A Mark In Time

Mark Knopfler Discussion => Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Pottel on September 13, 2008, 05:36:29 PM

Title: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 13, 2008, 05:36:29 PM
use this thread for anything interesting/funny on guy's forum
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: gbobmi on September 13, 2008, 10:42:00 PM
Oh damn, this thread's no fun anymore! :'(

Just when I was going to go "controversial"! :o
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on September 14, 2008, 03:34:25 AM
What's past is past.    (I think Wealtheow in Beowulf said that.)    We move on.   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: gbobmi on September 14, 2008, 03:53:27 PM
Okaaaaayyyyyy..... :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on September 14, 2008, 08:47:10 PM
use this thread for anything interesting/funny on guy's forum

Uuuuuhh psstttt ..........come closer. ..... yeaaahh, ......... hey to read funny messages at Guy's forum, we first have to post there funny ones..........I think......right?? ::)

Do you all know if Guy has a lot of humour? ::) As you all know I don't mind making a fool of myself in front of my friends, ...........BUT showing it to the world is something different! ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 16, 2008, 12:36:32 PM
"The only thing I can realistically prescribe is regular visits to this site especially as there's plenty of good news for Mark's fans coming soon!!"
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 16, 2008, 01:07:42 PM
wow, is that new? i still checked last night and this morning, thanks julio...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on September 16, 2008, 01:35:07 PM
"The only thing I can realistically prescribe is regular visits to this site especially as there's plenty of good news for Mark's fans coming soon!!"

My cup of excitement over floweth.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I neeeeeeeeed to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 16, 2008, 02:10:13 PM
Should we guess the anouncements here or a new thread should be created?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on September 16, 2008, 02:43:15 PM
In particular, i LOVE the word 'PLENTY' ;D ;)

In other words lots & lots & lots of exciting new Knopfler projects coming up.!!!!!!!!

Crystal ball, where are you when i need you. :D

Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: joanzimm on September 16, 2008, 02:54:27 PM
This is very exciting!!!  I also like the word 'SOON'. :o :o :o
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 16, 2008, 03:36:04 PM
"plenty" of soundboards from every show :-P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 16, 2008, 03:39:47 PM
Quote: No, I didn't Arthur but I believe Mark met up with Emmy the other day.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: draad on September 16, 2008, 04:15:23 PM
Obviously something is going to be announced v soon otherwise Guy would not have mentioned it. Wow! What a burst of feverish excitement he's caused. I think we should ask him to drop the Dr Fletch bit and suggest he start calling himself Guy "Teaser" Fletcher. ;) ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on September 16, 2008, 04:18:55 PM
Agree with new name of Doc!!  :o  :o
When does he announce something  ::)
Can't wait  :P   :-[
We will keep it secret  :-X
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ian Lewis on September 16, 2008, 04:50:19 PM
Can't wait :)  I think we have been so lucky that MK is so active lately!!  There was a time when he wasn't quite so busy.  It's good to think that he must be happy with life at the moment.  Otherwise he wouldn't keep going :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on September 16, 2008, 04:50:48 PM
Darn, I haven't had time to go to Guy's forum for a couple of days, and I can't today.   Now I'm on pins and needles!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 16, 2008, 05:00:01 PM
I'm still hoping for an Autumn/Winter mini-tour showcasing some new material and more from KTGC - filmed, of course, with a DVD to follow!  Well, I can only hope!   :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Millionaire Blues on September 16, 2008, 05:55:18 PM
Also what does this quote mean?

Not really, I think Mark would rather that be left unsaid (for now)

Did they record their rehearsals?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 16, 2008, 06:20:28 PM
I have just read Guy's Forum and in reply to a question he replied "....there IS something going on right now.  More on this in a few days".   :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on September 16, 2008, 06:47:37 PM
This is killing me.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopfling on September 16, 2008, 07:37:13 PM
This is also from Guy's forum today (Sept. 16):
". . . regular visits to this site especially as there's plenty of good news for Mark's fans coming soon!!"
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on September 16, 2008, 08:55:29 PM
Ohhhh boy, I hate it when people make me curious!   ;D

HOW LONG do we have to wait? Perhaps it
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 16, 2008, 10:18:15 PM
Maybe we shouldn't get expectations up too much, most likely we are just going to get an announcement of some sort of official recording of the KTGC tour, which we have been expecting anyway.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on September 17, 2008, 04:53:42 PM
Dusty, what a party pooper you are  ;D Ignore him folks, let's get our hopes high and our imaginations running higher, it's half the fun and if we get disapointed, well at least, we will have been dreaming for a few days and that's worth it.

So, my contribution to this thread is 
!!!! aaaaaaarrrrgghhh!!!

I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on September 17, 2008, 06:57:05 PM
Quote Rollergirl: "Dusty, what a party pooper you are   ;D Ignore him folks, let's get our hopes high and our imaginations running higher, it's half the fun and if we get disapointed, well at least, we will have been dreaming for a few days and that's worth it. "

I agree with that Rollergirl! I know this is not the drool section, but hey ..........we can drool every where can't we??? ..........btw since we are talking in Guy's thread he ..........uuhhhhh looks ...... :P hhhhmmm too! ;D

We NEED information!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 19, 2008, 06:09:40 PM
Guy has updated his forum, but I'm afraid he's still keeping us dangling!    :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: joanzimm on September 20, 2008, 03:07:35 AM
... only a few days more to wait according to Guy on the 19th.  Hang in there, fellow knoplerholics ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 20, 2008, 08:56:26 AM
But I am going away for a few days tomorrow!  :o  Nevermind, I'll find an internet cafe somewhere.  ;)    The things you have to do when you're a die-hard Knopfler fan!  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dannyjun on September 20, 2008, 03:14:21 PM
... only a few days more to wait according to Guy on the 19th.  Hang in there, fellow knoplerholics ::)

Yes, I read it too...I like this sentence :P:

Hi Doc. Yes, I know, we are like kids, but since you told us "plenty of good news for Mark's fans coming soon" some of us started to bite nails and some fingers are in real danger right now. Could you give us a little more in advance? Even some clues? Is it related to the 2008 recordings or with future events coming?

...and the answer...: err I will say in a few days.

I think we will know...soon... ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on September 21, 2008, 01:34:49 PM
I just received an answer to a question i asked Guy on his forum, and of course added a note about when he was going to spill the beans on 'THE NEWS'


Hi Guy. I watched a programme on TV last night, about the history behind Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music. I've always quite liked RM, but my main reason for watching it was because i thought i might catch a glimpse of you somewhere in some of the live footage. But as far as i could tell, you were know where to be seen. I was just wondering if you also saw the programme, and if so did i miss you.? How come Bryan Ferry never looks any older.??? Ohh, and by the way, any chance of putting us out of our nervous misery, and spilling the beans on the exciting MK news. :-) Cheers Nigel BBB


No, I didn't see it and the only live show that's on film that I did was the gig in Frejus. There was an album/EP from that called the High Road too. Bean spilling imminent.

 :P :P :P  "BEAN SPILLING IMMINENT" :o :o ;D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on September 21, 2008, 01:37:18 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Millionaire Blues on September 21, 2008, 01:49:25 PM
Nigel, I have a job for you!
If the news from Guy comes after 4pm today, Please may you text me what it is as i am working and so will have to wait longer than my brain will allow!


X :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on September 21, 2008, 01:50:53 PM
No probs Mark. ;)

Cheers  BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JeroenvG on September 21, 2008, 04:12:53 PM
I don't think the news will come today, I think they will let the news go tomorrow. And I think it will be a 2cd live recording from the 2008 tour. Just my imagination.  ???

Or maybe a Joe Brown 50th Anniversary DVD???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on September 21, 2008, 04:19:41 PM
And I think it will be a 2cd live recording from the 2008 tour.

I'd be happy with that!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on September 21, 2008, 09:10:15 PM
Right, i'm off too bed now. If i check Guy's forum any more for news today, i'm gonna go insane.!!!!!!!

Hopefully tommorow. :)

Cheers  BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on September 21, 2008, 09:25:07 PM
Val, I have sent you a mail Saturday and read just the reason why you were not able to respond! LOL  I hope you have a wonderful time!

Quote Guy: "Bean spilling imminent."

Uuuhhhh imminent? ............Imminent, a new word, I have to find in my dictionary!  ...........But reading the comment of Rollergirl, do I really want to know what that word means?  :-\

Watching dictionary now ....uuhhh impressive/ imprisonment/ improbability/impromptu/ .....where is that word!  >:(...............ooooohh wrong page :o .....again: immediately/ immensity/ immerge/ immesh/ ..........ooohhh there it is "op handen zijnde"  ;D

Ok, ok, we have to wait again! ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: maggie on September 22, 2008, 09:44:19 AM
Hi ,Fieneke 
in german means imminent  = bevorstehend !  I hope ,that  help  :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 22, 2008, 07:44:08 PM
komt nu zeer snel.
gaat er snel komen,..etc...

You said it, Pottel!    (Marie)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on September 22, 2008, 10:33:41 PM
Just come home from work.
WHAT, STILL NO NEWS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on September 22, 2008, 11:34:44 PM
What? You mean you weren't excited to find out that your user location is now next to your posts? Obviously that's ten times more exciting than a new Mark Knopfler album release or event!  ;) ;) hahaha...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JeroenvG on September 23, 2008, 12:18:58 PM
Mark is back in the STUDIO !!!!!!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D

Not much more to say but read it on Guy's page.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 23, 2008, 12:50:45 PM
Hmm, is that it?!

Good news but seems a bit of a let down after we managed to build up expectations so high!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rudiger on September 23, 2008, 02:08:11 PM
Sheeeet Doc, Great news you guys are back in the studio!!! Eeeeehhhh.... to do what???? :-)))) It's only you an Mark i suppose? Cheers, Dom  Yes, just me and Mark at the moment...New Album.    ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on September 23, 2008, 03:09:16 PM
surprise...surprise...I wonder how many albums he has left in his contract?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 23, 2008, 03:46:07 PM
Ha, that's a very cynical view Dan!

If he was just wanting to fulfil his contract a la Prince he could just release an album of out-takes.

My guess is he realises he is getting older (look at Richard Wright, RIP  :( ) and he wants to accomplish as much as he can.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ian Lewis on September 23, 2008, 05:15:03 PM
This is fantastic news :D

...I still yearn for a nice live CD/DVD though :(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on September 23, 2008, 07:10:28 PM
Ha, that's a very cynical view Dan!

If he was just wanting to fulfil his contract a la Prince he could just release an album of out-takes.

My guess is he realises he is getting older (look at Richard Wright, RIP  :( ) and he wants to accomplish as much as he can.

You're right, it is cynical. But does MK really just phone up the management or record label and claim he wants to write / record / produce / release a new album tomorrow? I don't know of course, but it seems unlikely. It can't be 100% his decision. I think he has a certain number of albums in his contract and that's it. He sure has a lot of power over the business though, if I'm wrong.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopfling on September 23, 2008, 07:23:30 PM
I'm guessing MK is just feeling creative and inspired now.

Guy said in some forum entries during the last tour that MK was already formulating some new material.

Perhaps the satisfying nature of the K2GC tour -- Guy indicated most of them felt it was their best yet -- just gave MK the urge to keep that feeling going.

Whatever the reason, I think it's great news.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 23, 2008, 09:17:25 PM
You're right, it is cynical. But does MK really just phone up the management or record label and claim he wants to write / record / produce / release a new album tomorrow? I don't know of course, but it seems unlikely. It can't be 100% his decision. I think he has a certain number of albums in his contract and that's it. He sure has a lot of power over the business though, if I'm wrong.

I think it probably is up to him when he releases the albums. Lets face facts, he took as long as he wanted (six years!) to release a follow up to one of the biggest selling albums ever, so I don't think he'll have any record company issues now he is a solo artist and selling a fraction of the same amount of albums. I think it's 100% his decision, and just based on creative reasons.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: jacki on September 23, 2008, 09:33:45 PM
I think knopfling is right. I think MK is just super pumped right now and feeling really good about where he is creatively. I certainly get spurts of energy where I crank out a whole bunch of writing, so I'm betting the positive spirit of the KTGC tour so zinged him that he could hardly wait to get back in the studio. More power to him, I say!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: pierrickmark on September 24, 2008, 01:50:06 AM
Simply, I think Mark is a happy man and the positive energy brought by his life (music, family, charities, etc...) is transformed in a amazing energy at the service or music. His music!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ian Lewis on September 24, 2008, 01:41:36 PM

You're right, it is cynical. But does MK really just phone up the management or record label and claim he wants to write / record / produce / release a new album tomorrow? I don't know of course, but it seems unlikely. It can't be 100% his decision. I think he has a certain number of albums in his contract and that's it. He sure has a lot of power over the business though, if I'm wrong.

I thought MK built his own studio to have more flexibility and control?  Maybe I am wrong.  Although looking back at Sailing to Philadelphia wasn't there a time MK got quite disheartened because the record company demanded some things were changed?  Maybe these were just rumours at the time.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 24, 2008, 02:22:17 PM
I guess the studio gives him the freedom to RECORD what he wants, but he is still dependant on the record companies releasing it.

I can't remember with STP, it was probably the record company's idea to release three versions or whatever it was, and MK probably got pissed off about that.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on September 24, 2008, 06:56:28 PM
I guess the studio gives him the freedom to RECORD what he wants, but he is still dependant on the record companies releasing it.

Yeah, I can't imagine it working any other way. If the album is going to be released commercially by Mercury, MK's current record label, there has to be some sort of contract.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: gbobmi on September 24, 2008, 09:31:48 PM
Okaaayyy, I'll come clean. I called MK and said "how about a new album?"  He said "Sure, gbob; anything for you!" ;D

And the rest shall be history...... 8)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on September 24, 2008, 09:35:30 PM
After typing my message I saw yours Mrs. gbob and yeahhh.........sure I believe you!  ;D

This is great news! I also think Mark has a lot of energy and although he calls himself lazy now and then, I don't think he can live without writing, singing, playing and recording music in his beautiful studio!

Hey psssstttt ........wouldn't it be great if we get an album with songs like Long Highway, Claim To Fame, Lily Of the West, Camerado and so many songs we love also?

Call me a crazy person ............(well some of you already do, without reading my next words ;D) ....but I have the feeling next year when Mark will be 60, there might be a special event! New album, new Tour OR a big garden birthday party with Mark playing with friends (artists).

Of course fans need to be there too! ..........Uuuhhhh did I say garden party?  ::) With all the fans he better hire a big Island then! ;D

I better start saving money and be prepaired in case we have the change to be at a performance!   ;)


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: nsking on September 24, 2008, 11:31:28 PM
Thanks, Gayle, for helping Mark get motivated to create this new album. It's a relief to know we can count on you in dire situations. :)  (If I knew how to use the damn emoticons, I'd put a big grin after that.)  Now, could somebody propose a theoretical timeline here?  The album takes six months to a year, then release, then tour?  How exactly would that work and bottom line: when will we have another tour?   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: nsking on September 24, 2008, 11:32:53 PM
Whoa...I guess those emoticans worked.  I don't know how I did that!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: gbobmi on September 25, 2008, 01:19:18 AM
Thanks, Gayle, for helping Mark get motivated to create this new album. It's a relief to know we can count on you in dire situations. :)    

I am here to serve my fellow Knopflerados....."dire situations"?....don't you mean "dire straits"? ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: nsking on September 25, 2008, 03:29:19 AM
Of course I meant "dire" situations as you imply...I can't believe I say that with a strait face.  So, how long before another tour?  I can't stand the wait.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 25, 2008, 09:29:09 AM
Going on previous patterns, Spring 2010.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: nsking on September 25, 2008, 05:56:56 PM
Thanks,  Dusty.  I will just have to wait patiently like everyone else.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 11, 2008, 01:43:03 PM
Just noticed - Guy has put the first part of his diary on his site.  There is a beautiful picture of Guy and Mark together!  :P (For the ladies amongst us)!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rudiger on October 11, 2008, 04:15:13 PM

I prefer this one  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 11, 2008, 04:25:10 PM
rudiger - That one's OK too!  The other one just appeals to me more, especially those blue eyes!  :P   I think maybe this should be in the DROOL SECTION.  ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on October 11, 2008, 05:13:53 PM
pls somehow try to use them in the pic thread.
still, cool to see it moving on innit??
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 11, 2008, 05:23:52 PM
Oops!  Sorry Maarten, I forgot about the Picture Thread!  ::)   Yes, it's great to see that the diary is under way!   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopfling on October 11, 2008, 06:43:13 PM
I love the picture of Mark and Guy in the studio. They look like they're happy with what they're doing.
And, yes, it's most drool-worthy, too!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on October 11, 2008, 09:36:30 PM
Hey thank you Val!  I didn't see this picture yet, hhmmm :P

I better run over to Guy's page and see if there are more of these pics!  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dannyjun on October 12, 2008, 11:35:26 AM
Cool...Mark plays his red stratocaster...again!!! ;) ;) Well, I can
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopfling on October 13, 2008, 06:04:39 PM
Next tour: 2010, per Guy's forum answer today.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ian Lewis on October 19, 2008, 12:16:52 PM
I have a thing for watches, and I like the look of Mark's :)  Any ideas on the make anyone?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dannyjun on October 19, 2008, 02:12:17 PM
Next tour: 2010, per Guy's forum answer today.

....as we expected... :)
It will be the same as with KTGC....album will be done in fall, promotion too and the tour will start in winter/spring 2010.... ;)
...not so bad.... ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ian Lewis on October 19, 2008, 03:03:10 PM
:(  That seems a long way off though!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 30, 2008, 07:49:04 PM
Guy has updated his diary today and it all looks VERY exciting!   ;D  :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on October 30, 2008, 10:57:02 PM
Lots of VERY LOUD GUITARS apparently. ;D ;D ;D

I've got a feeling this albums gonna ROOCCCKKKKKKKK.!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ian Lewis on October 31, 2008, 04:38:31 PM
The studio pictures look awesome.  These guys are so lucky to be working there doing something they love!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on November 09, 2008, 09:10:05 PM
Quote Ian: "These guys are so lucky to be working there doing something they love!"

I agree with that Ian!

I don't like cleaning and mop the floor, BUT .............when I would have to clean the floor of British Grove while the guys are busy with rehearsal, I sure would love to work on it whole day to let it shine like the stars! ;D...............Perhaps I would have to push Mark or Guy a little bit, because they are standing in the way :o, but I won't have a problem with that! ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on November 17, 2008, 01:24:52 AM
Does anyone know who the people in Martina's picture are?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 17, 2008, 10:40:45 AM
The one holding the phone is F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone, don't know who beardy is.  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on November 17, 2008, 11:42:13 AM
prolly someone well known by martina?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on November 17, 2008, 12:19:08 PM
Ringo Starr 8) 8)

I'm not into F1,so it could be Lewis Hamilton & I wouldnt know - it is'nt Lewis Hamilton is it :o :o
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 17, 2008, 12:22:47 PM
Martina's husband?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 17, 2008, 12:43:23 PM
Ringo Starr 8) 8)

I'm not into F1,so it could be Lewis Hamilton & I wouldnt know - it is'nt Lewis Hamilton is it :o :o

No, Lewis Hamilton is clean shaven, that's the easiest way to tell the difference.

I feel sorry for people who aren't into F1, the closing seconds of the last Grand Prix where Lewis Hamilton won the world championship in the last corner of the race were unquestionably the most exciting sporting occassion I have ever seen.  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: marky49 on November 21, 2008, 10:59:00 AM
Martina's husband?
Quite close your guess!  ;D
One hint: picture was taken during grid walk of F1 Grand Prix in Bahrain.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 22, 2008, 10:11:34 AM
Martina's husband took the photo?     Who is the bearded man, though?  :-\   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: marky49 on November 24, 2008, 02:46:16 PM
Martina's husband took the photo?     Who is the bearded man, though?  :-\   
No, my husband is always very busy before the start. The bearded man has got a nice Leica camera.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on November 24, 2008, 09:25:43 PM
OMG  :o.......Can it be MK wearing a wig and a beard??  ;D

Just joking, I have no idea! Just like Waterline man I don't watch F1 races!  ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 24, 2008, 09:36:13 PM
Oh my goodness, Fieneke, of course he does have a likeness to MK, but on second thoughts his arms are far too hairy!   ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 30, 2008, 01:22:52 PM
About the beardy man, I though first time I saw this pic that was just a press reporter making his job during that minutes before the race starts, in TV it looks like a nightmare with many people wandering around, so I guess if you take a pic of a pilot or someone important like Eccleston, you
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 30, 2008, 01:24:29 PM
Ringo Starr 8) 8)

No, Lewis Hamilton is clean shaven, that's the easiest way to tell the difference.

And black, and young, and it won
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on December 17, 2008, 03:06:03 PM
The latest edition of Guy's diary has arrived!  Looks like lots more whistles, accordian, cittern, etc.  Perhaps more folk?  ;)   Some lovely pictures too!   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on December 17, 2008, 05:24:40 PM
Cool stuff. A long time coming but well worth the wait.

Phil Cunningham is very well known in Scotland.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: draad on December 17, 2008, 06:19:22 PM
We are so lucky that Guy is so fan-aware/just plain nice! An entry worth waiting for. Excited already, nine months before release! :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on December 18, 2008, 09:38:26 PM
Yup I agree, Guy is a darling or sweetheart, what is the right word? Well I try to say what without him we wouldn't know anything and have to miss all the information and beautiful pictures!  :P ..........Whenever I meet Guy I want to give him a BIG HUG  :-*.............*oh wait, I better don't say that, he might run away before I get close to him* ;D

Quote Draad: "An entry worth waiting for. Excited already, nine months before release! :)"

Nine months and the baby album will be born!  ;D


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on December 19, 2008, 11:06:29 PM
I can't believe it, the excitement is slowly building, all over again.
Roll on Sept 09. Hopefully even earlier


Cheers BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 26, 2008, 10:43:10 AM
Late february says Guy...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dannyjun on December 26, 2008, 07:08:22 PM
Guy says...: "The full band will be returning to London for a final period of sessions (late February 2009) before we mix. Stay tuned for more on this."  ;)
I am very excited and I cannot wait too  :D ....but it will be looong waiting though..... :-\
About style of the new album, I don
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 27, 2008, 11:20:56 PM
Considering the musicians playing I guess it will be more like Shangrila than the Crimson record, as now there is a band playing live again
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: jacki on January 08, 2009, 01:11:57 AM
Hey BBB, is that guitar getting any use or is it just pretty in your office? I wanna hear you play it when I see you again! ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on January 09, 2009, 09:18:11 PM
Quote: "Hey BBB, is that guitar getting any use or is it just pretty in your office? I wanna hear you play it when I see you again! "

Haha Jacki, good question!  I was wondering the same!  ;D .......We saw him "playing" at the party and next time we want to hear if he is already as good as Mark!  ;D

*Hhhmmm note for myself, I need to take a pencil and paper with me next time when I meet Nigel.........by that time he might be very famous! IF I can't get a signature of Mark, then sure I would love to have one from Nigel! *  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Slavi on January 12, 2009, 06:43:05 PM
Some news from Guy's forum:

Quote Guy:

New GF album under construction
The video policy will be rethought and I'm confident we will see some proper live stuff in the future

rethought? But how? How do you get it?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on January 13, 2009, 09:55:59 PM
A new album of Guy?? ...........OOhhh what a surprise! :o

I LOVE that news, yeahhhh again something to look forward too!  :P

Do you all think that recording will be forbidden in future, but instead of that there will be next Tour a real original DVD from Mark? ::)


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on January 14, 2009, 10:36:45 AM
I think management is changing their minds. In a pretty short time 2 "live-DVD's" appeared in the stores worldwide. But that were bootlegs. So I guess they better go for their own release than waiting for another bootleg to be released.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on January 30, 2009, 05:05:31 PM
it is truly amazing, that people keep asking bout DS.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on January 31, 2009, 12:43:08 AM
They need to move on...the whole thing must be irratating as hell to Guy.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on January 31, 2009, 01:13:05 AM
For some strange reason these people seem to think that although their lives have moved on in the past 30 years...Mark's must still be stuck in 1978...DOH!! As far as your writing goes...we both know better than that. That person posting on Guy's forum seemed to be expending an awful lot of energy just trying to defend himself ::).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on January 31, 2009, 01:37:12 AM
I just wish that these people would step back and think about what they are asking and who they are posing the question to....it has to be unnerving for Guy to be put in the middle of it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 31, 2009, 10:17:26 AM
Hey Hophead, nice to see you here!  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on January 31, 2009, 01:27:10 PM
That person posting on Guy's forum seemed to be expending an awful lot of energy just trying to defend himself ::).

I totally agree, but I can't really fault the guy for that... I do the same thing all the time.  But it sure is fun to watch when someone else does it!   ;D


I confirm that, I am having a lot of fun reading your and that other bloke ranting on and on (and on and on....) about it. And yes, you are a pompous arse (but you know that  ;D ).

As for Guy, he's a big boy he doesn't need defending and if he was getting fed up with these questions, he would simply not publish them. My guess is that he's having a good laugh too!

And to add my opininion to the debate. I can't understand people wanting DS reunions either. I can't see how having John Islley, David Knopfler, etc playing with Mark would be better than his current line-up.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on January 31, 2009, 02:05:50 PM
but i wanna see them again. why not, why can i not have it dammit!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 31, 2009, 02:16:43 PM
Maarten, please no tantrums or else you will stand in the corner!   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on January 31, 2009, 03:37:05 PM
Hey Hophead, nice to see you here!  :)
Thanks Val!  Things on the other board are a little..umm... ::) ..odd lately. I'm trying to put it as deftly as possible without offending anyone but if I did...oh well.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 31, 2009, 03:46:04 PM
Hmm, Hophead, these things happen from time to time, that's forums!  ;)  Just be patient and it may go away!  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on January 31, 2009, 03:52:36 PM
what exactly do you mean hophead,..odd?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on January 31, 2009, 03:55:34 PM
which forum? I suppose you are talking about markknopfler.com, not MKnews?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 31, 2009, 04:01:15 PM
Rollergirl, markknopfler.com
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on January 31, 2009, 04:07:32 PM
Rollergirl, markknopfler.com
thanks, I thought it might be, MKnews is doing fine at the moment
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on February 01, 2009, 07:25:20 PM
I didn't read the forum of Guy about 2 weeks, so I don't know exactly what is happening there, BUT ........ I hope people won't write disrespectful messages at his forum and don't bother Guy too much with the old DS period! He is too nice and shouldn't need to defend himself!  :(

Uuuuhhh reading again............."Did I tell Guy is too nice?" .........Ohhhh I mean Guy is :
a sweetheart, a cutie, wonderful, great, adorable etc etc MAN!  :P

Are there more words we can use to describe Guy? ::)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 04, 2009, 08:45:16 PM
Fieneke, I really hope to have the pleasure of meeting Guy at the blues gig in a couple of weeks, so I will let you know if there are more words to describe him then!  ;D  :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LEPI on February 05, 2009, 09:39:02 AM
I think Hophead means that lately, markknopfler.com bacame someones blog. Or am I wrong?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 05, 2009, 09:50:49 AM
That's correct LEPI!   ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on February 05, 2009, 09:13:18 PM
Fieneke, I really hope to have the pleasure of meeting Guy at the blues gig in a couple of weeks, so I will let you know if there are more words to describe him then!  ;D  :P

Whaauww Val I really hope you will be able to meet Guy, that would be fantastic and don't forget to take pictures!  ;)

Of course we know already that Guy is also smart; intelligent; a great artist and a hhhmmm romantic person, don't you all think? Otherwise he couldn't produce such a beautiful album, but ..............uuuhhh perhaps you can after visiting also add the words "Guy is sexy?"  :o  :P ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on February 15, 2009, 04:49:43 PM
Hey Val and other fans, are you already nervous for the performance of Guy and Danny?  ::) ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 15, 2009, 04:54:06 PM
I'm VERY excited, Fieneke!  I'll tell you more next week!   ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on February 16, 2009, 09:13:00 PM
Ooohh that sounds great! I almost can't wait to hear about it!  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 24, 2009, 08:05:35 PM
A comment from Guy today is rather interesting -  "Feedback, yes. There are moments on the new album which may make you crazy"   :o

Sounds OK to me!  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on February 24, 2009, 08:40:04 PM
Hhhhmmm Val that sounds interesting!.........Do you think there might be a few songs like DS again with some guitar solo's? ::)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 25, 2009, 07:55:09 AM
other comments said Germany is on the tourlist for summer 2010...no surprise really, still good to hear, wonder when we will know about the rest...when did we start buying tickets last time?? also, i can assume the tour will have a similar length and even more certain, the same end date (been like that for the past few tours, end of july, latest first few days of august) .
but maybe he includes S-america, down under or Asia this time, so needs to start earlier??

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on February 25, 2009, 09:47:50 AM
Release of the album in autumn Guy said. So I guess it will be september.
Maybe a little promotour again ??? Oh no, I feel the excitement again!
In september 2007 we could buy some tickets for the tour and it went on till oktober if I remember well. I really hope we will know more of the gigs when the presale starts (if we have one). Last time it was really weeks of crazyness. I remember buying tickets every day for another gig (also for Waldo) and receiving money from him back on my account every day as well. It still makes me smile  :)

So my 10 cents:
September: release
Oktober: sale starts for the tour
Oktober/november: some promogigs

And I really hope he starts again in Holland. It was one of the best weekends ever, what a great fun we had. Because of the great experience last time, same procedure: my house in Goirle is open and yes Nigel I will buy lots of meatballs again  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 25, 2009, 09:53:53 AM
I hope it starts in the Netherlands too, Ingrid!   We had a great time there with all the fans, even queuing in the wind and rain was OK!   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: emilianomk on February 26, 2009, 11:22:19 PM
I asked guy if the next tour will be extended and if mark has plans to tour in south america

guy said that the next tour will be in the sames places that kill to get crimson tour
what about the rest of the world? australia, south america, africa and asia?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LEPI on February 27, 2009, 08:29:38 AM
I doubt the tour will be in same places. Pretty shore Mark will include Australia and South America.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on February 27, 2009, 09:38:14 AM
I will arrange some throw-away-raincoats again Val. And yes it was great fun in Amsterdam.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on February 27, 2009, 10:37:07 AM
I doubt the tour will be in same places. Pretty shore Mark will include Australia and South America.

Want a bet on that?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on February 27, 2009, 10:49:06 AM
Thanks Ingrid. Your hospitality was second to none.
It was a weekend i will never forget, with some of the finest people i have ever met. :)
I too hope that the pre-sales run alot smoother this year. Less stress. Although Ingrid took most of the stress on board, because she booked my tix for me. ;)
I remember the tix for Amsterdam in particular. I thought i had tix for the 1st night, then last minute, they added a further date for the previous day. :o
I thought, bugger, i'm not going to see the kick off. Luckily, i could change my plans, and Ingrid was able to get me a ticket.
Hopefully this time i won't be so tired when i get to Amsterdam. Last time, before the gig, because of work and travelling, i hadn't slept for 48 hrs :-[
This time i want to be wide :o awake, so i can enjoy the beer and food without falling asleep.

Roll on 2010 ;D

Cheers   BBB

btw. Take my advice. Ingrid's meatballs are the tastiest in the west. ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 27, 2009, 11:05:52 AM
I'm looking forward very much to meeting you again BBB in 2010 at a few more gigs than last time, I hope!  It's always great to meet such lovely fans - part of the whole concert-going experience!  :D     Val
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 27, 2009, 03:42:06 PM
a great time was had by all at Ingrids'
and damn those meatrballs WERE good.
great having met all of you in 2008!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LEPI on February 28, 2009, 09:10:43 AM
I doubt the tour will be in same places. Pretty shore Mark will include Australia and South America.

Want a bet on that?

Who knows. After all, he is the one who decides, though I can't imagine Mark putting aside Australia on this tour aswell. He is to much liked there, huge market...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on February 28, 2009, 03:56:58 PM
I think Lepi is right...he will probably cut down the North American leg of the tour to just the major markets to be able to add some stops in Australia and South America. Of course I'm sure that Paul has a lot to say in this matter as well.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 28, 2009, 09:50:30 PM
COOL, my first negative namedropping
On Guy's forum:
Wonder who "JOS" is:
"Hi Doc, I am am amazed that you actually print some remarks and questions on your Forum. It just shows what a fair guy(Guy) you really are. This 'person', Maarten Van Pottelberghe, has to be some sort of prat. A joke in England last for a moment, not minutes on end. The youtube clip, (yes I watched 20 seconds of it) was clever editing but it is a pity that people can put this stuff on the internet and get away with it. Ok, nobody would think it was real but it really is rubbish. Some people have too much time on their hands but also there is talent going to waste. Why not do something worthwhile with that talent? The answer is that they obviously have no original imagination. That is the difference between talent and rubbish. I play (keyboard) covers of songs in our band. We have not the talent to write our own songs , so we play covers. Most of us know the difference betweeen talent and genious. Ask Guy to keep up the good work. He does a wonderful job and most of his fans know this and appreciate it. Cheers, Jos PS does Prat have one "t" or two?---"
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: emilianomk on March 01, 2009, 01:03:47 AM
I doubt the tour will be in same places. Pretty shore Mark will include Australia and South America.

Want a bet on that?

Who knows. After all, he is the one who decides, though I can't imagine Mark putting aside Australia on this tour aswell. He is to much liked there, huge market...

dont forget about the global crisis, im sure that this change the map of the planing tour...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 01, 2009, 10:59:59 AM
Pottel, someone called you "person"  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I almost die laughing  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 01, 2009, 11:39:39 AM
lol, glad at least someone sees the humor of it all..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on March 01, 2009, 12:18:03 PM
lol, glad at least someone sees the humor of it all..

don't you?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 01, 2009, 12:29:25 PM
course i do.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on March 01, 2009, 12:41:57 PM
 ;D good!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on March 02, 2009, 11:39:43 AM
lol, glad at least someone sees the humor of it all..

The "person" who namedropped you probably don't know who you are.

By the way I would be curious to listen the real Mark play Sweet Child Of Mine (and let Guy sing that one).


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 02, 2009, 01:44:25 PM
good point ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 02, 2009, 08:52:57 PM
thanks for that. even though i doubt this guy was looking for trouble, he simply has no sense of humor.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on March 02, 2009, 09:18:13 PM
I can't believe people are getting so worked up about this over there.

Personally I suspect people are just using it as an excuse to suck up to GF. If GF had come out and said he loved it nobody would be calling you a morom or whatever it was.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on March 02, 2009, 10:44:06 PM
I too, honestly thought that this was going to be a harmless bit of fun, which everyone would have seen the funny side of.  ::)
The footage, i'm sure was never meant to dis-respect the artist.
I'm a die hard fan as you know, who will follow Mark's work to the ends of the earth, with the upmost respect, but i still found it extremely funny.
I've even found myself feeling guilty for finding it so funny.

Oh well. :-\

Cheers    BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 03, 2009, 12:25:02 AM
i thought the same thing dusty, therefore i usd the term "kissing ass" in my reply to the forum...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: emilianomk on March 03, 2009, 12:33:10 AM
I think that is funny if you are a fan, but if you are the artist its a bit shocking
the part of sweet child its exelent, I like to when glenn do the arreglements on the bass

anyway a new studio diary its coming, guy says first days of march
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 03, 2009, 02:12:26 PM
Of course, everyone has a different sense of humour and it would be boring if we all found the same thing funny.  I, for one didn't find it funny at all!  I think I must be the person who saw the king with no clothes on!   ;) 

I think many of you on this forum are probably too young to remember the Morecambe & Wise sketch with Andre Previn "No,   sunshine, they're the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order".   ;D  Now that sketch was really funny and has stood the test of time - more than 30 years to be precise.  I don't think those videos will be remembered in 30 years time - they will be long forgotten.

BTW, Agreeing with someone's point of view doesn't mean "sucking up" or "kissing ass".   

If we all agreed and followed eachother's opinion for fear of upsetting someone, this would be a very dull forum indeed!   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 03, 2009, 03:17:01 PM
In reply to a question on Guy's Forum today, there will be a LOT of solo and lead guitar on the new album!   :D  That sounds good to me!  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on March 03, 2009, 03:52:21 PM
Of course, everyone has a different sense of humour and it would be boring if we all found the same thing funny.  I, for one didn't find it funny at all!  I think I must be the person who saw the king with no clothes on!   ;) 

I think many of you on this forum are probably too young to remember the Morecambe & Wise sketch with Andre Previn "No,   sunshine, they're the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order".   ;D  Now that sketch was really funny and has stood the test of time - more than 30 years to be precise.  I don't think those videos will be remembered in 30 years time - they will be long forgotten.

BTW, Agreeing with someone's point of view doesn't mean "sucking up" or "kissing ass".   

If we all agreed and followed eachother's opinion for fear of upsetting someone, this would be a very dull forum indeed!   

Personally I found the video funny partly because I have been in a lot of mediocre bands/sat in guitar shops listening to people trying out guitars and therefore the type of shredding supposedly carried out by MK in the video is all too familiar - as Homer Simpson himself says "It's funny because it's true." If you haven't been in those type of situations then I guess it may not be as funny, I don't know.

As for Morcambe and Wise, yes it is still remembered 30 years on but it was broadcast to something like 20 million people at a time when there were only 3 television channels. Who knows, if 20 million people watched this then they might remember it in 30 years time (Of course the Andre Previn thing has also been repeated loads of times over the years, I wasn't around when it was first broadcast but I've still seen it dozens of times.)

And of course agreeing with someones point doesn't necessarily mean kissing someones arse, but in this case it was definitely happening. There was absolutely no need to call Maarten a prat.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 03, 2009, 04:05:10 PM
No, Maarten should not have been called a prat. 

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on March 03, 2009, 04:25:48 PM
Yes, I should point out that my anger is of course not directed at you Val.  :)

I just thought the guy who called Maarten a prat was, well, a prat.

I don't really see why it's that difficult for people to accept that different people find different things funny, loads of people in Britain find Jim Davidson funny, but I think he's about as funny as finding blood on your toilet paper.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 03, 2009, 04:31:19 PM
Thanks, Dusty.  The person who I find most funny on TV at the moment is Harry Hill, but, hey that's my sense of humour!  He has me laughing out loud!   :D    I quite like Al Murray too!  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on March 03, 2009, 04:54:19 PM
Oh man, I LOVE Harry Hill. Was watching him last night - he's usually on on a Saturday when I'm giving Charlie his bath so I usually download it and watch it later.

So funny last night, "He's a cyan man..."
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 03, 2009, 08:09:54 PM
Yes, I should point out that my anger is of course not directed at you Val.  :)

I just thought the guy who called Maarten a prat was, well, a prat.

I don't really see why it's that difficult for people to accept that different people find different things funny, loads of people in Britain find Jim Davidson funny, but I think he's about as funny as finding blood on your toilet paper.
--> now THAT'S funny!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on March 03, 2009, 09:49:02 PM
I didn't have time a few days to read this whole thread and see what I missed! :o

First of all the message of Ingrid about the concerts next year! Thanks to the help of Ingrid I was able to order tickets for the Sunday evening. I never bought something online and had no clue what I had to do! Then when I had my tickets, they announced that the kick off would be on Saturday and I wanted to be there on Saturday too, but couldn't go twice!!   :'( So again thanks to Ingrid I was able to change my tickets with the extra Saturday tickets Ingrid ordered for me.

Yeeeeahhhhh...........I could be there on Saturday whole day and evening with all the wonderful fans I met at the forum! Thanks to them not only I, but also Jans had a wonderful time!  ;D I remember the cold weather and standing in front of the doors for such a long time......uuuhhhh Ingrid can't you try to get a heater for us next time?  ;) Then the run to the stage after the doors went open.........Man I didn't know what I saw when suddenly all the fans we were together with whole midday within a second run so fast that  it sure was a new world record!  :o  What a time we had all together at the concert and although Jans isn't a fan of Mark, he sure likes to listen to his music now! ........OOohhhh the thoughts of being at a new concert and meeting you all again, makes me feel excited again too! :P

We all have to make appointments because I would love to meet you all again, even Mister Prat!  ;D.........Haha, I am joking Pottel! It was great to meet you and you are a great guy and NOT a prat (Btw I had to search for the word in dictionary!!)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: shangri la 1 on March 03, 2009, 10:15:23 PM
  ;) classic Dusty!! ;D blood on the toilet paper........hehehehe! lol!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on March 03, 2009, 11:05:49 PM
I thought that Martin Pratt was some guy out of Coronation Street :P :P :o

Seriously though,what a load of b****ks that is to be having a go like that??

Its everyones choice whether they look at something on youtube or the internet or not,personally I looked at the first 2 mins,thought it was crap & switched it off.No big deal,some guys having a bit of fun & posting it on the internet,whats the problem with that???theres worse on there - jusk ask Dusty :o :o :o

Its like last Saturday night, I was out for a few toooooooo ::) ::) many & a few of my so called buddies had a go AGAIN about me being a KNOPFLER worshipper so I just took them outside the door & kicked the living ........................... :o :o

Only joking but I got the usual grilling about,travelling to the uk to concerts, how my son is called Mark etc etc but su're you just take it, have a laugh, grill them back about how we hate man utd & move on ;) ;)

Forget it Marten & stick to the cornation street gig ;D ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 03, 2009, 11:20:49 PM
forgot it the instance i posted here first. no worries...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: TommyJ88 on March 04, 2009, 05:38:51 AM
I can't help but think it's pretty obvious who the real prat is when somebody feels the need to insult someone on an internet forum because they have a different opinion.

As for the shred video...I thought it was cleverly done, but I didn't laugh much until the "Sweet Child O' Mine" bit. Now that was inspired. I'm sure all my fellow guitarists here have heard that riff played exactly like that many, many times.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ian Lewis on March 05, 2009, 10:33:09 AM
You guess spot this on Guy's forum today?  "I guess Pedro is asking: Is there going to be a lot of guitar on the new Mk album (similar to STP)? And by "a lot of guitar", he means lead guitar (solo guitar). >>> Dr Fletch answers: >>> oh. YES" 

Sounds exciting!!!  :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 05, 2009, 09:11:50 PM
Just read on Guy's Forum that they've been filming in the studio today!   :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on March 05, 2009, 09:21:22 PM
Whaaauww Val that is great news! Ooohhhh imagine...........I can't wait to see the video or broadcast!! :P

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on March 06, 2009, 11:21:29 AM
Just read on Guy's Forum that they've been filming in the studio today!   :D

I guess this means we may get a bonus DVD presskit, like we did with the last two albums.  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on March 06, 2009, 12:29:05 PM
Does anyone know who the people in Martina's picture are?


did we ever find out who this guy was ::) ::) ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 06, 2009, 12:30:48 PM
No, but I would love to know who he is!   ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 06, 2009, 01:12:51 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on March 06, 2009, 02:23:54 PM
Just read on Guy's Forum that they've been filming in the studio today!   :D

I guess this means we may get a bonus DVD presskit, like we did with the last two albums.  :)

Well I hope we do, but what Guy is talking about is him filming (for us  ;) ), not the official stuff.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on March 06, 2009, 02:29:57 PM
Well I hope we do, but what Guy is talking about is him filming (for us  ;) ), not the official stuff.

Ah, OK.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on March 06, 2009, 03:00:39 PM
but no, now he's saying that he won't have time.... oh well, never mind
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Slavi on March 07, 2009, 08:44:10 PM
There is a new entry on Guy's website - the last one about the new album  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: shangri la 1 on March 07, 2009, 09:00:08 PM
 :) Thanks Slavi  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on March 07, 2009, 11:12:45 PM
A great diary entry.
VERY cool pics. 8)
Love the pics of Mark's 12 string guitar. :P
I must admit, i've never seen it before.?
I've certainly never seen Mark play a 12 string before.!
Can anyone shed any light on Mark having ever played one before.?

MY GOD. These pics are causing me to shake in anticipation. :o ;D

Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on March 08, 2009, 03:46:33 AM
According to this post he used it on "Angel of Mercy"...http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?topic=458.0 (http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?topic=458.0)
I wonder how heavy it is...it looks to be quite heavy.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 08, 2009, 10:53:20 AM
According to this post he used it on "Angel of Mercy"...http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?topic=458.0 (http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?topic=458.0)
I wonder how heavy it is...it looks to be quite heavy.

I recall pictures of 1983 where Mk was playing that guitar, and I read long ago it was for portobello belle, but my memory is not so good...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 08, 2009, 09:58:58 PM
Chuck ponders a piano comp (on screen) Matt had just recorded an overdub on a song which Mark an I worked on back in 2006 but it never made it onto KTGC. We're all very glad it has resurfaced as it's absolutely gorgeous
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on March 09, 2009, 10:20:44 AM
Pretty funny to see the Burns Double Six so soon after we were discussing it on this very forum.  :)

I have one of the modern re-issues, I can really recommend it if you are in the market for a reasonably priced electric 12 string, very well made guitar.

Here's me with mine a few years ago.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 17, 2009, 07:59:16 PM
Some pictures of the string section have now arrived on Guy's Studio Diary!  This new album sounds very interesting.  I'm getting excited now, can't wait 'til September!   :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on March 17, 2009, 10:12:37 PM
The pics are great.!!!!!!!


I tried to see if i could read the track name on the sheet music, but too blurred.

I love the sound of violins, and especially cellos.

Cheers BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 18, 2009, 12:26:10 PM
Great news about the new album on Richard Bennett's site!

This is what he says:


"Just back from London and another couple of weeks recording with Mark Knopfler and the band for his new album. I won't go into detail, but will go out on a limb and say this is the best one we've done so far. It will be loads of fun to play on stage when we tour again. "
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on March 18, 2009, 09:04:48 PM
Thank you for this news Val! This news sounds so great! :P

I already told Jans yesterday that except going to the concert in Amsterdam, I also would like to go to Edingburgh next year! Hhhmmm he didn't say much yet, but hey ............I have about one year to save money and persuade him so we can go! ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 18, 2009, 09:43:50 PM
Fieneke,  How about Newcastle too!   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on March 19, 2009, 09:52:43 PM
Haha, hey Val..........IF I had the time and money to visit more concerts in Europe for example London also where more fans will be, I would like to visit more concerts, but ..........I know we can't!  :'(

Hey we can talk about it when we meet next weekend in Amsterdam, ........at least when Jans feels well!  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 21, 2009, 01:58:31 PM
There's an exciting new update on the Recording Diary - the children are doing some vocals!    :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on March 21, 2009, 02:41:30 PM
oh thanks Val, I had missed that! Interesting!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on March 21, 2009, 05:45:20 PM
LOL Val, quick as always, I saw the picture too and also Kitty and if I am right Mark's daughters. It seems the other children are from others involved in the new album and from friends?  ;D

I am getting soooo curious now what kind of music and songs there will be at the new album!  ;)

Btw Guy doesn't want to give the names of the kids, so let's have fun and see who we recognize!

- Kitty isn't too difficult..second lady right side in the back.
- Isabella..........perhaps front left first girl
- Katya next to her??
- Glenn with his daughter on his arms?

Does anyone know or dare to guess who the other children are?  ::) ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 21, 2009, 06:55:52 PM
Fieneke, My guess is that Isabella is left on the picture from Leon (Guy's son), or possibly in front of Kitty?  I did see Isabella at Hay, two years ago, but of course she has grown up since then!  Maybe Katya is on the front row, second from left?  I think we are going to have fun doing the guessing game!   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: joanzimm on March 23, 2009, 12:52:48 AM
What a great photo of the kids :)  My guess is that Katya is the blonde in front wearing purple -- third from the left.  I think Isabella is in the middle with her head down, so you can't see her entire face.  Of course, I have no idea -- it's just a guess.  They all look like they're having lots of fun though ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Slavi on March 23, 2009, 03:32:25 PM
Yeah...What a lovely photo!! I'm pretty sure that Joan's and Val's first guess about Isabella is correct. Don't know about Katya - she must be at 5 now.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jagry on March 23, 2009, 11:27:58 PM
Well, I believe that Katya is on the first row, second from the left!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on March 26, 2009, 10:59:45 AM
Hi all,

Forgive me if i`m out of line here, BUT, after a quick perusal of Guys Q & A forum - he strikes me as quite short, unhelpful and dare i say it rude?

For instance, i searched under `Clapton` and a few folks asked if MK and EC would ever record together? Very short dismissive answers. Same for appearing at the Crossroads festival - surely an answer along the lines of `Mark gets invited often` deserves more explanation?

I understand Guy is a proffesional muso and obviously busy, but why bother hosting a forum and answering questions if you`re just going to be dismissive to the fans?

Glad i got that off my chest! Phew!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on March 26, 2009, 11:27:07 AM
glad you got it off your chest. It's not healthy to keep it in!  ;D

However, you risk facing the wrath of the Fletcherettes (of which I am the self appointed President as of now ;D ).

It is true that some of his answers are quite short, but when you have been asked the same question 100 times, you can be forgiven for not going into details every time. Plus, he works quite closely to Mark, true, but he is not Mark and 1) he might not know why Mark does this or that or not  and 2) even if he does, it is not his place to write about it on the net.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: draad on March 26, 2009, 11:31:58 AM
Wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of you Nat! ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on March 26, 2009, 11:33:04 AM
Does anyone know who the people in Martina's picture are?


Slightly off topic,but did we ever find out who yer man with the camera is ::) ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on March 26, 2009, 11:42:20 AM
Fair comment Rollergirl - i just find it odd that the fella obviously spends a lot of time answering stuff but ends up sounding quite abrupt. He must realise when you work closely with a living legend AND open yourself to Q & A time, that you`ll end up talking about the Legend and not much about your favourite DX7?

OK i`m not going to flog a dead horse, i`ve only checked out his site a couple of times, i`ll just stick to the music and enjoy! :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on March 26, 2009, 11:48:17 AM
Fair comment Rollergirl - i just find it odd that the fella obviously spends a lot of time answering stuff but ends up sounding quite abrupt. He must realise when you work closely with a living legend AND open yourself to Q & A time, that you`ll end up talking about the Legend and not much about your favourite DX7?

true but he can't answer for him.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on March 26, 2009, 11:53:43 AM
I don't think he's rude. Personally I think it's amazing that I can email a question to MK's right hand man and have it answered within 24 hrs usually.

There are certain topics that interest him more than others, and I certainly try to think carefully about my questions before I send them to make them as interesting as possible for him, to encourage a longer answer. It seems to me that some people (quite often people for whom English is a second language, so maybe they don't realise that GF gets bored of certain things easily) don't really put a lot of thought into their question and will just ask something that's been done to death, ie Meet and Greet, setlist, personal stuff.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on March 26, 2009, 02:35:23 PM
OK Dusty, you can be the vice-president of the Fletcherettes ;D

(president of vice, that is  ;D  ;D )
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on March 26, 2009, 10:45:28 PM
I personally think that Guy is a TOP BLOKE. 8)
The fact he does what he does for us fans is amazing. We are so lucky he takes the time at all to answer the constant stream of Q's.
His album & tour diaries are an amazing insight into the 'WORLD OF KNOPFLER' & the band.
I too, if i ever ask a question, always try to think VERY carefully as to the content, so as to make it as 'answer worthy' as possible.
I may be a bit bias as well, because Guy, through a caption comp in 08, made me a 2nd place winner behind Waterline Man, which led to a life long ambition of mine, which was a M&G with Mark & the band.
A handshake & an autograph. ;D ;D

To be fair though, i must admit that some of his answers to Q's can on occassions seem a bit rude,
but if you read his forum on a daily basis like i do, then believe me, these are in the minority,
and they are normally a response from a question meant as a deliberate wind up. (DS to re-form, set-list question for the millionth time)etc......................

LONG LIVE DR FLETCH.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8)


Cheers  BBB.

Guy if you read this, please can you organise a trip to British Grove for me. ;)

Grovel, Grovel, kiss, kiss. :-* ;) ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on March 26, 2009, 10:53:23 PM
Interesting question has just been asked on Guy's forum, with an even more interesting answer.!

Question.............(not from me)!

Hi Guy Hope you and the rest of the band are well! Really looking forward to the new album and tour, same as everyone else of course - just a question about the recent glut of rhythm games. I was just wondering if Mark has ever been approached to approve tracks for Guitar Hero / Rock Band etc. I have been reading on a lot of the forums, many guitar hero gamers have been asking for a Straits pack with Sultans etc on it, and quite a few asking for MK packs too. I would love to see some DS/MK tracks on either of the games and would make a change from a lot of the rubbish that is included with the games. Many thanks.


Well their wishes are about to be granted...moves are afoot.

Cheers  BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: draad on March 26, 2009, 11:48:51 PM
Can I be a Fletcherette too please Nat? Perhaps sit on the council?

Guy is to be treasured!

He is an all round decent bloke and he is our friend. He provides us fans with so much that I'm overwhelmed with admiration. Not just with his site and the effort he puts into that, but also with his little gigs and his willingness to mix with the fans at them.

Guy's replies to questions on his Forum have to be brief - he's a v busy man, and sometimes they have to be brief because he can't say too much! I don't think there is a rude bone in that man's body, and he displays more patience on the Forum than many of the questions deserve.

Mark is lucky to have our Guy as his right hand man, and I suspect he knows it.

Long live Dr Fletch!! 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on March 27, 2009, 05:48:16 AM
and sometimes they have to be brief because he can't say too much!! 

I guess this is a pretty decent excuse.
It is great to have any info at all on the inner workings of a studio/tour project. I haven`t followed his site so i don`t know how many times he`s answered the same questions.
Would be nice to know why they declined the Crossroads gig though!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on March 27, 2009, 10:00:51 AM
Can I be a Fletcherette too please Nat? Perhaps sit on the council?

OK, you're in!  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 13, 2009, 01:11:54 PM
anyone seen this reply just now??
--> I do still have my original DX1 here and last year I actually switched it on to do some samples as we were talking about playing Man's too strong. Unfortunately it didn't fit into the set but the synth worked and sounded awesome. I just wish it didn't weigh half a ton. speaking of which, my old CS80 is up and running and I;ve been using it on my new songs. It's a bit out of tune but I'm able to work round that at the moment. If anyone knows how to tune them, let me know. It's a beast.

yes!! this must be a sign....imagine, man's too strong..or it never rains....aaahhh
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on May 13, 2009, 02:41:59 PM
Pottel, yellow's too pale for me to see!   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on August 03, 2009, 12:20:34 PM
Well, i`ve got to hand it to the fella. My first ever Q for Guy was a cheeky request for Alchemy "Make it Happen Chap..." and he`s replied (with tongue in cheek i imagine) "I`ll Do My Best, Ha"

At least i know i`ve been heard, which makes it easier to stop going on about it, thanks GF! :)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 03, 2009, 12:38:57 PM
I read today on Guy forum an answer mentioning that Chuck Ainlay is working on a surround mix of Alchemy and it seem that a few instants later the page was uptdated and this part is gone. uhh!

Did I really read that?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: mschaap on August 03, 2009, 12:48:05 PM
You did read it! I did as well. But now that part of Guy's reply has been removed... strange.

Guy said 'Chuck recently mixed Alchemy in surround!'

If you ask me the fact Chuck mixed it implies Mark approved the release of Alchemy on DVD.

We should be very happy. At last a live release in proper quality.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 03, 2009, 12:57:24 PM
Than you, I know now that I am not completly mad...yet  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 03, 2009, 01:00:05 PM
Good news!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ustas on August 03, 2009, 01:23:41 PM
 :P it is official from Chuck's website:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 03, 2009, 01:39:36 PM
:P it is official from Chuck's website:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ustas on August 03, 2009, 01:42:25 PM

Chuck Ainlay

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009 7:30 pm

Chuck Ainlay

World-Renowned Grammy Winning Engineer and Producer.

Dire Straits , Vince Gill , Sheryl Crow , Dixie Chicks , Peter Frampton , George Strait , Willie Nelson

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: GennT on August 03, 2009, 02:35:21 PM
OMG Alchemy DVD
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 03, 2009, 02:45:22 PM
Looks like Chuck got a dose of the clasp.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 03, 2009, 02:59:32 PM
Holy Cow! Alchemy on DVD!! Really?  :o :o
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 03, 2009, 03:07:51 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 03, 2009, 06:08:25 PM
yep, his exact words, from my rss feed:
Hey, Guy! Whilst folks are whining about the price of boxsets, i personally would like to pay an enormous amount of cash for an official deluxe DVD set of Alchemy. Make it happen chap! ;) Looking forward to hearing the new songs. >>> Dr Fletch answers: >>> I'll do my best, ha.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on August 03, 2009, 06:15:20 PM
Finally! :D Alchemy will be released on DVD in 2010. Paul Crockford confirms...  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: GennT on August 03, 2009, 06:34:11 PM
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Finally , I can't wait for this  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JeroenvG on August 03, 2009, 08:00:43 PM
Finally! :D Alchemy will be released on DVD in 2010. Paul Crockford confirms...  :)

Did you mailed or what? Where to find that news?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on August 03, 2009, 09:31:22 PM
Alchemy sure is my personal absolute mantra, i ging, shangri-la and whatsoever - in audio. I can
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: GennT on August 03, 2009, 09:39:45 PM
LovExpresso you deserve death punishment , haha just kidding.Who wouldn't want a 2008 tour dvd but we should be happy that after 25 years we are getting a dvd from that concert.I hope that doesn't mean we need to wait another 25 for another one lol  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on August 03, 2009, 09:48:44 PM
Finally! :D Alchemy will be released on DVD in 2010. Paul Crockford confirms...  :)

Did you mailed or what? Where to find that news?

