A Mark In Time

Previous Tours => 2012 Mark Knopfler & Bob Dylan Tour => Topic started by: Jules on November 14, 2012, 01:56:12 PM

Title: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: Jules on November 14, 2012, 01:56:12 PM
#28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA


http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=250 (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=250)

http://expectingrain.com/discussions/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=73073 (http://expectingrain.com/discussions/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=73073)

AMIT attendees:

Different from previous show in RED

Mark Knopfler
1.What It Is
2.Corned Beef City
4.Kingdom of gold
5.I Used to Could
6.Song for Sonny Liston
7.Done With Bonaparte
8.Hill Farmer's Blues
9.Brothers in Arms
11.So Far Away

Bob Dylan
1. You Ain't Goin Nowhere.
2. Man in the Long Black Coat (Mark Knopfler on guitar)
3. Things Have Changed (Mark Knopfler on guitar) "Piano is way too loud".
4. Tangled Up in Blue (Mark Knopfler on guitar)
5. Early Roman Kings
6. Joey
7. Rollin' & Tumblin'
8. Visions of Johanna
9. Highway 61 Revisited
10. Sugar Baby
11. Thunder on the Mountain
12. Ballad of a Thin Man
13. Like a Rolling Stone
Band Intros
14. All Along the Watchtower
15. Blowin' in the Wind
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: shangri la 1 on November 15, 2012, 06:36:57 AM
Bob Dylan
1. You Ain't Goin Nowhere.
2. Man in the Long Black Coat with Mark Knopfler
3. Things Have Changed w/MK. "Piano is way too loud".
4. Tangled Up in Blue with MK.
5. Early Roman Kings
6. Joey
7. Rollin' & Tumblin'
8. Visions of Johanna
9. Highway 61 Revisited
10. Sugar Baby
11. Thunder on the Mountain
12. Ballad of a Thin Man
13. Like a Rolling Stone
Band Intros
14. All Along the Watchtower
15. Blowin' in the Wind
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: dmg on November 15, 2012, 12:31:18 PM
Is it just me or does KOG seem to be getting played more often now than YTC?
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: Vesper on November 15, 2012, 04:00:46 PM
Is it just me or does KOG seem to be getting played more often now than YTC?

Yeah,, its a shame! :(

Should be played both! ;D
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: dmg on November 15, 2012, 05:01:20 PM
Is it just me or does KOG seem to be getting played more often now than YTC?

Yeah,, its a shame! :(

Should be played both! ;D

I'm not fond of the song KOG.  Fond of the guitar solo - just not the song!
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: superval99 on November 15, 2012, 05:45:48 PM
A nice review - for MK!         http://www.torontosun.com/2012/11/15/dy ... s-than-hit

TORONTO - Toronto is crawling with master singer-songwriters.

And, like most folks, some have clearly aged better than others.

Wednesday night at the Air Canada Centre saw the double bill of folk-rock legend Bob Dylan and former Dire Straits frontman Mark Knopfler, which given their impressive combined back catalogue surprisingly only drew 8,000 fans, while across town Canadian folkie Gordon Lightfoot began his usual fall four-night stand at Massey Hall.

Still to come, more Canadian folk-rock gold in the form of Neil Young and his sometime band Crazy Horse on Monday night at the ACC.

But back to the matter at hand as in the one and only Dylan, 71.

Decked out in a yellow stripe-lined grey-black suit, as far as I could tell due to the dim lighting (Bob doesn
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: PixelPerfect on November 15, 2012, 07:18:52 PM
Very nice! It seems that it's only we hard core fans that notice any deterioration of Mark's guitar-playing skills since the old days of Alchemy. Most reviewers like this who aren't too familiar with him comment on how "nimble" his fingers are and how his guitar playing is just as good as it's ever been! Maybe we should cut the guy some slack!
Lol I noticed about Jim too. It seems his amazing piano playing wasn't noticed during Corned Beef City or I Used to Could.  :-X
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: shangri la 1 on November 16, 2012, 08:03:58 AM

I'm not fond of the song KOG.  Fond of the guitar solo - just not the song!

Seems this Youtube user agrees. It is the only thing they uploaded from Toronto..
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: twm on November 16, 2012, 09:14:26 AM
A bit like the guy who recorded Charlie parker in clubs - just the solos, not the rest, irrespective of how good they were.
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: dmg on November 16, 2012, 11:45:39 AM
That YouTube guy is just sooo right! :clap

Great version.
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: naif on November 16, 2012, 01:55:14 PM
You should see this:


best quality video so far.
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: Vesper on November 16, 2012, 02:34:12 PM
You should see this:


best quality video so far.

WOW! Look at them having fun!
And everybody now knows plinkieplonkie Cox,, his name is on the back of the seat :P
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: dmg on November 16, 2012, 02:39:13 PM
Jim has his name on his seat, Mark has his on his guitar and Guy has his on his teapot! :lol
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: superval99 on November 16, 2012, 04:33:53 PM
Not connected with the Toronto gig, but I found this interesting after having read quite a few bad Dylan reviews lately:

Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: Rkd on November 16, 2012, 05:08:54 PM
An interesting viewpoint. Thanks, Val. And true blue Mark stands by Bob's side to support him as best he can. What a friend indeed!
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: Fletch on November 17, 2012, 02:55:37 AM
Not connected with the Toronto gig, but I found this interesting after having read quite a few bad Dylan reviews lately:


Bob must stop touring because the burgers are a rip-off?
A narrow minded blog that doesn't take into account the existence of Tempest the album at all.
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: dmg on November 17, 2012, 12:04:01 PM
Not connected with the Toronto gig, but I found this interesting after having read quite a few bad Dylan reviews lately:


Bob must stop touring because the burgers are a rip-off?
A narrow minded blog that doesn't take into account the existence of Tempest the album at all.

Quite true when you put it like that.  Also, one must take into account the hard-core's who would pay anything to see him play no matter how expensive the burgers, eh how bad the performance!  I know it would work the other way with MK (but hope it never comes to that).
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: Pottel on November 17, 2012, 02:18:33 PM
Dmg, fully besides the point, your package has arrived, for which I thank you, hail hail to the Dmg everyone!
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: dmg on November 17, 2012, 02:34:21 PM
Dmg, fully besides the point, your package has arrived, for which I thank you, hail hail to the Dmg everyone!


First time I cloned a DVD on my Mac actually!  I needed some excuse to learn how to do it!
Title: Re: #28:2012.11.14 Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre, CANADA # SPOILER AHEAD
Post by: Hophead on November 17, 2012, 02:39:43 PM
Not connected with the Toronto gig, but I found this interesting after having read quite a few bad Dylan reviews lately:

Thanks Val for posting this. I think it is odd that this essay was written in response to the recent tour...and mentions "Jokerman"...with no reference to Mark at all.   :hmm