A Mark In Time

Start Here => Technical Help => Topic started by: Hoops McCann on August 25, 2012, 05:22:14 AM

Title: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Hoops McCann on August 25, 2012, 05:22:14 AM
Please post anything that you find broken or missing from the old forum in this thread and I will fix it ASAP. Thanks!
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Fletch on August 25, 2012, 05:59:46 AM
Site looks fantastic on my Ipad!! Well done.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Hoops McCann on August 25, 2012, 06:43:01 AM
Site looks fantastic on my Ipad!! Well done.

Cool, thanks for the feedback. That was definitely one of the intentions of the upgrade- to make the forum more mobile friendly.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Love Expresso on August 25, 2012, 06:49:08 AM
Hi, Dan,

glad it alls seems to have worked out well. But I miss the "Show new posts since your last visit" function?

EDIT: Found it! It might be a problem for some others, so I am proud to tell that's the two buttons on the left of "HELLO (USER NAME)  ;D

Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Hoops McCann on August 25, 2012, 06:57:36 AM
Hi, Dan,

glad it alls seems to have worked out well. But I miss the "Show new posts since your last visit" function?

EDIT: Found it! It might be a problem for some others, so I am proud to tell that's the two buttons on the left of "HELLO (USER NAME)  ;D


On this theme, it's hiding, and I need to fix that. It's the first button that is at the top next to your name. If you hover over it, it will say "Show unread posts since last visit".


Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Love Expresso on August 25, 2012, 07:12:05 AM
Hi, thanks,

and another one which I am not sure I had disvovered before the upgrade: When choosing a board and a special thread, I will directed to the FIRST page, not to the LAST... I think usually I used to jump to the last site to see the newest post? Not sure if it has to do with my personal settings or is it a general forum thing?

Small problem, but all the rest is PERFECT it seems!  8)

Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Hoops McCann on August 25, 2012, 07:21:29 AM
Hi, thanks,

and another one which I am not sure I had disvovered before the upgrade: When choosing a board and a special thread, I will directed to the FIRST page, not to the LAST... I think usually I used to jump to the last site to see the newest post? Not sure if it has to do with my personal settings or is it a general forum thing?

Small problem, but all the rest is PERFECT it seems!  8)


What do you mean by a special thread? Do you mean a thread with new replies? I think the difference here is that you have to click on the orange "NEW" icon to go to the first new unread post in that thread. If you just click on the thread title, it takes you to the first page of the thread. I'm not sure if that answers the question or not. (Probably not.)
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Love Expresso on August 25, 2012, 08:34:17 AM

  If you just click on the thread title, it takes you to the first page of the thread. I'm not sure if that answers the question or not. (Probably not.)

Sorry, "special" was used without thinking. It was not useful. BUT:

If I clicked on the thread title, didn't it take me to the LAST page of the thread normally?   ???  And didn't we have this problem some weeks/months ago?

Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: vgonis on August 25, 2012, 08:44:09 AM
Hi Dan, thanks for the upgrade! No problem until  now, and it really looks "contemporary". Maybe you should save (if there is still chance) and post some screen shots of the old style for reference and memories.  Thanks LE for the question about the buttons, it troubled me too.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: JeroenvG on August 25, 2012, 08:48:18 AM
Haha looks great Dan!

And yes, the first links I was looking for was the "unread posts since last visit" thanks for helping out.

LE: If you clicked "new" behind a thread then it will take you to the last unread post. Never saw a forum where, by clicking the title, it took you automatically to the last page.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: vgonis on August 25, 2012, 09:09:39 AM
Dan, maybe I don't remember correctly, but wasn't there a favicon? No sign of it now.  It looks quite peculiar to see an empty white sheet. If there wasn't one, can you do something?
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: superval99 on August 25, 2012, 09:33:22 AM
Hi Dan, Firstly, many thanks for all your hard work upgrading this site!   :)

Mine is more of a puzzle than something missing.   When I logged in this morning, my username appeared in uppercase letters, although I was typing in lowercase and I tried many times, but I wasn't allowed in.   Then, it eventually appeared in lowercase and let me in and now it is back to uppercase and WILL let me in.  I know it is not a problem with my keyboard.   Thanks!

