A Mark In Time
Mark Knopfler Discussion => Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Elise on November 11, 2016, 01:51:43 AM
So, since the 'Rare MK pics' thread has been deleted I thought it would be nice for everyone to just share their own pictures of MK or DS somewhere else :)
Keep them coming, I love to see them!
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Thank you, Elise!
Beautiful ?
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I took this photo in Oslo during LAJADAS :)
And I took this one in Stavanger 2013.
Woodinville 2015, Hi Res pictures taken by VJ
That f...g shadows from the vox mike on his face. This is a nightmare for years.
Backstage Bill Wyman 80 birthday: Mark, Steven Van Zandt, Henry Gross and Bill Wyman
Backstage Bill Wyman 80 birthday: Mark, Steven Van Zandt, Henry Gross and Bill Wyman
Mark is like: "Oh, dear" :lol
Three early pictures from Dire Straits era
Thanks! Love the aLCHEMY one!
Backstage Bill Wyman 80 birthday: Mark, Steven Van Zandt, Henry Gross and Bill Wyman
What a nice picture, thanks for posting.
More pictures from Alchemy era. Hope you like them!
More pictures
Ooh I love those old pics! Thnx
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What a nice pictures... from which concert are they?
I think there are some from the old yugoslavia concerts in any site but I can recall where...
Well, no idea where the pictures are from... the author, Grer Noakes lives in Australia, and Dire Straits played there that year, so....
And 3 more pictures from 29.03.1983 - Athletic Park Wellington New Zealand
Early headband pics there. I think we established he never wore one on the UK leg of the tour in late '82.
Cool electric blue jacket. Is it custom made with short sleeves so they don't get in the way?
These seem to be rare indeed. He looks unfamiliar with short hair (or wet?) at those times. But fresh colours. Not exactly that kind of humble understatement of today. I like those head bands!
Greg Noakes photographer again but different tour... DS played with Dylan in 1986 in Australia so it's a posibility that first pictures were taken in Australia too in1983....
More from 1986, except first one from 1983
Last 2
Oh, those terrible striped trousers. Hope they will never come back into fashion.
Have they ever been? :hmm :lol
Richard Feynman playing on the guitar?
Have they ever been? :hmm :lol
I love all that stuff, especially the Live Aid gear (left). Including Jack's red coat and ski goggles. I believe he still has the coat.
Yes I understand and that stuff might be cool somehow.. but not those trousers.. never...
Yes I understand and that stuff might be cool somehow.. but not those trousers.. never...
Stage clothes. He wouldn't wear them walking down Carnaby Street! Or would he...
Where did the rare mk pics thread go??
Where did the rare mk pics thread go??
It was apparently deleted by the person who started the topic.
Where did the rare mk pics thread go??
It was apparently deleted by the person who started the topic.
Oh I did not understand what happened and though at first it was a techy or legal issue.
To the light of your post I did some little researches and found out that member Pensaboy was the author of that thread but appears now as "banned" with almost all of his posts removed.
Dunno what sad thing happened with him but always a strange feeling seeing a long time and active member going away.
Where did the rare mk pics thread go??
It was apparently deleted by the person who started the topic.
Oh I did not understand what happened and though at first it was a techy or legal issue.
To the light of your post I did some little researches and found out that member Pensaboy was the author of that thread but appears now as "banned" with almost all of his posts removed.
Dunno what sad thing happened with him but always a strange feeling seeing a long time and active member going away.
I once heard that he wasn't able to play his Pensa guitar anymore because of some kind of disease... I hope he's doing well.
By the way, as it often happens with threads like this, many links simply would die as time goes by, so I think, to really preserve the pictures, you either need to upload it here on AMIT or on really, really reliable image hosting website. So to me there's nothing wrong with a new topic.
Your pictures are great! :thumbsup
I am searching this picture in a good quality. Only the picture without this concert stuff.
I would be very happy and grateful if anyone could post it or send it to me.
I never understood why they were using the same Mark Leialoha picture again and again, specially when it was from the last DS days to promote the MK solo career 4 years later...
MK didn't look like in that picture at all in 1996...
I never understood why they were using the same Mark Leialoha picture again and again, specially when it was from the last DS days to promote the MK solo career 4 years later...
MK didn't look like in that picture at all in 1996...
I think they photoshopped a 1996 shirt onto his body for authenticity though because he was wearing one with playing cards on the chest for most of '92. I don't remember that pink/cerise one being worn at all on the OES tour. :think
It was a long tour, he surely wore many shirts we don't know ;D
It was a long tour, he surely wore many shirts we don't know ;D
A lot of the professional photos are taken at certain shows though and not every concert. I can recall the Edinburgh show in '96 I attended was professionally shot by photographers. There was a leaflet on the seat when I entered and it said that if I wanted to purchase any from tonights show it was being photographed. Never had that before. I think I sent away for one. Need to have a look. :think
Bleeker didn't invent anything, lol
I never saw that in any of the concerts I ever attended, there always were photographers but for press purposes only, even sometimes you see pictures on sale outside other concerts...
Bleeker didn't invent anything, lol
19th century sound quality in the 21st century? :lol
It was a long tour, he surely wore many shirts we don't know ;D
A lot of the professional photos are taken at certain shows though and not every concert. I can recall the Edinburgh show in '96 I attended was professionally shot by photographers. There was a leaflet on the seat when I entered and it said that if I wanted to purchase any from tonights show it was being photographed. Never had that before. I think I sent away for one. Need to have a look. :think
Those were the times when German photographer Guido Karp was Mark's tour photographer. He made 50 (or 100?) Photos available from those tours, mostly and naturally shot during one or two German shows. They gave you the illusion the pics were from "your" concert and you got that leaflet where you could set your order. It was first time done so in 1991 and also that same way during the 2001 tour.
Dire Straits & Eric Clapton Nelson Mandela Warm Up Hammersmith Odeon (8-9 June 1988). Photos by Jon Hobley. Hope you like!
Dire Straits & Eric Clapton Nelson Mandela Warm Up Hammersmith Odeon (8-9 June 1988). Photos by Jon Hobley. Hope you like!
Lovely pictures of the warm-up shows. Love these shows with nice versions of ToL played.
I never understood why they were using the same Mark Leialoha picture again and again, specially when it was from the last DS days to promote the MK solo career 4 years later...
MK didn't look like in that picture at all in 1996...
I think they photoshopped a 1996 shirt onto his body for authenticity though because he was wearing one with playing cards on the chest for most of '92. I don't remember that pink/cerise one being worn at all on the OES tour. :think
Dire Straits performing at the Oakland Coliseum on February 2, 1992.
I can't remember. Does Anyone knows the aproximate date of this picture…? Sue Hercombe era? The Duolian String Pickers era ? Brewer's Droop era? Cafe racers era? Thanks!
I'd say Cafe Racers, I think in the Myles Palmer book is a picture of MK playing with them that looks similar.
I'd say Cafe Racers, I think in the Myles Palmer book is a picture of MK playing with them that looks similar.
It's not from the Myles Palmer book - I just checked, but I recognise the tin of toffees on the piano as 'Farrahs of Harrogate' toffees, just up the road from Leeds, so I would say it was taken, possibly, from Mark's time in Leeds, circa 1969/73. However, David is wearing a similar outfit in another photo in the Myles Palmer book - and on darkshiver's avatar, so maybe it was from the time of The Polytechnic gig in Leeds, 1978. :think
Thanks Darkshiver! :wave
You welcome dmg!
I've found another picture from a young Mark Knopfler (i think from same period time). But still I can't locate the year. I have a terrible deja vú and I'm sure I've seen this picture before, but I can´t remember. Does anyone knows the guy with Mark in picture? Brewers droop era maybe....?
Where did the rare mk pics thread go??
It was apparently deleted by the person who started the topic.
Oh I did not understand what happened and though at first it was a techy or legal issue.
To the light of your post I did some little researches and found out that member Pensaboy was the author of that thread but appears now as "banned" with almost all of his posts removed.
Dunno what sad thing happened with him but always a strange feeling seeing a long time and active member going away.
There was a thread were Pensaboy (not in a nice way) reacted to Quizzaciously about his MK songbook. Some insults (from a couple of members) were pointed to Pensaboy because of his reaction. That's why he decided (his own decision) to leave the forum. He told me that he was insulted (by some people here) many more times in the last year. He deleted almost all his posts and topics, including the populair rare pics topic. After that we gave Pensaboy a ban. We tried to recover this topic out of a backup, but unfortunately almost all pics are lost, so we don't put it back here.
And now we have a new pics topic ;)
Both of Darkshiver's pictures that he questioned can be seen on "A Life in Songs" at 12'59 in the Leeds part of the programme, but there is no explanation of who the bearded chap might be. :)
Ooooooook! I knew I’ve seen them before! thanks superval99! but the mistery still remains....
I know I've seen a picture of Mk with a very similar look somewhere, I thought it was in the Myles Palmer book but Val says it's not in that book, so it might be in other book or article, I know I've seen pics of MK playing with Brewers Droop and Cafe Racers here and there so it might be from any of that bands...
Actually I've seen also pics from the Duolian periods as well... What a mess...
Both of Darkshiver's pictures that he questioned can be seen on "A Life in Songs" at 12'59 in the Leeds part of the programme, but there is no explanation of who the bearded chap might be. :)
Yes, I definitely agree. It's the Duolian String Pickers days for sure c.1970. He wore that bunnet in another picture from those days.
The String Pickers never lasted long. It was a case of hair today, gone tomorrow. ;)
Yes!. Same guitar, same hat, same long hair
Both of Darkshiver's pictures that he questioned can be seen on "A Life in Songs" at 12'59 in the Leeds part of the programme, but there is no explanation of who the bearded chap might be. :)
Yes, I definitely agree. It's the Duolian String Pickers days for sure c.1970. He wore that bunnet in another picture from those days.
The String Pickers never lasted long. It was a case of hair today, gone tomorrow. ;)
;D :wave
And btw, Steve was right!
Amsterdam 81(?)
I got a request for it.
Best quality i have
I got a request for it.
Best quality i have
Thank you so much DS1984!!! You made my day ;)
I have this picture in this kind of quality, a little bit bigger, but with some scan lines I suppose.
I have this picture in this kind of quality, a little bit bigger, but with some scan lines I suppose.
Cool! Thank you very much quizzaciously, too! :clap
This is my favourite picture of Mark and I will try to get it signed on the next tour.
I have this picture in this kind of quality, a little bit bigger, but with some scan lines I suppose.
Cool! Thank you very much quizzaciously, too! :clap
This is my favourite picture of Mark and I will try to get it signed on the next tour.
Make sure he wouldn't sign it in black marker on a black backgroung, and sure enough, he do that occasionally :lol
So...buy a silver ink pen!
I've got a golden pen at home. I hope this will look very nice ;)
3 photos of Mark and Sue Hercomb around 1965. 16 years old Knopfler. Nice pictures
3 DS pictures: 1 from On location tour (23/11/80 Toronto) and 2 from BIA tour (26-27 /7/85 Toronto)
Some early Dire Straits pictures from 1979 - 1983 - 1985. Hope you like them!
More Stuff
And more
and more
Thanks! I like the second last one very much.
Bottom Line NYC March 1979
Bologna 1982 pictures
Bologna 1982 part 2
Dire Straits during their gig at the Gaumont Theatre (now the Regent), Ipswich, in December 1980.
Bologna 1982 pictures
What is MK playing on here!?
well, guitars not my favourite subject to talk, but I think he's playing a Gibson SG mid-60ies black during Two young lovers...
Bologna 1982 pictures
What is MK playing on here!?
Looks like a Rickenbacker, kinda like this one:
UPD: http://www.oneverybootleg.nl/MK_guitars_rickenbacker.htm
Its not a Gibson that's for sure...
For some reason I haven't seen this guitar before.. :)
Wish we had more video from the early 80ies so we could see it in action! :)
maybe it helps. from http://www.mk-guitar.com
6 photos by Colin Bodiam. 2 of them (picture 5 and 6) slightly different from the ones already known.
Colin wrote:
- Picture 3 and 5 "But they were pleased with the new song, "Portobello Belle ", Mark had just written and were itching to rehearse it. If I recall correctly Mark and the boys had had a bit of a late one the night before. Perhaps it shows!"
- Picture 1,4 and 6 "Dire Straits down by the waterline in Greenwich, summer, 1978.Between Thames barges, Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits pulls a face for the camera, 1978"
- Picture 2 "Considered for a poster, Dire Straits prior to rehearsing new song, "Portobello Belle", Wood Wharf, Greenwich"
Pictures 5 and 6
Original version DIre Straits. Ai ai. One konsert more for good cause. Please. :thumbsup
Does Colin Bodiam has a site with that pictures?
Yeaph! myspace page: https://myspace.com/bodiam/photos
Dire Straits at Top Pop Studio Hilversum 1979 , photos by barry schultz
Dire Straits at Top Pop Studio Hilversum 1979. Photos by barry schultz part 2
And several pictures by Barry Schultz, two of them from Communiqué sessions back cover
OMG how young he was back then! Reminds me seeing young Homer Simpson.
Mark......Leather Trousers......??!!!! Really??!! *Shudder*.... :hmm :disbelief ;D
Mark......Leather Trousers......??!!!! Really??!! *Shudder*.... :hmm :disbelief ;D
Les boys!
He has same belt on leater pants like on concert from Wembly. F.Y.I. :thumbsup
Mark......Leather Trousers......??!!!! Really??!! *Shudder*.... :hmm :disbelief ;D
Les boys!
He has same belt on leater pants like on concert from Wembly. F.Y.I. :thumbsup
He had similar belt in "On The Night" video and I even remember seeng it in early 2000s. Strange he wrote the "Quality Shoe", but not the "Quality Belt" :lol
Very 70s watch. No doubt a new technology quartz too! :lol
Pictures of one of Dire Straits’ first gigs – the one at the summer party for Charlie Gilett’s Honky Tonk Radio Show, on the Clapham Common bandstand, September 10, 1977. These pictures were shoot by MRS ANDRA NELKI, a Photographer from London, 81 years old. Some of them were publish in Olfield’s book and different newspapers articles. Hope you like them!
Clapham Common 10_9_1977
Clapham Common 10_9_1977
David Knopfler by ANDRA NELKI And two pictures (from Flickr’s John Illsley page) of a 16 year old John Illsley and the Knotte.
Clapham Common London Free Concert Afternoon 10 or 11.09.77 ?
11th september! My mistake, sorry!
Great pictures there - thanks! And the Victorian bandstand is still there today too apparently!
does it say "broadcast Live by BBC Radio" on that poster?
@quizz: do you have them all sorted by date and stuff?
we need to talk.
Seems like John hasn't changed compared to the others. He is easily recognizable in those old photos.
Seems like John hasn't changed compared to the others. He is easily recognizable in those old photos.
And he seems like a very, very good chap. I think Mark got very lucky by meeting him. The absence of any rumble between the two only confirm this :clap
And he seems like a very, very good chap. I think Mark got very lucky by meeting him. The absence of any rumble between the two only confirm this :clap
I agree, there is no harm in him. Fortunately, John is not the one who harbours a grudge over the years. :)
I think they are on the same wavelength and united by common values, to say the least.
Stumbled across this photo on Facebook. What's this? What pickups is this?
I'd call this photo "Mark Knopfler just figured out how to use Instagram".
What's this? What pickups is this?
Seymour Duncan custom shop P90 staple soapbar
What's this? What pickups is this?
Seymour Duncan custom shop P90 staple soapbar
Thank you sir! I love how it gives you just ONE option of wax potting with it being "NO" :lol
Killing playing in the demo by the way. You can easily imagine Mark playing in any of these pickup positions.
More interested in the pic to be honest. Do ww know where and when it was taken? My first assumption would be during one of the last tours?
I would say the picture was taken around 2006 when he still had a little tuft of hair on top. By 2007 he had a buzz cut. :)
True. He looks great on this I think.
does it say "broadcast Live by BBC Radio" on that poster?
@quizz: do you have them all sorted by date and stuff?
we need to talk.
True. He looks great on this I think.
love that pic. shows the real mark i think, not the guarded one.
I would say the picture was taken around 2006 when he still had a little tuft of hair on top. By 2007 he had a buzz cut. :)
would you not rather think 2001? dat tee...
I would say the picture was taken around 2006 when he still had a little tuft of hair on top. By 2007 he had a buzz cut. :)
would you not rather think 2001? dat tee...
Could be! :)
More interested in the pic to be honest. Do ww know where and when it was taken? My first assumption would be during one of the last tours?
Santa Barbara, 2013
More interested in the pic to be honest. Do ww know where and when it was taken? My first assumption would be during one of the last tours?
Santa Barbara, 2013
Wow! You're true Sherlock Holmes! I'd never find it. Thanks!
jesus, how wrong i was...
does it say "broadcast Live by BBC Radio" on that poster?
@quizz: do you have them all sorted by date and stuff?
we need to talk.
I tried many times to get it... but failed. Please, elaborate more on this topic, I'm open for any discussions!
More interested in the pic to be honest. Do ww know where and when it was taken? My first assumption would be during one of the last tours?
Santa Barbara, 2013
Thanks so.much! :thumbsup
Okay, so we figured out where and when this picture was taken, now check this...
Who can decrypt this Enigma code? I never thought Mark is a doctor. Who's doctor? Guy? Haha! No, we all know who the real doctor is.
Dear ???, I'm so sorry I didn't receive your ??? in August. ??? ?????? management ?????????! Hope ??? ??? ??? ??????! ???, Mark Knopfler
Okay, so we figured out where and when this picture was taken, now check this...
Who can decrypt this Enigma code? I never thought Mark is a doctor. Who's doctor? Guy? Haha! No, we all know who the real doctor is.
Dear ???, I'm so sorry I didn't receive your ??? in August. ??? ?????? management ?????????! Hope ??? ??? ??? ??????! ???, Mark Knopfler
Dear Steve,
I'm so sorry I didn't receive your request in August. I've changed management companies! Hope .... feeling bitter!
Dear Steve,
I'm so sorry I didn't receive your request in August. I've changed management companies! Hope you're feeling better!
I've thought that I have a bad hand writing. But his writing is awesome ;D
So that's how they teach you to write in Glasgow schools is it... ;D
Looks like a prescription: "Take one tablet twice daily. Hope you're feeling better!"
Just stumbled across this photo while reading about mass repression in the Soviet Union again and... I'm just speechless. Look at this.
Scroll the image right and when you will see Stalin, to his right there's none other than... Mark Knopfler! LOL! :lol :lol :lol
I'm not making this up, it's an actual photo from 1931 year archives.
::) ::) ::) ::)
OMG! :lol :lol
::) ::) ::) ::)
OMG! :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol
Here's the picture's page on Getty: http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/senior-soviet-figures-on-the-tribune-of-lenins-mausoleum-news-photo/464428539?#senior-soviet-figures-on-the-tribune-of-lenins-mausoleum-red-square-picture-id464428539
Trying to know who was the guy and wether or not it was an actual time travel from our mighty MK. He can :lol.
Anything newsworthy re MK is obviously very thin on the ground! ;D
I recall seeing this picture of MK and John Illsley playing live with the Talking Heads in 1978 in big size and without that "bar" in the image, did any of you have it?
Another one, seems like during the start of the BIA Tour, if anyone have this pic in better quality, please share with us
If someone has more rare pic from the DS era please share
Mark signs 6 expensive watches to raise funds for the "Bravehearts of the North East" charity again:
I think that picture captures a nice genuine warm smile in him, however he is now looking a very old man. :(
Mark signs 6 expensive watches to raise funds for the "Bravehearts of the North East" charity
Wow, he's got new glasses :)
Very nices ones..
Mark signs 6 expensive watches to raise funds for the "Bravehearts of the North East" charity again:
Very nice picture of Mark. He seems to be slimmer and I like his specs! :)
Is that pic taken in his house? My TV is bigger :lol
Is that pic taken in his house? My TV is bigger :lol
It is at his studio:
Great picture! Nice specs indeed. He looks good.
Is that pic taken in his house? My TV is bigger :lol
The size is not important ;D :lol
Is that pic taken in his house? My TV is bigger :lol
The size is not important ;D :lol
But a big one is appreciated :think
Is that pic taken in his house? My TV is bigger :lol
The size is not important ;D :lol
But a big one is appreciated :think
I bet it didn't get much use... It's in the meeting room at British Grove Studio. They have screens in the control rooms of studio 1 and 2 to use when they work on film scores or surround mastering.
This pic COULD be taken in Mark's country pad where Henrik did that tracker film and MK was out walking his dog...tried to write a tune, got fed up and went off the BG...
(more likely it is ACTUALLY BG!)
This pic COULD be taken in Mark's country pad where Henrik did that tracker film and MK was out walking his dog...tried to write a tune, got fed up and went off the BG...
(more likely it is ACTUALLY BG!)
It is British Grove Studios, the meeting room in the last floor of the building.
This pic COULD be taken in Mark's country pad where Henrik did that tracker film and MK was out walking his dog...tried to write a tune, got fed up and went off the BG...
(more likely it is ACTUALLY BG!)
It is British Grove Studios, the meeting room in the last floor of the building.
This sounds like potentially stalker-y insider knowledge!!!! hehe! ;D ;)
This pic COULD be taken in Mark's country pad where Henrik did that tracker film and MK was out walking his dog...tried to write a tune, got fed up and went off the BG...
(more likely it is ACTUALLY BG!)
It is British Grove Studios, the meeting room in the last floor of the building.
This sounds like potentially stalker-y insider knowledge!!!! hehe! ;D ;)
Actually MK himself showed us his studio in the Get Lucky videos, and also in some other interviews, and pictures in the Guy diaries, we even saw the kitchen that can be seen from the outside...
Another one from the auctions. Man, I rarely say that, especially towards a male, but Mark is so cute. The photo gives me smile I can break my face with.
Yes, he has that lovely grandpa face ;D
"It`s time to make sawdust" )
Another one from the auctions. Man, I rarely say that, especially towards a male, but Mark is so cute. The photo gives me smile I can break my face with.
Yes, he looks particularly cute in this pic. :-*
Another one from the auctions. Man, I rarely say that, especially towards a male, but Mark is so cute. The photo gives me smile I can break my face with.
has he lost some weight on this pic?
I thought so too - almost frail. I also thought he was looking rather older than last time we saw him. I hope he hasn't been ill. It would explain the lengthy time "in the studio"... :-\
Yes, Mark does seem to have lost some weight, but I think it suits him. I certainly don't see a frail old man in the picture - in fact, he looks pretty good to me. :)
Yes, Mark does seem to have lost some weight, but I think it suits him. I certainly don't see a frail old man in the picture - in fact, he looks pretty good to me. :)
And no any signs of health issues if you ask me... I wish I will be ageing like him in my late 60s. He looks great!
I can't get people saying "Oh, he looks so old". And so what? We all be there, let's enjoy our time here on Earth.
Yes, Mark does seem to have lost some weight, but I think it suits him. I certainly don't see a frail old man in the picture - in fact, he looks pretty good to me. :)
And no any signs of health issues if you ask me... I wish I will be ageing like him in my late 60s. He looks great!
I can't get people saying "Oh, he looks so old". And so what? We all be there, let's enjoy our time here on Earth.
Thanks guys. I'm reassured by that. :)
;) :-*
Wow! The last one is probably the first time I've ever seen Mark playing full-sized no-cutaway, no-Ovation classical guitar.
Who is on the left on the second picture?
I guess these are from Montserrat while recording BIA.
You mean the moustache guy... no idea!
The 80's looked soo gay.... ;)
You mean the moustache guy... no idea!
The 80's looked soo gay.... ;)
Yes, it was a happy decade.
The same moustache guy appears here with Mark, Ron Eves and Neil Dorfsman
Imagine Mark with a moustache like this.
* dies from laughing *
Imagine Mark with a moustache like this.
* dies from laughing *
Please don't die!
Imagine Mark with a moustache like this.
* dies from laughing *
Please don't die!
It's all to late now! :lol :lol :lol
Mark looks like a car salesman with a moustache like this.
Imagine Mark with a moustache like this.
* dies from laughing *
Please don't die!
Hahahaha great stuff! ;D
8) 8)
Via: https://www.facebook.com/groups/681298535285414/
Mark still wearing his Gibson Ad outfit.... seems he really never leaves BG these days...
Imagine Mark with a moustache like this.
* dies from laughing *
Please don't die!
Oh no, dmg!!! ;D ;D ;D :disbelief :disbelief
Portrait from Czech artist, which I commissioned..what do you think? I think this guy is really talented :-*
Looks very good, although I can't get portraits drawn after the photos... why bother, if you have a photo anyway? Especially a hi-rez photo like this.
I recall seeing this picture of MK and John Illsley playing live with the Talking Heads in 1978 in big size and without that "bar" in the image, did any of you have it?
This is not from 1978, not from the January tour when they were supporting Talking Heads. It is from summer 1979 when both bands played together on some German (?) festival gigs, and I think some TH joined DS on stage, not the other way around. There are some more pictures of it around.
I recall seeing this picture of MK and John Illsley playing live with the Talking Heads in 1978 in big size and without that "bar" in the image, did any of you have it?
This is not from 1978, not from the January tour when they were supporting Talking Heads. It is from summer 1979 when both bands played together on some German (?) festival gigs, and I think some TH joined DS on stage, not the other way around. There are some more pictures of it around.
Never heard about it but makes sense as all DS are on the stage. I never saw more pictures of this, do you have them?
I *might* have them, at least this one a bit bigger, but not sure. A quick search did not get any results yet. :(
But I remember seeing this one for the first time in a Spanish book on DS (which unfortunately I do not own), it was rather a big format. I guess the 'bar' in the picture is a shade where the page is bent when it was scanned from this book.
I *might* have them, at least this one a bit bigger, but not sure. A quick search did not get any results yet. :(
But I remember seeing this one for the first time in a Spanish book on DS (which unfortunately I do not own), it was rather a big format. I guess the 'bar' in the picture is a shade where the page is bent when it was scanned from this book.
yes, that one is from the Spanish book, but that´s the only one picture I've seen of DS and TH
Hi! Some pictures!, old and new ones (maybe the gibson pictures has been post already, sorry!)
Gibson pictures
More gibson files
and more
Pictures taken for Uk magazine Guitarist in 1996, by James Cumpsty
and last one from 2006 by James Cumpsty too of MK at BG
darkshiver, thank you for these beautiful Gibson pics, especially the first one.
Oh, you welcome! Nice to share all these picrures! and now two curious ones: DS in Jerusalem 1985, first one, took by Chris Phipps, TV producer and public speaker during recording of famous TV show (with Ed Bicknell), and second pic live in Sultanpool, in Jerusalem too.
;) :wave :-* :-*
You know that you are a fanboy when you immediately ask yourself, Hey I never saw that shirt on him...
You know that you are a fanboy when you immediately ask yourself, Hey I never saw that shirt on him...
That's because the sleeves are too long!
Nice colour though. And a beautiful guitar!
Nice colour though. And a beautiful guitar!
I love purple and always thought of that as the forgotten Pensa. In the guitar Stories documentary they discussed with Rudy going to the café and jotting down notes on a napkin before announcing the flame maple MK1 as the very first Pensa-Suhr, however he used this on tour with EC at least whole year before that. He certainly had it in January '87 for the RAH shows, whereas the MK1 debuted at the Prince's Trust Gala on 6th June '88.
Some Dire Straits funny pictures... In amsterdam... (photos by Barry Schultz)
More from Amsterdam
And two from 1988 Mandela's Backstage and from 1996 promo session
What do you know about "cool"? :lol
Thanks for these! Very rare indeed.
Some Dire Straits funny pictures... In amsterdam... (photos by Barry Schultz)
The first picture shows the "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll" attitude ;D ;D (3 cigarette packings and a bottle of vodka)
Hi! Sometimes “Internet” drive you for unusual and mysterious ways to unexpected results… Family moments. Mark and his daughter Isabella and Isabella under DS plaque in Depfort some years later.
Nice. Touching somehow.
How dare you upload this :o? This is too personal for AMIT :o Please delete the thread :o
Just kidding, but somehow always someone would post something like that, unfortunately.
Well, As I told in my post, I don’t remember the number of pages I opened during that session. I wrote: “Mark knopfler portrait “ and simply I opened one web, and another, and another and another and so on and suddenly I saw the first picture and the second one in another blog page. I thought that it would be cool to share these pictures but if Any AMIT moderator thinks it’s wrong to share them, say something and I’ll delete them!
The first one has been on facebook months ago. Not sure who published it online in the first place, it probably is a Insta-pic and obviously from close family or friends. Both daughters seems to be proud of their father :) :) Katya sure looked proud when she stood next him at Chalke Valley History festival last year when he signed autographs
Oh, those terrible striped trousers. Hope they will never come back into fashion.
You have to understand and accept that Dire Straits peaked exactly in the heyday of bad taste, in the mid-eighties. If you look at the clothes alone, that can be fun now, as these great pictures show. More importantly, though, the bad-taste fiesta also took its toll on the music. Some of it, I'm afraid to say, has survived until this very day, in Guy's synths and keyboard playing ... ::)
You have to understand and accept that Dire Straits peaked exactly in the heyday of bad taste, in the mid-eighties. If you look at the clothes alone, that can be fun now, as these great pictures show. More importantly, though, the bad-taste fiesta also took its toll on the music. Some of it, I'm afraid to say, has survived until this very day, in Guy's synths and keyboard playing ... ::)
Yes, I have a vivid recollection of distinctive features of 80s. All that 'splendor' coincided with my first experience of being in love and I used tons of radiant make-up to look as beautiful as possible. ;D
What nice pictures from 2 different era of Marks life.
I didn't notice that Mk was in the walking dead...
I didn't notice that Mk was in the walking dead...
I didn't notice that Mk was in the walking dead...
It was true that Mark and the band was literally high while filming A Night In London? I heard they've had a big party the day before recording. I'd be not surprised LOL :lol
I didn't notice that Mk was in the walking dead...
It was true that Mark and the band was literally high while filming A Night In London? I heard they've had a big party the day before recording. I'd be not surprised LOL :lol
Indeed a true story.
High? Or stoned? Drunk or ...? Well in some situations he really looked like under the influence...
Nice colour though. And a beautiful guitar!
I love purple and always thought of that as the forgotten Pensa. In the guitar Stories documentary they discussed with Rudy going to the café and jotting down notes on a napkin before announcing the flame maple MK1 as the very first Pensa-Suhr, however he used this on tour with EC at least whole year before that. He certainly had it in January '87 for the RAH shows, whereas the MK1 debuted at the Prince's Trust Gala on 6th June '88.
My fauvorite guitar. I own a replica of the flamed mk1. I asked rudy to make it 12 years ago. He told me it would take half a year and 9k dollars to be finished.
I purchased every detailed part mk1 takes and found a local luthier to make it. It is not a Pensa-suhr but it looks alike.
Same pick-ups , body, fret, bridge, pegs and whatever it took.
Don't forget your hat! :lol
I remember these pics having been released when the Notting Hillbillies album came out if I am not mistaken.
I remember these pics having been released when the Notting Hillbillies album came out if I am not mistaken.
That was 1990 - the same year the gangster film Goodfellas was released...
Nice colour though. And a beautiful guitar!
I love purple and always thought of that as the forgotten Pensa. In the guitar Stories documentary they discussed with Rudy going to the café and jotting down notes on a napkin before announcing the flame maple MK1 as the very first Pensa-Suhr, however he used this on tour with EC at least whole year before that. He certainly had it in January '87 for the RAH shows, whereas the MK1 debuted at the Prince's Trust Gala on 6th June '88.
My fauvorite guitar. I own a replica of the flamed mk1. I asked rudy to make it 12 years ago. He told me it would take half a year and 9k dollars to be finished.
I purchased every detailed part mk1 takes and found a local luthier to make it. It is not a Pensa-suhr but it looks alike.
Same pick-ups , body, fret, bridge, pegs and whatever it took.
Please show us pictures of this gem!
Fantasy Tour 2018
It was a long tour, he surely wore many shirts we don't know ;D
i actually distributed flyers for him at the last Bremen concert, thnx to our very own markywes. so it is still being done.
A lot of the professional photos are taken at certain shows though and not every concert. I can recall the Edinburgh show in '96 I attended was professionally shot by photographers. There was a leaflet on the seat when I entered and it said that if I wanted to purchase any from tonights show it was being photographed. Never had that before. I think I sent away for one. Need to have a look. :think
Those were the times when German photographer Guido Karp was Mark's tour photographer. He made 50 (or 100?) Photos available from those tours, mostly and naturally shot during one or two German shows. They gave you the illusion the pics were from "your" concert and you got that leaflet where you could set your order. It was first time done so in 1991 and also that same way during the 2001 tour.