The Norwegian fanclub got this confirmed from Paul today...  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: marky49 on August 03, 2009, 09:51:27 PM
And Guy broke his toe - ouch!! :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on August 03, 2009, 09:54:33 PM



Are there any release dates?

I've come over all hot and sweaty. :)
I can remember the day i bought the video all those many years ago.

This is seriously going to put forward the date for my ALCHEMY arrows tattoo. ;) ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 03, 2009, 09:54:48 PM
I understand your resentments, LE... I, too, would prefer an official 2008 live DVD over Alchemy anytime... I wonder what made them do that. I mean, isn't Guy always the one who says MK doesn't look back, yada yada yada... And now Alchemy? Not that I'm complaining, though. We MK fans should be happy about ANY kind of live release I guess  :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: marky49 on August 03, 2009, 09:59:07 PM
LovExpresso you deserve death punishment , haha just kidding.Who wouldn't want a 2008 tour dvd but we should be happy that after 25 years we are getting a dvd from that concert.I hope that doesn't mean we need to wait another 25 for another one lol  ;D

I immediately, thought the same. When MK is 85 yo, we get a DVD from the 2010 tour?? We should discuss the weight loss of him more seriously now... ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 03, 2009, 10:01:27 PM
LovExpresso you deserve death punishment , haha just kidding.Who wouldn't want a 2008 tour dvd but we should be happy that after 25 years we are getting a dvd from that concert.I hope that doesn't mean we need to wait another 25 for another one lol  ;D

I immediately, thought the same. When MK is 85 yo, we get a DVD from the 2010 tour?? We should discuss the weight loss of him more seriously now... ;D

ROTFL!  ;D Do we have a nutritionist in here?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on August 03, 2009, 10:02:50 PM
Yeah, it is all very productive the last few years. I could also say I misinterpreted this threads
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on August 03, 2009, 10:04:11 PM
I had a funny thought.
I wonder if they will omit SOS from the DVD. hehehehe ;)

That would be bloody typical.!!!!!!

What are the chances of it coming in the form of a deluxe box set, or if not, with at least a few tasty extras. 8)

Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: marky49 on August 04, 2009, 09:26:31 AM
I wonder what made them do that. I mean, isn't Guy always the one who says MK doesn't look back, yada yada yada... And now Alchemy? Not that I'm complaining, though. We MK fans should be happy about ANY kind of live release I guess  :-\

This is a very good point, I can remember Guy saying this quite a lot of times: "I can't honestly see any of the old stuff being re-hashed as I've said many times, we're not for looking back." What made the change here? Although MK always says that he is slow...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on August 04, 2009, 09:56:02 AM
This could be the starting point for more releases possibly in the future.
Surely out of ALL the things i think most DS fans would want if asked, would be Alchemy on Dvd.
One of the 1st questions any new forum member seems to ask is, has Alchemy ever been released on Dvd.
I know this was my 1st question about 5 yrs ago when i 1st joined MK News.
Perhaps the powers that be, have finally given into pressure.
If the sales of the 'Alchemy' Dvd exceed expectations, then we could possibly be in line for future releases.
If sales figures are bad, then......... :'(

Here's hoping. ;D

Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 04, 2009, 10:09:40 AM
Although I have transferred my VHS copy to DVD, I will definitely be buying the new all singing, all dancing DVD!  ;D   I hope it will be the whole concert and that sales will go through the roof and we will get more good things in the near future!   :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ustas on August 04, 2009, 10:12:03 AM

If the sales of the 'Alchemy' Dvd exceed expectations, then we could possibly be in line for future releases.
If sales figures are bad, then......... :'(

Here's hoping. ;D

Cheers   BBB

Everybody who had Alchemy on VHS, will buy it on DVD. I'm sure. Was Alchemy bestseller? Yes.  
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 04, 2009, 10:48:54 AM
I'm with you LE, I'd prefer a 2008 audio soundboard. They do look gay.

That said, Alchemy was a massive seller om VHS, so they could be testing the water here.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 04, 2009, 02:29:05 PM
I wonder what made them do that. I mean, isn't Guy always the one who says MK doesn't look back, yada yada yada... And now Alchemy? Not that I'm complaining, though. We MK fans should be happy about ANY kind of live release I guess  :-\

I have serious doubts that Mark is anyway involved in this DVD release other than by giving his approval for the 5.1 mix that has been made by someone he trusts. IMHO this is basically a record company project to cash in on Dire Straits back catalogue. For me Mark is still concentrating on the future with maybe the possible exception of some 2008 live recordings seeing the light.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JeroenvG on August 04, 2009, 03:17:12 PM
Let's face it Mark will certainly earn money from this release, and the fact that a 5.1 mix is created by Chuck tells me that Mark had something to say about this release.

The so-called CLAPS where Chuck in the interview is talking about has come from Mark himself.

I certainly think that this is not only something of the record company.

Sure Mark is looking for the future, but this is a great opportunity for him to play himself in the picture for his forthcoming concerts.

I think Pottel can tell us exactly why it took 9 years for Pink Floyd to release Pulse on DVD?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 04, 2009, 03:32:38 PM
coz dave and the others are perfectionists who only want to release the best, see the gdansk video box set, or the wall live cd...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ustas on August 04, 2009, 04:49:54 PM
Let's face it Mark will certainly earn money from this release, and the fact that a 5.1 mix is created by Chuck tells me that Mark had something to say about this release.

It is totally from Mark. Now the record majors do not decide more. Universal and Warner are just disributers, nothing else. Mark learned a lot from Chet Atkins, he was not only star, but chief of RCA and he  managed all process - from record sessions to post production. Mark now has the same, own studio with personell (Brithis Groove), own lable (Will D. Side Ltd.) own band, own sound engineers and co-producers (Chuck Ainlay and Guy Fletcher). He does not depend on majors more.

But on other hand the studio has the expenses and Mark as owner (and business man)  has to care about costs and profit. And as I understand, Real Live Roadrunning did not have a good sales and Mark had losses. Alchemy is expected to be a good commercial project.    
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tobi777 on August 04, 2009, 07:31:00 PM
IMHO Mark isn't that much involved into the Alchemy re-release as we all would like him to be. I'm sure he didn't go: "Let's have a 20th anniversary BIA re-release!", either. I guess Mark couldn't care less about the old stuff, he's clearly focussing now on his new songs and style.

The record company owns the rights of the DS recordings and can do whatever they want. They surely didn't think: "The poor fans have been waiting for too long - so let's give them a nice gift!" It's all about money.

Compared to the old DS days "A Night in London" was quite unspectacular - even so it got released on VHS and DVD (okay, the people of Universal showed their sense of humor by omitting SOS and MFN  ::) - it's rather logical to expect a lot from the Alchemy DVD concerning sales figures. Mark may be a living legend and contributed much to the wealth of his record company but nowadays his albums sell comparatively poorly.

I'm very happy about the news but I don't expect some sweets for us fans because I think Universal doesn't care much about us. I'm just looking forward to watching this great concert (the first time in my live have to admit  :-[
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 05, 2009, 12:49:34 AM

I think Pottel can tell us exactly why it took 9 years for Pink Floyd to release Pulse on DVD?

Pulse was to PF what was OTN to DS : a live release of thei last tour

But how many years will we have to wait for a release "Delicate Sound Of Thunder" ?   :P

And will Supertramp finally release the Paris footage on DVD?

Title: Get Lucky could have appeared on the K2GC tour
Post by: Mossguitar on August 06, 2009, 10:36:02 AM
From Guy's forum about the song Get Lucky:

GF: In fact a little story about it, we rehearsed it in production rehearsals for the last tour and it was recorded by Dave Dixon on the front desk. We never got to play it on the tour but when we went back into the studio to record, I dug out the recording. It was so perfect that we basically recreated it with one live take.  

How about that?!!? We could have had both Get Lucky and The Man's Too Strong on the K2GC tour. Since they've allready rehearsed both songs, there is a posibillity that they will appear during the next tour, I guess.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 06, 2009, 01:01:56 PM
I asked GF if there was a chance that they might do a BBC session (http://www.bbc.co.uk/musictv/bbcfoursessions/ ) as part of the forthcoming promo, and he didn't answer! He didn't say no, so I hope they do it.

For those who aren't aware, these are concerts filmed specially for the BBC, in HD no less! They are always excellent quality, here's Gillian Welch for example

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on August 08, 2009, 11:19:49 AM
did you see that?

"There is talk about the KTGC recordings seeing the light of day."
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on August 08, 2009, 11:28:16 AM
did you see that?

"There is talk about the KTGC recordings seeing the light of day."


I hope it will happen! That would be so nice!!  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JeroenvG on August 08, 2009, 04:29:03 PM
did you see that?

"There is talk about the KTGC recordings seeing the light of day."

That's wonderfull news. Maybe it helped we all asked the same question over and over and over and... to Guy.

It sounds that's we are going to have some wonderfull MK years to come.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: emilianomk on August 08, 2009, 08:35:42 PM
OH god some guy tell guy that he has listened all the songs
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopflerized on August 08, 2009, 09:21:40 PM
how stupid...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 08, 2009, 09:31:53 PM
OH god some guy tell guy that he has listened all the songs

Well, that was just a question of time I guess  >:(

About the KTGC live release: Well, none of the shows were filmed so I guess it won't be a DVD?  :'( Well anyway, a proper live album is great as well.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 08, 2009, 09:45:24 PM
Apparently the CD has leaked today on a well known sharing site.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 08, 2009, 09:51:42 PM
Apparently the CD has leaked today on a well known sharing site.

Oh great  :'(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JeroenvG on August 08, 2009, 10:15:26 PM
Apparently the CD has leaked today on a well known sharing site.

Let's just hope that everyone is going to buy the album too. You can't do anything about this. For all we know it can be someone from the record company that has leaked the cd on that sharing site.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 08, 2009, 10:26:56 PM
Apparently the CD has leaked today on a well known sharing site.

Let's just hope that everyone is going to buy the album too. You can't do anything about this. For all we know it can be someone from the record company that has leaked the cd on that sharing site.

One would have to check the quality to find out if it has leaked from the original recording and not from the streaming audio... That would be interesting to know. I found it on a torrent site (but did not download!) and the mp3's are "normal size" so I suppose it's from the original recording
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 08, 2009, 10:39:37 PM

About the KTGC live release: Well, none of the shows were filmed so I guess it won't be a DVD?  :'( Well anyway, a proper live album is great as well.

That is good news that Guy talks about these recordings still being in the scope. I don't mind too much about the absence of video as in some extend I think that "audio only" is more powerful in term of pure musical emotions than getting the picture that go with it. To me, video is more for memories.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JeroenvG on August 09, 2009, 09:45:19 AM

One would have to check the quality to find out if it has leaked from the original recording and not from the streaming audio... That would be interesting to know. I found it on a torrent site (but did not download!) and the mp3's are "normal size" so I suppose it's from the original recording

I checked it to know if it was someone from this forum who leaked it. But it is not, it is different size. The download is 71 mb and the streams were 35 mb. So it is leaked from another source.

But there is another person from Brazil who is saying that he listened to the album. And the answer from Guy is: you can redeem yourselves buy buying a legitimate copy of the album when it's released PLUS a copy for all your friends for that matter.

I would say BUY copies from your whole family!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 09, 2009, 11:26:55 AM
agree, i prefer audio too, you can listen to it anytime, for video you need to take your time, and that is a rare thing to me.
my ipod though,,...is on me head all day long..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 09, 2009, 11:29:10 AM
so in the end the "71mb" leak is the really interesting leak, contrary to the website leak. i mean, how the hell did someone get his hands on that version?? journalists???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ustas on August 09, 2009, 12:05:32 PM
Reffering to KTGC tour. I remember that some concert in Canada (perhaps Toronto) was with video equipment  and video from concert has been broadcasted to big screens (monitors) in hall. It was discussed by fans 2 years ago.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopflerized on August 09, 2009, 12:57:50 PM
so in the end the "71mb" leak is the really interesting leak, contrary to the website leak. i mean, how the hell did someone get his hands on that version?? journalists???

Could be a journalist but i heard by a friend of mine that they are gived watermarked copies ( usually...). It is possible that he/she recorded his CD with a soft to make it more anonyme...

And the other possibility ( but i'm not sure it's computer stuff...) is that someone who took it from the MK.com leak... recoreded on his computer using a diffent compressionand then  share it...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 09, 2009, 01:44:11 PM
so in the end the "71mb" leak is the really interesting leak, contrary to the website leak. i mean, how the hell did someone get his hands on that version?? journalists???

Could be a journalist but i heard by a friend of mine that they are gived watermarked copies ( usually...). It is possible that he/she recorded his CD with a soft to make it more anonyme...

And the other possibility ( but i'm not sure it's computer stuff...) is that someone who took it from the MK.com leak... recoreded on his computer using a diffent compressionand then  share it...

I think this is more likely Nelly... Also, Guy said he knew about the website bug... Someone must have told him.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: FenderBender on August 09, 2009, 01:57:35 PM
I checked it to know if it was someone from this forum who leaked it. But it is not, it is different size. The download is 71 mb and the streams were 35 mb. So it is leaked from another source.

But there is another person from Brazil who is saying that he listened to the album. And the answer from Guy is: you can redeem yourselves buy buying a legitimate copy of the album when it's released PLUS a copy for all your friends for that matter.

I would say BUY copies from your whole family!!

But the stupid thing is that by printing that person's post, Guy inadvertantly let everyone know which torrent site was hosting the illegal copy of "Get Lucky". Hopefully Paul Crockford has managed to get the torrent removed from the site by now.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopflerized on August 09, 2009, 02:25:37 PM


But the stupid thing is that by printing that person's post, Guy inadvertantly let everyone know which torrent site was hosting the illegal copy of "Get Lucky". Hopefully Paul Crockford has managed to get the torrent removed from the site by now.

great new
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: localhero1986 on August 09, 2009, 02:39:55 PM
Sad news maybe. On the other hand, I remember buying the BLT single one week before the actual release, as it was available in the record store. The person behind the counter asked me if I wanted to buy the album SL as well. Due to this "mistake" I had an official copy of the album two weeks before the actual release... Anyway, sharing the album is illegal, before and after the release. ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on August 09, 2009, 06:32:57 PM
Wow, when the record company learns of something like that, they'll refuse to let the store carry any more of their products.     I think there is a legal issue too.   I had a discussion with a store manager when I thought that some book had been released and wanted to buy it.   I got the whole lecture, when all I needed was a "It won't be released until. . . . ."
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 09, 2009, 07:14:39 PM
Hopefully Paul Crockford has managed to get the torrent removed from the site by now.

Where did you read that?
It was too good to be true.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 09, 2009, 09:15:26 PM
Guy said in his forum that if PC could remove those files, torrent sites wouldn't exist. That answer was pretty clear...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on August 09, 2009, 09:20:28 PM
Man, people in the MK fan base really aren't too bright. ::) I don't know what's worse- posting about the scanner in ear monitor recording you made of a MK concert on the official MK message board, or letting the producer of a new MK album know that you obtained a free copy of the album a month in advance and quite enjoy it.

Seriously.  ::) It's borderline comical, but the whole thing is not even funny.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 09, 2009, 09:36:41 PM
Word. And I don't even dare to imagine how pissed and upset MK must be now  :'(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: FenderBender on August 09, 2009, 09:44:12 PM
Hopefully Paul Crockford has managed to get the torrent removed from the site by now.

Where did you read that?
It was too good to be true.

Guy said in his forum that if PC could remove those files, torrent sites wouldn't exist. That answer was pretty clear...

I didn't read it anywhere. I was merely expressing my personal hope that Paul Crockford would have taken any action available to him to have the "Get Lucky" files removed from the torrent site. I know that some of the more reputable file sharing sites have a facility where illegal content can be reported and the webmasters will remove the content from the site. Unfortunately I don't think the site involved is any respecter of legality or copyright ownership.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on August 09, 2009, 09:47:09 PM
It's quite upsetting to think how pissed off Mark must be. :(
I wonder if he's taking it in his stride, or if he's just keeping quiet about it, or if he's raging mad.

Oh to be a fly on the wall in the Knopfler household.

Cheers   BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: FenderBender on August 09, 2009, 09:50:30 PM
Man, people in the MK fan base really aren't too bright. ::) I don't know what's worse- posting about the scanner in ear monitor recording you made of a MK concert on the official MK message board, or letting the producer of a new MK album know that you obtained a free copy of the album a month in advance and quite enjoy it.

Seriously.  ::) It's borderline comical, but the whole thing is not even funny.

And even more ridiculous, the producer then posted on his website the name of the site where the illegal download could be obtained - so it's not just the fan base that ain't too bright!!
(Fortunately I see that the producer has now rectified his mistake).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 09, 2009, 09:51:42 PM
Yeah, no chance of this getting removed. I'm surprised that everyone is so shocked at this, exactly the same thing happened with KTGC, and it happens with pretty much every new album release. Once it's out there, it's out there. Not just journalists, cleaners at the record company, people who work at the CD factory etc etc, it could be anybody. MK will have been well aware that this would happen.

It's probably not such a problem for MK, his fans are mostly older, not so computer friendly, and used to paying for CDs. But a lot of kids these days have an iPod full of music and they have never paid for it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: localhero1986 on August 09, 2009, 10:21:09 PM
It's just the other side of internet: it's hard to see all possible problems which are caused in future by designing something new. Without internet, we were not able to listen to one single song of the new record. I heard a few songs online and the first thing I did was ordering the deluxe edition.

I wonder how many CD's have NOT leaked on the internet before release...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on August 09, 2009, 10:22:08 PM
Without sounding sarcastic, but an album that is not showing up before release date in some torrents or filesharer-sites seems to be totally out of fashion these days...
I mean, it
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tobi777 on August 09, 2009, 10:27:33 PM
it's the same story over and over again. Sadly it is rather common that records emerge on torrent sites, rapidshare etc. even before the official release. But why do we waste our time raging about it? Fans like we are will buy the album - maybe even several copies of it. Parasites will carry on downloading even without having a guilty conscience about it. So there's nothing we can do about it. Some comments about this topic read as if the writers never expected such things to happen - a bit naive in my opinion. I'm very sorry for Mark and Guy and all the people involved in this record but such is life.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 09, 2009, 10:38:20 PM
A friend told me this about the computer game industry where they have the same problems: When 500 000 people download or share a new game before release date, it does not necessarily mean that these 500 000 would be potential buyers.

Exactly! This is a key point! A lot of people downloading the new MK album probably had no intention of buying it anyway. And a lot of people will download it just because it has been released early and is therefore exciting, and never actually listen to it! Strange but true.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goldenheart96 on August 09, 2009, 11:13:22 PM
So there's nothing we can do about it. Some comments about this topic read as if the writers never expected such things to happen - a bit naive in my opinion.

Careful here. I think we are all aware such things can happen. We were just trying to express our feelings.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: pjh3121 on August 10, 2009, 12:11:45 AM
I'd have thought that fans who know enough about MK to find and be active on Guy's forum are certainly big enough fans to buy it when it comes out too, regardless if they've downloaded it in advance.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on August 10, 2009, 12:31:41 AM
Man, people in the MK fan base really aren't too bright. ::) I don't know what's worse- posting about the scanner in ear monitor recording you made of a MK concert on the official MK message board, or letting the producer of a new MK album know that you obtained a free copy of the album a month in advance and quite enjoy it.

Seriously.  ::) It's borderline comical, but the whole thing is not even funny.

And even more ridiculous, the producer then posted on his website the name of the site where the illegal download could be obtained - so it's not just the fan base that ain't too bright!!
(Fortunately I see that the producer has now rectified his mistake).

Was the full link really there for a while? When I viewed the forum today, it was already gone. I guess he figured by then people would find it out there anyway.

And no Dusty, I'm not surprised at all that it was leaked. I'm surprised at the total stupidity of some of the fans. It's just inexcusable.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 10, 2009, 06:18:15 AM
as far as i remember the link wasn't shown from the beginning, ad i can know as i check guy's forum per rss
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 10, 2009, 10:14:11 AM
And no Dusty, I'm not surprised at all that it was leaked. I'm surprised at the total stupidity of some of the fans. It's just inexcusable.

Aye, wasn't directed at you, rather at everyone else who seemed amazed that records get leaked on the internet these days. Your post was spot on, crazy contacting Guy and sayting "Hey, I just illegally downloaded the album you worked on for months, it's great."
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: FenderBender on August 10, 2009, 10:36:06 AM

Was the full link really there for a while? When I viewed the forum today, it was already gone. I guess he figured by then people would find it out there anyway.

No Dan, the full link was never there. Someone did include it in a post, however Guy censored that one, but in a later post one of the boys from Brazil wrote something like, you can't beat the house and the house is *****, where ***** was the name of the site in question.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 10, 2009, 11:46:36 AM
The MK fan base is numerous enough to be representative of a society. This include very bright people, average bright people, not so bright and some real stupids.

So, after thinking about it, it was unavoidable that someone ended to tell Guy that he heard the album one month in advance.


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Tally on August 13, 2009, 12:03:55 PM
Apparently more promo gigs have been scheduled. From Guy's forum:

"First off all Happy Birthday with your son. Hope you all have a good time. I saw this message on amazon.co.uk and was wondering if this is true. The former Dire Straits man will play a show exclusive to Amazon.co.uk at London
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: sweetsurrender on August 13, 2009, 06:26:27 PM
Thanks for the Amazon link.  I've just put my name on the drawing. Hope I win, then I'll figure how to go across the pond.  I'll pre order my copy today.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: localhero1986 on August 14, 2009, 12:11:06 AM
Remember, it's only for people who live in the UK. People outside the UK who entered the competition are automatically kicked out. :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on August 18, 2009, 10:39:26 AM

Someone from Brazil asks (sic) "There is a young guitarist (or any instrumentist) that Mark admire nowadays? Sorry my english, Ty!"

Guy bothers to reply, "Im sure there are many"

Why bother? Downright rude - i don`t care if the fella is a famous pro muso, if you can be this dismissive to a fan i just wonder why he bothers? >:(
I mean imagine someone saying this stuff in person, would you do it? *feeling a bit pissed off with GF*
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 18, 2009, 11:06:06 AM
guy is simply respecting mark's (sometimes bizarre) wishes concerning his privacy. don't blame guy, blame mark, if you feel the need to blame someone at all. to this does not come over as being rude.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on August 18, 2009, 11:35:46 AM
What would you reply if somebody asked you a question about what your boss (or any workmate) likes? If either 1) the workmate in question doesn't want you to tell or 2) you don't know but you feel that you have to answer more than "I don't kow"?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 18, 2009, 11:43:43 AM
I don't think Guy was being at all rude.   He was merely stating that there are many young guitarists or musicians that Mark admires, but that doesn't mean he knows who they are!    ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 18, 2009, 11:54:50 AM
Yeah, go easy on Guy. Remember, he's not there to speak for MK. If the question had been "Are there any young guitarists that you and MK admire?" then he may have got a lengthier answer.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on August 18, 2009, 12:55:55 PM
Taking onboard your above comments i ask myself, Why have a Q&A forum that GF obviously invests a lot of time in, when 99% of the questions are about MK and you cant bloody answer any? ???
I guess i don`t understand this dismissive, short answer mindset - it reads all wrong to me.

I think i`m best off avoiding the website. I`ll get my MK news info via AMIT from now on!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 18, 2009, 01:00:35 PM
He does answer questions about MK, but usually only "professional" ones, ie about the new record, or the tour or what type of guitar Mk played on a certain track.

Asking MK's opinion on anything is a whole different kettle of fish in my opinion. On the "professional" subjects he can usually give facts. I don't expect him to be able to give MK's opinion, on new guitarists or anything else. GF can of course give GF's opinion.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on August 18, 2009, 01:03:16 PM
It's the Guy Fletcher forum, he can only answer questions about Guy Fletcher and can't be held responsible if people are asking about MK, all he can do is reply as best as he can.

Guy is the best thing that happened to MK fans since sliced bread (  ;) ), we are very lucky to have him, and as President of the Fletcherettes, I will NOT have ANYBODY say anything wrong against him  ;D

(but I respect your point of view and that you prefer to avoid his website)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on August 18, 2009, 01:37:01 PM
I can understand what youre saying Fletch but youre being a bit harsh on GF ???

For one he doesnt need to do what he does ie answer questions day in day out about his best mate (or one of them anyway).As others have said its the GF forum,not the MK forum,but most of the questions on there are about MK??
Secondly,without him we would certainly know a lot later about the,world tours,new albums,studio work etc etc.
Thirdly he is'nt MK,so he cant speak for him in relation to most issues & topics but he can give his own opinion.

Do we know any other band member that goes to the trouble that he goes through to get a tour diary out every day while they are on tour so that we can get an insight to whats happening on the other side of the world???  Or,runs competitions to get people like us into meet'n'greets that we wouldnt have a snowballs chance in hell of getting into otherwise??? If you ever meet PC you'll understand what I mean ::)

He's one of the good Guys 8) 8) 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: localhero1986 on August 18, 2009, 01:56:34 PM
Ehr... Don't forget we're one of the very few fans of a group of musicians who are able to ask a question. Often these questions are answered, sometimes they are not. Every day many questions are submitted, it's hardly impossible to answer all questions and go into detail (most of the time, the first question of many is answered). I suppose Guy has more work to do than answering fans' questions all day long. A few years ago, Guy updated his site once in two weeks, now it's been updated almost every day! I'm happy Guy created the opportunity for us to ask questions. And yes, sometimes people are rude to ask personal questions or questions Guy can't answer. You can't answer all question yourself, can you? Would you?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: strat61 on August 18, 2009, 02:35:33 PM
Why even ask a question like that - you might as well ask "Does Mark like any good guitar players or just the bad ones?" When someone is talented isn't it obviuos anyway, maybe it's not your style or taste - example I hate Chelsea but they have some great talent ..where am I going with this   ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: pjh3121 on August 18, 2009, 03:12:03 PM
Nothing rude about that answer at all, he was just indicating that he doesn't know but is sure that there are some.

Guy performs a great and unique service to us fans and remains remarkably patient with some of the silly questions he gets; as well as some of the ones that are written in pigeon English (which is understandable if the poster is not a native UK speaker) .

He deserves our thanks.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on August 18, 2009, 04:03:08 PM
& has to put up with the boys from Brazil who tell him (10 times while apologizing & telling him where he can get it) that they have downloaded his latest co- production from the internet 2 months before the release date ::) ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 18, 2009, 04:28:59 PM
Guy is an absolute sweetheart and we are very lucky indeed to have him answering our questions, including those from very rude and irritating people who keep asking the same question over and over again.  We should all be thankful we have, through him, a link to MK, which otherwise would be an impossibility!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 18, 2009, 08:16:34 PM
i am pretty sure he nows exactly who mark fancies, but as said, some things he is not at liberty to discuss, and that is not his choice but MArk'S.
and yes, he at least friggin answers a question, i now wrote Paul Cockford twice and got zilch, not even a mail saying, sorry you dumb f.... but i ain't got no time for your silly questions.
if even david knopfler can take the time to reply ( ;D) , why can't friggin PC??
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on August 18, 2009, 09:10:09 PM
i am pretty sure he nows exactly who mark fancies, but as said, some things he is not at liberty to discuss, and that is not his choice but MArk'S.

And why on earth should he discuss what somebody else likes? If I was in Mark's position, I wouldn't want my likes and dislikes to be discussed on my mate's blog. Not that it's a secret but...what's the point?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on August 18, 2009, 09:11:36 PM
not even a mail saying, sorry you dumb f.... but i ain't got no time for your silly questions.

well, not replying is a way of saying just that, innit? Sometimes, actions (or lack of) speak louder than words...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on August 18, 2009, 11:46:40 PM
No worries, this is the second time i`ve read the Q&A and my eyes popped out, so i`ll just give it a miss. :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 19, 2009, 12:10:01 AM
I have many times started a question on Guy site and dropped it because it was sort of "this question is really for Mark not Guy". But professionaly Guy is working a lot with Mark so I guess that he understand that a lot of question are MK related, just that he can only answer question he is allowed to talk about or he know about. So asking Guy what he like is a wise question but asking Guy what MK likes is a bot of crossing the line. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 19, 2009, 08:33:27 AM
Fletch - You seemed pretty happy with his reply to you on the subject of "Alchemy".   ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Mossguitar on August 19, 2009, 03:38:04 PM
Yeah, go easy on Guy. Remember, he's not there to speak for MK. If the question had been "Are there any young guitarists that you and MK admire?" then he may have got a lengthier answer.

I agree with Dusty and all the others who agree with him on this subject. I find GF extremely patient when it comes to answereing all sorts of questions about MK's strings on acoustics in the eighties, early DS records, the Knopfler brothers' relationship and so on. Please! It's a GF forum. Show some respect and politeness. Note that when people ask about something that has to do with GF (keyboards, GF's own guitarstrings (!), surfing, the weather, concerts and tours that GF has been a part of, bands he has played in, what speakers he use, recording techniques, restaurants he has been to, his own records etc), he give long answeres, often beguinning with "Now that's a good/interesting question!").
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 24, 2009, 06:58:26 PM
lol, imagine getting mails like this one:
bush hall
Pedro Balbino Gutierrez

24th September 2009
   Why aye man again, sonny strip again, "monteleone" to sleep. MK knows his song ? Mk does not have any more songs? Always equal , year after year. There is no solution. ?That you promote?    

Guy's reply:whatever. . . .

i mean, what else can you say to such dumbass questions? disregarding the fact that english is not this persons native language, and even then..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 24, 2009, 10:58:18 PM
lol, imagine getting mails like this one:
bush hall
Pedro Balbino Gutierrez

24th September 2009
   Why aye man again, sonny strip again, "monteleone" to sleep. MK knows his song ? Mk does not have any more songs? Always equal , year after year. There is no solution. ?That you promote?    

Guy's reply:whatever. . . .

i mean, what else can you say to such dumbass questions? disregarding the fact that english is not this persons native language, and even then..

I had a laugh when I read that too but I guess one can see what the guy's getting at;  if MK wants to promote Get Lucky, he should play more new songs.  Seems to me they're playing the easy ones that don't need much practice. :(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 24, 2009, 11:22:06 PM
sonny strip again???
monteleone to sleep??
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: koobaa on September 25, 2009, 02:06:16 AM
This is ridiculous. I guess that's one of the consequences of being open for fans. You get all sorts of feedback. Guy is handling it like a real gentleman though.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: allen on September 25, 2009, 03:33:21 AM
If Guy doesn't like fans' comments, he can just choose which ones will be on his forum.  One man can not satisfy everyone, never.  Some fans are too much rediculous, they can choose what to listen to, no need to bear and feel uncomfortable in a concert, coz they will never be able to make the artist do what they want.   It's the artist who has the right for his choice.  
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on September 25, 2009, 05:30:45 AM
Guy is a kind and very decent guy.  And I speak from experience.    Like anyone, he appreciates people treating him like a person.    All these questions about MK.  Of course we are curious, and he is the closest thing we have to getting any answer.    But we can't expect him to be MK's spokesperson.   That's PC's job.   However he does or doesn't do it.    Nor can you expect MK or Guy to advance some kid's career based on an obscure question in Guy's forum.   Imagine the kind of pressure Guy would get it he did name some one.    It would be "Listen to my recording.   Listen to me."  Would you name me too?  Would you recommend me too?"   That would really be opening a can of worms.     He's damned decent to even acknowledge a lot of the questions that show up on his site.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: localhero1986 on September 25, 2009, 01:06:22 PM
Sometimes some rude questions come by... To be honest, I don't understand the requests for (bonus) DVD subtitles: some person doesn't seem to understand the English language (can understand that) but IS capable to read the mighty GF forum and ask a question about it??? :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Mossguitar on September 25, 2009, 01:30:21 PM
Well, for most people it would be easyer to read or even to type in a foreign language than to understand it when it's spoken by the natives. And it wouldn't be too hard to imagine that it could be a lot easyer for our, let's say, Brazillian friends to understand what Mark and Chuck were talking about if the DVD had Poruguese subtitles, would it?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on September 25, 2009, 01:49:43 PM
i think that Guy is being clever when he posts those dodgy emails/questions every so often - its like he's saying "hey guys this is the type of stuff that I'm getting mailed to me every second day". He obviously looks at every one that comes in so its his decision what he puts up on the site so for example he didnt need to put the "boys from Brazil's"  rant on there but he did which I think was more to highlight these sort of things than anything else ::) ::)   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on September 25, 2009, 02:34:18 PM
From Guy's forum

"Hi there and greetings from Ireland.My question is whether Mark Knopler is touring on his own or with a band and if he has a band do you know the line up.Thanks for your time..Brendan Mulhaire Galway City Ireland"

Reply from GF,
Where have you been Brendan?, yes Mark always tours with a band. See the recent diaries for line-up.

&&&&&&& it wasn't me :o :o ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 25, 2009, 02:40:05 PM
I agree with Dusty and all the others who agree with him on this subject. I find GF extremely patient when it comes to answereing all sorts of questions about MK's strings on acoustics in the eighties, early DS records, the Knopfler brothers' relationship and so on. Please! It's a GF forum. Show some respect and politeness. Note that when people ask about something that has to do with GF (keyboards, GF's own guitarstrings (!), surfing, the weather, concerts and tours that GF has been a part of, bands he has played in, what speakers he use, recording techniques, restaurants he has been to, his own records etc), he give long answeres, often beguinning with "Now that's a good/interesting question!").
There's still no excuse for bad manners and sometimes Guys answers, well they're not even answers or brief to say the least.  Also, he was bound to know that most of the questions he would recieve would be about MK when he started the forum and interest in his forum would soon fade dramatically if no MK questions were permitted.  A forum is all about opinions and everybody is entitled to one and everybody should respect one anothers.  If someone wants to complain about a song being played too often then I think it should be taken in good spirit.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Mossguitar on September 25, 2009, 03:23:55 PM
I love the way Guy answeres all the questions. And the way he doesn't answere the daft ones. Shows he has a great sence of humor imo.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on September 25, 2009, 04:37:35 PM
There's still no excuse for bad manners and sometimes Guys answers, well they're not even answers or brief to say the least.  Also, he was bound to know that most of the questions he would recieve would be about MK when he started the forum and interest in his forum would soon fade dramatically if no MK questions were permitted.  A forum is all about opinions and everybody is entitled to one and everybody should respect one anothers.  If someone wants to complain about a song being played too often then I think it should be taken in good spirit.

Finally someone who understands!!! ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 25, 2009, 05:55:24 PM
There's still no excuse for bad manners and sometimes Guys answers, well they're not even answers or brief to say the least.  Also, he was bound to know that most of the questions he would recieve would be about MK when he started the forum and interest in his forum would soon fade dramatically if no MK questions were permitted.  A forum is all about opinions and everybody is entitled to one and everybody should respect one anothers.  If someone wants to complain about a song being played too often then I think it should be taken in good spirit.

Finally someone who understands!!! ;D
Thanks Fletch!  You're not GUY Fletcher are you!! ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 25, 2009, 06:03:13 PM
Doesn't mean you are both right, though!    ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on September 26, 2009, 12:58:03 AM
Can we call it a forum?
This is basically "Guy answer your question"
The main point is that it should remain fun.
But as far as Mark is out of touch, Guy is close to the fan base.
For sure it show "quelle est la temp
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on September 26, 2009, 01:31:57 AM
There's still no excuse for bad manners and sometimes Guys answers, well they're not even answers or brief to say the least.  Also, he was bound to know that most of the questions he would recieve would be about MK when he started the forum and interest in his forum would soon fade dramatically if no MK questions were permitted.  A forum is all about opinions and everybody is entitled to one and everybody should respect one anothers.  If someone wants to complain about a song being played too often then I think it should be taken in good spirit.

Finally someone who understands!!! ;D
Thanks Fletch!  You're not GUY Fletcher are you!! ;)
Oh yeah thats me.... Not!

Honestly i didn`t even know who GF was until i joined a few MK forums to ask about Alchemy and kept getting `well Guy says no` responses. My education continued from there!
If i ever find out we`re related i`ll be straight over for christmas lunch! ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on September 26, 2009, 01:38:25 AM
Guy has answered some of my questions briefly, some he's let my comment stand for itself, and sometimes in detail.   I agree that he gets a chuckle out of some, and perhaps he just wants to share.   I've read 'pissed off' answers rarely.  
But it's like everything else.   If you don't like it, you don't have to go there.    ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: draad on September 26, 2009, 01:44:57 AM
Guy is a treasure. Full stop. Disagree and you await the wrath of the president of the Fletcherettes!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on September 26, 2009, 05:45:16 AM
I think i`m best off avoiding the website. I`ll get my MK news info via AMIT from now on!

Quote from: IrisRose
But it's like everything else.   If you don't like it, you don't have to go there.

Thanks for the hot tip!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on September 26, 2009, 10:04:08 AM
Guy is a treasure. Full stop. Disagree and you await the wrath of the president of the Fletcherettes!

And you don't want that, do you??  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 28, 2009, 10:47:08 PM
is the forum down?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on September 29, 2009, 09:10:22 AM
is the forum down?

Yes :'(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Best Brown Baggies on October 01, 2009, 05:45:26 PM
Just checked.
Guy's site is ok again. :)

Cheers    BBB
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on January 13, 2012, 04:43:13 PM

I hope this 2012 New Year newsletter finds you well...

WAV files
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 13, 2012, 05:13:03 PM
A very strange thing - I can't find this newsletter anywhere on Guy's site.  I can see the info about the new instrumental CD, but that's all.  Can anyone else see it?  ??? 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on January 13, 2012, 05:25:01 PM
No, Val, I can't see it neither. I think it is coming via e-mail? I haven't got any e-mail from Guy until now, though.. Maybe it is coming up the next few hours...

Most interesting thing for me: The mixing of the new MK album starts in a few weeks. The last albums has had their mixing time around May, so indeed the release could be a little earlier than Sept/Oct., but I have buried my hopes for a tour this year... Or maybe he liked it to tour in winter and will come back again in Oct/Nov 2012???

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 13, 2012, 05:33:56 PM
Thanks, LE!   At least it's not just me!  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on January 13, 2012, 08:27:28 PM
it was indeed in an email.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on January 13, 2012, 09:35:07 PM
Hm, didn't have it too :-\

But, mixing in a few weeks...  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on January 13, 2012, 10:22:37 PM
Maybe you have to be a chairman to get one!!!  :lol :lol :lol

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on January 14, 2012, 11:20:28 AM
Maybe you have to be a chairman to get one!!!  :lol :lol :lol


Or the President! I got one too!  ;D

(everybody who is registered on his site should have got one, I know you are Val and LE, did you check your spam folder?)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on January 14, 2012, 11:24:58 AM
Spam folder?? What's that???  ;D


yes, no mail. It is not that hard for me because I know what it was about, but the strange thing is that I used to get newsletter info from Guy earlier.
So maybe he has made a mistake or British Telekom or whatever was not able to work out those BIG amounts of mails... who knows how many users
are registered at Guy's site, must be an enormous package!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 14, 2012, 11:27:08 AM
Nothing in my spam folder either.   Maybe the emails are coming in batches.    ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 14, 2012, 11:39:10 AM
LE - I was just about to tackle Guy about the missing newsletters, but I see you beat me to it.  Thanks!  ;D   No further news about the upcoming album release, though, unfortunately.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on January 17, 2012, 11:17:58 AM
We all got it now, right? ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pyroaction on January 17, 2012, 11:25:01 AM
We all got it now, right? ;)
Yeah! I've got it twice. :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on January 17, 2012, 11:37:26 PM
We all got it now, right? ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 18, 2012, 11:01:14 AM
Can't stop laughing!    Have any of you been keeping up with the saga of the B & Q song on Guy's Forum the last few days?  If not do so, it will brighten up a dull morning!   :lol 

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on January 18, 2012, 06:12:25 PM
I asked myself wether this guy is drunk all the time or uses spellchecker or has a problem with writing - I know I should stay calm here but it is really hard to understand what he means because of the lack of grammar, punctuation and everything!  ???

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 18, 2012, 06:31:08 PM
It was Guy's wild stabs at what the song actually was that made me laugh so much, especially as I suppose most of us had guessed already that it was Hard Shoulder.   I really feel for the guy, because I think he has had a rough deal at school, etc.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on January 18, 2012, 06:35:28 PM
how did you guess hard shoulder from that rambling? I must say, didn't even try to guess. too confusing.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on January 18, 2012, 07:01:28 PM
I really feel for the guy, because I think he has had a rough deal at school, etc.

You made me feel embarrassed now, Superval, and you are absolutely right about it. School was an option I hadn't thought about the slightest. I was so much into my aversion about chopped short message mobile phone speech that I thought this guy is maybe only to lazy to give it a real try. Maybe he just cannot do any better, and therefore I should not make fun of him. So thanks Val for enlighten my (once more).  ;)

Btw, "hacksaws and hammers brusher un mops" (c&p) was the hint about the right song, Rollergirl! It was quite easy, don't you think?  :P

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on January 18, 2012, 07:36:56 PM
well, no, I don't know the words to any recent MK song by heart (like I know all the DS ones).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopfling on January 18, 2012, 07:39:25 PM
I couldn't get past the idea that Bob Dylan is a veterinarian, who "spayed" his fans. Now, that could make some of them pretty mad.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on January 18, 2012, 08:04:40 PM
I couldn't get past the idea that Bob Dylan is a veterinarian, who "spayed" his fans. Now, that could make some of them pretty mad.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on January 18, 2012, 09:03:17 PM
that last post there brought me to this, brilliant stuff:
jerry douglas ladies and gents....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on January 30, 2012, 12:39:38 AM
Guy about touring....


We will be touring.... I'm thinking you will not be disappointed but obviously I cannot give ANY details...yet.


There will be plenty of live dates, be assured of that.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: shooting_star_night on February 10, 2012, 10:10:02 PM
Guy about touring....


We will be touring.... I'm thinking you will not be disappointed but obviously I cannot give ANY details...yet.


There will be plenty of live dates, be assured of that.

Oh...the waiting  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 13, 2012, 12:05:18 PM
reply today:
Sorry but I don't know the touring schedule as yet although there is planning underway
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 13, 2012, 12:10:33 PM
And this:

Hey doc if you were a betting man would you bet on a mk NA tour in 2012? We need a fix.   

Guy:     I'm not but I would.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: emilianomk on February 13, 2012, 05:13:22 PM
I think that if mk wont be touring in south america the answer will be something like, "Im afraid no south america this time" but today answer makes me think that mark will be in south america
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on February 13, 2012, 09:55:55 PM
reply today:
Sorry but I don't know the touring schedule as yet although there is planning underway
Yup..that is the one that caught my eye.
This just came up on ER today..no mention of MK though..from Johanna Parker..a mod over there.."Just FYI, ISIS seem sure it will happen and sent out an according email newsletter today - no dates though." I believe they were discussing SA shows for Bob..dates to follow. Not sure of the logistics either...everything over there seems to be pointing toward a Bob tour of SA in the Spring. ARRRRGGH..this is driving me nuts  ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on February 13, 2012, 10:53:47 PM
if the album won't be out in Spring,
will they tour without releasing the album ?
Don't see why not..he put the album on hold last fall to go on tour.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: koobaa on February 13, 2012, 11:54:15 PM
I'd say they finish working on album by spring (mixing), then there is some other work to be done (mastering, artwork) but that's not what our guys usually do, so it is likely that they can tour SA, especially that MK hasn't been there since 2001 and it's always a good occasion when you practically have the tour organized for you (by Bob's team that is). In the meantime the album will be ready for release in fall, as usual. Speculating is fun :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: shooting_star_night on February 14, 2012, 12:25:16 AM
reply today:
Sorry but I don't know the touring schedule as yet although there is planning underway

Thank you :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 14, 2012, 09:14:59 PM
Honestly, I'd rather see him play along with bob, without his band. And then a full tour next year.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 14, 2012, 09:25:18 PM
Honestly, I'd rather see him play along with bob, without his band. And then a full tour next year.

That's OK by me!   Just so long as we get a proper MK tour next year!   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 15, 2012, 12:57:08 PM
Honestly, I'd rather see him play along with bob, without his band. And then a full tour next year.

You're kidding me!  I couldn't care less if he ever played with BD again.  This just delays and delays his album and we all know how lazy he is without other distractions.  I just want this album done and dusted before he forgets he ever wrote it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 15, 2012, 01:52:34 PM
After the way Bob ignored Guy and the rest of the band last time, maybe they would prefer MK to do it without them!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on February 15, 2012, 02:00:57 PM
I don't think they would turn down work just because the other act on the bill didn't say hello to them last time.
My guess is that they couldn't care less who said hi to whom. (who, whom? which is correct, I never know).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on February 15, 2012, 02:50:56 PM
You're kidding me!  I couldn't care less if he ever played with BD again.  This just delays and delays his album and we all know how lazy he is without other distractions.  I just want this album done and dusted before he forgets he ever wrote it.

This is great! Maybe he can shelve this album, and in a decade or so release it as the great lost album! He hasn't give  us any such curios, so why not do it now!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 15, 2012, 03:36:59 PM
I don't think they would turn down work just because the other act on the bill didn't say hello to them last time.
My guess is that they couldn't care less who said hi to whom. (who, whom? which is correct, I never know).

Oh, I wasn't implying that they would turn it down, not at all!  Rather that they might not be too disappointed, if MK went alone and played with Bob's band on this occasion.     :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on February 21, 2012, 01:18:43 PM
I notice someone asked GF about playing alongside Brian May and Guy said he rather liked it....

Whilst a completely different player to our Mark, one thing Brian has in common is a distinct taste for chordal based melody rather than running up and down scales when soloing. Is anyone else on AMIT a Queen fan? All their 70s stuff is incredible, musically speaking - I have had to learn a few songs for covers and he complexity is amazing.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 21, 2012, 02:00:46 PM
Not especially a fan of Queen but Brian May was in the year below me at school. My aunt, now long dead I'm afraid to say, knew his mother, as I recall.

The same school also had (a few years ahead of me but in the same house) Paul Samwell-Smith of the Yardbirds (later a record producer) and Murray Head (who appeared in the film "Sunday Bloody Sunday", the musical "Chess" and had a hit with "One Night In Bangkok")
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on February 21, 2012, 02:06:04 PM
Well I wouldn't miss any school reunions.... Great stuff! :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on February 21, 2012, 02:12:20 PM
Yeah, I quite like Queen's early stuff and some of the later one, not so much We are the Champions and that kind of things.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 21, 2012, 02:59:01 PM
When i was there, the school was a state school but it has now gone private. For many years, I lived quite a long way away but I did go back once to look around and to show it to my wife.  I also registered with the Old Boys association but have never attended any of their functions. Brian May is now a governor at the school and assisted with the establishment of a performing arts centre or something similar.

Jim McCarty of The Yardbirds (he may still play with them) was also at the school but I don't recall him.

There was another guy there, though, called Paul Stewart (I think that was his name) who fronted a group called The Others. They got a deal with Fontana and issued a single (Fontana TF501, "Oh Yeah" b/w "I'm Taking Her Home") that Jimmy Saville used to play on the radio. It was run of the mill beat/r'n'b, quite good of its type but I was more of a jazz/blues purist back then. Nevertheless, I'd have had my money on them to get somewhere but I understand that Paul Stewart decided not to pursue it any further, after that first single. "Oh Yeah" is on this double vinyl album, which I do have:


... but the best thing about it is the cover art, which shows two paintings (by Tony Wright) of Potters Music Shop in Richmond, Surrey
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 21, 2012, 03:03:02 PM
Just found this:


"Oh Yeah", as you can see, was the Bo Diddley song, but one of the co-writers of the B-side was "P.Stewart", the guy I mentioned.

I left that school in the summer and this single wasn't released until September, by which time I lived in a different part of London. That's probably why it's all so vague. I do have a memory of going to some jazz venue (probably The Palm Court Hotel in Richmond to see the Dick Morrissey Quartet) and travelling back by bus with someone, who pointed out a 1930s-style block of flats somewhere between Richmond and Twickenham and said that Paul Stewart was renting a flat there. Since I was living in digs in North London, this seemed rather glamorous.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 21, 2012, 05:27:40 PM
love those stories twm, pls do keep them coming!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 21, 2012, 05:50:32 PM
Musician Malcolm Middleton went to the same school as me, albeit three years ahead!  Of course you all know who he is but just in case:


Also Adam Crozier, chief executive of ITV!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 21, 2012, 06:27:11 PM
Musician Malcolm Middleton went to the same school as me, albeit three years ahead!  Of course you all know who he is but just in case:


Also Adam Crozier, chief executive of ITV!
oh my lord, the world famous Malcolm M.... ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 21, 2012, 07:14:10 PM
Yes, I remember Adam Crozier. He closed a large number of post offices, removed the second postal delivery of the day, moved the one remaining postal delivery to much later in the day (causing lots of small businesses problems) and made large numbers of Royal Mail staff redundant, whilst being paid a huge salary himself.

The other guy, I don't know.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 21, 2012, 07:29:22 PM
Yes, I remember Adam Crozier. He closed a large number of post offices, removed the second postal delivery of the day, moved the one remaining postal delivery to much later in the day (causing lots of small businesses problems) and made large numbers of Royal Mail staff redundant, whilst being paid a huge salary himself.

The other guy, I don't know.

 :-[ :-[
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 21, 2012, 07:39:18 PM
Yes, I remember Adam Crozier. He closed a large number of post offices, removed the second postal delivery of the day, moved the one remaining postal delivery to much later in the day (causing lots of small businesses problems) and made large numbers of Royal Mail staff redundant, whilst being paid a huge salary himself.

I'm quite sure one man isn't responsible for such a decision; it was probably a clerical error!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 22, 2012, 02:08:49 AM
Of course, you're right in saying that one man alone could not be responsible but he was the top guy:


Note all the stuff about foregoing bonuses, about hypocrisy in salary and pay policies, about not rewarding failure and about inappropriate timing. This could be today but was, in fact, in 2007, under the previous government, who did not address these issues then. Now in opposition, they decry these self-same things. I do not wish to introduce party politics into this - what I am trying to say is that, when politicians accuse others of double standards, they are often being hypocritical themselves. Unfortunately, they and their electorates have short memories.

Crozier, prior to being at Royal Mail, headed up the Football Association. Unlike some, I can accept a Scot being in charge at the (English) FA, though I doubt it would happen in reverse. He achieved some significant changes at the FA but he was the  man in charge when the Swede, Sven-G
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 22, 2012, 09:18:50 AM

Crozier, prior to being at Royal Mail, headed up the Football Association. Unlike some, I can accept a Scot being in charge at the (English) FA, though I doubt it would happen in reverse. He acheived some significant changes at the FA but he was the  man in charge when the Swede, Sven-G
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 22, 2012, 10:38:43 AM
If the Scottish people vote for independence, then, as an independent country, Scotland will have no representation in the Houses of Parliament. That much is clear but much else is unclear. What will happen to the Scottish peers in the House of Lords, for example? The impact on the composition of the House of Commons will be huge; there will be many fewer Labour MPs and many fewer Lib Dem MPs, if past voting patterns are anything to go by. That has implications for those of us south of the border.

I follow politics a bit but I am not a party political animal - fiscally to the right of centre and socially to the left of centre. I am highly suspicious of all politicians. Sometimes they lie outright; sometimes they lie by not revealing the whole truth; and sometimes they lie by mixing what is true with elements that are not true or, at best, are misleading. Let me give one example (and forgive me if I have said this before) but it is a myth that the NHS was the brainchild of the Labour Party.  The origins and founding of the NHS are much more complex than that simple notion but the simplistic version is peddled even to this day.

Incidentally and getting back to the original question, the phrase "National Health Service" only applies to the NHS in England. There is and always has been a separate NHS Scotland and, from the outset, this was the responsibilty of the Secretary of State for Scotand, not the Health Minister. There are separate arrangements in Wales and Northern Ireland. I could argue that there has never, ever, been a true national NHS in the United Kingdom!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 22, 2012, 10:45:04 AM
i think THE person to talk now would be our very own Dustyval, where are you son??
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 22, 2012, 10:51:42 AM
i think THE person to talk now would be our very own Dustyval, where are you son??

He is the very person I was referring to!     ;)

twm, Thanks!    I expect all of the Scots at present in the English Parliament would have to be re-elected into Scottish constituencies and then bye-elections would take place for the vacancies in the English constituencies.  Is that so?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 22, 2012, 10:56:35 AM
i think twm and val should meet :-)
coffee or something..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 22, 2012, 11:49:05 AM
No, it is not as clear as that, I'm afraid. I think what would happen is that the MPs in the Commons who represent Scottish constituencies would be out of work, irrespective of where they were born. Most were born in Scotland but that is not the point. On the hand, Scottish-born MPs currently in the Commons but representing English constituencies would continue to represent those same constituencies in the Commons. Place of birth is not the deciding factor here. We have had, for example, German-born MPs in the Commons. But what will happen in the future?

Sitting MPs, particularly long-standing ones who have been "good" local MPs in English constituencies, may well continue to be re-elected by their constituents; Scottish independence would not much change that.

For the future, Scots-born aspirant polticians would have to decide whether or not to try to become an MSP in Holyrood or an MP in the House of Commons. If the latter, they would be in the same position as all other prospective MPs. They would have to be selected as candidates by their local party members and, come the next election in that constituency, be elected (or not) by the local voters.  The unknown factor is whether English voters will wish to be represented by a Scot in the Commons? On the whole, English local political party members and voters in English constituencies have been more open to electing someone who is not English to represent them than has been true in Scotland.

By the way, that is not a sleight on the Scots (I have lived and worked there for many years in the past, have family though marriage in Scotland, all my children were born there and have many Scots friends) but a statement of fact, based on the past record. I am aware that part of the reason for this is that, by and large, English politicians would not consider a career in Scottish politics, whereas the opposite is clearly not so.

I lived in Scotland in the late 1970s when there was a referendum on Scottish devolution and, though English-born, got a vote. There was a a slight majority in favour of devolution but the turnout was less than two-thirds of the electorate. One of the rules was that at least 40% of the whole electorate had to vote for devolution. As I recall, this rule was introduced as the result of an amendment to the devolution legislation tabled by a Scots-born MP representing a North London constituency (Edmonton?). Anyway, the vote and the turnout meant that only one-third of the electorate had supported devolution and thus it failed at that time. As it happens, my view is that a simple majority (50% + 1) should not be sufficient for any such constitutional change. I would apply this not only to a referendum in Scotland but also to any referendum on, for example, change within the EU. These are issues that are so important that a substantial majority should be required.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 22, 2012, 11:58:33 AM
Thanks twm!   I didn't really think it would be as simple as I expected!    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 22, 2012, 12:18:59 PM
I'm Scottish too remember and well old enogh to vote!

btw twm we do have an Englishman in charge of the SFA at the moment, a Stewart Regan who used to be cheif executive of Yorkshire County Cricket Club!  Says a lot for our game!

Scotland cannot become independant at this time and I believe Alex Salmond knows this himself which is why this devo max option has come about.  Most of the major industry has shut down and moved to England and all that's left here now is whisky and oil.  Most of the North Sea oil now has to drilled using new techniques too involving deep drilling which isn't ideal.  Also, the current economic climate would make it a poorly chosen moment if ever there was one to leave the UK.

Polls show that most Scots don't want independance but interestingly, more English than Scots do!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 22, 2012, 12:30:50 PM
Hi dmg!   Sorry, I didn't intend to hurt your feelings - I thought of Dusty, because I believe he is connected to The Scottish Parliament.   Anyway, I tend to agree with what you have said about independence.   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 22, 2012, 03:49:06 PM
I tried to post a "REPLY" earlier but it disappeared.

Thanks for the info about Stewart Regan.

It depends what you mean by "major" industry, I suppose. The changes you describe were ever thus. I can give examples based on my jobs in Scotland 20, 30 and even 40 years ago.  These may have been accelerated and brought into sharper focus by the economic woes currently besetting the western world but such changes have been there a long time, in England as well as Scotland. Wales, too.