EDIT:   It only happens in the box above the banner.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: dmg on August 25, 2012, 11:21:54 AM
Looks fantastic!  I thought at first I had to click on every section individually to check if I had any unread posts but I should have know better!  A simple click on the box at the top left and my life is complete again.  Well, almost! ;D
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Jules on August 25, 2012, 11:35:22 AM
The "Show new replies to your posts" and "Show unread messages" buttons are too up and too small.

These two buttons are what I use the most in the forum, are the best tool to follow everything so if its possible to move them to the place they were before or make it bigger or both...
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: ingridswing on August 25, 2012, 11:39:47 AM
Thanks a million Dan! It seems it worked out quit well. Hope you had a little sleep too. Love Ingrid
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Love Expresso on August 25, 2012, 01:37:33 PM
The "Show new replies to your posts" and "Show unread messages" buttons are too up and too small.

These two buttons are what I use the most in the forum, are the best tool to follow everything so if its possible to move them to the place they were before or make it bigger or both...

Yes, I would agree.

Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: ds1984 on August 25, 2012, 02:18:39 PM
Hi, Dan,

glad it alls seems to have worked out well. But I miss the "Show new posts since your last visit" function?

EDIT: Found it! It might be a problem for some others, so I am proud to tell that's the two buttons on the left of "HELLO (USER NAME)  ;D


Thank you very much
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: superval99 on August 25, 2012, 08:21:58 PM
Hi Dan, I've just noticed that the links at the top of the page for Richard, Guy and Knopflertk are missing.   Will they be coming back?  Thanks!   :)
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: vgonis on August 25, 2012, 09:03:21 PM
Also the quote that some of us have added under the text and the line, is following right after  the text and not going on the bottom following the size of the avatar,as it used to.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Love Expresso on August 25, 2012, 09:07:49 PM
Some do, some don't. Mine and Supervals signatures seem to be down on the bottom as usual?

Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Love Expresso on August 25, 2012, 09:53:15 PM
"Top banner design by KnopflerSized"? Or Knopflerized?  ;)
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Pottel on August 25, 2012, 10:28:08 PM
Some do, some don't. Mine and Supervals signatures seem to be down on the bottom as usual?

true. My first question ( not posted) was already answered, so I' m fine. And yes it sure looks mighty on a pad!
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Jules on August 26, 2012, 12:25:20 AM
Before it was a kind of clock telling how many days, hours, minutes etc etc were you connected, now that is missing. Its not that it was important, but as the advice says that if there is something missing

Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: kaleo74 on August 26, 2012, 09:43:39 AM
No artwork for me too, I'm using Chrome and IE.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Justme on August 26, 2012, 02:05:00 PM
No artwork for me too, I'm using Chrome and IE.

Hey there, did you already try a complete reload by pressing [STRG] and [F5]?
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Hoops McCann on August 27, 2012, 06:03:03 PM
OK, thanks all for the feedback! Here's an update on what's been fixed...

1.) Fixed the website "favorites" icon. Somehow, during the upgrade, the original file became corrupted. It has been replaced.
(However, in FF for some reason, it only displays on the main index page. It seems to go away once you leave the index page. Need to look into this.)
2.) Removed the small icons at the top of the page for showing unread posts since last visit, and new replies to your posts. Made text larger and changed color scheme to match the footer. Also, completely removed the awkward looking capital letters that caused some login confusion. It came that way with the theme, but has been removed.
3.) Fixed the typo in knopflerized's user name in the signature. Thanks for pointing that one out!
4.) Added total time logged in right after the welcome message at the top of the page. Some may not want to see this stat. I am one of those people. ;) (The original theme did not have it.)

...and still what needs to be done...

1.) Add external links back to the top.

...other reported issues...