A friend of mine recently with Chris Whitten during the DS Experience tour
It was a long tour, he surely wore many shirts we don't know ;D
i actually distributed flyers for him at the last Bremen concert, thnx to our very own markywes. so it is still being done.
A lot of the professional photos are taken at certain shows though and not every concert. I can recall the Edinburgh show in '96 I attended was professionally shot by photographers. There was a leaflet on the seat when I entered and it said that if I wanted to purchase any from tonights show it was being photographed. Never had that before. I think I sent away for one. Need to have a look. :think
Those were the times when German photographer Guido Karp was Mark's tour photographer. He made 50 (or 100?) Photos available from those tours, mostly and naturally shot during one or two German shows. They gave you the illusion the pics were from "your" concert and you got that leaflet where you could set your order. It was first time done so in 1991 and also that same way during the 2001 tour.
Please take care when quoting. Doing it like this is difficult to find out who's answering who and what...
Fantasy Tour 2018
I know opinions will be divided but for me, this picture is beautiful. :thumbsup
They are probably playing Wild West End in this one.
Fantasy Tour 2018
I know opinions will be divided but for me, this picture is beautiful. :thumbsup
They are probably playing Wild West End in this one.
It would be nice if the author would choose better pics for Pick and Mark. They look terrible to me. Why pick a photo with bored Mark when there's tons of photos where he looks healthier and happier than this? From that picture it's John who should collect all the awards!
Composing the piano parts of TR. ;)
Composing the piano parts of TR. ;)
indeed, this pic is featruring in the LOG album piano score book. I have it.
A friend of mine recently with Chris Whitten during the DS Experience tour
looking great (pick..) such a lost talent. (for us DS fans i mean)
More from Amsterdam
these are totally new to me. thnx
p.s. those leather trousers ugh!
I recall seeing this picture of MK and John Illsley playing live with the Talking Heads in 1978 in big size and without that "bar" in the image, did any of you have it?
This is not from 1978, not from the January tour when they were supporting Talking Heads. It is from summer 1979 when both bands played together on some German (?) festival gigs, and I think some TH joined DS on stage, not the other way around. There are some more pictures of it around.
they also played the Torhout-Werchter festival "together" that year.
Bad quality but great picture. With legend Jerry Douglas and the late Bap Kennedy.
Do you think someone's photoshopped the Pensa in there? :think
WHEN IT COMES TO YOU Vancouver 1992
and John Anderson :)
Check this photos from the famous Houstom 85
Its a pity that all photos have the water mark...
Anothers during, most probably, Alchemy nights
Lol a good photo for a caption contest!
Does anyone have som high resolution photos from the 2001 tour? :) Dont see them so often anymore..
Same with The Notting Hillbillies pictures. I recall that at late 90's there were thrillions of pics of the NHB concerts but nowadays is very difficult to find any, the ones you find are very low resolution :(
Lol a good photo for a caption contest!
Lonnie Donegan's Funeral 14/11/2002. See Mark's right hand
Few days ago
Cool! With a Klon KTR and a Hot Cake on the pedalboard!
It's from some school?
Looking at the expression on his face I think he's just blown up the radio...again! ::)
Queen Gates School, South Kensington, London 7.02.2018
Queen Gates School, South Kensington, London 7.02.2018
Damn, I wish one of these maRKsterclasses were recorded. Even though we all know what he's saying about the radio and stuff, but still interesting.
Pictures from Budapest 1985
Part 2
Part 3
Hammersmith December 85
Part 2
Few days ago
Is there another picture of his pedalboard available? Seems he uses also some kind of switcher.
Yeah thats a switcher. There is another picture, but you don’t see the pedalboard as good there..
Pictures of NHB, anyone, please?
Here's another pic.
I wonder if he played any songs. Maybe something new?
Doing a spot of decorating? Well, he does need to strip off that 70s wallpaper!
Let me know if you want it bigger (just joking) ;D
Let me know if you want it bigger (just joking) ;D
if the image is too big like in this case
you should edit the original message at the beginning from [img] to [img width=600]
Let me know if you want it bigger (just joking) ;D
What a nice photo friend!!
Question: Anyone have more rare photos to share? Of DS Era, LOG and BIA Tour especially
Here it is again.. In a smaller size. Didn't´manage to edit the original post. : )
Picture taken by Ian Gomm
I wanted to paste one photo but I can not do it :(
I wanted to paste one photo but I can not do it :(
Don't paste, attach.
Which function?
Which function?
"Attachments and othe options", when you are writing, is just down, at the left of the POST button :)
Something has failed. But now ok. Thank you :)
Is that Mark or Vitas Gerulaitis? :lol :lol :lol
Who is this woman?
Sarah Class.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGePAc7oW-k (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGePAc7oW-k)
You can hear a brief clip of Mark with Sarah Class above.
07 March 2018
Mesón Cuevas del Vino, Madrid
Nice pic. Assuming he's enjoying the culinary delights of Madrid, then the album must be completed.
Wasn't it rumoured he was in Cleveland?
Mark has finished the album? Madrid? :think
Mark has finished the album? Madrid? :think
Or he's enjoying life while Guy is in London finishing the record as the engineer and producer he is.
I like this idea jbaent. :) Maybe they started mixing.
Did they forget the Madrid tapes and finally went back to get them home?
Interesting. Is there a history to the pic, Pensaghost?
Interesting. Is there a history to the pic, Pensaghost?
Went there few years ago, liked it and so another visit few days ago
This is the pic from the first visit, on the background you can see his signature
Knopfler, promoting STP in Portugal.
Knopfler, promoting STP in Portugal.
What's the song? Just realised I'm not hardcore enough to tell it right away. Looks like the chorus of Baloney Again though.
Knopfler, promoting STP in Portugal.
What's the song? Just realised I'm not hardcore enough to tell it right away. Looks like the chorus of Baloney Again though.
Almost certain Baloney Again but he also played Fade To Black on his LP during the STP promo tour.
Knopfler, promoting STP in Portugal.
What's the song? Just realised I'm not hardcore enough to tell it right away. Looks like the chorus of Baloney Again though.
Almost certain Baloney Again but he also played Fade To Black on his LP during the STP promo tour.
If I remember correctly FtB was only played in Poland and S America.
How's that for hardcore! ;)
Yes, in Poland. It was December 7, 2000. Polish Television showed this performance. I recorded 🙂
Yes, in Poland. It was December 7, 2000. Polish Television showed this performance. I recorded 🙂
I remember trading a bootleg with a Polish fan who had recorded the show on VHS. The days of snail mail trading...
Yes VHS. Cool years. I have some DS / MK documents :)
Yes VHS. Cool years. I have some DS / MK documents :)
I had the Basel '92 concert on Beta! Better system than VHS hampered by short tape lengths. :(
Yes Basel. There was also broadcast in my country. A beautiful warm Sunday evening on June 28, 1992. I have VHS :)
Hi, the song played was Silvertown Blues. They also played What it is before. I was in the audience.
Exactly. Where are you from?
Exactly. Where are you from?
Enviado do meu PRA-LX1 através do Tapatalk
And you were in the audience... :o Wonderfully !
Hi, the song played was Silvertown Blues. They also played What it is before. I was in the audience.
Woah, woah. Wait a minute. They played Silvertown Blues? This wasn't broadcast though, was it?
No. Only What It Is and Fade To Black.
No. Only What It Is and Fade To Black.
Thanks. I was starting to wonder because I think Brendan was on guitar on the promo tour!
Hi, the song played was Silvertown Blues. They also played What it is before. I was in the audience.
Woah, woah. Wait a minute. They played Silvertown Blues? This wasn't broadcast though, was it?
Yes it was. Got a long time I had the VHS from the show. But played so many times that it was ruined. Mark sang it live but music was in playback. That was strange because they did a mini soundcheck during the comercial break of the show.
Enviado do meu PRA-LX1 através do Tapatalk
Hi, the song played was Silvertown Blues. They also played What it is before. I was in the audience.
Woah, woah. Wait a minute. They played Silvertown Blues? This wasn't broadcast though, was it?
Yes it was. Got a long time I had the VHS from the show. But played so many times that it was ruined. Mark sang it live but music was in playback. That was strange because they did a mini soundcheck during the comercial break of the show.
Enviado do meu PRA-LX1 através do Tapatalk
Yes and it was edited too I think. Sorry I thought we were talking about a live version maybe recorded but not broadcast or not on my recording. Only FTB was live then.
Right. Only Fade to Black live.
I really like this picture. He looks rock-ier than he is these days. :clap Springsteenesque almost.
From the guitar techniques magazine.
From Wellington 83:
Hmm beer instead of tea? Good choice :D
Where was this photo taken?
Great picture!!
Hmm beer instead of tea? Good choice :D
Where was this photo taken?
Get Lucky tour, I guess in Norway.
Warm up concert few days before the 1988 Mandela Concert
Mr Liston I Presume
Warm up concert few days before the 1988 Mandela Concert
It seems, but it is not the occasion of the mandela, he wears a brown shirt inside the no show Mandela. ;)
Yes this one is from 1989.
It seems, but it is not the occasion of the mandela, he wears a brown shirt inside the no show Mandela. ;)
maybe my source is wrong but is there a video of both warm up gigs or only the 2nd one ?
Only the second
Only the second
As I thought, so we don't know how he was dressed the 1st night
Getty Images dates this pic with 1989.
Getty Images dates this pic with 1989.
and was shot where ?
My favorite from BIA tour.
Geoff Hemingway /Yorkshire Evening Post/ 1970
Knopfler's Brothers!!!
America tour- Set/Oct 1979.
London- 1978 or 1979...?
Hot Cake Replica Customized
Together with the Dire Straits picture of the Farrer House first concert, probably the earliest Dire Straits pictures ever.
From the third concert ever Dire Straits played, 2/8/1977 at Tramshed, Woolwich.
I once saw these pictures but I forgot about them because the Clapham Common 11.09.77 concert was the earliest for me. Today it has changed :) Thanks jbaent
I once saw these pictures but I forgot about them because the Clapham Common 11.09.77 concert was the earliest for me. Today it has changed :) Thanks jbaent
Check this:
Of course I know the website:) I mean the first DS photos. Of course, the most important of 26.06.77 but as Cafe Racers.
One of my favorites
4.04.1982 Love Over Gold, Power Station, NY
Thanks to everyone sharing pictures here, great to see these gold pictures
I once saw these pictures but I forgot about them because the Clapham Common 11.09.77 concert was the earliest for me. Today it has changed :) Thanks jbaent
Check this:
and this :
https://www.mk-guitar.com/2011/03/15/early-dire-straits-picture/ (https://www.mk-guitar.com/2011/03/15/early-dire-straits-picture/)
https://www.mk-guitar.com/2009/01/22/gear-on-one-of-the-first-dire-straits-gigs-on-the-clapham-common-bandstand/ (https://www.mk-guitar.com/2009/01/22/gear-on-one-of-the-first-dire-straits-gigs-on-the-clapham-common-bandstand/)
https://www.mk-guitar.com/2012/05/16/dire-straits-at-the-hope-anchor-pub-1977-new-picture/ (https://www.mk-guitar.com/2012/05/16/dire-straits-at-the-hope-anchor-pub-1977-new-picture/)
https://www.mk-guitar.com/2012/05/26/dire-straits-book-by-michael-oldfield-the-french-edition/ (https://www.mk-guitar.com/2012/05/26/dire-straits-book-by-michael-oldfield-the-french-edition/)
Looks like he's eyeing up that burger! :lol
A couple of old ones
John, Pick and Mark on a trip playing Water of Love 8)
Thanks jbaent, because I have a version with an error.
With other artist
More ...
.. and more
Is that Bonnie Raitt on the last picture? Looks similar and has a slide but then again it's MK&WW in the title.
Is that Bonnie Raitt on the last picture? Looks similar and has a slide but then again it's MK&WW in the title.
yes, BR,
with James Taylor
With Joe Brown
Are those Whitney Houston and Al Jarreau?
Are those Whitney Houston and Al Jarreau?
Harry Belafonte
... and more...
Billy Joel? I have not seen before. Thanks AMARKINTIME
Fun photos
And finally...
Guy repaired successfully his bicycle
The End.
Wow, thanks for that!
Robson, if I'm not mistaken that pic with Joel was taken during the rehearsals for the Prince's Trust.
Fun photos
the 1st is the same guitar I currently play, nice sound
Wow, thanks for that!
Robson, if I'm not mistaken that pic with Joel was taken during the rehearsals for the Prince's Trust.
Yes. 1986. I do not like this guitar:)
Wow, thanks for that!
Robson, if I'm not mistaken that pic with Joel was taken during the rehearsals for the Prince's Trust.
Yes. 1986. I do not like this guitar:)
Me neither but Mark said at the time it was pretty light and a very good axe for practices since it was easy to carry around.
And finally...
Guy repaired successfully his bicycle
The End.
When was this taken? I have Missed this.
John, Pick and Mark on a trip playing Water of Love 8)
You know you're a fan when you can guess which song is being played on a photo, just by seeing what guitar is being used :)
And finally...
Guy repaired successfully his bicycle
The End.
When was this taken? I have Missed this.
During tracker promotion.
Wow, thanks for that!
Robson, if I'm not mistaken that pic with Joel was taken during the rehearsals for the Prince's Trust.
Yes. 1986. I do not like this guitar:)
Me neither but Mark said at the time it was pretty light and a very good axe for practices since it was easy to carry around.
Next tour will we be allowed to take our bicycle with us at the gig to be fixed ;D ?
The 80's
John, Pick and Mark on a trip playing Water of Love 8)
You know you're a fan when you can guess which song is being played on a photo, just by seeing what guitar is being used :)
Yeah, we all need a shrink lol
I heard there were plans to play South America during the OES tour. That bus picture proves it.
Bad it's a low resolution picture and can't be read the whole itinerary together.
Yes. My country was also in the set but it failed.
I heard there were plans to play South America during the OES tour. That bus picture proves it.
Bad it's a low resolution picture and can't be read the whole itinerary together.
It is absolutely true but since our currency was weaker than Neymar's acting skills and the rate of inflation higher than Bob Marley it became unviable for the promoters to bring them over.
I created that picture of the OES bus. The picture of the bus I scanned from an old photo, pre digital time... even the original photo was a bit too fuzzy to read all the countries unfortunately. The two pics below it are screenshots from a movie fragment. Mark speaks about not playing in south America and eastern Europe on that tour, click here if you are interested;
Direct link to audio fragment;
I remember that in the old photographs thread, before its creator decided to quit and delete all his threads (so all the photos there dissapeared), there were some Barcelona 92 pictures. I've been searching for them for a project so I thought it would be nice to bring that pictures again for all of you.
An amazing photo. My favorite from current times.
Who says he doesn't fill venues like he used to? ;D
So in a previous career I was an official concert photographer. Had Mark on various concerts in the Netherlands in front of me :D
:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
Mark playing music vs. Mark with family
Spot any difference? :think :think :think :think :think :lol
Mark playing music vs. Mark with family
Spot any difference? :think :think :think :think :think :lol
Off topic, but I had a look at Issy's Instagram some time ago, and it's so funny to read some of the comments by people who clearly are there because they are fans of Mark's. "Say hello to your daddy" and stuff like that. Not creepy at all.
Mark playing music vs. Mark with family
Spot any difference? :think :think :think :think :think :lol
Off topic, but I had a look at Issy's Instagram some time ago, and it's so funny to read some of the comments by people who clearly are there because they are fans of Mark's. "Say hello to your daddy" and stuff like that. Not creepy at all.
I think 90% of her subscribers are there because of her "daddy" lol. Including me. And on Guy's instagram, too. But yeah, knowing that I never comment or like, although this particular picture deserves the like under any circumstances, because it's awesome and to be honest, something that Mark could easily upload in his own Instagram, if only he knew how to use it lol.
By the way, speaking of Instagram, Henrik Hansen's Instagram account looks like Mark's Instagram account if it existed: https://www.instagram.com/directorhansen/ (https://www.instagram.com/directorhansen/)
By the way, speaking of Instagram, Henrik Hansen's Instagram account looks like Mark's Instagram account if it existed: https://www.instagram.com/directorhansen/ (https://www.instagram.com/directorhansen/)
I see what you mean. Some of those classic cars are great though. That Jensen C-V8! :o
yeah, the car was the one.
yeah, the car was the one.
The Baron was the one actually.
yeah, the car was the one.
The Baron was the one actually.
thanks for that! i didn't hear about these tv series before! :-\
bad on me* though ::)
yeah, the car was the one.
The Baron was the one actually.
thanks for that! i didn't hear about these tv series before! :-\
bad on me* though ::)
Not the best from the ITC stable but a great car!
you mean mare? :hmm
??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ???
"so far away"?
a mare in a stable ;D
get it?
"and i got so tired when i have to explain"
i love those songs...
Yes who is the guy on the outer left? Jack?
Yes who is the guy on the outer left? Jack?
it's in Montserrat, Jack Sonni ? No, doesn't seem so
could it be Dorfsmann ?
it must be Guy taking the picture ?
You are probably right!
could it be Dorfsmann ?
it must be Guy taking the picture ?
its not Dorfsman.
ah nice one; backstage pics are the best!
I'd say bearded John Illsley
John is 2nd from the right
By the way, for those of you who have met Mark, how tall would you say he is?
By the way, for those of you who have met Mark, how tall would you say he is?
Difficult to say because he is shrinking with age rather like a plum/prune. Probably about 5' 10".
By the way, for those of you who have met Mark, how tall would you say he is?
Difficult to say because he is shrinking with age rather like a plum/prune. Probably about 5' 10".
I thought he looked very bloated on the facebook interview, but thinner on the Ken Bruce videos! :hmm Maybe he lost some weight after the facebook interview, whenever that was filmed. Yes, I agree, 5' 10". :)
By the way, for those of you who have met Mark, how tall would you say he is?
Difficult to say because he is shrinking with age rather like a plum/prune. Probably about 5' 10".
I thought he looked very bloated on the facebook interview, but thinner on the Ken Bruce videos! :hmm Maybe he lost some weight after the facebook interview, whenever that was filmed. Yes, I agree, 5' 10". :)
Agree about his weight. I don't think I've seen him as heavy as he was in that Italian Q&A thing. He's looking back to his old self now.
By the way, for those of you who have met Mark, how tall would you say he is?
I'd say about 178-180
Met him once, I agree it's probably about 180 cm
Yip, definitely about 5' 10"
Agree with Dusty, MK is about 5' 10''
Here is a perspective photo of MK taken alongside his Range Rover by my wife just before I met him after the charity show at Bridport, Dorset..
Mug shots! ;D
Last one there from the Clive James show c. 1995.
Few Hours ago, Maldives
Few Hours ago, Maldives
He looks slimmer in this one.
Gorgeous! Yes, I thought he looked slimmer too and a bit suntanned. :)
Taken before the wrath of Down the neck, whenever!!!! :lol :lol
Few Hours ago, Maldives
He looks slimmer in this one.
Yes, his daughter quoted “Gym time” somewhere on one of her Insta pics.
that last one is from the german rolling stone sessions right?
that last one is from the german rolling stone sessions right?
I still haven't found a way to get that, is there anyone who can help me out?
that last one is from the german rolling stone sessions right?
Yes,it is!
that last one is from the german rolling stone sessions right?
Yes,it is!
Some beautiful pics go with that interview
sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk
Cool pic! Do you have any further infomation of this?
I think that's Nathan Cavaleri. He's a huge fan of Mark's and got to meet the man as a kid.
I think that's Nathan Cavaleri. He's a huge fan of Mark's and got to meet the man as a kid.
Yes, that picture makes its appearance every now and then...
Some past pictures to enjoy
Dire Straits Singer Mark Knopfler seen riding this motorbike after promoting his new album 'Down The Road Wherever' at BBC Radio Two Studios - London Featuring: Mark Knopfler Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Oct 2018
oh no, world tour at risk
oh no, world tour at risk
My first thought too
oh no, world tour at risk
My first thought too
oh no, world tour at risk
My first thought too
He'll never learn! Can you imagine him jumping on the bus or using the Underground with the commoners? Neither can I.
oh no, world tour at risk
My first thought too
He'll never learn! Can you imagine him jumping on the bus or using the Underground with the commoners? Neither can I.
I guess that bike is such a speedy bike that the world tour could be at risk simply because it would take a year to drive home.
On a serious note, I remember Guy said Mark used Subway to go to O2 arena to avoid traffic, while Guy took a car and failed.
oh no, world tour at risk
My first thought too
He'll never learn! Can you imagine him jumping on the bus or using the Underground with the commoners? Neither can I.
Actually he did just that on the way to the 02 on 22nd May for the Tracker concert! ;)
Sorry Quizzy, - just noticed your post - you beat me to it! :smack
oh no, world tour at risk
My first thought too
the motorbike accident that cancelled the 2003 tour
oh no, world tour at risk
My first thought too
He'll never learn! Can you imagine him jumping on the bus or using the Underground with the commoners? Neither can I.
Actually he did just that on the way to the 02 on 22nd May for the Tracker concert! ;)
Sorry Quizzy, - just noticed your post - you beat me to it! :smack
I stand corrected. I'll bet that was a culture shock for him! :lol
That will generate a lot of ideas for new songs as well.
That will generate a lot of ideas for new songs as well.
Eastbound Train?
That will generate a lot of ideas for new songs as well.
Eastbound Train?
... oh wait..... :think
I've never seen it before
Ferrara 1983
6th July :)
Great sounding recording! Apart from the very last part of Telegraph road, it's the complete concert. The last three songs have been taken from a very good second source to make the concert complete. In some points of those three last songs some music from the nearby disco (!) was recorded too. It's sounds pretty distant but it's there. Overal sound quality is great which makes it a must to have is you like the 1983 concerts.
I've taken a few over the years, you can find them here : http://dtvaviationimages.co.uk/mark-knopfler-tour-photos/ (http://dtvaviationimages.co.uk/mark-knopfler-tour-photos/)
strange because Mark looks like he has no headband....and in july 83, I think he wore it already ?
I think he started to wear a headband in spring 83
strange because Mark looks like he has no headband....and in july 83, I think he wore it already ?
I think he started to wear a headband in spring 83
The concert was in the open air. Maybe he did not need it :)
Great picture! Playing chess with his father and after a smily photo....
Several vintage pictures from DS and Mark, on sale now (https://www.ebay.es/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=thecatspajamas99&hash=item215c1d6ecc%3Ag%3AvJoAAOSwtyFc9H3z&item=143279353548&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=dire+straits&_sacat=0)
4 more...
OES tour
Can somebody share the complete MK picture from Sailing to Philadelphia promotion, taken from Calton Hill with a beautiful view of Edimburg?
Thanks in advance
At Lyceum Theatre
Mk&Guy and Laura fletcher
From last night in Herning, Denmark:
(and yes I am VERY tall thats the reason for the high angle and maybe the reason for being noticed (?)... ) :wave :think
Poor Mark! That's not very kind imo!
Is this glass half empty or half full? :lol
He used to fall asleep playing the guitar, now he falls asleep drinking wine. ::)
Where was this taken? From the current tour or holidays?
Very private moment. Paparazzi private. Unpleasant.
Somehow, this picture totally sums up all my feelings and thoughts about this tour and the 2019-version of MK... :lol :-*
in a little while i'm going downtown, maybe take me one or two rounds, I'm gonna knock that town clean out, it's going down, no doubt :D
well, occasionally you just need to let the lyrics in, that's all!
I love this band :)
3x promo slides I've just picked up!
14th June 1979 - Newcastle City Hall. I took some pics with a very cheap instamatic camera. No one has ever seen them and due to size limits on here am not able to post them. Am happy to email to anyone who would like to see them.
14th June 1979 - Newcastle City Hall. I took some pics with a very cheap instamatic camera. No one has ever seen them and due to size limits on here am not able to post them. Am happy to email to anyone who would like to see them.
just upload it on postimages.org and write here a link, it takes 30 seconds
14th June 1979 - Newcastle City Hall. I took some pics with a very cheap instamatic camera. No one has ever seen them and due to size limits on here am not able to post them. Am happy to email to anyone who would like to see them.
just upload it on postimages.org and write here a link, it takes 30 seconds
Poor Mark! That's not very kind imo!
Where does this come from?
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Here you go.
Thank you, Simon! Sometimes low-quality pictures like that makes it all the more personal. It's YOUR experience, not something that is projected via a professional photographer with pro gear.
Must have been amazing to be there, and to know today that you were there, at the beginning of something huge.
Here you go.
I know that last pic, with marc and fan. Is that you Simon? And have you already shared this particular pic before?
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Here you go.
I was about to edit and post them this morning, I'm glad you managed to do it yourself, Simon!
Thank you, Simon! Sometimes low-quality pictures like that makes it all the more personal. It's YOUR experience, not something that is projected via a professional photographer with pro gear.
Must have been amazing to be there, and to know today that you were there, at the beginning of something huge.
Yes it was. I had already seen Dire Straits in November 1978 at a very small intimate gig (maybe 200) at Durham University having been listening to the album since March 1978 before it was officially released.
Here you go.
I know that last pic, with marc and fan. Is that you Simon? And have you already shared this particular pic before?
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Yes thats me it was a profile pic on here I believe.
A very interesting picture auction in ebay this week. A piece of history in paper. A shot from 70's? Anybody knows the date? I think a similar shot appears in a book. Colin Irwin book maybe? In that picture, which I don't place now, I had always thought Mark was with John, but the man who smiles behind Mark doesn't look like John. Any help?
A very interesting picture auction in ebay this week. A piece of history in paper. A shot from 70's? Anybody knows the date? I think a similar shot appears in a book. Colin Irwin book maybe? In that picture, which I don't place now, I had always thought Mark was with John, but the man who smiles behind Mark doesn't look like John. Any help?
It's Ron Watts from Brewers Droop 1973, similar to the one in the Myles Palmer biography.
Yes. M. Palmer book. MARK, JOHN MACKAY and STEVE KANE at work...Thanks!
Yes. M. Palmer book. MARK, JOHN MACKAY and STEVE KANE at work...Thanks!
From Myles Palmer book:
"Roadie Steve Kane replaces the band's car engine in 1973, aided by hairy guitarist and even hairier Ron Watts"
No Mention of John MacKay. :)
I don't have myles palmer's book right now because I'm not at home. I found the black and white image on the internet (http://kulturserver.de/home/the-long-road/releases-studio/discography/booze-brothers-the.html) and I thought the credits were fine... My mistake!
I don't have myles palmer's book right now because I'm not at home. I found the black and white image on the internet (http://kulturserver.de/home/the-long-road/releases-studio/discography/booze-brothers-the.html) and I thought the credits were fine... My mistake!
It could have been an error by Myles Palmer! :hmm
I'm searching for this picture in good quality for almost 15 years now. If somebody can help me, PLEASE help me with this one.
Is that one of the photos from the official golden heart tour photographer?
I have that set of prints somewhere...
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I'm searching for this picture in good quality for almost 15 years now. If somebody can help me, PLEASE help me with this one.
Thats a great picture. I always liked it.
I'm searching for this picture in good quality for almost 15 years now. If somebody can help me, PLEASE help me with this one.
Thats a great picture. I always liked it.
Yes, it's my favourite MK picture after the one from Shangri-La sessions, here's the link: https://sun9-60.userapi.com/c627830/v627830999/16b43/waWBVq6COoU.jpg (https://sun9-60.userapi.com/c627830/v627830999/16b43/waWBVq6COoU.jpg). But this picture with a Strat was the first time ever I've seen Mark, so it's a bit unfair :lol
One of my favorite:)
:-* :-* :-*
A friend of mine with John yesterday
quite a mess here
When Paul and the band played I Saw Her Standing There, Mark played a fantastic solo, and Paul loved it, reading his lips, it looks like he said "you the man!!"
Great picture from Guy's diary by the way. I wish it would be of better quality, because it pretty much sums everything about Mark's current life.
Great picture from Guy's diary by the way. I wish it would be of better quality, because it pretty much sums everything about Mark's current life.
iPhone I guess. Tssskk
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Lots of familiar faces in that picture.
Lots of familiar faces in that picture.
I can see Ingrid and, I think, Isaac and a lady whose face is familiar next to Ingrid. :) Great picture - I love audience pics!
Lots of familiar faces in that picture.
I can see Ingrid and, I think, Isaac and a lady whose face is familiar next to Ingrid. :) Great picture - I love audience pics!
That's Lis and her sister almost obscured by the 'Les Paul'!!
Yesss!!! Great audience pic for sure!!! Many familiar faces... my sister, Lorraine, also Frank, Alberto, Nelly, Vincent, Jeroen, Vincent, Sophie, Isaac, Ingrid, Shaunna, Denae, Sam. Brian and Jared were directly in front of Mark. This concert was amazing!!!!
Cool tix!
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Cool tix!
Have one of these, too, bought from Liz Whatley (of Mark's management), on the same day of the gig (yes, I was crazy enough to go to London without a ticket)
Dortmund 80
Emerson Fitipaldi, Fernando Alonso and Mari Knopfler at Woking, McClaren, yesterday
Nice pic, thanks for sharing jbaent!
And Mark looks very fit!! :-*
Thanks for the photo. I wonder why Mark was there, apart from the fact he loves car racing. He does look slimmed down and he is dressed unusually formally, for him.
Nice pic, thanks for sharing jbaent!
And Mark looks very fit!! :-*
To the contrary imho lis
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Thanks for the photo. I wonder why Mark was there, apart from the fact he loves car racing. He does look slimmed down and he is dressed unusually formally, for him.
Business, I guess. It's like "Business in front, party in the back" hair style in the 80s, if Mark is dressed formally you know something is up :lol
I like how the author of the pic casually mentions MK as if — yeah, not a big deal, just some guy from Dire Straits, he was walking by and decided to take a picture with us, what a gentleman.
Nice pic, thanks for sharing jbaent!
And Mark looks very fit!! :-*
I agree with you, Lis. He looks as though he has spent some time at the gym! :) Thanks, jbaent.
Nice pic, thanks for sharing jbaent!
And Mark looks very fit!! :-*
I agree with you, Lis. He looks as though he has spent some time at the gym! :) Thanks, jbaent.
He looks grubby and like he just woke up
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Nice pic, thanks for sharing jbaent!
And Mark looks very fit!! :-*
I agree with you, Lis. He looks as though he has spent some time at the gym! :) Thanks, jbaent.
He looks grubby and like he just woke up
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Are you looking at the right person, Pottel? MK grubby? No, not at all!
nice pick glad you found it, yes look like mk is getting better in shape
Nice pic, thanks for sharing jbaent!
And Mark looks very fit!! :-*
I agree with you, Lis. He looks as though he has spent some time at the gym! :) Thanks, jbaent.
He looks grubby and like he just woke up
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Are you looking at the right person, Pottel? MK grubby? No, not at all!
Looking mega grubby ...but not fat, that much is true
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Nice pic, thanks for sharing jbaent!
And Mark looks very fit!! :-*
I agree with you, Lis. He looks as though he has spent some time at the gym! :) Thanks, jbaent.
He looks grubby and like he just woke up
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Are you looking at the right person, Pottel? MK grubby? No, not at all!
Looking mega grubby ...but not fat, that much is true
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How do look,when you look "grubby" ?
I think the picture is a bit blurred, so it is hard to see too much.
and he does look quite slim.
"Grubby" to me means dirty and untidy. MK doesn't look either of those in the picture. However, his face looks a bit puffy, even though he appears to have slimmed down generally.
Thanks for the photo. I wonder why Mark was there, apart from the fact he loves car racing. He does look slimmed down and he is dressed unusually formally, for him.
Business, I guess. It's like "Business in front, party in the back" hair style in the 80s, if Mark is dressed formally you know something is up :lol
I like how the author of the pic casually mentions MK as if — yeah, not a big deal, just some guy from Dire Straits, he was walking by and decided to take a picture with us, what a gentleman.
The author of the pic, someone called Emerson Fitipaldi... does the name rings a bell?
"Grubby" to me means dirty and untidy. MK doesn't look either of those in the picture. However, his face looks a bit puffy, even though he appears to have slimmed down generally.
Maybe he's just doing the effort for the picture and trying to hide the belly ;D :lol
Thanks for the photo. I wonder why Mark was there, apart from the fact he loves car racing. He does look slimmed down and he is dressed unusually formally, for him.
