have to like every song without reaching for the skip button!  :)

Oooh, not a skip button in sight when GL is on to be honest, love every song - this album is an exploration of everything MK! From Border Reiver to Piper it's just a pure work of genius.....
It probably means more to me as my late father (who was not a music fan) in his last days found solace in tracks like Remembrance Day and Piper. He asked for Piper to be played at his funeral which we obliged. Dads coffin was taken into the Crematorium with Piper to the end playing....
Very moving....

That's fine!   I like those songs too, it's just the ones I mentioned I'm not too keen on, especially "You Can't Beat The House".  It's strange, because I really enjoy all of the blues songs on Privateering, especially "Today Is OK" but I have never liked "You Can't....."  for some reason.  :)
You can't beat the house is ok, but not on par with today is ok! Certainly not skippable though....
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 28, 2021, 08:06:57 PM
I am surprised to see Get Lucky doing so well.

It’s when he began to turn a bit folky. Maybe people like that.
What’s really interesting with the solo albums is that in my opinion, none of them set a definitive MK sound. All of the albums have a different feel (way more so than DS albums) in my opinion.

Good, it's my No.1 MK album personally...

I'm surprised it's doing so well too.   There are some lovely songs on it, but too many skippers to be a favourite for me - Hard Shoulder, You Can't Beat The House and The Car Was The One.   To be a favourite I have to like every song without reaching for the skip button!  :)

Oooh, not a skip button in sight when GL is on to be honest, love every song - this album is an exploration of everything MK! From Border Reiver to Piper it's just a pure work of genius.....
It probably means more to me as my late father (who was not a music fan) in his last days found solace in tracks like Remembrance Day and Piper. He asked for Piper to be played at his funeral which we obliged. Dads coffin was taken into the Crematorium with Piper to the end playing....
Very moving....

That's fine!   I like those songs too, it's just the ones I mentioned I'm not too keen on, especially "You Can't Beat The House".  It's strange, because I really enjoy all of the blues songs on Privateering, especially "Today Is OK" but I have never liked "You Can't....."  for some reason.  :)
You can't beat the house is ok, but not on par with today is ok! Certainly not skippable though....

It is for me, but everyone is different and it would be really boring if we all liked the same things - just imagine if we did - we wouldn't need to have this discussion!  :)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 08:09:59 PM
Quite agree, good job we are all different indeed!! :wave ps are you both well??
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 28, 2021, 08:13:14 PM
Quite agree, good job we are all different indeed!! :wave ps are you both well??

Yes, thank you, but mustn't speak too soon!    Mr Val has just had his booster jab and I will have mine next week.  Hope all is OK with you too.  :)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 08:16:19 PM
Quite agree, good job we are all different indeed!! :wave ps are you both well??

Yes, thank you, but mustn't speak too soon!    Mr Val has just had his booster jab and I will have mine next week.  Hope all is OK with you too.  :)

Fingers crossed for you both, sure you'll both be fine...we are both fine although long covid has its ups and downs - chin up and get on with it is my philosophy!!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 28, 2021, 08:22:43 PM
Getting back to "You Can't....".     One of the reasons I can't get on with it is that I don't really think it fits in with the rest of the album - it's kind of out of place.  It should really have been on Privateering along with the other blues songs.   The other two, I just find them a bit dull.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dmg on October 28, 2021, 08:25:45 PM
Getting back to "You Can't....".     One of the reasons I can't get on with it is that I don't really think it fits in with the rest of the album - it's kind of out of place.  It should really have been on Privateering along with the other blues songs.

lol.  Funny you should say that because I actually thought it was!  I had to rethink myself there when I read your post.

Maybe I'm getting it mixed up with that other well known song You Can't Forget Your Hat...
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 28, 2021, 08:30:17 PM
Getting back to "You Can't....".     One of the reasons I can't get on with it is that I don't really think it fits in with the rest of the album - it's kind of out of place.  It should really have been on Privateering along with the other blues songs.

lol.  Funny you should say that because I actually thought it was!  I had to rethink myself there when I read your post.