From my perspective, the answer to the question of independence should not be based on the economic climate. Either the people of Scotland wish for independence or they do not. The SNP has sought to gain independence for decades, in good times and in bad, economically speaking. It should have the courage of its convictions. If it does not believe that the Scottish people can be trusted to decide, it is not fit to govern. The stuff about extending the referendum vote to include those age 16 and 17 and about Devo Max is a distraction. It should not depend on things like that. I know that some believe timing is everything but a decision made because the omens are propitious at a particular point in time is not necessarily a decision made in the longer-term interests of the nation. They need to feel it in their hearts and souls. Similar to wedding vows but, in a sense, the very opposite, being a separation, it should be for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health and forever.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 22, 2012, 10:02:11 PM
still no dustyval..... ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on February 22, 2012, 10:24:19 PM
He mentioned some internet connection problems recently, didn't he?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 23, 2012, 08:22:08 AM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on February 23, 2012, 10:41:05 AM
Hey jbaent, what's wrong? Bad mood day? C'mon, it IS boring at AMIT at the moment... To be honest, but that's just normal. Most interesting thing that has happened in the last few days was that Jackal has changed his avatar. But there is something in the air because I think most of us are just waiting for tour dates, album release date, last diary entry and stuff like that.

I know you are referring to some other (Shakespeare) threads and you are right of course, but I think this is an important part of AMIT - posting off-topic-related stuff was one of the main reasons for founding AMIT if I am not mistaken.. (I might be because I discovered it just one year later, back in 2009, when you all had already lived here for more than a year...)


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on February 23, 2012, 11:07:01 AM
but I think this is an important part of AMIT -

I agree, it can be annoying (in that case, I just don't read), but most of the time it's fun!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 23, 2012, 08:58:14 PM
Hey jbaent, what's wrong? Bad mood day?

It is because of Jackal new avatar, it drives me crazy!!!!

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on February 23, 2012, 10:07:51 PM
Hey jbaent, what's wrong? Bad mood day?

It is because of Jackal new avatar, it drives me crazy!!!!

 ;D ;D ;D

Ok, I take a hint. Zoot will do.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: shooting_star_night on February 23, 2012, 10:40:15 PM
Hey jbaent, what's wrong? Bad mood day?

It is because of Jackal new avatar, it drives me crazy!!!!

 ;D ;D ;D

Ok, I take a hint. Zoot will do.

It is a nice avatar  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tunnel85 on February 24, 2012, 12:35:12 PM
Hey jbaent, what's wrong? Bad mood day?

It is because of Jackal new avatar, it drives me crazy!!!!

 ;D ;D ;D

Ok, I take a hint. Zoot will do.

It is a nice avatar  ;)

Nice indeed !
Hey Jackal, does it mean you like Tony Joe White too ?  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on February 24, 2012, 12:56:54 PM
You mean the avatar looks a bit likt TJW? Maybe. The Muppet character is named after the jazz saxophonist Zoot Sims. As for TJW, I haven't really heard much of his music.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tunnel85 on February 24, 2012, 08:03:52 PM
You mean the avatar looks a bit likt TJW? Maybe. The Muppet character is named after the jazz saxophonist Zoot Sims. As for TJW, I haven't really heard much of his music.
A little bit  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on February 24, 2012, 10:19:15 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on February 24, 2012, 10:55:30 PM
Seems like Ruth Moody, a soprano singer-songwriter and member of the Canadian folk trio The Wailin' Jennys, will appear on Mark's record. Apparently both backing vocals and a duet with Mark. Anyone know anything about her?
Edit: Now I know that she's got a beautiful voice :)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 25, 2012, 08:30:35 PM
Hi Jarle!   I had a few words with Ruth Moody after Transatlantic Sessions in Gateshead.   She seems a really nice, friendly person and, having heard her sing, I can confirm that she has a beautiful voice.  She is from Winnipeg in Canada.   I am really looking forward to hearing her sing on the album with MK.   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 25, 2012, 10:46:45 PM
I wonder how MK gets to know such artists and think about getting them to sing in the album...

Guy said about "guest singers", so I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: sak4 on February 27, 2012, 07:23:06 PM
I wonder how MK gets to know such artists and think about getting them to sing in the album...

Guy said about "guest singers", so I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 28, 2012, 01:16:44 AM
Could Dylan be one of the guests? The world holds it breath.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on February 28, 2012, 08:52:26 AM
Could Dylan be one of the guests? The world holds it breath.

I would hold my ears if that was the case.

I know I know, cheap, easy and we've been here before, but Dylan? Singing? Today?, really?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 28, 2012, 09:29:33 AM
Could Dylan be one of the guests? The world holds it breath.

I can only hold my breath hoping and praying it won't be true!   ;)

On the other hand, it would be interesting to see how Dylan would interpret a Knopfler song instead of the other way around.   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 28, 2012, 10:42:05 AM
i damn well hope so. (that he does sing on the album) remember that studio conditions cannot be compared with live performances.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 28, 2012, 11:02:20 AM
.... remember that studio conditions cannot be compared with live performances.

In the case of Bob, that's something we can only be thankful for!    MK fares pretty well live - in fact I prefer him performing live over studio!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on February 28, 2012, 11:06:31 AM
i damn well hope so. (that he does sing on the album) remember that studio conditions cannot be compared with live performances.

That's true mind you.

still....I'd rather not
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 28, 2012, 11:56:39 AM
Could Dylan be one of the guests? The world holds it breath.

I agree that Bob voice nowadays its not the best to have him as a guest on your album, but considering that Bob has turn to blues in his own records lately, damm, I hope that they do an album together, sharing vocals... It will be pretty good.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 28, 2012, 12:06:24 PM
I do enjoy most of Bob's albums and especially the bluesy songs, so it would be interesting to hear a duet of them both singing an MK blues song, with Kim Wilson on harmonica.  Just don't let Bob mess up Mark's guitarwork, please!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 28, 2012, 09:47:16 PM
Could Dylan be one of the guests? The world holds it breath.

Come one, let the world breathe...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 29, 2012, 09:55:03 AM
I was speaking with my tongue in my cheek and it was just speculation but, even if true, Dylan could simply play harmonica.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 29, 2012, 09:57:07 AM
And what would you think if the contribution was a new Dylan song or the co-writing of a song?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on February 29, 2012, 09:57:51 AM
With Kim Wilson on board, Dylan on the harmonica is not an option either (would be like Guy playing banjo when they have Tim O'brien)

Anyway, I am pretty sure Guy has answered that question, there is no guest appearance by BD on the album.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on February 29, 2012, 09:58:37 AM
And what would you think if the contribution was a new Dylan song or the co-writing of a song?

Now THAT would be nice. Dylan is still a fantastic song writer
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 29, 2012, 10:34:44 AM
With Kim Wilson on board, Dylan on the harmonica is not an option either (would be like Guy playing banjo when they have Tim O'brien)

 :lol    :lol     Love it!     ;D   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 29, 2012, 10:51:12 AM
And what would you think if the contribution was a new Dylan song or the co-writing of a song?

no need of a Dylan song in a MK cd, never happened, but his writting its the only thing that Dylan has to contribute nowadays.

co-writing of a song, well, thats ok for me.

but please, dont sing, please dont blow any harmonica and please please, take out all guitars from him!!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 29, 2012, 11:13:21 AM
And what would you think if the contribution was a new Dylan song or the co-writing of a song?

no need of a Dylan song in a MK cd, never happened, but his writting its the only thing that Dylan has to contribute nowadays.

co-writing of a song, well, thats ok for me.

but please, dont sing, please dont blow any harmonica and please please, take out all guitars from him!!!!

Hi Jbaent, I agree entirely!    ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jagry on February 29, 2012, 02:00:57 PM
Guy is building up the new diary entry 6!!! ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rollergirl on February 29, 2012, 02:15:25 PM
Guy is building up the new diary entry 6!!! ;D

Yes, he's started on it, so my guess is will see it next Tuesday!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 29, 2012, 04:12:26 PM
Guy is building up the new diary entry 6!!! ;D

Yes, he's started on it, so my guess is will see it next Tuesday!

Twm, do you think that Guy will make any reference to that "guest-rumour" about Dylan? I mean, is it something about to happen, something that already happened or what?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 29, 2012, 04:39:24 PM
I have no idea whatsoever what Guy may or may not post on his forum.

I have heard no specific rumours about Dylan appearing on Mark's new album. I was speculating, as I tried to make clear.

To speculate further, what about Mark appearing on Dylan's next album? If things went so well when touring together last year, I'd've thought that it was possible. Any rumours from your side?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 29, 2012, 04:59:16 PM
would lovvvvvveeee that!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 29, 2012, 05:38:26 PM
I have no idea whatsoever what Guy may or may not post on his forum.

I have heard no specific rumours about Dylan appearing on Mark's new album. I was speculating, as I tried to make clear.

To speculate further, what about Mark appearing on Dylan's next album? If things went so well when touring together last year, I'd've thought that it was possible. Any rumours from your side?

No idea about it as my side is knopflerian and doesnt know (and doesnt mind) about Dylan at all.

About your speculation, I thought that Bob Dylan would visit MK
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on February 29, 2012, 05:55:29 PM
Do you have an outline chronology of Mark's recording this new album? If you do, it may help.

Is it possible to look back over the last few months (maybe more) and to gather together any chronological dating of the sessions for his new album. Although specific dates would be useful, more general information would be equally interesting.
Let me give an example (and  I am making this up, folks)  :-
Mid-August 2011: MK started the recording sessions and carried on for about two weeks
Early September: MK took a break for some unknown reason
Mid-September: MK restarted the sessions but broke them off again to rehearse for the Dylan tour
Late-September and early-October : tour rehearsals
8 October to 21 November : MK toured Europe with Dylan
During the London tour dates, Stu Kimball visited the studios
Following the last London show, MK continued the recording sessions
About three weeks later: MK completed the basic recordings
Mid-December 2011 to early January 2012: holiday season break
Mid-January 2012 and for the rest of the month:  overdub sessions
Third week of February: commenced mixing

Is it possible from your sources to produce anything like this?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 29, 2012, 06:22:02 PM
Yes, you only have to follow Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 29, 2012, 06:45:34 PM
Yes, you only have to follow Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 29, 2012, 07:12:08 PM
Yes, you only have to follow Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 29, 2012, 09:21:49 PM
Guy said that Dylan didnt visit the British Grove Studio when in London...

What a gentleman  :o  :disbelief
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 29, 2012, 11:30:06 PM
If it would have happened, e.g. To record an album, or to record with mark, I don't think guy would tell us,... At ALL.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on March 01, 2012, 01:35:54 AM
Look, no problem.

From memory, there has been something to indicate the sequence of events in Guy's Forum, in Richard Bennet's blog, from some comments on AMIT and from comments made by various MK fans I bumped into in the course of the BD/MK tour last year, some of whom had spoken to members of the MK touring party.  As you know, this is not my main area of interest, so I'm not disposed to go digging myself, but, if it were a Dylan album being recorded, somebody from amongst the Dylan fanbase (and probably more than one person) would have begun to pull this all together to produce some sort of chronology, however vague.

I just kinda thought that some keen MK fan might have done this already or might be in the process of doing this. Apparently not but that's OK. It's not an obligation. It's not a measure of your level of interest in what MK does. It's not some sort of virility test.

For no obvious reason, this quotation has come into my mind: "Where lucidity reigns, a scale of values becomes unnecessary". I'll have to have a think about where I've seen it. I am really not sure but I think it was Albert Camus who said or wrote this. Please help me out here, Francophones. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 01, 2012, 10:01:56 AM
Well, most of us are very aware of that chronology not only for this record but for almost everything MK has done since internet and the various diaries and sites exists.

Its a good idea to set up that calendar as you did, but for any reason, none of us felt never the need to do it, as Guy itself was marking that calendar little by little with his diaries and his forum, so it looks like we felt we already had it.

And there is somethig I had to say earlier, Twm, thanks for sorting the calendar as you did, its very nice, being something easy to do, nobody did, so thanks for it!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 01, 2012, 10:35:12 AM
ahum Jbaent, that was only an example.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on March 01, 2012, 11:14:54 AM
Please, jbaent, that calendar was not real. I invented it. Some of it is accurate but I wrote the rest of it without checking. As pottel has said, it was only an example.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 01, 2012, 11:21:25 AM
Sounded logical to me, pretty close to what really happened, I didnt checked either but made sense to me...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on March 01, 2012, 01:15:53 PM
I tried to make it as logical as possible but some of it is invention.  If you get the chance and the time to amend it where it is wrong or misleading, that would be great.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on March 01, 2012, 02:44:35 PM
RE: "Where lucidity reigns, a scale of values becomes unnecessary" (in Post # 449):

I thought I remembered where I found the above quotation, checked and it was there. I found it in a book entitled "Jazz - Its Evolution and Essence" by Andre Hodeir. The translation of the text appears to date from 1956, as published by The Grove Press, but I have it in a 1961 paperback published by Black Cat. I probably bought 45 years ago , so the paper is beginning to go yellow and one or two pages are working their way loose. DOWNBEAT said it was "The best analytical book on jazz ever written", which sums it up well. That probably explains why "Where lucidity reigns, a scale of values becomes unnecessary" appears on the title page for the INTRODUCTION section.

So I've now done a bit of scouting on-line. It looks like you can upload the book here:


Or you can read it here from the original Grove edition:


The quotation is attributed to Albert Camus but I have no idea which of his works it comes from. Everywhere I look, it comes back to Hodeir's book, not the original source. If anyone can locate the original Camus source, that would be of interest to me.

Some of the Hodeir book will be a touch difficult to read for those less interested in jazz but some of his comments have a link to the wider arts in general, including popular music . For example, the chapter "Notes on the Problem of Creation", whilst about jazz and using terms not politically correct these days, discusses drawing on the past and the work of one's forebears and developing one's own style, with reference to both art and jazz. Some of the commentary applies to other forms of music, too.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on March 01, 2012, 03:12:49 PM
I decided to translate it and check quotation in French and it is from Albert Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus" which is a book, as I recall, mentioned by David Blue in the Dylan film "Renaldo And Clara". It's funny how these things loop round.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 01, 2012, 03:14:28 PM
Hey, twm,

It's from "The Myth of Sisyphus":

 and would be in another translation:  Where lucidity dominates, the scale of values becomes useless

It is nearly at the end of the text, the last two or three pages you will find it, depends on what print you use.
If you have a copy of it, you will find it.


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 01, 2012, 03:15:05 PM
Oh, sorry, too late...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on March 01, 2012, 08:40:23 PM
Thanks, anyway, LE. As I have often had cause to say to people in the past, I'd rather hear something twice than not at all.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: naif on March 02, 2012, 12:14:41 PM
Hi everyone! Guy uploaded the diary 6:


not too much info for now but Guy is Guy ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dannyjun on March 02, 2012, 12:22:41 PM
Yeah, but hey, Ruth Moody
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: naif on March 02, 2012, 12:25:06 PM
Yeah, but hey, Ruth Moody
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 02, 2012, 01:20:26 PM
double cd anyone? or a box with unreleased gems on top of that?....aaaahhh.. ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on March 02, 2012, 01:26:45 PM
Yeah a whole box, please. And priced accordingly to these huge boxes that a certain Mr. Rea from Middlesbrough is launching since "Blue Guitars"....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on March 02, 2012, 01:29:43 PM
A mention for Glyn Johns, still working hard since the hazy days with The Beatles!

There's so much gorgeous equipment in those photos, what a studio.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on March 02, 2012, 08:34:49 PM
Guy referred to seeing Ian again in the studio...followed with this.."He left with the tunes in his head looking forward to our next meeting later in the year. More on that soon.". Sounds like tour rehearsals to me  ;D.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on March 02, 2012, 10:36:32 PM
Guy referred to seeing Ian again in the studio...followed with this.."He left with the tunes in his head looking forward to our next meeting later in the year. More on that soon.". Sounds like tour rehearsals to me  ;D.

Interesting... Since the mixing has begun, I suppose there will be no more recording?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 03, 2012, 11:24:36 PM
Guy referred to seeing Ian again in the studio...followed with this.."He left with the tunes in his head looking forward to our next meeting later in the year. More on that soon.". Sounds like tour rehearsals to me  ;D.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on March 04, 2012, 12:36:50 AM
Guy referred to seeing Ian again in the studio...followed with this.."He left with the tunes in his head looking forward to our next meeting later in the year. More on that soon.". Sounds like tour rehearsals to me  ;D.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 04, 2012, 12:51:40 AM
No, like this:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 04, 2012, 01:47:54 AM
Ye, thats da idea!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: PixelPerfect on March 11, 2012, 12:42:36 AM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 19, 2012, 12:38:03 PM

I got an answer from him today, "Doh", and I have no idea what he means by that. I am aware of the Simpsons relation, but can't interpret it because I am not English spoken. Any help/suggestions are very much appreciated...

I think he doesn't like me (anymore), never get more than just "cheers", "yes", "no", and now "doh"....  :'( :'( :'( :'(

 :lol  :lol :lol

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: DIFFICULTTOBELIEVE on March 19, 2012, 12:48:58 PM

I got an answer from him today, "Doh", and I have no idea what he means by that. I am aware of the Simpsons relation, but can't interpret it because I am not English spoken. Any help/suggestions are very much appreciated...

I think he doesn't like me (anymore), never get more than just "cheers", "yes", "no", and now "doh"....  :'( :'( :'( :'(

 :lol  :lol :lol


My interpretation would be that Guy thinks you asked a dumb question and that anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know that he could not give an answer! Sorry !!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Waterline Man on March 19, 2012, 04:52:03 PM

I got an answer from him today, "Doh", and I have no idea what he means by that. I am aware of the Simpsons relation, but can't interpret it because I am not English spoken. Any help/suggestions are very much appreciated...

I think he doesn't like me (anymore), never get more than just "cheers", "yes", "no", and now "doh"....  :'( :'( :'( :'(

 :lol  :lol :lol


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khSIYmTzt6U       :disbelief :disbelief ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on March 19, 2012, 05:06:17 PM
LE, as Burt Simpson says: Damn if you do and damn if you don't!
I guess Doh, is just the Homer way of saying the same thing, with a pinch of boredom, disbelief and sense knowing but can't reveal a thing,( while he doesn't really know but is too thirsty and sober to think about it before he has a couple of dozen beers. ) By the way what was your question?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 19, 2012, 07:14:38 PM
Homer Simpson says DOH when he makes something wrong, got kicked / hit by something / someone etc etc etc
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 19, 2012, 07:17:09 PM
Oh, VGONIS, nothing of importance really, in fact I was just fooling around a little bit... It was just a dump question that anyone with an ounce
of intelligence would know that he could not give an answer
, these kind of things, you know...


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 19, 2012, 07:19:12 PM
My interpretation would be that Guy thinks you asked a dumb question and that anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know that he could not give an answer! Sorry !!


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: DIFFICULTTOBELIEVE on March 19, 2012, 10:51:46 PM
Correct - the question was a dumb one imo. It's not like you've never visited the forum before and are unaware of the constraints that Guy has to apply to his answers. Most of your quesstions to Guy are good btw, but not that one.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 20, 2012, 07:55:44 AM
Oh, it was just that I was  more expecting an AAAARGH. It was only the DOH itself that I was puzzled about...


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 20, 2012, 08:55:15 AM
A clarification of terms is in place, I think:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 20, 2012, 09:00:59 AM
Correct - the question was a dumb one imo. It's not like you've never visited the forum before and are unaware of the constraints that Guy has to apply to his answers. Most of your quesstions to Guy are good btw, but not that one.

C'mon - I think LE knew he asked a silly question. It was supposed to sound humorous and invite Guy to play along, just for fun. No need to be nasty and talk about people's intelligence. Back to Guy, as with most forums ironic statements are most often not understood well, and given the fact that there are people who would ask a question like LE's in all seriousness, I guess Guy has all the right in the world to dismiss it with a "duh" (but not a "doh").
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 20, 2012, 09:13:47 AM
Correct - the question was a dumb one imo. It's not like you've never visited the forum before and are unaware of the constraints that Guy has to apply to his answers. Most of your quesstions to Guy are good btw, but not that one.

C'mon - I think LE knew he asked a silly question. It was supposed to sound humorous and invite Guy to play along, just for fun. No need to be nasty and talk about people's intelligence. Back to Guy, as with most forums ironic statements are most often not understood well, and given the fact that there are people who would ask a question like LE's in all seriousness, I guess Guy has all the right in the world to dismiss it with a "duh" (but not a "doh").
i see nothing wrong with dtb's post. he did not talk nasty bout LE's intelligence (see the line where he goes "most of your questions are good btw but not that one."
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 20, 2012, 09:26:07 AM
Pottel, If you look back to DTB's first post on the subject, he did, indeed, mention LE's intelligence!  

In any case, it's just a storm in a cup of PG Tips!   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: DIFFICULTTOBELIEVE on March 20, 2012, 09:42:31 AM
Apologies - no offence intended at all.   Superval, in my first post on the subject I meant that Guy was the one questioning LE's intelligence, not me. It's funny how a sentence can mean one thing to someone and is seen differently by somebody else. ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 20, 2012, 09:47:22 AM

DTB, Yes I read it wrongly - I apologise.    :)     As I said it's a storm in a teacup!    ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 20, 2012, 09:53:07 AM
Apologies - no offence intended at all.   Superval, in my first post on the subject I meant that Guy was the one questioning LE's intelligence, not me. It's funny how a sentence can mean one thing to someone and is seen differently by somebody else. ???

So it was a very poorly chosen wording then. You said that Guy thought it would be a dumb question, you think it was a dumb question, you said that "anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know that he could not give an answer!" Not very subtle.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 20, 2012, 10:17:31 AM
pretty sure LE sees this half as bad as we do ...right LE?  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 20, 2012, 11:40:39 AM
Actually I empathize with LE, I have just one week left of holydays, and supposed plans are that Mk will be touring the US with Old Boring Bob, but if it happens that MK will tour Europe, I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 20, 2012, 11:50:17 AM
Actually I sent a question to Guy about it. I think I was a little hard on him, but well, sometimes I get the feeling that they dont mind about the fans at all...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 20, 2012, 01:18:40 PM
you probably meant "don't CARE" instead of "mind" right?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 20, 2012, 01:22:13 PM
you probably meant "don't CARE" instead of "mind" right?

I tried to be polite  ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 20, 2012, 07:52:36 PM

I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde.

Dolly Parton 

No offence taken, really. I think we better move on. I am more embarrassed by the fact that in the meantime this stuff fills two pages at this forum than feeling embarrassed by Guy, who never seems to take more time for an answer than it takes to read the question. I can't blame him for that, he has some serious and important work to do, and that's the real thing.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on March 20, 2012, 10:24:17 PM
Guess it doesn't take much to set this place off..last fall it was Bob's lack of a proper smile..and today..a Homeresque DOOOOHHH!!
(http://www.likeablequotes.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Homer-doh.jpg)      ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 21, 2012, 08:31:10 AM

I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde.

Dolly Parton 

No offence taken, really. I think we better move on. I am more embarrassed by the fact that in the meantime this stuff fills two pages at this forum than feeling embarrassed by Guy, who never seems to take more time for an answer than it takes to read the question. I can't blame him for that, he has some serious and important work to do, and that's the real thing.


In Spain we say that to be (or talk) polite doesnt cost a f+ck+ng sh+t  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 21, 2012, 02:25:59 PM
someone wanna do the math?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on March 21, 2012, 05:05:35 PM
A couple of new photos is out, too... Seems like Mark is playing guitar on the album :)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 21, 2012, 08:34:31 PM
One of the coolest pics in Guy's studio diaries for years! Thanks!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on March 22, 2012, 09:31:37 AM
A couple of new photos is out, too... Seems like Mark is playing guitar on the album :)


Good news! ;-)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on March 22, 2012, 04:34:35 PM
shame...it's the sig strat, I'd prefer if it was the "real" 61 one
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 22, 2012, 11:57:02 PM
Is Mark vain somehow? Seems to Take Off his glasses for every photo opportunity...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 23, 2012, 07:48:28 AM
He probably knows that Guy is bombarded with questions from more or less intelligent and normal people like you and me about that...

And as the whole picture is mimed, he actually plugged in his Strat just for this reason... Because I don't think that at the last day of mixing there is some guitar part to be played....

Guy's hair is nearly as long as Chuck's...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on March 23, 2012, 09:05:19 AM
I reckon that the combination headphones plus glasses isn't very comfortable.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on March 23, 2012, 01:32:14 PM
[quote author=Jean-Fran
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 23, 2012, 02:02:53 PM
He said in an old interview (80s) that he used Schecters not because they necessarily sounded better, but because they were more reliable. Back in the day, you either had "old" Fender Strats or new Fender Strats, which weren't very good in those days. Now it's a different story. Better quality, he has his own model, he is also more happy about that vintage Strat sound, hence very little use of Schecters and Pensas. I used to think the Pensa Suhr MKI sounded like the best guitar ever, but these days, listening to Basel or something with NHB, it sounds lifeless.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on March 23, 2012, 03:13:52 PM
For Strats, I don't think he's used anything but the signature model since it first came out! I haven't seen him with the '61 since the StP tour.

I have seen him with the '61 since the STP tour :
check this gallery I posted on Ingo's blog : http://www.mk-guitar.com/mark-knopfler-gear-database/fender-stratocaster-1961/ (http://www.mk-guitar.com/mark-knopfler-gear-database/fender-stratocaster-1961/)
he has it with him for itw in 2005

I'm sure (or I hope ?  ::)) he still use it in studio sometimes
at least, it features on some Guy's pics in previous stuiod diaries

I used to think the Pensa Suhr MKI sounded like the best guitar ever, but these days, listening to Basel or something with NHB, it sounds lifeless.

I've never liked the pensa. I already feel that at that time :)

when I saw him during 2005 tour, I was a bit far from the stage, and at first I thought he was playing on this '61 strat. I tought
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 23, 2012, 08:31:25 PM
My favorite is still the black pensa playing water of love for the nineties NHb tour....then that strange one in the so far away vid, always fascinated me...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on March 23, 2012, 09:24:37 PM
My favorite is still the black pensa playing water of love for the nineties NHb tour....

yes this one (pic attached). It looks nice, but his tone of this era (88-93) aren't my cup of tea.
IMHO too much "polished", too much "clean", not enough "raw"
I far prefer his tones from 77-85, more "vintage" (especialy 77-79)

then that strange one in the so far away vid, always fascinated me...

yes, his first pensa, which controlled the synclaviar :

http://www.mk-guitar.com/?s=synclaviar&x=0&y=0 (http://www.mk-guitar.com/?s=synclaviar&x=0&y=0)

he also used it on RATR in 86
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 24, 2012, 10:44:18 AM
Man i love that Black one....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 24, 2012, 04:14:09 PM
The black Pensa Suhr was my favorite of Mark's guitars for many years, but I just realized it has only one pot! I guess they ditched the tone circuit to have as pure tone as possible.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 24, 2012, 04:19:18 PM

I agree with you that Basel sound is lifeless compared to others but it's not due to the Pensa

if you listen to Mandela 88,Knebworth 90,Basel 92,On The night ''93''
the sound of the MK1 is completely different in each of them

I should have specified that I meant the clean sound. When he plays Sultans at the Mandela, Basel and the London (Golden Heart) shows, it sounds lifeless to me. Mostly due to the EMG pickups I think. The overdriven sounds are nice I think. Always loved You and your friend from On the night.

Having said that, I think the Pensa Suhr is the best guitar I have heard with EMG pickups. Listen to Vince Gill's Fender Stratocaster and it sounds so "plastic".
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 24, 2012, 06:44:56 PM
Just searched for some pictures of the black Pensa Suhr and came across some nice ones:



Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on March 24, 2012, 06:52:45 PM
Not a very good pic...but..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 24, 2012, 07:56:53 PM
WOW!   Nice pictures!   The black guitar's not bad either!    ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 25, 2012, 02:37:49 PM
Why not two? :)



Does anyone know if there is video from the Clapton tour that Mark was part of and where he played the black Pensa? There's plenty on YT where he plays the "yellow one".
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 25, 2012, 02:44:16 PM
Wow, didn't know he played this guitar on A Love Idea as well:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on March 25, 2012, 06:30:24 PM
There is a video from the EC tour from the RAH from 12.01.87 that has MK playing his black PS.

Quality is poor though so it's not great to watch.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 25, 2012, 08:24:24 PM
From Guy today: "Ian will be touring with us soon." That DOES sound like a tour still this year, doesn't it?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 25, 2012, 08:44:36 PM
From Guy today: "Ian will be touring with us soon." That DOES sound like a tour still this year, doesn't it?


He most probably will be - with Dylan in the US!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on March 26, 2012, 08:31:44 PM


I much prefer the "old" version from 78-79 with slide on the thinline
and for the "modern" version, Vaison 96 is far better than this one IMHO : double bass intro, Les Paul 58 tone, gorgeous:P

I find the synth click a little bit cheesy here
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 26, 2012, 11:53:28 PM
Omg, the wailing intro, nothing beats that...always loved this version! Also, Paul f. Is brilliant on this
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: emilianomk on March 27, 2012, 06:14:07 PM
Q: Hi guy, same subjet again. Is mark going to come to south america soon? thanks!   

A: Forgive me but I cannot say

until this answer I had hopes but not anymore, seems to be another Europe / Us tour
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 27, 2012, 08:54:19 PM
He replied something about being right on the money with a guess about a release this autumn and a tour next spring.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 27, 2012, 09:31:52 PM
[quote author=Jean-Fran
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 27, 2012, 10:08:52 PM
He replied something about being right on the money with a guess about a release this autumn and a tour next spring.

ambiguous as only Guy can be
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: DIFFICULTTOBELIEVE on March 27, 2012, 11:54:11 PM
I think, for what it's worth, that Rick Lake, who asked Guy the question, is likely to be "on the money". Strange phrase to pop into Guy's head otherwise. Autumn album release, album promoted in the US whilst touring with BD,  followed by Mark's own Spring tour. Sounds good/logical to me. I would wager some promo stuff before Mark goes off with Dylan to keep the home fans happy.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on March 28, 2012, 12:08:47 AM
Ok..this is my guess..September release..followed by...October promos, and November-December MK/BD Tour , off for the Holidays, back into the studio in  February for rehearsals..for the spring MK Tour to finish (for now). That's my story and I'm sticking to it  ;).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 28, 2012, 07:51:20 AM
I think, for what it's worth, that Rick Lake, who asked Guy the question, is likely to be "on the money". Strange phrase to pop into Guy's head otherwise. Autumn album release, album promoted in the US whilst touring with BD,  followed by Mark's own Spring tour. Sounds good/logical to me. I would wager some promo stuff before Mark goes off with Dylan to keep the home fans happy.

Well, I am amused about that he is amused about all the people asking Guy about touring and album release - and then he does exactly the same. Funny guy. (Oh yes, I am biased  ;) )

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: DIFFICULTTOBELIEVE on March 28, 2012, 09:03:10 AM
I think, for what it's worth, that Rick Lake, who asked Guy the question, is likely to be "on the money". Strange phrase to pop into Guy's head otherwise. Autumn album release, album promoted in the US whilst touring with BD,  followed by Mark's own Spring tour. Sounds good/logical to me. I would wager some promo stuff before Mark goes off with Dylan to keep the home fans happy.

Well, I am amused about that he is amused about all the people asking Guy about touring and album release - and then he does exactly the same. Funny guy. (Oh yes, I am biased  ;) )

Who is amused about what?
Who does exactly the same?

Rick's question might have got a "doh" from Guy. Don't ask me why it didn't - ask Guy. What it got was an answer containing the phrase "right on the money", and I think that is revealing. Guy would be unlikely to have used that phrase unless it had popped into his head on reading Rick's question. Only my hypothesis.

Time to move on LE don't you think?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jackal on March 28, 2012, 09:15:48 AM
Now, what's important is not what who said what, but what who said what when, and including, but not limited to, if where what who said what is confirmed prior to the initial statement.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: DIFFICULTTOBELIEVE on March 28, 2012, 10:05:40 AM
Sorry about my poor use of the "quote" function. :disbelief. Must do better! Hopefully my post is understood.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 28, 2012, 03:45:14 PM
"Difficulttobelieve - doh - love expresso"  seems to have a certain relation here. Please, Difficulttobelieve, read the question that Mr. Rick Lake asked at Guy's forum, and after that I would think that it is pretty clear what I was talking about. He is amused about people asking about release dates and tour beginning and then he asks exactly the same. I hope I am allowed to utter here what amuses me and what not without getting the killing term "time to move on" too often. The use of an emoticon was also done by me with a certain intension. The "money" aspect about this question is something that wasn't mentioned in my previous post at all.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 30, 2012, 08:34:49 AM
Hey LE!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 30, 2012, 02:00:43 PM
I saw that, I think so, too! New discipline: Getting DOH's from Guy...


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on March 30, 2012, 04:39:34 PM
I don't think there is going to be another MK/Dylan tour, whether in the US, Europe, South America, China, Africa, or Antarctica. I think there may have been some plans but they fell through. But then again, there could be.  :P

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 30, 2012, 05:18:34 PM
Today from Guy:

No i will not ask you about any details of the new tour but i was wondering if you already when it starts and were it will end. In other words: Is everything ready to go or are they still working on some details?

Guy:   Plans are afoot.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on March 31, 2012, 03:35:31 AM
ARRRGGHH! I guess I should be thankful of the hair loss I've already weathered over the years..otherwise I'd be pulling it out in clumps by now.  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on March 31, 2012, 10:23:16 AM
Dan could well be right that another BD/MK tour will not happen.

All that was indicated, by several sources, is that, last November, the two of them had wished to do so and that, in effect, both had pencilled time aside in their diaries in the year ahead.  Bearing in mind Dylan's past touring patterns, this pointed to a month or two ahead of Thanksgiving 2012. Logic suggested that this would be in North America. However, back last Novemeber, nothing would have been firmed up and, for both these jolly chappies, nothing is set in stone until it's set in stone.

With what we know of Dylan's future touring plans (South and Central America in April/May and a "festivals plus" series of shows in Europe from late June into July), a joint BD/MK tour later in the year is still a possibilty. He has no American dates announced for 2012 this year at all, so a tour there is a distinct possibility. As for Mr K, we only know that "plans are afoot" not what those plans might be.

I still lean towards a joint BD/MK tour of North America in October and November but nothing is certain and, as they say, it takes two to tango.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 31, 2012, 10:49:38 AM
Short, because I am at work....

Dylan is doing 4 live open air shows in Germany in July:

July 2nd Berlin
July 3rd Dresden
July 4th Bonn
July 6th Bad Mergentheim


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 01, 2012, 02:01:37 AM
Am considering Bonn....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on April 01, 2012, 11:12:39 AM
No Bob for this summer I'm afraid... July is not perfect time and the locations are not within reach for me.
BTW, there are some other European dates on Dylan.com. He seems to be as busy as ever. Respect, Man!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on April 01, 2012, 01:54:10 PM
I know some of you folks were disturbed by the fact that Guy said that Mr Bob didn't talk to any members of Mark's band during the tour, so I thought I might pass this on to you. I caught just a brief part of a documentary about Thelonious Monk, the jazz pianist, on TV this morning. I shall have to look out for a re-run in order to catch the whole thing, so I hope I've picked this up correctly.

One musician said he joined the group for a six-week run and Monk didn't speak to him until the very last day! Soon after, he was called to a Monk recording seesion and, again, Monk didn't speak to him until the very end, when he made sure the musician was being paid. The musician suddenly realised that, as far as Monk was concerned, he was one of his musicians now. Monk then asked, "Do you have a passport?. The musician said not. Monk replied, "We leave for Europe on Friday". This was a Monday.  Another musician, around at Monk's house, asked him questions for about an hour but Monk never replied.  The musician stayed while all Monk did was play the piano for hours. I guess genius works in unusual ways.

I should add that I saw Monk live in March 1965 and it was one of those concerts where you just got sucked into the music, so that it was like there was just you and him in the hall and no one else. Mesmerising!

His real name was Thelonious Sphere Monk, by the way. That really is some moniker!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 01, 2012, 02:07:40 PM
sphere...lol, gotta love that..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tunnel85 on April 01, 2012, 04:40:33 PM
No Bob for this summer I'm afraid... July is not perfect time and the locations are not within reach for me.
BTW, there are some other European dates on Dylan.com. He seems to be as busy as ever. Respect, Man!

I just realized Bob is doing Montreux on July 8. That's great. ;D
I was embarrassed because I can' go to Lyon but Montreux is a much better option.  ;)
I will probably try to get a ticket if it's affordable.  :P

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on April 01, 2012, 07:16:11 PM
In February 1964, TIME magazine ran a piece on jazz. There was a painting of Monk on the cover and the relevant article was entitled "The Loneliest Monk". This wasn't just a pun on his name since, in one sense, it described the man.. Musically (and for good or bad), Monk tended to follow his own path irrespective of what might be fashionable or expected.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on April 01, 2012, 07:43:00 PM
In February 1964, TIME magazine ran a piece on jazz. There was a painting of Monk on the cover and the relevant article was entitled "The Lonliest Monk". This wasn't just a pun on his name since, in one sense, it described the man.. Musically (and for good or bad), Monk tended to follow his own path irrespective of what might be fashionable or expected.
I believe this is the cover you were referring to...

He definitely went his own way musically..I remember hearing somewhere an interview with Oscar Peterson in which he described Monk as one of the greatest jazz musicians..but as a keyboard player..he lacked in technical skills. Thelonious did tend to pound on the keys a bit..whereas Oscar tickled the ivories gently..he 'coaxed' them
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on April 01, 2012, 07:48:21 PM
So Bob touring Europe from May to end of July could indeed mean he will tour the US in autumn, couldn't it?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on April 01, 2012, 10:14:08 PM
The Thelonious Monk album in question was IT'S MONK'S TIME and that was recorded between 29 January 1964 and 9 March 1964. That must have been the 6 weeks in question and 9 March 1964 was indeed a Monday. Also, I happened to be in Paris around April 1964 and bought a couple of French jazz magazines and they had coverage of Monk's concert there, so that must have been in March 1964.

That was indeed the TIME cover in question. Apparently, TIME had intended to have the Monk article the previous November but that all got changed when Kennedy was assasinated.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on April 02, 2012, 12:00:27 AM
TWM, you are an encyclopedia of musical knowledge.  If I ever got a pub quiz team together you would be my first pick. Total respect.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on April 02, 2012, 12:26:40 AM
Not at all. Some of that stuff I had to check.  And, as you get older, stuff from the past suddenly looms up out of nowhere and you have no idea whence it came. And, not infrequently, it disappears in no time at all. You know that you recalled something recently but you can't recall exactly what it was you did recall.  It's strange and apparently quite normal. And other things stick around in your head forever (what was the name of the guy who rang the big gong at the start of the J Arthur Rank films? Why, Bombardier Billy Wells, of course) whilst some recent things that simply everyone knows don't even register in the first place. 

As someone once said, "He lives in his own world. They know him there". (That's a figure of speech called a "paraprosdokian" by the way. I learned that recently but how long will it stay in my mind?)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 02, 2012, 12:28:16 AM
No Bob for this summer I'm afraid... July is not perfect time and the locations are not within reach for me.
BTW, there are some other European dates on Dylan.com. He seems to be as busy as ever. Respect, Man!

I just realized Bob is doing Montreux on July 8. That's great. ;D
I was embarrassed because I can' go to Lyon but Montreux is a much better option.  ;)
I will probably try to get a ticket if it's affordable.  :P

and record i may sure hope :-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on April 02, 2012, 12:31:47 AM
Not at all. Some of that stuff I had to check.  And, as you get older, stuff from the past suddenly looms up out of nowhere and you have no idea whence it came. And, not infrequently, it disappears in no time at all. You know that you recalled something recently but you can't recall exactly what it was you did recall.  It's strange and apparently quite normal. And other things stick around in your head forever (what was the name of the guy who rang the big gong at the start of the J Arthur Rank films? Why, Bombardier Billy Wells, of course) whilst some recent things that simply everyone knows don't even register in the first place. 

As someone once said, "He lives in his own world. They know him there". (That's a figure of speech called a "paraprosdokian" by the way. I learned that recently but how long will it stay in my mind?)

TWM, you really do come out with some specialsed information. Not general knowledge at all.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 02, 2012, 12:36:34 AM
Not at all. Some of that stuff I had to check.  And, as you get older, stuff from the past suddenly looms up out of nowhere and you have no idea whence it came. And, not infrequently, it disappears in no time at all. You know that you recalled something recently but you can't recall exactly what it was you did recall.  It's strange and apparently quite normal. And other things stick around in your head forever (what was the name of the guy who rang the big gong at the start of the J Arthur Rank films? Why, Bombardier Billy Wells, of course) whilst some recent things that simply everyone knows don't even register in the first place. 

As someone once said, "He lives in his own world. They know him there". (That's a figure of speech called a "paraprosdokian" by the way. I learned that recently but how long will it stay in my mind?)

TWM, you really do come out with some specialsed information. Not general knowledge at all.
quite happy a Dylan historian like TWM decided to grace us with his little tidbits and not some boring Dylan site :-) (partially kidding)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on April 02, 2012, 08:29:33 AM
twm, I wasn't aware of the term paraprosdokian, even though it is a Greek word. (para=against, prosdokian=expectation) Thank you for bringing it up! I google it up to see more paradigms, and the best one is this: http://www.englishforums.com/content/humour/paraprosdokians.htm

I guess you will not forget it now! Paraprosdokian...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on April 02, 2012, 11:09:23 AM
One of my favourites is by Groucho Marx: I never forget a face - but, in your case, I'll make an exception.

Groucho produced so many. Here's another: Ladies and Gentlemen, I've had a wonderful evening - unfortunately, tonight wasn't one of them.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on April 02, 2012, 11:25:46 AM
A night at the opera!

The only club I would consider joining, is the one that wouldn't allow guys like me!

   1. The car stopped on a dime, which unfortunately was in a pedestrian
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on April 02, 2012, 01:55:30 PM
One could call this slightly off topic.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tunnel85 on April 02, 2012, 02:37:58 PM
No Bob for this summer I'm afraid... July is not perfect time and the locations are not within reach for me.
BTW, there are some other European dates on Dylan.com. He seems to be as busy as ever. Respect, Man!

I just realized Bob is doing Montreux on July 8. That's great. ;D
I was embarrassed because I can' go to Lyon but Montreux is a much better option.  ;)
I will probably try to get a ticket if it's affordable.  :P
and record i may sure hope :-)
That's a very sensible hope.  ;)
Of course, only because you ask  ;D

It could be my only show this year. Only chance to try something.  ;)


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on April 02, 2012, 02:46:17 PM
One could call this slightly off topic.


I know! Sorry LE. But it wasn't about Greece and It just felt like a good break from this endless stream of "he will, he won't".

And in a paraprosdokian way, I just made up:

See the good side of it. It has an end. (Even an ass looks like moon some times.)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tunnel85 on April 02, 2012, 02:59:02 PM
One could call this slightly off topic.

Off topic ?  ::)  The topic is about Guy's forum. The best place in the world to discuss of everything while saying nothing at the same time.  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on April 02, 2012, 08:30:39 PM
ok, you got me!  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 02, 2012, 10:04:47 PM
lol VG, love them made that site to one of my favourites.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on April 03, 2012, 12:32:57 AM
Loved that site...thanks for the link Vgonis! "Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."...if I had a nickel for every time I felt this about some one..I wouldn't need a lottery ticket  ;D.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on April 03, 2012, 12:57:46 AM
twm deserves all the credit!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: DIFFICULTTOBELIEVE on April 03, 2012, 10:09:44 AM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on April 03, 2012, 04:40:17 PM
You guys are too kind. Surely, the whole point of this type of forum is that something one person writes sparks something off in one of the readers and that, in turn, sparks someone else off again. It's natural, organic if you wish, and becomes a bit like a conversation in a pub - which is my way of saying thanks to everyone else, as well. Now, where's that glass?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on April 03, 2012, 04:43:05 PM
I'll drink to that - Cheers!   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on April 03, 2012, 06:29:47 PM
talking about Groucho marx, my fav is this one :

he phoned Freddie Mercury to say how he was proud that Queen used Marx Brothers movies titles for their masterpieces  prog-rock-opera albums (which were first thought as a double LP) :night at the Opera and Day at the races

and then he added that he would be even prouder if the band would use the next Marx brothers movie 's title to name the next Queen album

"And how will be named your next movie ? " asked Mercury ?

Groucho answered " the best of the rolling stones"  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on April 03, 2012, 07:58:43 PM
TO TALK ABOUT GUY'S FORUM AGAIN, I wonder how it comes that there was no reaction so far around here about the new song that was mentioned by the Baltimore Policeman, BPDNEDCID or what he was called. He talks about MY IRISH HEART and even about some of the story of the song, as told to him by Chris Botti. A story about an irish cop in New York City.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on April 03, 2012, 08:44:59 PM
I'm not too keen on either the title or the fact that it's about an Irish NY cop. Somehow it just doesn't sound like something MK would write a song about - I don't know why, just a feeling!   It sounds as though it could be a bit sentimental.  :-\  

Anyway, here's a snippet of "What a Wonderful World" from the Chris Botti album "Impressions".  I'm really looking forward to hearing the whole song on 17th April!    :P


Mmmm, MK's voice sounds beautiful!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on April 03, 2012, 08:55:37 PM
JF, a real gem! Hilarious thanks for mentioning it! I haven't seen the inside of a pub for all my life! So this must be the closest I get to it. I will have a nice hot milk...

I like MK doing all this music with people I probably wouldn't have listened otherwise. Unfortunately, apart from the ones I already knew and liked, I can't say that the rest influenced me at all, or even bothered me after a few spins.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 03, 2012, 08:57:32 PM
Would guy not haved deleted it would it have been true?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on April 03, 2012, 09:40:22 PM
Pottel, I thought exactly the same, but then again my idea was that he didn't read the complete post at all (you know going into bla-bla-bla modus after the first few lines as I am sure he usually does with posts longer than 3 lines).

Val, the story could be sentimental, that's right, and I fear that, too. I had immediately the impression of another Heart Full Of Holes, don't know why exactly. Also the fact that Bebnettceddidnid is a policeman on his own gave me the idea he made it all up, but then again, Guy's comment is open, it could be true... That by the way is exactly what I expected here to be talked about!  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: schmonka on April 04, 2012, 02:06:33 PM
The whole Irish Cop in New York City - Sounds like the premise of the TV show Blue Bloods! :lol ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on April 04, 2012, 05:56:13 PM
I'm not too keen on either the title or the fact that it's about an Irish NY cop. Somehow it just doesn't sound like something MK would write a song about - I don't know why, just a feeling!   It sounds as though it could be a bit sentimental.  :-\  

Anyway, here's a snippet of "What a Wonderful World" from the Chris Botti album "Impressions".  I'm really looking forward to hearing the whole song on 17th April!    :P


Mmmm, MK's voice sounds beautiful!

Why bother doing this cover?  I mean Louis owns this song.  All I can hear is him singing and all everyone will do is compare.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on April 04, 2012, 07:18:58 PM
You are right in terms of that it IS a rare occasion that Mark interprets another man's song. He did for Bob lately, and how he took an all time world wide
mega hit song to do so. I was thinking about why he is doing it, too. I heard about some "lack of inspiration" (referring to the album delay) but would never agree to this. Maybe he feels that he really has a unique voice now. About covering in general I find it ok to do so. It has alway been done and it fits to Mark's credo that the song is the boss, not the singer.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 04, 2012, 10:30:15 PM
I'm not too keen on either the title or the fact that it's about an Irish NY cop. Somehow it just doesn't sound like something MK would write a song about - I don't know why, just a feeling!   It sounds as though it could be a bit sentimental.  :-\   

Anyway, here's a snippet of "What a Wonderful World" from the Chris Botti album "Impressions".  I'm really looking forward to hearing the whole song on 17th April!    :P


Mmmm, MK's voice sounds beautiful!

Why bother doing this cover?  I mean Louis owns this song.  All I can hear is him singing and all everyone will do is compare.

like i care, i really, really like his take, and it features some great licks (at least in the minute or so we already heard)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 04, 2012, 10:31:41 PM
maybe chriss propsoed it and he said, hey, why not, always liked that song, since my childhood days.
maybe the reason to why he does or does not do things is way more down to earth and even boring as all the theories we come up with...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on April 07, 2012, 06:59:16 PM
TO TALK ABOUT GUY'S FORUM AGAIN, I wonder how it comes that there was no reaction so far around here about the new song that was mentioned by the Baltimore Policeman, BPDNEDCID or what he was called. He talks about MY IRISH HEART and even about some of the story of the song, as told to him by Chris Botti. A story about an irish cop in New York City.


Didnt noticed about this LE post...

Does it means that there is a track titled "My irish heart" in the new MK cd? I read in Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on April 09, 2012, 09:31:44 PM
Anyway, here's a snippet of "What a Wonderful World" from the Chris Botti album "Impressions".  I'm really looking forward to hearing the whole song on 17th April!    :P

Mmmm, MK's voice sounds beautiful!

Dear friends, I didn't have much time the last few weeks to read the forum and see I missed some information!  :o

First of all I read 3 pages back that there might be a Tour in 2013??  ???

Second thanks for posting this link Val!  :-* I didn't know about this song and .........yeahhhh it sounds beautiful!  :P

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on April 10, 2012, 08:14:50 AM
I just discovered that Guy has obviously erased the "All I can say is WOW!"-part  from his latest facebook posting. So maybe he thinks it's not soooo WOW now three weeks after mixing... he he he   ;D  JUST KIDDING!  But strange nonetheless...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on April 18, 2012, 12:18:54 PM
Guy: tour(s) are in the planning


A solo tour and a BD tour?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on April 18, 2012, 01:17:09 PM
Guy: tour(s) are in the planning


A solo tour and a BD tour?

Its what we were talking about in the forum, the "to be announced" tours with Bob Dylan this autumm in the States and the MK solo tour in 2013.

All based in informations from here and there, but it looks like its gonna be something like that.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 09, 2012, 08:53:59 AM
had a big grin on my face this morning when i saw Guy's response to Roland Dent's answer to my earlier post. muaahaaahhh  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on May 09, 2012, 09:59:29 AM
had a big grin on my face this morning when i saw Guy's response to Roland Dent's answer to my earlier post. muaahaaahhh  ;D

I noticed!   :)     I just wish he would spill the beans about the exciting news from Cordoba!  I'm itching to know!   ;D   Surely someone has asked him by now.  ???

EDIT:   I just asked him.   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 09, 2012, 11:33:12 AM
had a big grin on my face this morning when i saw Guy's response to Roland Dent's answer to my earlier post. muaahaaahhh  ;D

I noticed!   :)     I just wish he would spill the beans about the exciting news from Cordoba!  I'm itching to know!   ;D   Surely someone has asked him by now.  ???

EDIT:   I just asked him.   ;D

I sent a question about it to his forum that didnt get answered at the forum but at my private e-mail.

I asked him if I can say what he told me and as I didnt get a reply, I guess he doesnt mind, otherwise he would had tell me not...

The important part of the answer for us, like MK fans, is that MK IS NOT INVOLVED, so whatever he
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on May 09, 2012, 11:37:37 AM
Thanks, jbaent!    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Shoaib on May 16, 2012, 02:26:16 PM
Guy's info about MK's New Album on 16/May/2012:

The album is done, the artwork is still being compiled/assembled/edited. I can't say exactly when it's coming out as there IS no OFFICIAL release date yet but it will be this year..

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on May 16, 2012, 06:22:11 PM
Guy on Twitter today:

Great album photoshoot yesterday at BG. Just me, Mark and an awful lot of guitars.

Here's hoping that Mark uses all of those guitars on the album :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on May 17, 2012, 01:24:10 PM
Guy on Twitter today:

Great album photoshoot yesterday at BG. Just me, Mark and an awful lot of guitars.

Here's hoping that Mark uses all of those guitars on the album :)

Did Guy take the photo
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 18, 2012, 08:00:46 AM
Guy on Twitter today:

Great album photoshoot yesterday at BG. Just me, Mark and an awful lot of guitars.

Here's hoping that Mark uses all of those guitars on the album :)

Did Guy take the photo
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 18, 2012, 12:52:55 PM
Does anyone know who the people in Martina's picture are?


Wow, just realised, so many time after, that the beardy man in this Martina
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on May 18, 2012, 07:19:39 PM
By the way in my country the TV never show who is waving the checkered flag. And I know that Clapton did have this honor at least at one race but TV did not show him
On US TV for their race when they have a celibrity guest doing it they show him.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: marky49 on May 19, 2012, 01:44:33 PM
By the way in my country the TV never show who is waving the checkered flag. And I know that Clapton did have this honor at least at one race but TV did not show him
On US TV for their race when they have a celibrity guest doing it they show him.


Bahrain 2008
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 20, 2012, 11:47:38 AM
did mark ever get the honour?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on May 20, 2012, 09:45:15 PM
Thank you marky49   :)

did mark ever get the honour?

I'd wish him to be invited to do it at the legendary Indy 500.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 21, 2012, 11:19:04 AM
I saw MK in a trophy ceremony years ago, probably in Silverstone, cant remember if it was F1 or bikes competition

I remember I saw a youtube video of it but can find it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on May 21, 2012, 07:22:26 PM
It was MotoGP I remember!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: joanzimm on May 21, 2012, 09:49:39 PM
This has nothing to do with Guy's Forum but I came across this video and wanted to share it (somewhere) in case you all haven't seen it.  I guess this song was never finished or recorded.   

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8ixVyObW-0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8ixVyObW-0)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 21, 2012, 10:43:00 PM
Totally of track here, but boy do I lovethat riff after the whistling....always did. Too bathe never released making movies ( the song, for the smart asses amongst us)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dannyjun on May 23, 2012, 11:29:14 AM
Guy today: announcement on Monday. Official

hmmmm...it will be long weekend... :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 23, 2012, 11:46:38 AM
Guy today: announcement on Monday. Official

hmmmm...it will be long weekend... :)

I guess we
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: marky49 on May 23, 2012, 07:09:18 PM
It was MotoGP I remember!

It was at the MotoGP 2003 in Donington Park, MK presented the trophy to Valentino Rossi. After he fell off his own bike in March and had to cancel his tour... :(

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on May 28, 2012, 02:27:48 PM
I know today is the day with the great news, first on Guy's page about the Privateering "double" album. But after reading some of his latest answers I feel the urge to open this thread again:

Being asked about what instruments he played he really answers: "OMG, I can't remember..."  What's this? Ignorance? Arrogance? Dementia???

Somehow I struggle with his kind of doing the forum for months now, it is a melange of lack of interest, arrogance, unwillingness of giving the people what they want. so what is the idea behind his forum? I post there on a regular base, too, but have given up expecting any concrete answer long ago. So maybe I should totally stop with spamming his forum...

What do you think? It was more fun reading his forum a few years back - he seems to have totally lost interest in doing it. He should stop it then.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on May 28, 2012, 04:44:41 PM
I know today is the day with the great news, first on Guy's page about the Privateering "double" album. But after reading some of his latest answers I feel the urge to open this thread again:

Being asked about what instruments he played he really answers: "OMG, I can't remember..."  What's this? Ignorance? Arrogance? Dementia???

Somehow I struggle with his kind of doing the forum for months now, it is a melange of lack of interest, arrogance, unwillingness of giving the people what they want. so what is the idea behind his forum? I post there on a regular base, too, but have given up expecting any concrete answer long ago. So maybe I should totally stop with spamming his forum...

What do you think? It was more fun reading his forum a few years back - he seems to have totally lost interest in doing it. He should stop it then.


Total agree, LE. You are completely right if it comes to the point that Guy shows absolutely zero interest in his forum/fans. Particularely those short answers from two or three words. I don't read it anymore, it became boring and sometimes, yes, lack of interest. I don't know why he's acting like this, but if you follow the forum on regular base you can clearly see that his interest is gone.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on May 28, 2012, 05:15:17 PM
Yes, I've noticed too.  

