A Mark In Time

Mark Knopfler Discussion => Local Hero Musical => London 2020 => Topic started by: goon525 on April 30, 2019, 01:08:04 PM

Title: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: goon525 on April 30, 2019, 01:08:04 PM
The Old Vic has announced dates as follows:-

Previews 18-29 June 2020
Performances 1 July - 22 August 2020, including matinees Weds and Sat.

At the moment, booking only seems open for Old Vic members, haven’t been able to find general booking dates. But maybe we'll get some priority via MK.com?
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: goon525 on April 30, 2019, 01:29:30 PM
Looks like General Booking opens midday (UK time) Thurs 9 May.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: Jules on April 30, 2019, 01:32:35 PM
The Old Vic has announced dates as follows:-

Previews 18-29 June 2020
Performances 1 July - 22 August 2020, including matinees Weds and Sat.

At the moment, booking only seems open for Old Vic members, haven’t been able to find general booking dates. But maybe we'll get some priority via MK.com?

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: goon525 on April 30, 2019, 07:12:04 PM
I’ve received notification of a 24 hour early booking period, so next Wednesday at noon, for MK mailing list members.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: Kris-b on April 30, 2019, 07:37:55 PM
I’ve received notification of a 24 hour early booking period, so next Wednesday at noon, for MK mailing list members.
Me too
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: Jules on April 30, 2019, 07:49:50 PM
The old Vic page doesn't have any detail about the cast, I fear it's different. I don't mind how good it is the new cast, the one from Edinburgh was just perfect and will be weird to see other different cast, specially to listen to different voices in the oficial record.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: superval99 on April 30, 2019, 07:50:53 PM
I’ve received notification of a 24 hour early booking period, so next Wednesday at noon, for MK mailing list members.
Me too

Me too!
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: superval99 on April 30, 2019, 07:53:03 PM
The old Vic page doesn't have any detail about the cast, I fear it's different. I don't mind how good it is the new cast, the one from Edinburgh was just perfect and will be weird to see other different cast, specially to listen to different voices in the oficial record.

I really hope it's the same cast.  They were amazing, particularly Matthew Pidgeon as Gordon.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: Knopflerfan on April 30, 2019, 09:37:08 PM
Shall have to dig around to see who the cast members will be.....
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: dmg on April 30, 2019, 09:45:25 PM
The old Vic page doesn't have any detail about the cast, I fear it's different. I don't mind how good it is the new cast, the one from Edinburgh was just perfect and will be weird to see other different cast, specially to listen to different voices in the oficial record.

I really hope it's the same cast.  They were amazing, particularly Matthew Pidgeon as Gordon.

Agree.  I suppose it'll depend if they're available.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: goon525 on April 30, 2019, 11:38:54 PM
I imagine the cast won’t be finalised until much nearer the time - it is well over a year away! I would hope the main characters remain, but wouldn’t be surprised at a couple of changes in the lesser roles.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: goon525 on May 07, 2019, 10:46:14 AM
Just a reminder that our priority booking opens tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon UK time.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: superval99 on May 07, 2019, 10:57:50 AM
Just a reminder that our priority booking opens tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon UK time.

Thanks!   I'm hoping for the first week in July, to avoid school holidays later in July and August and also to avoid weekends when trains to London may be disrupted for work on the lines, etc!   
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: superval99 on May 08, 2019, 02:00:06 PM
Booked for 1st July, Dress Circle.  :)
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: goon525 on May 08, 2019, 05:33:19 PM
I’ve also booked for 1 July, though in the stalls. Perhaps we could meet up? I’ll be there with Mrs Goon525.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: superval99 on May 08, 2019, 06:04:58 PM
I’ve also booked for 1 July, though in the stalls. Perhaps we could meet up? I’ll be there with Mrs Goon525.

Yes, that would be lovely!  I look forward to meeting you both, next year!   :)
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: Jules on May 09, 2019, 12:43:06 PM
I think this time I will try one of the previews... let's see if I can reach to an agreement with my friends and buy tickets.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: Jules on May 09, 2019, 01:07:51 PM
There is a queue of 10 minutes to buy!!!!
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: goon525 on May 09, 2019, 04:59:42 PM
There is a queue of 10 minutes to buy!!!!
Bear in mind that’s an overall queue for the Old Vic, which has lots on - not just Local Hero.
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: goon525 on May 10, 2019, 01:32:56 PM
Any chance an administrator could add a 'Who's Going When' for the Old Vic?
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: Jules on May 10, 2019, 01:50:19 PM
This time I bought for one of the previews, June 27th...
Title: Re: Old Vic dates and booking
Post by: Jules on October 02, 2019, 01:40:15 PM
Any chance an administrator could add a 'Who's Going When' for the Old Vic?

As this is the next thing happening... it would be a good idea.

I'm already booking flights and hotels for it and maybe some of you are doing or already did the same, would be great to meet some of you!