Maybe I'm getting it mixed up with that other well known song You Can't Forget Your Hat...

Easily done!   ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 08:54:23 PM
'You can't beat the house' - Get Lucky and
 'Don't forget your hat' - Privateering...
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: MagicElliott on October 28, 2021, 10:24:29 PM
Getting back to "You Can't....".     One of the reasons I can't get on with it is that I don't really think it fits in with the rest of the album - it's kind of out of place.  It should really have been on Privateering along with the other blues songs.   The other two, I just find them a bit dull.

I seem to remember Guy saying something similar. Very rare moment of Guy offering an opinion on something like that.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dustyvalentino on October 28, 2021, 10:32:14 PM
I’d like Piper played at my funeral too.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 28, 2021, 10:35:21 PM
I’d like Piper played at my funeral too.

Fantastic....My father who was ex Army absolutely loved the tune. Again he wasn't keen on music but absolutely got the deal with MK. In hindsight he didn't have much chance when I lived at home with them!!
I'd like Long Highway for mine....

At the time of Dads death, I messaged Guy to pass on to MK that the song had found peace with my late father and to say it had been played at his funeral. Guy replied to say he had informed Mark and he was pleased.....
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 29, 2021, 08:19:02 AM
I still never skip any Mark Knopfler song, I find something to like in everyone of his songs, and if a song is always skipped, you might forget why you were skipping it anyway!!!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 08:23:48 AM
I still never skip any Mark Knopfler song, I find something to like in everyone of his songs, and if a song is always skipped, you might forget why you were skipping it anyway!!!

 :thumbsup :thumbsup
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 29, 2021, 10:04:20 AM
I still never skip any Mark Knopfler song, I find something to like in everyone of his songs, and if a song is always skipped, you might forget why you were skipping it anyway!!!

 :thumbsup :thumbsup

But KF, you are one of those who go for a pee during R&J at the concerts!    That's exactly the same as skipping a track on a CD.  ::)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 29, 2021, 11:12:50 AM
I still never skip any Mark Knopfler song, I find something to like in everyone of his songs, and if a song is always skipped, you might forget why you were skipping it anyway!!!

 :thumbsup :thumbsup

But KF, you are one of those who go for a pee during R&J at the concerts!    That's exactly the same as skipping a track on a CD.  ::)

Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 11:15:12 AM
I still never skip any Mark Knopfler song, I find something to like in everyone of his songs, and if a song is always skipped, you might forget why you were skipping it anyway!!!

 :thumbsup :thumbsup

But KF, you are one of those who go for a pee during R&J at the concerts!    That's exactly the same as skipping a track on a CD.  ::)


But it's only Romeo & Juliet and it's an entitlement to have a break then!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: hunter on October 29, 2021, 11:22:16 AM
Not even Mark Knopfler can be in genius mode all the time. True, his worst songs are better than a lot of other artists' songs, but several of his songs are mediocre at best, and a few are just ... bad, lyrically and/or musically.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 11:29:04 AM
Not even Mark Knopfler can be in genius mode all the time. True, his worst songs are better than a lot of other artists' songs, but several of his songs are mediocre at best, and a few are just ... bad, lyrically and/or musically.

oooooh, mediocre - that's a strong word for some of MK's weaker songs. I certainly haven't come across any that are bad either!
I personally wouldn't use that word for any of MK's work (Apart from R&J!) but I sort of get what you are meaning.

Some of MK's songs are stronger than others granted but even his weaker songs are immense!!!
(There aren't many artists out there whose weaker songs are rather good)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: quizzaciously on October 29, 2021, 11:33:42 AM
Not even Mark Knopfler can be in genius mode all the time. True, his worst songs are better than a lot of other artists' songs, but several of his songs are mediocre at best, and a few are just ... bad, lyrically and/or musically.

oooooh, mediocre - that's a strong word for some of MK's weaker songs. I certainly haven't come across any that are bad either!
I personally wouldn't use that word for any of MK's work (Apart from R&J!) but I sort of get what you are meaning.