Also I wish he would stop drip-feeding us snippets of information, then ending with "more on this later" which is very tantalising, because later is usually a very long way off.   I would rather he waited until he could tell us the whole story, eg the exciting project in Cordoba and now, today, a new project with Danny - coming later, of course!   ;)

In spite of these smallish gripes, though, we are very fortunate to have this link to Mark, through Guy and I really appreciate him being there for us.   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 28, 2012, 06:01:56 PM
Well, whatever Guy give us or not, is more than nothing.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 28, 2012, 06:09:24 PM
absolutely, to my knowledge there is no comparable musician fan interaction. we can still consider ourselves grateful that he actually does interact with us, at all...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on May 28, 2012, 07:21:57 PM
Of course I know about that and that is not new to me, and all those years we really could call ourselves a very lucky bunch of fan people because of Guy's generosity etc..., but I was talking about how his attitude really changed over the last months. I have the feeling there shines through quite a little frustation sometimes about only being asked about MK stuff all the time, and he has turned into the role of a miffed adlatus... His own work is great, I have all his solo stuff of course, but the way he distributes it shows clearly some real big unprofessional attitude about it. Sometimes I really wonder...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: DIFFICULTTOBELIEVE on May 28, 2012, 08:30:05 PM
Why does Guy have a website? Surely it must be that it is there for his benefit? Perhaps he is finding that the forum and the diaries are more time consuming than he bargained for and that the returns for him are not as great as he expected. His replies to posts, even the good ones, give the impression that he does not have the time or the inclination to go into any great detail with his answers. As the maestro says however, perhaps we should be grateful for anything he gives us. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fieneke2 on May 28, 2012, 10:05:39 PM

It might be that Guy responded our questions better in the past, BUT I think he often isn
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: joanzimm on May 28, 2012, 10:51:01 PM
Of course I know about that and that is not new to me, and all those years we really could call ourselves a very lucky bunch of fan people because of Guy's generosity etc..., but I was talking about how his attitude really changed over the last months. I have the feeling there shines through quite a little frustation sometimes about only being asked about MK stuff all the time, and he has turned into the role of a miffed adlatus... His own work is great, I have all his solo stuff of course, but the way he distributes it shows clearly some real big unprofessional attitude about it. Sometimes I really wonder...


I've been following Guy's forum for quite some time -- years -- and I haven't noticed a change.  Sometimes his answers are lengthy, other times short & curt, even obnoxious.  It probably depends on his mood and how much time he has -- who knows?! ???

I mostly skim the questions and answers looking for the 'good stuff' --- which is often scarce. :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on May 29, 2012, 12:56:20 AM
It's great to have someone so close to MK to "talk" with. But here lies the main fact : he's not MK and has no frredom of speech.

Many times I have canceled my question because it was too much MK related and Guy could not have answered the proper way. I was using Guy as a substitute to directly asking Mark and that does not work.
Mieux vaux s'adresser directement
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on May 29, 2012, 07:05:16 AM
His own work is great, I have all his solo stuff of course, but the way he distributes it shows clearly some real big unprofessional attitude about it. Sometimes I really wonder...


LE, maybe I got your sentence wrong, but I think that when a man has the money, he can spend time to do his art with no need to link it with the usual time consuming and full of conditions contracts and deals. That does not render him unprofessional. He is contend with the sales, he has the exposure, and he is doing what he likes with his own pace, which is very good and I find this behavior very artistic (yes this is the thing we are buying, not professionalism) 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on May 29, 2012, 10:40:35 AM
MK is a good example for the thesis that professionalism AND creativity AND artistic authenticity are things that do not foreclose each other...

In my opinion it is pretty clear (and it not meant in a cynical way) that at the latest with Inamorata Guy had shown that he was planing his time AFTER MK, so it might come a time in his life when MK is not making music anymore - and that he had learned that he has made himself too dependent on MK. So he had to build up the first (impressive!) steps for an own career. And sorry, but sending each single CD on his own, putting it into an envelope on his own and signing each one on his own has a certain charm, but is not.... professional in a way. There are other ways obviously to distribute CDs, and even without a big company he could sell much more if he was better organized. I don't believe that he doesn't want to sell a big amount of CDs just because of his artistic integrity.

I don't see any offence against Guy in thoughts like these, if someone feels that it has, sorry for that in advance.

And maybe touring with Mark has made him THAT rich over the years that he is really just in search of... a hobby!!  ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on May 29, 2012, 11:02:13 AM
I would not say that Guy is planning his time AFTER MK. He's a musician and like most of them he does not really know what will happen for him tomorrow. Of course he's very lucky to have been asked years after years to work for Mark and to make a good living from that.
A great majority of musician make their (not so easy) living from working for another, being able to become a recording artist of its own is for very few. And Guy does not produce "chart topping music" and seem not that intererted to do it. As an artist he's lucky to be able to make the music he want without commercial input/pressure. This is not question of being pro or not this just question of art.

And if comes the day that Mark does not hire him anymore Guy may be asked by other "star" to work for and make living from.

My 0.02
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 29, 2012, 11:03:55 AM
Well, he has his own career as musician, he also does film scores. Actually he was absent from some.Shangrila promo (he doesn't play at the trawlerman live, they were Jim and Matt) and  he wasn't part of most of the Emmylou Harris sessions because he was working on some film scores. It's true that he's more focused with MK during the last years but he's still working in some projects without MK...

About his records, I'd say he made them for pleasure, not in order to start a career, same as Richard Bennett. They don't make their living with that records but as sessions musicians.

We have forgot that Guy was a demanded synth player (look his discography) and also as an engineer, producer, arranger etc etc

And yes, it may be true he might look bored when answering lately, but I guess is more because he's busy or we are asking questions he can't answer it he did many times before.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 29, 2012, 03:37:59 PM
his reply today says it all, and it is the simple truth, and i have to say i understand it " my replies sure reflect my mood, and sometimes i am in a hurry and so are my replies, and i will not apologise for that"
considering the number of nutters asking the same old shit, time and again, i think we can pray on our bare knees that he still does what he does.
what annoys me at times is that when people ask a twofold (or more) question that he often replies as if there was only one, and then it is not clear to which quesion the reply should fit. but i suppose that is mostly when he cannot release any more info...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on May 29, 2012, 04:01:12 PM
The only answer he can do with total freedom his about his own music but it is obvious that the vast majority of people on his forum are there because he's the closest person to Mark we can talk with.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hoops McCann on May 29, 2012, 05:19:32 PM
Guy's short answers don't surprise me at all. Quite frankly, I think Guy's forum demonstrates that there really is such a thing as a stupid question. Half of the "questions" that get posted on there are either obviously questions that Guy can't answer or are just random thoughts that don't actually ask anything. Just look at the last page or so and you'll see what I mean. If I had to spend time answering those types of queries everyday, I would have become burnt out and quit a long time ago, so I give Guy a lot of credit for continuing to read and answer the madness that gets posted there. Some examples:

Hi Guy, which will the single be of the album? And are there solos of MK's guitar?ciao Tony
f*ck***** a double album!**** f*ck**** Thank you all**** beautiful**** f*ck**** love you guys****
You're ot THE Messiah? I say you are Lord!!!and I should know. I've followed a few. Many thanks for the album update, can't wait!!!!!
Hi, Doc! Very exciting about the good news! Any chance of having a single from "Privateering" soon? Maybe in Spotify, iTunes, radio stations... Can't wait! Cheers!
about the new record... What about the special edition and his content? and the single? and the list of special guests?

and the list goes on and on...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 29, 2012, 06:58:15 PM
+1 Dan, absolutely.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 29, 2012, 07:59:45 PM
There is one question by me in that Dan selection!!!!
Whats wrong asking by the special edition, the list of musicians etc? Its the normal information when you announce a record release  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 29, 2012, 10:11:08 PM
Reference from the past, as twittered by Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 30, 2012, 10:49:29 AM
I sent to Guy by e-mail a rar file with the STP and RPD sessions diary, and one or two days later, here you have  :)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on May 30, 2012, 06:07:38 PM
Thanks Pottel. Many photos I haven't seen. But why can they buy a better camera.  ;D 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on June 01, 2012, 11:01:20 AM
I didn't asked a question about Dire Straits, setlists, the brand of his underpants.. I asked him this: Do you ever feel that your work with Mark overshadows your own musical work Guy? I can imagine that there are a lot of people who always link you to Mark, because you have worked with him since 1983, don't you ever have the feeling that you want to be seen as a musician on your own, rather than that you're always linked to Mark? Please do not take it offensive, and I'll completely understand if you don't want to answer my question. Cheers! Lars

Doesn't seem very rude to me..

I got this answer: Mark who?

Last time I ask Mr.Fletcher a question.. ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on June 01, 2012, 11:10:56 AM
Yeah, same with me.  >:(

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rudiger on June 01, 2012, 11:23:55 AM
I didn't asked a question about Dire Straits, setlists, the brand of his underpants.. I asked him this: Do you ever feel that your work with Mark overshadows your own musical work Guy? I can imagine that there are a lot of people who always link you to Mark, because you have worked with him since 1983, don't you ever have the feeling that you want to be seen as a musician on your own, rather than that you're always linked to Mark? Please do not take it offensive, and I'll completely understand if you don't want to answer my question. Cheers! Lars

Doesn't seem very rude to me..

I got this answer: Mark who?

Last time I ask Mr.Fletcher a question.. ???

I'm afraid you see it in a wrong way: I find Guy's answer really humorous
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 01, 2012, 11:25:48 AM
Lars, actually Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on June 01, 2012, 11:33:57 AM
I don't find Guy's answer rude at all.  It's just the English dry sense of humour!    ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on June 01, 2012, 11:55:57 AM
Snotty most of the time.

Interesting that there is Lars who was so depressed about his answer that he felt the need to post it here - the same morning I was also about to say thanks to Guy for his very "intriguing", not to say ridiculous answer to my double album question. But obviously it is some kind of dry british humour I am missing here. I have a sentence in mind about kissing and sun and shining if you know what I mean...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on June 01, 2012, 02:01:54 PM
Snotty most of the time.

No, subtle and understated - perhaps a little tongue-in-cheek.   ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 01, 2012, 02:31:50 PM
I don't find Guy's answer rude at all.  It's just the English dry sense of humour!    ;D
absolutely, typically british, no need to feel insulted. lighten up is all i can say. he reserves his rude ones for the dumbasses that ask dmbass questions, not you guys
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on June 01, 2012, 04:09:27 PM

I will give him another chance then. Maybe he soon will have the honour to answer to one of my witty queries!   ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on June 01, 2012, 05:17:44 PM
Sometimes a Dutchie, who I am, doesn't understand the British humour! Although I have all seasons of Fawlty Towers.. 8)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on June 01, 2012, 06:05:01 PM
There is a programme on BBC TV, which illustrates this kind of humour pretty well, "Have I Got News For You".   I always think that Paul Merton even looks a bit like Guy!    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Stefan Kock on June 01, 2012, 06:43:57 PM
The problem with written text is there isn't any visual of the other peron and no intonation. The meaning of things are therefore quite easily lost, especially when English isn't your main language. I agree though that Guy should sometimes put more effort into his answers or let things unanswered at all.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on June 01, 2012, 06:57:02 PM
The problem with written text is there isn't any visual of the other peron and no intonation. The meaning of things are therefore quite easily lost, especially when English isn't your main language. I agree though that Guy should sometimes put more effort into his answers or let things unanswered at all.

P.S.  To save another pretty meaningless post such as this would it not be a good idea to include a "like" button/option to click if you agree with someone's opinion, such as they employ on Facebook?  If this is possible I think it would be a nice feature.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 01, 2012, 07:01:18 PM
The problem with written text is there isn't any visual of the other peron and no intonation. The meaning of things are therefore quite easily lost, especially when English isn't your main language. I agree though that Guy should sometimes put more effort into his answers or let things unanswered at all.

P.S.  To save another pretty meaningless post such as this would it not be a good idea to include a "like" button/option to click if you agree with someone's opinion, such as they employ on Facebook?  If this is possible I think it would be a nice feature.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on June 01, 2012, 07:17:58 PM
Remember "karma"  "exalt"  and "smite"  at the very beginning of this forum?   It was much the same thing and was quickly removed, thank goodness!    ::)    If anything needs to be said, have the courage, at least, to say it in words!   A "like" or "don't like" button is the lazy option and is one of the many reasons I refuse to join FB.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on June 01, 2012, 09:04:38 PM
Remember "karma"  "exalt"  and "smite"  at the very beginning of this forum?   It was much the same thing and was quickly removed, thank goodness!    ::)    If anything needs to be said, have the courage, at least, to say it in words!   A "like" or "don't like" button is the lazy option and is one of the many reasons I refuse to join FB.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 03, 2012, 04:50:10 PM
Just noticed the Union Jack flags banner in Guy's site (are they the Union Jack flags? I recall a discussion about it in a Doctor Who episode and I cant remember the other kind of Union flag...)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on June 03, 2012, 05:18:39 PM
Just noticed the Union Jack flags banner in Guy's site (are they the Union Jack flags? I recall a discussion about it in a Doctor Who episode and I cant remember the other kind of Union flag...)

Yes, noticed them this morning.   The flag is called The Union Flag, except when it is flown on a ship, then it is called The Union Jack.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 03, 2012, 07:31:25 PM
Just noticed the Union Jack flags banner in Guy's site (are they the Union Jack flags? I recall a discussion about it in a Doctor Who episode and I cant remember the other kind of Union flag...)

Yes, noticed them this morning.   The flag is called The Union Flag, except when it is flown on a ship, then it is called The Union Jack.   

Yeah! That was the conversation in Doctor Who, the Docta was talking with Rose (his companion, by Billie Piper) about it and she explained that difference, because his mother had "lot of boyfriends from the navy"

Actually never realised that that flag was a union between several flags...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on June 24, 2012, 12:05:17 PM

this might not exactly be the right thread, but anyway:

Guy has twittered that some news about the "incredible project" at British Grove will come up soon, and John McCusker too twittered two pics yesterday,
one with Danny, and  one with Guy and some other folk people?? Can we expect some suprise?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 24, 2012, 01:36:43 PM
Yeah,  just saw that and wondered....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 24, 2012, 02:25:51 PM
It might be the same project when he travelled to Cordoba, as in some of that tweets (cant remember from who...) a flamenco guitar player is mentioned. There is a person called Alistair Pritch also twittering about that sessions, and commented thah he met Paul Crockford and Mark Knopfler yesterday...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on June 24, 2012, 03:04:02 PM
Let's hope. For me, the term "incredible" would only make sense if MK is involved...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on June 25, 2012, 12:56:01 PM
Does someone recognize the bass player on John McCuscker's session pics?
Could this be a hint as for what project they are recording?
GF3 and a new John Illsley album are also possible answers.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on June 25, 2012, 06:04:53 PM
Let's hope. For me, the term "incredible" would only make sense if MK is involved...


I agree! However, I seem to recall that I read somewhere that Mark is NOT involved this time, but I can't remember where, so it might just have been a (bad) dream...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 26, 2012, 06:46:11 PM
Let's hope. For me, the term "incredible" would only make sense if MK is involved...


I agree! However, I seem to recall that I read somewhere that Mark is NOT involved this time, but I can't remember where, so it might just have been a (bad) dream...

Guy told me that in a private mail because of my repetitive questions in his forum regarding the sessions In Cordoba (Spain)

Actually in some of the twits about that recordings from last saturday, someone mentioned that met Mark Knopfler and Paul Crockford during the recordings so, or MK was there just to say Hi, or maybe he did something in the sessions...

I bet that he just said Hi...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 26, 2012, 07:20:10 PM
Sorry, am uncertain. Now, did guy just those last 7 words?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on July 02, 2012, 11:31:21 PM
Guy just posted a pic on Facebook that shows John ills let and nick mason (and guy and mark???) on stage at the goodwood fos
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 04, 2012, 01:07:12 AM
Bass player is Ewan Vernal, scottish, living in the Netherlands, for me around the corner

Does someone recognize the bass player on John McCuscker's session pics?
Could this be a hint as for what project they are recording?
GF3 and a new John Illsley album are also possible answers.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Mossguitar on July 07, 2012, 09:42:27 PM
I didn't asked a question about Dire Straits, setlists, the brand of his underpants.. I asked him this: Do you ever feel that your work with Mark overshadows your own musical work Guy? I can imagine that there are a lot of people who always link you to Mark, because you have worked with him since 1983, don't you ever have the feeling that you want to be seen as a musician on your own, rather than that you're always linked to Mark? Please do not take it offensive, and I'll completely understand if you don't want to answer my question. Cheers! Lars

Doesn't seem very rude to me..

I got this answer: Mark who?

Last time I ask Mr.Fletcher a question.. ???
Haha, I'm sorry, but that is the greatest answere ever!! ;) (I guess it means "no".) GF has great sense of humour! I just love his answeres. But if you want him to answere your q's more politely, you should ask him about him and his playing, not about MK. ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on July 11, 2012, 01:46:44 AM
I just love this from Julio in Spain...

"I know that synths and drums are different things. I also know what is close and what is far, I used to watch Sesame Street... "

Take that, Guy! Ha ha.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 11, 2012, 08:46:03 AM
I just love this from Julio in Spain...

"I know that synths and drums are different things. I also know what is close and what is far, I used to watch Sesame Street... "

Take that, Guy! Ha ha.

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 31, 2012, 10:00:08 PM

this might not exactly be the right thread, but anyway:

Guy has twittered that some news about the "incredible project" at British Grove will come up soon, and John McCusker too twittered two pics yesterday,
one with Danny, and  one with Guy and some other folk people?? Can we expect some suprise?


Not sure if I missed something or totally forgot it about the Privateering snippet bliss: Do we know already what it is that is so incredible? Wasn't Guy to tell us about it "soon"?


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 31, 2012, 10:07:56 PM
Has something to do with the spanish thing Guy was talking about. I also know a scottish bass-player, living in the Netherlands, called Ewan Vernal is involved
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 09, 2012, 02:55:59 PM
he has just set up the template for the fall US/canada tour
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 10, 2012, 10:08:23 AM
he has just set up the template for the fall US/canada tour

rehearsals in September so, no time for promotion concerts/showcases etc etc?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on August 10, 2012, 10:15:12 AM
he has just set up the template for the fall US/canada tour

rehearsals in September so, no time for promotion concerts/showcases etc etc?

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 10, 2012, 10:23:00 AM
Or we might get lucky and get some interviews with acoustic perfomances here and there...

Or maybe the rehearsals will be in late september, and early september we get some interviews and/or showcases...

Just being optimistic  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MarkKnopflerBelgium on August 20, 2012, 09:10:09 PM
Haha, I'm sorry, but that is the greatest answere ever!! ;) (I guess it means "no".) GF has great sense of humour! I just love his answeres. But if you want him to answere your q's more politely, you should ask him about him and his playing, not about MK. ;)

Yes, I get annoyed when people start bickering on the forum or ask question to which you know no answer can be positive, just be happy that GF keeps the website. I have met him on several occasions, and GF is the NICEST GUY you'd EVER WANT TO MEET! 8)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on August 20, 2012, 09:30:28 PM
Haha, I'm sorry, but that is the greatest answere ever!! ;) (I guess it means "no".) GF has great sense of humour! I just love his answeres. But if you want him to answere your q's more politely, you should ask him about him and his playing, not about MK. ;)

Yes, I get annoyed when people start bickering on the forum or ask question to which you know no answer can be positive, just be happy that GF keeps the website. I have met him on several occasions, and GF is the NICEST GUY you'd EVER WANT TO MEET! 8)

That's true. He's a fine chap. Have met him in Antwerp and Amsterdam 2010.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 20, 2012, 09:33:46 PM
Yes he is... And also his son. I had the chance to talk with Max Fletcher at the RAH and he was very kind.

Actually I made of "translator" because some italian fans where asking him things in a very funny english that he coudlnt understand... and many spanish people talk english even worse, I was able to understand them  :lol and translated their questions to him. We had a good laugh...

When he left with his dads he came and shake hands before he went. A very well educated and humble person.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on August 20, 2012, 10:08:52 PM
Max is indeed very nice and well educated. Met him when I went to see BluesClub (Fineline project this spring). He was standing outside with John Illsley and William Topley and when I started talking to him he first shook hands to introduce himself proper.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 04, 2012, 10:41:32 PM
rehearsals, first pic..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 11, 2012, 06:04:21 PM
it has started!!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 11, 2012, 06:05:40 PM
 very brief, but still. the actual Range rover setlist is shown, telling us on which songs they had sax...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 13, 2012, 02:47:22 PM
If I got it right, Guy answered today that Yon Two Crows is one of his favourite tracks and that it INDEED IS IN THE SET LIST....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 13, 2012, 03:05:42 PM
If I got it right, Guy answered today that Yon Two Crows is one of his favourite tracks and that it INDEED IS IN THE SET LIST....

It sure is a quality song, looking forward to hearing this one.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on September 13, 2012, 03:19:52 PM
If I got it right, Guy answered today that Yon Two Crows is one of his favourite tracks and that it INDEED IS IN THE SET LIST....

Danger my friend.
Can be dropped at any moment if Mark is not fully satisfied.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 13, 2012, 03:29:23 PM
In fact, I was about to write something similar - just thought about Summer Of Love in that same moment... it is quite unusual though to give away a song from a new set during rehearsal, so early...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: koobaa on September 13, 2012, 03:46:47 PM
So I did get it correctly  ;D (was just writing about it in another thread)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 13, 2012, 06:03:54 PM
not sure if what he wrote is necesarrily what we read from it ...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on September 13, 2012, 06:36:00 PM
Remember that for a past tour Guy did provide the rehearsed setlist but refuse now.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 13, 2012, 06:39:39 PM
Remember that for a past tour Guy did provide the rehearsed setlist but refuse now.

No, it was after the cancelled 2003 tour he revealed the songs rehearsed.

he never did before a tour, and after not very often.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Eddie Fox on September 13, 2012, 07:33:12 PM
I really hate it when I write something in that forum and some boot licker shows up to twist my words.

Don't know if he's a member here, but Roland Dent has the knack of infuriating me.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 13, 2012, 07:34:21 PM
Oh, Roland Dent. Got to know him, too!!! Never mind, he is just.... well... Roland Dent...  :lol :lol

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 13, 2012, 07:37:02 PM
btw, lots of interesting posts today, and Guy seems to be in a better mood in general since a few weeks... there is one post of a poster who calls himself
"Jackal"... do you think it is our ancient and heavily missed Jackal? The YouTube clip he posted is a hint that it might possibly him indeed... . ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Eddie Fox on September 13, 2012, 07:52:01 PM
Oh, Roland Dent. Got to know him, too!!! Never mind, he is just.... well... Roland Dent...  :lol :lol


Still cannot believe he implied that Mark's guitars could be confiscated in Brazil because "they are made from a protected type of hardwood". Some people need to get a life! South America isn't the end of the world! Joe Cocker, Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart and many others don't come here every now and then because the wanna drink caipirinhas - nor for charity. The distance isn't an excuse either, USA and Canada are not that closer.

Sorry about the outflow, guys. I've calmed down now...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Eddie Fox on September 13, 2012, 07:54:32 PM
btw, lots of interesting posts today, and Guy seems to be in a better mood in general since a few weeks... there is one post of a poster who calls himself
"Jackal"... do you think it is our ancient and heavily missed Jackal? The YouTube clip he posted is a hint that it might possibly him indeed... . ;)


Please help me remember this Jackal thing lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 13, 2012, 08:00:01 PM
Oh, not really important - it seems it was shortly before you entered AMIT! Jackal was a member who contributed a lot to the forum, played guitar and had a good sense of humour. I remember him running a literatur blog... and suddenly he was gone, without a fight or any offence, he was just .. gone.

Please do not interpret too much into it: There are always changes - people come, people go, and some other also decided to leave... but after several years of posting together I tend to be .. clingy!  ;)

A really great thing however is the fact that during the last weeks/months so many other new members decided to take part here, and post on a regular base - always enriching our daily output! That includes you, of course!  8)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Eddie Fox on September 13, 2012, 08:13:34 PM
Oh, not really important - it seems it was shortly before you entered AMIT! Jackal was a member who contributed a lot to the forum, played guitar and had a good sense of humour. I remember him running a literatur blog... and suddenly he was gone, without a fight or any offence, he was just .. gone.

Please do not interpret too much into it: There are always changes - people come, people go, and some other also decided to leave... but after several years of posting together I tend to be .. clingy!  ;)

A really great thing however is the fact that during the last weeks/months so many other new members decided to take part here, and post on a regular base - always enriching our daily output! That includes you, of course!  8)


Thanks, LE:) I really don't know why I didn't join AMIT before.

Re Jackal, maybe he's just taking some time off. I did it myself recently, didn't post in Guy's forum for about 6 months, just couldn't be bothered.

Being here is great, makes me remember of the time I thought I was alone on the island - 'are there other people like me out there?'. Glad there are:)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: jennja on September 14, 2012, 02:39:35 AM
Oh, Roland Dent. Got to know him, too!!! Never mind, he is just.... well... Roland Dent...   


( i don't know how to copy...so I did this)

hahaha. Yep! I put up that vid of the Dude...not for Paulo...but for Roland. Sometimes I too just want to yank that guy. Actually, I kind of like his bizarre-ness...it's just different. Thing that gets me most about it is, it's so classically the stereotype of the snobbish Brit--and it seems so surprising he has the nerve to do it to even Guy--another Brit.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: a visitor on September 14, 2012, 06:57:03 AM
There's nothing about Dent that I find typically British. He's just a total screwball.

I have also noticed that Guy's answers are much more friendly now. That's nice. Maybe he just went through some difficult time. It happens.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 14, 2012, 10:20:00 AM
I have do defend Roland Dent a little bit me thinks:

Apart from that latest story where he accuses Guy not to know anything about cars, he is friendly and helpful most of the time. I once had a story with him about using a term which upset him because he thought it was military and I was German... but since then, I guess it is more some penetrant kind of nitpicking in a way. Never understood the Senior thing (is there a junior either at Guy's forum?) And he changes locations all the time.... Funny guy somehow...  ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on September 14, 2012, 02:44:39 PM
You obviously don't remember the Sony MDR-7520 story.

He was brillant  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 3Strats on September 14, 2012, 09:00:33 PM
I can't make my mind up about Roland. He is happy to accept advice/information on things he knows little about, but he certainly has his own  views on things !  As far as him moving about. His first posts were all from Tow Law, but I wonder if he is a long distance lorry driver, as I have also seen them from various locations in Europe. ?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 20, 2012, 03:41:48 PM
update time!!!
Rehearsals - September 2012

Here is one of life's little mysteries - So much has happened in the last ten months, in London, let alone the world. With the Queen's rain-soaked diamond Jubilee celebrations, the heady euphoria of a month of Olympic and Paralympic games; closer to home, the Privateering sessions, the amazing Vicente Amigo sessions, BluesClub gigs and various other events....why does it seem like only yesterday that we were here?

We write, record, produce, mix, engineer, arrange, perform....and tour! There's a certain irony in Mark's album cover art as I often think back to my 'apprenticeship' and the mid 1970's, driving up and down the M1 in the back of a beaten up Bedford CA panel van with a three speed gearbox, (maybe one was broken) no tax, insurance or MOT and a part of me misses the sheer excitement and camaraderie of covering ridiculous mileages to some dodgy club in the North West and playing our set to sometimes as many as 4 people. The camaraderie is in actual fact still there, as strong as ever and the allure of touring hasn't diminished in the slightest. A large part of what makes something so enjoyable is the people with whom you work and over the years a team of professionals (and friends) has evolved and emerged which make the whole experience something special. Knowing of course there are people willing to fork out hard earned cash and come to a show is heartening and having such a well known catalog and a continuous stream of new songs from our imperious leader which shows no sign of slowing is the source of most of the energy and enthusiasm. So to another tour of North America....

The familiar rumble that is London post-Olympic traffic can be heard through the very same windows that fifty weeks ago failed to silence the howling gale that greeted us to our London hotel way back then. The weather this month in the UK is doing its level best to make up for an appalling Summer of rain, wind and chill. It really does seem like only a few weeks ago we were assembled for rehearsals for our intrepid outing with the 'poet laureate of rock 'n' roll. The voice of the promise of the 60s counterculture. The guy who forced folk into bed with rock. Who donned makeup in the 70s and disappeared into a haze of substance abuse. Who emerged to find Jesus.......etc...etc... Mr. Bob Dylan!'

Since our last show at the prestigious Hammersmith Odeon back in 2011, Bob has hardly stopped gigging and recording having toured South America and parts of the US pausing only to record his new album 'Tempest', which I listen to as I write this. Now a year on, we look forward to re-acquainting ourselves with Bob's band and crew who were so accommodating last year. We had many great times backstage, before the shows not least our jam sessions with fiddles, banjos, whistles and accordions. The European tour was obviously a success and I would even venture to say that Bob enjoyed having us around even though I could never say for sure since we never got to meet. Since our last show of course
We are now in our second full week of rehearsal, the set-lists are pretty much all decided and as usual we have many 'option' slots in the list where we will substitute one song for another etc. so expect a varying set each night. The only down side being the limited time we have on stage but we'll be as much music as we can into each performance. The new double album 'Privateering' is out worldwide with the ironic exception of the U.S. and as I've mentioned in the forum, I am unable to comment on the reasons for this. Needless to say, this is frustrating in the extreme. The reviews so far have been extremely positive and the fan reaction, nothing short of amazing. It seems it's a bit of a winner...well we like it too.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 20, 2012, 03:42:53 PM
"since our last show of course"??huh??
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: allen on September 20, 2012, 04:50:59 PM
"so expect a varying set each night"!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 20, 2012, 06:32:03 PM
Yes, our favourite sentence there:  "We are now in our second full week of rehearsal, the set-lists are pretty much all decided and as usual we have many 'option' slots in the list where we will substitute one song for another etc. so expect a varying set each night."  We shall see... ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 22, 2012, 08:00:50 AM
...and a continuous stream of new songs from our imperious leader which shows no sign of slowing...

Hmmm... Not sure if this is perfect irony...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 22, 2012, 08:30:25 AM
By now, there is a lot of blablabla but no pictures of the rehearsals or anything about it...

This time we only have the pictures twittered by John... with the interesting fact that Richard Bennett is playing Pedal Steel Guitar.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on September 22, 2012, 09:06:36 AM
We fly out oct 11 - I'm gonna make a solid pledge to avoid all info, setlists, reviews.... it's my first time, I'm gonna sit back enjoy, and not have any pre-judgements in my mind.
Goodbye AMIT & ER ! :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Silvertown on September 23, 2012, 03:12:49 PM
What do you think, which song has Richard in pedal steel? I have a feeling that it is redbud tree. No fast licks and I think that Mark wants perform that in States.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 23, 2012, 03:21:38 PM
There is no way of know it... the Pedal Steel Guitar in any of the songs has a very secondary role, actually even I know where are Pedal Steel notes, its that, notes, or little things in the background that won
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 23, 2012, 03:33:03 PM
I guess it is more a "taste" and "friendship" thing. MK knows Paul Franklin and his abilities for years now - and maybe just expects him to play something, to contribute something to the songs - not necessarily worked out in every little detail, just, "Come on, Paul, play what you want, because you are a musical genious anyway!" He might hear some pedal steel in his inner version of the song. I must say all these guys, Paul, Richard, Glen and now also Jim are really very close to the original 96ers from 1996... would be great to have Chad Cromwell back (instead of Jim), but that's another story!  ;D


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Tally on September 23, 2012, 03:34:41 PM
I guess it is more a "taste" and "friendship" thing. MK knows Paul Franklin and his abilities for years now - and maybe just expects him to play something, to contribute something to the songs - not necessarily worked out in every little detail, just, "Come on, Paul, play what you want, because you are a musical genious anyway!" He might hear some pedal steel in his inner version of the song. I must say all these guys, Paul, Richard, Glen and now also Jim are really very close to the original 96ers from 1996... would be great to have Chad Cromwell back (instead of Jim), but that's another story!  ;D


Chad instead of Jim would be very interesting indeed... ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 23, 2012, 03:40:30 PM
I guess it is more a "taste" and "friendship" thing. MK knows Paul Franklin and his abilities for years now - and maybe just expects him to play something, to contribute something to the songs - not necessarily worked out in every little detail, just, "Come on, Paul, play what you want, because you are a musical genious anyway!" He might hear some pedal steel in his inner version of the song. I must say all these guys, Paul, Richard, Glen and now also Jim are really very close to the original 96ers from 1996... would be great to have Chad Cromwell back (instead of Jim), but that's another story!  ;D


Chad instead of Jim would be very interesting indeed... ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 23, 2012, 03:42:45 PM
I guess it is more a "taste" and "friendship" thing. MK knows Paul Franklin and his abilities for years now - and maybe just expects him to play something, to contribute something to the songs - not necessarily worked out in every little detail, just, "Come on, Paul, play what you want, because you are a musical genious anyway!" He might hear some pedal steel in his inner version of the song. I must say all these guys, Paul, Richard, Glen and now also Jim are really very close to the original 96ers from 1996... would be great to have Chad Cromwell back (instead of Jim), but that's another story!  ;D


But what I mean is that there is not any Pedal Steel Guitar part in any of the new songs that you can say... well, without Pedal Steel, I can
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Silvertown on September 23, 2012, 04:16:32 PM
There is no way of know it... the Pedal Steel Guitar in any of the songs has a very secondary role, actually even I know where are Pedal Steel notes, its that, notes, or little things in the background that won
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rkd on September 23, 2012, 04:19:47 PM
[quote author=jbaent link=topic=207.msg56769#msg56769 date=1348406498
I wonder why MK hires the best Pedal Steel in the world, just to make him play some notes or some background sounds... I like them but its not what I expect from the best player of that kind...

MK's perfectionism at work. He's worked with less than the best musicians in the past and chaffed under it. I think he wants to be with musicians that he respects and enjoys which for him mean the best in the business. These albums and tours are as much for him as for us, I think.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Mossguitar on September 23, 2012, 06:11:59 PM
Musicianship isn't about playing the fastest og most advanced licks, but about playing the right tones in the right way. That's what the best musicians do, Paul Franklin included, and that's why he plays for MK. But when it comes to fast licks: Have you ever had the pleasure of experiencing Richard Bennett playing lap steel on Daddy's Gone To Knoxville? I have! (Oslo 2006). That's advansed playing! So I guess he is capable of playing whatever needed on a pedal steel :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2012, 06:19:28 PM
Have you ever had the pleasure of experiencing Richard Bennett playing lap steel on Daddy's Gone To Knoxville? I have! (Oslo 2006). That's advansed playing! So I guess he is capable of playing whatever needed on a pedal steel :)

Yes!   He was right in front of me at Amsterdam 2008!   I really enjoyed his playing, so I have no doubt he will be just fine on the upcoming tour.   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 23, 2012, 09:33:31 PM
Tim O'Brien's contributions to the album are very subtle too, same with Chris Botti.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on September 24, 2012, 12:36:31 AM
There's another twittred pic from John with McGoldrick on the drums and Ian playing washboard!

Don't know if it's for the laugh but it could surely indicate something very "folksy" going on...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: allen on September 24, 2012, 03:40:28 AM
Bug !?
sofiane cheklat
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 24, 2012, 08:45:37 AM
i didn't get that question either..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: kaleo74 on September 24, 2012, 09:19:19 AM
Yes ! I asked the Doc if someone had the same thing, the set list of the CD1 is from bob dylan's new album Tempest ! first I thought wouaw ! is it the tracks that didn't make the album or what, then, Windows Media player updated the display and I saw the Tempest cover ! the same thing with the bonus CD, track 2 small potatoes !!!!!
Mercury, Mercury.... bizard !
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 24, 2012, 11:53:05 AM
There's another twittred pic from John with McGoldrick on the drums and Ian playing washboard!

Don't know if it's for the laugh but it could surely indicate something very "folksy" going on...

Donegan's Gone!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on September 24, 2012, 06:20:45 PM
There is no way of know it... the Pedal Steel Guitar in any of the songs has a very secondary role, actually even I know where are Pedal Steel notes, its that, notes, or little things in the background that won
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 29, 2012, 06:10:18 PM
Maybe the answer to that its the same at both sides... A guest player usually plays what the main artist of the recording demans, so maybe MK was asked to play in that low profile in some of the colaborations, or MK did the same with their players...

However, I think its a nonsense to call MK to play guitar parts that are not listenable at all, or not his style at all, its a waste of creativity and talent.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 29, 2012, 09:06:43 PM
Maybe the answer to that its the same at both sides... A guest player usually plays what the main artist of the recording demans, so maybe MK was asked to play in that low profile in some of the colaborations, or MK did the same with their players...

However, I think its a nonsense to call MK to play guitar parts that are not listenable at all, or not his style at all, its a waste of creativity and talent.

One could argue that in Privateering, Mark could have only played in only a few tracks himself and the difference would be negligible such is the low usage of guitar in most songs!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on September 29, 2012, 10:31:22 PM
I believe that the truth lies somewhere in between. JF you know your guitar but I have to disagree with most of your examples. Steely dan have been using so many fantastic  guitar players and dumping so many of their contributions.  MK's solo is clear and it is at the very least MKish. Steely dan was his first "hired job" so they treated his contribution very nice, in my opinion, given that he was not the guitar hero everyone wants in his recording with the signature sound.Yet the solo sounds definitely MK. But  of course Larry Carlton has proven in previous Steely dan records that he can sound even like MK!
John Fogerty's song is basically based upon a riff very close to SOS, and I believe that either MK came up with the idea, or Fogerty after writing it saw the resemblance and asked the master to contribute-thus getting instant absolution!  ;D
I would agree about Mavis Staples, which must have been a coincidence or a helping hand for Wexler, the disco craze didn't help things either, but you can at least suspect that what you hear is MK. And on Illsley's recordings, it is more or less the same.
On most of  his contributions you know it is him, even if what he plays is common and easy to imitate.
Private dancer is Dire straits without MK and even though Jeff Beck is doing a heck of a job, he doesn't sound like MK!

I think that the Sting contribution is the weakest one (3 guitar players listed, MK, EC amongst them), but what you hear is something with no breath, very confined.And then you have the Dandy warhols song, that he plays mandolin?!  But I believe that most of them asked him for the unique experience to record with a talented legend and of course have a record that includes MK in the credits. I believe that this means a few thousand sales more.
And that is what he miss in his last 2-3 records. The distinctive guitar sound. And the few memorable and distinctive licks are not enough. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on December 14, 2012, 02:32:26 PM
Positive statement about future touring on GFs forum today. Doesnt look like theirs any plan to stop after 2013.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Shoaib on January 28, 2013, 07:46:18 AM
FROM : George Evans ,  Halifax NS

Hi Guy, I travelled to Toronto in November from Halifax for your show.I am sitting here watching the Real live Roadrunning DVD at home. I was wondering why MK doesn't record an other DVD. I really enjoy the casual atmosphere and the great music. For those of us in smaller places that don't often get visited would love to have a recording of one of the newer shows.

GUY's REPLY : I'm sure we will put another one together soon, especially as we're now back doing our own show!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 28, 2013, 12:14:07 PM
FROM : George Evans ,  Halifax NS

Hi Guy, I travelled to Toronto in November from Halifax for your show.I am sitting here watching the Real live Roadrunning DVD at home. I was wondering why MK doesn't record an other DVD. I really enjoy the casual atmosphere and the great music. For those of us in smaller places that don't often get visited would love to have a recording of one of the newer shows.

GUY's REPLY : I'm sure we will put another one together soon, especially as we're now back doing our own show!

I read that soooooooooooooooooooo many times, and nothing came out...

I still remember Guy telling that MK management was considering very seriously to do something with all the recorded material from last tours, and well, nothing happened after some years.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 14, 2013, 02:32:51 PM
I was awarded by our beloved Guy with a "This question has been deleted due to infringement of the current setlist rule'" by the following post:

As I read here that you and MK like to read some comments about the songs and the way you are playing them, I thought that you might be interested in know that there is a part of TR that the fans call "The Karaoke part". Its the instrumental part after this lyrics "Telegraph road was so deep and so wide, like a rolling river". Its called the "Karaoke part" because usually MK played a guitar solo on that part, or Chris White a saxophone part during the OES tour, but now there is nothing, just all of you playing in a "karaoke mode", like if someone must be playing something there, but nobody does.

His answer was "Jim plays a piano solo"

I dont know if my post was a "setlist post" and I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 14, 2013, 02:52:56 PM
That answer is what is known as a "cop-out!" ::)  Sure, Jim is playing but he is hardly soloing by any stretch of the imagination.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 14, 2013, 02:59:27 PM
That answer is what is known as a "cop-out!" ::)  Sure, Jim is playing but he is hardly soloing by any stretch of the imagination.

You can also say that Glenn Worf is playing a bass solo, or that the Macs are playing cittern solos....

Actually you can say that in that karaoke part, everybody is playing a solo. All at the same time, but their own solos.

What a funny little man  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on May 14, 2013, 03:18:09 PM
That answer is what is known as a "cop-out!" ::)  Sure, Jim is playing but he is hardly soloing by any stretch of the imagination.

You can also say that Glenn Worf is playing a bass solo, or that the Macs are playing cittern solos....

Actually you can say that in that karaoke part, everybody is playing a solo. All at the same time, but their own solos.

What a funny little man  ;D

can I add that Mike is playing a "dance " solo ?  :lol :lol :lol ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 14, 2013, 03:34:15 PM
That answer is what is known as a "cop-out!" ::)  Sure, Jim is playing but he is hardly soloing by any stretch of the imagination.

You can also say that Glenn Worf is playing a bass solo, or that the Macs are playing cittern solos....

Actually you can say that in that karaoke part, everybody is playing a solo. All at the same time, but their own solos.

What a funny little man  ;D

can I add that Mike is playing a "dance " solo ?  :lol :lol :lol ;D ;D ;D ;D
...and meanwhile the audience are playing "sitting in their chairs falling asleep" solos! ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: binone on May 14, 2013, 05:50:26 PM
Losers...  :P

Look at my question about DVD/BR when answered, if answered...  :lol

Somewhere over the rainbow matches XXX city?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on June 19, 2013, 11:13:45 PM
The red Schecter Telecaster can be seen on a pic from Guy. Will we get Walk Of Life or Cannibals? Why would he take such an instrument with him if he doesn't play the songs he doesn't use the guitar one? The guitar is ,imho, too expensive for that and valuable and I think MK shares that opinion
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: stefankock on June 20, 2013, 04:34:27 AM
The red Schecter Telecaster can be seen on a pic from Guy. Will we get Walk Of Life or Cannibals? Why would he take such an instrument with him if he doesn't play the songs he doesn't use the guitar one? The guitar is ,imho, too expensive for that and valuable and I think MK shares that opinion

He plays that one on Seattlle if I'm correct.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on June 20, 2013, 09:32:50 AM
The red Schecter Telecaster can be seen on a pic from Guy. Will we get Walk Of Life or Cannibals? Why would he take such an instrument with him if he doesn't play the songs he doesn't use the guitar one? The guitar is ,imho, too expensive for that and valuable and I think MK shares that opinion

He plays that one on Seattlle if I'm correct.

no, on Seattle he plays a sig strat :
for that Marvin sound, he has to play it on a strat with atremolo arm, he can't do it on a Tele

When I saw the red tele on Guy's diary I thought the same : why did he bring on tour ? I think it can be a spare one for father and son if the 68 sunburst has some troubles ? :think
Or maybe, when going on tour, he kept all possibilities, including all song that "COULD" be played  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Vesper on June 20, 2013, 01:55:58 PM
Could someone list all the guitars on the picture?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on June 20, 2013, 03:22:01 PM
Here's how I can see it (from L to R):
Martin 000-40S, Martin 000-40S, National Style-O, 1958 Gibson Les Paul, 1959 Gibson Les Paul, Pensa Custom, Burns 12-string, Schecter Red Tele, 1954 Fender Blond Tele, 1966 Fender Sunburst Tele, 1965 Fender White Strat, 2003 Fender MK Signature Strat, 2003 Fender MK Signature Strat, Reverend, Danelectro, 1961 Fender Strat, Beltona Resonator
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 20, 2013, 11:36:50 PM
Maybe cannibals is one of the 36 rehearsed songs.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on June 21, 2013, 09:43:01 AM
Here's how I can see it (from L to R):
Martin 000-40S, Martin 000-40S, National Style-O, 1958 Gibson Les Paul, 1959 Gibson Les Paul, Pensa Custom, Burns 12-string, Schecter Red Tele, 1954 Fender Blond Tele, 1966 Fender Sunburst Tele, 1965 Fender White Strat, 2003 Fender MK Signature Strat, 2003 Fender MK Signature Strat, Reverend, Danelectro, 1961 Fender Strat, Beltona Resonator

- the Fender White Strat is Pre-CBS, Ingo says it is from 1964, not 1965 :
http://www.mk-guitar.com/?s=gator+blood&x=0&y=0 (http://www.mk-guitar.com/?s=gator+blood&x=0&y=0)

- By "reverend", I think you mean the Don Grosh Electrajet ?
http://www.mk-guitar.com/2010/08/31/mark-knopflers-grosh-electrajet/ (http://www.mk-guitar.com/2010/08/31/mark-knopflers-grosh-electrajet/)

- I don't think the 3rd red strat is the 61 one. I think it's another sig one.
he played 4 sig strats on GL tour, so I don't think he brings the '61 on tour anymore :
http://www.mk-guitar.com/2010/07/17/the-different-mark-knopfler-signature-strats-used-on-the-get-lucky-tour/ (http://www.mk-guitar.com/2010/07/17/the-different-mark-knopfler-signature-strats-used-on-the-get-lucky-tour/)
http://www.mk-guitar.com/2012/03/08/they-all-look-the-same-how-to-tell-mark-knopflers-different-signature-strats-apart/ (http://www.mk-guitar.com/2012/03/08/they-all-look-the-same-how-to-tell-mark-knopflers-different-signature-strats-apart/)

- strange we don't see the new blue pensa with P90 (the one used on KOG) on the picture. Maybe is it the free slot near the pensa custom ?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on June 25, 2013, 01:22:41 PM
The red Schecter Telecaster can be seen on a pic from Guy. Will we get Walk Of Life or Cannibals? Why would he take such an instrument with him if he doesn't play the songs he doesn't use the guitar one? The guitar is ,imho, too expensive for that and valuable and I think MK shares that opinion

Of course he can bring a vintage Schecter Tele as a backup. He's Mark Knopfler for God's sake!  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on June 25, 2013, 08:18:21 PM
His Markness has probably three of them if you watch from that point of view;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on July 01, 2013, 09:53:33 AM
Guy' reply about Redbut tree not played live :

"I would but we have decided to leave that one out for a variety of very long-winded, boring, technical 'musician' reasons."

 ??? I wonder what "musician reasons" could it be  ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Roland Dent on July 05, 2013, 06:31:30 PM
Hallo Folks...reading back a few pages I see I created some interest.  Feel free to post. I do.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 05, 2013, 07:17:31 PM
Post of the year, although it sounds like a threat... a little bit...  ;)


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Roland Dent on July 05, 2013, 10:04:52 PM
Haha haha  no threats here..thanks for the nice welcome!  Lost my reading glasses so I can't pick the smiley face...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 17, 2013, 11:47:31 AM
Someone asking for the "playlist" is given the answer:  "you mean the setlist, or the walk in music?  The latter is posted in a diary entry of this tour...somewhere."

Surely Guy doesn't spend his precious spare time reading our ramblings? :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 17, 2013, 08:23:38 PM
I can't see why you would think so? He only seems to o lazy to search his own diary...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 17, 2013, 08:26:46 PM
I can't see why you would think so? He only seems to o lazy to search his own diary...


Curiosity perhaps?  I know I wouldn't be able to resist!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 17, 2013, 08:31:14 PM
He has some nice lines today in the Taormina entry... "...when we launched into probably the band's most loved song after a hiatus of a month or so, the crowd went simply nuts."

and about playing keyboards nearly in the dark, only by feel: ... "we often found ourselves playing by feel. Ah well, if we can't do that by now, there's something wrong. If Ray Charles can do it, so can I."



Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 17, 2013, 08:33:42 PM
I LOL'd at the Ray Charles part. Except for all the food stuff ( sorry Guy!) I like his writing a lot. I really mis his diaries if the tour ends, because every morning, when I have breakfast and a good cuppa' coffee I read his nice stories.. And then, after the tour.. Mental breakdown.. Every time..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 17, 2013, 08:37:51 PM
Ah, no problem, you have AMIT for these days... only good stuff to read..  :wave

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 17, 2013, 08:49:42 PM
I LOL'd at the Ray Charles part. Except for all the food stuff ( sorry Guy!) I like his writing a lot. I really mis his diaries if the tour ends, because every morning, when I have breakfast and a good cuppa' coffee I read his nice stories.. And then, after the tour.. Mental breakdown.. Every time..

I'm the same after the tour.  Miss his little stories and insights.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 19, 2013, 01:12:13 PM
Guitar Action/Set-up
19th July 2013

Dear Guy, Hope you are well. Could you please tell us how Guitar God Mark Knopfler's strat is set-up and action for sultans of swing. Your answer would be highly appreciated. Best regards, the stratman    Well it has all 6 strings on it. They are 9.5's and the action is I would say 'medium'. As for the settings, You'll have to look at a picture as there's no way I'm asking Mark that. He views fan interest in settings as sad You know the deal, "it's in the fingers".

So MK thinks interest in settings from fans, who pay money, who come to see his gigs, in his guitars is sad? WTF..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 19, 2013, 01:25:36 PM
Guitar Action/Set-up
19th July 2013

Dear Guy, Hope you are well. Could you please tell us how Guitar God Mark Knopfler's strat is set-up and action for sultans of swing. Your answer would be highly appreciated. Best regards, the stratman    Well it has all 6 strings on it. They are 9.5's and the action is I would say 'medium'. As for the settings, You'll have to look at a picture as there's no way I'm asking Mark that. He views fan interest in settings as sad You know the deal, "it's in the fingers".

So MK thinks interest in settings from fans, who pay money, who come to see his gigs, in his guitars is sad? WTF..

Wouldn't worry about it - I've known I'm sad for years (1985 actually)! ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on July 19, 2013, 01:36:40 PM
But MK stated also that you have to find your own style, that he doesn't advise to simply imitate someones playing. Yes, "sad" may sound a bit harsh, but I bet that one has to view it in the whole context.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 19, 2013, 01:38:54 PM
But MK stated also that you have to find your own style, that he doesn't advise to simply imitate someones playing. Yes, "sad" may sound a bit harsh, but I bet that one has to view it in the whole context.

Yes, I suppose to copy someone's style is like forcing yourself to do something that is unnatural to you.  I can see where he is coming from here.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 19, 2013, 01:41:26 PM
There is a difference in sharing different guitar settings/set ups just to see how a guitar is set up to make the playing easier, or the overall sound of the guitar better. Copying another guitarist complete is not ok.  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 19, 2013, 01:45:41 PM
AND I still find it very difficult to give weight to such words as 'sad' or whatsoever.. In Dutch we also have those words, which for a Dutchman it's perfectly clear what you're saying to a person who doesn't speak Dutch.. But then that person can rate those words very differently from what you are trying to say.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 19, 2013, 07:56:52 PM
Also one answer in capital letters about set lists again - seems he is losing his temper. Guess touring is more stressful than he makes us think via his diary...
He better should shut down the forum, fo rme it's clear he lost his interest in it long time ago...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on July 19, 2013, 08:01:51 PM
Yes, Guy seems to be resorting to capital letters quite a lot lately.  Maybe the heat is getting to him!   ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on July 19, 2013, 10:10:08 PM
By the way, I love the words GF chose to elaborate on the "guitar settings":

"It's YOUR sound. If you really, really want to copy someone else's sound, the ONLY way to do it is to use your ears. There is certain mystique in music which I'm not keen on ignoring. "

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 19, 2013, 10:11:18 PM
And he's right :-) I certainly know one thing, Guy knows a lot about music. And how to describe it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 19, 2013, 10:12:36 PM
Yeah he's an eloquent multi instrumentalist...  ::)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on July 20, 2013, 02:12:17 PM
It can be funny to hear how different you are sounding using the same setting as Mark  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 20, 2013, 02:49:08 PM
And he's right :-) I certainly know one thing, Guy knows a lot about music. And how to describe it.

yes he is..............but he could have answer it that way the first time.

I did not knew that this was his definition of sad.

And threatening  with closing his from and saying that it takes a lot of effort , well first:  no threats but promises ,
second: the effort people are willin to make to hear Sultans and don't get it and wanna ventilate that in a question to " AsK the docFletch".

And why does he hate such a questions , well may be people telling him HOW GOOD he is too often and he can reply on that always, or that he doesn't has too much to say in the Knopfler circus .I think he whish he could reply with:," yeah I know am i good? I do know my skills ,that's SAD, you like my pictures ? well you may kiss the cook , I am not gonna say I am better Allan , that are your words.(thx)... , ok , ok , enough **s li****g boys and girls , thx thx thx , we gonna rock Sultans tomorrow , fasten your seatbelts"
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on July 20, 2013, 07:56:51 PM
MK copies Hank's settings (echo, heavy strings etc),  Richard Bennett does the same getting "old timey" sounds on guitar and lap steel on certain songs. They didn't invent this stuff, at some point somebody told them how to do it. :(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 20, 2013, 08:18:49 PM
MK copies Hank's settings (echo, heavy strings etc),  Richard Bennett does the same getting "old timey" sounds on guitar and lap steel on certain songs. They didn't invent this stuff, at some point somebody told them how to do it. :(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 20, 2013, 09:46:22 PM
copy that  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on July 21, 2013, 03:54:57 PM
It can be funny to hear how different you are sounding using the same setting as Mark  ;D
If it were me..still would sound like two cats being sprayed with the hose while fighting.  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 3Strats on July 21, 2013, 08:08:59 PM
Possibly being a little harsh on yourself there Hop !   ;D

I have to say, having the right gear helps, but I usually "zero in" on the sound by ear, because frankly, there are differences between individual amplifiers of the same model, and even if you have the "correct" amp & effects, unless you are able to play at the same volume as Mark (in studio or on stage)  it will not sound the same . ( Tube amps have to be played fairly loud to get the best out of them). At "home volumes" I usually use a solid state Fender Princeton Chorus & a multi FX pedal and tweak the  Multi FX patches while listening to the original song. 

I'm afraid I have a lot of sympathy for Guy because he must be heartily sick of reading the same questions & complaints, (even though I'm definitely in the "play Sultans" camp). 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Josef on July 22, 2013, 07:58:54 PM
Anyone know what happened to that poster called Roland Dent?  He must have upset Guy or something..Guy says "he is alive and kicking".  Anyone know what happened?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 22, 2013, 08:06:58 PM

Roland Dent now keeps on posting at  Isaac Shabtays Tour Blog, he calls himself DERG over there. At one of his comments he mentioned that he was member of AMIT a few days until he got banned (!) and that Guy also banned him because of a special post... he made a small hint that his question was about money and that Guy banned him from his forum because of that.

Hope this answers your question, Josef! Greetings and welcome at AMIT.  :wave

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 3Strats on July 22, 2013, 08:14:07 PM
Roland also wrote a few posts that were quite "political" and were a bit of a rant, and that may have contributed. I know Guy had suggested he restrict himself one post per day, but possibly something else happened when I was away on holiday in June. I haven't seen any of his posts since I came back 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Josef on July 22, 2013, 09:40:39 PM
Sorry guys I have been flying under a false flag here.  The good thing is that I contacted Aidan from Darlington who has the same interests as me.  Great to make pals thru websites.  If I can hang around using the name Josef that would suit me fine. :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 3Strats on July 22, 2013, 10:10:46 PM
 :smack :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on July 23, 2013, 12:46:19 AM
All new members are welcome.    The editors ask that all new members review and follow our guidelines.   We work very hard to keep our AMIT forum pleasant and enjoyable for everyone.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: shangri la 1 on July 23, 2013, 06:21:46 AM
All new members are welcome.    The editors ask that all new members review and follow our guidelines.   We work very hard to keep our AMIT forum pleasant and enjoyable for everyone.
Agree 100% IrisRose
Just to add that nothing will Dent the editor
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Josef on July 23, 2013, 12:48:09 PM
So far so good.  Long process of civilisation.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 23, 2013, 02:22:25 PM
It's hardly to believe that you really dare to show up here and post under thenew name "Josef", Roland Dent. You better delete your account as soon as possible instead of facing the same procedure again. After reading the first few "Josef" posts I realize you will start the same trolling shit again. What about the word "Banned" is unclear to you?  Btw, it is forbidden to

I am not interested in any post or answer from you and would wish to see you disappear from here better sooner than later.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Josef on July 23, 2013, 03:03:10 PM
You certainly are a remarkable bunch of people. Let things develop.  See what comes out.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 25, 2013, 02:53:13 PM
On Guy's forum yesterday:
Hi Doc,, this has been the best mk solo tour, can't wait for next, is there any chance to see you next year or we'll have to wait 2 or more years?