Business, I guess. It's like "Business in front, party in the back" hair style in the 80s, if Mark is dressed formally you know something is up 
I like how the author of the pic casually mentions MK as if — yeah, not a big deal, just some guy from Dire Straits, he was walking by and decided to take a picture with us, what a gentleman.
The author of the pic, someone called Emerson Fitipaldi... does the name rings a bell?
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"Grubby" to me means dirty and untidy. MK doesn't look either of those in the picture. However, his face looks a bit puffy, even though he appears to have slimmed down generally.
He's certainly slimmed down, especially compared to the way he looked on that Italian TV show. Perhaps after touring, and hence losing some weight, he realised how much better and healthier he felt being a matchstick man!
Perhaps another corporate show?
For ne he looks a bit grumpy, has defintely lost some weight.
Wembley Nights
wembly nights pt 2
wembley nights pt 3
wembley pt 4
Hope like us all this photos.
PD: Please share more pics from BIA and LOG Tour!
Nice pic, thanks for sharing jbaent!
And Mark looks very fit!! :-*
I agree with you, Lis. He looks as though he has spent some time at the gym! :) Thanks, jbaent.
He looks grubby and like he just woke up
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Just a thought, Pottel - did you mean to say MK looked "grumpy" not "grubby" ? In that case, I agree, he does look a bit grumpy! ;)
One playing So far Away probably..
playing So far Away probably..
Nice pic, thanks for sharing jbaent!
And Mark looks very fit!! :-*
I agree with you, Lis. He looks as though he has spent some time at the gym! :) Thanks, jbaent.
He looks grubby and like he just woke up
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Just a thought, Pottel - did you mean to say MK looked "grumpy" not "grubby" ? In that case, I agree, he does look a bit grumpy! ;)
My bad. Correct
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playing So far Away probably..
because the key of E ?
it could also be Why Worry
playing So far Away probably..
because the key of E ?
it could also be Why Worry
I also bet So Far Away because of the "energetic" posture, so to speak.
playing So far Away probably..
because the key of E ?
it could also be Why Worry
I think that during Why Worry the lighst are semi-off (sorry for the bad explanation of "semi.off"
And like says quizzaciously, Mark seems like singing with an energy that not uses in Why Worry
Sorry for my bad english :smack
(https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/79183781_10220762625235895_2805008381847273472_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ohc=v3_a3aGXEQUAQkfjTedDZ2FEOhuUhLUvfVfOJH8gbyWASisrMYEuFk4iA&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=bdff8061f6dd9fc47556e0edb4398f6c&oe=5E882BA1) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/78696673_10220762625115892_7782993190079954944_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ohc=sdEB5k_QuVAAQkm35EdykchkFubaL6Y6Sh6QIFhN6ZB-aVfnf1Y9-uQtg&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=e55f23797e5c84bceceba66c7acd99b0&oe=5E8242B2) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/70061467_10220762625435900_2945438629717082112_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ohc=FBIrtEvpmrcAQlzQ3XSLfqp06pKoFM59uloRU8XdDXHsXkwJbXIWDJcpA&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=6c9cd6167f2063696e26d758c0961a2e&oe=5E826265)
Pre straits...
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Looks like one of the warm up gigs :think
Pre straits...
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are you sure it is before Dire Straits ?
I remember someone posted it here and said it was a Cafe Racers reunion circa 1980. And indeed, Mark's hairs look like around 1980 :think
Pre straits...
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are you sure it is before Dire Straits ?
I remember someone posted it here and said it was a Cafe Racers reunion circa 1980. And indeed, Mark's hairs look like around 1980 :think
I believe you are right.
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Cafe Racers 1980??? :hmm
I don't know this story:)
Cafe Racers 1980??? :hmm
I don't know this story:)
I don't have the time to search right now, but I am quite sure the info is somewhere on the forum
and I have a doubt : not sure if it's Cafe racers or Brewers Droop
I found it.
Thanks again to Ingo :clap :thumbsup
"These are in fact from the gig afetr the first DS albums, late 1979"
Yes it's true. I forgot about that. I'm looking for the exact date.
(https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/79239681_10220787247731442_5972582681458769920_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ohc=94J8j93BvIAAQk4K8FD6p_BHoThTrOGVbkFk0a-GNGYEIb9O6sanslbDw&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=36ca98d2435c51d80035af229e4314c9&oe=5E89F8BC) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/79208039_10220787242171303_2510904259961159680_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=sVKaZXtCEa8AQn6g43VSsktb5pKgfA4BFNdyCSuJ3JOP0iz3sdHoJmGZw&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=39b2bfa9caffb2846fd3f35c73bd10c4&oe=5E77D88C) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/78468566_10220787242531312_8192497783219945472_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ohc=hn6CyL5LIHIAQmGLj-CNiDwd98wjzzdlvhMpiI3RIMCcM5rWGb0ucAXIQ&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=834d12bf5e69110ff8448fc7ef30ab84&oe=5E3E6EAA) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/78945786_10220787247091426_6984225261248053248_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=gIh1bABzbEoAQkLZBF2d8ePLv8ZrnydJVcKO6LXq7Oeth4H4-DeL6b9BA&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=87295a86656e542b5ea8070de77db65b&oe=5E7CC8F6) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/78045864_10220787264891871_8412150695729299456_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ohc=MWi0xidzzPAAQleywwNJXKXY1A1qJcMx8grnZdHTIvP1PmxS1_KpKl73g&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=97fc339ab18a3d1dfd98c53caa04fc6c&oe=5E423FDB) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/78752779_10220787265171878_3871803195030241280_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ohc=MpIcTZ5w-wEAQme0qSf0BYP7D0s0sNL90aExlLJ_lqgdSMDknVhtolvTw&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=f97289dc7f38e1f798fa4db26feecdc4&oe=5E79F069)
Any with more interesting photos from LOG and BIA Tour?
Any with more interesting photos from LOG and BIA Tour?
Dude, this thread is full of them, browse through it from the beginning
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Any with more interesting photos from LOG and BIA Tour?
Dude, this thread is full of them, browse through it from the beginning
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yes pottel i know! but i want more :lol :lol :lol
One during Wembley nights
Seems like playing Sultans :think
Danny Cummings was clearly already working with Mark Knopfler in 1987 (The Princess Bride)
smart, skilled and strong
(https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/81471137_10221122709837785_5837546964052344832_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=6c5HWEZDnCMAQkTo5CNCd1nfBIGhdtbL0A-RogzoUL32srsHI76XtK6IA&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=cdc0da31b28dfa7db9f347743034c58f&oe=5E988714) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/81266775_10221122710357798_6015735600861151232_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_ohc=nwbRnu6NmjwAQlznYZYkmQYh-Ca83wOi96wSC7GB9qZnEUqeoEwz2mprQ&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=9b1b6d0621288f055b72343ecb749cc3&oe=5E6669CD) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/82428081_10221122710997814_8441739678914183168_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_ohc=szq8hkF5NE4AQmWonzC1aZphw7HpltwqL53toe7fET8pX30ei9BHzQ_mQ&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=84df779dced8c8cdaaf5613cfd9f527e&oe=5E687361) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/82188987_10221122709517777_2456102148006477824_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=K9E9We2Wm1YAQliHqUoXhaDeXArMkdd2AifJNHweesZQZfb4MNAr07Arg&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=ad7e838e69f706b96b7a96dc2425821a&oe=5EA433E6) (https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/81192294_10221122708557753_4561855112074493952_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ohc=Db-9Pfr4RPQAQmaz9Ur_rusdTpAgMxuW4FAYc9prQ6htq_VZH6aVLXRKw&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.xx&oh=a90c185680d9f05ccbb868fe7e1f5012&oe=5E6702A4)
Info? Never seen these...
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Info? Never seen these...
RAH Prince's Trust 2010, Guy Fletcher on stage
Info? Never seen these...
RAH Prince's Trust 2010, Guy Fletcher on stage
It's so weird to see Guy without Mark lol :lol
Pretty sure he was somewhere behind the scenes, as Markless Guy is something that can't actually happen in this world!! :lol
Info? Never seen these...
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Info? Never seen these...
RAH Prince's Trust 2010, Guy Fletcher on stage
<3 I don't like Queen when they sound like Queen..., but this was cool!
It's so weird to see Guy without Mark lol :lol
Pretty sure he was somewhere behind the scenes, as Markless Guy is something that can't actually happen in this world!! :lol
Info? Never seen these...
RAH Prince's Trust 2010, Guy Fletcher on stage
It's so weird to see Guy without Mark lol :lol
Pretty sure he was somewhere behind the scenes, as Markless Guy is something that can't actually happen in this world!! :lol
Pretty sure he was at home, and he wasn't even wqtching the tv broadcast!
;D :lol
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sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk
it seems to be NHB Southampton 1990. info from a FB french group
Awful beer
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Awful beer
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I bet that's not the best vodka as well :lol
Nice to see a NHb picture.
I always wonder why it's so difficult to find pictures from the NHb and from MK solo in 1996 and 2001...
That pic of MK touching his nose... Now I know from where and who that pictures come. Those pictures were made by Carolyn Dean and sold through MK News some tears ago.
I've never seen this guitar before. Looks like a Pensa Suhr, but this one is new to me.
Could it be this one?
The guitar was used on Randy Newman's [/size]Land of dreams[/size] album and Mark Knopfler also used it to play some promotional work together with Randy Newman in 1988. Click [/size]here[/size] for another picture of the same performance (Saturday Night Live, 20th October 1988) and [/size]here[/size] for a picture of a performance with Randy Newman on Sunday Night (6th November 1988).
http://www.oneverybootleg.nl/ (http://www.oneverybootleg.nl/)
Edit: Or I guess it could be the one used on Neck and Neck.
Is that Ronnie Millsap?
Ronnie Milsap with MK at Groundstar Studio, 1990.
yes, and this is the song they created
I've never seen this guitar before. Looks like a Pensa Suhr, but this one is new to me.
That’s in the poor boy blues videoclip as well.
GRAZIE PensaGhost
yes, and this is the song they created
Classic MK rock 'n roll, could have been on the Neck and Neck record (licks + sound). You can hear The Bug, I Used to Could, Two Young Lovers, WOL, Next Time I'm in Town, Cannibals. Also snippets of There'll Be Some Changes Made in the solo.
Great pic pensa!
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Great pic pensa!
Yes, so wonderfully British.
Hmm I didn't get the joke? :hmm :think
Hmm I didn't get the joke? :hmm :think
Vindaloo is a very spicy Indian delicacy.
Ah ok. Make Sense. Thanks. :thumbsup
Also, that's not a limo, but a London taxi. Curious who took the photo. Kitty looked seriously beautiful at that age.
Also, that's not a limo, but a London taxi. Curious who took the photo. Kitty looked seriously beautiful at that age.
Exactly I have thought the Same ;D. When was this pic taken? 1998?
Mark Knopfler video during his visit at Bodegas Valduero, Vinos, Wines ,D.O. Ribera del Duero. (2019 DTRW tour)
Unusual pictures of Mark and friends...
Last ones
Also, that's not a limo, but a London taxi. Curious who took the photo. Kitty looked seriously beautiful at that age.
Exactly I have thought the Same ;D. When was this pic taken? 1998?
Probably 1993, around the time of Swan Hunter.
Pictures should be posted in the correct width otherwise they are unwatchable or almost unwatchable.
Maybe a moderator can fix that.
Is that Jeff Beck with Mark? Imagine this chat:
- Hello Mark, how are you mate?
- Very good Jeff, yourself?
- Good, good... listen, I gotta ask you a question if you don’t mind.
- Go ahead.
- Was my solo in Private Dancer really that awful?
- Ok, have I ever told you this story about me blowing up the radio because my dad couldn’t afford an amplifier?
Is that Jeff Beck with Mark? Imagine this chat:
- Hello Mark, how are you mate?
- Very good Jeff, yourself?
- Good, good... listen, I gotta ask you a question if you don’t mind.
- Go ahead.
- Was my solo in Private Dancer really that awful?
- Ok, have I ever told you this story about me blowing up the radio because my dad couldn’t afford an amplifier?
I didn't thought about that Knopfler - Jeff Beck link!
Is that Jeff Beck with Mark? Imagine this chat:
- Hello Mark, how are you mate?
- Very good Jeff, yourself?
- Good, good... listen, I gotta ask you a question if you don’t mind.
- Go ahead.
- Was my solo in Private Dancer really that awful?
- Ok, have I ever told you this story about me blowing up the radio because my dad couldn’t afford an amplifier?
I didn't thought about that Knopfler - Jeff Beck link!
To be honest, the solo was really awful. I can't believe it came to be that way!
Here from 02:35:
That solo always makes me think about Michael Jackson's "Beat it", a song with a killing guitar by Steve Lukather and the solo is played by Eddie Van Halen that, in comparation with Lukather guitar during all the track, sucks a lot.
That solo always makes me think about Michael Jackson's "Beat it", a song with a killing guitar by Steve Lukather and the solo is played by Eddie Van Halen that, in comparation with Lukather guitar during all the track, sucks a lot.
There’s a very interesting video on YouTube on how those guitars were recorded. Steve’s a very funny guy.
Re Beck’s solo I know I’m outnumbered here but I actually like that one.
That solo always makes me think about Michael Jackson's "Beat it", a song with a killing guitar by Steve Lukather and the solo is played by Eddie Van Halen that, in comparation with Lukather guitar during all the track, sucks a lot.
There’s a very interesting video on YouTube on how those guitars were recorded. Steve’s a very funny guy.
Re Beck’s solo I know I’m outnumbered here but I actually like that one.
You and I have had our disagreements in the past, but here I agree with you. I think Beck's solo fits really well. The overall production is very 80s style, and I'm not sure a typical Mark solo would have fit that well. Would be interesting to hear how Mark would have played it though.
That solo always makes me think about Michael Jackson's "Beat it", a song with a killing guitar by Steve Lukather and the solo is played by Eddie Van Halen that, in comparation with Lukather guitar during all the track, sucks a lot.
There’s a very interesting video on YouTube on how those guitars were recorded. Steve’s a very funny guy.
Re Beck’s solo I know I’m outnumbered here but I actually like that one.
The solo on "Beat it"?
Actually is far better than the Jeff Beck solo on Private Dancer, but when you listen to the killing guitar by Lukather on "Beat It" and the Van Halen solo comes, it's like a strange copy and paste of different styles that doesn't match very well, at least to me...
That solo always makes me think about Michael Jackson's "Beat it", a song with a killing guitar by Steve Lukather and the solo is played by Eddie Van Halen that, in comparation with Lukather guitar during all the track, sucks a lot.
There’s a very interesting video on YouTube on how those guitars were recorded. Steve’s a very funny guy.
Re Beck’s solo I know I’m outnumbered here but I actually like that one.
The solo on "Beat it"?
Actually is far better than the Jeff Beck solo on Private Dancer, but when you listen to the killing guitar by Lukather on "Beat It" and the Van Halen solo comes, it's like a strange copy and paste of different styles that doesn't match very well, at least to me...
Yes, Steve tells how they lost the tapes and had to record it all over again and funny intel on Eddie Van Halen. Lots of fun.
Thanks Darkshiver, it's been a long time since I saw all of these :)
You welcome Elin N. :thumbsup
I took this picture. Second night in Barcelona, 31 July 1996 at the beginning of Darling Pretty ;D
I took this picture. Second night in Barcelona, 31 July 1996 at the beginning of Darling Pretty ;D
You have impressive skills... and memory :lol
Thanks for that picture.
I took this picture. Second night in Barcelona, 31 July 1996 at the beginning of Darling Pretty ;D
You have impressive skills... and memory :lol
Thanks for that picture.
Well, at that time I was 23 years old. I was very lucky to got a photographer pass and I could take photos during the first 3 songs (darling pretty, walk of life and imelda). I didn't even have a reflex camera!! so I had to borrow a Zenit camera, I also remember that.
This is the Chet Atkins Musicians Days II in Nashville 1998, you have a lot of info and many pics like that one here:
Oooooh 'the stare'!!!
Le Meridien Hotel, Barcelona. 2001 tour I think. Mark signed everything inside the bus
Le Meridien Hotel, Barcelona. 2001 tour I think. Mark signed everything inside the bus
Seems clearly 1996 to me
Le Meridien Hotel, Barcelona. 2001 tour I think. Mark signed everything inside the bus
Seems clearly 1996 to me
Probably... Mark came to Barcelona in 1996 with Kitty and family. I remember that he tooks a car with a driver to get around Barcelona with Kitty all the time. I didn't remenber he tooks a bus that year That's why I think it was 2001 instead 1996... but I am not going to set fire to myself in this case....
Love this photo.
Made a black and white version of it:
Le Meridien Hotel, Barcelona. 2001 tour I think. Mark signed everything inside the bus
Seems clearly 1996 to me
You're right. Barcelona 1996. Same shirt of this picture (in antibes 1996, four days later, 4th august). My mistake
Pennan, the Local Hero red cabin.
Anyone knows what kind of guitar strap that is? It looks like there is a cable taped to it but I can’t think of any use for that. :think
Anyone knows what kind of guitar strap that is? It looks like there is a cable taped to it but I can’t think of any use for that. :think
it's a musicman guitar strap with a HF transmitter taped on it
it's a musicman guitar strap with a HF transmitter taped on it
Merci bien JF!
I am still wondering why a HF transmitter is taped to it as the guitar seems fully wired (see 2nd picture).
it's a musicman guitar strap with a HF transmitter taped on it
Merci bien JF!
I am still wondering why a HF transmitter is taped to it as the guitar seems fully wired (see 2nd picture).
Ah, now I see the loose hanging jack plug on that picture. Solved :)
HF or RF transmitter?
OES Street era...same shirt as the OTN DVD i think? I managed to find an identical shirt back in the day....I'm pretty sure its still in my wardrobe!
Don't think I have seen this last one before, thank you Pensaghost :) When and where is this taken?
Just found some NHB pictures at the Ronnie Scotts that a fan (I think it was a French fan, but can't remember who) sent me in 1999... It might be possible that it was my friend MArk Zeelenberg from The Netherland, but my meory is terrible.
Anyway, here you have some of them. You can see guests Chris Barber, Chris White and Dave O'Higgins....
Some more NHB pictures
Also found some 2001 pictures, can't remember from who I got them
more 2001
and more 2001
totally unwatchable, can moderators fix the width of the pictures through the width command
Clearly during Sultans
Clearly during Sultans
Funny pic considering how all three people on it went completely different ways.
Dire Straits arriving at Vigo, Spain1992
Dire Straits arriving at Oviedo, 1992, the day after the concert in Vigo, for the concert in Gijon
The making off of the Calling Elvis video. Picture by Chris Whitten, more pics like that in his instagram account.
Is that difficult to add few lines of what's the picture? :smack ;D :lol
His Incredible Hulk moment. You won't like him when he's angry! :lol
The making off of the Calling Elvis video. Picture by Chris Whitten, more pics like that in his instagram account.
Is that difficult to add few lines of what's the picture? :smack ;D :lol
Yes, was about to say that this one is by Chris Witten, posted on his Instagram page. Credit should be given when its known :)
His Incredible Hulk moment. You won't like him when he's angry! :lol
Sausages it seems will also induce a green rage fest!! ;D :lol
Just found some NHB pictures at the Ronnie Scotts that a fan (I think it was a French fan, but can't remember who) sent me in 1999... It might be possible that it was my friend MArk Zeelenberg from The Netherland, but my meory is terrible.
Anyway, here you have some of them. You can see guests Chris Barber, Chris White and Dave O'Higgins....
if this is the night with Chris Barber, i was there, in front, far more hair then today. cannot find me on it though. was front row tables....
can you try and always add some info Pensa? (if available)
can you try and always add some info Pensa? (if available)
He was donning the earring during the Alchemy era wasn't he? Don't recall it any other period.
Hello everybody.
Today trying to order the huge amount of photos and clippings that I have in my collection, I found the first photos I could take of DS in Barcelona in 1992 when I was 17 years old. At that time I had a very very poor quality camera and these photos are taken a few minutes ago with my smartphone, so the quality is bad but I would like to share them with all the AMITers. They are photos on stage and back to the hotel in May (8-10th May, 1992 La monumental bullring )
More pictures
More pictures
More pictures
Interesting shirt
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More pictures
Interesting shirt
Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
It is a football shirt. From the second team of the city: RCD Espanyol. people whistled Mark a lot because he didn't wear the one from FC Barcelona... I think the band usually did this act in different cities around europe
Guy and others wear the F. C. Barcelona shirts. Strange MK chose to wear the R. C. D Espanyol one...
Guy and others wear the F. C. Barcelona shirts. Strange MK chose to wear the R. C. D Espanyol one...
Well, probably at that time, Mark had other things on his head (he was about to broke with Lourdes ...) and took the first shirt they gave him (also sure that the person who gave it was supporter of RCD Espanyol!) ;D ;D
I always thought that Mark began to wear the headband in spring 83
but I discovered yesterday in a FB group, pictures from western springs 15th april 81, and he has it. :o
so it seems he tried it in april 81, he didn't wear it in europe spring 81, neither in autumn-winter 82 (pics from wembley arena december 82 in the Oldfield book), and then he wore it again in spring 83, and kept it :think
also, it is strange that there is no bootleg circulating from australian tour in 81 :think
looks more like he used an old tie :-)
great find though JF!
He wouldn't have needed any sweatband in the UK during December 1981 because it was the coldest winter on record! A severe cold spell formed in early December 1981 and lasted until mid-late January 1982. I vaguely remember the snow being deeper than my wellies!
so you had/have short wellies then?
He wouldn't have needed any sweatband in the UK during December 1981 because it was the coldest winter on record! A severe cold spell formed in early December 1981 and lasted until mid-late January 1982. I vaguely remember the snow being deeper than my wellies!
Sorry dmg, but the coldest winter in recent memory in the UK was in 1962/63. I remember it well and it lasted from December 1962 until March 1963. I remember it freezing every day for six weeks, even downto -20 and it was possible to skate on our local lake in Liverpool, which I did with my friends after work. I know, I'm showing my age! ;D
Mark and John looked very exhauted and not lucky at that time :think :-\
Mark and John looked very exhauted and not lucky at that time :think :-\
I agree. Mark, especially, looked very tired and depressed on some of the Barcelona pictures.
I always thought that Mark began to wear the headband in spring 83
but I discovered yesterday in a FB group, pictures from western springs 15th april 81, and he has it. :o
so it seems he tried it in april 81, he didn't wear it in europe spring 81, neither in autumn-winter 82 (pics from wembley arena december 82 in the Oldfield book), and then he wore it again in spring 83, and kept it :think
also, it is strange that there is no bootleg circulating from australian tour in 81 :think
This information is wrong, in reality these photos are on 26.03.1983-Western Springs Auckland New Zealand, unfortunately the gettyimages site is not accurate on the dates, I have come across a lot of wrong information regarding the location and dates of photos on that site. It happens that Dire Straits played on 15.04.1981- Western Springs Auckland New Zealand, but the photos in question were in the same place, on the Love Over Gold tour, which was the moment when Mark started wearing the headband, how is it known .
Therefore, these photos are surely on 26.03.1983-Western Springs Auckland New Zealand!
He wouldn't have needed any sweatband in the UK during December 1981 because it was the coldest winter on record! A severe cold spell formed in early December 1981 and lasted until mid-late January 1982. I vaguely remember the snow being deeper than my wellies!
Sorry dmg, but the coldest winter in recent memory in the UK was in 1962/63. I remember it well and it lasted from December 1962 until March 1963. I remember it freezing every day for six weeks, even downto -20 and it was possible to skate on our local lake in Liverpool, which I did with my friends after work. I know, I'm showing my age! ;D
Unless incorrect information:
"The CET Central England Station recorded a daily mean temperature of 0.3 °C (32.5 °F)[3] and a daily minimum temperature of −2.7 °C (27.1 °F),[4] for December, and is the coldest December recorded in the 20th Century."
He wouldn't have needed any sweatband in the UK during December 1981 because it was the coldest winter on record! A severe cold spell formed in early December 1981 and lasted until mid-late January 1982. I vaguely remember the snow being deeper than my wellies!
Sorry dmg, but the coldest winter in recent memory in the UK was in 1962/63. I remember it well and it lasted from December 1962 until March 1963. I remember it freezing every day for six weeks, even downto -20 and it was possible to skate on our local lake in Liverpool, which I did with my friends after work. I know, I'm showing my age! ;D
Unless incorrect information:
"The CET Central England Station recorded a daily mean temperature of 0.3 °C (32.5 °F)[3] and a daily minimum temperature of −2.7 °C (27.1 °F),[4] for December, and is the coldest December recorded in the 20th Century."
I certainly remember 1962/3 being very bad, but just checked:
I remember people talk about 1947 being one of the worst, but that was in the North of England, Scotland and N Ireland. I do vaguely remember it, but I was very young! ;)
He wouldn't have needed any sweatband in the UK during December 1981 because it was the coldest winter on record! A severe cold spell formed in early December 1981 and lasted until mid-late January 1982. I vaguely remember the snow being deeper than my wellies!
Sorry dmg, but the coldest winter in recent memory in the UK was in 1962/63. I remember it well and it lasted from December 1962 until March 1963. I remember it freezing every day for six weeks, even downto -20 and it was possible to skate on our local lake in Liverpool, which I did with my friends after work. I know, I'm showing my age! ;D
Unless incorrect information:
"The CET Central England Station recorded a daily mean temperature of 0.3 °C (32.5 °F)[3] and a daily minimum temperature of −2.7 °C (27.1 °F),[4] for December, and is the coldest December recorded in the 20th Century."
I certainly remember 1962/3 being very bad, but just checked:
I remember people talk about 1947 being one of the worst, but that was in the North of England, Scotland and N Ireland. I do vaguely remember it, but I was very young! ;)
I don't believe it! :o
If, in 1981/2 the snow was deeper than 5 year old dmg's wellies, then I consider it bad! :lol
He wouldn't have needed any sweatband in the UK during December 1981 because it was the coldest winter on record! A severe cold spell formed in early December 1981 and lasted until mid-late January 1982. I vaguely remember the snow being deeper than my wellies!
I think you get it wrong, the headband was also there because of the warmth of the spotlights rings over his head and as winter shows were generally indoor, Mark was also sweating hard on stage... Just my €0.02
He wouldn't have needed any sweatband in the UK during December 1981 because it was the coldest winter on record! A severe cold spell formed in early December 1981 and lasted until mid-late January 1982. I vaguely remember the snow being deeper than my wellies!
Sorry dmg, but the coldest winter in recent memory in the UK was in 1962/63. I remember it well and it lasted from December 1962 until March 1963. I remember it freezing every day for six weeks, even downto -20 and it was possible to skate on our local lake in Liverpool, which I did with my friends after work. I know, I'm showing my age! ;D
Unless incorrect information:
"The CET Central England Station recorded a daily mean temperature of 0.3 °C (32.5 °F)[3] and a daily minimum temperature of −2.7 °C (27.1 °F),[4] for December, and is the coldest December recorded in the 20th Century."
I certainly remember 1962/3 being very bad, but just checked:
I remember people talk about 1947 being one of the worst, but that was in the North of England, Scotland and N Ireland. I do vaguely remember it, but I was very young! ;)
I don't believe it! :o
If, in 1981/2 the snow was deeper than 5 year old dmg's wellies, then I consider it bad! :lol
LOL! I do, however, remember a lot of very deep snow in the late 70s and 80s here in Yorkshire and some winters the snow was so deep that we had to dig out our front door (spade left outside purposely) to get in and that's IF we actually got to work at all, due to giant snow drifts across Leeds Ring Road! Those were the days! ;D Also there's a big difference between the coldest winters and the snowiest. Some of the coldest are the worst!
Mark and John looked very exhauted and not lucky at that time :think :-\
I agree. Mark, especially, looked very tired and depressed on some of the Barcelona pictures.
I came across this interview lately, man he looked like shit at the end of the OES tour, quite a dark period for him I think.
Mark and John looked very exhauted and not lucky at that time :think :-\
I agree. Mark, especially, looked very tired and depressed on some of the Barcelona pictures.
I came across this interview lately, man he looked like shit at the end of the OES tour, quite a dark period for him I think.
Damn, he can be such an arrogant arsehole sometimes....
Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
I totally agree with you. :-[
But I also think that he's got sick of poor interview partners, too. 8)
I totally agree with you. :-[
But I also think that he's got sick of poor interview partners, too. 8)
True this one sounded more like a fan, and who needs those annoying get-a-lifers right? That pay for everything and shit
Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
I always thought that Mark began to wear the headband in spring 83
but I discovered yesterday in a FB group, pictures from western springs 15th april 81, and he has it. :o
so it seems he tried it in april 81, he didn't wear it in europe spring 81, neither in autumn-winter 82 (pics from wembley arena december 82 in the Oldfield book), and then he wore it again in spring 83, and kept it :think
also, it is strange that there is no bootleg circulating from australian tour in 81 :think
This information is wrong, in reality these photos are on 26.03.1983-Western Springs Auckland New Zealand, unfortunately the gettyimages site is not accurate on the dates, I have come across a lot of wrong information regarding the location and dates of photos on that site. It happens that Dire Straits played on 15.04.1981- Western Springs Auckland New Zealand, but the photos in question were in the same place, on the Love Over Gold tour, which was the moment when Mark started wearing the headband, how is it known .
Therefore, these photos are surely on 26.03.1983-Western Springs Auckland New Zealand!
Many thanks Brunno !
I knew there was someting strange...mystery solved !
Wuow!! Amazing pictures! Thanks pensaghost!! Seems personal pictures from band members or crew?
Thanks a lot PensaBoy.... Great pics of Nassau i Guess....1985.
Take care of you mate.
The pictures were on Facebook, it said they came from Terry Williams FB page.
Wuow!! Amazing pictures! Thanks pensaghost!! Seems personal pictures from band members or crew?
Yes by Terry Williams
I don’t think he was rude or anything in that interview. He looks worn out that’s for sure but apart from that he provided pretty good answers in my opinion.
Thoughful mk, fits the current Situation. Any information of this pic? Tracker promo?
He wears the same clothes in the official STP documentary video!
He wears the same clothes in the official STP documentary video!
You are right! Just watched the STP documentary last night.
A screen capture of the stp video press kit
21st July, 2017. Dire Straits frontman Mark Knopfler unveils two iconic London buses to celebrate launch of Gigs, in association with Gibson, on the eve of International Busking Day in Wembley.Young musicians competing to be named the capital's top buskers will perform aboard two specially commissioned London buses this weekend to help mark International Busking Day, and to launch the next phase of Gigs, the Mayor of London's annual busking competition.
Hello everybody.
Today trying to order the huge amount of photos and clippings that I have in my collection, I found the first photos I could take of DS in Barcelona in 1992 when I was 17 years old. At that time I had a very very poor quality camera and these photos are taken a few minutes ago with my smartphone, so the quality is bad but I would like to share them with all the AMITers. They are photos on stage and back to the hotel in May (8-10th May, 1992 La monumental bullring )
I was on May 9, can you send me all the photos you have please ? carlosbelmonte73@yahoo.es
Guy more interested in the cam than in MK's playing
Guy more interested in the cam than in MK's playing
This is probably the funniest picture from the entire Guy's diaries catalogue.
Guy more interested in the cam than in MK's playing
This is probably the funniest picture from the entire Guy's diaries catalogue.
no, the funniest is the one where they are all drunk
no, the funniest is the one where they are all drunk
Can you post it?
no, the funniest is the one where they are all drunk
Can you post it?
;D Maybe my all time favorite too. It's like, where to start? The shoe? The banana? :lol
My vote goes to this one:
:lol :lol Gold! This competition will be tough!
There's one photo of Mark, I think it's from one of the studio diaries, where he's playing "air guitar", but it looks like he's holding a giant p€nis he-he Can't find it now.
There's one photo of Mark, I think it's from one of the studio diaries, where he's playing "air guitar", but it looks like he's holding a giant p€nis he-he Can't find it now.
There's one photo of Mark, I think it's from one of the studio diaries, where he's playing "air guitar", but it looks like he's holding a giant p€nis he-he Can't find it now.
Yup, that's one :D Which diary is that from? TRD?
There's one photo of Mark, I think it's from one of the studio diaries, where he's playing "air guitar", but it looks like he's holding a giant p€nis he-he Can't find it now.
is there an ignore feature in this forum ?