Some of MK's songs are stronger than others granted but even his weaker songs are immense!!!
(There aren't many artists out there whose weaker songs are rather good)

I agree. Mark certainly sorted out quality over quantity situation and never release meaningless songs. Even if the lyrics are dumb or simple, like sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug, or your baby now, baby now, aaaa, baby now, baby now, the song still has some standing out features. Either it's fun to play, has great guitar work or something along those lines. Mark for sure is one of the most consistent songwriters I know. A living good songs machine gun!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 29, 2021, 11:35:40 AM
I still never skip any Mark Knopfler song, I find something to like in everyone of his songs, and if a song is always skipped, you might forget why you were skipping it anyway!!!

 :thumbsup :thumbsup

But KF, you are one of those who go for a pee during R&J at the concerts!    That's exactly the same as skipping a track on a CD.  ::)


But it's only Romeo & Juliet and it's an entitlement to have a break then!! ;D ;D

Then you are not entitled to say whether or not you like it if you aren't there!   :)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 11:38:39 AM
Not even Mark Knopfler can be in genius mode all the time. True, his worst songs are better than a lot of other artists' songs, but several of his songs are mediocre at best, and a few are just ... bad, lyrically and/or musically.

oooooh, mediocre - that's a strong word for some of MK's weaker songs. I certainly haven't come across any that are bad either!
I personally wouldn't use that word for any of MK's work (Apart from R&J!) but I sort of get what you are meaning.

Some of MK's songs are stronger than others granted but even his weaker songs are immense!!!
(There aren't many artists out there whose weaker songs are rather good)

I agree. Mark certainly sorted out quality over quantity situation and never release meaningless songs. Even if the lyrics are dumb or simple, like sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug, or your baby now, baby now, aaaa, baby now, baby now, the song still has some standing out features. Either it's fun to play, has great guitar work or something along those lines. Mark for sure is one of the most consistent songwriters I know. A living good songs machine gun!

That's obviously DS days with that example, and I think since going solo his lyrics especially have got more 'mature' and more meaningful! That example of 'Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug' is actually a very clever little phrase!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 11:40:09 AM
I still never skip any Mark Knopfler song, I find something to like in everyone of his songs, and if a song is always skipped, you might forget why you were skipping it anyway!!!

 :thumbsup :thumbsup

But KF, you are one of those who go for a pee during R&J at the concerts!    That's exactly the same as skipping a track on a CD.  ::)


But it's only Romeo & Juliet and it's an entitlement to have a break then!! ;D ;D

Then you are not entitled to say whether or not you like it if you aren't there!   :)

Yes Miss!!! That told me..... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 29, 2021, 11:48:56 AM
I still never skip any Mark Knopfler song, I find something to like in everyone of his songs, and if a song is always skipped, you might forget why you were skipping it anyway!!!

 :thumbsup :thumbsup

But KF, you are one of those who go for a pee during R&J at the concerts!    That's exactly the same as skipping a track on a CD.  ::)


But it's only Romeo & Juliet and it's an entitlement to have a break then!! ;D ;D

Then you are not entitled to say whether or not you like it if you aren't there!   :)

Yes Miss!!! That told me..... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Don't worry, you're still my friend even though you don't like R&J!   :wave
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 11:54:55 AM
I still never skip any Mark Knopfler song, I find something to like in everyone of his songs, and if a song is always skipped, you might forget why you were skipping it anyway!!!

 :thumbsup :thumbsup

But KF, you are one of those who go for a pee during R&J at the concerts!    That's exactly the same as skipping a track on a CD.  ::)


But it's only Romeo & Juliet and it's an entitlement to have a break then!! ;D ;D

Then you are not entitled to say whether or not you like it if you aren't there!   :)

Yes Miss!!! That told me..... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Don't worry, you're still my friend even though you don't like R&J!   :wave

Phew that's good!! Dare I say it I'm warming to R&J of late!  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 01:43:06 PM
Kill to get Crimson - ahead with 16 Votes.....Nooooooooo!!!! :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dmg on October 29, 2021, 01:46:21 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 29, 2021, 01:48:01 PM
Kill to get Crimson - ahead with 16 Votes.....Nooooooooo!!!! :'( :'( :'(

Still time.  Voting doesn't end until Tuesday.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 01:49:15 PM
Kill to get Crimson - ahead with 16 Votes.....Nooooooooo!!!! :'( :'( :'(

Still time.  Voting doesn't end until Tuesday.