Guy: We shall see, I can't comment on that just yet

I think they are planning something next year............... :clap
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 25, 2013, 03:13:33 PM
They are planning something for oktober ;-) US-tour
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: El Macho on July 25, 2013, 04:02:00 PM
A blues tour would be great but it would be surprinsing !
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 25, 2013, 04:14:04 PM
Maybe Kim Wilson (instead of Ruth/Nigel) - if so, some harmonica parts would be probable... I Used To Could, or maybe Baloney Again...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 25, 2013, 04:15:38 PM
A blues tour would be great but it would be surprinsing !

Huh, no US-tour, MK and band
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 25, 2013, 08:59:48 PM
They are planning something for oktober ;-) US-tour

I know Ingrid but if you read between the lines in Guy's answer than you can think they are planning something for 2014 or is it just me  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 25, 2013, 09:21:07 PM
They are planning something for oktober ;-) US-tour

I know Ingrid but if you read between the lines in Guy's answer than you can think they are planning something for 2014 or is it just me  :think

It's just you. He doesn't want to say anything and reading between the lines leads to nothing in Guy's answers in my opinion.
There will not be a tour in 2014. There's no new album, and I can't imagine MK touring like others who do the same tour for years. He wants to write, a new album and then go touring again. My 2 cents
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on July 26, 2013, 04:05:51 AM
They are planning something for oktober ;-) US-tour

I know Ingrid but if you read between the lines in Guy's answer than you can think they are planning something for 2014 or is it just me  :think

It's just you. He doesn't want to say anything and reading between the lines leads to nothing in Guy's answers in my opinion.
There will not be a tour in 2014. There's no new album, and I can't imagine MK touring like others who do the same tour for years. He wants to write, a new album and then go touring again. My 2 cents
One little minor detail to keep in mind..Mark likes to write..all ..the ..time..even when on tour. If you were to ask Guy if Mark has been writing during the tour..his answer would be something akin to the usual dodge.."Mark is always writing". He may very well already have songs written for the next album..it's the recording and production that will take time to fit into everyone's schedule. Least we forget how quick Mark had songs ready to go for "Get Lucky" on the heels of the KTGC Tour. And lastly...simply put..Mark loves to tour. Your 2 cents..added to my 2 cents Ingrid adds up to another tour sometime in the next 2 years...tour in the Spring of 2015.    ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: joanzimm on July 26, 2013, 01:18:51 PM
This quote from MK's recent press release makes it sound like he's already got enough material to put out another album:

I'm enjoying the process more than ever, writing, recording and playing live, I enjoy all of it.  I'm almost tripping over songs."

  Also, in an interview I saw about Privateering, I remember hearing him say:

"It could have been a triple album".  :clap :clap :clap

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 26, 2013, 01:21:09 PM
New album in december ;D Well that would be something wouldn't it.. If he already recorded another album..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 26, 2013, 03:06:32 PM
New album in december ;D Well that would be something wouldn't it.. If he already recorded another album..

absolutely not...............don't fool your self my friend.

if their was recorded something for a new record Guy would have written about it in a studio diary and his new American record label
first want to sell out some privateering albums in the US to people who didn't order it online.

And normally a new album is pre -announced months for its release , not talking about the pre album single ..............there is a little short of time , four and a half month  :think

as I learned : hope is the last to go................................you may joy the idea :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 26, 2013, 03:21:23 PM
New album in december ;D Well that would be something wouldn't it.. If he already recorded another album..

absolutely not...............don't fool your self my friend.

if their was recorded something for a new record Guy would have written about it in a studio diary and his new American record label
first want to sell out some privateering albums in the US to people who didn't order it online.

And normally a new album is pre -announced months for its release , not talking about the pre album single ..............there is a little short of time , four and a half month  :think

as I learned : hope is the last to go................................you may joy the idea :wave
I was joking  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on July 26, 2013, 03:26:35 PM
Here is the 'ususal' schedule..Mark and Guy are back in the studio in September to start putting the songs together...time out for the Holidays..the band is back in London for recording in February..mixing and production in April...album release the first week of September. All that being said..I'm looking forward to a new release September of 2014. Imho of course  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 26, 2013, 03:33:06 PM
that's a relieve Holaknopfler  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on July 26, 2013, 08:20:42 PM
Here is the 'ususal' schedule..Mark and Guy are back in the studio in September to start putting the songs together...time out for the Holidays..the band is back in London for recording in February..mixing and production in April...album release the first week of September. All that being said..I'm looking forward to a new release September of 2014. Imho of course  ;D
what do you think the new album will be called.  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 26, 2013, 10:16:57 PM
Sultans of setlists  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on July 27, 2013, 10:34:25 AM
Sultans of setlists  :think

Setlisting me up?  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 27, 2013, 10:37:58 AM
"Get A Life"

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: twm on July 27, 2013, 11:38:31 AM
Back to whether (or rather when) there'll bea new album.

If PRIVATEERING sells less well in North America once released (because those who want it have already imported it), then maybe Universal will ask for "new product" to put on the market there earlier than we might expect in the normal circumstances.

Actually, I would think not because I'd guess that MK and PCM will have been wise enough to forestall that kind of record company pressure within the contract.

On the other hand, who knows? Maybe part of getting the deal was first to release PRIVATEERING there and to tour behind it in North America but then to produce a follow-up album within a given period, possibly a shorter period than is the "norm" with Mark. Only those involved on both sides and their lawyers and accountants will know but, if it happens this way or anything close to this way, then I would not be surprised to learn subsequently that this had all been sorted out in the negotiations for this recording contract.

Slight change of subject:

Has there been any indication of who now owns the rights to the material that the preevious record company released in the past? Could they, for example, release a compilation album without MK's agreement (or involvement)? Or have the rights all reverted to MK?

Again, I assume the latter but, then, you never can tell. Does anyone know the answer for certain?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 27, 2013, 11:53:04 AM
A Spanish friend of mine told me that he knows someone from Universal Records that told him that a Live record its in the pipeline, or at least, it was before the tour started, and the idea was to release a 2cd + dvd pack, in the beguining, probably the RAH shows for the audio and the BBC show for the dvd, but we
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 27, 2013, 11:56:23 AM
Slight change of subject:

Has there been any indication of who now owns the rights to the material that the preevious record company released in the past? Could they, for example, release a compilation album without MK's agreement (or involvement)? Or have the rights all reverted to MK?

Again, I assume the latter but, then, you never can tell. Does anyone know the answer for certain?

I guess they can, actually, even release a live record of recorded material during the DS and MK years with Warner, but compilations, I think they can be made without asking. At least Universal does it with a Spanish singer who is not in contract with them anymore, the artist I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 27, 2013, 01:43:27 PM
Guy has made a cookbook! Looks great if you ask me. Think I'll buy that one!:-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Zeeley on July 27, 2013, 02:15:37 PM
Guy has made a cookbook! Looks great if you ask me. Think I'll buy that one!:-)

A bit early for a christmasprezzie, but it looks good

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 27, 2013, 02:47:01 PM
i would like it when "cook" wasn't in the title ,and  some songs explanations and tabs how to play the live versions, behind and during the scene pictures , a MK tour interview.

For Heaven's sake we are dying for a DVD and more for years..................and what do we got , at the end of the day ? ? an Oliver Fletcher Cook Book , with the big MK initials inside, that why they did not change the setlist , Guy could not rehears to much, while busy writing his diary's , forum, and cookbook  :smack

Com 'on

I guess I wake up in a minute
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 27, 2013, 03:19:36 PM
Not sure if this is the perfect point of view, Enlight... however I respect your opinion of course. But Guy has no influence in if there is a DVD/Blu-ray or not, and also this has not a lot to do with MK - it is awesome if you ask me how he dealed to get up a daily diary entry every day AND compiling this obviously good-looking book... I know it is easier these days with online printer sites and everything, but nevertheless, it is just pure fun and joy if you ask me and I understand he SURPRISED the catering crew with this gift... nice touch. He won't have any big interest in making it a bestseller or selling it by thousands, it is a special kind of souvenir... they all kept saying how great the catering was throughout the tour under sometimes difficult circumstances. So hats off to Guy! I guess it might be because of this troubling work that his latest forum answers were a bit harsh and short sometimes... no hard feelings here!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Hophead on July 27, 2013, 03:20:12 PM
Here is the 'ususal' schedule..Mark and Guy are back in the studio in September to start putting the songs together...time out for the Holidays..the band is back in London for recording in February..mixing and production in April...album release the first week of September. All that being said..I'm looking forward to a new release September of 2014. Imho of course  ;D
what do you think the new album will be called.  ;D
"Lucky Privateers"?   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on July 27, 2013, 03:42:48 PM
Here is the 'ususal' schedule..Mark and Guy are back in the studio in September to start putting the songs together...time out for the Holidays..the band is back in London for recording in February..mixing and production in April...album release the first week of September. All that being said..I'm looking forward to a new release September of 2014. Imho of course  ;D
what do you think the new album will be called.  ;D
"Lucky Privateers"?   ;D

Oh oh, my last one...

'The Sultan's death'   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 27, 2013, 04:36:53 PM
Not sure if this is the perfect point of view, Enlight... however I respect your opinion of course. But Guy has no influence in if there is a DVD/Blu-ray or not, and also this has not a lot to do with MK - it is awesome if you ask me how he dealed to get up a daily diary entry every day AND compiling this obviously good-looking book... I know it is easier these days with online printer sites and everything, but nevertheless, it is just pure fun and joy if you ask me and I understand he SURPRISED the catering crew with this gift... nice touch. He won't have any big interest in making it a bestseller or selling it by thousands, it is a special kind of souvenir... they all kept saying how great the catering was throughout the tour under sometimes difficult circumstances. So hats off to Guy! I guess it might be because of this troubling work that his latest forum answers were a bit harsh and short sometimes... no hard feelings here!


I do understand you LE , and maybe I am a bit one-sided ,

But I love MUSIC and I have nothing in common with meals , food or cookbooks. In this case more with people "moaning" about Sultans.....
I respect Guy for his musicianship and if he felt like giving  the "gathering" crew a gift for their high praised efforts he is free to do ,

though I have seen fans doing an amount of effort, geographic and financially wise during this tour, and what is his gift to them ? being harsh on his forum , his Tour Cooking Diary or the fact that he plays in Marks band ?

For sure the catering was throughout the tour under sometimes difficult circumstances,......
like it is for many women/men cooking for their kids and partner with almost no money to spend every day in and out,
next time Guy in "Undercover Boss " visiting MK fans to see how they manage it ?  :think

But off course most will congratulate him with his cookbook  and he will highly appreciate it and cheers to it .

thanks for your gift to the catering crew Guy  :thumbsup  ...........today I go for a deep fry Grasshopper , to remember  JJ Cale 

(read lightly  ;))
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 27, 2013, 06:30:48 PM
Thanks for the "read lightly". But I would not call it a bit one-sided...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 27, 2013, 11:28:37 PM
Thanks for the "read lightly". But I would not call it a bit one-sided...


as much one sided as your comment , you give reasons why to take our hats off , and I why to keep it on....... for a cookbook (-:
but at least we both substantiate our view. :wave

btw what did you eat this evening LE ? :lol

No big deal , no offense , and off course! I do respect your opinion , don't get me wrong  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 27, 2013, 11:48:51 PM
No, I just meant, Guy publishing a cookbook has ASBSOLUTELY and DEFINITELY nothing to do with poor parents not able to feed their kids, financial efforts of fans, Sultans moaners, JJ Cale's pass-away and not even with the European Finance Desaster.. it is pure joy - and he could have even put the book out in the unprobable case their SHOULD be a DVD/Blu-Ray-- so blaming him to have the NERVE to put out an cookbook, only because his latest forum answers were harsh, or whatever else reason, just makes no sense to me. And I had some grilled stuff tonight, thank you.

The main reason for my initial post was that it seems to me a big achievement to do all the stuff Guy does during travelling, may it be as luxurious as it may be, and  having the time to put up Diary entries, making great fotos AND STILL be able to compile a cookbook. That was all, It is not his fault that he world sometimes is a dark and evil and expensive place. IF so, it would be more Ianto's fault for sure!  ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rkd on July 28, 2013, 01:39:19 AM
IF so, it would be more Ianto's fault for sure!  ;)


I suspected as much all along!  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 28, 2013, 01:45:14 AM
Not sure if this is the perfect point of view, Enlight... however I respect your opinion of course. But Guy has no influence in if there is a DVD/Blu-ray or not, and also this has not a lot to do with MK - it is awesome if you ask me how he dealed to get up a daily diary entry every day AND compiling this obviously good-looking book... I know it is easier these days with online printer sites and everything, but nevertheless, it is just pure fun and joy if you ask me and I understand he SURPRISED the catering crew with this gift... nice touch. He won't have any big interest in making it a bestseller or selling it by thousands, it is a special kind of souvenir... they all kept saying how great the catering was throughout the tour under sometimes difficult circumstances. So hats off to Guy! I guess it might be because of this troubling work that his latest forum answers were a bit harsh and short sometimes... no hard feelings here!

Not sure if this is the perfect point of view, Enlight... however I respect your opinion of course. But Guy has no influence in if there is a DVD/Blu-ray or not, and also this has not a lot to do with MK - it is awesome if you ask me how he dealed to get up a daily diary entry every day AND compiling this obviously good-looking book... I know it is easier these days with online printer sites and everything, but nevertheless, it is just pure fun and joy if you ask me and I understand he SURPRISED the catering crew with this gift... nice touch. He won't have any big interest in making it a bestseller or selling it by thousands, it is a special kind of souvenir... they all kept saying how great the catering was throughout the tour under sometimes difficult circumstances. So hats off to Guy! I guess it might be because of this troubling work that his latest forum answers were a bit harsh and short sometimes... no hard feelings here!

Not sure if this is the perfect point of view, Enlight... however I respect your opinion of course. But Guy has no influence in if there is a DVD/Blu-ray or not, and also this has not a lot to do with MK - it is awesome if you ask me how he dealed to get up a daily diary entry every day AND compiling this obviously good-looking book... I know it is easier these days with online printer sites and everything, but nevertheless, it is just pure fun and joy if you ask me and I understand he SURPRISED the catering crew with this gift... nice touch. He won't have any big interest in making it a bestseller or selling it by thousands, it is a special kind of souvenir... they all kept saying how great the catering was throughout the tour under sometimes difficult circumstances. So hats off to Guy! I guess it might be because of this troubling work that his latest forum answers were a bit harsh and short sometimes... no hard feelings here!


I totally second your point of view LE
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 28, 2013, 03:54:29 AM
Three times as is seems Ingrid  ;D

I understand that Guy cannot change the world, but when people say that the catering had difficult circumstances
during the tour and because off that a cookbook is in its place , I simply suggest why a gift to his fans should not be in place also.
The difficult circumstances the catering had were not financial , but was it such a big deal they had to manage?

so again I rather had seen a  gift to the fans (Too)
like I mentioned: a nice book with e.g.some songs explanations and tabs how to play the live versions, behind and during the scene pictures , a MK tour interview , you name it!

The fans  give too: ( just as the catering do)
as I motioned:
I have seen fans doing an amount of effort, geographic and financially wise to see this tour. ( and than again , nobody force them)

Grasshopper is an album by JJ Cale as you know , and you can fry those insects (just a joke), though I did gave that album a listen,
and enjoyed it with mixed emotion and last mentioned had indeed nothing to do with Guys cookbook , but simply with JJ only , so not fair from me to make that remark  :-[

I also get it that Guy is not the guy who can force Mark to bring out a live CD/DVD , I only said  I rather have that than a cookbook, and the fans are waiting for that a long time.

I did not say that he world sometimes is a dark and evil and expensive place for common people with problem cooking , they can be very happy in what they achieve .

I saw it more from a fan kind of view than from Guy's point of view , and off course he is absolutely free in selling a cookbook , so if I was (little bit ) harsh on Guy , I apologize.
And I am sorry the catering had a hard time during this tour and compared them with common people who can have a hard time cooking too .

The bottom line its a nice gesture from Guy to the catering , I only took it on for the fans who I thought imho  would like a book  with some songs explanations and tabs how to play the live versions, behind and during the scene pictures , a MK tour interview , you name it....also.

I respect the people who love his cookbook, and if they happy with it ...........so am I.
And I hope for the fans that maybe in the future he will create a kind of fan-book.

I did not use capital letters  there i am sure you can read it without , you don't have to agree off course. ;)

though I realize mine bottom line did not really became one , its in the middle. :smack

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 28, 2013, 03:59:25 AM
I rest my case.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on July 28, 2013, 04:26:45 AM
I'm sorry to sound harsh.. But that book has NOTHING to do with the fans and everything you mention. It's because Guy likes it. I don't understand why you are making such a problem because of his cookbook..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 29, 2013, 02:41:12 AM
I'm sorry to sound harsh.. But that book has NOTHING to do with the fans and everything you mention. It's because Guy likes it. I don't understand why you are making such a problem because of his cookbook..

Hi Holaknopfler

As I wrote:
"I saw it more from a fan kind of view than from Guy's point of view , and off course he is absolutely free in selling a cookbook , so if I was (little bit ) harsh on Guy , I apologize."

And what is it with capital letters  ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on July 29, 2013, 09:38:56 AM
Here is the 'ususal' schedule..Mark and Guy are back in the studio in September to start putting the songs together...time out for the Holidays..the band is back in London for recording in February..mixing and production in April...album release the first week of September. All that being said..I'm looking forward to a new release September of 2014. Imho of course  ;D

As the current Privateering tour is coming to its end, I'd like to remember my excitement when the recording of a new album starts. This is a perfect cure for the upcoming end-of-tour-blues. And A LOT of music, of course. Maybe Guy will record a new album in the meantime to entertain us in the next weeks. Later on autumn leaves will cover the streets and we can cherish the last warming sun rays of 2013. That will be the time when a daily obligatory visit of guyfletcher.co.uk will reveal the studio diaries with some beautiful pictures and cryptic descriptions of soon-to-be-released songs. As time goes by the winter will be on its last legs. Pictures of Les Pauls, Strats & Co. as well as amps turned up to eleven, several gatherings in the pub and London streets in winter will delight us along the way. AMIT is going to be filled to the brim with excited speculations about the follow-up to "Sultans Of Swing", that mysterious song with the Les Paul screaming the powerchords out of a vintage amp provided by a local cover-band and that epic song with a never-ending guitar solo as well.  ;)
As soon as the spring of 2014 is in the air we are going to witness the final proceeding of mastering the new record. Chuck is going to be at the helm again. The GF forum is going to be filled with questions about the new songs. But how on earth can I cope with the anticipation of a release in September when the year 2015 is already in the line of sight. OK, I know, we've done this before, A LOT of music is the perfect antidote. Let's hope that it won't be too long until some snippets of the upcoming (triple?) album will be released.

But we still have three shows left to enjoy, after that the whole team deserves a holiday.

Today's soundtrack includes Howlin' Wolf accompanied by the great Hubert Sumlin live in 1970 at Howard University, Blues Festival of 1970:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 29, 2013, 10:17:39 AM
Just to let you know:

Guy wrote today in his forum that this was the BEST TOUR SO FAR!


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on July 29, 2013, 10:23:30 AM
Just to let you know:

Guy wrote today in his forum that this was the BEST TOUR SO FAR!



Really?   Why does that not surprise me!  ::)   :lol   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 29, 2013, 12:19:44 PM
Just to let you know:

Guy wrote today in his forum that this was the BEST TOUR SO FAR!



I agree with Guy, but I can only speak from 1985 till now ;-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: El Macho on July 29, 2013, 12:39:07 PM
The latest is always the best for Guy !
When it's an album, it's for the music, when it's atour, it's for the food ! ;D just joking...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on July 29, 2013, 12:57:09 PM
Just to let you know:

Guy wrote today in his forum that this was the BEST TOUR SO FAR!



So why I hear ordinary people complaining when leaving the venue?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 29, 2013, 03:27:27 PM
Just to let you know:

Guy wrote today in his forum that this was the BEST TOUR SO FAR!



I agree with Guy, but I can only speak from 1985 till now ;-)

So can Guy  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 29, 2013, 03:34:20 PM
Just to let you know:

Guy wrote today in his forum that this was the BEST TOUR SO FAR!



I agree with Guy, but I can only speak from 1985 till now ;-)

So can Guy  ;D

Wrong he was there at 1983 ;-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on July 29, 2013, 03:41:57 PM
Just to let you know:

Guy wrote today in his forum that this was the BEST TOUR SO FAR!



I agree with Guy, but I can only speak from 1985 till now ;-)

So can Guy  ;D

Wrong he was there at 1983 ;-)

No it was Tommy Mandel.

Guy joined DS in 1984 for the BIA recording session, in 1983 he was still only a studio sideman.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 29, 2013, 03:45:23 PM
Just to let you know:

Guy wrote today in his forum that this was the BEST TOUR SO FAR!



I agree with Guy, but I can only speak from 1985 till now ;-)

So can Guy  ;D

Wrong he was there at 1983 ;-)

No it was Tommy Mandel.

Guy joined DS in 1984 for the BIA recording session, in 1983 he was still only a studio sideman.

True, but he was involved, so he can talk about that tour as well.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 29, 2013, 04:44:08 PM
Just to let you know:

Guy wrote today in his forum that this was the BEST TOUR SO FAR!



I agree with Guy, but I can only speak from 1985 till now ;-)

So can Guy  ;D

Wrong he was there at 1983 ;-)

No it was Tommy Mandel.

Guy joined DS in 1984 for the BIA recording session, in 1983 he was still only a studio sideman.

True, but he was involved, so he can talk about that tour as well.

DS was not touring when Guy joined in , the recording of Call stretch from February till March 1984 and released in August 1984,
Mark and Guy actually first met during the recording of Aztec Camera's ( of which the recording and contracting musicians , not counting the three main members was end 1983) album "Knife" where Guy was a session keyboard player just like Chris White and Mark producer . released in 1984 .Nice album BTW.

Also during DS their LOG-tour (1982/83) Guy had other things to do:

Cliff Richard, Silver, 1983, Keyboards + Zang
Roxy Music, The High Road, 1983, Keyboards
Difford + Tillford, Difford + Tilbrook, 1984, Keyboards + Zabg
Mark Knopfler, Cal, 1984, Keyboards
Aztec Camera, Knife, 1984, Keyboards + Zang
Mark Knopfler, Comfort and Joy, 1984, Keyboards
Dire Straits, Brothers in Arms, 1985, Keyboards + Zang

when Guys says this 2013 Privateering was the best tour ever , he can only compare it from the 1985/86 BIA until the Privateering Tour ,
so you can fully agree with him Ingrid  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 29, 2013, 05:45:44 PM
Haha, Mark says he joined in 1983 and never went away, that's why I said so.
But still strange: I can talk from the 1985 tour on, and so can Guy. But I know he is a lot older, mmmm, about 8 years is a lot isn't it  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on July 29, 2013, 07:10:47 PM
I think this IS a GREAT tour, although I have only the 2012 abbreviated NA tour to compare with, which was very, very cool, but also very very short. 

Just wondering if Guy would have said (or did say) this for other tours?   :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on July 29, 2013, 07:34:41 PM
I think this IS a GREAT tour, although I have only the 2012 abbreviated NA tour to compare with, which was very, very cool, but also very very short. 

Just wondering if Guy would have said (or did say) this for other tours?   :think

Guess what  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on July 29, 2013, 09:17:29 PM
... each of them has been the best?   :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on July 29, 2013, 10:37:23 PM
Haha, Mark says he joined in 1983 and never went away, that's why I said so.
But still strange: I can talk from the 1985 tour on, and so can Guy. But I know he is a lot older, mmmm, about 8 years is a lot isn't it  ;D

Listen to some of the band introduction carefully , Mark mostly add the words " I Think.." before/after "1983".......  :)During other tours I can remember he sometimes said "eighty-five or so" or "since the (early) eighties"

I never would have the nerve to ask a lady about her day of birth , but I was only 16/17 years old during the BIA tour ,
so Guy is an "oldie" for me .......you are not off course :lol  (oops) 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 29, 2013, 10:54:29 PM
Question today on his forum:

What are the chances of a new album from MK in 2014?

Guy: Well that's next year and we haven't anything recorded, so I doubt it

That probably means no new record in 2014  :disbelief

Makes me wonder what they will do the rest of 2013 besides do a tour for let's say 3 weeks in october.... :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 29, 2013, 10:59:06 PM
If the tour the US this autumn, there will be not any other action this year for sure. Maybe first steps in the studio End Nov/Dec...

In recent years, it was not impossible at times after a tour that new recordings take place. First takes with Guy in Oct/Nov, Band comes in January/February, mixing in May, release in Sept... but now that MK has found out how great it is to fiddle around and work more detailed in his very own
studio, this schedule seems to be broken. I guess the first half of 2014 will bring some studio stuff maybe a new diary. Mark always changes, so maybe he does a very fast written, fast recorded and fast released album, maybe 9 or 10 songs, after this double album...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 29, 2013, 11:27:28 PM
No tour in 2014, that's for sure. He has been on the road since the GL tour.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 29, 2013, 11:36:16 PM
If the tour the US this autumn, there will be not any other action this year for sure. Maybe first steps in the studio End Nov/Dec...

In recent years, it was not impossible at times after a tour that new recordings take place. First takes with Guy in Oct/Nov, Band comes in January/February, mixing in May, release in Sept... but now that MK has found out how great it is to fiddle around and work more detailed in his very own
studio, this schedule seems to be broken. I guess the first half of 2014 will bring some studio stuff maybe a new diary. Mark always changes, so maybe he does a very fast written, fast recorded and fast released album, maybe 9 or 10 songs, after this double album...


I do agree with you LE except the last part. It's not MK-like to have a fast produced album.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 29, 2013, 11:39:43 PM
It was more wishful thinking!  ;) Maybe they have some songs left from the Privateering sesssions...

2014 tour I would never expect. Even if they really would release a new album in 2014 (it's time now for the eagerly awaited GEORDIELAND once for all...)
an appendent tour would not start before April 2015 - which would be the usual schedule again!

Isn't it great to speculate about a new album and tour and the last one is not even done!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 29, 2013, 11:43:07 PM
But now Guy said he doubt an album in 2014 I think it will be album in 2015 and tour in 2016  :'(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on July 29, 2013, 11:46:35 PM
Maybe he fears another loooong session at BG like the Privateering one again. You never know. Mark might surprise him and call him and the boys back for recording work before you know it. I read it too and thought he just wants to keep the tension low. Remember after the Bob tour they were so energized that they recorded immediately after that. Haul Away is from the day after the London-Hammersmith-Bob-Last-Concert.
No, you won't be able to break my optimism tonight!!  :)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 29, 2013, 11:49:51 PM
You could be right. If Mark has a lot of songs, why not do a short tour in the US (which seems to be the case) and in February/March going in the studio and another album in September.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 30, 2013, 12:07:08 AM
I like that one but the album can also come late 2014. Why always september?
i mean, have a few weeks off before the small tour in october.. Start with the new album in jan 2014 and i'm sure it wil be in shoppes around Christmas......
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: louisewickson on July 30, 2013, 03:34:51 AM
MK Wikipedia entry has listed a Las Vegas show in October - has this really been announced? Is there any info or speculation on where else the band may play?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 30, 2013, 10:19:22 AM
MK show Las Vegas is already there for a month or so. Someone asked Guy. He first confirmed it, later he changed the answer in: check out the official site regularly, or similar.
Speculation: I heard that there would be 5 or 6 shows in the westcoast and that's all for the states. As said, it's hear-say, but source should know something about it, so I think it's save to say we will have 5 or 6 shows in the westcoast end of october.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 30, 2013, 01:36:57 PM
Why all this trouble for only 6 concerts. If you take a look at everything that comes with a tour i would say 2-3 weeks of touring in the USA is normal.....
Than again, i could be wrong......... :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on July 30, 2013, 03:13:25 PM
Why all this trouble for only 6 concerts. If you take a look at everything that comes with a tour i would say 2-3 weeks of touring in the USA is normal.....
Than again, i could be wrong......... :wave

This is not a normal tour but a promo mini tour to support the US release of Privateering.

Still only 6 west coast shows sound very little to my ears. I would say a dozen (half east / half west plus one or two canadian ones)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 30, 2013, 03:39:52 PM
Everything is hear-say as I said before, so I think we will hear shortly after the tour in Europe finished. Then PC is back in office and can work on it properly. Plus .... tickets need to be sold and it's only 3 months from now  :disbelief
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: singv on July 30, 2013, 04:04:45 PM
Everything is hear-say as I said before, so I think we will hear shortly after the tour in Europe finished. Then PC is back in office and can work on it properly. Plus .... tickets need to be sold and it's only 3 months from now  :disbelief

I concur...see Guy's forum response today. And only West Coast doesn't make sense...how can New York, Chicago, Boston, DC etc be left out? I am on the east and have burnt through my 2013 travel budget (and half of 2014 too) already!!! :hmm
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: sweetsurrender on July 30, 2013, 05:16:11 PM
Everything is hear-say as I said before, so I think we will hear shortly after the tour in Europe finished. Then PC is back in office and can work on it properly. Plus .... tickets need to be sold and it's only 3 months from now  :disbelief

I concur...see Guy's forum response today. And only West Coast doesn't make sense...how can New York, Chicago, Boston, DC etc be left out? I am on the east and have burnt through my 2013 travel budget (and half of 2014 too) already!!! :hmm

5-6 shows west coast ????? hooray !  :thumbsup :clap ;)(if only it's true)  All the fans can converge in California then.  It doesn't seem to be worthy of their travelling to do 5-6 shows.  I think we will get 1 month of tour.  :thumbsup  :clap

gonna head over to GF forum now.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 30, 2013, 07:23:00 PM
They are doing a short run of dates richard said in his notes. Compare to the European tour two weeks in the USA is  very short and they can do 11/12 concerts in two weeks.........
Oh well, soon we will know....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: sweetsurrender on July 31, 2013, 04:41:38 PM
They are doing a short run of dates richard said in his notes. Compare to the European tour two weeks in the USA is  very short and they can do 11/12 concerts in two weeks.........
Oh well, soon we will know....

where did it say in Richard's notes that they will do a two weeks in the USA?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 31, 2013, 06:01:30 PM
They are doing a short run of dates richard said in his notes. Compare to the European tour two weeks in the USA is  very short and they can do 11/12 concerts in two weeks.........
Oh well, soon we will know....

where did it say in Richard's notes that they will do a two weeks in the USA?

The final date with Nigel Hitchcock at London, but he deleted it apparently as I can recall reading it, but know its not there, or its in another place...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 31, 2013, 07:16:14 PM
But he did not say two weeks. He spoke about a short run of dates in oktober so i was assuming it would be 2 weeks.
I can not see the point off going to all this trouble for a tour any shorter than that....... Could be wrong...   :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 03, 2013, 05:17:21 PM
Well, the band didnt need too much rehearsals to play a whole week, they will play the same set and sure that in two days they could rehearse for it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 04, 2013, 12:46:48 AM
For me this was the best tour....in ages.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 04, 2013, 12:59:19 AM
For me this was the best tour....in ages.

Every tour is the best in ages...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 04, 2013, 12:27:36 PM
For me this was the best tour....in ages.

If by "ages" he means "months" then... ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 04, 2013, 04:57:58 PM
When every tour ends is always the best tour in ages, till the next one ends, so that would be the best in ages till the next one etc etc

Same happens with Guy & Richard, best record or tour we ever did. Till the next one  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 04, 2013, 07:53:03 PM
When every tour ends is always the best tour in ages, till the next one ends, so that would be the best in ages till the next one etc etc

Same happens with Guy & Richard, best record or tour we ever did. Till the next one  :lol

That's why you're always better to take a retrospective view of something like this in a year or so and see how you feel then.  Rather hypocritical considering the thread I've just started, I know! :-[
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: sweetsurrender on August 05, 2013, 05:41:09 AM
When every tour ends is always the best tour in ages, till the next one ends, so that would be the best in ages till the next one etc etc

Same happens with Guy & Richard, best record or tour we ever did. Till the next one  :lol

 :thumbsup :thumbsup :clap :clap
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 05, 2013, 09:48:12 AM
That prove they never listen to past tour recordings. And in a way it is better like that, otherwise they would hear the gap between now and then.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 05, 2013, 11:11:41 AM
That prove they never listen to past tour recordings. And in a way it is better like that, otherwise they would hear the gap between now and then.

I think when Mark listened to TR from Madrid 2010 and decided it was so bad it should be omitted from the super deluxe box, it made the 2013 versions much improved.  Just a theory. :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 05, 2013, 12:05:29 PM
That prove they never listen to past tour recordings. And in a way it is better like that, otherwise they would hear the gap between now and then.

I think when Mark listened to TR from Madrid 2010 and decided it was so bad it should be omitted from the super deluxe box, it made the 2013 versions much improved.  Just a theory. :think

I really doubt that Mark was involved in TR not being included because he though it was not good enough, especially after letting Simfy to sell the whole european tour.

The deluxe was a record company affair not Mark.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 05, 2013, 01:24:49 PM
That prove they never listen to past tour recordings. And in a way it is better like that, otherwise they would hear the gap between now and then.

I think when Mark listened to TR from Madrid 2010 and decided it was so bad it should be omitted from the super deluxe box, it made the 2013 versions much improved.  Just a theory. :think

I really doubt that Mark was involved in TR not being included because he though it was not good enough, especially after letting Simfy to sell the whole european tour.

The deluxe was a record company affair not Mark.

Guy was asked why TR wasn
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 05, 2013, 01:28:39 PM
That prove they never listen to past tour recordings. And in a way it is better like that, otherwise they would hear the gap between now and then.

I think when Mark listened to TR from Madrid 2010 and decided it was so bad it should be omitted from the super deluxe box, it made the 2013 versions much improved.  Just a theory. :think

I really doubt that Mark was involved in TR not being included because he though it was not good enough, especially after letting Simfy to sell the whole european tour.

The deluxe was a record company affair not Mark.

Guy was asked why TR wasn
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 05, 2013, 04:40:20 PM
It doesnt matter if you agree or nor with me or with anybody. 2010 TR was not good.

We asked why Mk wanted it out too, and his answer was "He wanted it out, end of story"
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on August 27, 2013, 04:42:45 PM
Today on Guy's forum he answers on a question if "The Straits" thing somehow infected his friendship with Alan Clark... Guy is very honest to say: Sadly yes.... MK and Guy are not so happy with the Straits........... They wil not tel but i gues they are thinking like... What the F***** is this.......
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 27, 2013, 11:29:52 PM
Today on Guy's forum he answers on a question if "The Straits" thing somehow infected his friendship with Alan Clark... Guy is very honest to say: Sadly yes.... MK and Guy are not so happy with the Straits........... They wil not tel but i gues they are thinking like... What the F***** is this.......

Alan was the bestman in Guy's wedding, they were very close friends.

Mk employed Guy in 1983 and since then had been in almost everything MK has done.

Sometimes people insulted Alan on his forum and Guy reply was "easy, hes my friend"

So, now the long time proffesional loyalty with MK (and also their friendship) makes him choose the winner part, instead of getting both of them together with some London Pride and solve this, and be friend of both.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 30, 2013, 11:10:47 AM
This is difficult to take position on a matter involving both professional and personal.

I can only say that I am sad that it turns that way with Alan and I also wonder about Chris White, that since he has been involved in that cover band seem to have disappeared from MK professional  scope.

Sounds a bit like of the Supertramp sad saga.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on August 30, 2013, 11:30:46 AM
Indeed i believe Chris White did play on MK KTGC album but that was the last time he worked with MK.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 30, 2013, 11:36:46 AM
Indeed i believe Chris White did play on MK KTGC album but that was the last time he worked with MK.....

And if my memory is correct attended one  GL gig at the RAH and was invited to the after show party.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on September 16, 2013, 04:19:03 PM
Very quiet on Guy's forum. He would be back on september 12.... He is taking a longer holiday  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on September 20, 2013, 06:27:55 PM
Mark and Guy are together in the studio... working on a new album????
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 20, 2013, 07:01:37 PM
Yes, we have a new thread about that!  ;D

Don't understand what's so  ??? about it, shouldn't it be more  :D... ?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on September 20, 2013, 09:57:32 PM
Yes, we have a new thread about that!  ;D

Don't understand what's so  ??? about it, shouldn't it be more  :D... ?


Haha, it wasnt ment to be a smiley. Just a few ? ? ? in a row ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on October 25, 2013, 07:35:54 PM
MK 2013 US Tour
23rd Oct 2013 - Long Beach

23rd October 2013

With the sun straining to burn through the typical October marine layer of low cloud, our Santa Monica base is as comforting as ever. We've been parked up at the Casa del Mar for almost a week now and....

Well! Glad about that!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on October 25, 2013, 08:06:48 PM
 :-X Stupid me. Couldn't read the entry, only the beginning. Problem solved  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Shoaib on November 19, 2013, 11:44:14 AM
Guy Wrote on 18/Nov/2013

I will have a nice week.
Mark and I have been hard at work in the studio
and the new songs are great.  :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: kaleo74 on November 19, 2013, 04:39:51 PM
Great news !
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 19, 2013, 05:57:53 PM
Did he copy and paste that sentence from when they were recording the last album?  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on November 19, 2013, 07:06:19 PM
Imagine that:

"Became bored in the studio, went to the pub to get wasted."
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 19, 2013, 10:11:28 PM
Imagine that:

"Became bored in the studio, went to the pub to get wasted."

Now that would spice it up a bit!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on November 20, 2013, 07:59:43 AM
 ;D What an idea! Imagine what song they were playing in the bar! SOS!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on November 20, 2013, 12:36:19 PM
Did he copy and paste that sentence from when they were recording the last album?  ;)

^ this made me laugh man!!

"Mark will no longer play anything from the privateering album as he has moved on..." :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on January 20, 2014, 08:08:39 PM
Must say I feel happy because I got a pretty detailed answer from the Doc referring to my question about if it is not the right time now to get the band in.. He spoke of "many distractions and collaborations", (mind the plural ).. and another poster asked if he was sick.. it looks like they are REALLY busy at the moment and Guy has simply no time for us... something which I can perfectly live with!!  :)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on January 20, 2014, 08:47:47 PM
collaborations,...could be David gilmour, who IS ALSO RECORDING!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on January 20, 2014, 09:52:17 PM
collaborations,...could be David gilmour, who IS ALSO RECORDING!!!

That might be a dream come true, if that'll ever happen.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on January 23, 2014, 12:43:14 PM
collaborations,...could be David gilmour, who IS ALSO RECORDING!!!

Gilmour Recording!!!! I would love to see him live in concert for once. It has been many years since his last tour......
A duet with MK, that would be asome!!!!!!!  :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 23, 2014, 01:57:17 PM
As I mentiones in other thread, I think its David Crosby and maybe Graham Nash, returning the favour to MK because of his last colaboration on Crosby
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on February 01, 2014, 07:21:10 PM
There is an interesting post on Guy's forum on the question if Vince Gill whas ever asked bij MK to join DS.
Guy's says it was after the OES tour. I was always under the impression that MK was really fed up with DS after this tour and he soon started his solo work and never did have any intention of reform DS again...... Perhaps someone can help me here?  :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on February 01, 2014, 07:31:39 PM
Maybe because there was still an album to fulfill their contract. But , maybe, they delivered the BBC live and a promise for a solo career, so DS became history...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on February 01, 2014, 07:38:33 PM
There is an interesting post on Guy's forum on the question if Vince Gill whas ever asked bij MK to join DS.
Guy's says it was after the OES tour. I was always under the impression that MK was really fed up with DS after this tour and he soon started his solo work and never did have any intention of reform DS again...... Perhaps someone can help me here?  :wave

I would not give too much on anything from Guy about stuff that is longer ago than let's say the last album...  :wave

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 02, 2014, 03:26:27 PM
Actually its true, MK asked Vince Gill to join Dire Straits for the OES tour, but Gill rejected to join in order to push for his solo career, and then Phil Palmer was hired.

Jeff Porcaro (and Manu Katche too) were asked to be the drummer for the OES tour but  in the end the drummer was Chris Whitten.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on February 03, 2014, 04:49:16 PM
Actually its true, MK asked Vince Gill to join Dire Straits for the OES tour, but Gill rejected to join in order to push for his solo career, and then Phil Palmer was hired.

Jeff Porcaro (and Manu Katche too) were asked to be the drummer for the OES tour but  in the end the drummer was Chris Whitten.

Okay, but Guy says Gill was asked after the OES Tour but i quess what you are saying makes more sense....  :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 03, 2014, 04:55:03 PM
Guy is wrong, I mean, he doesn't remember it as well as some crazy fans (like me) do  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on February 03, 2014, 09:03:10 PM
Guy is wrong, I mean, he doesn't remember it as well as some crazy fans (like me) do  ;D

Perhaps more importantly,  he doesn't care. :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on February 05, 2014, 01:24:54 PM
Just like when Sonny Landreth rejected MK's offer to join the GH-tour  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tunnel85 on February 05, 2014, 09:55:45 PM
Just like when Sonny Landreth rejected MK's offer to join the GH-tour  :)
Then we got I'm the fool & DWB played on  every show instead of Gravy train.    :hmm
Life is so cruel. :disbelief
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on February 06, 2014, 06:12:45 PM
Just like when Sonny Landreth rejected MK's offer to join the GH-tour  :)
Then we got I'm the fool & DWB played on  every show instead of Gravy train.    :hmm
Life is so cruel. :disbelief

I'm the fool? Maybe I'm a fool, but that song is one of my favorites. Live - even better :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on February 07, 2014, 08:45:41 AM
Richard has updated his "diary page" and talks about some recording work he is on to, but no mentioning of MK strange enough...

I guess it will be an acoustic or semi-acoustic stripped-down kind of MK album...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 07, 2014, 11:02:33 AM
Richard has updated his "diary page" and talks about some recording work he is on to, but no mentioning of MK strange enough...

I guess it will be an acoustic or semi-acoustic stripped-down kind of MK album...


Unless this album is gonna take more time that we thought, or unless MK decided to do all guitars by himself like in KTGC...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Tally on February 07, 2014, 11:24:55 AM
Perhaps he asked Clapton to provide some screeching wah wah playing instead.

That'll be the day...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on February 07, 2014, 01:07:52 PM
Maybe kind of a tribute album to Everly Brothers and/or JJ Cale-Style? Eric Clapton in the studio could be a hint! But on the other hand: A long time means complicate arrangements! Hm, very curious...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 13, 2014, 12:31:51 PM
My english is not good enough to fully get what Guy means in this answer, but it doesnt look as a kind answer specially when it comes to Bap Kennedy, someone that has recorded with you...

Q:Hi Guy! Anxiously waiting for your rehearsal diary. In the meantime, for those interested, Bap Kennedy has a new cd out, Let's Start Again. Have you listened to it yet Guy? Thanks, Suzy    

A:Thanks Suzy although we're not rehearsing, we're recording. I have to be honest that after the record we did with Bap, his new record is a huge let down, particularly sonically.

There might be thousands of way to say it without sounding so harsh with a colleague... Don
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 13, 2014, 01:16:16 PM
My english is not good enough to fully get what Guy means in this answer, but it doesnt look as a kind answer specially when it comes to Bap Kennedy, someone that has recorded with you...

Q:Hi Guy! Anxiously waiting for your rehearsal diary. In the meantime, for those interested, Bap Kennedy has a new cd out, Let's Start Again. Have you listened to it yet Guy? Thanks, Suzy    

A:Thanks Suzy although we're not rehearsing, we're recording. I have to be honest that after the record we did with Bap, his new record is a huge let down, particularly sonically.

There might be thousands of way to say it without sounding so harsh with a colleague... Don
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 13, 2014, 01:47:48 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 14, 2014, 08:13:50 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 14, 2014, 08:53:09 PM
Maybe Guy & Mk offered to record the new Bap cd, but Bap refused it and they are "kind of upset"?

I dont get why Guy would answer like that anyway.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on February 14, 2014, 09:06:21 PM
My guess: When Guy (& and maybe Mark) speak about how a record "sounds", it might have been a totally other meaning than what we think has to do with sound. They developed a honest fetish when it comes to "sound" and "sonic" stuff - I mean Kill To Get Crimson is "spectacular" in Guy's ears... I wish they would skip this whole obsession with British Grove and searching for the one right of 15 identical Martin Acoustics to get "that" special sound and just play away like they did on the first Dire Straits album - that will never happen..
So if we think Bap's album sounds "good" (or better, if you think so, I never liked his voice), then it might be because how the music, well, sounds.
And not so much how it is recorded, balanced, mixed, etc...

Really, sometimes I would prefer another approach in record making then that one the are used to. I remember the pictures in Guy's "KTGC" diary of the book "how to play blues", I remember the stories about that special acoustic and "analog sound" of the Shangri-La record... and really, those records sound very much like any MK record. So much ado about nothing. Oh, they sound expectional well of course, but, KTCG sounds as good as GL, and GL sounds as good as Privateering...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 15, 2014, 02:12:33 PM
Totally agree with LE.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on March 03, 2014, 07:47:14 PM
Hello Doc. Here you have us, playing with your little clues and try to guess when would be the next MK tour according to your answers, LOL. I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on March 03, 2014, 08:04:11 PM
I agree with LE too.  I'm very happy with the way the first album sounds and Mark seemed happy enough to record Marbletown (or Marblecity as it has become ::)) in his own back room studio not so very long ago, unless I'm mistaken.

I too think he's just "in the huff" as we say that the band didn't get the invite to play.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on March 03, 2014, 08:21:51 PM
To be fair, there were times when I was moaning about him producing records within three weeks with the pants and I wanted him to work longer on the tracks, explore them and produce maybe well-worked-out stuff again... and now it seems he does exactly that. I will wait until the new album is out to give another judgement about their work in the studio. After all, these transparent internet times are just the reason for us being unpatient. I never heard about him recording until February 1996 for example, with the release date March. The complete time since 1992 (On The Night) was a total bleak Knopfler-era for me. Nowadays Guy mentions that they are back in the studio and the diary-alarm goes off..

It is not so easy ...  ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Vesper on March 03, 2014, 08:34:21 PM
I asked Guy this:

Diary and collaborations
Klaas Bouke Faber
3rd March 2014   

Q: Hi Guy. First of all thanks for the diary! Finally it is there, nice read and some great pictures! Keep up the good work and hopefully there's an update soon.... Also thanks for the contest, I've emailed my answers. After read the diary, 1 subject isn't mentioned: the collaboration you mentioned on the forum earlier. Could you please elaborate on the collaboration thing? Kind regards, Klaas Bouke

A: Not really as the project isn't released yet. It is being mixed right now though, so soon.

So the collaboration and the new album are different projects.
Anybody knows new rumours regarding this collaboration project?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 03, 2014, 10:19:41 PM
Hello Doc. Here you have us, playing with your little clues and try to guess when would be the next MK tour according to your answers, LOL. I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on March 03, 2014, 11:01:31 PM
Hello Doc. Here you have us, playing with your little clues and try to guess when would be the next MK tour according to your answers, LOL. I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on March 04, 2014, 02:49:56 PM
To be fair, there were times when I was moaning about him producing records within three weeks with the pants and I wanted him to work longer on the tracks, explore them and produce maybe well-worked-out stuff again... and now it seems he does exactly that. I will wait until the new album is out to give another judgement about their work in the studio. After all, these transparent internet times are just the reason for us being unpatient. I never heard about him recording until February 1996 for example, with the release date March. The complete time since 1992 (On The Night) was a total bleak Knopfler-era for me. Nowadays Guy mentions that they are back in the studio and the diary-alarm goes off..

It is not so easy ...  ;)


Well said.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MusicGirl1 on March 11, 2014, 01:22:29 PM
To be fair, there were times when I was moaning about him producing records within three weeks with the pants and I wanted him to work longer on the tracks, explore them and produce maybe well-worked-out stuff again... and now it seems he does exactly that. I will wait until the new album is out to give another judgement about their work in the studio. After all, these transparent internet times are just the reason for us being unpatient. I never heard about him recording until February 1996 for example, with the release date March. The complete time since 1992 (On The Night) was a total bleak Knopfler-era for me. Nowadays Guy mentions that they are back in the studio and the diary-alarm goes off..

It is not so easy ...  ;)


Well said.

What can we say, guess times are changing. I remember in the late 80's/early 90's (during the On Every Street Tour I was about 15/16 years old) I would simply read about a new DS album coming out and I would simply be happy about that fact and purchase the album. In 1996 when Golden Heart came out, there was internet, but no social media yet. Internet was a already a good source of info but still not like today.

Maybe we are at a point now where information and news travels so fast, that we now start to become impatient when we do have to wait a bit longer.....

When it comes to records/albums and music, sometimes I miss the "good old days".

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Eric Genevelle on March 11, 2014, 04:30:48 PM
I'm agree, When I discovered MK in 1982 (Love over gold), each month, I went to my supermarket with my mother to do shoping only to see if he had relealised a new album. I had to wait 2005, but I've found it very quick !!! ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on March 11, 2014, 07:41:10 PM
If I had had internet as son as 1990 I would have probably attended Dire Straits OES kick off and got a chance to hear Pono performed live so the good ole days weren't so good... :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on March 11, 2014, 10:30:31 PM
I'm agree, When I discovered MK in 1982 (Love over gold), each month, I went to my supermarket with my mother to do shoping only to see if he had relealised a new album. I had to wait 2005, but I've found it very quick !!! ;D
soyez le bienvenue sur notre forum Eric!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on April 13, 2014, 11:25:11 PM
Was searching for something online amd stumbled across this page of early forum questions. Long answers, he seems genuinely engaged.


The difference with today is quite stark.  :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on April 14, 2014, 07:43:41 AM
Yes, the "cryptic-lyric" one is from me, but it is not from 2005... it was very early on in the days of the first diaries/Dr. Fletch forum times, I would say around 2002. So I guess he just compiled the "best" or the "most interesting" questions on January 1st, 2005.

Of course you are right about the lengths, it seems he has lost interest in his forum a long time ago and just keeps it up as a good old habit...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on April 16, 2014, 01:08:38 PM
'Many thanks, much appreciated. Mark is well aware of these requests. He reads this forum from time to time.'
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tunnel85 on April 16, 2014, 02:08:48 PM
'Many thanks, much appreciated. Mark is well aware of these requests. He reads this forum from time to time.'
ok, so we need a 2015 tour confirmation as soon as possible please.  ::)
The schedule can be announced later, September as usual is fine but it would be very kind of you to let us know there's something cooking.  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 17, 2014, 10:48:40 PM
this forum? or guys' forum?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on April 17, 2014, 10:56:22 PM
Guys forum
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on April 18, 2014, 12:53:43 PM
Today on Guy's Forum:

"For me, yes. In fact I am playing Glastonbury this year with John Illsley."      :thumbsup

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on April 18, 2014, 03:51:24 PM
Great news!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on April 18, 2014, 06:54:37 PM
JI at Glastonbury!  Wow, that's great!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on April 18, 2014, 11:15:09 PM
 :hmm .....a bit geographically challenging for me...  :smack
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on April 19, 2014, 07:52:16 AM

Some kind of "high class" performance like this one? Not sure if it is such a good idea of him.... his voice is, well... not really a voice, his guitar skills are very limited, and what does he want to play? Promoting another album that nobody ever will get notice of?  :think


On the other hand, with Guy on board, he maybe will be able to mobilise Danny Cummings, Robbie McIntosh and the likes...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on April 19, 2014, 12:07:07 PM
I think WOL will be a certainty with Guy on board plus one or two of his own.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on April 20, 2014, 12:29:31 AM
Still, the man has talent, is creative, and hard-working.   I would enjoy going to a JI performance.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on April 20, 2014, 12:36:56 AM

Today on Guy's Forum:

"For me, yes. In fact I am playing Glastonbury this year with John Illsley."      :thumbsup


There we have it!  Another reason to attend.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on April 20, 2014, 12:38:40 AM
Differences in answers' care and length--busier, more projects, many more submissions from fans, family, more rehearsal time, and age!   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on April 21, 2014, 09:40:29 PM
i think guy read this thread too, his latest replies seem to be longer and interesting again.
thnx guy :-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on April 22, 2014, 08:05:37 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on April 23, 2014, 02:54:04 PM
Does anyone know who else will be in the band of JI?
Who is going? Maybe ... maybe I want to go too  :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopflerized on April 23, 2014, 02:59:10 PM
Does anyone know who else will be in the band of JI?
Who is going? Maybe ... maybe I want to go too  :P

When is the concert? Maybe I could finally come?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on April 23, 2014, 03:56:27 PM
Robbie McIntosh is on guitar.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on May 01, 2014, 07:56:33 PM
"Don't fret, we've been working on it a while.. "

Guy's answer about a question if we can expect the album this year.. whereas the good news about the EC collaboration is making some noise, it seems this line has not got much attention? I think it sounds pretty positive from Guy?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 01, 2014, 11:33:19 PM
"Don't fret, we've been working on it a while.. "

Guy's answer about a question if we can expect the album this year.. whereas the good news about the EC collaboration is making some noise, it seems this line has not got much attention? I think it sounds pretty positive from Guy?


Hmm...seems a lot of things have been going on under the radar, perhaps recording with Mark and Guy only and engineering/set-up things, arrangements etc.  Then when the whole band drops by, it's only a matter of making the final cut that'll only take a few days!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on May 02, 2014, 07:36:55 PM
It seems John McCusker is ready with his part already - and nothing so far from Richard about a trip to London.. let's hope Guy's new diary entry will pop up soon!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on May 02, 2014, 11:07:24 PM
McCusker said in twitter he was looking to play with the gang again... I guess it wasnt just MK, Guy, Ian and him... Lets see what Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on May 03, 2014, 01:20:45 AM
Due to this clip we know that Chuck Ainlay was in February 2014 at British Grove. And I'm pretty sure that he was very involved in the MK recording too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guywOLCv_4M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guywOLCv_4M). There is obviously a lot going on that we don't know...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on May 03, 2014, 09:30:01 AM
Due to this clip we know that Chuck Ainlay was in February 2014 at British Grove. And I'm pretty sure that he was very involved in the MK recording too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guywOLCv_4M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guywOLCv_4M). There is obviously a lot going on that we don't know...

Cool, also Rich Cooper
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Guitarman1972 on May 04, 2014, 10:42:36 AM
Yontwocrows I wouldn't be so sure if Chucks presence back then would have anything to do with the new MK album. There were other projects going on around that time. I remember Guy also saying something around that time about oppertunities they couldn't let go by. Could be the recording session with Clapton for the J.J.Cale tribute album. personally I think they are behind their normal schedule. Something around 3 months. My guess would be that the new MK album gets released late November.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Silvertown on May 04, 2014, 10:47:24 AM
Yontwocrows I wouldn't be so sure if Chucks presence back then would have anything to do with the new MK album. There were other projects going on around that time. I remember Guy also saying something around that time about oppertunities they couldn't let go by. Could be the recording session with Clapton for the J.J.Cale tribute album. personally I think they are behind their normal schedule. Something around 3 months. My guess would be that the new MK album gets released late November.

I dont
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on May 05, 2014, 12:04:10 AM
Hope - that's all!  ;)
November could be a good guess: We'll see...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on May 09, 2014, 04:21:23 PM
I know John McC has been into BG for a recording session, but according to Guy this morning, in answer to a question about the band session, it seems it has happened already!

Guy  -  "Thanks, the band session was great."

I wonder if he means the whole band - Richard, Jim etc.    Richard hasn't mentioned anything on his website yet.  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on May 09, 2014, 05:59:33 PM
I asked one of the musicians (i wont tell his name to avoid compromise him) if he will be in the band session and he asked me that it was only the folkies...

Cunningham was touring while the band session happened, so I guess it was the Mc's...

I hope the Americans went too, but Richard usually says it on his site. And Guy is being quite secret about it too...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on May 09, 2014, 06:06:57 PM
Guy is being a bit more tight-lipped than usual these days.   We'll have to wait for the next diary entry which Guy says will be soon.....  ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on May 09, 2014, 07:01:52 PM
He didnt say no to Eric Clapton guesting on it either.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 09, 2014, 07:48:01 PM
He didnt say no to Eric Clapton guesting on it either.

I would say there's something going on with all this secrecy...  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Neville Sherman on May 11, 2014, 05:18:30 AM
Got to be more going on! Recording (even if only fiddling about) since October and we are now in the middle of May. Thats' eight months! Only one diary entry in all that time as well. Must be! Must be other projects being tiddled around with! Patience is a virtue as they say!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on May 12, 2014, 11:12:14 AM
I am kind of afraid of some people posting at Guy's forum... There is one claiming that fans (or him) are (is) guardian of Ds/Mk legacy, and that they should cut relations with Danny Cummings and John Illsley due they are playing with the Dslegends.

I think this kind of statements close some lines between being a fan and being the fan who killed John Lennon...