There's one photo of Mark, I think it's from one of the studio diaries, where he's playing "air guitar", but it looks like he's holding a giant p€nis he-he Can't find it now.
is there an ignore feature in this forum ?
Was the word "p€nis" too rude/crude/childish for you?
More funny pics, please!
I'm too sexy for my car ...
There's one photo of Mark, I think it's from one of the studio diaries, where he's playing "air guitar", but it looks like he's holding a giant p€nis he-he Can't find it now.
is there an ignore feature in this forum ?
Was the word "p€nis" too rude/crude/childish for you?
i believe it was sarcastic...
On ebay now: ERIC CLAPTON - MARK KNOPFLER with MICHELE ALBORETO & GERHATD BERGER -1988 - F1 - Grand Prix of Japan - Suzuka -
Is that Alan Clarke next to Mark? Must have been during the Clapton tour in 88.
Yes. Eric and Mark played in Nagoya 31october at Raibown hall and 2nd November at Tokyo Dome with Elton John. Eric tour in Japan begans 30 October in Nagoya and finished in Osaka (5th November 1988)
Yes. Eric and Mark played in Nagoya 31october at Raibown hall and 2nd November at Tokyo Dome with Elton John. Eric tour in Japan begans 30 October in Nagoya and finished in Osaka (5th November 1988)
Mark in racing mode always reminds me of Ayrton Senna.
Bar Knopfler, in Mislata, Valencia (Spain)
just amazing. IF i ever get to Valencia...
MK portraits at a special tribute at the Civic Centre in Newcastle-Unpon-Tyne (19 oct 2006 - Variety Club Award)
last one
Hey do you guys have any cool Wallpapers for my desktop? Always needed a cool, but BIG, image regarding MK/DS
We need to plan an AMIT party there...
someone sent Hal Lindes this thing
Just was sorting through the pics on my computer and found this. Mark with John Anderson.
Yesterday, spanish local tv broadcast clips of a music program called "Aplauso" (that was broadcast in the 1970s in Spain). Dire Straits played in 1979 Sultans and Lady Writer. See the video of a playback Lady writer (DS at 1H.20m.20s)
Emerson Fitipaldi, Fernando Alonso and Mari Knopfler at Woking, McClaren, yesterday
I worked there for 2 years. Great picture taken on the boulevard. Thanks
Bar Knopfler, in Mislata, Valencia (Spain)
AMIT members meet up location??!!! :wave
Bar Knopfler, in Mislata, Valencia (Spain)
AMIT members meet up location??!!! :wave
That's a bit random! I was thinking Newcastle or even London more appropriate for the sights and locales of songs and lyrics etc.
Bar Knopfler, in Mislata, Valencia (Spain)
AMIT members meet up location??!!! :wave
That's a bit random! I was thinking Newcastle or even London more appropriate for the sights and locales of songs and lyrics etc.
dmg, I'm disappointed you wouldn't want to go to 'Bar Knopfler' for a meet up!!!
Bar Knopfler, in Mislata, Valencia (Spain)
AMIT members meet up location??!!! :wave
That's a bit random! I was thinking Newcastle or even London more appropriate for the sights and locales of songs and lyrics etc.
dmg, I'm disappointed you wouldn't want to go to 'Bar Knopfler' for a meet up!!!
Drinks look fine but I don't fancy the look of their Strat burgers and some of the tables are So Far From the Bar we'll need to send our order by Telegraph Code. ;D
Bar Knopfler, in Mislata, Valencia (Spain)
AMIT members meet up location??!!! :wave
That's a bit random! I was thinking Newcastle or even London more appropriate for the sights and locales of songs and lyrics etc.
dmg, I'm disappointed you wouldn't want to go to 'Bar Knopfler' for a meet up!!!
Drinks look fine but I don't fancy the look of their Strat burgers and some of the tables are So Far From the Bar we'll need to send our order by Telegraph Code. ;D
'I could order you a toastie
Just like that one there
Or the same in plain white bread
When you’re dealing with a toastie
What do you prefer
Brown or red?'
Mandela Warmup
Basel? video stills?
On the Night? Walk of Life
Basel? video stills?
Definately not Basel; At this concert Mark wore a yellow shirt.
On The Night:)
Basel? video stills?
On the Night - Walk Of Life
from DS FB
On 4th April 1986, Dire Straits performed a sell out, outdoor concert at Cairns Showgrounds, despite a torrential rain storm throughout the entire evening. The stage, equipment, instruments and band were soaked through, and Mark sang an impromptu version of 'Singin' In The Rain'. This picture of Mark and Jack Sonni was captured by Brian Cassey and printed across the Cairns Post broadsheet front page.
from DS FB
On 4th April 1986, Dire Straits performed a sell out, outdoor concert at Cairns Showgrounds, despite a torrential rain storm throughout the entire evening. The stage, equipment, instruments and band were soaked through, and Mark sang an impromptu version of 'Singin' In The Rain'. This picture of Mark and Jack Sonni was captured by Brian Cassey and printed across the Cairns Post broadsheet front page.
Went straight to Guy and asked me if he recalls anything. Check out his answer on his blog
How could they play electric guitars in the rain??? Crazy.
So Far Away? :)
So Far Away? :)
Yo, Rico!
How could they play electric guitars in the rain??? Crazy.
they don't do it in the driving rain no more but they use to could
How could they play electric guitars in the rain??? Crazy.
they don't do it in the driving rain no more but they use to could
I remember working as a roadie about 10 years ago and the rain on the outdoor venues was one of the worst nightmares of the crew... Yes, guys on stage could have fun, be we certainly won't.
But at the same time, I can't understand how a venue can be outdoor and don't have any protection from the rain? Do the people who built this know about such a thing as the weather?
Hello everyone around here a pleasure to greet you excellent images thank you very much for sharing them the truth this is my favorite band and Mark my idol in my opinion is one of the best bands of recent times with classics that hit and are still alive as if they had fled yesterday they took it out :clap
Welcome breimerm :wave to this great place full of the nicest and biggest Mark Knopfler fans in the world.
I cannot imagine a life without Mark "Dire Straits" Knopfler music. He is an inspiration for me each and every day.
Love this pic. Thank you!
DS november 1980, USA
DS, NZ april 1981
Mark Knopfler, Power Station, New York City, 1982 and DS inNL 1978, i think
I wonder what exactly Mark's ability on the piano is? I would like to hear him play it.
I wonder what exactly Mark's ability on the piano is? I would like to hear him play it.
I wonder what exactly Mark's ability on the piano is? I would like to hear him play it.
Yes, Boogie Woogie is in his blood.
Great video, haven`t seen it before.
Thanks Pavel! :wave
I wonder what exactly Mark's ability on the piano is? I would like to hear him play it.
I’m wondering for years: what is Guy saying?
That's not what I meant, I mean him sitting down on his own like the previous studio photo.
Re Mark's abilities on the piano, my guess is that he can't really "play" it, but he rather uses it to work out chord sequences. I'm sure he also knows enough drumming to be able to sit down in the studio and demonstrate the type of feel and groove he'd like.
I wonder what exactly Mark's ability on the piano is? I would like to hear him play it.
I’m wondering for years: what is Guy saying?
MK: "It has to be done properly."
GF: *crouches* "Go ahead!"
There he is! :clap
:thumbsup Thanks :)
I wonder what exactly Mark's ability on the piano is? I would like to hear him play it.
I've seen that video over and over, I love it. Not only because of their playing and Marks good mood, but the way he touches Guy. It says "I care for you".
Very nice - seeing this brings back some of my earliest DS memories. My Dad had this album (albeit on CD rather than vinyl), I remember him playing Sultans and Romeo & Juliet from it which was my first introduction to the band. He must have played it a lot judging by the wear and tear on the CD holder! I loved Sultans from the first time I heard it and started to play it over and over for myself, a few years before I started exploring their music properly. I also found to interesting to see that Where Do You Think You're Going is on side one of the vinyl, as it is track 7 (after the two Making Movies tracks) on the CD version - I assume time constraints on vinyl prevented the inclusion of Tunnel of Love on the first side. I also seem to remember reading that the live version of Telegraph Road is also CD only (same as Love Over Gold on Alchemy).
Some good players on stage
I wonder if that's from Mark's old home studio. Guy had a photo on his website where Mark was testing a Mexican-made Fender Strat at his home, and I think I recognize those curtains.
1973 with Steve Phillips
1973 with John Machay and Steve Kane. Brewers Droop.
Degree in English at Leeds University
1973 with Steve Phillips
Who is Mark? In the middle with the national?
1973 with Steve Phillips
Who is Mark? In the middle with the national?
I'd guess MK is pictured on the left side (flatcap). Steve Philipps seems to be in the middle, if I'm not mistaken.
yes left with cap, steve middle
1973 with Steve Phillips
1973 with John Machay and Steve Kane. Brewers Droop.
Degree in English at Leeds University
The third picture isn't Leeds University it is from Gosforth Grammar School form 5A - Mark is fifth from the left, back row.
some music awards are better than others..
2001 STP Tour?
2001 STP Tour?
Paul Brady concert in Dublin, Vicar Street 2001
Always wondered who is the other
Always wondered who is the other
I think one of the dozens of musicians Mark played with. Interesting is that Mark's style here is very much David-like in later years, he looks here like David more than anywhere else.
Always wondered who is the other
not Steve?
Steve Phillips? I thought about him too. Mark in this photo may be 24 years old. 1973. Maybe?
It's definitely not Steve. In the previous 1973 picture he didn't have a beard and he wouldn't have had time to grow one that long! :)
It's true :think
It's definitely not Steve. In the previous 1973 picture he didn't have a beard and he wouldn't have had time to grow one that long! :)
agree, doesn't look Steve to me too
could it be the "other" Steve Philips ? the journalist, the one who interviewed Steve Philips :) (true story)
could it be the "other" Steve Philips ? the journalist, the one who interviewed Steve Philips :) (true story)
No, I asked MKNEWS and he is Jeff Sadler, of Lindisfarne.
Looks like MK was friend of some of Lindisfarne members, it is known he recorded with Rod Clemments!
the good old Terry knows a lot of stuff
Spitting image of the Danish child-comedian Hr. Skæg ("Mr. Beard")
I forgot about this album
Wasn't he still wearing that shirt on the GH tour? :lol
Wasn't he still wearing that shirt on the GH tour? :lol
there was no washing machine where they were
Wasn't he still wearing that shirt on the GH tour? :lol
there was no washing machine where they were
I always thought Mark also wore the same belt for like a decade or something. The same belt kept showing in the videos, so I thought he really loves wearing same things for a long time. A perfect example of if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
down the telegraph road
Quality Shoes I guess
Nice one from MK.com, live 2013.
That's a fantastic photo.
just out on the official FB from Verona 2019, I can see myself in the audience lol
Wow, what a great memory for you, PensaGhost. :thumbsup
Fantastic picture! I can't see myself and Mr.Val, but I can see Ingrid, Jordan, Allen and Joko.
Point me to your place Pensaghost!
What great memories! :)
Fantastic picture! I can't see myself and Mr,Val, but I can see Ingrid, Jordan, Allen and Joko.
Point me to your place Pensaghost!
What great memories! :)
ya great memories Val ;D I can see them too ;D ;D in the pic I am a little above and right to MK's head, the only one with a red shirt, easy to spot ;D ;D
Another fantastic pic from MK.com
Fantastic picture! I can't see myself and Mr.Val, but I can see Ingrid, Jordan, Allen and Joko.
Point me to your place Pensaghost!
What great memories! :)
ya great memories Val ;D I can see them too ;D ;D in the pic I am a little above and right to MK's head, the only one with a red shirt, easy to spot ;D ;D
Found you! ;D
Mark with some lovely ladies, he looks very happy to be sat between his wife and a certain Bond girl.
Mark with some lovely ladies, he looks very happy to be sat between his wife and a certain Bond girl.
Due to licens restrictions, we cannot display this content in your region. :'(
Interesting, I bet the final price would be insane so can't even bother bidding. Strange they won't include the original brand of the boots, or it was a custom ordered ones? Anyway, great and unusual idea. You literally can stand in someone else's shoes :lol
Also, isn't that Chelsea Boots and not Derby Boots how it's called there?
Interesting, I bet the final price would be insane so can't even bother bidding. Strange they won't include the original brand of the boots, or it was a custom ordered ones? Anyway, great and unusual idea. You literally can stand in someone else's shoes :lol
Also, isn't that Chelsea Boots and not Derby Boots how it's called there?
Yes. Derby's are a type of dress shoe.
Great shot, I have never seen that before. The question is, what are they looking at? :think
Jackie Badger (bass player who played with Holly Vincent in 1973) and his husband on the left, Mark Knopfler and Holly Vincent on the right.
The text says "5 years later (1973)", but the file name is "Holly at birthday party 79", so I bet for 1979, as Holly moved again to London in late 78, and I think that Mark and Holly startet dating around autumn 78 (see my chronicle about "Romeo and Juliet" : https://textes-blog-rock-n-roll.fr/une-chanson-a-la-loupe-romeo-and-juliet-de-dire-straits/)
source : https://jackiebadgersblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/first-gig-of-new-decade-for-us-is.html
Wow, now that is a find, I have never seen Mark and Holly together, although from that photo it is hard to see that it is Holly!!
Wow, now that is a find, I have never seen Mark and Holly together, although from that photo it is hard to see that it is Holly!!
yes indeed, it's the only one picture I know of them together, and I discovered it recently (see my post about R&J)
Hmm. 2001 tour?
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Hmm. 2001 tour?
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now here's a very wild guess ladies and gentlemen...
I completely forgot they played WOL in 2001. Guess I need to listen to a 2001 show.
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I completely forgot they played WOL in 2001. Guess I need to listen to a 2001 show.
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I completely forgot they played WOL in 2001. Guess I need to listen to a 2001 show.
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:o :o
of course they played it. It took the second place in the setlist since 91, til' 2005 :D
Yep, haven’t listened to any old shows for a while. :)
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WOL from 96 was still great, can't remember if the one from 2001 started to be more Cajun and more slow, but 2005 was definitely the worst WOL version ever.
WOL from 96 was still great, can't remember if the one from 2001 started to be more Cajun and more slow, but 2005 was definitely the worst WOL version ever.
It was incredibly slow. What a great idea :think
Hamburg 2001.
WOL from 96 was still great, can't remember if the one from 2001 started to be more Cajun and more slow, but 2005 was definitely the worst WOL version ever.
2001 version featured Geraint Watkins on accordion ,and Mike Henderson on harmonica and then on slide guitar
so a little bit in cajun style, a bit more in country-rock style on the outro
WOL from 96 was still great, can't remember if the one from 2001 started to be more Cajun and more slow, but 2005 was definitely the worst WOL version ever.
2001 version featured Geraint Watkins on accordion ,and Mike Henderson on harmonica and then on slide guitar
so a little bit in cajun style, a bit more in country-rock style on the outro
I loved Geriant and his accordion work. His playing on Junkie Doll was a highlight too.
WOL from 96 was still great, can't remember if the one from 2001 started to be more Cajun and more slow, but 2005 was definitely the worst WOL version ever.
2001 version featured Geraint Watkins on accordion ,and Mike Henderson on harmonica and then on slide guitar
so a little bit in cajun style, a bit more in country-rock style on the outro
I loved Geriant and his accordion work. His playing on Junkie Doll was a highlight too.
bought one of his cd's, forgot which one, but deffo like it.
I really like these promos, posters :)
I really like these promos, posters :)
I have it on a postcard
I really like these promos, posters :)
I have it on a postcard
^^Southbound Again??^^ ;)
^^Southbound Again??^^ ;)
More like "down in the tunnels, trying to make it pay" :lol
french TV apparence on the "TF1" channel in 85
they played MFN
and here are some other pics from the same apparence, from my collages
french TV apparence on the "TF1" channel in 85
they played MFN
Johnny Hallyday show, "Johnny Métro Blues" boadcasted on December 6 1985.
DS mimed MFN
Johnny Hallyday show, "Johnny Métro Blues" boadcasted on December 6 1985.
DS mimed MFN
Yes indeed, that what I meant, I ommitted to say it was a playback :)
Jon Bon Jovi - during the 2018 acceptance speech at the 2018 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony - shows his signed Making Movies album. "I still have that album and remain a huge Dire Straits fan, thank you Mark."
Plus Speech about MK/DS
Thanks, PensaGhost.
Didn't know that John B.J. mentioned Mark during his acceptance speech. :thumbsup
Jon Bon Jovi - during the 2018 acceptance speech at the 2018 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony - shows his signed Making Movies album. "I still have that album and remain a huge Dire Straits fan, thank you Mark."
Plus Speech about MK/DS
someone should send this to Guy, to pass on. pretty sure he is not aware-
Jon Bon Jovi - during the 2018 acceptance speech at the 2018 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony - shows his signed Making Movies album. "I still have that album and remain a huge Dire Straits fan, thank you Mark."
Plus Speech about MK/DS
someone should send this to Guy, to pass on. pretty sure he is not aware-
I saw the video of that and the DS table is shown, they were looking at the stage, so they know. Well, John wasn't 🤣
Go to 16:50
Screen capture. Looks like Alan was mentally playing Romeo (pee break, lol)
It's well known how big a fan Jon is of Mark and Dire Straits, I expect he was gutted that Mark wasn't there on that night. I think I remember an interview with Jon saying that he wishes he had written Romeo & Juliet, as an example, look at the lyrics below to the Bon Jovi song Always:
This Romeo is bleeding
But you can't see his blood
It's nothing but some feelings
That this old dog kicked up
It's been raining since you left me
Now I'm drowning in the flood
You see, I've always been a fighter
But without you, I give up
I can't sing a love song
Like the way it's meant to be
Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore
But baby, that's just me
And I will love you, baby, always
And I'll be there forever and a day, always
I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine
'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you, always
Now your pictures that you left behind
Are just memories of a different life
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry
One that made you have to say goodbye
What I'd give…
Go to 16:50
the original link I posted automatically opens there at 16:48
Go to 16:50
the original link I posted automatically opens there at 16:48
Far better then! Curious that Alan wasn't at the table, and John wasn't looking at what was happening at the stage at that moment, lol
I can't sing a love song
Like the way it's meant to be
I always knew there was a connection because of this line.
I saw Jon live in 2019 and it was fun! I didn’t know about the signed record but that’s wonderful and a great gesture from Jon to mention it at the ceremony.
Go to 16:50
the original link I posted automatically opens there at 16:48
Far better then! Curious that Alan wasn't at the table, and John wasn't looking at what was happening at the stage at that moment, lol
I saw Alan on the right of Guy, wearing a cap.
I saw Alan on the right of Guy, wearing a cap.
Damm, you're right. I would be useless as a detective, lol
I am wondering what occasion they are dressed formally for? :think
Hillbillies 1990 :thumbsup
Never seen that before. He looks like a different person altogether on this picture.
What a nice pic, Pensa!
Love too much the photos from the BIA Tour
New Year's Day Pic
New Year's Day Pic
Nice pic, Pensaghost. This smile gives hope for better times to come. Happy New Year's Eve everyone. :wave
Did you know that before Vladimir Putin became president he played guitar in the tribute band Direstraitovytch?
Did you know that before Vladimir Putin became president he played guitar in the tribute band Direstraitovytch?
I knew it because I'm Russian. All the other poor folks...Now you know it.
My photo used for the cover back in 2010. MK probably just looked towards all of us, but it seemed he looked straight to my camera. I am 212 cm in height so it was an advantage ;)
Happy New year and cheers.
Mark looks pretty cool in that picture, peterromer. :thumbsup Just watched a 2010 show on YouTube yesterday.
Happy New Year to you, also!
And the award for Most Amusing Concert Location goes to...Middlefart, Denmark. Apparently the venue was a dump. ;)
Screen capture. Looks like Alan was mentally playing Romeo (pee break, lol)
john does not move at all. weird.
Mark looks pretty cool in that picture, peterromer. :thumbsup Just watched a 2010 show on YouTube yesterday.
Happy New Year to you, also!
Thanks for that. :)
And the award for Most Amusing Concert Location goes to...Middlefart, Denmark. Apparently the venue was a dump. ;)
Naah, it is MiddeLfart.
And the award for Most Amusing Concert Location goes to...Middlefart, Denmark. Apparently the venue was a dump. ;)
Naah, it is MiddeLfart.
It's a very funny name for a city anyway, middle fart, lol
Middel is how middle is pronounced, so, it really doesn't matter for the laugh!
The Notting Hillbillies.
Mark, Jerry Wexler (Communique producer) and Pick. Bahamas 1978
Pictures of Dire Straits in Nassau Bahamas recording Communiqué 1978
wonder why the watermark says "urbanimage tv" was this ever filmed????
What a great work place. ;)
Thanks for the pics.
wonder why the watermark says "urbanimage tv" was this ever filmed????
It's the name of the company of the photographer, who sells the pictures in his site, called like that:
wonder why the watermark says "urbanimage tv" was this ever filmed????
It's the name of the company of the photographer, who sells the pictures in his site, called like that:
Nice find! They got some of the dates wrong, I think.
It says this one is in the studio from 1981, but you can see David in the mirror:
And this one from 1982:
wonder why the watermark says "urbanimage tv" was this ever filmed????
It's the name of the company of the photographer, who sells the pictures in his site, called like that:
Nice find! They got some of the dates wrong, I think.
It says this one is in the studio from 1981, but you can see David in the mirror:
And this one from 1982:
this comment, that username...legendary....madlad
this comment, that username...legendary....madlad
Hahaha, didn't think about that!
Dire Staits in Israel:)
I still find it weird to see Mark smoking.
Brixton Academy, between 30th May and 7th of June, during rehearsals for the Hammersmith Warm Up Gigs for the Mandela concert and the show at Wembley Stadium.
I guess Mark hadn't received his Pensa-Suhr MK1 yet (since he is using the black one here). I always thought the black Pensa-Suhr was really cool.
I agree, It does look cool, you can watch Mark using it to play the solo for Let It Be on the Ferry Aid charity song.
I agree, It does look cool, you can watch Mark using it to play the solo for Let It Be on the Ferry Aid charity song.
Plus Water of Love (Hillbillies) and Vic and Ray.
I agree, It does look cool, you can watch Mark using it to play the solo for Let It Be on the Ferry Aid charity song.
Plus Water of Love (Hillbillies) and Vic and Ray.
Black guitars looks cool, but boy, that's such a fingerprint and dust magnet...
I guess Mark hadn't received his Pensa-Suhr MK1 yet (since he is using the black one here). I always thought the black Pensa-Suhr was really cool.
warm-up gigs are on 9 june I guess
but Prince trust is on 6th june and Mark has already the Pensa-Suhr MKI
so maybe the pic is before 6th ?
Very nice pic... Thanks Pensa.
Brixton Academy, between 30th May and 7th of June, during rehearsals for the Hammersmith Warm Up Gigs for the Mandela concert and the show at Wembley Stadium.
rehearsals for the rehearsal gigs..lol
Eric must have gone crazy...he is not such a rehearser....
Brixton Academy, between 30th May and 7th of June, during rehearsals for the Hammersmith Warm Up Gigs for the Mandela concert and the show at Wembley Stadium.
rehearsals for the rehearsal gigs..lol
Eric must have gone crazy...he is not such a rehearser....
Rehearsals didn't had audience, the Warm Up Gigs had audience.
Rehearsing Long highway for the OES tour.
I still find it weird to see Mark smoking.
I find it weird when he’s NOT smoking.
He was always smoking!
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I still find it weird to see Mark smoking.
I find it weird when he’s NOT smoking.
He was always smoking!
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Thank God he ain't smoking anymore.
I still find it weird to see Mark smoking.
I find it weird when he’s NOT smoking.
He was always smoking!
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Thank God he ain't smoking anymore.
Once upon a time there were cigarettes
Now there are no cigarettes anymore
Hmm, early Les Paul shot.
BiA sessions?
I love that photo, PensaGhost. Any idea where it's from?
I found a slightly sharper version, although with a crease.
no idea, thanx for the other version
Pink Straits or Dire Floyd.
Pink Straits or Dire Floyd.
I remember Guy said that in a speed circuit or something like that he and John played "One of these days" and "great gig in the sky" with Nick Mason and others musicians, but I've never seen a video of that...
I found this in Guy's forum:
July 9, 2012
Question: Wow, John Illsley and Guy Fletcher from Dire Straits playing with Nick Mason and Durga McBrown from Pink Floyd two great Pink Floyd songs… Is there any video of this? I´ll love to see John playing the mad bass chords of One of these days, and of course to see Guy playing the wonderful piano chords of Great Gig…
Answer: I’m sure there is somewhere
Yes, I would love to hear that too, both songs would really focus on each of their chosen instruments. I am sure Guy has a lot of respect for Richard Wright R.I.P.
Don't know if pictures were taken in 91 or 92 or place, sorry. Pictures by Joe Sia. The previous photo uploaded by Pensaghost was taken too by Joe Sia.
More by Joe Sia
More by Joe Sia
Fantastic pictures. Thanks! :clap
I assume these are photos from the American tour of "on every street". Joe Sia was an American photographer according to his biography. He lived most of his life in NY state, so we could assume he took these pictures of Dire Straits in New York, February 26, 1992, MSG.
Funny MK pulling a guitar face on the National!
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Funny MK pulling a guitar face on the National!
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Maybe it was the American cuisine?
Funny MK pulling a guitar face on the National!
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Maybe it was the American cuisine?
Haha, looks like the moment before "When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet?" line in Romeo And Juliet. An epic ending for an epic chorus!
Simon & Knopfler
two left-handed men, but playing as right-handed guitarists
Some serious musical talent right there.
Pictures by Joe Sia again. Don't know place or year---- again.
last pictures
Fabulous pictures there...
Rare pics from NHB’s Derby May 97
That NHb pics are from a AMIT member, I think his nick here was "best brown baggies" or something similar.
Best Brown Baggies....that's a blast from the past!
BBB, good ole Nigel.
Portland, USA, 1988-09-19. Photo by Dacid J Warrington.
Jodie Linscott at percussion is just excellent!
Amazing band on that tour. Was there any official live album?
Amazing band on that tour. Was there any official live album?
No, but there are two very good soundboards bootlegs from that tour, Philadelphia and San Francisco concerts, both in cd and dvd.
Amazing band on that tour. Was there any official live album?
No, but there are two very good soundboards bootlegs from that tour, Philadelphia and San Francisco concerts, both in cd and dvd.
there is also Tokyo I guess ? :think
Given the popularity of DS and EC at the time, it's kind of strange they didn't use the opportunity to make a live album.
I remember some pictures of MK with James Taylor in the studio while recording "Sailing to Philadelphia", does any of you have them?
Never seen this 2007 pic before. Via Fabio Lovino: https://rewriters.it/mark-knopfler/ (https://rewriters.it/mark-knopfler/)
Never seen this 2007 pic before. Via Fabio Lovino:
joking ? official KTGC pics
Never seen this 2007 pic before. Via Fabio Lovino:
joking ? official KTGC pics
I know that’s KTGC, but I’ve never seen this particular pic (what’s what my post is basically saying). The pic everybody knows is where MK is doing some hand gestures, but it’s completely different.
Dublin 1991
Talking about pictures, please take a look at this thread about tshirts
Pick Withers' wedding
David Knopfler, John Illsley, PaulCummins, Mark Knopfler, Pick, EdBicknell
3 pm on May 10th, 1980
Pick Withers' wedding
David Knopfler, John Illsley, PaulCummins, Mark Knopfler, Pick, EdBicknell
3 pm on May 10th, 1980
where was that last pic taken Pensa?
where was that last pic taken Pensa?
Spain. I'd say Gijón or Vigo. There is an add of a Spanish tuna business. Also there is a chance that is Zaragoza.
where was that last pic taken Pensa?
Gijon Spain
On Raglan Road ? :)
This picture was taken on the occasion of Mark's visit to Bodegas Valduero winery, about 200km north of Madrid. 27th April 2019
Excuse me pensa, who are these? ???
Excuse me pensa, who are these? ???
Hayden Panettiere and Wladimir Klitschko.
I think also Peter Mackay is in the picture but Im not sure. Looks alike
And a certain Mark Knopfler next to Hayden.
indeed, that is Pete.
always liked Hayden.
indeed, that is Pete.
always liked Hayden.
So strange to see Mark with a Russian/Ukrainian star. Not too often something like that happens.
Mark is not displeased with the view ;D
indeed, that is Pete.
always liked Hayden.
I hate Hayden, I always had the hope that Sylar would kill the damm cheerleader, but...
indeed, that is Pete.
always liked Hayden.
I hate Hayden, I always had the hope that Sylar would kill the damm cheerleader, but...
heroes right? like that series. and that is where i liked her :-)
indeed, that is Pete.
always liked Hayden.
I hate Hayden, I always had the hope that Sylar would kill the damm cheerleader, but...
heroes right? like that series. and that is where i liked her :-)
First season was very good despite Hayden. The rest were bad, very bad and worst.
Where was the photo of Mark and Hayden taken?
Where was the photo of Mark and Hayden taken?
The Steiger Award, 12 March 2011.
I love such photos
on every street tour...
ps. to the picture of PensaGhost :)
He likes them double breasted.
He likes them double breasted.
I see what you did there. I think.
Where was the photo of Mark and Hayden taken?
The Steiger Award, 12 March 2011.
the center of the world city called Bochum....
(https://scontent-mxp1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/165119804_1569437109912576_1443011728429610701_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=F4_JGEMwwq0AX_GEb2X&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-2.xx&oh=7903f75a10de576c061fdf07b1b062f7&oe=60828342) (https://scontent-mxp1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/164297428_1569422863247334_842373650880584418_o.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=QOj0kth8-bAAX-4COl_&_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-2.xx&oh=dc9462430b9241b2b91b8144736084d3&oe=60812759)
strat 61
Rudy Pensa presents Mark with a new carved-top guitar MKII
Here a picture from the Down the road wherever Tour 2019.
Germany, Oberhausen, König-Pilsener-Arena. I was in the third row.
Great photos Klaus :thumbsup
Thanks. It was also a great show.
Here is the venue and some stage-flavour, the Busses and Trucks.I love that flair around the concert, to see other fellow fans, to see the people in the stage-area, the trucks and busses. People in good mood everywhere. :)
Some Impressions from the concert in Cologne, Lanxess-Arena, 13.05.2019.
Band, Mark, Live-Action and a very satisfied crazy fan on a very cool day.
Sorry, one picture is a little bit unsharp. Here is the right photo.
Some more Knopfler impressions from Cologne.
Lanxess-Arena, Germany, 02.07. 2013, Privateering Tour.
Mark took a cup of coffee on the terrace-area in front of the Hyatt-Regency-Hotel in Cologne. Pure Mark, no securities, only Mark with a newspaper, a cup of coffee, and me. He was very relaxed and he didn´t realized, that i have taken a photo, while he was relaxing in front of the hotel.
Here are some concert impressions from that gig in cologne 2013.
Thanks. It was also a great show.
Here is the venue and some stage-flavour, the Busses and Trucks.I love that flair around the concert, to see other fellow fans, to see the people in the stage-area, the trucks and busses. People in good mood everywhere. :)
Me too:)
I have the same shirt, only this Dire Straits On Every Street stamp is white :)
Last but not least, some impressions from a John Illsley-gig in Münster, Germany.
Jovel-Music-Hall, Münster, 03.05.2016. Smaller location with a few hundred fans. Very intimate concert. A few fans and me met John in the small foyer of a hotel close to the venue. He is a very polite person, and he signed record-covers and tickets for all fellow fans and he answers questions to us all. Fantastic person and also a fantastic show. He played his own songs and some Dire Straits songs, too.
Some more John Illsely-Gig-photos.
Yes, i also know the other colour-version of that shirt. ;)
Some pictures by myself from the Tracker-Worldtour in Germany.
Dortmund Westfalenhalle, 17.06.2015. At the Backstage-entrance a fellow fan from Poland and i got some autographs by Mark. He came a bit late to the sound-check-date at 5 o clock in the young evening. They were expected there at 3 o clock in the afternoon, so Mark and Band were short on time, but Pete Mackay, the second Tourmanager was so kind to organize a short stop for us, and Mark was always relaxed in his car, while he signed our records. Some other fans weren´t so patient and they went away to another gate, but that was really bad luck for them.
So thanks again Mark, for a marvellous concert and for your signature on my Tracker Vinyl-Album. :thumbsup
Some more pics.
Again some pics.
Man, always loved the looks of this Schecter Tele. The sound and electronics are also insane, but the looks, oh my... Matched headstock, the trim, unusual neck pickup. So perfect.