No, I know but I'm genuinely stunned.... Still time!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 01:50:07 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

Oh dear, so I take it you don't enjoy much of Mark Knopfler's solo efforts then?
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 29, 2021, 01:50:50 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

Ragpicker's is another of my favourites - so many beautiful songs.   That makes four favourites for me and they all can't win!   ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 29, 2021, 01:56:08 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

All four of my favourite solo albums are post-Ragpicker's. 
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dmg on October 29, 2021, 01:57:26 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

Ragpicker's is another of my favourites - so many beautiful songs.   That makes four favourites for me and they all can't win!   ;D

I probably should've voted Privateering come to think of it, but I doubt it'll make any difference to the final result.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 01:58:51 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

Ragpicker's is another of my favourites - so many beautiful songs.   That makes four favourites for me and they all can't win!   ;D

Ragpickers is just amazing!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 02:00:29 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

Ragpicker's is another of my favourites - so many beautiful songs.   That makes four favourites for me and they all can't win!   ;D

I probably should've voted Privateering come to think of it, but I doubt it'll make any difference to the final result.

Privateering is second in line for the chop for me!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 29, 2021, 02:03:08 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

Ragpicker's is another of my favourites - so many beautiful songs.   That makes four favourites for me and they all can't win!   ;D

I probably should've voted Privateering come to think of it, but I doubt it'll make any difference to the final result.

Privateering is second in line for the chop for me!

DTRW for me next.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 02:09:12 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

Ragpicker's is another of my favourites - so many beautiful songs.   That makes four favourites for me and they all can't win!   ;D

I probably should've voted Privateering come to think of it, but I doubt it'll make any difference to the final result.

Privateering is second in line for the chop for me!

DTRW for me next.

That was my first.... Couldn't believe it but after much thought it had to have the chop!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: KnopfleRick on October 29, 2021, 06:27:47 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

Ragpicker's is another of my favourites - so many beautiful songs.   That makes four favourites for me and they all can't win!   ;D

Ragpickers is just amazing!

Yes, it is! I haven't listened to the Ragpickers since a long time, but I came back to it since the new CD box arrived and can't get enough now. What a beautiful album! 
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 07:13:14 PM
Ragpickers was the start of the downward spiral for me and a massive step down from previous albums.  That got my vote, but it could've been Privateering, 50% of which should've been left on the HD.

Ragpicker's is another of my favourites - so many beautiful songs.   That makes four favourites for me and they all can't win!   ;D

Ragpickers is just amazing!

Yes, it is! I haven't listened to the Ragpickers since a long time, but I came back to it since the new CD box arrived and can't get enough now. What a beautiful album!

It is a perfect, relax to album and it's certainly up there for me - roll on Christmas day when I can hear ragpickers on Vinyl!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on October 29, 2021, 08:03:29 PM
Kill to get Crimson - ahead with 16 Votes.....Nooooooooo!!!! :'( :'( :'(
I agree. Doesn't look too good  :-\
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 29, 2021, 08:11:11 PM
Kill to get Crimson - ahead with 16 Votes.....Nooooooooo!!!! :'( :'( :'(
I agree. Doesn't look too good  :-\

Three more days.... :think
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 30, 2021, 07:27:35 AM
Kill to get Crimson - ahead with 16 Votes.....Nooooooooo!!!! :'( :'( :'(
I agree. Doesn't look too good  :-\

Privateering is closing on in!!!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: TheTimeWasWrong on October 30, 2021, 09:33:08 AM
I choose DTRW. It's not as timeless as his other records, already after three years, which also applies to Guy's mixing, way more than on Tracker. Also, none of the songs are innovative, which I understand entirely after 40+ years of writings songs. Currently, my favorites are Every Heart In The Room, Don't Suck Me In, and Pale Imitation. I find it hard to finish the complete record from start to finish.