Who do we (or who Dan Sw4) think(s) we (he) are (is) to say such things? I think Guy, and Mk should be careful with people saying such things. Lennon's killer wasn't dangerous until he shot him...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 12, 2014, 11:21:43 AM
I am kind of afraid of some people posting at Guy's forum... There is one claiming that fans (or him) are (is) guardian of Ds/Mk legacy, and that they should cut relations with Danny Cummings and John Illsley due they are playing with the Dslegends.

I think this kind of statements close some lines between being a fan and being the fan who killed John Lennon...

Who do we (or who Dan Sw4) think(s) we (he) are (is) to say such things? I think Guy, and Mk should be careful with people saying such things. Lennon's killer wasn't dangerous until he shot him...

I agree, it's lunacy and crossing the line.  They have no right to suggest such a thing.  To cut relations with people who have been close friends just because they like to play the music we all love and earn a living is not on.  As long as they do their best and with class.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MusicGirl1 on May 19, 2014, 04:33:44 PM
I am kind of afraid of some people posting at Guy's forum... There is one claiming that fans (or him) are (is) guardian of Ds/Mk legacy, and that they should cut relations with Danny Cummings and John Illsley due they are playing with the Dslegends.

I think this kind of statements close some lines between being a fan and being the fan who killed John Lennon...

Who do we (or who Dan Sw4) think(s) we (he) are (is) to say such things? I think Guy, and Mk should be careful with people saying such things. Lennon's killer wasn't dangerous until he shot him...

I agree, it's lunacy and crossing the line.  They have no right to suggest such a thing.  To cut relations with people who have been close friends just because they like to play the music we all love and earn a living is not on.  As long as they do their best and with class.

Yikes! I haven't been on Guy's forum before and I finally decided to take a look! First thing I saw was this very discussion. Yikes, you are right, this is scary! Hope Mark, Guy & others will handle it well....., as this could very well get out of hand.......

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on May 19, 2014, 06:08:02 PM
I don't post anymore on Guy's forum.

The main reason is 98% of my questions I think about actually are to be asked to Mark not Guy.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on May 19, 2014, 07:40:29 PM
Dan is a dick, hopefully he doesn't turn up here.  :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on May 19, 2014, 08:35:33 PM
Dan is a dick, hopefully he doesn't turn up here.  :-\

May I refresh you that we have our Dan here (and he is just the Editor).

So big laugh when reading this ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on May 19, 2014, 09:45:53 PM
The first time I saw the pic from Dan on Guy's forum, I thought it was Chris white....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on May 19, 2014, 09:49:52 PM
Dan is a dick, hopefully he doesn't turn up here.  :-\

I searched Dan in Guy's forum and its true he said that pass an iq test should be mandatory to post in Guy's forum. Not with that words but the message is clear, according to Dan Mourinho, people who post on Guy's forum (except him) are stupid.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tunnel85 on May 19, 2014, 10:44:11 PM
Dan is a dick, hopefully he doesn't turn up here.  :-\

I searched Dan in Guy's forum and its true he said that pass an iq test should be mandatory to post in Guy's forum. Not with that words but the message is clear, according to Dan Mourinho, people who post on Guy's forum (except him) are stupid.
"Dan" is probably Mourinho himself. :thumbsdown
 There can't be two people like that on earth.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on May 19, 2014, 11:42:53 PM
We have at least two Dans, I had beers in New York with Editor Dan 4 days ago. :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 20, 2014, 05:45:23 AM
We have at least two Dans, I had beers in New York with Editor Dan 4 days ago. :)
you lucky bastard...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on May 20, 2014, 07:54:03 AM
You were discussed Pottel, we will see you in London next time. :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Darling Pretty on May 21, 2014, 03:12:00 AM
What? Beers in new york?
Why didn't you call me as I was in town too. ;D :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on May 21, 2014, 08:14:08 AM
Oops, next time!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: goon525 on May 21, 2014, 09:36:24 AM
There's a new posting on Richard's website, and no suggestion that he has been involved in anything recently with MK. Anyone know who is busy recording?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on May 21, 2014, 11:49:51 AM
Today in Guy's forum:

Dan mourinho attacks again, in a subtle way, he directly calls Stupid to Jules. Someone should stop that moroon.

Guy confirms (in answer to LE and more or less to Jules) that they are still recording, but nothing again musicians involved yet. I think its too late for a september release, dont you think...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Guitarman1972 on May 21, 2014, 12:54:18 PM
Guy confirms (in answer to LE and more or less to Jules) that they are still recording, but nothing again musicians involved yet. I think its too late for a september release, dont you think...

Well, I thought Mark and Guy are musicians.  ;) So if there are no musicians involved then what the heck are the engineers of British Grove recording.  :lol Anyway, I think the new album will be released at the end of November. Somwhere between friday 21 and saturday 29 of November. But it will probably be released before the holiday season. And most logically would be before November 27 cause then they have Thanksgiving. On 5th December there is Sinterklaas in the Netherlands. So from a marketing point of view the best release date would be friday November 21.

Ofcourse this will only happen if the global monetairy system doesn't implode before that time, cause we are getting very near to that point. It's a matter of a few months to a few years that all fiat currencies will die.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on May 21, 2014, 03:42:01 PM
Let's just hope it's not one of them Christmas songs-album  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on May 22, 2014, 01:53:09 PM

Ofcourse this will only happen if the global monetairy system doesn't implode before that time, cause we are getting very near to that point. It's a matter of a few months to a few years that all fiat currencies will die.

Mark should write an esoteric obscure song about this inevitability - massive debt, no economic growth, rise of second & third world countries... He should have built British Grove in Moscow.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on May 22, 2014, 06:12:04 PM
Ofcourse this will only happen if the global monetairy system doesn't implode before that time, cause we are getting very near to that point. It's a matter of a few months to a few years that all fiat currencies will die.

The main problem is that there are not enough new debitors. It's the debt that keeps the fiat money mumbo-jumbo alive. But I'm sure they will find a way to delay the slow death for some years once more.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 22, 2014, 07:13:33 PM

Ofcourse this will only happen if the global monetairy system doesn't implode before that time, cause we are getting very near to that point. It's a matter of a few months to a few years that all fiat currencies will die.

Mark should write an esoteric obscure song about this inevitability - massive debt, no economic growth, rise of second & third world countries... He should have built British Grove in Moscow.

He built it in London, not the UK which has a separate economy.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Guitarman1972 on May 22, 2014, 08:47:41 PM
He built it in London, not the UK which has a separate economy.

Mark did built his studio in London, but not within "The City Of London", the part of London where the banksters are untouchable for all their financial crimes.


Personally, I think it's sad that alot of people don't understand how the fiat monetairy system works and what the effect of interest has on the economy.  Luckaly there are some great documentaries on youtube which explain it, like Zeitgeist Addendum, Money As Debt I, II & III and Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets Of Money (hiddensecretsofmoney.com). I like Fletch's idea of Mark writing a song about our debt based system.  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 22, 2014, 09:01:25 PM
He built it in London, not the UK which has a separate economy.

Mark did built his studio in London, but not within "The City Of London", the part of London where the banksters are untouchable for all their financial crimes.


Personally, I think it's sad that alot of people don't understand how the fiat monetairy system works and what the effect of interest has on the economy.  Luckaly there are some great documentaries on youtube which explain it, like Zeitgeist Addendum, Money As Debt I, II & III and Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets Of Money (hiddensecretsofmoney.com). I like Fletch's idea of Mark writing a song about our debt based system.  :think

Must be the time of the month.  ::)


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on May 22, 2014, 09:03:29 PM
Before this turns into another "Europe?" thread I suggest to open a new one...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 22, 2014, 10:14:24 PM
Before this turns into another "Europe?" thread I suggest to open a new one...


I'm not really interested LE but thanks for the idea.  I was explaining what I meant as I think Guitarman picked me up wrong.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on May 23, 2014, 10:04:48 AM
As you look interested in talk about it... Why not to continue it in the EUROPE thread.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on May 27, 2014, 07:55:27 PM
Hi, folks,
here are some nice words from former AMIT member Jackal.. so in case some of you wondered where and why he went.. I contacted him via Guy's forum ,  and only because he mentioned in his answer that he looks by occasionally, I better pass on his greetings:  ;)

I'm alive and doing well. I'm sorry for that abrupt exit from AMIT. Two years later I don't really remember why I did it like that, but there is no "bad blood". These days I limit my Interwebz presence to The Gear Page (the home of blooze lawyers with a penchant for Hawaiian shirts and tan pants), but I drop by AMIT occasionally. Take care, man. Give my best to the folks there. - Jackal

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on May 27, 2014, 08:11:00 PM
Hi, folks,
here are some nice words from former AMIT member Jackal.. so in case some of you wondered where and why he went.. I contacted him via Guy's forum ,  and only because he mentioned in his answer that he looks by occasionally, I better pass on his greetings:  ;)

I'm alive and doing well. I'm sorry for that abrupt exit from AMIT. Two years later I don't really remember why I did it like that, but there is no "bad blood". These days I limit my Interwebz presence to The Gear Page (the home of blooze lawyers with a penchant for Hawaiian shirts and tan pants), but I drop by AMIT occasionally. Take care, man. Give my best to the folks there. - Jackal


Hi LE -   I did read your post on Guy's forum regarding Jackal.   I missed his posts very much after he left so suddenly.   I hope he will return one day.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on May 27, 2014, 09:49:14 PM
I miss Jackal too

if you have a soundcloud account, you can also contact him via mail on soundcloud :

http://soundcloud.com/tds-music-library (http://soundcloud.com/tds-music-library)

and here is is YT channel, where you can post a comment if you have a YT account :

http://www.youtube.com/user/MrDeschington (http://www.youtube.com/user/MrDeschington)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on May 27, 2014, 11:28:02 PM
To one of the Dumb Dan questions, Guy answers its very likely that there are special guests in the new MK record.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 28, 2014, 05:28:43 PM
To one of the Dumb Dan questions, Guy answers its very likely that there are special guests in the new MK record.

Ooo - that's good news!  I think we suspected as much due to the "longer than usual" studio time.  Should make it sell well too so perhaps they'll be less choosy about a release date.  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on May 28, 2014, 09:15:36 PM
Special guest could mean Phil Cunningham or Kim Wilson again...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: El Macho on May 28, 2014, 10:55:46 PM
To one of the Dumb Dan questions, Guy answers its very likely that there are special guests in the new MK record.

Eric Clapton while recording the JJ Cale tribute ?  8)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: CarrionSpy on May 29, 2014, 09:42:02 AM
To one of the Dumb Dan questions, Guy answers its very likely that there are special guests in the new MK record.

Eric Clapton while recording the JJ Cale tribute ?  8)

Or John Illsley while recording Testing in the Water?   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on May 29, 2014, 11:09:31 AM
For me it would be very astonishing to see Kim Wilson again. I loved what he did but he gave such a unique flavour to the last record, that I think he will not return.  I hope for Paul Franklin, but I am not sure if PF and Phil Cunningham are really would be announced as "special guests", they are almost regulars, don't you think?  Ah, Paul Franklin, everything he does is magic..


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on May 29, 2014, 11:49:07 AM
For me it would be very astonishing to see Kim Wilson again. I loved what he did but he gave such a unique flavour to the last record, that I think he will not return.  I hope for Paul Franklin, but I am not sure if PF and Phil Cunningham are really would be announced as "special guests", they are almost regulars, don't you think?  Ah, Paul Franklin, everything he does is magic..

PF would be great. For me, I'd like to hear Ruth again!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on May 29, 2014, 12:17:59 PM
Special guest could mean Phil Cunningham or Kim Wilson again...

And what makes you think I'm not getting excited by the prospect of "bleeding lips Wilson" appearing again!  ;)

I really think a guest like EC would make people sit up and take notice though and it would be payback for Mark doing his album.  In a way this could be compared to EC doing the Mandela gig for Mark after Mark did the EC tours in '87 and '88 (and a few RAH '89 nights).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on May 29, 2014, 01:34:23 PM
For me it would be very astonishing to see Kim Wilson again. I loved what he did but he gave such a unique flavour to the last record, that I think he will not return.  I hope for Paul Franklin, but I am not sure if PF and Phil Cunningham are really would be announced as "special guests", they are almost regulars, don't you think?  Ah, Paul Franklin, everything he does is magic..


yes, he did the pedal steel on the dutch songfestival song. Common linnets - calm after the storm. Almost the winning song ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on May 29, 2014, 03:47:42 PM
Really? Never knew that. I was zapping through the programme that night and really found it the only good song! Reminded me of Sophie Zelmani, music wise. Nice for them to have the "best-pedal-steel-player in the world" (or whatever MK called him on On The Night...)  :thumbsup

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on May 29, 2014, 06:35:56 PM
Yes, really. He played on their album also. You can clearly hear him in the song.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on May 29, 2014, 07:21:09 PM
As we would like to see that Clapton is one of the guests in the record, we can safely say he won
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Suprlinda on June 04, 2014, 03:36:52 PM
I noticed on Guy's forum this morning two little tidbits of info.  In response to a direct question regarding his next diary page, he said
Yes...today or tomorrow for sure
Hopefully, we will find out what has been happening over this long session.

The other item I found somewhat significant is regarding whether the album will be ready at the end of summer.  Here is Guy's response
No, Mark's album will not be ready by the end of this Summer.

Bummer! :(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on June 04, 2014, 03:49:12 PM
Maybe he means a bit later than the end of summer - October/November perhaps.   :think   Meanwhile I'm waiting very patiently for the new diary!   ::) 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 05, 2014, 07:57:59 AM
Maybe he means a bit later than the end of summer - October/November perhaps.   :think   Meanwhile I'm waiting very patiently for the new diary!   ::)

Today is the day  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MojoIglesias on June 05, 2014, 06:37:04 PM
This Dan on Guy's forum reminds me of the R
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on June 05, 2014, 06:49:48 PM
I wonder why Dan was banned here on AMIT? For what particular reason?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 05, 2014, 07:02:30 PM
I wonder why Dan was banned here on AMIT? For what particular reason?

Was he on Amit?

Still no diary 2.... Couple of hours left now
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on June 05, 2014, 07:09:21 PM
Dan (Daniel, as someone told me he is Spanish despite he pretends to look like an English...) wasn't here, I think you are confusing him with Roland Dent and some of his alias.

However, Daniel wont join here unless there is MK or someone related to fly around.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on June 05, 2014, 07:53:24 PM
Exactly, wayaman, but isn't Roland Dent Snr and mister Dan are the same characters of one person? Their
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on June 05, 2014, 09:51:09 PM
No, no, Ronald was more ... strange, but harmless. Not this aggressive style. In fact, I was thinking during the last couple of days that the posts of this Dan make one really miss Ronald somehow.. .

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on June 06, 2014, 09:12:14 AM
Did you noticed than Dumb Dan uses SW3 as his location, which is the same postal code of where MK lives (Chelsea)?

What does it says about a "fan" that not only lives in the same neighborhood that his idol but also boast about it in front of Guy and the rest of fans?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on June 06, 2014, 09:35:13 AM
It's a "posh" postcode.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on July 06, 2014, 10:50:46 PM
Dumb Dan is on fire, now he posts to his fans...
I wonder why Guy allows this, he didn't hesitate to ban Roland Dent,and I cant recall him being so arrogant with the rest of forumers as Dumb Dan...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on July 07, 2014, 11:17:58 AM

I was about to write "compared to this dan guy, someone really starts to miss Roland"  -  but I think the best thing is to stay quiet about him. He has some troll manner and it might be the best not to feed him anymore..

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 07, 2014, 12:07:11 PM
LE, its the best thing to do, I know him personally, he used to be a friend of mine, actually he was a good chap, but I dont know what and why, he changed.

( )

Conclussion, ignore him, as LE said, he evolved into a kind of troll, and its better not feed him anymore.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 22, 2014, 11:56:18 AM
Not much going on on his forum. For more than a week now  :think :think :think
It must be busy in the studio. Mixing perhaps  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on July 22, 2014, 01:54:18 PM
No after the Glastonbury gig with John he is in Spain now it seems, playing with John McCusker in the band of Vincente Amigo.. as John McC. tweeted a few days ago.

Honestly, my opinion is more that there is some kind of halt in the studio work... maybe there is some lack of inspiration from Mark's side.. .it doesn't look all very confident to be honest, the half-arsed way of him putting up the occasional diary.. it seems MK has too much time and maybe not enough GOOD ideas...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 22, 2014, 02:02:06 PM
Or maybe MK just took a holydays break to be with his wife and daughters at their New Forest house, and they will resume after the summer.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on July 22, 2014, 02:08:56 PM
I would be happy to be proven wrong of course... maybe the album is completed and ready to go and we are stalled only because of the JJ Cale album... no collision with the EC album release whith two MK songs...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on July 22, 2014, 03:08:43 PM
According to Vicente's website, the only gig recently was the one at Sete, France on 16th July, which John mentioned on Twitter, so maybe Guy is back with MK finishing the album.   This album seems to be going on for ever!    :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on July 22, 2014, 03:28:49 PM
If it was another time, I would guess that they put the finishing touches to a live album, but with all the simfy and bleecker and other USB concerts a live album is out of the question. Which is a pity, because I really like the feel of a physical release with a unique cover and the attention they give to the details and choices, (without mistakes) . In fact if we don't count all the USB releases it is long overdue! As for a new studio album, I wouldn't say no of course, but still, I think that the time he had for composing and recording is way too little since the last tour and other obligations. Unless he is on a roll!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on July 23, 2014, 11:30:38 AM
As I like the idea of making this thread some kind of "document" of us following Guy's forum over the years and just for the record:

He updated his forum today and said that he and MK are breaking for summer holiday now and will resume in September (loooong holiday) and that  "some exicting things are coming up".

My question about a possible another double just got a "mmmmm", whatever that means..  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 23, 2014, 01:06:31 PM
More recording will follow and on the question if the new album will be a double one: mmmmmm  Whatever that means......  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on July 24, 2014, 10:50:54 AM
Let's hope the news soon to be known is the announcement of the 2015 tour at the end of August as it was with the Privateering tour! Let's hope, let's hope...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on July 25, 2014, 11:51:19 AM
Guy updated one again: The question if the album will come out in 2014 got this answer: "No, the release date will be announced as soon as possible".

So we all can lean back, no 2014 release anymore (which I only hoped in my wildest dreams for, but realistically did not expect it)

The theory however that we get tour dates in September is still possible - release date close to the tour this time, maybe March 2015, tour starting at the end of April as usual..

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on July 25, 2014, 12:48:25 PM
Mark Knopfler: At any time I just want to do a good song and a good record.
MK-Fan: I just want record to be out tomorrow and tour the day after tomorrow.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: naif on July 25, 2014, 03:53:40 PM
Sad news. I hope the album worth to wait this long.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on July 31, 2014, 03:42:40 PM
According to Guy's forum answer from today: no Eric Clapton contribution on Mark's new record although he was at BG for the JJ project.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on July 31, 2014, 04:24:05 PM
And only MK and Guy back in the studio after the summer to finish the album  :clap :clap
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Darling Pretty on July 31, 2014, 09:24:26 PM
Then it was mainly GF and MK alone in the studio.
The one and only band session was only 5 days, right?
 :hmm :hmm :hmm
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on July 31, 2014, 10:09:33 PM
According to Guy's forum answer from today: no Eric Clapton contribution on Mark's new record although he was at BG for the JJ project.

Thank god for that. I don't want to have an MK album being polluted with EC guitar.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on July 31, 2014, 10:15:27 PM
Too bad EC is not playing. One of the players that I suppose having a studio collaboration seems quite natural. Good thing we have these JJ songs and the live recordings!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 31, 2014, 10:52:53 PM
According to Guy's forum answer from today: no Eric Clapton contribution on Mark's new record although he was at BG for the JJ project.

Thank god for that. I don't want to have an MK album being polluted with EC guitar.


Probably a good thing bearing in mind EC's penchant for having his guitar volume higher than anyone else's and his insistence on beginning and ending every musical interchange.  ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on August 01, 2014, 11:09:56 AM
This album project stays kind of mysterious to me. I've the feeling of a very, very short band session and a very long term of just Mark an Guy doing some stuff (no clue at all what stuff). That can't be the whole story... What is Guy keeping secret?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on August 01, 2014, 11:51:12 AM
Interesting, isn't it? It seems Richard is indeed not on board this time.

Remember, a song like Redbud Tree was recorded only from Mark and Guy basically, with some overdubs from PF. Also songs like River of Grog don't need a lot of band attribution.. True Love Will Never Fade is another example, just acoustic guitar, laid over lead guitar, that's it. Ian and Glen are there, so the rhythm section is the same as usual. And Mr. Molsky is seen with an acoustic on a pic or two, too!

I mentioned earlier that I expect the typcial MK antagonism work to his last album... an intimate, more or less real solo session... some folk stuff will be inevitable, I just hope it won't be too much... I loved the live version of Baloney Again for example, only the Man and an electric guitar.. would be great to have stuff like that. I can live with no Richard on the next album (he wasn't on Kill To Get Crimson, too), but it would really be a mess if he would also be kicked out of the tour band.. .

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on August 01, 2014, 01:00:26 PM
You're right. Folk will be in, transam-session-like songs as well. i hope that there are some rock riff songs in it, too. Always like a mixture of slow and fast, nice and aggressive, but i fear ... hm?
There are still some unreleased songs of the privateering record. Maybe they use it now?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on August 01, 2014, 02:51:44 PM
Probably a good thing bearing in mind EC's penchant for having his guitar volume higher than anyone else's and his insistence on beginning and ending every musical interchange.  ::)

I see what you mean, but Duane won against Eric at the end of Layla, having the last lick, known as "bird singing"  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on August 01, 2014, 03:13:14 PM

Referring to my last post, Gator Blood and Song For Sonny Liston are other examples - I mean the live versions... little three piece, with only Glen, Ianto and Mark on Sonny, or Gator Blood with only Glenn, Guy and Ianto... just want to say that good energy and rock songs with a lot of guitar not automatically have to be played with the full band...

Not sure about the old songs though.. a song once rejected, has it really hard to get on the next album normally... songs like Secondary Waltz or 5:15 AM with a very long evolution are only proving the rule..

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Tally on August 02, 2014, 02:03:54 PM
Only Mark and Guy in the studio, and no guest appearence by Clapton despite being in the studio... :think

I'm getting Kill to get Crimson vibes. And I don't like it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on August 03, 2014, 12:01:11 PM
Ktgc... I love it. Good record and great tour full of surprises.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on August 03, 2014, 12:44:24 PM
Ktgc II  ???

Noooooooooooo :'(

Let's rather hope for a transatlantic inspired mix between GH and RPD. Should sound fantastic  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on August 03, 2014, 12:53:24 PM
I tend to think that KTGC is a sleeper. After my initial thought that it is tiring, I tend to think that it is good, but for quieter moments.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 03, 2014, 02:37:21 PM
Ktgc... I love it. Good record and great tour full of surprises.

I like it too - there's a certain aura about it that takes me back in time.   The KTGC tour was, in effect, an RPD tour -  beautiful songs, many heard for the first time live, from that album.    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 03, 2014, 03:18:19 PM
KTGC?  Oh yeah I think I remember that.  Wasn't that the tour where John McCusker didn't get his work permit on time and missed the start of the North American leg?  The album's not exactly burned out through over play though!  More likely I'd have to dust it off.  As vgonis said: "sleeper."  And in more ways than one for me.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on August 03, 2014, 03:59:17 PM
To see it more positive, maybe MK has the same approach as in 2006/2007 with Kill To Get Crimson nowadays but also thinks the result back then wasn't too satisfying in a certain way. And so he tries it once more.

I agree that you easily can call Kill To Get Crimson a weak record. I like it nevertheless. But it has a somewhat sterile aura and really sounds as the opposite of session-played tracks on, let's say, Privateering or Shangri-La...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on August 04, 2014, 12:54:45 PM
To see it more positive, maybe MK has the same approach as in 2006/2007 with Kill To Get Crimson nowadays but also thinks the result back then wasn't too satisfying in a certain way. And so he tries it once more.

I agree that you easily can call Kill To Get Crimson a weak record. I like it nevertheless. But it has a somewhat sterile aura and really sounds as the opposite of session-played tracks on, let's say, Privateering or Shangri-La...


Agree LE. You can see that from the setlists, very few KTGC songs and a lot from RPD or SL e.g.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 09, 2014, 07:15:36 PM
Let's hope the news soon to be known is the announcement of the 2015 tour at the end of August as it was with the Privateering tour! Let's hope, let's hope...

I can go further but i'd say that we are gonna be very happy in the end, when the announcement is made.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Vesper on August 15, 2014, 04:07:57 PM
It's quiet over at the forum, really quiet  :hmm
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Neville Sherman on August 16, 2014, 02:30:25 AM
Ah, he's on holiday, gotta be! Surfing somewhere no doubt! Good on him!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on August 16, 2014, 10:44:24 AM
It's quiet over at the forum, really quiet  :hmm

Summer holiday
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on August 17, 2014, 10:05:21 PM
Let's hope the news soon to be known is the announcement of the 2015 tour at the end of August as it was with the Privateering tour! Let's hope, let's hope...

I can go further but i'd say that we are gonna be very happy in the end, when the announcement is made.


So you're kind of saying that you have some spilled beans tucked away? :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 18, 2014, 05:34:57 AM
Let's hope the news soon to be known is the announcement of the 2015 tour at the end of August as it was with the Privateering tour! Let's hope, let's hope...

I can go further but i'd say that we are gonna be very happy in the end, when the announcement is made.


So you're kind of saying that you have some spilled beans tucked away? :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on August 18, 2014, 10:10:34 PM
Let's hope the news soon to be known is the announcement of the 2015 tour at the end of August as it was with the Privateering tour! Let's hope, let's hope...

I can go further but i'd say that we are gonna be very happy in the end, when the announcement is made.


So you're kind of saying that you have some spilled beans tucked away? :)

Oh come on!  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on August 19, 2014, 12:07:15 AM
Let's hope the news soon to be known is the announcement of the 2015 tour at the end of August as it was with the Privateering tour! Let's hope, let's hope...

I can go further but i'd say that we are gonna be very happy in the end, when the announcement is made.


So you're kind of saying that you have some spilled beans tucked away? :)

Oh come on!  ;D

I understand that when Guy can announce anything, its gonna be as we expected, despite the long period they spent recording, and still have to complete...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on August 25, 2014, 12:23:45 PM
Guy is on a holiday  :P More than 3 weeks now it is very quit on the forum........
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on August 29, 2014, 11:20:08 AM
Guys facebook update:

Back from hols and rearing to get back in and finish off the new MK album. Not far to go now. Will get stuck into mine too. (just another sunset at Bali Ha'i)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on August 29, 2014, 12:32:23 PM
Guys facebook update:

Back from hols and rearing to get back in and finish off the new MK album. Not far to go now. Will get stuck into mine too. (just another sunset at Bali Ha'i)

 :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 29, 2014, 01:04:01 PM
Guys facebook update:

Back from hols and rearing to get back in and finish off the new MK album. Not far to go now. Will get stuck into mine too. (just another sunset at Bali Ha'i)

Got rather excited when I got that in my FB this morning.  Sounds as if the album is more or less completed to me!   8)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 29, 2014, 03:01:50 PM
Guy's Forum is updated now!    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on August 29, 2014, 06:14:16 PM
From what Guy has posted, and that (probably) the album is almost complete, is it possible that this will be a more or less acoustic album? They didn't had (I think) any big sessions with strings e.g.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on August 29, 2014, 07:38:54 PM
And he confirmed no Chuck Ainlay this time.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Tally on August 29, 2014, 07:40:42 PM
No drums and no rock 'n' roll?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on August 29, 2014, 07:50:48 PM
No drums and no rock 'n' roll?

There was a session with Ian Thomas, so I doubt there are no drums included :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on August 29, 2014, 07:52:02 PM
Really curious about what we can expect this time.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 29, 2014, 08:11:33 PM
Here's who we know have been in BG to the recording sessions:

Mark, Guy, Ian, Glen Worf, John McC, Mike McG, Phil Cunningham, Bruce Molsky, Nigel Hitchcock, Tom Walsh and Ruth Moody.   Missing, so far are only Richard and Jim.    :think

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 29, 2014, 08:23:17 PM
Here's who we know have been in BG to the recording sessions:

Mark, Guy, Ian, Glen Worf, John McC, Mike McG, Phil Cunningham, Bruce Molsky, Nigel Hitchcock, Tom Walsh and Ruth Moody.   Missing, so far are only Richard and Jim.    :think

So really there's nothing peculiar about that at all!  Much ado about nothing.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on August 29, 2014, 08:25:05 PM
No drums and no rock 'n' roll?

There was a session with Ian Thomas, so I doubt there are no drums included :)

Ian Thomas played just Triangle and Blockflute on that session if i recall well :hmm.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 29, 2014, 08:30:13 PM
Here's who we know have been in BG to the recording sessions:

Mark, Guy, Ian, Glen Worf, John McC, Mike McG, Phil Cunningham, Bruce Molsky, Nigel Hitchcock, Tom Walsh and Ruth Moody.   Missing, so far are only Richard and Jim.    :think

So really there's nothing peculiar about that at all!  Much ado about nothing.

Mark could have played all guitars for the album and Guy could have played piano.     It will probably be the normal band for the tour. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 29, 2014, 08:33:07 PM
No drums and no rock 'n' roll?

There was a session with Ian Thomas, so I doubt there are no drums included :)

Ian Thomas played just Triangle and Blockflute on that session if i recall well :hmm.

In the diaries there are a couple of pictures of Ian playing the drums.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on August 29, 2014, 08:46:28 PM
No drums and no rock 'n' roll?

There was a session with Ian Thomas, so I doubt there are no drums included :)

Ian Thomas played just Triangle and Blockflute on that session if i recall well :hmm.

In the diaries there are a couple of pictures of Ian playing the drums.

I made (obviously?) a joke Val... ;) :lol Sorry if my joke was too bad...  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 29, 2014, 09:00:34 PM
No drums and no rock 'n' roll?

There was a session with Ian Thomas, so I doubt there are no drums included :)

Ian Thomas played just Triangle and Blockflute on that session if i recall well :hmm.

In the diaries there are a couple of pictures of Ian playing the drums.

I made (obviously?) a joke Val... ;) :lol Sorry if my joke was too bad...  :think

Oh, silly me!     :smack
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 29, 2014, 11:22:52 PM
Maybe Guy is playing drums and rhythm guitar on this one before he goes to fix his bicycle!  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wespresso on August 30, 2014, 12:50:01 PM
No drums and no rock 'n' roll?
Well I think/hope it's gonna be a rock 'n roll album, if you see the picture that Guy posted a few months ago, he uses these kind of guitars for rock 'n roll alot.. I think it would be great :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 30, 2014, 01:22:58 PM
The guitars used doesn't mean a thing if you check the lists of guitars and songs Guy posted in his diary.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on August 30, 2014, 01:54:00 PM
The guitars used doesn't mean a thing if you check the lists of guitars and songs Guy posted in his diary.

What do you mean with that exactly?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wespresso on August 30, 2014, 02:53:26 PM
The guitars used doesn't mean a thing if you check the lists of guitars and songs Guy posted in his diary.
Why not?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 30, 2014, 02:57:05 PM
No '58/9 LP and no sig Strat so I don't think RnR at all.  These look like country instruments to me.  Suitable for Hillbilly or Chet sounds and that is fine for me.  I've always thought Mark is great at country sounds on the guitar.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on August 30, 2014, 03:45:00 PM
No '58/9 LP and no sig Strat so I don't think RnR at all.  These look like country instruments to me.  Suitable for Hillbilly or Chet sounds and that is fine for me.  I've always thought Mark is great at country sounds on the guitar.

Not on that pic... But he has used them on the new album i think... i hope ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 30, 2014, 07:46:08 PM
I mean that if Mk uses a "rock type" guitar, doesn't means he used it to play a rock song, if I am not wrong in Fish and Bird he used a telecaster which if you asks Springsteen is the rock and roll guitar...

When I see that guitars, they don't tell me anything about which style of songs are bring played on, Mk uses them just to add musical colours to the song.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 30, 2014, 08:03:01 PM
If a Fender Stratocaster or Gibson Les Paul means rock songs, then Redbud Tree and Go, Love are two of the rock songs in Privateering?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 30, 2014, 08:07:58 PM
Check this and find if type of guitar and type of songs have any relation:

1964 Fender Stratocaster: Sailing to Philadelphia

1954 Fender Stratocaster:Heart full of holes/Fish and the bird/Punish the monkey/Behind with the rent/Let it all go/We can get wild/Remembrance day/The car was the one/I used to could/A quality shoe/Two skinny kids/Everybody pays/Summer of love/Shangri-la.

Mark Knopfler Signature Stratocaster: Redbud tree/Occupation blues.

Pensa MK 'D': Not on anything released, only recorded live on Kingdom of Gold. (I accepted Kingdom of Gold as the correct answer)

Grosh Electrajet: Yon two crows/Piper to the end.

Gibson ES330: Madam Geneva's/Behind with the rent/ (the precise year of this guitar is unknown as it has no serial number)

1959 Gibson ES 335: Baloney again/One more matinee/Wag the Dog.
1964 Fender Stratocaster: Sailing to Philadelphia

1954 Fender Stratocaster:Heart full of holes/Fish and the bird/Punish the monkey/Behind with the rent/Let it all go/We can get wild/Remembrance day/The car was the one/I used to could/A quality shoe/Two skinny kids/Everybody pays/Summer of love/Shangri-la.

Mark Knopfler Signature Stratocaster: Redbud tree/Occupation blues.

Pensa MK 'D': Not on anything released, only recorded live on Kingdom of Gold. (I accepted Kingdom of Gold as the correct answer)

Grosh Electrajet: Yon two crows/Piper to the end.

Gibson ES330: Madam Geneva's/Behind with the rent/ (the precise year of this guitar is unknown as it has no serial number)

1959 Gibson ES 335: Baloney again/One more matinee/Wag the Dog.

1959 Gibson Les Paul Standard: The scaffolders wife/Let's see you.

1958 Gibson Les Paul Standard: So far from the Clyde/Before gas and Tv/Cleaning my gun/You can't beat the house/Remembrance day/Dream of the drowned submariner/Yon two crows/Follow the ribbon/Today is OK/Hot or what/Why aye man/You don't know your born/Speedway at Nazareth/5:15am/Back to Tupelo/Whoop de do/The trawlerman's song.

Gretsch 6120: In the sky/Punish the Monkey/The fizzy and the still/Hard shoulder/Yon two crows/Seattle.
1959 Gibson Les Paul Standard: The scaffolders wife/Let's see you.

1958 Gibson Les Paul Standard: So far from the Clyde/Before gas and Tv/Cleaning my gun/You can't beat the house/Remembrance day/Dream of the drowned submariner/Yon two crows/Follow the ribbon/Today is OK/Hot or what/Why aye man/You don't know your born/Speedway at Nazareth/5:15am/Back to Tupelo/Whoop de do/The trawlerman's song.

Gretsch 6120: In the sky/Punish the Monkey/The fizzy and the still/Hard shoulder/Yon two crows/Seattle.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 30, 2014, 09:32:40 PM
If a Fender Stratocaster or Gibson Les Paul means rock songs, then Redbud Tree and Go, Love are two of the rock songs in Privateering?

Absolutely right.  Your following post has some surprises in there and that can only support this. I suppose played through different amps and with different set-ups can make the sound poles apart.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on August 30, 2014, 11:47:47 PM
No '58/9 LP and no sig Strat so I don't think RnR at all.  These look like country instruments to me.  Suitable for Hillbilly or Chet sounds and that is fine for me.  I've always thought Mark is great at country sounds on the guitar.

The Gibson Super 400 CES...  ;)


I rest my case  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on August 31, 2014, 12:00:10 AM
I remember Dermot (strat61) saying something like this on Mknews forum some years (decade ?) ago :

"if we had a recording diary in 1980, with some clues about guitars used during the recording sessions, we could have thought that Romeo & Juliet was going to be a delta blues type song...and of course it was not"

so I agree that knowning the guitar(s) used during recording sessions can't give any indication about the album musical style direction.

the same guitar can be used in different styles, and different guitars can be used in the same style
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 31, 2014, 10:43:59 PM
No '58/9 LP and no sig Strat so I don't think RnR at all.  These look like country instruments to me.  Suitable for Hillbilly or Chet sounds and that is fine for me.  I've always thought Mark is great at country sounds on the guitar.

The Gibson Super 400 CES...  ;)

I rest my case  :)

Case?  Okay so it's not great but it isn't country either.  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on September 01, 2014, 01:06:30 PM
No '58/9 LP and no sig Strat so I don't think RnR at all.  These look like country instruments to me.  Suitable for Hillbilly or Chet sounds and that is fine for me.  I've always thought Mark is great at country sounds on the guitar.

The Gibson Super 400 CES...  ;)

I rest my case  :)

Case?  Okay so it's not great but it isn't country either.  :)

Hehe, well "case" in the meaning that you can't really tell which type of music MK plays by looking at the guitar. That guitar would be suitable for jazz och Chet type of country. But in this case it's a well over 170 bpm rocker.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on September 01, 2014, 02:27:17 PM
Mark used the Super 400 mostly for jazz-blues-lounge style (fade to black, your latest trick live) and rock' n' roll (Elvis - Scooty Moore tribute, run me down, or this mademoiselle with Jools Holland), and rarely for "country" (will you miss me) or other style (the lick at the end of each verse on On every street)

this super 400 looks more "jazz-rockabilly-50ies" than "country" to me

When Mark goes "country music", he rather uses telecasters (setting me up, belle star, yakety axe) or grestch (red stagerwing) or even LP (are we in trouble now) and of course acoustic guitars
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 01, 2014, 03:18:48 PM
No '58/9 LP and no sig Strat so I don't think RnR at all.  These look like country instruments to me.  Suitable for Hillbilly or Chet sounds and that is fine for me.  I've always thought Mark is great at country sounds on the guitar.

The Gibson Super 400 CES...  ;)

I rest my case  :)

Case?  Okay so it's not great but it isn't country either.  :)

Hehe, well "case" in the meaning that you can't really tell which type of music MK plays by looking at the guitar. That guitar would be suitable for jazz och Chet type of country. But in this case it's a well over 170 bpm rocker.

Ah.  I concur.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: strat61 on September 20, 2014, 07:16:08 PM
I remember Dermot (strat61) saying something like this on Mknews forum some years (decade ?) ago :

"if we had a recording diary in 1980, with some clues about guitars used during the recording sessions, we could have thought that Romeo & Juliet was going to be a delta blues type song...and of course it was not"

so I agree that knowning the guitar(s) used during recording sessions can't give any indication about the album musical style direction.

the same guitar can be used in different styles, and different guitars can be used in the same style

Wow thanks for the quote JF .... after many years I'm glad to be back in the game! Looking forward to Dublin next May!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on September 20, 2014, 09:10:41 PM
Wow, cool to read the name Strat 61 here again - gives me some nostalgic feel about it..  ;D :wave

Please keep on writing! Old MKNews folks are always great to read and see!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on September 20, 2014, 10:43:49 PM
Wow thanks for the quote JF .... after many years I'm glad to be back in the game! Looking forward to Dublin next May!

a pleasure. glad to see you back  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on September 24, 2014, 11:19:22 PM
How do you manage to keep the patience of a saint at times?    Gin

Hehe, Guy is somewhat feisty tonight...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on September 25, 2014, 10:56:27 AM
Guy's page is offline now for the most parts of two days.. I wonder if he might really be too distracted from incoming mails and questions.. it seems he is VERY busy these days... I also wonder if Mark leaves the whole mixing process to Guy alone or if he is at BG at the moment, too..

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on September 25, 2014, 11:03:05 AM
LE, what do you mean by Guy's site being offline, his forum was updated twice yesterday?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 25, 2014, 11:14:54 AM
I dont have any problem with Guy's site, all sections work.  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on September 25, 2014, 11:34:22 AM
The site (forum and diaries) was down yesterday (at night), but now it's working.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on September 25, 2014, 12:08:51 PM
Yeah I could read the updated forum last night but today I was not able to see anything. White screen and "working" up in the left corner..

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 25, 2014, 12:25:22 PM
Yeah I could read the updated forum last night but today I was not able to see anything. White screen and "working" up in the left corner..


Working for me at the moment (11:25 bst).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on September 25, 2014, 12:31:32 PM
Yeah for me too. It is no big deal and it was more astonishment than complaining. Never had seen that before though so I wondered.

Thanks for replying all!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on September 25, 2014, 06:52:32 PM
Guy's own written words : Disgusting. Shameful, a blatant middle finger to the industry. The album is pure shite too, unsurprisingly.

The man can obviously have an opinion and express it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on September 25, 2014, 07:11:54 PM
what is he referring to?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on September 25, 2014, 07:13:11 PM
what is he referring to?

The U2Applegate
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vgonis on September 25, 2014, 07:19:38 PM
Thank you! Yes, i have hear the same from other people a well.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 01, 2014, 03:29:43 PM
8 songs mixed so far according to Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 01, 2014, 03:55:38 PM
8 songs mixed so far according to Guy

So now I'm wondering how many are going onto the album...  :think

I wouldn't like too many because that would mean they are all short in length.  Eight would be about right for me I think, with the others as bonuses.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 01, 2014, 03:58:44 PM
8 songs mixed so far according to Guy

So now I'm wondering how many are going onto the album...  :think

I wouldn't like too many because that would mean they are all short in length.  Eight would be about right for me I think, with the others as bonuses.

Yesterday Guy said:

Yes, Mark and I are in Studio 2, we're over half way through the mixing process. It's all sounding great.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Shai on October 01, 2014, 08:52:48 PM
Based upon this new info regarding 8 songs already mixed and over half done, I estimate there will be around 12 songs on the album.....with 2 or 3 bonus songs for the deluxe!

    Great news!!

         Saul ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 02, 2014, 10:52:23 AM
It's all sounding great.

Now I feel good about the album;  if it gets Guys seal of approval then it must be good.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JeroenvG on October 02, 2014, 11:14:37 AM
I hope the new album has got the sound of Shangri-La. By far my favorite album.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 02, 2014, 11:25:34 AM
Yes I agree, Shangri-la is a superb Album and probably played the most but then so is Get Lucky....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on October 02, 2014, 02:20:45 PM
I hate Shangri-la
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on October 02, 2014, 02:44:27 PM
Track 1 to 5: Awesome music! Real album feel and total sound and atmosphere experience!
Track 6 to the end: MK decided to put any energy away and tries to test out how long it takes for the listener to fall asleep..

The recording of Song For Sonny Liston and Donegan's Gone are fabulous, but I never listen to that album as a whole. But the first 5 tracks.. love them!

And Shangri-La has the ugliest album cover by far! The idea is great, but the colours, the painting style - awful!

Just my opinion!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 02, 2014, 02:47:37 PM
I hate Shangri-la

Why hate something that MK has done?
Oh, ok yes I actually hate Romeo & Juliet and So far away!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on October 02, 2014, 03:05:33 PM
Hey Mark wrote a lot of the stuff on Shangri-La during his treatment after an accident, so he'd probalby wrote some of the songs literally lying in bed or staying at home anyway. So he probably wrote tracks 6-14 while he was lying on the bed, and then he wrote tracks 1-5 and, to celebrate his healing he recorded it in this paradisiacal recording studio. To me The Ragpicker's Dream and following Shangri-La are the best MK albums so far.

By terms of strong songs, which doesn't lose any details even being played on one acoustic guitar it's my all time favourite. You can play
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on October 02, 2014, 03:15:28 PM
I would agree with 5:15 am. I think from all his solo career sincen 1996, this song belongs to the top5, together with SAN, WII and STP. And Long Highway.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 02, 2014, 05:41:25 PM
I love most of Shangri-La.  It is probably my favourite album along with RPD.  Everybody Pays is wonderful, but these days Donegan has become a skipper for me, probably because of overplay, but really the whole album is one of MKs best!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 02, 2014, 06:15:33 PM
I love most of Shangri-La.  It is probably my favourite album along with RPD.  Everybody Pays is wonderful, but these days Donegan has become a skipper for me, probably because of overplay, but really the whole album is one of MKs best!

I like 1 t/m 7 and 10 from Shangri-la. I've listened the album last week in the car a couple of times. It's already 10 years since the release. Time flies....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on October 02, 2014, 07:15:07 PM
I like 1 t/m 7 and 10 from Shangri-la.

 ::) :hmm

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on October 03, 2014, 10:17:21 AM
I like the overall sound on Shangri-la
the album starts on top imho,  til the middle, but as we go through the end, I find the quality (at least for my taste) is decreasing, and I must admit that after Postcards, it lacks interest (for me)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 03, 2014, 11:49:52 AM
I like the overall sound on Shangri-la
the album starts on top imho,  til the middle, but as we go through the end, I find the quality (at least for my taste) is decreasing, and I must admit that after Postcards, it lacks interest (for me)

Same opinion here, the last songs on Shangrila are so boring to me that I rarely listen to them, I always stop the cd when it arrives to Sonny Liston, I sometimes depending on the mood listen to Whoop de doo, but its rare that I go further.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 03, 2014, 12:38:22 PM
I like 1 t/m 7 and 10 from Shangri-la.

 ::) :hmm


 :lol Don't you get it?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on October 03, 2014, 12:41:42 PM

ahh yes.. google is your friend..

tot en met


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 03, 2014, 12:43:51 PM

ahh yes.. google is your friend..

tot en met



Whoops, sorry! Didn't realise it was a Dutch thing (t/m)  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: nababo on October 29, 2014, 06:19:05 PM
I like the overall sound on Shangri-la
the album starts on top imho,  til the middle, but as we go through the end, I find the quality (at least for my taste) is decreasing, and I must admit that after Postcards, it lacks interest (for me)

Same opinion here, the last songs on Shangrila are so boring to me that I rarely listen to them, I always stop the cd when it arrives to Sonny Liston, I sometimes depending on the mood listen to Whoop de doo, but its rare that I go further.

Actually I use to skip "Sucker row" and rarely listen to the last three songs. Sometimes "Back to Tupelo" does not deserve my attention, too.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on November 07, 2014, 10:13:02 PM
tis was posted on Guy's forum :

http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/chris_botti_national_anthem_reggie_wayne_tears_watch_video-2014-11 (http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/chris_botti_national_anthem_reggie_wayne_tears_watch_video-2014-11)

gorgeous !
wonderful harmonies
very tasteful arrangement imho
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on November 08, 2014, 01:04:56 PM
Beautiful! Botti is the MK on trumpets  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on November 08, 2014, 03:35:54 PM
Don't have Shangri-La cd but I bought One take Radio Sessions and I must say that I love every single song
on this one!! Although Back to Tupalo will stay my own special favourite because MK talks about Marlon Brando who is an actor that I have always admired!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 10, 2014, 10:55:39 AM
Don't have Shangri-La cd but I bought One take Radio Sessions and I must say that I love every single song
on this one!! Although Back to Tupalo will stay my own special favourite because MK talks about Marlon Brando who is an actor that I have always admired!!

Actually MK talks about Elvis Presley being forced by his manager to be a film star leaving his music career as an excuse for the films (You can still be marlon brando and the king of rock and roll), the name Marlon Brando in the song is just a way to say he pretended to be a film star, it could had been any other actor name, but probably MK liked Marlon Brando
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on November 10, 2014, 11:37:58 AM
Thanks Jbaent, I know that MK is talking about Brando in the song only for Elvis and the reason you explained and I know as well that Brando didn't like Elvis but I like Back to Tupalo anyway!! I saw also the big discussion there was on the forums between fans when the subject of this song came up!!  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on November 10, 2014, 12:52:07 PM
Don't agree here, jbaent. Marlon Brando is of course meant as THE example for THE movie star which Brando was at that time. Therefore you should not better change it with any other actor's name. It is a nice little reference to Marlon. Which was my nickname ("Marlon") by the way when in school, around aged 14, 15... ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on November 10, 2014, 03:51:17 PM
Don't agree here, jbaent. Marlon Brando is of course meant as THE example for THE movie star which Brando was at that time. Therefore you should not better change it with any other actor's name. It is a nice little reference to Marlon. Which was my nickname ("Marlon") by the way when in school, around aged 14, 15... ;D

Love Epresso. That was, if I recall everything I saw written about this song, why I think MK took Marlon Brando as the Actor Elvis would have liked to be!!! But you never know except MK of course!! By the way you
had a great nickname!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 11, 2014, 11:42:15 AM
When I mean change Marlon Brando for any other actor
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on November 11, 2014, 10:07:32 PM
When I mean change Marlon Brando for any other actor
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: nababo on November 12, 2014, 08:19:56 PM
Around the time of Clambake, there were other actors who could fit the role model to Elvis better than Brando. At the time, Brando's career wasn't so successful. After the stardom in the late 50's, he did just another blockbuster, "Mutiny on the bounty", in 1963, after a decade of commercial failures. He just recovered its public ant critical acclaim with "The godfather", 1972/73.

In the other had, the beggining of Elvis movie career coincided with the first peak of Brando's popularity. So maybe this is why the Colonel had chosen him as as=n example to be followed or surpassed.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 13, 2014, 02:29:38 PM
Did I miss a post but did anyone mention that Brando was Presley's idol?  It's a fact.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 13, 2014, 02:37:06 PM
Did I miss a post but did anyone mention that Brando was Presley's idol?  It's a fact.

Would that be Reply # 1127 from Marijo58?    :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 13, 2014, 03:31:59 PM
Did I miss a post but did anyone mention that Brando was Presley's idol?  It's a fact.

Would that be Reply # 1127 from Marijo58?    :think

Perhaps!  Not quite!  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on November 13, 2014, 04:01:24 PM
Did I miss a post but did anyone mention that Brando was Presley's idol?  It's a fact.

Well thanks Dmg for the support on this one! I did not dream when I thought that Elvis admired Brando. Unfortunately it was not the other way around!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 13, 2014, 04:25:43 PM
Did I miss a post but did anyone mention that Brando was Presley's idol?  It's a fact.

Well thanks Dmg for the support on this one! I did not dream when I thought that Elvis admired Brando. Unfortunately it was not the other way around!!!

No offence but I couldn't remember if it had been established by anyone yet that Elvis had actually idolised Marlon Brando in real life and that's where Mark got the idea to put Brando's name in the song.  It wasn't just picked out of thin air.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on November 13, 2014, 05:32:57 PM
Thanks anyway Dmg for the infos. And this is not a big deal whether Elvis was Brando's fan or not!!! My first post said that I liked the song partly because MK had the idea to put his name in the song!!!  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 25, 2014, 10:04:10 AM
Guy's forum today.    In answer to a question about the Blues Club:

"Yes Nat, we are playing at the Eel Pie Club in Twickenham on Thursday July 15th. Will update the BC sites."

I'm pretty sure he must mean January, because they are on tour and July 15th is a Wednesday!      ;) 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on December 02, 2014, 12:27:18 PM
OMG people, third page is out at last, check it out :)


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on December 02, 2014, 02:26:41 PM
And this sentence sucks...

Although its release is still a few months away, when you give 'Tracker' its first spin, I hope you
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on December 02, 2014, 04:02:11 PM
OMG people, third page is out at last, check it out :)



Being a slide guitarist myself, that is one awesome slide!!  :o
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: stratocasteph on December 02, 2014, 04:10:59 PM
"...and it sounded to me like the best vinyl I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 02, 2014, 05:03:53 PM
"...and it sounded to me like the best vinyl I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: nababo on December 02, 2014, 09:19:22 PM
And this sentence sucks...

Although its release is still a few months away, when you give 'Tracker' its first spin, I hope you
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Darling Pretty on December 02, 2014, 09:25:38 PM
That's what I said.
Not before End of March. Earliest...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on December 03, 2014, 03:08:37 PM
Well, let's look at the facts:  he hasn't done any promotion, we haven't been given all the tour dates yet and we don't have the release date (obviously) so it must be a good few months away I would say.  So much for January.   :thumbsdown
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on December 22, 2014, 02:06:08 PM
Perhaps jan 26 as a release date. No confirmation from Guy of course. The question with link was posted on his website a few days ago...



Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on December 22, 2014, 02:29:29 PM
Perhaps jan 26 as a release date. No confirmation from Guy of course. The question with link was posted on his website a few days ago...



I think we're all getting a little impatient now and it's leading to all sorts of "grasping at straws."  We must look at the facts:

zero promotion
no TV or radio appearances/shows/performances by Mark and the band
no sample tracks
no leaks (we always get leaks)!

Management probably won't work over the Christmas/new year period to organise promos so personally, I think it will be March at the earliest.  :(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on December 22, 2014, 02:41:09 PM
Does promotion and tv stuff not always start around the same time or short after a new album comes out. If that is the case than its normal that we will know nothing for any promotion activities at this time. But i also think it will be later. Some official news probably in jan with a releasedate late feb or somewhere in march.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on December 22, 2014, 02:45:07 PM
It must appear on some pre order sites soon i guess. Like amazon and Itunes for example. Including tracklist and let's hope for samples.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 22, 2014, 03:00:21 PM
Perhaps jan 26 as a release date. No confirmation from Guy of course. The question with link was posted on his website a few days ago...



I think we're all getting a little impatient now and it's leading to all sorts of "grasping at straws."  We must look at the facts:

zero promotion
no TV or radio appearances/shows/performances by Mark and the band
no sample tracks
no leaks (we always get leaks)!

Management probably won't work over the Christmas/new year period to organise promos so personally, I think it will be March at the earliest.  :(

In case January 26th is the date, I
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on December 22, 2014, 03:52:16 PM
How do you know ticketsales are going good for the new Tour? Are there already sold out venues? I have really no idea about this. oh i do, Sweden was sold out but the rest???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 22, 2014, 09:34:59 PM
How do you know ticketsales are going good for the new Tour? Are there already sold out venues? I have really no idea about this. oh i do, Sweden was sold out but the rest???

Try to buy tickets specially in any seated venue and look how many seats are available... then you get the idea.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on January 06, 2015, 08:21:30 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on January 06, 2015, 10:17:36 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 06, 2015, 10:39:19 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on January 06, 2015, 11:09:56 PM
He's so moody on the forum I don't know why he bothers anymore. Quite unpleasant to read so many genuine fans being dismissed in such a graceless manner.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on January 07, 2015, 07:56:13 AM
He's so moody on the forum I don't know why he bothers anymore. Quite unpleasant to read so many genuine fans being dismissed in such a graceless manner.


Also he does everything to show his distance to MK and the Tracker recordings - just read the tracker-related questions the last few months.. as if it is unpleasant to him to be connected with him. Also his answers referring tour dates (I have no interest/no clue/I don't care) are totally impausible to me.
But it's just me.
No, no need to send him any question at the moment.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: yontwocrows on January 07, 2015, 05:32:17 PM
I have more the impression that he expresses his distance to all the management related topics (tour dates / album release /number of tracks), and not his distance to the album and to MK. Must be a dilemma. I'm sure that he wants to talk more about the album and to give us the information, but before the official announcements he can't do that. Might be that this defensive position leads to harsh formulations.  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on January 07, 2015, 05:43:51 PM
I have more the impression that he expresses his distance to all the management related topics (tour dates / album release /number of tracks), and not his distance to the album and to MK. Must be a dilemma. I'm sure that he wants to talk more about the album and to give us the information, but before the official announcements he can't do that. Might be that this defensive position leads to harsh formulations.  :think

Yes I think so too Yontwocrows because I asked him a question about RAH, then I said that it must be difficult for him to answer everyday to the same questions about Tracker and he answered me that he felt frustrated!! I believe that he was honest!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on January 07, 2015, 05:44:30 PM
I think Guy is very loyal to Mark.   He has stated many times on his forum that he is frustrated at not being able to divulge any information about release and tour dates. I'm sure he would tell us if he was allowed to.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on January 07, 2015, 08:26:07 PM
He's so moody on the forum I don't know why he bothers anymore. Quite unpleasant to read so many genuine fans being dismissed in such a graceless manner.
for once i am satisfied with his reply to my question. well, since a long while. an answer at least. me satisfied.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on January 07, 2015, 09:10:28 PM
Great!! :lol :D :wave

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 23, 2015, 05:41:40 PM
Dan SW3 is back to Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on January 23, 2015, 06:35:55 PM
Dan SW3 is back to Guy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 23, 2015, 06:57:30 PM
He forgot that other forumers asked Guy to ban him... Maybe he needs to be reminded about it... But something tells me that he won't get it anyway, being so smart as he thinks he is...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on January 23, 2015, 07:49:16 PM
He forgot that other forumers asked Guy to ban him... Maybe he needs to be reminded about it... But something tells me that he won't get it anyway, being so smart as he thinks he is...