To PensaGhost.
Also a cool photo. Is it a pressconference about the Love over gold Album ?? In the background are some nice promotion-signs with small albumcoves and with the red Stratocaster-Logo. :thumbsup
To PensaGhost.
Also a cool photo. Is it a pressconference about the Love over gold Album ?? In the background are some nice promotion-signs with small albumcoves and with the red Stratocaster-Logo. :thumbsup
No its a press conference IN Australia 1980 or 1981,the journalist said all of them looked like very boring and tired.
Hi jbaent, thank you for the additional information. Maybe they had a "hard evening" on stage, or something like that. :think 8)
Or the interviewer asked stupid questions to the bandmembers.
Hi jbaent, thank you for the additional information. Maybe they had a "hard evening" on stage, or something like that. :think 8)
Or the interviewer asked stupid questions to the bandmembers.
Most do!!!
Also a cool pic from Mark in the boxing-ring. One slightly different pic was used for the frontcover of the Single What it is. 8)
Also a cool pic from Mark in the boxing-ring. One slightly different pic was used for the frontcover of the Single What it is. 8)
It was always fascinating to me, why so many writers or "creative" people are so in love with boxing? When I was young I thought how two guys breaking each other noses can be interesting at all? But Mark actually answers this question in Song For Sonny. I think it's their tough lives and "ultimate fights" that make it so special. When two boxers with 0 lost fights get together in the ring, that's something to behold! And you have "The Boxer" by Paul Simon, a brilliant set of films "Rocky"...
I would bet the pic being Heavy Fuel
I would bet the pic being Heavy Fuel
Calling Elvis?
I would bet the pic being Heavy Fuel
Calling Elvis?
Heavy Fuel
MK Promotion in the Review Magazine "Guitare Techniques"
From the same Magazine
From Guitar Tehniques 277
"Guitarist" Magazine - December 2018
Same source
Same source again...
Another one
Last one
From "Classic Rock" (ENG) - 2011 N°157
Thanks a lot for all the great pictures and articles, SamGolden. :thumbsup
Picture of Cafe Racers from Classic Rock Magazine UK Issue 261
From "The History of Rock" 1978
Same source
The History Of Rock Issue 110
Same source
Again same source
Really cool pics, thank´s for sharing.
The group-pic above is also well known, because it was used as frontcover for the Thank You Australia And New Zealand 2-CD-Set by Pluto-Records. 8)
Thanks a lot for all the great pictures and articles, SamGolden. :thumbsup
You're welcome Rick :thumbsup
Picture of Cafe Racers from Classic Rock Magazine UK Issue 261
Thank you for posting some great pics here, SamGolden. Tough to jump from a 30 yo Mark to a 70 you Mark. Age is not just a number but that's life I guess. It's still 40 years great music and that's quite something in itself.
Really cool pics, thank´s for sharing.
The group-pic above is also well known, because it was used as frontcover for the Thank You Australia And New Zealand 2-CD-Set by Pluto-Records. 8)
You're welcome Klaus :thumbsup
This is new to me!
Two legends together, I can only imagine the atmosphere of the sound that happened at that meeting. Who knows, maybe one day a recording will appear. I know it was in September 1985, when the BIA tour was doing the USA.
Same occasion!
Jun 17, 1979: DIRE STRAITS - Odeon Hammersmith London
Pure musical energy, during the Communique tour, our heroes all young!!!
What a picture. That's DS in its prime time (in my view!).
This is new to me!
Two legends together, I can only imagine the atmosphere of the sound that happened at that meeting. Who knows, maybe one day a recording will appear. I know it was in September 1985, when the BIA tour was doing the USA.
great ! I saw it on FB
I only knew the other pic
one comment said this :
"After headlining the Oakland Arena during their “Money for Nothing” tour, Dire Straits dropped by Sweetwater unannounced, with two tour buses and an entourage of 70, to catch guitarist Mark Kopfler’s hero J. J. Cale, that night’s headliner. Knopfler, who had never seen Cale before, joined him onstage while the entourage huddled in the basement."
Article "Total Guitar" - February 2021
"The 50th greatest all the time"
Article "Total Guitar" - February 2021
"The 50th greatest all the time"
Great little article and a great description of "twiddly bits". I figured it out when I was 15 or 16, it always amazes me the amount of impact this lick has on the audience every time Mark plays it, sounds really fast, but actually easy to play :lol
Article "Total Guitar" - February 2021
"The 50th greatest all the time"
Great little article and a great description of "twiddly bits". I figured it out when I was 15 or 16, it always amazes me the amount of impact this lick has on the audience every time Mark plays it, sounds really fast, but actually easy to play :lol
1 thing is understanding what notes should be played,
completely another is having the same touch and sound MK has
Hi to all DS MK Photo-Fans.
Yesterday i have discovered an interesting item with documentary-character on the subject of the Dire Straits bandmembers. But later more about it.
What do you think, who is that guy ???
Jack Sonni from a college year book? :)
Hello border_reiver.
Yes, that´s right. :thumbsup
I found his High-School-Yearbook from 1972 and i hope i receive it within a few days. He attended a High-School in Conneticut. To me it is a kind of a document for my collection of various Dire Straits-artifacts. 8) Crazy but interesting to see.
Here is Jack Sonni on a promotional pic from 1985
Here are some more original publicity-pics from my collection. All pics are backwards handwritten, stickered ortherwise marked, so they are genuine and not cheap-copies from the printer.
I don´t know the photographers exactly, but the pics from the band on Montserrat could be shot by Deborah Feingold but i don´t know exactly.
Some more pics from DS. All pics are dated on March 1985.
Alan and Terry.
Another well-known group-pic from that photo-session.
Some more original publicity-pics by Dire Straits.
The Love over gold-lineup on a promotion-pic for Alchemy record. US-Pic from Februrary 1984.
Just another pic of Mark from the Brothers in arms era. US-Warner-Bros promo-pic from 1985.
But just look a little bit closer to that pic. What´s remarkable here ??
Vielen Dank Klaus für all diese Fotografien der schönen Zeit 1985.... :thumbsup
Hi Sam, ja ich habe die Pics auch über Jahre hinweggesammelt, auch von verschiedenen Epochen. OES, BIA, LOG, auch NHB habe ich Promo-Pics, Press-Kits aus UK und UK in Mappen.
Ich mag ebenfalls diese Promo-Fotos aus verschiedenen Epochen.
Ich habe den amerikanischen Seller nochmal angeschrieben, ob er noch weitere Infos zu dem Jack Sonni-Yearbook hat. Bin schon richtig darauf gespannt. Wahrscheinlich wird es aber von einem/ einer Klassenkamerad/-in von ihm sein, oder von ihm höchstpersönlich, aber das gilt es noch aufzuklären. 8)
Some more original publicity-pics by Dire Straits.
The OES Lineup. October 1991, Photographer: Paul Cox.
The LOG Lineup (with Alan Clark and Hal Lindes) October 1982. Photographer: currently unknown to me.
Here are two Notting Hillbillies promo-pics in two sizes.
Photographer: Brian Aris. Early 1990s.
Another curious promo-pic of John Illsley and David Knopfler, on a pub-scene.
A promo-pic from a BBC-produced Doku about Dire Straits called ARENA-Dire Straits. Stamped, handwritten and typed with promotional-text about the Documentary. Photo was possibly used for publication.
Date: 24. January 1987. Typed date is: 18. March 1980. That could be the date of photography, and the other date belonged to the transmission of the doku.
Photographer: currently unknown to me.
Just another pic of Mark from the Brothers in arms era. US-Warner-Bros promo-pic from 1985.
But just look a little bit closer to that pic. What´s remarkable here ??
I always wondered how professional photographers ended taking mirrow pictures... How can that happen to them...
Another curious promo-pic of John Illsley and David Knopfler, on a pub-scene.
A promo-pic from a BBC-produced Doku about Dire Straits called ARENA-Dire Straits. Stamped, handwritten and typed with promotional-text about the Documentary. Photo was possibly used for publication.
Date: 24. January 1987. Typed date is: 18. March 1980. That could be the date of photography, and the other date belonged to the transmission of the doku.
Photographer: currently unknown to me.
This is from the twisting by the pool videoclip thar never was released but can be seen in the arena documentary.
HI jbaent.
I only have that pic with a left-handed Mark. I do not have a corrected one. I don´t know if a corrected version extists of that pic. :think
Thanks for your additional information on the Illsely / David Knopfler-pic. Interesting to know. :thumbsup
Just another pic of Mark from the Brothers in arms era. US-Warner-Bros promo-pic from 1985.
But just look a little bit closer to that pic. What´s remarkable here ??
I always wondered how professional photographers ended taking mirrow pictures... How can that happen to them...
Maybe because they care only about aesthetics and the actual appearance is nothing to them. It's like "I like more if he looks to this side", and because the photographer probably knows nothing about music, flipping instruments is OK for him. Another clue might be that Mark himself didn't care how to play for a photoshoot.
Magazine "Rolling Stone" French edition - N° 114, May 2019
Hi Sam, ja ich habe die Pics auch über Jahre hinweggesammelt, auch von verschiedenen Epochen. OES, BIA, LOG, auch NHB habe ich Promo-Pics, Press-Kits aus UK und UK in Mappen.
Ich mag ebenfalls diese Promo-Fotos aus verschiedenen Epochen.
Ich habe den amerikanischen Seller nochmal angeschrieben, ob er noch weitere Infos zu dem Jack Sonni-Yearbook hat. Bin schon richtig darauf gespannt. Wahrscheinlich wird es aber von einem/ einer Klassenkamerad/-in von ihm sein, oder von ihm höchstpersönlich, aber das gilt es noch aufzuklären. 8)
@Klaus: Sam is french, so i suppose he used google translate, lol.
hast du unsere Deutsche Ecke bereits entdeckt?
Hi Pottel.
Sorry i didn´t know that Sam is of french nationality. :think
Yes, i know the German column in this forum, also the Dutch-column, but i cannot speak the dutch language perfectly, so i also used the translator for my Dutch Dire Straits-Fan Avond Photo-Research in the Dutch-column.
Hi Pottel and Klaus... Yes, I'm in France... And my friend is google... :smack
Cheers :wave
From "Total Gutar Issue" N° 254 - June 2014
From "Total Guitar Issue" - N° 301, January 2018
From "Total Guitar issue", N° 312, November 2018
From "Total Guitar Annual" 2019
HI jbaent.
I only have that pic with a left-handed Mark. I do not have a corrected one. I don´t know if a corrected version extists of that pic. :think
yes it does exist on the right side
I have the BIA piano score, and the pic features on it, with right-handed Mark
"Total Guitar Issue" N° 320
"Total Guitar Issue" N° 265 April 2015
Same source... N°265, april 2015
From "Guitar player", May 2021
Hi Sam, it seems you have lots of rarities in your collection.
Thanks for sharing with us! :thumbsup
Hi Sam, it seems you have lots of rarities in your collection.
Thanks for sharing with us! :thumbsup
Hi Rick... No, I just searched for music magazines and found some pictures.
Of course sharing... Isn't it the goal and the principles of every music fan to share with others? ;) :thumbsup
Source "Guitarist" Summer 2018
Mark may not be the №1 guitarist in the world, but he's certainly one of the most photogenic guitar players in the world. Mark and a guitar are like a match made in heaven. Perfect proportions, perfect hands, no terribly overacted grimaces, and usually no pick. I was always jealous about how damn good Mark looked with a guitar. But then I remember that he also sings well, write great songs and having a great family and my whole day is ruined :lol
From "Guitarist", December 2018. MK in the front cover of the magazine, with interview and guitars collections, 15 pages inside.
@Quizzaciously : another here to more ruined your whole day... :lol. Cheers :wave
From "Guitar player", May 2021
Should that be 1991?
From "Total Gutar Issue" N° 254 - June 2014
ah ah the caption talks about his fingerstyle and they chose a pic where he's playing with a pick ! :smack
Riva del Garda.. Vela d'Oro 1982
early days
1985 - pick - expresso love
NHB 90
rehearsing "when it comes to you"
Mark may not be the №1 guitarist in the world, but he's certainly one of the most photogenic guitar players in the world. Mark and a guitar are like a match made in heaven. Perfect proportions, perfect hands, no terribly overacted grimaces, and usually no pick. I was always jealous about how damn good Mark looked with a guitar. But then I remember that he also sings well, write great songs and having a great family and my whole day is ruined :lol
I absolutely agree with you what you say about Mark!
But speaking of you, Pavel, you are also a great guitar player! I'm sure for all of us who watch your videos you are a great inspiration also.
I hope I could lighten up your day little. ;)
french TV show 'Johnny Metro Blues' November 1985
Quaintway´s Club in Chester 1978
early days
I'd say 1976 with Cafe Racers
CIRCA 1991
To JF, also really cool pics of Mark and DS.
Interesting to see Mark and Jack on the 1985 pic with the curious Steinenberger-Guitars. :think
All nice pics. Thanks everyone for sharing.
Mark may not be the №1 guitarist in the world, but he's certainly one of the most photogenic guitar players in the world. Mark and a guitar are like a match made in heaven. Perfect proportions, perfect hands, no terribly overacted grimaces, and usually no pick. I was always jealous about how damn good Mark looked with a guitar. But then I remember that he also sings well, write great songs and having a great family and my whole day is ruined :lol
I absolutely agree with you what you say about Mark!
But speaking of you, Pavel, you are also a great guitar player! I'm sure for all of us who watch your videos you are a great inspiration also.
I hope I could lighten up your day little. ;)
:thumbsup :thumbsup
To JF, also really cool pics of Mark and DS.
Interesting to see Mark and Jack on the 1985 pic with the curious Steinenberger-Guitars. :think
they used these guitars on the second leg of the tour, from early August in the US I guess : one world, MFN, and solid rock. as you can see on the sydney show for the 2 later ones
the person who posted on FB the pics from french TV show said that these Steinberger guitar was "custom painted" for Mark.
But as it is all black, I don't see the custom thing here. I don't know where he got this info
To JF, also really cool pics of Mark and DS.
Interesting to see Mark and Jack on the 1985 pic with the curious Steinenberger-Guitars. :think
they used these guitars on the second leg of the tour, from early August in the US I guess : one world, MFN, and solid rock. as you can see on the sydney show for the 2 later ones
the person who posted on FB the pics from french TV show said that these Steinberger guitar was "custom painted" for Mark.
But as it is all black, I don't see the custom thing here. I don't know where he got this info
Maybe it means MK wanted them in black...
To JF, also really cool pics of Mark and DS.
Interesting to see Mark and Jack on the 1985 pic with the curious Steinenberger-Guitars. :think
they used these guitars on the second leg of the tour, from early August in the US I guess : one world, MFN, and solid rock. as you can see on the sydney show for the 2 later ones
the person who posted on FB the pics from french TV show said that these Steinberger guitar was "custom painted" for Mark.
But as it is all black, I don't see the custom thing here. I don't know where he got this info
Maybe it means MK wanted them in black...
yes but it's not "custom"
2005 ?
2005 ?
Looks like it. So strange to see a capo on a Selmer-style guitar, it's like a violin with frets or something.
Also a nice acoustic-guitar. Maybe a Monteleone instrument ???
No, see here;
Vaison 1996
No, see here;
thanks Jeroen :thumbsup
Vaison 1996
Vaison 1996, what a concert... been in the actual place some years ago, closed my eyes and played for a few minutes the recording loud in my iPod. It was good fun and made me think how much I would have liked to be there on that day. I was in Lyon that year both nights and it was great. What a tour!
Vaison 1996
Vaison 1996
Nice picture. MK with a cigarette :o
posted by the Instagram account "direstraitsuniverse" with this caption :
"Between 1978 and 1979, Dire Straits used to rehearse at Wood Wharf, Greenwich, London. Whenever they were going to rehearse in the middle of the first and second album tour, they would refine their songs, create new arrangements, as well as new songs emerge.
This photo is on one of those occasions, probably on 9th September 1978, one of those rehearsals was filmed by 'Veronica' (TV). To date this video has not been found or shared."
Hebburn Town Football Club, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear - South Tyneside.
Hebburn Town Football Club, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear - South Tyneside.
Funny pic! I'm glad Mark is healthy and having a good time. He's surely been vaccinated by now...
Hebburn Town Football Club, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear - South Tyneside.
Great picture! So happy seeing Mark doing well. Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup
Hebburn Town Football Club, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear - South Tyneside.
Funny pic! I'm glad Mark is healthy and having a good time. He's surely been vaccinated by now...
You can caught covid even when you are vaccinated. The vaccine what does is tell your body how to defend against the virus, but anyone vaccinated can caught it and spread it to other people not vaccinated. Lot of scientists are already telling that we are going to see cases of people vaccinated that caught it. Most of them will pass it without problems because of the vaccine but some might not as it's not really clear how much the vaccine protect.
This picture looks like dangerous to me.
You can caught covid even when you are vaccinated. The vaccine what does is tell your body how to defend against the virus, but anyone vaccinated can caught it and spread it to other people not vaccinated. Lot of scientists are already telling that we are going to see cases of people vaccinated that caught it. Most of them will pass it without problems because of the vaccine but some might not as it's not really clear how much the vaccine protect.
This picture looks like dangerous to me.
Not much in the way of social distancing, that's for sure!
You can caught covid even when you are vaccinated. The vaccine what does is tell your body how to defend against the virus, but anyone vaccinated can caught it and spread it to other people not vaccinated. Lot of scientists are already telling that we are going to see cases of people vaccinated that caught it. Most of them will pass it without problems because of the vaccine but some might not as it's not really clear how much the vaccine protect.
This picture looks like dangerous to me.
Not much in the way of social distancing, that's for sure!
Yes, quite strange, but I think everything is OK here because MK is a smart guy. It's quite an achievement after 1 year of lockdown there was not a single photo of MK in mask until this point. The man knows how to hide from the spectators :lol
I’m amazed these guys recognised him to be honest.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Hebburn Town Football Club, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear - South Tyneside.
Funny pic! I'm glad Mark is healthy and having a good time. He's surely been vaccinated by now...
You can caught covid even when you are vaccinated. The vaccine what does is tell your body how to defend against the virus, but anyone vaccinated can caught it and spread it to other people not vaccinated. Lot of scientists are already telling that we are going to see cases of people vaccinated that caught it. Most of them will pass it without problems because of the vaccine but some might not as it's not really clear how much the vaccine protect.
This picture looks like dangerous to me.
still you are up to 90% less likely to get it when you are vaccinated than when you are not. i AM getting the vaccine as soon as they will give it to a youngster like myself.
I've had mine. :)
Hebburn Town Football Club, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear - South Tyneside.
Funny pic! I'm glad Mark is healthy and having a good time. He's surely been vaccinated by now...
You can caught covid even when you are vaccinated. The vaccine what does is tell your body how to defend against the virus, but anyone vaccinated can caught it and spread it to other people not vaccinated. Lot of scientists are already telling that we are going to see cases of people vaccinated that caught it. Most of them will pass it without problems because of the vaccine but some might not as it's not really clear how much the vaccine protect.
This picture looks like dangerous to me.
still you are up to 90% less likely to get it when you are vaccinated than when you are not. i AM getting the vaccine as soon as they will give it to a youngster like myself.
90% no covid
99.99% no severe covid
basically no risk
It's okay; they're all from the same household. :lol
It's okay; they're all from the same household. :lol
I think they all have the same barber anyway.
The Dorchester must be dropping in standards, a bunch of guys that look like hooligans and MK not exactly putting on the Ritz either.
It's okay; they're all from the same household. :lol
I think they all have the same barber anyway.
The Dorchester must be dropping in standards, a bunch of guys that look like hooligans and MK not exactly putting on the Ritz either.
:lol :lol :lol
Mark's looks on this photo are pretty intimidating though. He looks both enjoying the event (posture) and hating it (eyes) at the same time, let alone the stupid positive "both thumbs up" businessman cliché that is not quite in line with a guy who turned 71 last year. Why we get this instead of shots of working in the studio is a mystery to me.
It's okay; they're all from the same household. :lol
I think they all have the same barber anyway.
The Dorchester must be dropping in standards, a bunch of guys that look like hooligans and MK not exactly putting on the Ritz either.
:lol :lol :lol
Mark's looks on this photo are pretty intimidating though. He looks both enjoying the event (posture) and hating it (eyes) at the same time, let alone the stupid positive "both thumbs up" businessman cliché that is not quite in line with a guy who turned 71 last year. Why we get this instead of shots of working in the studio is a mystery to me.
Because the football hooligans posted it, not MK’s people.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Mark really look akward in that photo, as if he is not comfortable at all.
Mark's looks on this photo are pretty intimidating though. He looks both enjoying the event (posture) and hating it (eyes) at the same time, let alone the stupid positive "both thumbs up" businessman cliché that is not quite in line with a guy who turned 71 last year. Why we get this instead of shots of working in the studio is a mystery to me.
Agree on the studio-bit, I often wonder what they do all day. I am not a musician, there are tons of things I do not understand, but still.
Agree on the studio-bit, I often wonder what they do all day. I am not a musician, there are tons of things I do not understand, but still.
All I can say is that actually recording actual songs is only a tip of an iceberg when it comes to recording an album. Most of the time it's experimenting with sound, moving microphones (Guy's favourite part of the job apparently), tuning instruments, changing strings, working out bugs, and only then recording. Not as romantic as it seems, straight to the point and usually a pretty fast job not only because the studio time is expensive but simply because you get hungry and tired super fast. You can even lose your voice by the end of a session. So the absence of studio photos is understandable, hovewer, in Mark's case, there are no photos at all.
Agree on the studio-bit, I often wonder what they do all day. I am not a musician, there are tons of things I do not understand, but still.
All I can say is that actually recording actual songs is only a tip of an iceberg when it comes to recording an album. Most of the time it's experimenting with sound, moving microphones (Guy's favourite part of the job apparently), tuning instruments, changing strings, working out bugs, and only then recording. Not as romantic as it seems, straight to the point and usually a pretty fast job not only because the studio time is expensive but simply because you get hungry and tired super fast. You can even lose your voice by the end of a session. So the absence of studio photos is understandable, hovewer, in Mark's case, there are no photos at all.
i am assuming studio time cost is no real issue for mr. BG...
Agree on the studio-bit, I often wonder what they do all day. I am not a musician, there are tons of things I do not understand, but still.
All I can say is that actually recording actual songs is only a tip of an iceberg when it comes to recording an album. Most of the time it's experimenting with sound, moving microphones (Guy's favourite part of the job apparently), tuning instruments, changing strings, working out bugs, and only then recording. Not as romantic as it seems, straight to the point and usually a pretty fast job not only because the studio time is expensive but simply because you get hungry and tired super fast. You can even lose your voice by the end of a session. So the absence of studio photos is understandable, hovewer, in Mark's case, there are no photos at all.
i am assuming studio time cost is no real issue for mr. BG...
For Mr. BG there are no real issues I believe :lol My only hope was that having his own studio, Mark would produce records faster, but his pace hasn't changed a bit it seems. If anything, it even got slower because of "moving microphones" constantly. The sonic qualities of the record took the lead thanks to Guy.
I see the last album as a artistical bankruptcy from Mark. So no ideas since many years, just the habit of spending time doing it, sort of acting like a songwriter.
Actually BG loose money every year... there are some sites that tell you information about companies and even includes files with that kind of information...
Owning a recording studio is a pretty risky business these days, but thanks to Mark he opted for that instead of, say, owning a winery which is everybody's doing. By the way, I like Sting's wine! The thing is Mark started building the studio before the whole home-recording boom and now, when everybody has a studio in his house with great microphones, preamps, and yes, modelling amps, studios will generate less and less profit, relying only on cinema, commercials, games work, etc.
Actually BG loose money every year... there are some sites that tell you information about companies and even includes files with that kind of information...
Owning a recording studio is a pretty risky business these days, but thanks to Mark he opted for that instead of, say, owning a winery which is everybody's doing. By the way, I like Sting's wine! The thing is Mark started building the studio before the whole home-recording boom and now, when everybody has a studio in his house with great microphones, preamps, and yes, modelling amps, studios will generate less and less profit, relying only on cinema, commercials, games work, etc.
It's not his house but a building bought and constructed specifically to be a recording studio.
He used to have a home studio at his Holland Park Mews house, where he recorded the whole NHB record, parts of Neck and Neck, The Princess Bride and Last exit to Brooklyn, also the overdubs and final comping and mixing from GH and STP. But nowadays he does everything at British Grove.
I never said that it's his house :lol Hovewer, I'm pretty sure it has some sleeping facilities so you can live there.
My biggest gripe with BG is that Mark owns this studio for 15 odd years and never did any live music broadcasts with video. Even John Illsley did it! A perfectly built studio, extremely photogenic, with amazing sound and opportunities. But we do have some lip-synced videos from Shangri-La studio. Classic Mark :lol
Actually BG loose money every year... there are some sites that tell you information about companies and even includes files with that kind of information...
Owning a recording studio is a pretty risky business these days, but thanks to Mark he opted for that instead of, say, owning a winery which is everybody's doing. By the way, I like Sting's wine! The thing is Mark started building the studio before the whole home-recording boom and now, when everybody has a studio in his house with great microphones, preamps, and yes, modelling amps, studios will generate less and less profit, relying only on cinema, commercials, games work, etc.
The way London property prices go maybe the building itself would be worth a fortune if he decided to sell.
I remember Mark said that he does pay for studio time at BG as it is a commercial business, he also said something like, as long as his accountant is happy he will keep running it.
I see the last album as a artistical bankruptcy from Mark. So no ideas since many years, just the habit of spending time doing it, sort of acting like a songwriter.
I have to disagree with you here. Granted, I don't listen to the last album a lot as I find other artists a lot more interesting these days, but I do think Mark made an effort to change things around and that there's a pretty good variety in songs and sounds.
i did not mean he does not have to pay for it, only that it should not pose a problem for a man of his liquidity.
I think Guy recorded there?
I bet he didn't pay full rates ;)
Or Guy get´s the studio for the "half price". Like purchasing cheap offers in the supermarket. ;D
OK, it is a joke. Maybe, fellow musicians get special prices in case of using studio-time, as not known musician or clients.
OK, i understand. It can be a special agreement between Guy as a studio-user and Mark in his role as the studio-owner, possibly fixed in a contract or so on. I don´t really know the truth in their relationship, but it can be possible. :think
A few time ago, i have read an interview with Mark about his studio. He said, that is it not so important to earn much more money with the studio, so for Mark it is ok to pay all the costs such a studio wil cause completely. That´s all. He does not need more break even with that studio.
Ok such a studio needs to be used allready, because all employees will also be paid. That´s fact, but i´m of the opinion Mark is able to pay all costs and to pay all his employees in the studio.
I don´t know if Mark made special costs for the Rolling Stones, which also recorded an album at British Grove. :think 8)
I doubt Guy or John Illsley get "mates rates" at all, why would they? as I have said, it is a commercial business, like other artists, they would have to book time direct with the studio, not just ask Mark. Yes, he owns it, but I doubt he gets involved with the day to day issues, that is why he employs someone to do it. Guy has his own studio too, so he wouldn't need to book much time in BG for his own purpose anyway.
I doubt Guy or John Illsley get "mates rates" at all, why would they? as I have said, it is a commercial business, like other artists, they would have to book time direct with the studio, not just ask Mark. Yes, he owns it, but I doubt he gets involved with the day to day issues, that is why he employs someone to do it. Guy has his own studio too, so he wouldn't need to book much time in BG for his own purpose anyway.
I agree, it's either "free of charge" or full price. I remember reading that Mark helped people, who he hadn't gifted with his signature Strats, to buy it with a discount from Fender, so he cares about this stuff.
I doubt Guy could afford to use BG at full commercial rates.
I read an interview with Nick Lowe where he said BG is the best studio but too expensive for him to use. Nick Lowe has had hit singles and albums, has a loyal following and can comfortably sell out theatres. But BG is too expensive for him.
I doubt Guy could afford to use BG at full commercial rates.
I read an interview with Nick Lowe where he said BG is the best studio but too expensive for him to use. Nick Lowe has had hit singles and albums, has a loyal following and can comfortably sell out theatres. But BG is too expensive for him.
look at the clients, Rolling Stones, the Who, DG, etc...
I doubt Guy could afford to use BG at full commercial rates.
I read an interview with Nick Lowe where he said BG is the best studio but too expensive for him to use. Nick Lowe has had hit singles and albums, has a loyal following and can comfortably sell out theatres. But BG is too expensive for him.
look at the clients, Rolling Stones, the Who, DG, etc...
Razorlight, Travis,Chris de Burgh, Take that, The Last Shadow Puppets, Ronan Keating, Duffy, Mystery Jets, Noah and the Whale, Vicente Amigo, Iggy Azalea, ASH, Jonathan Antoine, Jamie Cullum and The 1975 between many others could afforded to record at BG...
Maybe Nick Lowe has a very low budget...
you mean a lowe budget ?;D
you mean a lowe budget ?;D
Yes, there's no doubt Nick's appeal is "more selective" these days (and he's never been massive), but his records will still sell many multiples of GF. No way GF pays full rates IMO.
How much time did Guy spend in the studio?
Thanks for this beautiful picture.
Do you have any info on when and what occasion this pic was taken?
Thanks for this beautiful picture.
Do you have any info when and for what occasion this pic was taken?
It's from a BBC documentary about Alan Hull (Lindisfarne) that is being shot these days.
FRom here: https://www.bbc.com/mediacentre/2021/england-commissioning/
Fog on the Tyne: The Alan Hull Story (w/t)
Daisybeck Studios
The story of the singer and songwriter from Geordie super-group Lindisfarne. Alan Hull was dubbed ‘the Geordie Dylan’ for his ability to compose a wide range of classic tracks in the 1970s. His songs included Lady Eleanor, Fog On The Tyne, Winter Song, Clear White Light and Run For Home.
Hull wrote about love and friendship, but also championed the underdog and the misunderstood, and celebrated working class culture in his hometown.
In this film, Brit award-winner Sam Fender explores the archives and discovers the real Alan Hull. We also hear contributions from Sting, The Unthanks, Elvis Costello, Kay Greyson and Mark Knopfler.
thanks for the info!
Looking at this pic, it sadly doesn't look like MK will be up for much touring to promote the next album....
Thanks for the nice picture and the information, PensaGhost and jbaent. :thumbsup
Btw, Mark is looking well.
Looking at this pic, it sadly doesn't look like MK will be up for much touring to promote the next album....
How should he be up to promote an album that hasn't been finished yet? :think
Looking at this pic, it sadly doesn't look like MK will be up for much touring to promote the next album....
How should he be up to promote an album that hasn't been finished yet? :think
Mark's old man posture doesn't look extremely healthy here or maybe it was just an extremely awkward split-second to take a picture. Who takes pictures while somebody is going to sit anyway? Most importantly, what the guy on the left was doing? Looks like he held Mark's nose before the shot. A terrible picture indeed.
I don't think it is fair or helpful to judge Mark's health as he is in the process of sitting down :hmm A photo of a top class athlete can make them look awkward with the wrong shot!!
Most importantly, what the guy on the left was doing? Looks like he held Mark's nose before the shot. A terrible picture indeed.
'Hey, Mahk! Maaaahk! Smell this!'
I know his posture isn't the best but here I think Mark is leaning forward to get his mic clipped on by the sound man.
On another note, Mark used to always have such classy footwear but has taken to wearing trainers in recent years. Did he arrive at BG on his skateboard? The choice of the teenager, not the ageing rocker!
I know his posture isn't the best but here I think Mark is leaning forward to get his mic clipped on by the sound man.
On another note, Mark used to always have such classy footwear but has taken to wearing trainers in recent years. Did he arrive at BG on his skateboard? The choice of the teenager, not the ageing rocker!
I liked the brown leather boots that he wore on the 2010 tour. Not too keen on the trainers, but maybe they're more comfortable these days. :)
Mark Knopfler fought the war against fashion from day one of his career and never had a chance to win.
I know his posture isn't the best but here I think Mark is leaning forward to get his mic clipped on by the sound man.
On another note, Mark used to always have such classy footwear but has taken to wearing trainers in recent years. Did he arrive at BG on his skateboard? The choice of the teenager, not the ageing rocker!
Someone skateboarding when they’re too old for it sounds like the sort of topic Mark would write a song about…..
I know his posture isn't the best but here I think Mark is leaning forward to get his mic clipped on by the sound man.