This week I listened again to the latest remaster of KTGC, and I still believe it's a creative masterpiece. The titles of the songs alone are already haunting and mysterious. The production is also so well crafted. It's one of the few albums where he made a hard choice to go another direction and be really consistent throughout the album, which I adore; it just sounds 'different'. Still, it's full of little details.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: mschaap on October 30, 2021, 10:15:10 AM
Agree with you about KTGC. It is such a consistent album, is got intriging and intelligent lyrics perfectlty matched by the carefully chosen and elegant musical arrangements. It is one of these rare albums you can put on anytime and enjoy listening all the way from start to finish, there's nothing that doesn't fit. It probably is the album I listen to the most, it never wears off the slightest. It is just so refined in every aspect.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Pierre on October 30, 2021, 10:34:08 AM
I choose DTRW. It's not as timeless as his other records, already after three years, which also applies to Guy's mixing, way more than on Tracker. Also, none of the songs are innovative, which I understand entirely after 40+ years of writings songs. Currently, my favorites are Every Heart In The Room, Don't Suck Me In, and Pale Imitation. I find it hard to finish the complete record from start to finish.

This week I listened again to the latest remaster of KTGC, and I still believe it's a creative masterpiece. The titles of the songs alone are already haunting and mysterious. The production is also so well crafted. It's one of the few albums where he made a hard choice to go another direction and be really consistent throughout the album, which I adore; it just sounds 'different'. Still, it's full of little details.

Thanks for your input, I usually rate KTGC less kindly than other albums but you make me see things in a different perspective. Now I want to listen to the remaster. I love Punish, Madame Geneva and I once put Heart in the "best of MK" I usually make after each new release but I may be missing something

As for DTRW, songs like Nobody's child, Drover's road, One Song at a Time, back on the dance floor just to name a few are pure knopfler and at the same time innovative in their own way so I still give this album a high rating even after 3 years and the CD is still in my car player for when the radio music gets lousy.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 30, 2021, 10:54:49 AM
KTGC is just pure and utter MK class! Secondary Waltz is still one of my all time faves.....Happy memories of Hay On Wye!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on October 30, 2021, 11:17:48 AM
KTGC is just pure and utter MK class! Secondary Waltz is still one of my all time faves.....Happy memories of Hay On Wye!

I agree.   I love everything about it.  I remember standing in the queue for Hay-on-Sky and hearing "Secondary Waltz" being played at soundcheck.    It took me a while to really appreciate just how good KTGC is, but eventually I did and now it's one of my favourite albums and one that I listen to straight through without skipping anything.   A very classy album, with a classy cover.  It really doesn't deserve to go out on the first round!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 30, 2021, 11:20:56 AM
KTGC is just pure and utter MK class! Secondary Waltz is still one of my all time faves.....Happy memories of Hay On Wye!

I agree.   I love everything about it.  I remember standing in the queue for Hay-on-Sky and hearing "Secondary Waltz" being played at soundcheck.    It took me a while to really appreciate just how good KTGC is, but eventually I did and now it's one of my favourite albums and one that I listen to straight through without skipping anything.   A very classy album, with a classy cover.  It really doesn't deserve to go out on the first round!

Hearing SW for the first time was just 'out of this world' and yes what an album that at the time I probably didn't appreciate until quite recently to be honest....Absolutley no skipping with this album whatsoever - too many gems!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Dutchessy on October 30, 2021, 11:24:18 AM
Privateering for me. Nice to see such an active thread
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 30, 2021, 11:32:02 AM
Privateering for me. Nice to see such an active thread

Oh its active alright! good to see you on the forum too... :wave
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Peter1981 on October 30, 2021, 11:55:40 AM
Agree, one of my solo-favs!

