A Mark In Time
Previous Albums => Kill To Get Crimson (2007) => Topic started by: Jules on July 16, 2015, 10:05:25 AM
Kill To Get Crimson was the first MK cd totally recorded in his British Grove Studios!
Shortly after the Shangri-La tour was over, MK and Guy gathered at British Grove Studios to start working on new songs and experimenting, as MK wanted to explore the chance of records all guitar by himself, and let Guy be on charge of all keyboards.
Actually, Guy played bass and drums in all the songs to made demos so when Glenn Worf and Danny Cummings arrive to play their parts they have guidelines of what MK wanted in that songs.
It took quite a long time to finish it as the "All The Roadrunning" duets cd with Emmylou Harris was released in the meantime, and they went on tour for several months so they stopped working on it and resumed after Guy finished working on the audio mixing of the DVD from that tour.
Personally, it´s one of my favourite MK albums, very intimate with beautiful songs and haunting melodies.
One of my favourites too. I love it when MK plays all guitars.
Great info -- thanks jbaent!!
And yes, it does feel more intimate -- much like Tracker!
I love it when MK plays all guitars.
yes I like when MK plays all guitars too, but paradoxically albums like KTGC or Tracker have less typical MK rhythm guitar styles while others albums where Richard is just there for "utilities" have more this kind of typical Mark playing.
by typical MK rhythm guitar style I mean the none you can hear on songs like almost 2 firts albums, skateaway, man of peace, cleaning windows, on way gal, etc...
and you can hear this style on songs like this i us, cleaning my gun, boom like that, no can do, do america... but no on albums where he plays all guitars !
I never understood why he did this way.
MK always says that the song is the king...
But maybe he feels that not having Richard he needs to play rythmic guitars as Richard would had done, I don´t know. I also preffer when MK does his fingerpicking rithmic guitar, and actually there are some in KTGC and TRACKER but they are mostly in acoustic guitars and sometimes hiden by strumming acoustics.
Funnily enough I've just revisited this now fabulous album. I own the limited edition cd/dvd but have just managed to buy it on Vinyl (with promo cd included) and I really love it in fact more than I thought.... :clap