People who think they are smart have arrogance and since modesty is a virtue then they cannot be quite so smart after all.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 23, 2015, 08:16:19 PM
Funny you said that, I just send a post to Guy's forum telling that he doesn't have only patience with moaners but also with arrogants. Period.  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 27, 2015, 08:13:40 PM
DanSW3 just menaced me directly when for the Dublin show... I put a picture of Wenger "fighting" with Mourinho and he replied that we will see in Dublin if I'm brave enough as Wenger... All in Guy's forum...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on January 27, 2015, 08:50:25 PM
Read that, too. I am sure there will be enough (AMIT)boys to help you in case he starts a fight...  8) ;D

Honestly, it is really a shame that he is still posting.  :disbelief And Guy does not seem to realize that he relates his post to you. He just don't get the meaning. People have been banned for less.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 28, 2015, 12:46:08 PM
I made a question to Guy on his forum about the "Altamira" soundtrack and he has revealed the following:

We are working on it right now. A mini diary would be pretty boring since it's just Mark and I, two computers, several monitors, lots of sample libraries and tea. I may post a page when we actually record with Evelyn Glennie as she is quite wonderful. I did take a series of pictures and video recently as I went to her studio to record some samples. Awe inspiring stuff. The film (directed by Hugh Hudson and starring Antonio Banderas and Rupert Everett) is beautiful btw.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Shai on January 30, 2015, 05:54:15 AM
I met Guy in '06 at Radio City Music Hall after the MK/EH show. He was very friendly and spoke with my wife and me for a few minutes. Hey, I even got a picture taken with him!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: tunnel85 on January 30, 2015, 04:40:08 PM
Read that, too. I am sure there will be enough (AMIT)boys to help you in case he starts a fight...  8) ;D

Honestly, it is really a shame that he is still posting.  :disbelief And Guy does not seem to realize that he relates his post to you. He just don't get the meaning. People have been banned for less.

he is the Mourinho worshipper, isn't he ?
I usually have no patience with Chelski fiends and I'll be in Dublin  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on January 30, 2015, 07:46:36 PM
Read that, too. I am sure there will be enough (AMIT)boys to help you in case he starts a fight...  8) ;D

Honestly, it is really a shame that he is still posting.  :disbelief And Guy does not seem to realize that he relates his post to you. He just don't get the meaning. People have been banned for less.

he is the Mourinho worshipper, isn't he ?
I usually have no patience with Chelski fiends and I'll be in Dublin  ;D

Perhaps this Mourinho worshipper advocates being given a poke in the eye then...  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on January 31, 2015, 12:07:51 AM
Read that, too. I am sure there will be enough (AMIT)boys to help you in case he starts a fight...  8) ;D

Honestly, it is really a shame that he is still posting.  :disbelief And Guy does not seem to realize that he relates his post to you. He just don't get the meaning. People have been banned for less.

he is the Mourinho worshipper, isn't he ?
I usually have no patience with Chelski fiends and I'll be in Dublin  ;D

Perhaps this Mourinho worshipper advocates being given a poke in the eye then...  ;)
He just comes across as a complete knob who enjoys putting his tongue in unspeakable places.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 31, 2015, 10:23:12 AM
If any of you is interested in say hi to him, he'll be in 9th row in Dublin, I can provide you with a picture to recognise him  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: binone on January 31, 2015, 11:01:56 AM
I know who Mouri
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 31, 2015, 02:14:35 PM
I know who Mouri
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on January 31, 2015, 10:46:29 PM
Hmm, think I'm in the 9th row.

As with all keyboard warriors, I'll bet he's very pleasant in person. :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on February 02, 2015, 04:01:47 AM
Altamira--with Antonio Banderas & Rupert Everett--Fantastic!    Music by Mark Knopfler and Guy Fletcher--even more fantastic.    Any news on release?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: shangri la 1 on February 02, 2015, 04:48:00 AM
Altamira--with Antonio Banderas & Rupert Everett--Fantastic!    Music by Mark Knopfler and Guy Fletcher--even more fantastic.    Any news on release?

Hi IrisRose  :wave  ;)
Just 2015 from what I could find so far...http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3014910/
Also covered on this topic here: http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php/topic,3939.0.html

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on February 02, 2015, 05:12:50 PM
Thank you, Shangri La.    MK's guitar is gorgeous and rich in this clip.   At last, Classical guitar influence is in his repertoire.   Can't wait for the soundtrack.   Oh yes, the movie too!   :)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on February 02, 2015, 06:18:14 PM
Thanks a lot Shangri la for sharing this vid, great music for a movie that I'll certainly go to see when it's coming out!! Guy Fletcher and MK did a fantastic work as usual!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 02, 2015, 06:38:15 PM
I asked Guy about the music on this video and this is his reply:

Q    Hi Guy, I'm really excited to hear about the new soundtrack! I wonder if the music on this clip can be attributed to either you or Mark - or neither?    

Guy -   No, that music has nothing whatsoever to do with the movie. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 02, 2015, 08:07:53 PM
We already confirmed some weeks ago that the music in that video has nothing to do with the film nor with MK...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 02, 2015, 08:17:22 PM
We already confirmed some weeks ago that the music in that video has nothing to do with the film nor with MK...

Obviously not everyone knew about it.   ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 03, 2015, 09:29:47 AM
We already confirmed some weeks ago that the music in that video has nothing to do with the film nor with MK...

Obviously not everyone knew about it.   ;)

What it's obvious, dear Val,is that we talk way too much and we make it very difficult to everyone to be up to date with any piece of information  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I beg your pardon for that, too!!!  :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 03, 2015, 09:43:02 AM
We already confirmed some weeks ago that the music in that video has nothing to do with the film nor with MK...

Obviously not everyone knew about it.   ;)

What it's obvious, dear Val,is that we talk way too much and we make it very difficult to everyone to be up to date with any piece of information  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I beg your pardon for that, too!!!  :lol :lol :lol :lol

I promise to be quiet - if I can!           :-X      ;D   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on February 03, 2015, 02:39:57 PM
If any of you is interested in say hi to him, he'll be in 9th row in Dublin, I can provide you with a picture to recognise him  ;D

Hope he will not be in Paris Le Zenith!!! Thanks Jbaent for the infos on this fan!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on February 03, 2015, 10:20:49 PM
We have surely better things to do than to argue with him. Lets ignore him and enjoy the show.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on February 04, 2015, 03:18:58 PM
Very wise words ds1984 :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 04, 2015, 03:25:47 PM
Very wise words ds1984 :thumbsup

And I thought it was all in jest!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 04, 2015, 04:05:57 PM
We have surely better things to do than to argue with him. Lets ignore him and enjoy the show.

Obviously, but that kind of people are always seeking atention...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Throttle on February 04, 2015, 05:00:42 PM
Obviously, but that kind of people are always seeking atention...

That's exactly right.
Narcissistic personalities always feed on emotions of others, so just leave him without a sustenance.
Put it plainly, don't feed the troll.  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LoveExpresso on March 16, 2015, 08:43:16 PM
I had a good laugh reading today's replies from Guy to Dan's latest questions.
About rehearsal list: How many songs are we talking about roughly? -  Guy: Quite a lot
And then, Dan told Guy that he got his box and that he will tell him what he thinks about it: - Guy: Can't wait

 ;D ;D ;D :lol :lol :lol

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 16, 2015, 11:55:44 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on April 20, 2015, 11:51:21 AM
I had a good laugh reading today's replies from Guy to Dan's latest questions.
About rehearsal list: How many songs are we talking about roughly? -  Guy: Quite a lot
And then, Dan told Guy that he got his box and that he will tell him what he thinks about it: - Guy: Can't wait

 ;D ;D ;D :lol :lol :lol


I too had a very good laugh yesterday when I went through the questions people are asking about the Tracker Tour, somebody said that he or she hoped that MK will sing new songs and not the one from 2010 to 2013 because he still wears the same shirt on tv show!! So that person asked Guy to tell his wife to go and buy some new ones!!! :lol. Guy's answer was: Are you really asking me this!!!!!???. :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: binone on April 20, 2015, 01:53:45 PM
It was me  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on April 20, 2015, 01:55:24 PM
It was me  ;D

I know ;-) had a good laugh ;-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on April 20, 2015, 02:25:14 PM
It was me  ;D
You have a great sense of humour Binone :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Throttle on April 20, 2015, 08:34:35 PM
...he still wears the same shirt on tv show!! So that person asked Guy to tell his wife to go and buy some new ones!!! :lol.

I felt like hanging my head in shame, when I read that.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on April 21, 2015, 10:37:51 AM
I had a good laugh reading today's replies from Guy to Dan's latest questions.
About rehearsal list: How many songs are we talking about roughly? -  Guy: Quite a lot
And then, Dan told Guy that he got his box and that he will tell him what he thinks about it: - Guy: Can't wait

 ;D ;D ;D :lol :lol :lol


I too had a very good laugh yesterday when I went through the questions people are asking about the Tracker Tour, somebody said that he or she hoped that MK will sing new songs and not the one from 2010 to 2013 because he still wears the same shirt on tv show!! So that person asked Guy to tell his wife to go and buy some new ones!!! :lol. Guy's answer was: Are you really asking me this!!!!!???. :lol

Like Throttle I cannot laugh about it.
I, too, feel more and more embarrassed and ashamed about how people behave and speak on Guy's forum.
If the often impertinent behaviour continues I fear it will ultimately lead to Guy stopping his good will.
It's never enough, they are never satisfied and speak and behave rudely.
It's very sad how it has developped and perfectly explains why MK is shunning away from fan contact.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on April 21, 2015, 10:59:43 AM
I can assure you that Guy has laughed about this question. It's a fun question and Guy does have humour.
Don't take life too seriously!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on April 21, 2015, 11:05:59 AM
It is not this kind of question I mean, Ingrid, this one is not really rude.
But if you read through the forum there are so many impertinent posts which make me feel sad.
With Guy's forum we really got something new that we haven't had before, but...
I don't take it too seriously, Ingrid, because I'm tooooo much looking forward to the tour and of course to meeting you again!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on April 21, 2015, 11:45:21 AM
Same here surferboy!
I only wanted to say that Guy's answers are really great sometimes. Like: can't wait ... brilliant. You feel the sarcastic tone
And about the shirt: are you seriously asking me this .... you feel the smile in this answer. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on April 21, 2015, 01:23:59 PM
It is not this kind of question I mean, Ingrid, this one is not really rude.
But if you read through the forum there are so many impertinent posts which make me feel sad.
With Guy's forum we really got something new that we haven't had before, but...
I don't take it too seriously, Ingrid, because I'm tooooo much looking forward to the tour and of course to meeting you again!

The rudeness seems to be limited to Brazilians, Italians and the odd bloke from England  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on April 21, 2015, 01:32:06 PM
It is not this kind of question I mean, Ingrid, this one is not really rude.
But if you read through the forum there are so many impertinent posts which make me feel sad.
With Guy's forum we really got something new that we haven't had before, but...
I don't take it too seriously, Ingrid, because I'm tooooo much looking forward to the tour and of course to meeting you again!

The rudeness seems to be limited to Brazilians, Italians and the odd bloke from England  ;D

That od bloke from England, if you mean Dan SW3, he is Spanish!!!!! But lives in London, proud of sharing the postal code with MK...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on April 21, 2015, 01:53:19 PM
It is not this kind of question I mean, Ingrid, this one is not really rude.
But if you read through the forum there are so many impertinent posts which make me feel sad.
With Guy's forum we really got something new that we haven't had before, but...
I don't take it too seriously, Ingrid, because I'm tooooo much looking forward to the tour and of course to meeting you again!

The rudeness seems to be limited to Brazilians, Italians and the odd bloke from England  ;D

That od bloke from England, if you mean Dan SW3, he is Spanish!!!!! But lives in London, proud of sharing the postal code with MK...

Well then, that explains everything  ;D  ;)

But joking aside, I have had the same thoughts as surferboy. The GF forum is a rare opportunity for us fans to get to ask those questions you've always wanted to know more about. Behind the scenes.

I would hate it if GF packed up and left.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on April 21, 2015, 02:14:49 PM
On the other side, Guy´s forum is seen too as the place to complain and hope that it gets to MK One way or ther other, like a way to have a communication with MK and say not only what you like but also what you don´t...

The thing is that some have manners, some don´t, and some have a bad English and end sounding rude when probably it wasn´t their intention.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rudiger on April 21, 2015, 07:21:13 PM
It is not this kind of question I mean, Ingrid, this one is not really rude.
But if you read through the forum there are so many impertinent posts which make me feel sad.
With Guy's forum we really got something new that we haven't had before, but...
I don't take it too seriously, Ingrid, because I'm tooooo much looking forward to the tour and of course to meeting you again!

The rudeness seems to be limited to Brazilians, Italians and the odd bloke from England  ;D

On the other hand on this forum are the Swedish who have the bad habit of generalizing   :think  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on April 21, 2015, 07:37:24 PM
It is not this kind of question I mean, Ingrid, this one is not really rude.
But if you read through the forum there are so many impertinent posts which make me feel sad.
With Guy's forum we really got something new that we haven't had before, but...
I don't take it too seriously, Ingrid, because I'm tooooo much looking forward to the tour and of course to meeting you again!

The rudeness seems to be limited to Brazilians, Italians and the odd bloke from England  ;D

On the other hand on this forum are the Swedish who have the bad habit of generalizing   :think  :lol

Oh I haven't even started yet  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on April 22, 2015, 04:28:09 AM
It is not this kind of question I mean, Ingrid, this one is not really rude.
But if you read through the forum there are so many impertinent posts which make me feel sad.
With Guy's forum we really got something new that we haven't had before, but...
I don't take it too seriously, Ingrid, because I'm tooooo much looking forward to the tour and of course to meeting you again!

The rudeness seems to be limited to Brazilians, Italians and the odd bloke from England  ;D

On the other hand on this forum are the Swedish who have the bad habit of generalizing   :think  :lol

Oh I haven't even started yet  ;D
:-X  oh dear...  ::)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on April 22, 2015, 09:00:55 PM
Guy can be pretty rude and dismissive himself so its really no surprise that people respond the same way.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rudiger on April 23, 2015, 08:35:01 AM
On the contrary I think that Guy is far too patient and accommodating: some questions are so silly or impolite that wouldn't deserve a reply.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on April 23, 2015, 03:23:16 PM
On the contrary I think that Guy is far too patient and accommodating: some questions are so silly or impolite that wouldn't deserve a reply.

I can only agree with you Rudiger and I don't mean that funny story about MK's shirts!! Some people are asking everything and nothing sometimes and Guy is indeed very patient!!! :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pondlive on April 23, 2015, 09:20:43 PM
Guy's forum seems to have gone a bit quiet over the last few days.

I'm hoping he is very busy sorting out MK's radical new set list  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on April 24, 2015, 12:50:38 AM
I don't post anymore on Guy forum.

First something has changed and second I don't want to bore him with question that actually have to be asked to Mark.Two and a half, I have already asked about TOL (many years ago).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on April 25, 2015, 01:28:55 AM
Guys forum is boring/stale/pointless, which is a massive shame as he seems such a nice chap. To be fair to Guy though, 99% of the questions are boring/stale/pointless. I never post there as I've never got anything interesting to say as you may have gathered from this post.  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on April 25, 2015, 08:53:19 AM
In most cases I think Guy is very tolerant.  For example, there is a person who keeps on shouting questions at him with little or no punctuation.  Today's question just about takes the biscuit, but Guy's answer is perfect!    ;D     Long live Guy's Forum, I say!    ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on April 25, 2015, 09:20:37 AM
In most cases I think Guy is very tolerant.  For example, there is a person who keeps on shouting questions at him with little or no punctuation.  Today's question just about takes the biscuit, but Guy's answer is perfect!    ;D     Long live Guy's Forum, I say!    ;)

YES VERY GOOD ANSWER from Guy today.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on April 25, 2015, 08:24:23 PM
Guys forum is boring/stale/pointless, which is a massive shame as he seems such a nice chap. To be fair to Guy though, 99% of the questions are boring/stale/pointless. I never post there as I've never got anything interesting to say as you may have gathered from this post.  ;D

Exactly why I have never joined.  Nearly every question is about Mark and I think that is not really very nice, after all it is Guy's forum!  You can't really blame folk and I wouldn't really have anything to ask a keyboard player but some people do get impertinent.

Some of Guy's answers show a certain amount of disrespect IMO though.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on April 25, 2015, 09:00:30 PM
Guy make is making a living form working for Mark. And is professionally close to Mark so it is natural that Mark related question arise. Over the years I have learned about what you can ask Guy and what he won't answer.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: TJ on April 29, 2015, 06:48:12 PM
Very sly question from Rob Reynolds today about Paul McCartney made me literally laugh out loud.  Mr. Reynolds, I applaud you.  :clap
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on April 29, 2015, 06:51:58 PM
Very sly question from Rob Reynolds today about Paul McCartney made me literally laugh out loud.  Mr. Reynolds, I applaud you.  :clap

Yes, made me smile, too!    ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 3Strats on April 29, 2015, 08:44:54 PM
Very sly question from Rob Reynolds today about Paul McCartney made me literally laugh out loud.  Mr. Reynolds, I applaud you.  :clap

Yes, that seemed to have fooled Guy.  Perhaps he'll edit his reply if he works out that there is a parallell with MK.
Having said that, I agree with Guy about Sir Paul, but Mark is still producing some of his best music - it's just hidden amongst the stuff that
the die hard DS fans don't want to hear.  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pondlive on April 29, 2015, 08:51:17 PM
Yes, that made me laugh too :lol

I noticed in the paper today that at Mr McCartney's concert in Tokyo there were 28 songs played. Not bad for a 72 year old. Apparently he played quite a few oldies as well.
It was 49 years ago he last played there with the Beatles!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on April 30, 2015, 05:10:30 AM
(Pondy -- that was harsh!)  :-X
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on April 30, 2015, 05:11:27 AM
...the part about 49 years...  :o
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on April 30, 2015, 05:19:43 AM
Very sly question from Rob Reynolds today about Paul McCartney made me literally laugh out loud.  Mr. Reynolds, I applaud you.  :clap
We read through that question. :D
I assume Guy did too.. his answer is fine by me.  ...I love MK's solo work. :-*
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on May 20, 2015, 12:03:55 AM
Q: Being Mark's big fan for almost 25 years... But this is worst tour and worst song selection as I can remember. Incredibly bad opening also. Very sad in what Mark is turning into... Unfortunately.
A: Strange, why would you be a fan of something you clearly don't like.

So according to Guy you have to like everything and evermore to be a fan? Strangely enough... This rudeness and provocation answers of Doc on his forum makes me think that he also wants to play more songs (both old and new), but he is kinda trying to pretend he's on Mark's side, as if he will read it. Some bad acting to me.

Like in AMIT's 'Setlist Moaners' topic, the more you write, the more aggressive answers you get. So why not just leave setlist questions unanswered?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: jabbathehut on May 20, 2015, 01:44:10 AM
whats Guy supposed to say.?I am sure they not are overly happy about playing a static set list night after night as talented musicians i am sure they want to be pushed, but they are pro's and play each time like its the first time.He has been around a long time he can gauge audience reaction and also get a feel if something isn't working.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 20, 2015, 08:14:27 AM
as sad as it is, we are a minority of die hard fans, their audiences as a whole are happy if he plays sultans (again) and happy to see him once in general.
still, i would rather go and see him play marbletown 20 times, instead of not being able to see my favorite band/artist not play because they are death/not interested in touring/broke up etc.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on May 20, 2015, 08:37:18 AM
Q: Being Mark's big fan for almost 25 years... But this is worst tour and worst song selection as I can remember. Incredibly bad opening also. Very sad in what Mark is turning into... Unfortunately.
A: Strange, why would you be a fan of something you clearly don't like.

So according to Guy you have to like everything and evermore to be a fan? Strangely enough... This rudeness and provocation answers of Doc on his forum makes me think that he also wants to play more songs (both old and new), but he is kinda trying to pretend he's on Mark's side, as if he will read it. Some bad acting to me.

Like in AMIT's 'Setlist Moaners' topic, the more you write, the more aggressive answers you get. So why not just leave setlist questions unanswered?

I can't see why this is rude and I think you're reading more into it than there is.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wespresso on May 20, 2015, 08:57:12 AM
Q: Being Mark's big fan for almost 25 years... But this is worst tour and worst song selection as I can remember. Incredibly bad opening also. Very sad in what Mark is turning into... Unfortunately.
A: Strange, why would you be a fan of something you clearly don't like.

So according to Guy you have to like everything and evermore to be a fan? Strangely enough... This rudeness and provocation answers of Doc on his forum makes me think that he also wants to play more songs (both old and new), but he is kinda trying to pretend he's on Mark's side, as if he will read it. Some bad acting to me.

Like in AMIT's 'Setlist Moaners' topic, the more you write, the more aggressive answers you get. So why not just leave setlist questions unanswered?

I can't see why this is rude and I think you're reading more into it than there is.
agree, I don't think it's rude. I think the question was maybe a bit rude and Guy has a point I think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on May 20, 2015, 09:07:02 AM
Q: Being Mark's big fan for almost 25 years... But this is worst tour and worst song selection as I can remember. Incredibly bad opening also. Very sad in what Mark is turning into... Unfortunately.
A: Strange, why would you be a fan of something you clearly don't like.

So according to Guy you have to like everything and evermore to be a fan? Strangely enough... This rudeness and provocation answers of Doc on his forum makes me think that he also wants to play more songs (both old and new), but he is kinda trying to pretend he's on Mark's side, as if he will read it. Some bad acting to me.

Like in AMIT's 'Setlist Moaners' topic, the more you write, the more aggressive answers you get. So why not just leave setlist questions unanswered?

I can't see why this is rude and I think you're reading more into it than there is.
agree, I don't think it's rude. I think the question was maybe a bit rude and Guy has a point I think

Guy has said many times to stop talking about the setlist because he can't say anything about it and maybe more important: he can't do anything about it since he's a hired musician and not Mark Knopfler. So I don't understand why people keep going on about it for ages, and expect him to say something sensible. You can't really blame him for the people who don't seem to understand it. I too think that the question was a bit impolitic.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rudiger on May 20, 2015, 10:46:27 AM
Q: Being Mark's big fan for almost 25 years... But this is worst tour and worst song selection as I can remember. Incredibly bad opening also. Very sad in what Mark is turning into... Unfortunately.
A: Strange, why would you be a fan of something you clearly don't like.

So according to Guy you have to like everything and evermore to be a fan? Strangely enough... This rudeness and provocation answers of Doc on his forum makes me think that he also wants to play more songs (both old and new), but he is kinda trying to pretend he's on Mark's side, as if he will read it. Some bad acting to me.

Like in AMIT's 'Setlist Moaners' topic, the more you write, the more aggressive answers you get. So why not just leave setlist questions unanswered?

It's a fact that you belong to the group of moaners: nothing wrong, since you express what you feel and you are fully entitled to do so. What I don't understand is why it bothers you that others can enjoy the tour. It seems like you are trying to make a numerical comparison between moaners and estimators and I honestly don't understand the usefulness. Maybe you'd feel more "in the right" if the moaners prevail? Maybe you are trying to justify with yourself tha fact that this year you can't appreciate the tour?

Moreover, you talk about aggressive comments towards moaners: don't you wonder that by now everyone already knows your position and that it's a bit annoying to read again and again the same negative comments that add nothing to what you've already clearly expressed?

Enjoying Mark is not an obligation: if you can't, devote yourself to something else, such as making a new cover of 'Chilly Winds' that too quickly (your perfectionism reminds me of someone  ;D) you deleted.

With sympathy
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 21, 2015, 11:12:24 AM
Q: Being Mark's big fan for almost 25 years... But this is worst tour and worst song selection as I can remember. Incredibly bad opening also. Very sad in what Mark is turning into... Unfortunately.
A: Strange, why would you be a fan of something you clearly don't like.

So according to Guy you have to like everything and evermore to be a fan? Strangely enough... This rudeness and provocation answers of Doc on his forum makes me think that he also wants to play more songs (both old and new), but he is kinda trying to pretend he's on Mark's side, as if he will read it. Some bad acting to me.

Like in AMIT's 'Setlist Moaners' topic, the more you write, the more aggressive answers you get. So why not just leave setlist questions unanswered?

I can't see why this is rude and I think you're reading more into it than there is.
agree, I don't think it's rude. I think the question was maybe a bit rude and Guy has a point I think
language barrier does not help here.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on May 21, 2015, 12:54:19 PM
Not so much of a language barrier as this 'cold war' between Guy and critics. They can't do anything with Guy, Guy can't do anything with them, so...

Q: Hello Doc, in many answers you say that Mark and you always look forward, but this setlist so far is very backward. Very sad...
A: No worries Nils. Go see another band. You haven't even been to the show have you. It's not about WHAT we play...

To me, both Guy and the guy asking this question are wrong (thus I said 'rude', obviously the guy don't like Guy and Guy don't like the guy).
To me, this kind of answer is very childish and silly, with all my respect to Guy. He might as well just say 'Firstly try to get where I am now'.

Q: Robin Dupont's more polite question regarding setlist, and then all of the sudden Guy is much more polite in his answer, but then he is typing...
A: Setlist whingers are irritating in the extreme. Most of them just sit in front of their computers looking for something to complain anonymously about. They may think they are fans of music but their posts betray their true selves.

Obviously, it could AGAIN start a new whole wave of new and new provocational and two-sided objections.
Clearly he's being hurt buy all of this, but there's not so much wisdom in keeping feeding the trolls and moaners.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on May 21, 2015, 01:27:12 PM
To put it simple, imagine one of these critics approaching Guy after the show and this kind of dialogue happens:

Critic: Hi, I'm a critic, I was on the show and I am disappointed, f........k you.
Guy: What? F........k you!
Critic: What? You said f........k you to me? Guy Fletcher, Dire Straits' keyboard player said it to me?
Guy: Well, I meant sorry, blah blah blah, I'm sorry.
Critic: Did you heard it? He said f........k you to me! Guy Fletcher, Dire Straits' keyboard player said it to me!

See, disappointed people is one of the hardest people for talking with. Simple psychology.
Whatever you tell to disappointed man, he will multiply it and will use it against you.
And that's like I see all this angry posts on Guy's forum. It's better for him to ignore.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on May 21, 2015, 07:29:41 PM
That means that I don't post anymore on Guy's forum. Communication is lost.

Sans la liberté de blâmer, il n'est point d'éloge flatteur

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on May 21, 2015, 08:35:18 PM
Foma, nobody is being aggressive.

You are being overly sensitive.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on May 21, 2015, 08:45:21 PM
Foma, nobody is being aggressive.
You are being overly sensitive.

Yes, I certainly am ;D

Just a little bit of analysis and exaggerating. Not aggressive maybe, but not welcoming for sure.
By the way, that's exactly the reason I love Mark being 1 million miles away from any kind of e-communication.
Imagine amount of critics people would give to him in that case (but still it would be 1% from all the compliments). But a lot.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LarsO on June 09, 2015, 08:51:04 AM
Guy's forum is now closed.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 09, 2015, 08:52:58 AM
Guy's forum is now closed.

I knew it would happen eventually...

He really was too patiente with all the complaints, that has nothing to do with him but with MK decissions on setlists.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on June 09, 2015, 09:19:49 AM
Well done Nils, you broke the Forum.  ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 09, 2015, 10:05:05 AM
Guy does have a point  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: binone on June 09, 2015, 10:08:36 AM
It is not what we say, but the way we say.

As in real life, politeness is the key when you talk to anybody you dont know personally.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on June 09, 2015, 11:59:14 AM
Kim Guy-un Fletcher? Pathetic. He must change 'Ask doc a question' to 'Suck-up for doc a little bit' now. I'm done with that one also.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on June 09, 2015, 12:16:49 PM
I think foma is done with the complete universe if I read all this positiveness
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 09, 2015, 02:05:52 PM
I think foma is done with the complete universe if I read all this positiveness

I think 1000 posts of Foma is a great number to stop...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on June 09, 2015, 02:12:36 PM
I think indeed that 1000 posts is a good moment to stop. There is no addition, last time it's only negative and this one goes too far. So Foma start to behave yourself. No rude posts allowed here. That you are frustrated because mk doesn't come to your country doesn't mean you have to try to ruin it for others. If you have nothing to add then please do nothing
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 09, 2015, 02:23:03 PM
I think indeed that 1000 posts is a good moment to stop. There is no addition, last time it's only negative and this one goes too far. So Foma start to behave yourself. No rude posts allowed here. That you are frustrated because mk doesn't come to your country doesn't mean you have to try to ruin it for others. If you have nothing to add then please do nothing

I understand Foma, I was like him about the STP tour era. It took a while for me to adapt to what MK was offering and stop all my negativeness, once it happened, I started enjoying what it would had been incredible for me to enjoy, records like Ragpickers, Crimson... that nowadays are my favourites.

If Foma feels that all is negative now for him, respect his feelings and allow him to express them, the best way to deal with his negative feelings is exactly that, taking them out. I know it annoys other people, but it´s a question of respect. You are asking Foma to respect your opinion, but at the same time you are attacking Foma opinions, which are equally valids, and to Foma, are the truth, his truth.

Foma, you have my respect, I understand how do you feel, because I was there before. If you want to remain a MK fan, you´ll learn how to deal with it, if not, there are many other artists to follow if you find in the end that MK has nothing left to offer you.

I was very pissed off during the Dublin show, for me it was a big dissapoinment to discover that MK was playing the 80% of the Privateering tour songs and in the same order, but I was able to see some light on it, and enjoy it, it was a great perfomance, and the 5 songs from Tracker being played sounded great for me, so I managed to balance between joy and dissapoinment. And I enjoyed my three shows during the Ireland and UK mini tour.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: LarsO on June 09, 2015, 02:30:33 PM
Guy's forum is now closed.

I knew it would happen eventually...

He really was too patiente with all the complaints, that has nothing to do with him but with MK decissions on setlists.

He changed his mind  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rudiger on June 09, 2015, 02:41:33 PM

You are asking Foma to respect your opinion, but at the same time you are attacking Foma opinions, which are equally valids, and to Foma, are the truth, his truth.

respect for others also means not to hammer them always with the same views (I am not referring specifically to foma, I speak generically)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Mossguitar on June 09, 2015, 03:17:23 PM
I think indeed that 1000 posts is a good moment to stop. There is no addition, last time it's only negative and this one goes too far. So Foma start to behave yourself. No rude posts allowed here. That you are frustrated because mk doesn't come to your country doesn't mean you have to try to ruin it for others. If you have nothing to add then please do nothing

I understand Foma, I was like him about the STP tour era. It took a while for me to adapt to what MK was offering and stop all my negativeness, once it happened, I started enjoying what it would had been incredible for me to enjoy, records like Ragpickers, Crimson... that nowadays are my favourites.

If Foma feels that all is negative now for him, respect his feelings and allow him to express them, the best way to deal with his negative feelings is exactly that, taking them out. I know it annoys other people, but it´s a question of respect. You are asking Foma to respect your opinion, but at the same time you are attacking Foma opinions, which are equally valids, and to Foma, are the truth, his truth.

Foma, you have my respect, I understand how do you feel, because I was there before. If you want to remain a MK fan, you´ll learn how to deal with it, if not, there are many other artists to follow if you find in the end that MK has nothing left to offer you.

I was very pissed off during the Dublin show, for me it was a big dissapoinment to discover that MK was playing the 80% of the Privateering tour songs and in the same order, but I was able to see some light on it, and enjoy it, it was a great perfomance, and the 5 songs from Tracker being played sounded great for me, so I managed to balance between joy and dissapoinment. And I enjoyed my three shows during the Ireland and UK mini tour.
Noone is attacking foma's opinions, just his behavior.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on June 09, 2015, 03:49:06 PM
There are a couple of old--and wise--sayings that come to mind.

"Give anger--get anger."   Most people will react to a statement in the same way it was made.  So don't attack Guy for getting defensive after complaint and whine and complaint and whine. 

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."    There are certainly times to call attention to a problem, but to what purpose?  Will calling attention cause a positive change, or will it just cause more problems?      What good is moaning to Guy about the set list going to do?    The man is a genius and he has been so generous in sharing his tour blogs and his forum with his.  Hammering him for his generosity seems so unreasonable.

If you have a complaint about the setlist, write to Mark!   And will you get an answer?   No, you won't.   But please, stop attacking people who can't do anything about it--including those of us on this forum.   :)   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on June 09, 2015, 04:19:20 PM
There are a couple of old--and wise--sayings that come to mind.

"Give anger--get anger."   Most people will react to a statement in the same way it was made.  So don't attack Guy for getting defensive after complaint and whine and complaint and whine. 

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."    There are certainly times to call attention to a problem, but to what purpose?  Will calling attention cause a positive change, or will it just cause more problems?      What good is moaning to Guy about the set list going to do?    The man is a genius and he has been so generous in sharing his tour blogs and his forum with his.  Hammering him for his generosity seems so unreasonable.

If you have a complaint about the setlist, write to Mark!   And will you get an answer?   No, you won't.   But please, stop attacking people who can't do anything about it--including those of us on this forum.   :)   

I said just the same words many times here, but people don't want to listen and to even read something. Yes, we have a right to speak what we want, including criticism and idolising. But these rights are infringed on both sides. On one side there are 'the real fans' like a guy from last Guy's post to date:

'I'm going to your shows since 2010, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this must be the best tour. Happy to see the Forum is still open, it's really great for the real fans!'

To me personally only an idiot can say that he's a real fan as opposed to those stupid moaners, who don't like their idol at all or something.
Also I believe only an idiot can say to me what I must stop write here on (v)amit. I apologize, mister or missis Real Fan for my moaning.

Balance is a good thing and yes — I delete some of my early messages to keep the number of posts on 1000, because it's just cool ;D
Who thinks that I'm a guy who wear black all the time, cry and moan everywhere, and my mind is in melancholy — so GFY'S then.

Or better yet — close both forums from any critics and stay floating in this cheesy self-satisfied unquestioning positive 'real fans' fashion.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 09, 2015, 05:07:22 PM
There are a couple of old--and wise--sayings that come to mind.

"Give anger--get anger."   Most people will react to a statement in the same way it was made.  So don't attack Guy for getting defensive after complaint and whine and complaint and whine. 

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."    There are certainly times to call attention to a problem, but to what purpose?  Will calling attention cause a positive change, or will it just cause more problems?      What good is moaning to Guy about the set list going to do?    The man is a genius and he has been so generous in sharing his tour blogs and his forum with his.  Hammering him for his generosity seems so unreasonable.

If you have a complaint about the setlist, write to Mark!   And will you get an answer?   No, you won't.   But please, stop attacking people who can't do anything about it--including those of us on this forum.   :)   

I said just the same words many times here, but people don't want to listen and to even read something. Yes, we have a right to speak what we want, including criticism and idolising. But these rights are infringed on both sides. On one side there are 'the real fans' like a guy from last Guy's post to date:

'I'm going to your shows since 2010, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this must be the best tour. Happy to see the Forum is still open, it's really great for the real fans!'

To me personally only an idiot can say that he's a real fan as opposed to those stupid moaners, who don't like their idol at all or something.
Also I believe only an idiot can say to me what I must stop write here on (v)amit. I apologize, mister or missis Real Fan for my moaning.

Balance is a good thing and yes — I delete some of my early messages to keep the number of posts on 1000, because it's just cool ;D
Who thinks that I'm a guy who wear black all the time, cry and moan everywhere, and my mind is in melancholy — so GFY'S then.

Or better yet — close both forums from any critics and stay floating in this cheesy self-satisfied unquestioning positive 'real fans' fashion.

That's a post of Guitarman72 from this forum ;) We got your point Foma, can you stop trolling now? GFY (go fuck yourself) isn't quite nice and won't be tollerated anymore, so stop it.

We highly appreciate your guitar and chord posts. Those are really brilliant. Please keep contributing that way.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on June 09, 2015, 05:52:11 PM
Guy's forum is now closed.

I knew it would happen eventually...

He really was too patiente with all the complaints, that has nothing to do with him but with MK decissions on setlists.

He changed his mind  :)

Well well!! What happened here??? I've been busy working and now I see that this Forum is also in trouble!! That's a pity!! Regarding Guy Fletcher if he changed his mind about closing his Forum then it's wise!!!! I respect the opinions of others regarding the Setlist but we don't have to be mean to eachother if we disagree!! :hmm
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on June 09, 2015, 07:35:02 PM
This forum isn't in trouble.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on June 09, 2015, 07:58:49 PM
then it's great, happy for that!!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on June 09, 2015, 09:38:27 PM
btw I am perfectly fine with 100% of the opinions posted in this whole forum, well almost.

I am quite disturbed by some users telling other users to go away.

Agree.  It's actually more refreshing to hear someone speak their mind for a change as long as we are polite to one another.

Congratulations on 1000 posts (again and again)!  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on June 10, 2015, 11:51:54 AM
I think of Mark as quite an enigma.
But Guy too is an interesting examination in the human psych. I can't quite conceive of two musician friends who work closely and obviously respect each other greatly, yet have such polar opposite behaviours in social media and 'like button feedback'. The fact that Guy seems to spend a lot of time updating his website and examining Qs, posting them, answering whilst being a Proffesional musician in the middle of a tour has always seemed odd to me.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rudiger on June 10, 2015, 12:29:54 PM
....The fact that Guy seems to spend a lot of time updating his website and examining Qs, posting them, answering whilst being a Proffesional musician in the middle of a tour has always seemed odd to me.

....and for that he deserves respect twice
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on June 10, 2015, 12:30:44 PM
btw I am perfectly fine with 100% of the opinions posted in this whole forum, well almost.

I am quite disturbed by some users telling other users to go away.

Agree.  It's actually more refreshing to hear someone speak their mind for a change as long as we are polite to one another.

Congratulations on 1000 posts (again and again)!  ;)
I'm a fanatic advocate of total freedom of speech, especially for those who don't agree with me. The only restriction I put is that somebody who feel insulted or defamed by other people's words must have a right to answer with equal power - on the same media, at the same page, with the same length and same font size ! Long live Voltaire: I hate your ideas but I will fight to death so that you can express them :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 10, 2015, 03:10:52 PM
Guy's forum is now closed.

I knew it would happen eventually...

He really was too patiente with all the complaints, that has nothing to do with him but with MK decissions on setlists.

He changed his mind  :)

Well well!! What happened here??? I've been busy working and now I see that this Forum is also in trouble!! That's a pity!! Regarding Guy Fletcher if he changed his mind about closing his Forum then it's wise!!!! I respect the opinions of others regarding the Setlist but we don't have to be mean to eachother if we disagree!! :hmm
qué and why?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on June 10, 2015, 03:35:51 PM
I still believe that if 'positive people' just stop using the term 'real fan', it will extremely decrease the negativeness of many people, me included.
See, when somebody types 'a real fan', like Ingrid on Guy's Forum recently, it basically means that all the other people is just a bunch of forgeries?

Why say critics to go to listen Justin Bieber? Why opposite critics telling they are not a real fans? Who really a real fan? Real fan love just everything?

In the end of the day, nobody can say wether critics are too much negative, or 'real fans' too negative to critics. Both groups of fans is over-overreacting.

To me critics of the critics is much more worse than just moaning. Stop using the term 'real fan' and all will be okay.
And this is another example of ridiculous 'real fan' attitude:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on June 10, 2015, 07:23:26 PM
Do you know, the very reason I am very critical of Mark is because I am such a massive fan.  30 years this year, in fact.  I have him placed on a pedestal and whenever he does something that is imperfect then that upsets me because I know just what he is capable of.  That is why I am critical of him and that is why I am a real fan. 

I'm not going to say people who do not criticise aren't real fans.  What I will say is that this is just my character and I suppose it makes me a realist.  Perhaps the people who don't criticise have a more positive outlook. We all have different characters and we should all try to understand each other and accept us for who we are.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on June 10, 2015, 07:29:12 PM
I still believe that if 'positive people' just stop using the term 'real fan', it will extremely decrease the negativeness of many people, me included.
See, when somebody types 'a real fan', like Ingrid on Guy's Forum recently, it basically means that all the other people is just a bunch of forgeries?

Why say critics to go to listen Justin Bieber? Why opposite critics telling they are not a real fans? Who really a real fan? Real fan love just everything?

In the end of the day, nobody can say wether critics are too much negative, or 'real fans' too negative to critics. Both groups of fans is over-overreacting.

To me critics of the critics is much more worse than just moaning. Stop using the term 'real fan' and all will be okay.
And this is another example of ridiculous 'real fan' attitude:


I do think you have a point there, foma. We're all just fans.

Maybe it's the same with being a <sports> fan (please insert: <football, cricket, tennis, etc.>). You're a fan of a team or a player. But sometimes you're not impressed by their or his performance. Or maybe even disappointed. Herlock mentioned Voltaire in this case and I comply with this attitude. But in the end, Guy shouldn't be the one who gets all the complaints when fans aren't satisfied with the setlist. He can't change it. People can write to PC, but I'm sure that he won't bother. So IMHO this lovely forum we've got is the place to mention criticism.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on June 10, 2015, 07:32:13 PM
Do you know, the very reason I am very critical of Mark is because I am such a massive fan.  30 years this year, in fact.  I have him placed on a pedestal and whenever he does something that is imperfect then that upsets me because I know just what he is capable of.  That is why I am critical of him and that is why I am a real fan. 

I'm not going to say people who do not criticise aren't real fans.  What I will say is that this is just my character and I suppose it makes me a realist.  Perhaps the people who don't criticise have a more positive outlook. We all have different characters and we should all try to understand each other and accept us for who we are.
I often disagree with you when it comes to best versions of songs, and that's perfectly fine ! As one politician once said, if we thing the same thing, that means that we don't think anymore. The important thing is to agree that we can disagree and that is perfectly fine. We don't talk to others so that there are a mirror of ourselves (what's the point !) but so that we can confront viewpoints and progress.

For once let me tell you that i wholeheartedly agree with your post, dmg :))
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on June 10, 2015, 07:44:29 PM
I do not think that there are real fans and others who are writing critics about MK's Setlist!!! The trouble is that some people are mixing everything here and making a big fuss without serious reasons!!! We are on this forum simply because we love MK's Music and this is what we should all remember because MK doesn't really care about critics and he organises his Gigs like he wants anyway!! The only thing that he has to do is to give us a good performance of the songs he decides to play and according to me that's what he's making!! But again that's my opinion because I am not a musician myself, I simply appreciate very very much what he composes!! Enjoy your evening everybody!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on June 10, 2015, 07:45:41 PM
Do you know, the very reason I am very critical of Mark is because I am such a massive fan.  30 years this year, in fact.  I have him placed on a pedestal and whenever he does something that is imperfect then that upsets me because I know just what he is capable of.  That is why I am critical of him and that is why I am a real fan. 

I'm not going to say people who do not criticise aren't real fans.  What I will say is that this is just my character and I suppose it makes me a realist.  Perhaps the people who don't criticise have a more positive outlook. We all have different characters and we should all try to understand each other and accept us for who we are.
I often disagree with you when it comes to best versions of songs, and that's perfectly fine ! As one politician once said, if we thing the same thing, that means that we don't think anymore. The important thing is to agree that we can disagree and that is perfectly fine. We don't talk to others so that there are a mirror of ourselves (what's the point !) but so that we can confront viewpoints and progress.

For once let me tell you that i wholeheartedly agree with your post, dmg :))

Thanks.  I thought we did agree on most things!  Perhaps not to the nth degree, but more or less.  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on June 10, 2015, 07:55:06 PM
Do you know, the very reason I am very critical of Mark is because I am such a massive fan.  30 years this year, in fact.  I have him placed on a pedestal and whenever he does something that is imperfect then that upsets me because I know just what he is capable of.  That is why I am critical of him and that is why I am a real fan. 

I'm not going to say people who do not criticise aren't real fans.  What I will say is that this is just my character and I suppose it makes me a realist.  Perhaps the people who don't criticise have a more positive outlook. We all have different characters and we should all try to understand each other and accept us for who we are.

Hey, dmg!    I agree with you!    ;D     :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on June 10, 2015, 08:00:08 PM
Do you know, the very reason I am very critical of Mark is because I am such a massive fan.  30 years this year, in fact.  I have him placed on a pedestal and whenever he does something that is imperfect then that upsets me because I know just what he is capable of.  That is why I am critical of him and that is why I am a real fan. 

I'm not going to say people who do not criticise aren't real fans.  What I will say is that this is just my character and I suppose it makes me a realist.  Perhaps the people who don't criticise have a more positive outlook. We all have different characters and we should all try to understand each other and accept us for who we are.
I often disagree with you when it comes to best versions of songs, and that's perfectly fine ! As one politician once said, if we thing the same thing, that means that we don't think anymore. The important thing is to agree that we can disagree and that is perfectly fine. We don't talk to others so that there are a mirror of ourselves (what's the point !) but so that we can confront viewpoints and progress.

For once let me tell you that i wholeheartedly agree with your post, dmg :))

Thanks.  I thought we did agree on most things!  Perhaps not to the nth degree, but more or less.  :)
Well this year we agree more because you are more enthusiast than previous years ;) so we can agree for instance on how great a TR solo is ! But you always throw something big so that we disagree again - last one being asking for HFB, one of my dearest classic solo songs, to retire !!! But you are honest about your opinions, so I respect them ! :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 10, 2015, 09:53:10 PM
Who is henk from Maastricht that Spoke so negatively about Amit on guys forum? If he is a member here, I just wonder why he feels the need to do this, and not discuss on here? What is there to gain by doing this on guys forum?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on June 10, 2015, 09:54:59 PM
Guy's forum is now closed.

I knew it would happen eventually...

He really was too patiente with all the complaints, that has nothing to do with him but with MK decissions on setlists.

He changed his mind  :)

Well well!! What happened here??? I've been busy working and now I see that this Forum is also in trouble!! That's a pity!! Regarding Guy Fletcher if he changed his mind about closing his Forum then it's wise!!!! I respect the opinions of others regarding the Setlist but we don't have to be mean to eachother if we disagree!! :hmm
qué and why?

Sorry Pottel, I was lost in translation!!! Now I start to get the picture!!! :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on June 10, 2015, 10:35:15 PM
Who is henk from Maastricht that Spoke so negatively about Amit on guys forum? If he is a member here, I just wonder why he feels the need to do this, and not discuss on here? What is there to gain by doing this on guys forum?

http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?topic=4450.msg98783#msg98783 (http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?topic=4450.msg98783#msg98783)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 10, 2015, 11:48:35 PM
Who is henk from Maastricht that Spoke so negatively about Amit on guys forum? If he is a member here, I just wonder why he feels the need to do this, and not discuss on here? What is there to gain by doing this on guys forum?

Henk1951 on amit. See first or second page of Amsterdam concert for the exact happening.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on June 11, 2015, 12:21:38 AM
Who is henk from Maastricht that Spoke so negatively about Amit on guys forum? If he is a member here, I just wonder why he feels the need to do this, and not discuss on here? What is there to gain by doing this on guys forum?

Henk1951 on amit. See first or second page of Amsterdam concert for the exact happening.

It was my response that made the fuse pop. He was asking people why they were so negative. I just turned the question the other way around, rhetorically. I guess it was his first ever opposition in life?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Ar (aka Enlight) on June 11, 2015, 01:05:39 AM
yeah but read :

quoted "
........... The same negativism is at this moment topic of discussion in AMIT. I commented on their negativism in some cases referring to your remark about the rest of the tour as a reaction to my post. Answer: Why being positive.....
end quote

than read again:
"in some cases" which means IMO at least two or more time ,multiple indeed

From the 6 posts by Henk1951 , only one!! was about this so called negativism.

in some cases people run to Guy to put everybody ,and by that this forums name, under the same umbrella.

Sorry to say Henk1951 but you spoke unnecessary for a whole community, which make you the leader of the pact?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 11, 2015, 08:46:06 AM
@Henk: this is just an open forum, open to negative comments as well as positive ones (we prefer positive, but are realists) we do not want to go back to the mknews forum days, where every little bit of not kissing MK ass was deleted or could get  you banned.
again, as long as no one is being insulted by name (or insinuation) then it is ok for me, on this forum.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on June 11, 2015, 08:53:50 AM
@Henk: this is just an open forum, open to negative comments as well as positive ones (we prefer positive, but are realists) we do not want to go back to the mknews forum days, where every little bit of not kissing MK ass was deleted or could get  you banned.
again, as long as no one is being insulted by name (or insinuation) then it is ok for me, on this forum.

Pottel, there are some personal insults lying around these last couple of days, frankly only from people who apparently will keep on the sunny side. Even though I myself ain't affected and pity those who call people i.e. "worms" due to the fact that they themselves have run out of valid arguments - there might be those who could be hurt by such insults.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 11, 2015, 10:26:33 AM
well report them then pls. i have not seen any.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: shangri la 1 on June 11, 2015, 10:33:05 AM
well report them then pls. i have not seen any.

Yes Agree Pottel. We have a great little community here. It has a lot more freedom than similar forums, so lets keep it this way.

It is probably a good time for us all to remind ourselves of the AMIT rules way back when we started:-
Namely these three:-

Distasteful or Offensive material
A.M.I.T. Forum administrators and moderators will make every effort to keep distasteful material off the forum, but need the co-operation, of all our user/members to achieve this. If you find offensive material on the Forum, please report it by clicking on the repot to moderator pertaining to the particular post. It can be found near the bottom of each post:-
Report to moderator    Logged
 This policy will work towards keeping the A.M.I.T. Forum running smoothly and more enjoyable for all. Neither A.M.I.T. nor Simple Machines will be held responsible for the content of any message.

Use discretion when posting a message. This forum is read by many Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits/Notting Hillbillies fans from around the world daily, so what you say will be seen and read by many people. Please keep it civil, and always respect Mark and his band members, family and his associates. All UN-solicited discussions that are deemed by the Administrators/Moderators, to venture too far into Mark and or his band members' private personal/family matters will be considered inappropriate and promptly removed from the A.M.I.T. forum.

Expectations of all Members and Administrators
When we register to be a user/member of A.M.I.T. forum, we agree that we will not post any messages or topics that are threatening, hateful, obscene, vulgar, inflammatory, disrespectful or in violation of any laws/codes of conduct. In other words: - Be nice when you visit. Respect other user/ members, and all of the Administrators/moderators. Personal, attacks, Inflammatory-postings and stirring, will not be tolerated. Treat everyone here the way you expect to be treated yourself.

Found here:- http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?topic=3068.0

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on June 11, 2015, 10:52:07 AM
@Henk: this is just an open forum, open to negative comments as well as positive ones (we prefer positive, but are realists) we do not want to go back to the mknews forum days, where every little bit of not kissing MK ass was deleted or could get  you banned.
again, as long as no one is being insulted by name (or insinuation) then it is ok for me, on this forum.

Dear Pottel,
what you write makes me sad.
Frankly I wish back more and more the days of the mknews forum.
What has happened to this formerly wonderful forum AMIT is not only very sad, it has offended and hurt many fans and, as the temporary closure of GF's forum shows, the MK camp, too.

No one denies the right to a critical or negative opinion, no one!
It is the rude and insulting choice of words to state that negative opinion about the Tracker album and now the Tour over and over again.
This shows a deep disrespect for and disbehaviour towards the artist and his work.
If you go into a museum and look at a painting and the painting is not after your taste, you walk on to another painting and you do not stand in front of it and start insulting and offending without ever stopping and thus spoiling it for those who would like to enjoy looking at it.

This has caused great damage!
My point is: It's not about "kissing MK's ass" as you write it. It is the other way round: The problem is kissing the ass (I only use your own harsh words) of those eternal moaners instead of putting a stop to it!
Today I get the impression here, that those who stood up the last two days against the rude behaviour are the ones who get blamed. And the eternal moaners can go on to post negative after negative after negative...
How sad and perverse things have become here.

Edit: I forgot that the permanent negativity here has among others led to people leaving this forum who have made so precious contributions, e.g. recon!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on June 11, 2015, 11:12:36 AM
I do agree with Surferboy here.
Yes, everyone has the right to have critics on MK's work. I don't like this part of that song, I think he could have a longer solo on that song, to my taste this song is too slow, too quick, too much synth-flute whatever. Critics like that are good and add something to a discussion. But only being negative is not what you are here for. The base of being a fan is in my opinion that you in general like what MK is doing,

So I do agree that the negativism has to stop, and imo immediately. I agree with surferboy that people are here to enjoy together the music, tour and songwriting of MK and share experiences of touring/listening. People are not here to see people moaning about the same the whole time.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on June 11, 2015, 11:16:03 AM
@Henk: this is just an open forum, open to negative comments as well as positive ones (we prefer positive, but are realists) we do not want to go back to the mknews forum days, where every little bit of not kissing MK ass was deleted or could get  you banned.
again, as long as no one is being insulted by name (or insinuation) then it is ok for me, on this forum.

Dear Pottel,
what you write makes me very very sad.
Frankly I wish back more and more the days of the mknews forum.
What has happened to this formerly wonderful forum AMIT (as someone wrote here: Anti Mark...) is not only very sad, it has offended and hurt many fans and, as the temporary closure of GF's forum shows, the MK camp, too.

No one denies the right to a critical or negative opinion, no one!
It is the rude and insulting choice of words to state that negative opinion about the Tracker album and now the Tour.
This shows a deep disrespect for and disbehaviour towards the artist's work.
If you go into a museum and look at a painting and the painting is not after your taste, you walk on to another painting and you do not stand in front of it and start insulting and offending and thus spoiling it for those who would like to enjoy looking at it.

This has caused great great damage!
My point is: It's not about "kissing MK's ass" as you write it. It is the other way round: The problem is kissing the ass (I only use your own harsh words) of those eternal moaners instead of putting a stop to it!
Today I get the impression here, that those who stood up the last two days against the rude behaviour are the ones who get blamed. And eternal moaners like foma and border reiver can go on to post negative after negative after negative...
How sad and perverse things are getting here .

Haha, now imagine a guy looking at painting in the museum and saying things like 'Yeah, I'm a true, genuine and one and only fan who can appreciate this, and you haters just don't get it, go and see some mediocre paintings instead. And of course it's not about how it looks, but how it's done'.

Who insult or disrespect who here? I mean we all quite made a 'success' to all this stuff.

Pottel put it perfectly with his “We allow all reviews and comments, ridiculously positive as well as insanely negative”.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on June 11, 2015, 11:36:45 AM
@Henk: this is just an open forum, open to negative comments as well as positive ones (we prefer positive, but are realists) we do not want to go back to the mknews forum days, where every little bit of not kissing MK ass was deleted or could get  you banned.
again, as long as no one is being insulted by name (or insinuation) then it is ok for me, on this forum.

Dear Pottel,
what you write makes me sad.
Frankly I wish back more and more the days of the mknews forum.
What has happened to this formerly wonderful forum AMIT is not only very sad, it has offended and hurt many fans and, as the temporary closure of GF's forum shows, the MK camp, too.

No one denies the right to a critical or negative opinion, no one!
It is the rude and insulting choice of words to state that negative opinion about the Tracker album and now the Tour over and over again.
This shows a deep disrespect for and disbehaviour towards the artist and his work.
If you go into a museum and look at a painting and the painting is not after your taste, you walk on to another painting and you do not stand in front of it and start insulting and offending without ever stopping and thus spoiling it for those who would like to enjoy looking at it.

This has caused great damage!
My point is: It's not about "kissing MK's ass" as you write it. It is the other way round: The problem is kissing the ass (I only use your own harsh words) of those eternal moaners instead of putting a stop to it!
Today I get the impression here, that those who stood up the last two days against the rude behaviour are the ones who get blamed. And eternal moaners like foma and border reiver can go on to post negative after negative after negative...
How sad and perverse things have become here.

Wait a minute there sunshine!

The word eternal is quite misleading. Yes, I was terribly dissatisfied with the way the setlist developed in contrast to hints being dropped by members of the band. And yes, I went on a bashing spree to speak my mind. But once I had so, I felt I got that out of the system and have not posted any negative ever since. And if doing statistics is something negative, well then the boo-hoo bar is set quite low.

And by all means, you can look into my other hundreds of posts where positiveness and happy thoughts roam freely hand in hand in a land of musical milk and honey. But sure, do judge me based on a thin slice of the pie. I take it you appreciate when other's will treat you equally?

And in not one single case have I broken the AMIT rules. Apart from some other guy...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on June 11, 2015, 11:53:25 AM

If you go into a museum and look at a painting and the painting is not after your taste, you walk on to another painting and you do not stand in front of it and start insulting and offending without ever stopping and thus spoiling it for those who would like to enjoy looking at it.

I disagree with you on this specific comparison.