Kill to get Crimson - ahead with 16 Votes.....Nooooooooo!!!! :'( :'( :'(
I agree. Doesn't look too good  :-\
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 07:09:08 AM
With just hours to go it's looking like its sadly KTGC that will get the chop - just can't believe it.... :disbelief
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: MagicElliott on November 02, 2021, 08:06:06 AM
With just hours to go it's looking like its sadly KTGC that will get the chop - just can't believe it.... :disbelief

Shocking isn’t it? It’s the only album with a consistent feel and sound throughout I think.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 08:07:58 AM
With just hours to go it's looking like its sadly KTGC that will get the chop - just can't believe it.... :disbelief

Shocking isn’t it? It’s the only album with a consistent feel and sound throughout I think.

It is what it is, but yes quite shocking to be honest! still it is only a poll after all! ;)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 08:30:15 AM
And so with 16 Votes it is (sadly) Kill to Get Crimson that is the first MK Solo album that has to be binned from the polls....

Round 2 will start shortly............
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on November 02, 2021, 09:11:00 AM
Sorry KTGC has been eliminated and that it was the first to go.   It's a shame because it's such a lovely album.   I still have three other favourites left, so hopefully one of them will be the winner!    :)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 09:43:32 AM
Sorry KTGC has been eliminated and that it was the first to go.   It's a shame because it's such a lovely album.   I still have three other favourites left, so hopefully one of them will be the winner!    :)

Such a shame, and such a quality album too.......
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on November 02, 2021, 10:07:53 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 02, 2021, 10:08:52 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on November 02, 2021, 10:12:34 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on November 02, 2021, 10:23:20 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Arrrgh, you nearly got me on this one Dusty but I know you are kidding………… You're kidding right?  ;D

I really like KTGC but it had to be my favorite because it was the first one with Danny. Happy times   :'(
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 02, 2021, 10:43:40 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???

Just trolling Nico :)

That said, many a true word spoken in jest and to my ears Danny is a world class percussionist but a good drummer.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 11:04:27 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???

Just trolling Nico :)

That said, many a true word spoken in jest and to my ears Danny is a world class percussionist but a good drummer.

Hee Hee, agree with you Dusty, Danny is more than a good Percussionist/Drummer......
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: quizzaciously on November 02, 2021, 11:30:43 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???

Just trolling Nico :)

That said, many a true word spoken in jest and to my ears Danny is a world class percussionist but a good drummer.

Hee Hee, agree with you Dusty, Danny is more than a good Percussionist/Drummer......

I never made this distinction, to be honest with you. The fact that Danny primarily plays the percussion doesn't mean that he's strictly a percussionist. I mean he played all the difficult MK songs flawless, played everything that was thrown to him. So how he just "good" I don't understand, to me he's great!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 11:35:26 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???

Just trolling Nico :)

That said, many a true word spoken in jest and to my ears Danny is a world class percussionist but a good drummer.

Hee Hee, agree with you Dusty, Danny is more than a good Percussionist/Drummer......

I never made this distinction, to be honest with you. The fact that Danny primarily plays the percussion doesn't mean that he's strictly a percussionist. I mean he played all the difficult MK songs flawless, played everything that was thrown to him. So how he just "good" I don't understand, to me he's great!

good, great, fantastico - what more can you say!! :wave
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on November 02, 2021, 11:46:34 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???

Just trolling Nico :)

That said, many a true word spoken in jest and to my ears Danny is a world class percussionist but a good drummer.

Hee Hee, agree with you Dusty, Danny is more than a good Percussionist/Drummer......

I never made this distinction, to be honest with you. The fact that Danny primarily plays the percussion doesn't mean that he's strictly a percussionist. I mean he played all the difficult MK songs flawless, played everything that was thrown to him. So how he just "good" I don't understand, to me he's great!

:clap :thumbsup  ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on November 02, 2021, 11:47:55 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???

Just trolling Nico :)

That said, many a true word spoken in jest and to my ears Danny is a world class percussionist but a good drummer.

Hee Hee, agree with you Dusty, Danny is more than a good Percussionist/Drummer......

I never made this distinction, to be honest with you. The fact that Danny primarily plays the percussion doesn't mean that he's strictly a percussionist. I mean he played all the difficult MK songs flawless, played everything that was thrown to him. So how he just "good" I don't understand, to me he's great!

good, great, fantastico - what more can you say!! :wave

irreplaceable ?  ;D
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 11:53:54 AM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???