On another note, Mark used to always have such classy footwear but has taken to wearing trainers in recent years. Did he arrive at BG on his skateboard? The choice of the teenager, not the ageing rocker!
Someone skateboarding when they’re too old for it sounds like the sort of topic Mark would write a song about…..
"Skateaway" maybe a good title?
I know his posture isn't the best but here I think Mark is leaning forward to get his mic clipped on by the sound man.
On another note, Mark used to always have such classy footwear but has taken to wearing trainers in recent years. Did he arrive at BG on his skateboard? The choice of the teenager, not the ageing rocker!
Someone skateboarding when they’re too old for it sounds like the sort of topic Mark would write a song about…..
"Skateaway" maybe a good title?
How embarrassing! Can’t believe I didn’t think of that
Excellent photo.....
Mark Knopfler fought the war against fashion from day one of his career and never had a chance to win.
Bravo. Brilliant post sir.
Interesting.....the "On the Night" clothing combo, with the addition of a red blazer...an addition for those chilly outdoor OES gigs?
Looks like Di thought it was the Privateering tour! :lol
Great photos of Charlie and Di with the boys! :clap
Here i can show another Dire Straits with Lady Diana pic from my collection.
Original B-W-Pressphoto from Press Association Limited with Text-layout above. Original archive-pic, no copy.
Mark chats with Lady Di. On the background are some other faces. Next to Mark are John Illsley, Pete Townshend, Jack Sonni, Alan Clark, Chris White and Guy Fletcher. On the left corner possibly some parts of Ed Bicknells Face. Pic dated on July the fifth, 1985. Shot from the Prince´s Trust-Rock-Gala event.
Sep 2015 Kansas City
Anytime I see a 2015 picture and then a 2019,it looks like it was not 4 years but 25 had passed between both tours...
I think it is pretty obvious that he was on strong medication in 2019. Must have been heavy pain or even worse things going on. It's not just more weight alone. It's sad to see and typical for him to stay private about it (in case it would be so). I guess you have to respect him for that. Even if it hurts me to see that even Romeo and Juliet cannot be delivered in a good manner anymore.
I have no doubt he has had health issues for a number of years now that has effected his playing, he is perfectly entitled to keep that private though, so we may never know what it is, you don't just simply loose the ability to play like you used too, there is a good reason behind it.
MK, Alan I composed everything Clark, and Neil Dorfsman
MK, Alan I composed everything Clark, and Neil Dorfsman
That could be MK basement in his NY house, when they were preparing for the Infidels record.
Anytime I see a 2015 picture and then a 2019,it looks like it was not 4 years but 25 had passed between both tours...
I do feel the same. Something very serious must have happened to his health between these years and I cannot help but feel sorry for him.
Anytime I see a 2015 picture and then a 2019,it looks like it was not 4 years but 25 had passed between both tours...
I do feel the same. Something very serious must have happened to his health between these years and I cannot help but feel sorry for him.
It was 4 years after all. When you think of the difference between 2013 and 2015 it's not so surprising.
Maybe he's just old? How good do you expect a 70 year old to be on the guitar?
Maybe one of the Mexicans he auctioned in 2002?
Maybe one of the Mexicans he auctioned in 2002?
Anyway, it always breaks my heart to look at the guitar that just sits on the wall... Take it and play it, for Mark's sake, somebody, please.
Anyone remember him wearing this suit?
Maybe he's just old? How good do you expect a 70 year old to be on the guitar?
I think that's it, he is just old
Anyone remember him wearing this suit?
I was trying to think that too. From what I can read it says it was worn at "public appearances."
Anyone remember him wearing this suit?
I was trying to think that too. From what I can read it says it was worn at "public appearances."
Seems more Jack Sonni's suit than MKs
Anyone remember him wearing this suit?
I was trying to think that too. From what I can read it says it was worn at "public appearances."
Seems more Jack Sonni's suit than MKs
I remember Chris White wearing something very similar.
Really cool pics from the stage.
Also a cool pic with very proud musicians and their Gold-Award-Discs for the LOG-Album. Have you identified the two other persons on that pic.?
Really cool pics from the stage.
Also a cool pic with very proud musicians and their Gold-Award-Discs for the LOG-Album. Have you identified the two other persons on that pic.?
I haven't seen before.
Really cool pics from the stage.
Also a cool pic with very proud musicians and their Gold-Award-Discs for the LOG-Album. Have you identified the two other persons on that pic.?
I think he meant the other pic
I haven't seen before.
Me neither. Great picture of our hero. :thumbsup
Really cool pics from the stage.
Also a cool pic with very proud musicians and their Gold-Award-Discs for the LOG-Album. Have you identified the two other persons on that pic.?
https://youtu.be/7vCjKAOYfdg (https://youtu.be/7vCjKAOYfdg)
Such an awful interviewer.
I haven't seen before.
Me neither. Great picture of our hero. :thumbsup
I was waiting for a reaction :)
I think the photo is from this year.
I haven't seen before.
Me neither. Great picture of our hero. :thumbsup
I was waiting for a reaction :)
I think the photo is from this year.
I think is from 2019, I think I see that pic in the local hero musical program or in any interview from 2019
:think I was sure it was the newest. But you are right. 2019. Thank you jbaent :)
Maybe this photo is the most recent :)
Maybe this photo is the most recent :)
Ha, yet another unwinnable prize draw. Thanks, I know it's a good cause, but I don't get winning a guitar just for putting in 5 pounds, that's ridiculous. And means that anybody, including a non-musician, can win this guitar. And eventually, end up either on eBay or on display somewhere. Great moves, Mark :lol
Maybe this photo is the most recent :)
Ha, yet another unwinnable prize draw. Thanks, I know it's a good cause, but I don't get winning a guitar just for putting in 5 pounds, that's ridiculous. And means that anybody, including a non-musician, can win this guitar. And eventually, end up either on eBay or on display somewhere. Great moves, Mark :lol
do you rememeber when there was that guitar competition about 10 years ago, the winner won 1 lesson with mark,
the 5 finalists were chosen very badly by the company (unrelated to MK) that ran the competition,
only 1 or 2 were good, 99% of the best players didn't reach the final and MK listened only to those 5 ones, unbelievable
Maybe this photo is the most recent :)
Ha, yet another unwinnable prize draw. Thanks, I know it's a good cause, but I don't get winning a guitar just for putting in 5 pounds, that's ridiculous. And means that anybody, including a non-musician, can win this guitar. And eventually, end up either on eBay or on display somewhere. Great moves, Mark :lol
do you rememeber when there was that guitar competition about 10 years ago, the winner won 1 lesson with mark,
the 5 finalists were chosen very badly by the company (unrelated to MK) that ran the competition,
only 1 or 2 were good, 99% of the best players didn't reach the final and MK listened only to those 5 ones, unbelievable
Yes, I remember it, but I was too young at the time to participate and could barely play guitar back then, let alone record it in at least some quality... But as I remember, the winner was this cool guy who went ahead and wrote a great article on the day he met MK, it was a very genuine and respectful article, never ever have I expressed any envy towards this person.
This prize draw, however, is a complete free-for-all and defies common sense. The possibility of winning a guitar won't draw me into this charity because I know that I won't win. And MK thought that giving away guitar is enough, he could at least say something about the charity itself. Anyway, I'm not a fan of all these auctions and I'm surprised they're successful.
Maybe this photo is the most recent :)
Ha, yet another unwinnable prize draw. Thanks, I know it's a good cause, but I don't get winning a guitar just for putting in 5 pounds, that's ridiculous. And means that anybody, including a non-musician, can win this guitar. And eventually, end up either on eBay or on display somewhere. Great moves, Mark :lol
do you rememeber when there was that guitar competition about 10 years ago, the winner won 1 lesson with mark,
the 5 finalists were chosen very badly by the company (unrelated to MK) that ran the competition,
only 1 or 2 were good, 99% of the best players didn't reach the final and MK listened only to those 5 ones, unbelievable
Yes, I remember it, but I was too young at the time to participate and could barely play guitar back then, let alone record it in at least some quality... But as I remember, the winner was this cool guy who went ahead and wrote a great article on the day he met MK, it was a very genuine and respectful article, never ever have I expressed any envy towards this person.
This prize draw, however, is a complete free-for-all and defies common sense. The possibility of winning a guitar won't draw me into this charity because I know that I won't win. And MK thought that giving away guitar is enough, he could at least say something about the charity itself. Anyway, I'm not a fan of all these auctions and I'm surprised they're successful.
yes the winner was 1 of the 2 guys who were good, the very unfair thing was that MK didn't choose much at all, he listened only to the 5 finalists and chose the winner, 99% of the players were left out
Maybe this photo is the most recent :)
Ha, yet another unwinnable prize draw. Thanks, I know it's a good cause, but I don't get winning a guitar just for putting in 5 pounds, that's ridiculous. And means that anybody, including a non-musician, can win this guitar. And eventually, end up either on eBay or on display somewhere. Great moves, Mark :lol
do you rememeber when there was that guitar competition about 10 years ago, the winner won 1 lesson with mark,
the 5 finalists were chosen very badly by the company (unrelated to MK) that ran the competition,
only 1 or 2 were good, 99% of the best players didn't reach the final and MK listened only to those 5 ones, unbelievable
Yes, I remember it, but I was too young at the time to participate and could barely play guitar back then, let alone record it in at least some quality... But as I remember, the winner was this cool guy who went ahead and wrote a great article on the day he met MK, it was a very genuine and respectful article, never ever have I expressed any envy towards this person.
This prize draw, however, is a complete free-for-all and defies common sense. The possibility of winning a guitar won't draw me into this charity because I know that I won't win. And MK thought that giving away guitar is enough, he could at least say something about the charity itself. Anyway, I'm not a fan of all these auctions and I'm surprised they're successful.
It’s a good cause so worth a £5 lottery IMO.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Maybe this photo is the most recent :)
Ha, yet another unwinnable prize draw. Thanks, I know it's a good cause, but I don't get winning a guitar just for putting in 5 pounds, that's ridiculous. And means that anybody, including a non-musician, can win this guitar. And eventually, end up either on eBay or on display somewhere. Great moves, Mark :lol
do you rememeber when there was that guitar competition about 10 years ago, the winner won 1 lesson with mark,
the 5 finalists were chosen very badly by the company (unrelated to MK) that ran the competition,
only 1 or 2 were good, 99% of the best players didn't reach the final and MK listened only to those 5 ones, unbelievable
Yes, I remember it, but I was too young at the time to participate and could barely play guitar back then, let alone record it in at least some quality... But as I remember, the winner was this cool guy who went ahead and wrote a great article on the day he met MK, it was a very genuine and respectful article, never ever have I expressed any envy towards this person.
This prize draw, however, is a complete free-for-all and defies common sense. The possibility of winning a guitar won't draw me into this charity because I know that I won't win. And MK thought that giving away guitar is enough, he could at least say something about the charity itself. Anyway, I'm not a fan of all these auctions and I'm surprised they're successful.
It’s a good cause so worth a £5 lottery IMO.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
yes :thumbsup
Is the prize not the Sharpie?
It would be great if the guitar came with an amplifier!
I think this should be taken in the spirit it is meant, so good on Mark for helping yet another charity, the fact you can win the guitar is a bonus, raising the money for charity is the point.
I think this should be taken in the spirit it is meant, so good on Mark for helping yet another charity, the fact you can win the guitar is a bonus, raising the money for charity is the point.
I see it like you!
It's a great gesture from Mark to donate this beautiful guitar for a good cause. I hope that a lot of money will be raised to help these people.
Exactly. The rest is unimportant.
I think this should be taken in the spirit it is meant, so good on Mark for helping yet another charity, the fact you can win the guitar is a bonus, raising the money for charity is the point.
I agree!
Mark is at £25,405 at the moment! :clap
Mark is at £25,405 at the moment! :clap
Way to go, Mark! :thumbsup
Maybe he's just old? How good do you expect a 70 year old to be on the guitar?
I think that's it, he is just old
Yes, I guess so too. Just old. Happens all the time to lots of people. Sadly not to all.
I'm a twisting fool...
There is one more music video.
Brothers :)
Always a giveaway it's Knebworth with the lovely suits worn by Mark and Eric.
Always a giveaway it's Knebworth with the lovely suits worn by Mark and Eric.
Suits you sir!!
Always a giveaway it's Knebworth with the lovely suits worn by Mark and Eric.
Not to mention Greg Phillinganes one!
If I had the choice and had to wear one, I would go with Greg's.
Suits you sir!!
Aaah, one of the favourites!
Suits you sir!!
Aaah, one of the favourites!
aah, a fan! so undervalued that series.
Suits you sir!!
Aaah, one of the favourites!
aah, a fan! so undervalued that series.
Still gets an airing on UK tv - Mr Enfield was very talented....
Charlie Gillet
Charlie Gillet
Thanks a lot for the article, Robson! Haven't seen it before. :thumbsup
Charlie Gillet
Thanks a lot for the article, Robson! Haven't seen it before. :thumbsup
+1 :thumbsup
I'm glad that I could show it. 44 years later.
Fabulous Robson - good job!!
Jack Sonni during BIA sessions in Montserrat, with Peter Brewis and Neil Dorfsman.
Posters and promos? Save from oblivion. I forgot June 25:)
Posters and promos? Save from oblivion. I forgot June 25:)
Thank you Knopflerfan:)
Charlie Gillet
Thanks a lot for the article, Robson! Haven't seen it before. :thumbsup
It's not an article but the back cover of the Honky Tonk cd:
Click on more images under the cover picture, and you will see it in the upper right corner.
This other version has more interesting pictures, but they are not available on discogs. It has for example a picture of the demo tape in the booklet:
Charlie Gillet
Thanks a lot for the article, Robson! Haven't seen it before. :thumbsup
It's not an article but the back cover of the Honky Tonk cd:
Click on more images under the cover picture, and you will see it in the upper right corner.
This other version has more interesting pictures, but they are not available on discogs. It has for example a picture of the demo tape in the booklet:
Thanks, jbaent! Very interesting. Didn't know these CD's excisted.
I have this poster, I bought it in San Francisco in 2004.
The Knopfler Bros. I don't think I have ever seen that billing before.
The Knopfler Bros. I don't think I have ever seen that billing before.
Me neither, very unique item...
Don't remember the year. 1975?
Don't remember the year. 1975?
Most likely around that time - certainly the Brewers Droop years..
Don't remember the year. 1975?
Most likely around that time - certainly the Brewers Droop years..
Brewers Droop era with Mark is 1973
Don't remember the year. 1975?
Most likely around that time - certainly the Brewers Droop years..
Brewers Droop era with Mark is 1973
Correct! A typo on my part.... ;)
But Brewers Droop is just Mark and Pick Withers.
But Brewers Droop is just Mark and Pick Withers.
and the following personnel:
Ron Watts
Steve Darrington
John McKay
Malcolm Barrett
Bob Walker
Derrick Timms
Steve Norchi
Pick Withers
But Brewers Droop is just Mark and Pick Withers.
Throughout 1973, The Droop continued to record a proposed second album while undergoing various line-up changes. Pick Withers took over on drums for a short spell before Walker returned. Shortly thereafter, Timms left and was replaced by new bassist Steve Nachi.
Around the same time, Mark Knopfler was recruited as the group's primary guitarist, allowing Mackay to come to the fore more as a co-lead vocalist with Watts. Knopfler split his time between teaching part-time, and playing with the band.
Hope that helps...
Pick Withers too :) Mark played with them for about two months.
Pick Withers too :) Mark played with them for about two months.
He's there 'high lighted' in big print! ;)
Of note Steve Darrington who played with MK in Brewers Droop now organises a Blues Festival here in Dorset a stones throw away from me...
:thumbsup Everything is fine :) I am fascinated this story all the time.
:thumbsup Everything is fine :) I am fascinated this story all the time.
The deeper I seem to look into MK and 'Brewers Droop' the more interesting it gets!
Love this quote:
Brewers Droop -
'at an audition in the Nags Head, High Wycombe, Mark Knopfler auditioned with a red guitar, a flat hat, and joined the band'
Knopfler and Withers (who had not actually been in The Droop at the same time) went on to great success in the band Dire Straits.
As perhaps a bit of an in-joke, the Dire Straits song "Industrial Disease" (which Knopfler wrote and sang, and Withers drummed on) mentions "Brewer's Droop" in the context of a diagnosed malady, alongside smoker's cough.
It is a pity that there are no videos from this period.
It is a pity that there are no videos from this period.
Indeed so.....
Very interesting. Didn't know much about the Brewer's Droop, but now I know more. Thanks a lot! :thumbsup
Very interesting. Didn't know much about the Brewer's Droop, but now I know more. Thanks a lot! :thumbsup
I expect there has been a thread on Brewers Droop, but it's been interesting researching!
MK on the left with long hair and his cap!! (Piccie from MK News)
From Jeroen's excellent 'On every bootleg' website...
man what a gang
man what a gang
But this isn't one of the newest photos?
man what a gang
But this isn't one of the newest photos?
This picture is old, cant remember exactly, but maybe 2015 or 2016... maybe 2017
That's right. Thank you. I think 2016.
man what a gang
Great pic of a proud dad. Thanks! :thumbsup
Very nice!!!!
Milan 1992
I acquired 20 photographs (and copyright) taken by a professional photographer of Dire Straits at Wembley Arena: 05/07/1985 (First night of the Wembley Arena residence)..
Here is a selection of MK I thought you'd like to see along with my personal Favourite shot..
Wow, very nice pics. :clap Thanks a lot for sharing with us, Knopflerfan! :wave
Great pictures, a so great discovery!
Only pictures of MK? None from the rest or the guests?
Great pictures, a so great discovery!
Only pictures of MK? None from the rest or the guests?
Oh yes, I have plenty of the band also, I just posted the MK ones for now....amazing what one can find in their archives!!!
Found on Twitter (https://twitter.com/music__mentor/status/1445488903905964034?s=21): Snapped this cool pic of a pic of picklesss player Knopfler at the Chet exhibit there a few years ago.
Link to bigger image (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FA9ofPRVIAoCL4o?format=jpg&name=large)
Nice find, thanks for sharing!
Here are the remaining 11 'Proffesional' photos of DS on the first night of their Wembley Arena residence (05/07/1985)
I thought you all would like to see...
Here are the remaining 11 'Proffesional' photos of DS on the first night of their Wembley Arena residence (05/07/1985)
I thought you all would like to see...
What a beautiful pics! Thanks very much
Do you can digitalize individuality the photos? Or that's the only way you have to share with us?
Here are the remaining 11 'Proffesional' photos of DS on the first night of their Wembley Arena residence (05/07/1985)
I thought you all would like to see...
What a beautiful pics! Thanks very much
Do you can digitalize individuality the photos? Or that's the only way you have to share with us?
To be honest I'm happy sharing the photos like I've done. I may when time permits take individual shots and display on here...
Oct '16 - Rehearsals for the Blues Fest London at O2, Bill Wyman's 80th Birthday Party.
Brilliant photo of Joe & MK...
Clapham Common 11.09.77 :)
They're shivering! ;D
They're shivering! ;D
I haven't seen this photo before. Thanks. I want David's jacket :)
I haven't seen this photo before. Thanks. I want David's jacket :)
He looks too cold to give it to you!!!!
I have a 1964 Fender Concert amp, just like that one. :)
Wow, bet it sounds as good as the day it was built!
Wow, bet it sounds as good as the day it was built!
That's the amazing thing with these old amps, they were hand built with wired components which can be easily replaced. Modern amps are made with printed circuit boards and digital stuff which can be much harder to maintain. It's 57 years old and will still be going in another 57, assuming valves can still be found!
I didn't realise MK had one when I got it.
You still see it in some of Guy's studio diaries, Guy used it for bass on his album for example.
Wow, bet it sounds as good as the day it was built!
That's the amazing thing with these old amps, they were hand built with wired components which can be easily replaced. Modern amps are made with printed circuit boards and digital stuff which can be much harder to maintain. It's 57 years old and will still be going in another 57, assuming valves can still be found!
I didn't realise MK had one when I got it.
You still see it in some of Guy's studio diaries, Guy used it for bass on his album for example.
Wowsers that's excellent - a proper amp as I would call it. Yes not keen on the very modern amps although I currently play through a 'newish' Vox Valvetronix or an older Fender Champion....
I use modern stuff as well, whatever works.
Problem with the Concert is it's really big and heavy. I've never had it above 5!
I use modern stuff as well, whatever works.
Problem with the Concert is it's really big and heavy. I've never had it above 5!
Yeah, I bet - not one to carry about much is it!!
I have a 1964 Fender Concert amp, just like that one. :)
Very nice amp, I played it once when I was still alive
Wow, bet it sounds as good as the day it was built!
That's the amazing thing with these old amps, they were hand built with wired components which can be easily replaced. Modern amps are made with printed circuit boards and digital stuff which can be much harder to maintain. It's 57 years old and will still be going in another 57, assuming valves can still be found!
I didn't realise MK had one when I got it.
You still see it in some of Guy's studio diaries, Guy used it for bass on his album for example.
You still can buy hand wired amps from Fender in 2021 : AMERICAN HAND-WIRED AMPS (https://www.fender.com/en-US/american-hand-wired-amplifiers.html)
Wow, bet it sounds as good as the day it was built!
That's the amazing thing with these old amps, they were hand built with wired components which can be easily replaced. Modern amps are made with printed circuit boards and digital stuff which can be much harder to maintain. It's 57 years old and will still be going in another 57, assuming valves can still be found!
I didn't realise MK had one when I got it.
You still see it in some of Guy's studio diaries, Guy used it for bass on his album for example.
You still can buy hand wired amps from Fender in 2021 : AMERICAN HAND-WIRED AMPS (https://www.fender.com/en-US/american-hand-wired-amplifiers.html)
very nice indeed......
Are those your own pictures? I met you there for the first time, you are in one of my pictures with the musicians lol
Are those your own pictures? I met you there for the first time, you are in one of my pictures with the musicians lol
Really ? Please send the pic to me privately ;D
No, they are not mine, I was exactly in front of MK, but I have many pics from all 3 nights, don't remember who made them
Nashville 2019
November 2021
But...i's me!
But...i's me!
pics made by you or you are in the pic ?
Nashville 2019
November 2021
Thanks! MK is looking very well, especially on the November 2021 picture.
Nashville 2019
November 2021
Thanks! MK is looking very well, especially on the November 2021 picture.
Yes, but I think that's too much green for November though!
I thought that too! Maybe the photo was taken earlier in the year or maybe the bushes are evergreen! :)
It's in aid of The Small Steps project and he made a similar donation in November 2020.
November 2021
It's quite warm in London in November, don't you think?
Those London shows were so great and are such an amazing souvenir! Maybe the best concert that I have ever attended. What a line-up and what a phenomenal atmosphere.
I thought that too! Maybe the photo was taken earlier in the year or maybe the bushes are evergreen! :)
It's in aid of The Small Steps project and he made a similar donation in November 2020.
That pictures are clearly made during the summer, I don't think MK would pose with a t-shirt in November in "sunny and warm" England.
I thought that too! Maybe the photo was taken earlier in the year or maybe the bushes are evergreen! :)
It's in aid of The Small Steps project and he made a similar donation in November 2020.
That pictures are clearly made during the summer, I don't think MK would pose with a t-shirt in November in "sunny and warm" England.
It could have been taken in October, because we had some unseasonably warm weather then, even in the north, in fact we wore our shorts again for a while! ;)
I thought that too! Maybe the photo was taken earlier in the year or maybe the bushes are evergreen! :)
It's in aid of The Small Steps project and he made a similar donation in November 2020.
That pictures are clearly made during the summer, I don't think MK would pose with a t-shirt in November in "sunny and warm" England.
It could have been taken in October, because we had some unseasonably warm weather then, even in the north, in fact we wore our shorts again for a while! ;)
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
I thought that too! Maybe the photo was taken earlier in the year or maybe the bushes are evergreen! :)
It's in aid of The Small Steps project and he made a similar donation in November 2020.
That pictures are clearly made during the summer, I don't think MK would pose with a t-shirt in November in "sunny and warm" England.
It could have been taken in October, because we had some unseasonably warm weather then, even in the north, in fact we wore our shorts again for a while! ;)
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Yes, it's true! :lol :lol We went walking in the Yorkshire Dales and we had our shorts on! ;D
Those London shows were so great and are such an amazing souvenir! Maybe the best concert that I have ever attended. What a line-up and what a phenomenal atmosphere.
it is just that the Beaulie concert that i attended was even better :-)
it is just that the Beaulie concert that i attended was even better :-)
why ?
it is just that the Beaulie concert that i attended was even better :-)
why ?
Actually in Beaulieu MK had problems with his voice, he was having warm drinks during all the show. I also think the London ones were better.
Wow, certainly no social distancing on that tiny stage :lol
But...i's me!
pics made by you or you are in the pic ?
I am on the one with the cream colored T-shirt.
It was an interesting evening as I was standing just in front of John just like it happened ten years earlier.
I was in London in October and yes it was very warm, T-shirt weather.
it is just that the Beaulie concert that i attended was even better :-)
why ?
because that was the one i went to :-) it was a huge effort to get there and especially get back after the show. long story.
it is just that the Beaulie concert that i attended was even better :-)
why ?
Actually in Beaulieu MK had problems with his voice, he was having warm drinks during all the show. I also think the London ones were better.
MK had 'Man-flu'!!
I was in London in October and yes it was very warm, T-shirt weather.
Indeed October and even early November 2021 were strangely Mild for the time of year...
I thought that too! Maybe the photo was taken earlier in the year or maybe the bushes are evergreen! :)
It's in aid of The Small Steps project and he made a similar donation in November 2020.
That pictures are clearly made during the summer, I don't think MK would pose with a t-shirt in November in "sunny and warm" England.
It could have been taken in October, because we had some unseasonably warm weather then, even in the north, in fact we wore our shorts again for a while! ;)
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Yes, it's true! :lol :lol We went walking in the Yorkshire Dales and we had our shorts on! ;D
I hope you had other items of clothing on too!!!!
it is just that the Beaulie concert that i attended was even better :-)
why ?
Actually in Beaulieu MK had problems with his voice, he was having warm drinks during all the show. I also think the London ones were better.
The atmosphere in London on the 1st night was about the best I've experienced. When the first notes of WOL started and big John walked on the roof lifted off!
Love his slide playing and love that guitar. I got one in the summer (red though not black. Consoling myself with the fact that it makes me a bit like MK and a bit like Hank Marvin too…)
Love his slide playing and love that guitar. I got one in the summer (red though not black. Consoling myself with the fact that it makes me a bit like MK and a bit like Hank Marvin too…)
Oh yeah, Mark's slide playing is so tasty! I've heard a lot of slide players, and while many of them are extremely technically skilled, Mark, as always, goes out and blow them out of the water with a couple of notes. And within his own songs too!
Danelectro's are pretty cheap also, even vintage ones, which is a nice addition indeed.
it is just that the Beaulie concert that i attended was even better :-)
why ?
Actually in Beaulieu MK had problems with his voice, he was having warm drinks during all the show. I also think the London ones were better.
The atmosphere in London on the 1st night was about the best I've experienced. When the first notes of WOL started and big John walked on the roof lifted off!
Yes, and I remember this as if it were yesterday :)
it is just that the Beaulie concert that i attended was even better :-)
why ?
Actually in Beaulieu MK had problems with his voice, he was having warm drinks during all the show. I also think the London ones were better.
The atmosphere in London on the 1st night was about the best I've experienced. When the first notes of WOL started and big John walked on the roof lifted off!
Yes, and I remember this as if it were yesterday :)
i still found the whole evening in Beaulie to be very magical.
also, it was the very last time "Dire Straits" performed together :-)
Love his slide playing and love that guitar. I got one in the summer (red though not black. Consoling myself with the fact that it makes me a bit like MK and a bit like Hank Marvin too…)
Oh yeah, Mark's slide playing is so tasty! I've heard a lot of slide players, and while many of them are extremely technically skilled, Mark, as always, goes out and blow them out of the water with a couple of notes. And within his own songs too!
Danelectro's are pretty cheap also, even vintage ones, which is a nice addition indeed.
Sonny Landreth is the top for me.
When I hear Mark play slide, it reminds me more of George Harrison than Chris Rea.
If you want to hear the tastiest slide playing on the planet, check out Jack Pearson, the man is a monster player:
JB is a pretty good player of slide too..
it is just that the Beaulie concert that i attended was even better :-)
why ?
Actually in Beaulieu MK had problems with his voice, he was having warm drinks during all the show. I also think the London ones were better.
The atmosphere in London on the 1st night was about the best I've experienced. When the first notes of WOL started and big John walked on the roof lifted off!
Yes, and I remember this as if it were yesterday :)
i still found the whole evening in Beaulie to be very magical.
also, it was the very last time "Dire Straits" performed together :-)
I guess that the venue itself was part of the magic but I wasn't there so I can't say. Musically speaking I've always felt that the third night was the best. Was it because it was recorded, I don't know?
I agree with the last Straits thing, up to now and probably forever.
If those guys had toured, I would've done the whole tour ;D. My guess is that the RPD 2003 tour would have been close if you consider the line-up but it had never happened so... we will never know.
Who's the drummer behind Mark?
Danny :)
could you send me a scan of the complete article?
i also got a review of the first album in dutch. and also some snippets from the belgian Humo magazine on Dire straits in the early years in case interested.
oh yeah, I would love to read the whole piece as well. Could you post it here, please? ;-)
This one has probably been seen a hundred times already but I thought that maybe it was worthy of interest because I took it from the official Communique Tour programme. Rather poor pic but the paper is glossy ;D
(https://i.ibb.co/09vttwC/MK.jpg) (https://ibb.co/dpxgghP)
Cool Pic but to be honest I am much more interested in the complete text from the other page :lol
thanks Nico
"the british single Eastbound train".... well, "only" a B-side :lol
Cool Pic but to be honest I am much more interested in the complete text from the other page :lol
It's why I left the right page lol. I could scan the whole program if I have some free time.
could you pls post the whole thing?
bought this article from ebay, as it has an interesting topic, a journalist following the band on tour during the german part of their 1983 tour
ain't got no time now to translate it, but it has some really good bits in it, so i hope someone else could give it a try.
as it is too big to attach here, i am sharing a wetransfer link.
ottawa, canada
how I miss it!
Great pictures from a very great tour. THANKS a lot, PensaGhost! :wave
This is my current desktop wallpaper. Brilliant shot!
Nice!!!!! :clap
This is my current desktop wallpaper. Brilliant shot!
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Hi all, not sure if this is the correct page to post on but i recently came across this picture of MK in '79 but it has text over it
I want to use it as the background on my phone but can't seem to find the picture online without the text
Does anyone of you have this picture without the text?
This is my current desktop wallpaper. Brilliant shot!
Lovely picture of MK's arse!
This is my current desktop wallpaper. Brilliant shot!
Lovely picture of MK's arse!
:smack :lol
Already been posted Mr P..
Farrer House inside?
Farrer House inside?
I bet Woodwarf more likely
Never seen this one before
Dated May 1997 underneath. That's handy!
Surprising picture coming from someone who cares about privacy as hard as MK. I've always thought that date is a bit banal for a wedding, much like all the "special" wedding dates like 22.02.2022 or something, people pay ridiculous money to register their wedding on dates like that. And a wedding on Valentine's Day? I don't know... It's like dying on the day of the dead.
UPD: I mean it makes sense if it was done by accident!
Surprising picture coming from someone who cares about privacy as hard as MK. I've always thought that date is a bit banal for a wedding, much like all the "special" wedding dates like 22.02.2022 or something, people pay ridiculous money to register their wedding on dates like that. And a wedding on Valentine's Day? I don't know... It's like dying on the day of the dead.
UPD: I mean it makes sense if it was done by accident!
This wasn't a wedding picture. I have the same picture which I cut out from a newspaper and it was to celebrate Mark's 48th birthday on 12th August 1997.
Oh, thank you for the information!
Surprising picture coming from someone who cares about privacy as hard as MK. I've always thought that date is a bit banal for a wedding, much like all the "special" wedding dates like 22.02.2022 or something, people pay ridiculous money to register their wedding on dates like that. And a wedding on Valentine's Day? I don't know... It's like dying on the day of the dead.
UPD: I mean it makes sense if it was done by accident!
This wasn't a wedding picture. I have the same picture which I cut out from a newspaper and it was to celebrate Mark's 48th birthday on 12th August 1997.
But February 14th is still their wedding day, isn't it? Anyway, that's why private life is private, I guess.