I will be re-installing the old version of the forum with the original themes soon. The forum will be read only and registration will be closed. Then we can pinpoint what functionality is different between the two versions of SMF and perhaps try to mimic the old functionality in the new version.
You'll see it here soon: www.amarkintime.org/forum3

1.) Fonts are too small or are unreadable. We may want to change the fonts to something larger and more readable for all. (I too find this font a bit hard to read in the post editing window.)
2.) Text appears small when quoting another post.
3.) Some users are reporting that they are unable to see the main banner on top. I now believe this MIGHT be a Javascript issue. I will report back with my findings soon.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Love Expresso on August 27, 2012, 07:43:33 PM
Jesus, thanks Dan! Sounds really like HARD work! Take a break, it is running great and smoothly! Thanks again for doing all this!

Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: jennja on August 27, 2012, 08:38:48 PM

Am I doing something wrong or is the avatar function not working properly? I uploaded--shows I did--but no indication or button to push to 'save' and post.

The new site looks very good--nice and streamlined.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: sak4 on August 29, 2012, 02:03:44 PM

Can you merge the 2 Tour 2013 sites - maybe it could be on the main page as its more easy to find????


Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: dmg on August 29, 2012, 07:05:38 PM
Just one wee issue I've noticed is that on occasion the options to "show unread posts" and "show new replies" don't load in and I have to refresh.  I'm using Safari v6.0

Other than that it's great.  I only wish the MK.com gang were as efficient with their new layout!
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: vgonis on August 29, 2012, 11:09:28 PM
Dan, thank you for everything! It is really great. One more thing. I miss the easy access-links to Guy's forum and the MK torrents site. Can you add them somehow.(Or maybe they are somewhere and I can't see them)
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Love Expresso on August 30, 2012, 10:40:30 PM
A little thing struck me, don't know if it has been said before: The location is not shown anymore, as in my case, I had "Northern Germany" under my avatar. Not that I am particular interested in having it back - but someone else pointed out, that sometimes knowing where a member is from might be useful. So if a member WANTS to tell us where he/she is from, it should be possible? Or has it any other reasons to take it out? Just asking. As I said, I can live perfectly well with not showing where I am from.  ;D

Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: ds1984 on September 07, 2012, 02:21:41 PM
Poll option : change vote.
Poll option : autorize multiple vote

I did allow "change vote" but it does not appear neither for user or for me when I edit poll
I did not allow multiple vote and the option does not appear when I edit poll

Edit : When I did validate this post I got a warning message that the text in the subject  was too long (83 characters for 80 allowed but it worked anyway)
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Love Expresso on September 11, 2012, 08:59:23 PM

Very secretly, without any fuss, some or the most things have changed in the meantime! The YouTube button is there, again, the location is there again under the avatar, the links are there again in the header, (only without thumbnail, but you have the same links from Guy, Richard and the Tracker there again).

Thanks again, Dan, for doing all this for us!

Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Hoops McCann on September 12, 2012, 05:14:57 AM

Very secretly, without any fuss, some or the most things have changed in the meantime! The YouTube button is there, again, the location is there again under the avatar, the links are there again in the header, (only without thumbnail, but you have the same links from Guy, Richard and the Tracker there again).

Thanks again, Dan, for doing all this for us!


Hey, thanks for noticing, LE! I've been working on the site here and there but have been set back by RSI (repetitive stress injury) in my right wrist/arm. It's become very painful for me to type/use my PC and only seems to be getting worse with further use.  :( I'm trying to make my way through all of the upgrade issues, but after that I'm going to have to take a break from the site for a while and deal with my physical issues.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: vgonis on September 12, 2012, 06:07:28 AM
Dan, thank you very much for everything. It is really great. I wish you could be here helping me with all my computer issues!
But first and foremost comes health, so if I may suggest, no matter if there are other issues, leave them right away and rest and take some anti inflammatory to deal with your problem. It  (and we)  can wait! Once again, Thank you! 
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: shangri la 1 on September 12, 2012, 09:08:39 AM
 :-\  :( sorry to hear about your wrist problem Dan. Have you tried taking liquid fish oil which can help with inflammation type injuries?
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: ingridswing on September 13, 2012, 04:23:58 PM
Dan, sorry to hear about your problem. No serious bugs can be found, only some wishes and things.
Take a break, your injury is more important than this site which works very well.
Title: Re: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!
Post by: Pottel on September 13, 2012, 04:59:10 PM
not an injury i would like to suffer from, ..poor sod...