Just trolling Nico :)

That said, many a true word spoken in jest and to my ears Danny is a world class percussionist but a good drummer.

Hee Hee, agree with you Dusty, Danny is more than a good Percussionist/Drummer......

I never made this distinction, to be honest with you. The fact that Danny primarily plays the percussion doesn't mean that he's strictly a percussionist. I mean he played all the difficult MK songs flawless, played everything that was thrown to him. So how he just "good" I don't understand, to me he's great!

good, great, fantastico - what more can you say!! :wave

irreplaceable ?  ;D

Not strictly true!

DC was obviously 'absent' for the 2011/12 - Dylan Tours the 2013 'Privateering' tour and the 2015  'Tracker' tour!

but I totally get what you mean!

I guess MK saw the 'error' of his ways and got him back for what may well be the 'last hurrah' which was the DTRW 2019 tour......
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on November 02, 2021, 12:04:19 PM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???

Just trolling Nico :)

That said, many a true word spoken in jest and to my ears Danny is a world class percussionist but a good drummer.

Hee Hee, agree with you Dusty, Danny is more than a good Percussionist/Drummer......

I never made this distinction, to be honest with you. The fact that Danny primarily plays the percussion doesn't mean that he's strictly a percussionist. I mean he played all the difficult MK songs flawless, played everything that was thrown to him. So how he just "good" I don't understand, to me he's great!

good, great, fantastico - what more can you say!! :wave

irreplaceable ?  ;D

Not strictly true!

DC was obviously 'absent' for the 2011/12 - Dylan Tours the 2013 'Privateering' tour and the 2015  'Tracker' tour!

but I totally get what you mean!

I guess MK saw the 'error' of his ways and got him back for what may well be the 'last hurrah' which was the DTRW 2019 tour......

The records and tours that I never ever listen to.  :disbelief
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 12:10:33 PM
Haven't visited the forum for a few days, came here and just saw that Crimson was killed first. Shame indeed.

Time for revenge now.  :-[

KTGC wouldn't be so disliked if it had a proper drummer on it ;)

Danny?   He is a proper drummer!     ???

Just trolling Nico :)

That said, many a true word spoken in jest and to my ears Danny is a world class percussionist but a good drummer.

Hee Hee, agree with you Dusty, Danny is more than a good Percussionist/Drummer......

I never made this distinction, to be honest with you. The fact that Danny primarily plays the percussion doesn't mean that he's strictly a percussionist. I mean he played all the difficult MK songs flawless, played everything that was thrown to him. So how he just "good" I don't understand, to me he's great!

good, great, fantastico - what more can you say!! :wave

irreplaceable ?  ;D

Not strictly true!

DC was obviously 'absent' for the 2011/12 - Dylan Tours the 2013 'Privateering' tour and the 2015  'Tracker' tour!

but I totally get what you mean!

I guess MK saw the 'error' of his ways and got him back for what may well be the 'last hurrah' which was the DTRW 2019 tour......

The records and tours that I never ever listen to.  :disbelief

Oh dear, personally and arguably 2011 & 2013 were at the height of MK's peak perfomances! 2013 except the Privateering album but the 'Privateering' tour especially was an amazing tour!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on November 02, 2021, 12:21:48 PM
The records and tours that I never ever listen to.  :disbelief

Oh dear, personally and arguably 2011 & 2013 were at the height of MK's peak perfomances! 2013 except the Privateering album but the 'Privateering' tour especially was an amazing tour!

Depends. Are you are talking about how guitar playing only?
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 12:28:36 PM
The records and tours that I never ever listen to.  :disbelief

Oh dear, personally and arguably 2011 & 2013 were at the height of MK's peak perfomances! 2013 except the Privateering album but the 'Privateering' tour especially was an amazing tour!

Depends. Are you are talking about how guitar playing only?