Surprising picture coming from someone who cares about privacy as hard as MK. I've always thought that date is a bit banal for a wedding, much like all the "special" wedding dates like 22.02.2022 or something, people pay ridiculous money to register their wedding on dates like that. And a wedding on Valentine's Day? I don't know... It's like dying on the day of the dead.
UPD: I mean it makes sense if it was done by accident!
This wasn't a wedding picture. I have the same picture which I cut out from a newspaper and it was to celebrate Mark's 48th birthday on 12th August 1997.
But February 14th is still their wedding day, isn't it? Anyway, that's why private life is private, I guess.
Yes, of course, they were married on February 14th 1997, but this picture isn't from then.
Just look at Mark's hair, you can tell it isn't recent. His hair is usually a good guide for dating a photo.
That is a wedding picture, but not necessarily from the wedding itself. Looks like one of those pictures a photographer takes from they after or before the wedding.
They got married in Barbados on Valentine´s day as far as I remember. I also remember pictures from newspapers of them in that Island, walking by the beach.
Just look at Mark's hair, you can tell it isn't recent. His hair is usually a good guide for dating a photo.
Between GH and STP for sure.
Lol I never even said it's a wedding picture, I just said it seems banal to me to set the wedding day on Valentine's Day, but it's private life so whatever. But his wife also presumably a huge fan of "twiddly bits" in Sultans, so it all makes sense.
Lol I never even said it's a wedding picture, I just said it seems banal to me to set the wedding day on Valentine's Day, but it's private life so whatever. But his wife also presumably a huge fan of "twiddly bits" in Sultans, so it all makes sense.
As far as I recall, Bicknell said "MK was a romantic", related to the wedding date, when the piece of news about his wedding was post on MKNEWS site in 1997, so it always looked for me like it was MK's idea.
I also think that is weird they put on their social media a picture of their wedding, even being their 25th anniversay, I think that's private life after all.
That is a wedding picture, but not necessarily from the wedding itself. Looks like one of those pictures a photographer takes from they after or before the wedding.
They got married in Barbados on Valentine´s day as far as I remember. I also remember pictures from newspapers of them in that Island, walking by the beach.
Yes, you're right. I was looking at the photo again and I'm sure it was taken shortly after the wedding in Barbados and the newspaper used the picture for Mark's 48th birthday in August. In any case, Kitty was 6 months pregnant in August and she doesn't look as though she is in the picture. The description I have of the wedding is that Kitty wore a white lace gown and Mark wore a cream suit.
That is a wedding picture, but not necessarily from the wedding itself. Looks like one of those pictures a photographer takes from they after or before the wedding.
They got married in Barbados on Valentine´s day as far as I remember. I also remember pictures from newspapers of them in that Island, walking by the beach.
Yes, you're right. I was looking at the photo again and I'm sure it was taken shortly after the wedding in Barbados and the newspaper used the picture for Mark's 48th birthday in August. In any case, Kitty was 6 months pregnant in August and she doesn't look as though she is in the picture. The description I have of the wedding is that Kitty wore a white lace gown and Mark wore a cream suit.
I remember the pictures walking by the beach and she didn't look pregnant either.
Maybe that picture they just released was taken months before the actual wedding, that's usual.
That is a wedding picture, but not necessarily from the wedding itself. Looks like one of those pictures a photographer takes from they after or before the wedding.
They got married in Barbados on Valentine´s day as far as I remember. I also remember pictures from newspapers of them in that Island, walking by the beach.
Yes, you're right. I was looking at the photo again and I'm sure it was taken shortly after the wedding in Barbados and the newspaper used the picture for Mark's 48th birthday in August. In any case, Kitty was 6 months pregnant in August and she doesn't look as though she is in the picture. The description I have of the wedding is that Kitty wore a white lace gown and Mark wore a cream suit.
I remember the pictures walking by the beach and she didn't look pregnant either.
Maybe that picture they just released was taken months before the actual wedding, that's usual.
No, she wasn't pregnant in February, but she would have been in August if the picture was taken for Mark's birthday. So it had to have been taken shortly after the wedding.
This is what the newspaper says:
"Dire Straits guitarist, Mark Knopfler, sports a City wideboy pin-striped suit to step out with new wife Kitty Aldridge.
The couple were celebrating Mark's 48th birthday in London. It was their first night on the town since their honeymoon. The millionaire rock star and third wife Kitty married on Valentine's Day in Barbados."
Newspapers! - You can't believe a word they say!
No, she wasn't pregnant in February, but she would have been in August if the picture was taken for Mark's birthday. So it had to have been taken shortly after the wedding.
This is what the newspaper says:
"Dire Straits guitarist, Mark Knopfler, sports a City wideboy pin-striped suit to step out with new wife Kitty Aldridge.
The couple were celebrating Mark's 48th birthday in London. It was their first night on the town since their honeymoon. The millionaire rock star and third wife Kitty married on Valentine's Day in Barbados."
A friend of mine was pregnant recently and up until the 8th month, nobody would notice it. She even posted pictures and all! So I guess it depends. Anyway, that situation perfectly demonstrates that you do not want to know anything about the private life of your idols. In Russia, we have a saying that basically reads "everybody's masturbating as he wishes", no sexual context here, it just means that everybody lives their private life as they wish and nobody needs to comment on it, though it also means you don't want to announce it either...
In that regard, I think, my philosophy is pretty close to Englishmen with their extreme views on privacy.
Beaulieu 2002
Closest what you'll ever gonna get to Dire Straits reunion. But wait a minute, with Mark and John on stage this WAS Dire Straits reunion. But they had no balls to call it that, and went with Mark Knopfler and Friends instead, as if he had pints of beer with them on stage and not played music together.
MK did call it a DS reunion, but only afterwards. For a few years after when he would get the inevitable reunion question he would say they already did it for charity.
MK did call it a DS reunion, but only afterwards. For a few years after when he would get the inevitable reunion question he would say they already did it for charity.
In the end Dire Straits was MK JI AC and GF but AC was not at those charity concerts. Why was that?
Ask MK. Really Dire Straits was whatever he decided it was.
Edit: source: https://gearspace.com/board/high-end/1190151-drum-sound-dire-straits-heavy-fuel.html
Great pics! Thanks, PensaGhost. :wave
Great photos Thanks PensaGhost :thumbsup
Beaulieu 2002
those are from that newspaper article that appeared recently right?
From fb
Love it, I want one :)
I am very happy to see MK:)
Lovely to see MK again looking well. Is this a recent picture?
I am very happy to see MK:)
Me too! And he is looking really good. :thumbsup
It's true:)
Lovely to see MK again looking well. Is this a recent picture?
According to the maker of the sculptures, it is.
Lovely to see MK again looking well. Is this a recent picture?
According to the maker of the sculptures, it is.
Thanks. :)
Great picture! He looks healthier than in 2019 to be honest!
Really nice picture.
He is indeed, looking well...
Palais des Sports, Paris, june 1983. Pic by Patrick Aventurier.
Seems to be a wah close to the volume pedal. But at this time, it never rains wasn’t no more in the setlist 🤔 could it be for industrial disease ? 🤔 can’t think to other songs that needs a wah during this tour
MK usually did that thing, knee on the floor, at the end of Tunnel of love.
Seems to be a wah close to the volume pedal. But at this time, it never rains wasn’t no more in the setlist 🤔 could it be for industrial disease ? 🤔 can’t think to other songs that needs a wah during this tour
I thought the LOG-tour was the first to feature a custom Pete Cornish footboard, and everything was wired using effect loops (send/returns). So it shouldn't have been too hard to get rid of it. Industrial Disease features a wah-kind of sound as well, more a fixed position like MFN.
MK usually did that thing, knee on the floor, at the end of Tunnel of love.
I'd rather bet it's during Sultans, because Hal seems to have the Tele on this pic. not sure though
at the end of TOL, Mark had both knees on the floor
his attitude on this pic looks more like the one in Sultans at 9:14
But I may be wrong, because usually (?) John still wears his jacket on sultans, and he doesn't on the pic
we should have it in colour to see the color of the guitar ;D
Seems to be a wah close to the volume pedal. But at this time, it never rains wasn’t no more in the setlist 🤔 could it be for industrial disease ? 🤔 can’t think to other songs that needs a wah during this tour
I thought the LOG-tour was the first to feature a custom Pete Cornish footboard, and everything was wired using effect loops (send/returns). So it shouldn't have been too hard to get rid of it. Industrial Disease features a wah-kind of sound as well, more a fixed position like MFN.
I see that the wah is still here on the Alchemy video, so I think that your argument is right
MK usually did that thing, knee on the floor, at the end of Tunnel of love.
I'd rather bet it's during Sultans, because Hal seems to have the Tele on this pic. not sure though
at the end of TOL, Mark had both knees on the floor
his attitude on this pic looks more like the one in Sultans at 9:14
But I may be wrong, because usually (?) John still wears his jacket on sultans, and he doesn't on the pic
we should have it in colour to see the color of the guitar ;D
The guitar MK has looks like a schecter, and in Industrial disease he used the erlewine.
The guitar MK has looks like a schecter, and in Industrial disease he used the erlewine.
yes fo course. I never thought it was during Industrial disease :)
I said it was maybe during Sultans :)
I tried to summ up our little discussion :)
call me mad :P ;D
Hey there,
Even in black and white, it's pretty obvious to me that it's a telecaster.
Just compare the color of the strap on it and that of his pants and arms.
Telecasters are also thicker than strats ...
Thanks for sharing this picture. It's a pretty nice one.
Hey there,
Even in black and white, it's pretty obvious to me that it's a telecaster.
Just compare the color of the strap on it and that of his pants and arms.
Telecasters are also thicker than strats ...
Thanks for sharing this picture. It's a pretty nice one.
Hello, and welcome to the forum.
I'm afraid you're mistaken here. It's the Schecter Strat. Look at the white plate covering the tremolo cavity on the back and where the jack on the guitar lead goes.
Hey there,
Even in black and white, it's pretty obvious to me that it's a telecaster.
Just compare the color of the strap on it and that of his pants and arms.
Telecasters are also thicker than strats ...
Thanks for sharing this picture. It's a pretty nice one.
Do you mean that Hal Lindes is playing a Telecaster?
For me it's quite clear that MK is playing a Schecter Strat.
MK is playing a strat, you can tell by the headstock.
Hal is hard to tell.
Mark is playing a strat, you can tell by the back plate. As for Hal that’s certainly not a strat, the strap button gives it away.
Brunno Nunnes got the answer :
" I just checked. I believe that the photos that I published in October of last year give us some clues, we see that there is a photo of John without a jacket in Industrial Disease, so I believe that the photo in question must be SOS, Hal seems to be with his Telecaster."
Thanks Brunno :thumbsup
on the picture in color, mark's guitar looks black, but I guess it's the lightning
Brunno Nunnes got the answer :
" I just checked. I believe that the photos that I published in October of last year give us some clues, we see that there is a photo of John without a jacket in Industrial Disease, so I believe that the photo in question must be SOS, Hal seems to be with his Telecaster."
Thanks Brunno :thumbsup
on the picture in color, mark's guitar looks black, but I guess it's the lightning
MK played a black Stratocaster (or was it Schecter too?) on Portobello Belle.
MK played a black Stratocaster (or was it Schecter too?) on Portobello Belle.
yes indeed. it was a Fender
but it had a capo. And there's no capo on the picture
as Brunno said on FB, it must be lightning
and Hal's Guitar looks very much like tele. and as fa as I know he only played it on Sultans. I don't know what guitar he played on PB, but listening to his solo, it doesn't sound Tele
MK usually did that thing, knee on the floor, at the end of Tunnel of love.
And outstanding it is!!
MK usually did that thing, knee on the floor, at the end of Tunnel of love.
And outstanding it is!!
Like to see him try that now. I think Richard and Glenn would need to help him back up again! :lol
I meant Hal's guitar, not MK's !
Thanks for your welcome.
That has to be Hal's pink Telecaster. Not sure if he used it on this tour though
Or it is Hal's butterscotch blonde Telecaster as seen in the Alchemy video whilst playing Sultans and the lightning makes it look pink.
And for user "JF" It's not the same day as Alchemy because John is wearing a white shirt on this pic and a black one on Alchemy. MK's jacket is lightblue-ish on this pic an red on Alchemy etc.
+ I'm 99% sure this is the Sunburst Schecter Dream Machine because the black Strat for "Portobello Belle" is capo'ed on the 3rd fret.
I can't imagine the lightning making his Candy Apple Red Schecter look as black as John's bass.
Only song i could think of needing a wah on this tour is "Industrial Disease" and it's indeed in a fixed position like MFN (on the album at least, maybe MK used it for the end solo, who knows)
Perhaps Mark would drop the capo to play the final solo during PB. It’s pretty plausible since the capo would prevent him from accessing the whole fretboard.
Regarding the wah pedal, it’s just there. That only means he used it during the gig, not necessarily during the song in which the pic was taken.
That has to be Hal's pink Telecaster. Not sure if he used it on this tour though
Or it is Hal's butterscotch blonde Telecaster as seen in the Alchemy video whilst playing Sultans and the lightning makes it look pink.
two different Telecasters.
Hal talk about this pink one on his FB account :
And for user "JF" It's not the same day as Alchemy because John is wearing a white shirt on this pic and a black one on Alchemy. MK's jacket is lightblue-ish on this pic an red on Alchemy etc.
of course :D I know it :) I said the pic is from june 83 in Paris
+ I'm 99% sure this is the Sunburst Schecter Dream Machine because the black Strat for "Portobello Belle" is capo'ed on the 3rd fret.
I can't imagine the lightning making his Candy Apple Red Schecter look as black as John's bass.
I said the same about capo on the black strat :)
during years I saw very strange colors on many pictures, due to the lightning
if it is the sunburst strat, then it's strange that Hal plays his telecaster... what song would it be ? :think
Perhaps Mark would drop the capo to play the final solo during PB. It’s pretty plausible since the capo would prevent him from accessing the whole fretboard.
very strange to drop the capo during a song imho :think
Regarding the wah pedal, it’s just there. That only means he used it during the gig, not necessarily during the song in which the pic was taken.
of course. never said that.
I just noticed there was a wah pedal and that I was surprised because I thought it was only played on it never rains, and that song was dropped from the setlist at the time the pic was taken.
but indeed it may have been used on industrial disease
I don't know how to quote 1 sentence so i'll do it like this.
You're right. Why is Hal playing the Tele whilst mark is playing the Sunburst Schecter?
Maybe Ingo Raven knows more but he doesn't seem to be on this forum
I don't know how to quote 1 sentence so i'll do it like this.
You're right. Why is Hal playing the Tele whilst mark is playing the Sunburst Schecter?
Maybe Ingo Raven knows more but he doesn't seem to be on this forum
Ingo comes here from times to times :)
I don't know how to quote 1 sentence so i'll do it like this.
You're right. Why is Hal playing the Tele whilst mark is playing the Sunburst Schecter?
Maybe Ingo Raven knows more but he doesn't seem to be on this forum
and I don't think it's the sunburst strat because if it was the case you should see the sunburst tone on the back on the guitar body, not only one color like you see on the pic
and also, the plate on the sunburst strat is chromed/brass not white
I bet it's the red one and the lightning turns it to black on the picture
Perhaps Mark would drop the capo to play the final solo during PB. It’s pretty plausible since the capo would prevent him from accessing the whole fretboard.
very strange to drop the capo during a song imho :think
Not at all, pretty common actually. You use the capo in order to be able to play open chords further up the fretboard. Once you play a solo it becomes a barrier though as you can’t play notes behind the fret the capo is locked on. Get rid of it and reclaim full access to your fretboard. I’ve done it myself countless times when I played live back in the day.
Don’t blink at 3:26
Don’t blink at 3:26
looked at it and am not sure what it is you warn for...
Look where Eric's left hand is, you can see the capo fall down from his guitar.
Look where Eric's left hand is, you can see the capo fall down from his guitar.
aah, as a non-guitar player, was not paying attention to that.
The capo doesn't fall, it's Eric who drops it, probably it was handy for chords during the song, but for the solo he needed to take it out.
Look where Eric's left hand is, you can see the capo fall down from his guitar.
In fact he takes it off for the solo to gain access to the frets that were out of reach because of the capo
I didn't mean it fell of the guitar by accident, I meant you can see it falling.
I didn't mean it fell of the guitar by accident, I meant you can see it falling.
My bad… non-native speaker flaw lol
I’d LOVE to know what they say during those conversations.
I’m guessing this is from 2008?
I’d LOVE to know what they say during those conversations.
I guess they talk about which encore they will play…
I’d LOVE to know what they say during those conversations.
I guess they talk about which encore they will play…
Actualy they are just pretending they are discusing, as it's part of the show and they already had planned the encores before, they have a paper in the floor with it.
"Who farted?"
I’d LOVE to know what they say during those conversations.
I guess they talk about which encore they will play…
Actualy they are just pretending they are discusing, as it's part of the show and they already had planned the encores before, they have a paper in the floor with it.
Exactly-I think Guy refers to it as “bad acting.”
Who farted is a much more likely option. I wonder who the worst culprit is?
A cool view to the "gang".
Mark, Guy, IanTo, Richard, Matt Rollings possible because of his short haircut, Glen and John McCusker, but he is very easily to detect, also Mark. ;D
A cool view to the "gang".
Mark, Guy, IanTo, Richard, Matt Rollings possible because of his short haircut, Glen and John McCusker, but he is very easily to detect, also Mark. ;D
Ianto isn't there.
Those in the picture:
Mark, John, Glen, Matt, Richard, Danny and Guy.
OK, Danny instead of IanTo. :think 8)
Than, it could be the Kill to get crimson-lineup ?
OK, Danny instead of IanTo. :think 8)
Than, it could be the Kill to get crimson-lineup ?
Hence why I thought it was 2008.
I loved that tour.
OK, Danny instead of IanTo. :think 8)
Than, it could be the Kill to get crimson-lineup ?
Yes! :)
"Who farted?"
Mwahhhhh!!!! :lol :lol :lol :lol
Found on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/CUfTChKLgA4/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
At The Point Depot Dublin Ireland, August 1991, when the OES tour began.
John used this bass in songs like Walk of Life and Heavy Fuel, it was only at these first shows in Dublin in August 1991. Pictured is Heavy Fuel, no doubt.
Helsinki 28th October 1985
Source: https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000008730278.html
New York 1980
Source: https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000008730278.html
7/5/22 Clapton at the RAH.
TheTimeWasWrong you are a lucky man :)
Brillant pic ;D
TheTimeWasWrong you are a lucky man :)
It's not me haha! Found it on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MKGuitars/status/1523235749600325637
Looks like he had a back stage pass around his neck.
Looks like he had a back stage pass around his neck.
Maybe his bus pass.
Looks like he had a back stage pass around his neck.
Maybe his bus pass.
:lol :lol
that cap! :lol
that cap! :lol
tribute to Rob Reiner ? ;)
I remember reading, maybe on here, someone saying that they once met Rob Reiner.
They asked him what it was like to work with Mark Knopfler ;D
Looks like he had a back stage pass around his neck.
Maybe his bus pass.
7/5/22 Clapton at the RAH.
I couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine asking for a photo with Mark on such an occasion.
I couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine asking for a photo with Mark on such an occasion.
It's only me or does MK looks a bit pissed in this pic? Kudos to the guys who can approach him though, I'd never ever have the nerve to approach MK if I saw him somewhere. I'm so much concerned about my own privacy that I never want to disturb someone else's privacy even if they're famous. Or maybe even especially if they are famous. I think it was discussed here before, but my favorite part is when you meet a celebrity and casually talk with a celebrity as if you don't know who he or she is, I think it's awesome even for them.
I've never asked for a photo but I did bump into MK (and his family) on the street in Hay on Wye and I asked him to sign my MK strat so I guess I'm just as bad.
I've never asked for a photo but I did bump into MK (and his family) on the street in Hay on Wye and I asked him to sign my MK strat so I guess I'm just as bad.
I don't think it's bad, I actually think that I have some psychological problems going on, where I can't possibly approach people. Besides, Mark clearly understands that he's a guitar hero and changed the lives of millions, so getting asked for autographs and photos is a regular thing to him. But I won't do it anyway, haha. But it's also quite obvious I have a little chance to bump into MK anyway as I live in the 3rd world country :lol
I've never asked for a photo but I did bump into MK (and his family) on the street in Hay on Wye and I asked him to sign my MK strat so I guess I'm just as bad.
Yes. That is kind of bad LOL
I’d driven my wife and 8 week old baby 600 miles to see him, and carted a guitar neck in the hope of getting him to sign it. I had to make a split second decision to stop him or not. I kind of felt it was a once in a lifetime thing, bumping into your hero in the street so I went for it.
He could have said no but he didn’t!
I’d driven my wife and 8 week old baby 600 miles to see him, and carted a guitar neck in the hope of getting him to sign it. I had to make a split second decision to stop him or not. I kind of felt it was a once in a lifetime thing, bumping into your hero in the street so I went for it.
He could have said no but he didn’t!
I love all these stories, and how nice MK nearly always responds to these requests with dignity, making funny jokes or comments, he really digs it. I heard just a few stories when MK was angry with such requests, and usually, it was a situation when you clearly don't want to disturb people. In order to piss somebody like MK you need to be a grand champion of stupidity. That includes even working with him :lol
If I ever see Mark on the street, I will only come up to him if he isn't wearing those ugly trainer shoes he seems to use on every occasion.
If I ever see Mark on the street, I will only come up to him if he isn't wearing those ugly trainer shoes he seems to use on every occasion.
He's at the point when comfort is over looks, I guess. My mom said trainers are the best type of shoes for elderly people, and even some of my peers have a strong bond with trainers. I, however, never had a single pair of trainers yet, but maybe, when I'm 72, I'll love them.
I saw him in London back in 2016. We were alone in the street and I was completed paralyzed, when I recohnized him. But I enjoyed the moment and didnt ask for an autograph or pic, as I was too shy :' however it was a very special moment for me and I wont forget it :)
I saw him in London back in 2016. We were alone in the street and I was completed paralyzed, when I recohnized him. But I enjoyed the moment and didnt ask for an autograph or pic, as I was too shy :' however it was a very special moment for me and I wont forget it :)
I think this is a great point: even without signatures and photos is was still memorable. The photo or a signature will go on the shelf somewhere, to be seen once in a decade, but the memories are far better thing to own. And you certainly can't sell it on eBay :lol
I saw him in London back in 2016. We were alone in the street and I was completed paralyzed, when I recohnized him. But I enjoyed the moment and didnt ask for an autograph or pic, as I was too shy :' however it was a very special moment for me and I wont forget it :)
I think this is a great point: even without signatures and photos is was still memorable. The photo or a signature will go on the shelf somewhere, to be seen once in a decade, but the memories are far better thing to own. And you certainly can't sell it on eBay :lol
I have a colage of pictures framed in my office room at home, in which I'm with MK, John, David, Hal, Alan, Guy, Chris White, Ed Bicknell, Phil Palmer and Danny Cummings...
During years attending MK concerts, I was lucky to meet all of them, and decided to take the risk and having a negative answer by them, but in the contrary, all of them were happy enough and some even very funny and kind. Including MK, and I was lucky enought that it was before the times where he only possed for pics inside his car.
If I ever see Mark on the street, I will only come up to him if he isn't wearing those ugly trainer shoes he seems to use on every occasion.
He's at the point when comfort is over looks, I guess. My mom said trainers are the best type of shoes for elderly people, and even some of my peers have a strong bond with trainers. I, however, never had a single pair of trainers yet, but maybe, when I'm 72, I'll love them.
So, what do you wear when you go out walking? I walk around 6 miles each day wearing trainers and if the terrain is going to be rough I wear boots. I'm just curious! :think
If I ever see Mark on the street, I will only come up to him if he isn't wearing those ugly trainer shoes he seems to use on every occasion.
He's at the point when comfort is over looks, I guess. My mom said trainers are the best type of shoes for elderly people, and even some of my peers have a strong bond with trainers. I, however, never had a single pair of trainers yet, but maybe, when I'm 72, I'll love them.
So, what do you wear when you go out walking? I walk around 6 miles each day wearing trainers and if the terrain is going to be rough I wear boots. I'm just curious! :think
Well it's got to be a "quality shoe" of course from Dr Scholl! Then get the tootsies in the foot spa when you get home! 😂
If I ever see Mark on the street, I will only come up to him if he isn't wearing those ugly trainer shoes he seems to use on every occasion.
He's at the point when comfort is over looks, I guess. My mom said trainers are the best type of shoes for elderly people, and even some of my peers have a strong bond with trainers. I, however, never had a single pair of trainers yet, but maybe, when I'm 72, I'll love them.
So, what do you wear when you go out walking? I walk around 6 miles each day wearing trainers and if the terrain is going to be rough I wear boots. I'm just curious! :think
Oh, don't take it seriously superval, it was a joke. It's just that I've always associated MK with classy footwear over the years. I remember seeing him during the 2010 and 2015 tour and he was wearing a pair of beautiful browns, and also during the OES Tour. Now he just reminds me of an elementary school kid. I am terribly afraid that he will decide to do a few shows in 2023 and he'll be wearing a pair of green crocs.
If I ever see Mark on the street, I will only come up to him if he isn't wearing those ugly trainer shoes he seems to use on every occasion.
He's at the point when comfort is over looks, I guess. My mom said trainers are the best type of shoes for elderly people, and even some of my peers have a strong bond with trainers. I, however, never had a single pair of trainers yet, but maybe, when I'm 72, I'll love them.
So, what do you wear when you go out walking? I walk around 6 miles each day wearing trainers and if the terrain is going to be rough I wear boots. I'm just curious! :think
Oh, don't take it seriously superval, it was a joke. It's just that I've always associated MK with classy footwear over the years. I remember seeing him during the 2010 and 2015 tour and he was wearing a pair of beautiful browns, and also during the OES Tour. Now he just reminds me of an elementary school kid. I am terribly afraid that he will decide to do a few shows in 2023 and he'll be wearing a pair of green crocs.
Yes, I loved those brown boots that MK wore in 2010. :P Regarding trainers, everyone, young and old, wear trainers these days - I don't know anyone who doesn't and I just wondered what Quizzy wore instead. Incidentally, I just bought a new pair of trainers today - lightweight ones for the summer! ;D
Congrets on the new trainers, superval99! :thumbsup I got me a new pair the other week. I love trainers and even my hero does. Awesome! ;D
These two are from Direstraitsuniverse on Insta. "Mark, Terry Williams and Malcolm Aitken outside Andy's Bar on Montserrat, during the recording of Brothers In Arms in 1984. Photo by Guy Fletcher." And "During the recording of the Princess Bride soundtrack in 1987". Old ones, obviously!, but I can't remember seeing them before. Sorry if they are way too large, I just made screenshots
saw them on Bruno's insta too. not seen them before.
Thank you all for these pictures.
Is this not the guy he met in India 2005? And exchanged a guitar for some object I don't remember
Hmm Mark has gained a lot of weight. He doesn‘t look so fit. So I think julio is right with his gossip he heard from people which are close to MK. :'(
Gaining weight when ageing seems not a problem to me.
Just eating too much without doing enough physical exercice. And drinking beer.
Is this not the guy he met in India 2005? And exchanged a guitar for some object I don't remember
Yes, and both met again in July 2019.
Gaining weight when ageing seems not a problem to me.
Just eating too much without doing enough physical exercice. And drinking beer.
I think Mark has never been really fit. Early on he was too skinny, only skin and bones. Then just a regular middle aged man. Now a regular 70+ club member.
Is this not the guy he met in India 2005? And exchanged a guitar for some object I don't remember
Yes, and both met again in July 2019.
That's the Bluebird Cafe in Chelsea, according to MK himself, just around the corner from where he lives!
He looks exactly the same than in 2019, and I'm happy for that, he doesnt look worst, so, that's good.
That's exactly what I thought when I saw the pictures.
Hmm Mark has gained a lot of weight. He doesn‘t look so fit. So I think julio is right with his gossip he heard from people which are close to MK. :'(
He looks exactly the same than in 2019, and I'm happy for that, he doesnt look worst, so, that's good.
I have a friend living in Chelsea, not far from MK lives, and he said to me that is very usual to see MK and his wife walking by the street, doing sport, everyday. So looks like that's the way he's trying to be fit or at least control the weight.
Whatever sport he is doing, it's clearly not working... ;D
Hmm Mark has gained a lot of weight. He doesn‘t look so fit. So I think julio is right with his gossip he heard from people which are close to MK. :'(
He looks exactly the same than in 2019, and I'm happy for that, he doesnt look worst, so, that's good.
I have a friend living in Chelsea, not far from MK lives, and he said to me that is very usual to see MK and his wife walking by the street, doing sport, everyday. So looks like that's the way he's trying to be fit or at least control the weight.
Whatever sport he is doing, it's clearly not working... ;D
Hmm Mark has gained a lot of weight. He doesn‘t look so fit. So I think julio is right with his gossip he heard from people which are close to MK. :'(
He looks exactly the same than in 2019, and I'm happy for that, he doesnt look worst, so, that's good.
I have a friend living in Chelsea, not far from MK lives, and he said to me that is very usual to see MK and his wife walking by the street, doing sport, everyday. So looks like that's the way he's trying to be fit or at least control the weight.
Whatever sport he is doing, it's clearly not working... ;D
LOL! :lol
Hmm Mark has gained a lot of weight. He doesn‘t look so fit. So I think julio is right with his gossip he heard from people which are close to MK. :'(
Erm, what gossip? ???
Anyway. I vaguely remember reading an interview with MK from a few years with him saying he was coming from a yoga-of sorts class on the day of the interview. Don't recall where I read it though...
I remember an interview from a few years ago where he mentioned doing Pilates. Don't know if he's still at it. But anyway, going for a walk with his wife is better than sitting on the couch. ;)
Maybe he is doing "Nordic Walking", but im not sure. :think
Sorry for my bad English, when I mean "Doing sport" I was refering to the walking thing, actually what he and his wife do is what we called in Spain "Walk very fast".
As long as my friend says, you can see them doing that all days more or less after lunch time around Kings Road in Chelsea.
I remember when he had the bike accident, he said he was fit because he had a personal trainer that went to his house to train him. Obviously he doesn't have that trainer anymore.
"Walk very fast" = power walking.
He walks to the chippy!
Hmm Mark has gained a lot of weight. He doesn‘t look so fit. So I think julio is right with his gossip he heard from people which are close to MK. :'(
He looks exactly the same than in 2019, and I'm happy for that, he doesnt look worst, so, that's good.
I have a friend living in Chelsea, not far from MK lives, and he said to me that is very usual to see MK and his wife walking by the street, doing sport, everyday. So looks like that's the way he's trying to be fit or at least control the weight.
Whatever sport he is doing, it's clearly not working... ;D
Sorry for my bad English, when I mean "Doing sport" I was refering to the walking thing, actually what he and his wife do is what we called in Spain "Walk very fast".
As long as my friend says, you can see them doing that all days more or less after lunch time around Kings Road in Chelsea.
I remember when he had the bike accident, he said he was fit because he had a personal trainer that went to his house to train him. Obviously he doesn't have that trainer anymore.
But he doesn't live there anymore, does he? He moved out of the city, right?
Hmm Mark has gained a lot of weight. He doesn‘t look so fit. So I think julio is right with his gossip he heard from people which are close to MK. :'(
He looks exactly the same than in 2019, and I'm happy for that, he doesnt look worst, so, that's good.
I have a friend living in Chelsea, not far from MK lives, and he said to me that is very usual to see MK and his wife walking by the street, doing sport, everyday. So looks like that's the way he's trying to be fit or at least control the weight.
Whatever sport he is doing, it's clearly not working... ;D
Sorry for my bad English, when I mean "Doing sport" I was refering to the walking thing, actually what he and his wife do is what we called in Spain "Walk very fast".
As long as my friend says, you can see them doing that all days more or less after lunch time around Kings Road in Chelsea.
I remember when he had the bike accident, he said he was fit because he had a personal trainer that went to his house to train him. Obviously he doesn't have that trainer anymore.
But he doesn't live there anymore, does he? He moved out of the city, right?
His London home is near the Kings Road in Chelsea and his country residence is in Hampshire, near Beaulieu.
Is this not the guy he met in India 2005? And exchanged a guitar for some object I don't remember
Yes, and both met again in July 2019.
This guy is only Sachin Tendulkar - one of the most respected cricketers in the world of all time - in fact he is a legend!!
He is a keen MK fan and they both met and Sachin gave MK one of his bats and MK gave him a guitar!