With regards MK on those particular tours - he was fresh and playing/singing amazingly well and there was a good feeling whenever anyone saw the band LIVE.
I'm biased but 2013 we had two amazing evenings at the RAH - First night, 2nd row centre and the Second night 1st row centre right in front of 'the master' and that 'blew my mind' - He was on very fine form indeed!!!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: superval99 on November 02, 2021, 01:41:34 PM
My favourite tour is Get Lucky in 2010 when Danny was drumming.  I was at Dublin, Manchester, Brighton & Bournemouth and every one of the concerts were great!  The 2013 concerts were excellent, too, of course, but Ianto was on drums, which is fine!   I was there at the RAH first and second nights too, KF.   First night first row, second night second row.   
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 01:54:02 PM
My favourite tour is Get Lucky in 2010 when Danny was drumming.  I was at Dublin, Manchester, Brighton & Bournemouth and every one of the concerts were great!  The 2013 concerts were excellent, too, of course, but Ianto was on drums, which is fine!   I was there at the RAH first and second nights too, KF.   First night first row, second night second row.

Haha, it was the show at Bournemouth in 2010 I met your good selves for the first time. I remember you had rubbish seats that particular night as you were sat completely to the left! we had 2nd row centre tickets that night and we were sat behind Mr Pottel, Ingrid etc...That's when I joined this forum incidentally!!

I remember with fondness the RAH shows in 2013 especially being so close to 'The Master' both nights and remember how we literally swapped rows with each other each night!! - good times......
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 02, 2021, 01:57:02 PM
but Ianto was on drums, which is fine! 

Very good indeed!!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: NicoMK on November 02, 2021, 02:26:32 PM
The records and tours that I never ever listen to.  :disbelief

Oh dear, personally and arguably 2011 & 2013 were at the height of MK's peak perfomances! 2013 except the Privateering album but the 'Privateering' tour especially was an amazing tour!

Depends. Are you are talking about how guitar playing only?

With regards MK on those particular tours - he was fresh and playing/singing amazingly well and there was a good feeling whenever anyone saw the band LIVE.
I'm biased but 2013 we had two amazing evenings at the RAH - First night, 2nd row centre and the Second night 1st row centre right in front of 'the master' and that 'blew my mind' - He was on very fine form indeed!!!

Well, of course MK is the songwriter, singer and guitar player that we know. Without him, we wouldn't be here chatting and debating.

BUT, having said that, I've always considered him as a WHOLE, if not a band, whether DS or solo. Then it's all a matter of taste but for me MK -- and band -- has never sounded better than a few years ago. After that, not quite my taste for various reasons. But once again, it is subjective and I perfectly understand that one may not agree.

I still enjoy his music because MK will always be MK but for me it's not the same anymore.

Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Tomcaster on November 04, 2021, 08:38:54 AM
Kill To Get Crimson is my favorite MK album... does that make me a bad person?
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 04, 2021, 08:39:50 AM
Kill To Get Crimson is my favorite MK album... does that make me a bad person?

Nope not one bit - it means you have taste!!! (KTGC is my 3rd Fave) :wave
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dmg on November 04, 2021, 12:01:08 PM
My favourite tour is Get Lucky in 2010 when Danny was drumming.  I was at Dublin, Manchester, Brighton & Bournemouth and every one of the concerts were great!  The 2013 concerts were excellent, too, of course, but Ianto was on drums, which is fine!   I was there at the RAH first and second nights too, KF.   First night first row, second night second row.

Haha, it was the show at Bournemouth in 2010 I met your good selves for the first time. I remember you had rubbish seats that particular night as you were sat completely to the left! we had 2nd row centre tickets that night and we were sat behind Mr Pottel, Ingrid etc...That's when I joined this forum incidentally!!

I remember with fondness the RAH shows in 2013 especially being so close to 'The Master' both nights and remember how we literally swapped rows with each other each night!! - good times......

1st night was a very well played show indeed.
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 04, 2021, 12:13:15 PM
I think I was in the front row first night, my memory is going!
Title: Re: Mark Knopfler Solo Studio album elimination poll - Round 1
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 04, 2021, 07:47:33 PM
I think I was in the front row first night, my memory is going!

Hahaha!! We had first row centre 2nd night@!