I’d driven my wife and 8 week old baby 600 miles to see him, and carted a guitar neck in the hope of getting him to sign it. I had to make a split second decision to stop him or not. I kind of felt it was a once in a lifetime thing, bumping into your hero in the street so I went for it.
He could have said no but he didn’t!
Whereas I travelled just 42 Miles to see him at Bridport and didn't even pluck up the courage to ask him as I just froze! - Ingrid did it instead!!! :lol :lol
Franck Thuillier, the French fan who is writing those graphic biographies about Mark Knopfler, sent me this curious picture of Mark Knopfler, at Jam Studios in London, when recording the Extended Dance Play.
Looks like they used for the cover something that was at the Jam Studios wall :lol :lol
very nice find!
And that picture, made me remember I saw once a picture of Mark, Neil Dorfsman and Alan Clark, playing pool on MK's basement in Banks Street, New Yourk, while waiting for Bob Dylan to start preparing the Infidels sessions (as told on "Surviving in a ruthless world" book), and I found that picture on Alan Clark's website!
Franck Thuillier, the French fan who is writing those graphic biographies about Mark Knopfler, sent me this curious picture of Mark Knopfler, at Jam Studios in London, when recording the Extended Dance Play.
Looks like they used for the cover something that was at the Jam Studios wall :lol :lol
Now we have no doubts :) I have always been interested in the ideas of album covers. Thanks jbaent :)
And that picture, made me remember I saw once a picture of Mark, Neil Dorfsman and Alan Clark, playing pool on MK's basement in Banks Street, New Yourk, while waiting for Bob Dylan to start preparing the Infidels sessions (as told on "Surviving in a ruthless world" book), and I found that picture on Alan Clark's website!
This looks like it came from a video...
And that picture, made me remember I saw once a picture of Mark, Neil Dorfsman and Alan Clark, playing pool on MK's basement in Banks Street, New Yourk, while waiting for Bob Dylan to start preparing the Infidels sessions (as told on "Surviving in a ruthless world" book), and I found that picture on Alan Clark's website!
This looks like it came from a video...
It can be, but I wonder which one...
I remember than in a Tina Turner documentary there was a very short scene of 4 or 5 seconds where you can see Hal Lindes and Alan Clark rehearsing with Turner's band for a short tour opening for Lionel Ritchie, if I recall well. I saw that Hal posted a small capture of that on his facebook.
And that picture, made me remember I saw once a picture of Mark, Neil Dorfsman and Alan Clark, playing pool on MK's basement in Banks Street, New Yourk, while waiting for Bob Dylan to start preparing the Infidels sessions (as told on "Surviving in a ruthless world" book), and I found that picture on Alan Clark's website!
This looks like it came from a video...
It can be, but I wonder which one...
I remember than in a Tina Turner documentary there was a very short scene of 4 or 5 seconds where you can see Hal Lindes and Alan Clark rehearsing with Turner's band for a short tour opening for Lionel Ritchie, if I recall well. I saw that Hal posted a small capture of that on his facebook.
ask Clarky :-)
MK at the Local Hero rehearsals in Chichester
"Just like that!"
MK at the Local Hero rehearsals in Chichester
Mark NEEDS to lose weight!
It is hard to believe that this is the same guy as on the top of this page! :)
Oh my, the catering services at British Grove have been doing a great job!
Impossible to do the Tour in 2023 ;D
My intimate shot of Mark with his guitar on the Dortmund concert, Westfalen-Halle, 17. June 2015.
Here you can see a little belly.
I remember sitting with a fellow fan at Hay on Wye, May 2007, and when MK walked into the Sky studio she said "He has a beer belly!", so this isn't new.
My father in law also commented that he couldn't believe how much bigger he had gotten when I was watching the ATRR DVD.
Mark with Paul Young The Prince's Trust 1986:)
The Coral sitar was never seen before or since I don't think, I wonder if he borrowed it.
The photo is not from The Prince's Trust concert, but from a rehearsal ;)
I remember sitting with a fellow fan at Hay on Wye, May 2007, and when MK walked into the Sky studio she said "He has a beer belly!", so this isn't new.
My father in law also commented that he couldn't believe how much bigger he had gotten when I was watching the ATRR DVD.
A little belly is all right, as long as you don't have brewer's droop along with it! :lol
It can be removed easily by doing some sports, but if you hate sports as I hate it... Then you're in trouble.
posted on a Facebook JJ Cale group
jam session with MK and JJ cale in a pub during the BIA tour
Thanks. I have not seen these two colored ones before.
Thanks. I have not seen these two colored ones before.
yes they are "new" to me too
Lucky he brought his guitar when he went to see JJ!
Lucky he brought his guitar when he went to see JJ!
posted by @bombhead1977 on Twitter :
"Members of Leeds band Silverheels, enjoying a pint in early 1970. My dad is on the left holding a pint, also holding a pint at the back is fellow band member Mark Knopfler. Whatever happened to him, I wonder?"
posted by @bombhead1977 on Twitter :
"Members of Leeds band Silverheels, enjoying a pint in early 1970. My dad is on the left holding a pint, also holding a pint at the back is fellow band member Mark Knopfler. Whatever happened to him, I wonder?"
Lol, that's funny.
New !
Don't forget to include the source: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cme0CO5vcsf/?hl=en
It’s been an amazing year here at Boswell Guitars. It’s left me with one word almost continually on my mind: gratitude. It wasn’t more than just a few years back that I had all but decided to stop building and go back to repair services full time. There was a time shortly before that where I had even considered leaving the guitar world entirely. But then, the strangest thing happened: it all turned around. Part of that is luck. But like the saying goes: “The hard work puts you where the luck can find you.” That saying has been resonating in my ears for many, many months now, and it’s the motivation I have needed at times when all I really wanted to do was just stop. Picture one is of Mark Knopfler (@markknopfler) playing his Boswell OM-K/T13 LTD, with his Boswell 0-14M/3S pictured in the background. He is currently recording a new album with both. I was incredibly fortunate to be paired with Mark by our mutual friend Rudy Pensa of Rudy’s Music (@rudysmusic). I like to refer to Rudy as the Architect. Pulling all the strings all because he’s so passionate about both guitars and music, and the people that make both. I feel so incredibly honored to know that Mark is creating on something that I made. It still blows my mind. The second and third pictures are of “my wall” in Rudy’s Scarsdale location. Again, gratitude. For having someone like Rudy believe in me and trust me and my work enough to put his stamp of approval on it for all to see. Then of course, the help I have back here in Bend, OR and my friend Adam Mendel (@joynerinstruments). This guy inspires me to push hard, and strive for greatness at all times. He’s always thinking of ways to help me and my builds, save my body from injury, and make things that just look incredible. Without Adam, there is no way I could be continuing to operate at the level I’m currently at. Gratitude. And of course, followers, likes, comments, and overall just positivity from supporters. Thank you to you all. In moments of self doubt, you have helped to keep me moving in the right direction. So, keep pushing, keep moving forward, keep believing in yourself. A very sincere Happy Holidays to everyone from Boswell Guitars!
P.S. That's $20,000 guitars. Quite nice :D
Yes. My source was the fb fan page of Mark Knopfler world :)
Thanks for sharing this very nice picture of our hero, Robson.
And thanks for the source, Pavel.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all members of AMIT! The best MK fan forum on the web. :wave
Thanks for sharing this very nice picture of our hero, Robson.
And thanks for the source, Pavel.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all members of AMIT! The best MK fan forum on the web. :wave
Listen now, right here
It’s going to be a beautiful year
Thanks for sharing this very nice picture of our hero, Robson.
And thanks for the source, Pavel.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all members of AMIT! The best MK fan forum on the web. :wave
Listen now, right here
It’s going to be a beautiful year
I hope you are right, Robson! :)
All the best to everyone on AMIT for 2023! :wave
Happy new year to all :)
Best wishes for the new year to all AMITers. :wave
on every street :)
From the FB of Polly Samson
Random man and local hero
yes I just saw this pic
and Gilmour again with the black strat ? the guitar was sold in auction ...
or is it an "old" pic ?
I thought the same, maybe a new guitar? Or is it really the guitar who was sold in 2019?
I thought the same, maybe a new guitar? Or is it really the guitar who was sold in 2019?
Well, David can have as many black Strats as he wants, so it's not informative. The lack of any description of the photo, however, is strange.
It seems Guy has said (to a friend in private) David Gilmour was in Brithish Grove yesterday.
I thought the same, maybe a new guitar? Or is it really the guitar who was sold in 2019?
it can be a replica indeed
he played on a copy on some shows in 2016
It seems Guy has said (to a friend in private) David Gilmour was in Brithish Grove yesterday.
Finally more light :), Thank you Dutchessy :)
yes I just saw this pic
and Gilmour again with the black strat ? the guitar was sold in auction ...
or is it an "old" pic ?
Just what occurred to me. They said Gilmour was at BG yesterday but it doesn't mean the photo posted was necessarily from yesterday.
yes I just saw this pic
and Gilmour again with the black strat ? the guitar was sold in auction ...
or is it an "old" pic ?
Just what occurred to me. They said Gilmour was at BG yesterday but it doesn't mean the photo posted was necessarily from yesterday.
You're making me feel a bit worried now, dmg. :think
There is also a photo of GF with David Gilmour. Certainly from yesterday. :) David has the same black T-shirt..
There is also a photo of GF with David Gilmour. Certainly from yesterday. :)
Yes, but David looks different from the black and white one.
There is also a photo of GF with David Gilmour. Certainly from yesterday. :)
Yes, but David looks different from the black and white one.
Well, one is taken on a professional camera, and the other is on a smartphone.
We have three photos. Black and white David and Mark together. David alone. And colored Guy with David. I think it's the same time.
We have three photos. Black and white David and Mark together. David alone. And colored Guy with David. I think it's the same time.
I really hope you're right!
The photo of David alone is also black and white.
About the Black Strat David said at the time of the auction that he had replica of his guitar made by Fender.
The photo of David alone is also black and white.
And in the same room and with the same guitar, so the pic with Mark was from that same moment.
The photo of David alone is also black and white.
And in the same room and with the same guitar, so the pic with Mark was from that same moment.
Exactly! My optimism is going up:)
The photo of David alone is also black and white.
And in the same room and with the same guitar, so the pic with Mark was from that same moment.
Exactly! My optimism is going up:)
Mine, as well!
Fender Custom Shop built a few replicas of the black strat before it was sold, you can find a couple on eBay or Reverb for sale. Gilmour probably has more than one of those…
;D ;D ;D
Too funny!
What the fuck is this
What the fuck is this
Don't know but I watched it anyway. Purely research.
I don't think this is funny at all.
I would like the poster to remove it.
It is fake, photo shopped and tasteless
The girl in the old picture died very young.
Only a loser could post that, quizzaciously should remove it immediately.
According to the video David Knopfler drives a Ferrari... Really? :lol
i deleted the link. not a pic really anyways.
FYI on the left picture it was Sue Hercombe that passed away circa 1991.
I don't think this is funny at all.
I would like the poster to remove it.
It is fake, photo shopped and tasteless
Right, I've deleted the last few posts, Quizzy posted something because he found it amusing (and I kind of did too, because it was so absurd), some thought it went too far, so now it's gone. Let's not fall out about it and all move on :)
Right, I've deleted the last few posts, Quizzy posted something because he found it amusing (and I kind of did too, because it was so absurd), some thought it went too far, so now it's gone. Let's not fall out about it and all move on :)
The Spanish "Bar Knopfler" still standing (not my picture, but it was sent to me). How old this place is? It's wicked old.
I've been eating in this place, not far from where I live.
Bar Knopfler, Mislata, Valencia, Spain
I've been eating in this place, not far from where I live.
Bar Knopfler, Mislata, Valencia, Spain
And? Is it worth to go to go there?
I've been eating in this place, not far from where I live.
Bar Knopfler, Mislata, Valencia, Spain
And? Is it worth to go to go there?
My original question was about the age of the place, but if memory serves me well, I remember seeing this "meme" more than 10 years ago. Close to 15 maybe.
I guess, if the place can survive for so long, it simply has to be good.
It is just an average bar, very typical in Spain, a small place where you can have good food for a reasonable price. Nothing to call home about really, but a good place where people from the neighborhood would go frequently and having a good meal. A typical small bar in Spain, but with owners with an exquisite taste for music.
I totally recommend to pay a visit if you happen to be in Valencia, but hold your expectations because you're going to be disappointed if you expect something cool, big or refined. It's a small place with neighbourhood charm.
Infidels ad
Infidels ad
I would want to show this ad to young kid MK admiring Bob Dylan, wonder what he'd say.
Sly Dunbar has to be either the coolest name ever, or a really cheesy Disney villain name. Can’t decide which.
Don't remember ever seeing this before, pretty funny.
Looks like fake for me. MK wearing a NHB t-shirt in 2005...
Dunno, I got it from this tweet
Dunno, I got it from this tweet
Dunno, I got it from this tweet
Yes I saw it too in twitter and I thought how weird is MK not only wearing a t-shirt of anything related to him but also something so outdated like a NHB t-shirt in 2005, and looked fake for me because of that.
I'm no photoshop expert but if it's fake then it's a good one, the print on the fabric covers his body.
I'm no photoshop expert but if it's fake then it's a good one, the print on the fabric covers his body.
You can Photoshop that in about a minute, actually. Photoshop pros can do mind-blowing things equally mind-glowingly fast, this is the easiest of their tricks. Looks fake to me, especially since I remember MK playing in T-shirts in 2005, but not with prints like this.
I'm no photoshop expert but if it's fake then it's a good one, the print on the fabric covers his body.
You can Photoshop that in about a minute, actually. Photoshop pros can do mind-blowing things equally mind-glowingly fast, this is the easiest of their tricks. Looks fake to me, especially since I remember MK playing in T-shirts in 2005, but not with prints like this.
The thing that makes it more suspicious is a NHB t-shirt in 2005. Last NHB gig was in 1999, 2002 if you consider the MK and friends gigs. Actually the guitars of the t-shirt remind me one t-shirt that was sold during those gigs.
However, doesn't makes sense.
This picture look so UNknopfler.
I too would say it's a fake
Could be rehearsals or a soundcheck. I would say definitely not a show since both he and Guy had their fancy show shirts back then!
Could be rehearsals or a soundcheck. I would say definitely not a show since both he and Guy had their fancy show shirts back then!
He used to go to encores in a T-shirt? Not a hill I’m bothered about dying on but seems like a weird thing to fake.
This is Cardiff, about 10 days from this supposed Copenhagen show. Same shirt?
Could be rehearsals or a soundcheck. I would say definitely not a show since both he and Guy had their fancy show shirts back then!
He used to go to encores in a T-shirt? Not a hill I’m bothered about dying on but seems like a weird thing to fake.
You never know what fans can do sometimes...
Could be rehearsals or a soundcheck. I would say definitely not a show since both he and Guy had their fancy show shirts back then!
He used to go to encores in a T-shirt? Not a hill I’m bothered about dying on but seems like a weird thing to fake.
Was there at the concert. He did not wear that t-shirt during the show.
Could be rehearsals or a soundcheck. I would say definitely not a show since both he and Guy had their fancy show shirts back then!
He used to go to encores in a T-shirt? Not a hill I’m bothered about dying on but seems like a weird thing to fake.
Was there at the concert. He did not wear that t-shirt during the show.
So it is a fake picture, as I supposed. Thanks!
Could be rehearsals or a soundcheck. I would say definitely not a show since both he and Guy had their fancy show shirts back then!
He used to go to encores in a T-shirt? Not a hill I’m bothered about dying on but seems like a weird thing to fake.
Was there at the concert. He did not wear that t-shirt during the show.
So it is a fake picture, as I supposed. Thanks!
Congratulations jbaent :clap
Could be rehearsals or a soundcheck. I would say definitely not a show since both he and Guy had their fancy show shirts back then!
He used to go to encores in a T-shirt? Not a hill I’m bothered about dying on but seems like a weird thing to fake.
Was there at the concert. He did not wear that t-shirt during the show.
Thanks for clearing up. People are very strange. I wonder what went through that person's head when they did that.
I saw MK in Cardiff in 2005, pretty sure a NHB t-shirt wasn't worn....
TNH 1989.
New ?
New ?
Yes. MK is signing a Gibson Les Paul for the winner of the Streets of London 2023 prize draw. MK raised more than £30,000 for the homeless in London. :clap
Yes Streets Of London. Mark looks great. :)
Yes Streets Of London. Mark looks great. :)
I thought so too! :)
I'm happy to see him looking so good.
New ?
Looks like the Lambretta painting is back!
New ?
Looks like the Lambretta painting is back!
I think it still is "Watching TV" :)
New ?
Did Mark make milk froth for a cappuccino before this photo was taken? He has stains on his pants ;D
New ?
Did Mark make milk froth for a cappuccino before this photo was taken? He has stains on his pants ;D
Well… hopefully.
New ?
Did Mark make milk froth for a cappuccino before this photo was taken? He has stains on his pants ;D
Well… hopefully.
Q magazine, 1994
High price vindaloo's don't give you wind surely?
I'm trying to think of a NHB gig in '94 though... :think
The picture is captioned Q 96 - which would make more sense (Sheffield possibly preceded by the QE2), but then again his hair doesn’t fit that period !
It’s issue 96, September 1994. Entirely possible that MK did some high priced charity event in 94 that we don’t know about, or maybe the caption is wrong.
PS looks like a London cab.
I remember that photo. Funny ;D Kitty was stunning back then. Oh, my.
It could be either 1993 or 1994 as Mark performed for charity gig on same day (July the Third) both year.
I guess the one referred was 1994... because of hair length.
03.07.1994 Grosvenor House Hotel London UK (charity gig)
In 1994, The Notting Hillbillies played another charity show called The Concert For Life.
It was a one-off charity concert to raise money for "The Anthony Nolan bone marrow trust" and "The Sue Harris bone marrow campaign":
It could be either 1993 or 1994 as Mark performed for charity gig on same day (July the Third) both year.
I guess the one referred was 1994... because of hair length.
03.07.1994 Grosvenor House Hotel London UK (charity gig)
In 1994, The Notting Hillbillies played another charity show called The Concert For Life.
It was a one-off charity concert to raise money for "The Anthony Nolan bone marrow trust" and "The Sue Harris bone marrow campaign":
That must be it, the magazine was published in August 1994, thanks for identifying.
It could be either 1993 or 1994 as Mark performed for charity gig on same day (July the Third) both year.
I guess the one referred was 1994... because of hair length.
03.07.1994 Grosvenor House Hotel London UK (charity gig)
In 1994, The Notting Hillbillies played another charity show called The Concert For Life.
It was a one-off charity concert to raise money for "The Anthony Nolan bone marrow trust" and "The Sue Harris bone marrow campaign":
Thanks. Funny that we seem to regularly identify the year by his hair length! 🧔👩🦲
It could be either 1993 or 1994 as Mark performed for charity gig on same day (July the Third) both year.
I guess the one referred was 1994... because of hair length.
03.07.1994 Grosvenor House Hotel London UK (charity gig)
In 1994, The Notting Hillbillies played another charity show called The Concert For Life.
It was a one-off charity concert to raise money for "The Anthony Nolan bone marrow trust" and "The Sue Harris bone marrow campaign":
That must be it, the magazine was published in August 1994, thanks for identifying.
I wonder the ticket price to attend this.
Just a look inside the place, the Ballroom :
Another one : The GreatRoom
According to this site £75 and £125.
According to this site £75 and £125.
£125 tickets included the lobster thermostat. 🦞 ;D
£ 200 and £ 320 in 2023 - roughly incorporating inflation rate.
According to this site £75 and £125.
That site is a mirror from Neck and Neck website, I know because is one I made when I attended university. Can't believe that site is still online.
It could be either 1993 or 1994 as Mark performed for charity gig on same day (July the Third) both year.
I guess the one referred was 1994... because of hair length.
At least he looked better and healthier than at the end of the OES tour 😅
According to this site £75 and £125.
That site is a mirror from Neck and Neck website, I know because is one I made when I attended university. Can't believe that site is still online.
I remember the Neck and Neck website! It was already there in the late 90s, right? Cool to know it was you!
Does anybody remember the working-on-it.com fan website from the early 2000s? Loved that one as well ;D
And I remember something like Calling Mark from a German couple about bootlegs.
According to this site £75 and £125.
That site is a mirror from Neck and Neck website, I know because is one I made when I attended university. Can't believe that site is still online.
I remember the Neck and Neck website! It was already there in the late 90s, right? Cool to know it was you!
Does anybody remember the working-on-it.com fan website from the early 2000s? Loved that one as well ;D
And I remember something like Calling Mark from a German couple about bootlegs.
jbaent only mirrored the site. it was not made by him but other valuable members of the mk/ds fan community
There is another great mirror site with a lot of the information from the original site:
The original site can be visited using way back machine as well.
There is another great mirror site with a lot of the information from the original site:
The original site can be visited using way back machine as well.
Thanks, I got this from it:
This next point is also primarily for UK fans: The Notting Hillbillies are re-forming for a one-off charity concert on Sunday 3rd July at London's Grosvenor House Hotel. The proceeds are going to the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust, and the Sue Harris Bone Marrow Campaign, which operate a register to link up donors with people requiring bone-marrow transplants. This event is NOT being organised by us, so PLEASE don't write to us for ticket information - we are nothing to do with it, we have just provided the band for the evening (which will be Mark, Brendan Croker, Steve Phillips, Marcus Cliffe, either Alan or Guy, and good ol' Ed Bicknell). Tickets are extortionately expensive (£125.00 and £75.00) because it's one of those events where the ticket price includes formal dinner, and obviously the charity want to make as much money as possible. As far as I know, the organisers are trying to sell complete tables of 10 rather than individual tickets, but if you do want information, the number you should call is 071 829 8455.
Extortionately expensive tickets...
That is average ticket prices nowadays.
Don't remember seeing this one before.
Don't remember seeing this one before.
this was in Guy's diary during a tour, if i am not entirely mistaken. i seem to remember seeing this back then
Don't remember seeing this one before.
this was in Guy's diary during a tour, if i am not entirely mistaken. i seem to remember seeing this back then
Yes, I remember seeing this picture on Guy's diary, too.
First time I see this photo:
Why is there a wino in the background?
Picture posted a few weeks ago.
Picture posted a few weeks ago.
Not gonna lie, I cringe a little bit when I see these auctions selling boots. Now, I can understand selling a guitar, I don't get selling an autographed guitar because you don't have a connection and exchange of obtaining the signature, but signed boots?? I wonder what winners are going to do with these. Wear 'em themselves, put them under a glass display, or give them away? And why did Mark sign them right over the leather anyway? The first time he signed the soles, which makes a little bit more sense. So many questions, so few answers.
All for charity, all for good deeds. But I can see Daniel Craig's Shoes went for just £420, probably 4-5 times less than they cost in a store. Go figure.
Maybe are you taking things a bit too heartly ?
Maybe are you taking things a bit too heartly ?
Well, I sure do. It's a no-brainer to do a little charity thing of selling some shoes, it's nothing for Mark and has an effect, but the questions I proposed are still relevant.
Would you buy a celebrity-worn shoes? I would not... A lot of people (not a lot judging by shockingly ultra-low selling prices) apparently would, so good for them.
They raised almost half a million pounds selling these, so I'm not criticising the cause, just questioning the items and idea itself a little bit. No worries.
Picture posted a few weeks ago.
Aren't these the ones he used during the Get Lucky tour? Those looked so good on him!
It's called "Small Steps Project", so there is the idea of shoes, it's just a way of making it original and unique with a symbolic gesture. Plus a good pair of shoes, as normal as it might seem for all of us, even one single pair, is something that many poor children not have, so it is a good picture for pointing out on poverty. It's not so weird as it might seem on the first sight.
Picture posted a few weeks ago.
Aren't these the ones he used during the Get Lucky tour? Those looked so good on him!
I was thinking 2015. Maybe he's had them for a few years.
Maybe are you taking things a bit too heartly ?
Well, I sure do. It's a no-brainer to do a little charity thing of selling some shoes, it's nothing for Mark and has an effect, but the questions I proposed are still relevant.
Would you buy a celebrity-worn shoes? I would not... A lot of people (not a lot judging by shockingly ultra-low selling prices) apparently would, so good for them.
They raised almost half a million pounds selling these, so I'm not criticising the cause, just questioning the items and idea itself a little bit. No worries.
I would not buy it either but if you did not ask me I would never felt the need to speak on it.
There is of course a part of worship in it but we all have our own part of worship.
If I was rich enough I would battle hard to get the MFN LP mine and this is 1000% worship. This is a seldom time in my life I really whished I was multi millionaire!
I really like this photo. Mark invisible:)
Polydor 1978 promotion card
Success in the cards. That sounds like something John Illsley could have come up with.
Success in the cards.
But so many shards.
I am feeling blue.
I can smell the glue.
Success in the cards. That sounds like something John Illsley could have come up with.
Success in the cards.
But so many shards.
I am feeling blue.
I can smell the glue.
regarding their clothes, its seems to be the same photoshoot as the one used for the back cover of the first album
I really like this photo. Mark invisible:)
But Eric Clapton and Robert Plant clearly visible! ;D
And Phil Lynnot :)
regarding their clothes, its seems to be the same photoshoot as the one used for the back cover of the first album
It's true.
This new picture is so cool...
Yes, it is indeed very beautiful :)
This new picture is so cool...
It's true.
A friend of mine says probably this picture was taken the same day he and Brian Johnson took their picture to promote the TV show, but can't find that picture to prove it :smack
I love this one a lot.
I love this one a lot.
:thumbsup Thank you KnopfleRick :)
Yes, brilliant photo. Mark is now looking more like the college lecturer he used to be back in the day. ;D
I love this one a lot.
For the previous picture he went to Newcastle, for this one he went to Mordor...
A friend of mine says probably this picture was taken the same day he and Brian Johnson took their picture to promote the TV show, but can't find that picture to prove it :smack
I answer myself, MK wears in that promo picture the same cap than Brian Johnson!
I love this one a lot.
For the previous picture he went to Newcastle, for this one he went to Mordor...
Ha-ha! I was just thinking if they had used the background from Meatloaf's Bat Out Of Hell! ;D
A friend of mine says probably this picture was taken the same day he and Brian Johnson took their picture to promote the TV show, but can't find that picture to prove it :smack
I answer myself, MK wears in that promo picture the same cap than Brian Johnson!
I think BJ just wears a traditional "flat cap" whereas MK wears the big "Peaky Blinders" thing.
I think the Peaky Blinders hats look very stupid but they are fashionable and I am not so what do I know :)
A friend of mine says probably this picture was taken the same day he and Brian Johnson took their picture to promote the TV show, but can't find that picture to prove it :smack
I answer myself, MK wears in that promo picture the same cap than Brian Johnson!
I think BJ just wears a traditional "flat cap" whereas MK wears the big "Peaky Blinders" thing.
I think the Peaky Blinders hats look very stupid but they are fashionable and I am not so what do I know :)
A 'Bakers Boys' cap! And yes I have one too!! And incidentally MK is seen wearing one in his photoshoot along the Tyne for the new album
Great pic! :thumbsup
@Moderators, admins – Is it possible to implement a resizing feature? These enourmous photos are hopeless ...
The recent photo of Mark with the cap looks like a promo photo for a new Netflix series ;D "Inspector Knopfler" Episode 01: Surrender On the Quayside 8)
@Moderators, admins – Is it possible to implement a resizing feature? These enourmous photos are hopeless ...
The recent photo of Mark with the cap looks like a promo photo for a new Netflix series ;D "Inspector Knopfler" Episode 01: Surrender On the Quayside 8)
Seems to be a problem with links from fb pages, but it's on this one:
Hal's Black Strat, The Portobello Belle Strat
I think I see it for the first time.
I think I see it for the first time.
That picture is cut, it shows MK with JJ Cale originally.
I think I see it for the first time.
actually almost 39yrs ago, to the day (14.09.1985)
Thank you :)
south California, not 100% sure about the exact place, but it was AFTER a DS show and AT a JJ cale show
the caption says it was in a club in San Francisco, pics were taken by Mike Kappus, JJ Cale's manager
Yes, I saw earlier only the first photo on the right (color) Black and white I saw earlier:) Thanks Pottel and JF :)
Would be interesting to get both their thoughts at that point.
MK, on top of the world and playing with a hero.
JJ, laid back as ever, bemused to be sharing the stage with a guy who had led a band to be the biggest in the world by stealing his act. :)
I could be wrong, but I remember J.J. Cale's words: Instead of carrying my albums (in his hand), Mark should finally record a song with me.
Two photos. I think they are new to me.
Probably last MK picture from a couple of days back. No idea of where and why.
Second picture.
Seems to be an interview for a documentary or something.
I'm reading online it might be in the Marquee club. Anyone can confirm this?
A documentary about The Marquee club has been in the making for long, I remember MKnews asking for pictures of MK playing there in 1977 and sweating a lot to the public.
At the Tusk Conversation Awards
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnSSw-cMQkU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnSSw-cMQkU)
Who is the nice Lady next to Kitty? :o
I thinks it is Ronnie Wood’s wife
Nice to see Mark these days!
A very warm and cordial welcome MK with Ron Wood. Thank you for the video :)
Some old photos from the show in Athens, Greece.
Some old photos from the show in Athens, Greece.
happy to see you more active on here again Vgonis!
Good to be here among familiar people! It was either this or sleeping.... :wave
Good to be here among familiar people! It was either this or sleeping.... :wave
great choice!
Thanks for sharing these nice pics, vgonis. :thumbsup
Brings back good memories of this great tour.
Mark was in good shape and the stage lights extraordinary.
I never took any pictures of any show because I wanted to see him live and not through the lens of a cell phone. ;D
So I'm very grateful of any pictures nice people do share. :wave
Nobody has shared this one yet? Chris White posted it on instagram (https://www.instagram.com/p/DF6LJzzsYOe/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== )
He writes that this was taken on the start of the tour, but it doesn't look like it :lol I love them either way :) Do they think "I wonder how this will turn out"?
Just had to focus on something to smile about, after reading post after post after post about how terrible MK was during the OES tour. I *think* we got that now.
after reading post after post after post about how terrible MK was during the OES tour. I *think* we got that now.
By all accounts (I personally heard) the BIA tour was a massive blast.
Regarding the quote above. I have no interest in repeating my point, but people keep contradicting it.
If people just accepted it was what it was.....we can all stop talking about it.
Which is 100% fine by me.
My understanding of it that nobody deny what you and the others experienced on the personal plan. We find the music magical and really, really good anyway :-) So, what are they thinking about in the picture? :-)
I merely interjected that the 'professionalism' and implied 'conservative playing' that Joop mentioned in the podcast came from the powers that be. That's how the rehearsals were run. The various comments about mark's mood, justified or not, flowed from forum members afterwards.
I have no idea what the band members are thinking in the picture. Chris White is a friend and I know what he thought at the beginning of the tour.
They rehearsed for the tour in Croatia, which is why he thinks the photo was taken before the shows actually began. At the point they thought it was a fairly standard tour like any other. The budget was fairly average, standard travel, standard hotels. The BIA album had not yet become a sensation.
As the tour went along, the venues and audiences grew larger, the album started to sell like hotcakes.
Mark was obviously thrilled and the band were all having a fantastic time riding a giant wave of success and going from a standard tour to a blockbuster arena and stadium tour.
It all ended on a massive high in Sydney Australia.
Maybe the photographer just asked them to pose like that :think
Yeah, I'm not reading anything in to the pose. It looks completely standard and normal to me.
Someone asked me if I knew what they were thinking at the time and I just repeated stuff that Chris White has retold about the BIA tour.
...I never thought I would have to explain... :hmm NO, I didn't expect you to know what they were thinking. If you had known other peples thoughts, you would be rich :lol
To be totally serious: I am going through some though times myself, having some dark days, but digging a black hole is never the answer. Smile :)
So, what are they thinking about in the picture? :-)
It was a rhetorical question then?
I thought it still added some value to write what I'd heard Chris White say of that time.
Lost for words.
Lost for words.
Coincidentally, a great PF track with strong DS/MK vibes.
Lost for words.
Coincidentally, a great PF track with strong DS/MK vibes.
I would say more a Springsteen flavour
I remember reading a review of The division bell album, at the time of its release, and it said that several songs sounds like other artists :
- A great day for freedom --> Queen
- Take it back --> U2
- Coming back to life --> Dire Straits
- Lost fro words --> Bruce Springsteen