For me it's more like supporting a sports team, which can also be described as a form of art. Every game looks mostly the same from above, in football there are two goals, one ball and two teams that will try to score and win. You pay tickets, you buy the gear and you go cheer. When they let you down it's quite natural to feel dissappointed and some loudly express their feelings. But you can be sure as hell that you will be there next game still cheering the lungs out since you can't live without the team. But when they win and you are satisfied, oh boy, do you express those feeling all around.

I was dissapointed, that is now forgotten and I've moved on to start cheering again.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on June 11, 2015, 11:57:35 AM
"Wait a minute there sunshine!"

No one has ever called me sunshine. 8)
I feel flattered. ::)
Fancy a drink?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on June 11, 2015, 12:04:33 PM
I think this dicussion now leads to the conclusion that we are turning the positive way again  :)
And that's what we are here for. I like the idea of a footballteam border reiver and indeed, people may express disappointment, and I think you didn't do it very often. So let's go back to what we love most, discussing songs, like the intro of BIA that came back
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on June 11, 2015, 12:16:52 PM
"Wait a minute there sunshine!"

No one has ever called me sunshine. 8)
I feel flattered. ::)
Fancy a drink?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on June 11, 2015, 12:26:28 PM
"Wait a minute there sunshine!"

No one has ever called me sunshine. 8)
I feel flattered. ::)
Fancy a drink?


I'm off to my hairdresser...
You like it short or long and curly?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on June 11, 2015, 12:38:53 PM
"Wait a minute there sunshine!"

No one has ever called me sunshine. 8)
I feel flattered. ::)
Fancy a drink?


I'm off to my hairdresser...
You like it short or long and curly?

Sorry pal, I don't swing that way. Was only referring to that gay mood you seem to be in.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on June 11, 2015, 12:41:13 PM
"Now you just say oh Surferboy? You know I used to have a scene with him..."
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 11, 2015, 12:50:23 PM
"Wait a minute there sunshine!"

No one has ever called me sunshine. 8)
I feel flattered. ::)
Fancy a drink?


I'm off to my hairdresser...
You like it short or long and curly?

Sorry pal, I don't swing that way. Was only referring to that gay mood you seem to be in.

Let me join for a drink boys. You are both nice guys i suppose. I met surferboy last week and he's a very nice and humble man.  :) Stop the fighting  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 11, 2015, 02:29:07 PM
I don´t like the "Stop the negativism" because it kinds of cut the freedom of speech.

Yes, I know that it upsets many of you reading negative comments day by day, that some of them ate very repetitive, but it´s freedom of speech. A negative opinion is just an opinion, as valid as a positive as long as the person who gives that negative opinion gives his reasons. Anyone is entitled to express his opinions, negative or positive. Nobody complaints about positive opinions, thats easy to understand, negative opinions are harder to swallow, specially by the people who are esentially positive, but from my point of view, deserve the same respect.

Honestly, if this is a "negativism hunter", the next step will be stop it, we will turn into what we didnt wanted to be when this forum started, and I would like to be out of the editors team then. I don´t like the negative opinions sometimes, but I respect the right of express them.

If it´s going to be trendy this stop the negativism, we should add it to the rules, kind of "ten negative comments will cost you to be banned".

I can´t understand many reactions, and I don´t share many comments from one side to another, but I insist, if this continues, I´m gonna ask seriously to abandon the editors team.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on June 11, 2015, 02:40:38 PM
Hopefully common sense will prevail. I have been in both camps, love Tracker but didn't enjoy the live show especially set list choice. If I was only allowed to come here and discuss with fellow fans my love of Tracker and nothing else whats the point. DMG also summed up why I can be very critical of MK and its because I think he is a musical genius. So don't let the negativity get you down. It's always onwards with MK, no looking back. I'm looking forward to the forthcoming soundtrack album.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on June 11, 2015, 02:51:06 PM
Freedom of speech is not perfect, it has serious downsides. Sometimes the world would be better if someone did not say something insulting or uselessly provocative.
Theses downsides, however, are nothing compared to the opposite downside: censorship.
I have lived six years in Singapore, a country that has improved now, but 15 years back the censorship was very heavy and just turn people into robots.
Censorship is a terrible thing, mainly because when you censor you need to place a cursor between what is acceptable and what is not, which is highly subjective and a very slippery rope - you start censoring a racist joke, and you end up censoring political opinions.

Total freedom of speech !! rules and laws are here to punish actions, not words !!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on June 11, 2015, 03:47:34 PM
I agree with Ingrid and surfer boy.  I also agree with everyone's right to post opinions, whether they love or hate a setlist or whatever.   What we have seen lately, though, is a series of increasingly harsh, sarcastic, and mean posts. Most are directed toward MK's setlist.  Some are directed toward Guy, who puts in so much time for the sake of fans, and some are directed toward other members. 
Honest and even strong disagreement here is allowed.   But there has been a string of posts that seek to rile up others.  Those posts directly go against our rules.  Shangri-La posted them here to remind us that flaming and inciting posts will not be tolerated.     I feel that some posts have reached this point.   Free speech--yes.   But the limit is reached with personal and inflammatory insults. 
Now we have members reporting each other to the editors.  "This guy insulted me."     Often the person reporting has been insulting others, and when other members come back at him, even mildly, their posts get reported.   This has happened several times in the last few weeks.     If you're going to fling mud, you're going to get some back in your own face.   If you dish it out, you have to take it too.   
But, my point is:   Please stop the meanness.  Criticism is valid and accepted.  But personal wars have started to develop in this thread and in others.  When some of the warriors are asked to tone it down, they get even more sarcastic and inflammatory.    Several people have tried in a nice and decent way to tone these threads down, and they get flamed for it. 
No, we don't want censorship, but we do not want abuse either.   I am saying this:  These threads are going to be actively moderated.  In the past, members whose posts have been removed have been courteously told why.  In return, the editors have been flamed and personally attacked.
Go over the line, and posts will be removed.   If you are taking this personally, perhaps you should.   If you want to react with flaming, try it, and your post will be deleted. 
It takes a lot, an unbelievably lot, to get a member banned.  But it has happened.  The last thing the editors want is to ban members.  But it can happen when a member continually makes others unhappy because of hateful posts.  The abusive member will be warned--once.  Then he/she will be banned. 
Now I know I'm going to get a lot of reaction from a few members.   Just try to look in the mirror before you get too angry at what I'm saying here.   
I am appealing to reasonableness and basic courtesy here.  We can all be that way, can't we?   

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on June 11, 2015, 03:52:31 PM
Can't disagree with a single thing Irisrose, excellent post.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on June 11, 2015, 03:56:03 PM
Written down well Irisrose, it takes a native english person to write it down in all nuances.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 11, 2015, 04:06:30 PM
Thanks Irisrose. I am 100% with you on this. I hope all editors will support your post.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 11, 2015, 04:10:21 PM
@Henk: this is just an open forum, open to negative comments as well as positive ones (we prefer positive, but are realists) we do not want to go back to the mknews forum days, where every little bit of not kissing MK ass was deleted or could get  you banned.
again, as long as no one is being insulted by name (or insinuation) then it is ok for me, on this forum.

Dear Pottel,
what you write makes me sad.
Frankly I wish back more and more the days of the mknews forum.
What has happened to this formerly wonderful forum AMIT is not only very sad, it has offended and hurt many fans and, as the temporary closure of GF's forum shows, the MK camp, too.

No one denies the right to a critical or negative opinion, no one!
It is the rude and insulting choice of words to state that negative opinion about the Tracker album and now the Tour over and over again.
This shows a deep disrespect for and disbehaviour towards the artist and his work.
If you go into a museum and look at a painting and the painting is not after your taste, you walk on to another painting and you do not stand in front of it and start insulting and offending without ever stopping and thus spoiling it for those who would like to enjoy looking at it.

This has caused great damage!
My point is: It's not about "kissing MK's ass" as you write it. It is the other way round: The problem is kissing the ass (I only use your own harsh words) of those eternal moaners instead of putting a stop to it!
Today I get the impression here, that those who stood up the last two days against the rude behaviour are the ones who get blamed. And the eternal moaners can go on to post negative after negative after negative...
How sad and perverse things have become here.

Edit: I forgot that the permanent negativity here has among others led to people leaving this forum who have made so precious contributions, e.g. recon!
i agree with "kissing ass" (did not find anything that exactly described what i felt) and with the we are (may be) losing members.
i stick to the rest.
each their opinion. unless it involves personal attacks.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on June 11, 2015, 04:12:53 PM
"Wait a minute there sunshine!"

No one has ever called me sunshine. 8)
I feel flattered. ::)
Fancy a drink?
look at all the positivism here, love it!
free beers for everyone! (if we were ever to be in one room together...)
another show tonight folks, another amazing performance, no matter which songs. let's pls continue.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 11, 2015, 04:20:10 PM
"Wait a minute there sunshine!"

No one has ever called me sunshine. 8)
I feel flattered. ::)
Fancy a drink?
look at all the positivism here, love it!
free beers for everyone! (if we were ever to be in one room together...)
another show tonight folks, another amazing performance, no matter which songs. let's pls continue.

Day off today Pottel  :P  :smack
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on June 11, 2015, 04:30:30 PM
Can't disagree with a single thing Irisrose, excellent post.

 : :thumbsup :thumbsup :wave

ps: Without being disrespectful or mean to anyone who attended The first Zenith Paris MK's Gig, that is partly why after Ruth Moody's first part and before MK came in, I decided not to come and meet you although I saw where the group of Amiters was !! Better like this!! I'm new here so I prefered to stay on my own!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on June 11, 2015, 04:54:53 PM
That's a pity Marijo, would have been fun to meet you as well!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on June 11, 2015, 05:08:22 PM
That's a pity Marijo, would have been fun to meet you as well!

Maybe next time Ingrid!!! Thanks a lot!! I was already very stressed to be alone in Paris at night for the first time in my life and then at the end of MK's Gig I was in a hurry to take my taxi back home because I had to go to work on wednesday morning!! He was already waiting for me and rang me just when I got out the building!! MK was late!!!!!! Naughty boy!!! lol.... :wave :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on June 11, 2015, 05:38:52 PM
That's a pity Marijo, would have been fun to meet you as well!

Maybe next time Ingrid!!! Thanks a lot!! I was already very stressed to be alone in Paris at night for the first time in my life and then at the end of MK's Gig I was in a hurry to take my taxi back home because I had to go to work on wednesday morning!! He was already waiting for me and rang me just when I got out the building!! MK was late!!!!!! Naughty boy!!! lol.... :wave :thumbsup
I met a few people here and they've all been very nice, don't let the bickering put you off.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on June 11, 2015, 06:07:42 PM
That's a pity Marijo, would have been fun to meet you as well!

Maybe next time Ingrid!!! Thanks a lot!! I was already very stressed to be alone in Paris at night for the first time in my life and then at the end of MK's Gig I was in a hurry to take my taxi back home because I had to go to work on wednesday morning!! He was already waiting for me and rang me just when I got out the building!! MK was late!!!!!! Naughty boy!!! lol.... :wave :thumbsup
I met a few people here and they've all been very nice, don't let the bickering put you off.

Yes thanks Banjo99uk I'll keep that in mind next time I'll have the money to attend another concert!!! And this time I really hope I can make RAH, London Town!! :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on June 11, 2015, 06:39:58 PM
The group of AMITers whom you saw are all positive and friendly people--at least the ones I was with.   I was in Paris for the first time also.     You would have been so very welcome to join the group.     Zenith got a little wild that first night!   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on June 11, 2015, 06:58:05 PM
The group of AMITers whom you saw are all positive and friendly people--at least the ones I was with.   I was in Paris for the first time also.     You would have been so very welcome to join the group.     Zenith got a little wild that first night!
Great to hear IrisRose!! Thanks. You see I was a bit concerned by the fact that you all seem to know each others for some time now so I felt a bit embarrassed to come suddenly in the middle of the Group introducing myself!!! Usually I'm far away from shy but this first MK's gig made me feel a bit shook up!! I didn't realise that finally I was seeing MK performing Live!! So I assure you that next time hopefully in RAH, I'll come and meet you Amiters!!! And yes indeed it was an absolute wild evening in Paris Zenith the 2nd of June, that I will not forget for a very long time!!! :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on June 11, 2015, 11:29:31 PM
The problem of the forum is that your writing may sounds ruder than your thoughs.

Meeting Amiters in the real life is always a pleasure.
I had again some this year despite being too short.
And I will miss those I couldn't meet this time.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on June 21, 2015, 10:00:21 PM
The problem of the forum is that your writing may sounds ruder than your thoughs.

Meeting Amiters in the real life is always a pleasure.
I had again some this year despite being too short.
And I will miss those I couldn't meet this time.

I'm sure now ds 1984 that it will be a pleasure next time I'll go to a Gig to meet you, in Paris it was first due to a bad timing and then to the fact that it was my first concert with MK!!! :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on June 21, 2015, 11:34:12 PM
I'm seriously planning to send this golden quote for Guy's Competition as the Tracker Tour tagline:

“Broken Balls gonna open the copy and paste show again?”

Thanks for original author, but sorry, SPACED360 will be mine!!!1 :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 11-54_Stringcheese on June 22, 2015, 02:42:29 AM
I'm seriously planning to send this golden quote for Guy's Competition as the Tracker Tour tagline:

“Broken Balls gonna open the copy and paste show again?”

Thanks for original author, but sorry, SPACED360 will be mine!!!1 :lol

You must be nuts.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: IrisRose on June 22, 2015, 02:50:41 AM
What is the point of doing that?   What, exactly, do you want to accomplish? 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on June 22, 2015, 03:02:38 AM
What is the point of doing that?   What, exactly, do you want to accomplish? 

Nothing at all, I will not send it of course. But quote is priceless, veeeeeeeery harsh, but also very funny (to my strange sense of humour anyway).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 15, 2015, 06:49:12 AM
This is the message I sent to Guy's forum yesterday to his forum after his reply about the leak of the Stuttgart sound check paper. Guy didn't publish this post butbibthinknit might benign interest for you what I wrote to him:

Dear Doc, I can´t believe my eyes. Are you serious when you say you are not gonna play that songs you were working lately because it was leaked on ebay? That leak was saw by a very small amount of fans who are on internet on a daily basis following the tour. If you play those tonight, the 90% of the attendance will be highly surprised because they had not the faintest idea about it. It´s like with the moaners about the setlists, you always said that you don´t care about them as they are a small number and all you see are lots of happy people standing and clapping. It applies the same to this, the number of people who knows about that songs is going to be very very small in any of the remaining concerts, and you are going to surprise even those who, from time to time, check internet to see how MK tours is going... Give it a thought.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on July 15, 2015, 07:18:36 AM
Unbelievable jbaent!
"I can't believe my eyes..."
Is it really not enough that moaners like you have literally killed the AMIT forum by continuing to criticize daily in every single concert thread???
Why on earth can't you stop killing Guy's forum, too?
How many million times does Guy have to say that he doesn't want setlist questions being discussed on his forum?
How many million times till you respect that???
Don't you realize just for one second that you are spoiling things for so many fans who feel so deeply embarrassed and ashamed by the never ending molesting of Guy who has done so much for us???
Is it really not enough for you to spill out your destructive negativity daily (!) on this forum?
Is it really not yet enough damage done for you here?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on July 15, 2015, 07:51:24 AM
Unbelievable jbaent!
"I can't believe my eyes..."
Is it really not enough that moaners like you have literally killed the AMIT forum by continuing to criticize daily in every single concert thread???
Why on earth can't you stop killing Guy's forum, too?
How many million times does Guy have to say that he doesn't want setlist questions being discussed on his forum?
How many million times till you respect that???
Don't you realize just for one second that you are spoiling things for so many fans who feel so deeply embarrassed and ashamed by the never ending molesting of Guy who has done so much for us???
Is it really not enough for you to spill out your destructive negativity daily (!) on this forum?
Is it really not yet enough damage done for you here?
calm down. take a breath. jbaent is not spilling "destructive negativity daily" on amit. he has an opinion he shares. like all of us. as long as there is no name calling or privacy issues, i have no problem with any comments, moans, happy posts, silly posts, etc..
we need to stop taking everything so seriously. there is a world out there people.
chill. @jbaent. no need to reply. por favor.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on July 15, 2015, 08:14:47 AM
Unbelievable jbaent!
"I can't believe my eyes..."
Is it really not enough that moaners like you have literally killed the AMIT forum by continuing to criticize daily in every single concert thread???
Why on earth can't you stop killing Guy's forum, too?
How many million times does Guy have to say that he doesn't want setlist questions being discussed on his forum?
How many million times till you respect that???
Don't you realize just for one second that you are spoiling things for so many fans who feel so deeply embarrassed and ashamed by the never ending molesting of Guy who has done so much for us???
Is it really not enough for you to spill out your destructive negativity daily (!) on this forum?
Is it really not yet enough damage done for you here?
calm down. take a breath. jbaent is not spilling "destructive negativity daily" on amit. he has an opinion he shares. like all of us. as long as there is no name calling or privacy issues, i have no problem with any comments, moans, happy posts, silly posts, etc..
we need to stop taking everything so seriously. there is a world out there people.
chill. @jbaent. no need to reply. por favor.
Thanks for these truly voltairian wise words Pottel. You would have deserved to be French ! ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Fletch on July 15, 2015, 08:22:48 AM
Love free speech opinions. Must say AMiT is a bit of a drag these days, searching for comments of people that have actually been to a concert rather than constant reactions to setlists. However, there are a lot more troubling things happening in the world than my own perceived quality of an internet discussion forum declining.
I must say I've loved the vids junkiedoll put up recently, if only you could attend every show mate :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 15, 2015, 08:26:06 AM
Unbelievable jbaent!
"I can't believe my eyes..."
Is it really not enough that moaners like you have literally killed the AMIT forum by continuing to criticize daily in every single concert thread???
Why on earth can't you stop killing Guy's forum, too?
How many million times does Guy have to say that he doesn't want setlist questions being discussed on his forum?
How many million times till you respect that???
Don't you realize just for one second that you are spoiling things for so many fans who feel so deeply embarrassed and ashamed by the never ending molesting of Guy who has done so much for us???
Is it really not enough for you to spill out your destructive negativity daily (!) on this forum?
Is it really not yet enough damage done for you here?
calm down. take a breath. jbaent is not spilling "destructive negativity daily" on amit. he has an opinion he shares. like all of us. as long as there is no name calling or privacy issues, i have no problem with any comments, moans, happy posts, silly posts, etc..
we need to stop taking everything so seriously. there is a world out there people.
chill. @jbaent. no need to reply. por favor.

Of course not, it doesn´t deserve a reply, you already did it quite well.  :thumbsup

By the way, @Surferboy, I don´t want to bother you anymore, so if you follow this link and you introduce my nickname, from that moment you won´t see anymore posts by me. You can do it with as many members as you want, so you can keep your spirit levels high always.

The link: http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=lists;sa=ignore;u=67 (http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=lists;sa=ignore;u=67)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on July 15, 2015, 08:48:35 AM
Hello everybody. Why can't we just stop fighting about setlist and moaning!! Would be nice to enjoy just the Music today!! And YLT was such wonderful news. It saved my day yesterday!!!  :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Vesper on July 15, 2015, 11:54:46 AM
Unbelievable jbaent!
"I can't believe my eyes..."
Is it really not enough that moaners like you have literally killed the AMIT forum by continuing to criticize daily in every single concert thread???
Why on earth can't you stop killing Guy's forum, too?
How many million times does Guy have to say that he doesn't want setlist questions being discussed on his forum?
How many million times till you respect that???
Don't you realize just for one second that you are spoiling things for so many fans who feel so deeply embarrassed and ashamed by the never ending molesting of Guy who has done so much for us???
Is it really not enough for you to spill out your destructive negativity daily (!) on this forum?
Is it really not yet enough damage done for you here?

Thankyou surferboy! I agree with your words! Although jbaent isn't the one spreading the constructive negativity on amit. There's others doing that
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on July 15, 2015, 12:40:05 PM
Unbelievable jbaent!
"I can't believe my eyes..."
Is it really not enough that moaners like you have literally killed the AMIT forum by continuing to criticize daily in every single concert thread???
Why on earth can't you stop killing Guy's forum, too?
How many million times does Guy have to say that he doesn't want setlist questions being discussed on his forum?
How many million times till you respect that???
Don't you realize just for one second that you are spoiling things for so many fans who feel so deeply embarrassed and ashamed by the never ending molesting of Guy who has done so much for us???
Is it really not enough for you to spill out your destructive negativity daily (!) on this forum?
Is it really not yet enough damage done for you here?

Thankyou surferboy! I agree with your words! Although jbaent isn't the one spreading the constructive negativity on amit. There's others doing that

The last weeks it's much nicer on amit. A month ago the moaning was much worse. It's okay now imo.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: foma on July 15, 2015, 12:45:26 PM
Thanks to Your Latest Sausage ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on July 15, 2015, 01:25:12 PM
Thanks to Your Latest Sausage ;D
Or Your Latest Saxage  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on July 15, 2015, 09:52:56 PM
Unbelievable jbaent!
"I can't believe my eyes..."
Is it really not enough that moaners like you have literally killed the AMIT forum by continuing to criticize daily in every single concert thread???
Why on earth can't you stop killing Guy's forum, too?
How many million times does Guy have to say that he doesn't want setlist questions being discussed on his forum?
How many million times till you respect that???
Don't you realize just for one second that you are spoiling things for so many fans who feel so deeply embarrassed and ashamed by the never ending molesting of Guy who has done so much for us???
Is it really not enough for you to spill out your destructive negativity daily (!) on this forum?
Is it really not yet enough damage done for you here?

Thankyou surferboy! I agree with your words! Although jbaent isn't the one spreading the constructive negativity on amit. There's others doing that

The last weeks it's much nicer on amit. A month ago the moaning was much worse. It's okay now imo.

Once again I totally agree with you Dutchessy!!! It has been really better!!! :thumbsup :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on July 17, 2015, 01:42:52 AM
we need to stop taking everything so seriously. there is a world out there people.
+1000  :thumbsup
"remember, after all these are only songs, you know..." (Paul McCartney)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on July 17, 2015, 10:20:56 PM
we need to stop taking everything so seriously. there is a world out there people.
+1000  :thumbsup
"remember, after all these are only songs, you know..." (Paul McCartney)

Can I start a PMC vs John Lennon debate on the matter?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 11-54_Stringcheese on July 20, 2015, 03:43:40 AM
No action in Guy's forum these days. Is he simply fed up? No time? Good luck catching up!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on July 20, 2015, 10:06:00 AM
we need to stop taking everything so seriously. there is a world out there people.
+1000  :thumbsup
"remember, after all these are only songs, you know..." (Paul McCartney)

Can I start a PMC vs John Lennon debate on the matter?


well if you want  :lol

I guess Paul said this in an itw after the Manson tragedy, meaning that there was too much consideration/analyse about songs lyrics in general

And John agreed on this many times saying that journalists were always finding some hidden messages in his lyrics while there wasn't, and many of them he wrote with nonsense, just for the rimes.

Of course John took the things seriously when  turning to politics, protest, etc... and there was the famous fighting with "how do you sleep / silly love songs", but still, many artists like Dylan for example, are saying the same thing :"don't take my songs too seriously, I sometimes even don't know myself what I wanted to mean in my lyrics", so...

of course I understand that music, and songs can be milestones in someone's life. I love music, it's my passion, but hey, there are things in the world far more serious than MK's setlists...and that's why I like Pottel's sentence, I think it sums it up to us all : sometimes we must calm down, take a breath, and remember : all we are talking is just "songs"  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on July 20, 2015, 07:35:46 PM
Absolutely JF, you are so right!!! Even this Forum should not be taken seriously. I myself come here quite often just to relax and talk about MK's Music not to fight over Moaners and Bootlickers. MK certainly doesn't care a bit anymore about what we think or want. He makes his own decisions and that is what it is!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 21, 2015, 02:26:08 PM
Guy just confessed to our beloved Pottel that MK didn´t recall that he wrote "She´s Gone" for Metroland, and that it was Jim Cox idea...

Funny that a session musician recalls a piece of work of one of the many artists who play with, but the own artist doesn´t  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on July 21, 2015, 02:33:23 PM
By the way, I was on Twitter yesterday evening and I saw that Guy had his wife with him and he posted there something about enjoying the beauty of Italy so I assumed that he closed his forum for a while because of that which is a pretty good reason!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on July 21, 2015, 03:30:39 PM
I really like the way they do it nowadays with having an intro from a filmscore into playing another song.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on July 21, 2015, 03:37:44 PM
I really like the way they do it nowadays with having an intro from a filmscore into playing another song.
+1  :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on July 21, 2015, 04:49:15 PM
Guy just confessed to our beloved Pottel that MK didn´t recall that he wrote "She´s Gone" for Metroland, and that it was Jim Cox idea...

Funny that a session musician recalls a piece of work of one of the many artists who play with, but the own artist doesn´t  :lol
dude, i was so amazed when i read that too....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 21, 2015, 06:04:48 PM
Guy just confessed to our beloved Pottel that MK didn´t recall that he wrote "She´s Gone" for Metroland, and that it was Jim Cox idea...

Funny that a session musician recalls a piece of work of one of the many artists who play with, but the own artist doesn´t  :lol

what a surprise... he didn't recall writing it...

Now after this She's gone/Your Latest trick idea, someone in the band should have the idea to replace Broken Bones with Ride Across the River and with zero songs from Tracker the Tracker tour will become the Brothers in Arms 30th Anniversary Tour

+1000 :thumbsup

Now we're talking!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 21, 2015, 06:11:00 PM
I really like the way they do it nowadays with having an intro from a filmscore into playing another song.

Depends.  It's not all good.  Father and Son is quite nice into HFB but I'm not so keen on She's Gone as an intro even though it seems to flow well.  It'd surely be more interesting if Mark played it like the original.  A bit similar to the fact I wasn't fond of Last Exit being used as intro to R&J back in '96.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on July 21, 2015, 06:42:13 PM
I really like the way they do it nowadays with having an intro from a filmscore into playing another song.

Depends.  It's not all good.  Father and Son is quite nice into HFB but I'm not so keen on She's Gone as an intro even though it seems to flow well.  It'd surely be more interesting if Mark played it like the original.  A bit similar to the fact I wasn't fond of Last Exit being used as intro to R&J back in '96.

I liked the Last exit / R&J intro, and there was also a love idea as an intro to Vic and Ray
what I liked in that kind of intro is that you didn't know what will come next, and when you heard the neginning of the song it was a real surprise
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 21, 2015, 07:06:28 PM
I really like the way they do it nowadays with having an intro from a filmscore into playing another song.

Depends.  It's not all good.  Father and Son is quite nice into HFB but I'm not so keen on She's Gone as an intro even though it seems to flow well.  It'd surely be more interesting if Mark played it like the original.  A bit similar to the fact I wasn't fond of Last Exit being used as intro to R&J back in '96.

I liked the Last exit / R&J intro, and there was also a love idea as an intro to Vic and Ray
what I liked in that kind of intro is that you didn't know what will come next, and when you heard the neginning of the song it was a real surprise

Personally I found them both dull and boring for a concert.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on July 21, 2015, 07:38:00 PM
I am not fond of MK soundtracks records but I think it works well live as intro but F&S works way better for GH than for HFB.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on July 21, 2015, 07:42:06 PM
Makes you wonder how much MK had to do with writing it...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: H97 on July 21, 2015, 08:40:50 PM
I am not fond of MK soundtracks records

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on July 21, 2015, 08:49:08 PM
Makes you wonder how much MK had to do with writing it...

I always wondered how much from Last Exit to Brooklynn has to do with Mk as composer.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on July 21, 2015, 09:02:50 PM
Makes you wonder how much MK had to do with writing it...

I always wondered how much from Last Exit to Brooklynn has to do with Mk as composer.

Really?   Where do you think it may have come from if not MK?  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on July 21, 2015, 09:44:13 PM
Makes you wonder how much MK had to do with writing it...

I always wondered how much from Last Exit to Brooklynn has to do with Mk as composer.

Really?   Where do you think it may have come from if not MK?  :think

I share the same suspicions as Julio, there are some complex chordal orchestrations going on in that soundtrack whick frankly are beyond MK's abilities as I understand them.

I suspect that MK came up with the melodies and themes then GF fleshed them out.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on July 22, 2015, 01:47:19 PM
I share the same suspicions as Julio, there are some complex chordal orchestrations going on in that soundtrack whick frankly are beyond MK's abilities as I understand them.
I suspect that MK came up with the melodies and themes then GF fleshed them out.

100% agree
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on July 22, 2015, 01:47:57 PM
F&S works way better for GH than for HFB.

yes totally agree, both for the tempo and the key
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on July 22, 2015, 02:19:57 PM
F&S works way better for GH than for HFB.

yes totally agree, both for the tempo and the key
The transition between Fas and Hfb is a witty wicked one though !
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: daveyray70 on September 26, 2015, 03:54:06 AM
Makes you wonder how much MK had to do with writing it...

I always wondered how much from Last Exit to Brooklynn has to do with Mk as composer.

Really? Mk is both a world class composer and musician well-versed in many different styles of music. To say that complex chordal arrangements are beyond him is simply not true. He has written quite a few complex tunes over the years.
Really?   Where do you think it may have come from if not MK?  :think

I share the same suspicions as Julio, there are some complex chordal orchestrations going on in that soundtrack whick frankly are beyond MK's abilities as I understand them.

I suspect that MK came up with the melodies and themes then GF fleshed them out.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 27, 2015, 11:53:28 AM
We really don't know what parts were written by other musicians but not credited as Guy says, the song was written by MK and the musicians are paid also for adding things to make the song better...

I'm sure that many songs have parts written by Alan and by Guy during the DS years, and specially the last scores by MK, I suspect that Guy is guilty for many of the songs compositions, starting from a amK idea, but not fully composed by MK.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: mjello on October 02, 2015, 11:29:06 AM
I hope we are not back to accusing MK of not writing and performing the songs he claims as his own. I have been in my own personal battle with  Robert Marshal who deleted all my thoughts and comments that I made yesterday on his blog 'Dire Straits Story' as he posted in his chapter about "Robert Marshal meets Mark Knopfler". My latest comment:

 Posted by  J Elliott on October 2, 2015 at 8:19 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation. (This is Robert marshal's response to the comment I posted)...
My response:
I did enter my comment yesterday, October 1st and it has already been removed…why do you think that happened? I imagine because my comments probably questioned and discredited your allegations…please respond to my first comment Mr. Marshal.

From what I have experienced with Robert Marshal, he is an imposter. The reason thee are no comments that discredit him or challenge him on his blog is because he "moderates" all comments and deletes those that question his honesty or integrity in any way.  Mr. Marshal, you mentioned AMIT in your blog, so I hope you are reading my comments here. Please reprint my comments to you on the chapter "Robert Marshal meets Mark Knopfler" and respond to it. At least this might help your credibility (though i doubt it after what I have already experienced after trying to communicate with you...no wonder John & Mark avoid you).  Prove me wrong...answer me. You have my email address. M. Jo Elliott
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 02, 2015, 11:35:32 AM
That person has no credit.

Professional musicians that worked with MK and that added material here and there and probably wrote keyboards, sax, guitar etc parts to add some extra to MK lyrics does have credit.

I'm sure that, for example, in Last exit to Brooklynn there is a lot of stuff coming from Guy directly, ok, following MK ideas or guidelines, but coming from Guy's creative effort.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: mjello on October 02, 2015, 12:49:40 PM
Ok...I got'cha.  After dealing with Robert Marshal, I guess I am just a little sensitive when it comes to questioning Mark's creativity.  Of course, I know he is surrounded by extremely gifted and talented musicians and, of course, I am aware of their contributions, especially during Mark's painful recovery, but he is close to par again with his pre-injury guitar playing and it is my opinion that his songwriting now closely parallels that of Bob Dylan (actually, I prefer Mark's new lyrics over Bob's new lyrics...sorry, Bob. I love them both)!  Thanks though, for assisting me in clarifying my thoughts and comments!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on October 02, 2015, 06:37:49 PM
I hope we are not back to accusing MK of not writing and performing the songs he claims as his own. I have been in my own personal battle with  Robert Marshal who deleted all my thoughts and comments that I made yesterday on his blog 'Dire Straits Story' as he posted in his chapter about "Robert Marshal meets Mark Knopfler". My latest comment:

 Posted by  J Elliott on October 2, 2015 at 8:19 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation. (This is Robert marshal's response to the comment I posted)...
My response:
I did enter my comment yesterday, October 1st and it has already been removed…why do you think that happened? I imagine because my comments probably questioned and discredited your allegations…please respond to my first comment Mr. Marshal.

From what I have experienced with Robert Marshal, he is an imposter. The reason thee are no comments that discredit him or challenge him on his blog is because he "moderates" all comments and deletes those that question his honesty or integrity in any way.  Mr. Marshal, you mentioned AMIT in your blog, so I hope you are reading my comments here. Please reprint my comments to you on the chapter "Robert Marshal meets Mark Knopfler" and respond to it. At least this might help your credibility (though i doubt it after what I have already experienced after trying to communicate with you...no wonder John & Mark avoid you).  Prove me wrong...answer me. You have my email address. M. Jo Elliott

What I really don't understand is why MK tolerates that this Man still keeps on his site that he co wrote SOS, BIA and MFN etc??? I believe that this person is a fool and a megaloman but this Blog he keeps is an insult to MK and his work!!! But I guess this subject has been discussed before and the matter is closed for discussion!! :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on October 02, 2015, 08:03:56 PM
I hope we are not back to accusing MK of not writing and performing the songs he claims as his own. I have been in my own personal battle with  Robert Marshal who deleted all my thoughts and comments that I made yesterday on his blog 'Dire Straits Story' as he posted in his chapter about "Robert Marshal meets Mark Knopfler". My latest comment:

 Posted by  J Elliott on October 2, 2015 at 8:19 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation. (This is Robert marshal's response to the comment I posted)...
My response:
I did enter my comment yesterday, October 1st and it has already been removed…why do you think that happened? I imagine because my comments probably questioned and discredited your allegations…please respond to my first comment Mr. Marshal.

From what I have experienced with Robert Marshal, he is an imposter. The reason thee are no comments that discredit him or challenge him on his blog is because he "moderates" all comments and deletes those that question his honesty or integrity in any way.  Mr. Marshal, you mentioned AMIT in your blog, so I hope you are reading my comments here. Please reprint my comments to you on the chapter "Robert Marshal meets Mark Knopfler" and respond to it. At least this might help your credibility (though i doubt it after what I have already experienced after trying to communicate with you...no wonder John & Mark avoid you).  Prove me wrong...answer me. You have my email address. M. Jo Elliott

What I really don't understand is why MK tolerates that this Man still keeps on his site that he co wrote SOS, BIA and MFN etc??? I believe that this person is a fool and a megaloman but this Blog he keeps is an insult to MK and his work!!! But I guess this subject has been discussed before and the matter is closed for discussion!! :wave

Because it would give Mr Marshal what he's looking for.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on October 02, 2015, 09:52:06 PM
Yes ds1984 you are certainly right for the songs he's claiming to be the real author but if I were MK and JI I would definately put him on trial for the personal things he's writing about and specially on what he wrote about JI being the real Boss and being responsable for DK and Pick Withers leaving the Band!! I think  this is outrageous!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on October 03, 2015, 06:41:50 AM
The guy is an idiot and a fantasist.  Don't bother arguing with him or even acknowledge him, life is too short.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Throttle on October 03, 2015, 08:37:44 AM
Quite right.
One of the fundamental postulates of psychiatry says that delusional ideas are not subject to dissuasion.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on October 03, 2015, 09:42:39 AM
Quite right.
One of the fundamental postulates of psychiatry says that delusional ideas are not subject to dissuasion.

That is correct Throttle!! This man is a lunatic but I only hope he's not dangerous!!! That is why I believe it's better never leave any comment on his site!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 27, 2015, 02:11:30 PM
So much silence in the forum this days. I wonder if it is because nobody is sending questions or because Guy has no time to answer...

He said that he's back from holydays, and also that apparently there are non plans related to work with MK at least right now. I think that after other tours Guy already told us what's coming in the future or at least clues that something was coming...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on November 27, 2015, 07:30:59 PM
Maybe has he finally learnt that better was to say nothing?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on November 27, 2015, 07:41:37 PM
I think it's because it's Christmas time maybe!! They are starting very early to prepare it like in Sweden and Finland. He will propably give us some news in January!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on December 19, 2015, 05:57:25 PM
So much silence in the forum this days. I wonder if it is because nobody is sending questions or because Guy has no time to answer...

He said that he's back from holydays, and also that apparently there are non plans related to work with MK at least right now. I think that after other tours Guy already told us what's coming in the future or at least clues that something was coming...

The sound of silence is still going strong! After more than 4 weeks no update in Guy's forum  :think :think :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on December 19, 2015, 06:54:14 PM
Strange indeed !!

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on December 20, 2015, 05:25:21 PM
He is back!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on December 20, 2015, 05:47:15 PM
Ok thanks Dutchessy!!

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on December 20, 2015, 06:34:46 PM
Apparently he had to take a break from the Forum and that is understandable !!

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Vesper on February 16, 2016, 09:43:46 PM

DVD's of tours seem so passé. Mark's next visual release promises to be different.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on February 16, 2016, 10:59:49 PM

DVD's of tours seem so passé. Mark's next visual release promises to be different.


Is it a diplomatic way to say that MK's DVDs aren't selling well?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on February 17, 2016, 01:11:58 PM

DVD's of tours seem so passé. Mark's next visual release promises to be different.


Is it a diplomatic way to say that MK's DVDs aren't selling well?

seems just a confirm of the coming documentary about the tour

Strange manner to do so.
I hate live doc because 9 times out 10 it is just butchering the music...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 17, 2016, 01:17:30 PM
I think that they feel that a documentary with live shots is more interesting from the artistic point of view than a live DVD alone...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on February 17, 2016, 07:01:07 PM
As expected

Mike Buck NC USA: "Mark's next visual release promises to be different." Ahem. Ummm.... What?! Is something in the pipeline apart from soundtrack work?

Guy: It's no secret that Henrik Hansen was shooting footage at many venues
Well why not. I would love to see a recent documentary on MK's work!!

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 17, 2016, 07:19:11 PM
As expected

Mike Buck NC USA: "Mark's next visual release promises to be different." Ahem. Ummm.... What?! Is something in the pipeline apart from soundtrack work?

Guy: It's no secret that Henrik Hansen was shooting footage at many venues
Well why not. I would love to see a recent documentary on MK's work!!

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I love documentaries about Mark and his music, especially with excerpts from concerts and behind the scenes.    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on February 17, 2016, 07:43:21 PM
As expected

Mike Buck NC USA: "Mark's next visual release promises to be different." Ahem. Ummm.... What?! Is something in the pipeline apart from soundtrack work?

Guy: It's no secret that Henrik Hansen was shooting footage at many venues
Well why not. I would love to see a recent documentary on MK's work!!

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I love documentaries about Mark and his music, especially with excerpts from concerts and behind the scenes.    :)
Old documentaries, such as the wonderful BBC Arena in 1980 (on Alchemy DVD / Blu Ray, geat feature !) tend to take their time and hence give 90% or 100% of songs they show. BBC Arena brought for instance near complete and wonderful versions of Down To the Waterline and Where do you think you're going. But newer documentaries tend to show you small bits only, which is HIGHLY frustrating. I don't want to see 10 seconds of Hill Farmer's ! I want to see all of it ! And to be honest after Life in Songs, I don't need another documentary with the same old lame anecdotes. To me a HD version of a full show is not passé at all - it would be great.... but it seems only us buy such filmed shows... what I find it hard to believe is that a documentary would sell better than an concert ?!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 17, 2016, 08:04:32 PM
As expected

Mike Buck NC USA: "Mark's next visual release promises to be different." Ahem. Ummm.... What?! Is something in the pipeline apart from soundtrack work?

Guy: It's no secret that Henrik Hansen was shooting footage at many venues
Well why not. I would love to see a recent documentary on MK's work!!

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I love documentaries about Mark and his music, especially with excerpts from concerts and behind the scenes.    :)
Old documentaries, such as the wonderful BBC Arena in 1980 (on Alchemy DVD / Blu Ray, geat feature !) tend to take their time and hence give 90% or 100% of songs they show. BBC Arena brought for instance near complete and wonderful versions of Down To the Waterline and Where do you think you're going. But newer documentaries tend to show you small bits only, which is HIGHLY frustrating. I don't want to see 10 seconds of Hill Farmer's ! I want to see all of it ! And to be honest after Life in Songs, I don't need another documentary with the same old lame anecdotes. To me a HD version of a full show is not passé at all - it would be great.... but it seems only us buy such filmed shows... what I find it hard to believe is that a documentary would sell better than an concert ?!

A concert would be wonderful, I agree, but failing that a documentary would be a good second best.   I just love seeing Mark and hearing him talk (I love his speaking voice) and seeing what he and the band get up to whilst on tour. Better that than nothing at all!   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on February 17, 2016, 08:12:00 PM
A concert would be wonderful, I agree, but failing that a documentary would be a good second best.   I just love seeing Mark and hearing him talk (I love his speaking voice) and seeing what he and the band get up to whilst on tour. Better that than nothing at all!   :)

Hum, well it would make a nice bonus DVD to Madrid 2001 release...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 17, 2016, 10:37:17 PM
A concert would be wonderful, I agree, but failing that a documentary would be a good second best.   I just love seeing Mark and hearing him talk (I love his speaking voice) and seeing what he and the band get up to whilst on tour. Better that than nothing at all!   :)

Hum, well it would make a nice bonus DVD to Madrid 2001 release...

Madrid release - yes! 

To be perfectly honest I can't be bothered with an interview DVD again.  I can see it all now: sitting next to a mixing desk in BG, looking uneasy, stuttering, talking really slowly, same old jokes...  Yep, a documentary with Mark is usually quite uncomfortable viewing.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: jabbathehut on February 17, 2016, 11:05:48 PM
No reason why it couldn't have a concert and a doc.Seeing as the tour wasn't that interesting in the end with fewer and fewer songs from tracker being played and with the blogs I am not sure what else i need to know about it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on February 17, 2016, 11:47:55 PM
indeed rock documentaries back in the days like "Don't look back" for example were very interesting because they were the only stuff we could get from a tour, but now in Internet times with daily diaries, infos by social networks , etc.......what "mystery" from backstage could we learn from a doc ?
at least if it was a bonus from a live gig why not, but alone.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Throttle on February 18, 2016, 07:32:33 AM
I shall be pleased to see any film, even if MK will comb his hair before the mirror within an hour.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on February 18, 2016, 08:39:37 AM
I shall be pleased to see any film, even if MK will comb his hair before the mirror within an hour.
Yes me too Throttle !! I think interviews from any Artist I appreciate are always highly interesting!! Sure I would have liked to have a DVD on Tracker concerts but as always with MK, one must be satisfied with what he decides to offer us!! Same thing with the setlists!!

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on February 18, 2016, 09:38:23 AM

Obviously the ladies think differently!    ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 18, 2016, 11:49:29 AM
I shall be pleased to see any film, even if MK will comb his hair before the mirror within an hour.


Won't take long!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MK-47 on February 18, 2016, 12:30:42 PM
I shall be pleased to see any film, even if MK will comb his hair before the mirror within an hour.


Won't take long!!!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on May 29, 2016, 07:23:31 PM
Interesting to see Guy break ranks.

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on May 29, 2016, 08:14:58 PM
To me, all that sounds like MK is retired now- without making a big deal about it. Now and then a charity show or an event in the countryside, just for the fun of it. Perhaps there will be  a record in some years time. But these huge tours we've been enjoying, those days are over I suppose.

Just my two Cents....

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 29, 2016, 08:28:06 PM
There will be more records for sure
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on May 29, 2016, 08:47:20 PM
There will be more records for sure
I agree with you Jbaent..

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on May 29, 2016, 08:49:37 PM
There will be more records for sure

I agree with you. Or I hope so. :-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on May 29, 2016, 08:54:31 PM
MK will stop touring eventually, but he will still compose music and make albums, I'm sure!    :) 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on May 29, 2016, 09:25:19 PM
To me, all that sounds like MK is retired now- without making a big deal about it. Now and then a charity show or an event in the countryside, just for the fun of it. Perhaps there will be  a record in some years time. But these huge tours we've been enjoying, those days are over I suppose.

Just my two Cents....
How you manage to take that from a post about a DS reunion I will never know.

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MaxG on May 29, 2016, 09:32:38 PM
It is always a sensitive point when an artist should stop touring. As a living legend to so many fans, the desire and enjoyment to carry on will always there. We all age though and each passing year puts more demands on our bodies. A lot of artists are past their best but carry on, this can do a disservice to their legacy - you don't want fans to remember you for your last few concerts when you simply were past it. There always going to be fans that want to see them regardless, and its very difficult sometimes to be objective ourselves as passionate fans. The reality is that MK is going to be 67 this year.

I have been fortunate enough to see him a number of times over the years and it was an amazing experience. The 2005 shows in Johannesburg were probably the 2 best from a musical point of view I have been to.

MK is really struggling on the vocal side in the last few tours. The first few shows are fine, but then his voice takes serious strain after that. You can listen to recordings from early on in a tour, or after a break and then a few shows later and you will hear the difference. Others have commented he doesn't play the same guitar licks and parts on a lot of his songs as he used to. I am no guitar expert so cannot comment, and I personally think his guitar, backing band sound as good as ever, but there will be a time as well when perhaps the guitar won't sound as good as it always did. These comments are not meant to be critical at MK as a musician we all love him for, its simply to recognise that he is ageing like we all are. Whether you are a professional sportsmen, performer or musician, it is just nature that you cannot keep on performing at the same level year after year indefinitely.

If MK just does decide to just do a few charity shows here and there, I think it is a great move. It will keep his vocals in shape, allow him to put his full passion into it and removes the rigours of the longer tours with the associated physical and mental attrition. The tours also take up a lot of time and probably remove studio time. I would personally like it if he takes this approach as it will still provide live concerts but also allow him to produce another few albums in quicker turn around time.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on May 29, 2016, 11:03:02 PM
To me Tracker and Privateering was made for a sake of touring again. It would be refreshing to see a new album dedicated to the songs more.
Mark always says he loves the whole cycle, but you can clearly see that on this point touring is a bit on the higher side of his scales.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on May 31, 2016, 05:16:37 PM
To me Tracker and Privateering was made for a sake of touring again. It would be refreshing to see a new album dedicated to the songs more.
Mark always says he loves the whole cycle, but you can clearly see that on this point touring is a bit on the higher side of his scales.

Interesting. To me, "Tracker" is some of his best stuff, and I think it's great that Mark is still able to make music at this level. "Tracker" is my personal proof that Mark's career is far from over...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on May 31, 2016, 06:40:39 PM
To me Tracker and Privateering was made for a sake of touring again. It would be refreshing to see a new album dedicated to the songs more.
Mark always says he loves the whole cycle, but you can clearly see that on this point touring is a bit on the higher side of his scales.

Interesting. To me, "Tracker" is some of his best stuff, and I think it's great that Mark is still able to make music at this level. "Tracker" is my personal proof that Mark's career is far from over...

Nothing wrong with "Tracker", it just seems that Mark goes on tour to get him some time to write and to do it in a perfect schedule.
As someone said, "On tour you can only see Mark in an elevator with a chair on his way to hotel room".

Nothing wrong with it either, but sometimes it could lead to a little scoops in his writing/recording/playing cycle.
And I guess his DVD policy only proves it, it's like 'I'll do it someday, but now let's write some new songs'.

I wrote all this just because someone above was talking about possibility of Mark stopping touring. I can't see this happening due to ?.

Can't wait for any details regarding Henrik Hansen's mystery project though.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on May 31, 2016, 09:15:30 PM
It is always a sensitive point when an artist should stop touring. As a living legend to so many fans, the desire and enjoyment to carry on will always there. We all age though and each passing year puts more demands on our bodies. A lot of artists are past their best but carry on, this can do a disservice to their legacy - you don't want fans to remember you for your last few concerts when you simply were past it. There always going to be fans that want to see them regardless, and its very difficult sometimes to be objective ourselves as passionate fans. The reality is that MK is going to be 67 this year.

I have been fortunate enough to see him a number of times over the years and it was an amazing experience. The 2005 shows in Johannesburg were probably the 2 best from a musical point of view I have been to.

MK is really struggling on the vocal side in the last few tours. The first few shows are fine, but then his voice takes serious strain after that. You can listen to recordings from early on in a tour, or after a break and then a few shows later and you will hear the difference. Others have commented he doesn't play the same guitar licks and parts on a lot of his songs as he used to. I am no guitar expert so cannot comment, and I personally think his guitar, backing band sound as good as ever, but there will be a time as well when perhaps the guitar won't sound as good as it always did. These comments are not meant to be critical at MK as a musician we all love him for, its simply to recognise that he is ageing like we all are. Whether you are a professional sportsmen, performer or musician, it is just nature that you cannot keep on performing at the same level year after year indefinitely.

If MK just does decide to just do a few charity shows here and there, I think it is a great move. It will keep his vocals in shape, allow him to put his full passion into it and removes the rigours of the longer tours with the associated physical and mental attrition. The tours also take up a lot of time and probably remove studio time. I would personally like it if he takes this approach as it will still provide live concerts but also allow him to produce another few albums in quicker turn around time.

hey max, you did not, by accident record those shows???????
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MaxG on June 01, 2016, 08:52:33 AM
Hi Pottel

Unfortunately not  :( I wish there were some recordings around but seems there are none. I would have thought that there would have been some professional recordings made seeing it was his first show in our country and they were both sold out. Perhaps there is something out there though, who knows, someone must have done a recording. From my point of view I don't bother recording or taking pics much at the concerts as there is so much out there that people are doing that you can virtually go find it anyway in a couple of days later on YouTube etc.

There were a few snippets from the Dubai concert a few days later I came across which also sounded pretty good to give you an idea. From there on the tour went to India, then Australia and more recordings became available. Mark got some throat issue though in India I remember Guy saying so his voice deteriorated a lot from India/Aus.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: surferboy on June 07, 2016, 08:05:38 AM
Since we are in the summer doldrums let's speculate about what Guy's answer to the forum question about the next MK album project might mean: "I'm not at liberty to say".
It could mean: yes, there will be one.
I phantasize that Guy and Mark will start preproduction at BG after the summer holidays in early September.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 07, 2016, 08:31:14 AM
Phantasizing, I'd say that it's a "collaboration" project so Guy cannot tell as it involves someone else than MK...

Just dreaming.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on June 07, 2016, 02:53:26 PM
I think it could mean both :D and :smack. A while ago he said it WOULD be surprise if any new album news would pop up.
Mark released a soundtrack in April and toured all over the world just last year, so he deserves chilling out as I think.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on June 07, 2016, 05:01:45 PM
Perhaps they are already booking the next sessions at BGS and don't want to be bothered?

Only hoping....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on June 25, 2016, 02:58:48 PM
More than two weeks nothing going on on Guys forum. Is he busy working on his new album or.......... :think :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: K-alberto on June 25, 2016, 04:18:26 PM
And sure it's not for the lack of questions! I've asked one more than a week ago... Or he is busy with his new album, or.....  :think :hmm :P
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on June 25, 2016, 09:09:03 PM
Perhaps he is enjoying his time in the sun....or they're busy working at BGS ;-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on June 26, 2016, 05:49:23 PM
Next week he'll be playing at the History Festival with MK, so he might be busy rehearsing...

 :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on June 26, 2016, 11:53:48 PM
Next week he'll be playing at the History Festival with MK, so he might be busy rehearsing...

 :lol :lol :lol

Or drinking tea! 

I don't think they need to rehearse Bonaparte or Haul Away any more! ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on June 30, 2016, 11:39:23 AM
Forum is updated.... No big news so far...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: K-alberto on June 30, 2016, 01:14:42 PM
Forum is updated.... No big news so far...

Yes, he's smoothly avoiding real questions ...  :-X
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on June 30, 2016, 03:12:28 PM
Forum is updated.... No big news so far...

Yes, he's smoothly avoiding real questions ...  :-X

So back to normality then!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: K-alberto on June 30, 2016, 09:51:40 PM

So back to normality then!

 :lol :lol :lol

And yet, I'm not a good english speaker, but would you say this is definitely a "NO"?

Question Well, Doc, help me to dream this dream... you are not at liberty to say anything about new MK projects for the next mounths... and it's been a while that Ruth Moody wrote in her website that she was going to write new music for her next album... What better news to give us than a duet album, Mark & Ruth, full of new songs to carry all around Europe and America with a wonderful tour...? Please, wake me carefully :-) Thank you, Guy!   

Answer: Dream on Alberto
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Throttle on July 01, 2016, 05:23:01 AM
Dream on Alberto

Te lo sogni, Alberto
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: K-alberto on July 01, 2016, 10:40:54 AM
Dream on Alberto

Te lo sogni, Alberto

Oh...  :( ... speravo qualcosa tipo "continua a sognare, fuochino, ti stai avvicinando"
( I was hoping for something like "keep on dreaming, you're getting close to what is going to come" )  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Throttle on July 02, 2016, 12:11:12 AM
I was hoping for something like "keep on dreaming, you're getting close to what is going to come"   :think

I think it is close in meaning to the original phrase, but Italian native speakers can correct me, if they wish.

Alberto, Guy has a tongue slightly forked at the end and makes at times snide comments, but we have to put up with his temper for a lot of reasons.
It must be understood that he can feel aggrieved when everybody asks him about other people, feeling no interest in him personally.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: K-alberto on July 05, 2016, 03:57:51 PM
I was hoping for something like "keep on dreaming, you're getting close to what is going to come"   :think

I think it is close in meaning to the original phrase, but Italian native speakers can correct me, if they wish.

Alberto, Guy has a tongue slightly forked at the end and makes at times snide comments, but we have to put up with his temper for a lot of reasons.
It must be understood that he can feel aggrieved when everybody asks him about other people, feeling no interest in him personally.   

I'm sure that Guy gets fun in giving answers that can be interpreted in different ways.... and in a way we have fun too!! :-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on July 09, 2016, 05:42:34 PM
Guy at his finest! What future he is talking about? Future of playing 'Done With Bonaparte' for another 20 years? :hmm
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 09, 2016, 06:32:04 PM
Guy at his finest! What future he is talking about? Future of playing 'Done With Bonaparte' for another 20 years? :hmm

Maybe they plan to release a future show on DVD!   :hmm
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on July 09, 2016, 08:27:18 PM
Guy at his finest! What future he is talking about? Future of playing 'Done With Bonaparte' for another 20 years? :hmm

Maybe they plan to release a future show on DVD!   :hmm

It will happen eventually. Maybe even before Half-Life 3 would came out :lol

But DVD is a 20th century technology, I still think how great it would be to officially release 09.09.09 concert on blu-ray or something.

At least we have a "pro-shot bootleg" of it and illegally downloadable video. Or should we also be looking to the future only?

Guy's 'future only' bragging makes me think about skipping his forum at all. We never listen old albums, we never think about old live albums, etc...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on July 10, 2016, 12:25:16 AM
Guy's 'future only' bragging makes me think about skipping his forum at all. We never listen old albums, we never think about old live albums, etc...

Guy is just not the right person to ask.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: FenderBender on July 10, 2016, 11:38:49 AM
Guy's 'future only' bragging makes me think about skipping his forum at all. We never listen old albums, we never think about old live albums, etc...

Guy is just not the right person to ask.

I agree. I think decisions about releasing (or not releasing) historical material will be made by Mark and Paul Crockford. In this respect Guy is an employee of Mark's and has to tow the party line.

Of course if there are recordings owned by other record companies (and I do not know if there are or not) those companies may decide to release them independently providing they do not breach any copyright laws

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on July 14, 2016, 07:11:13 PM

I agree. I think decisions about releasing (or not releasing) historical material will be made by Mark and Paul Crockford. In this respect Guy is an employee of Mark's and has to tow the party line.

Of course if there are recordings owned by other record companies (and I do not know if there are or not) those companies may decide to release them independently providing they do not breach any copyright laws


I had brought the Altamira booklet for him to sign at Chalke Valley, and was lucky enough to get his autograph on it (no I did not disturb him). He looked at it and asked me, "When did this came out?" He clearly did not decide the release for that one  :lol

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on July 14, 2016, 07:48:05 PM


I had brought the Altamira booklet for him to sign at Chalke Valley, and was lucky enough to get his autograph on it (no I did not disturb him). He looked at it and asked me, "When did this came out?" He clearly did not decide the release for that one  :lol


Funny story!  Like many people these days I would have had to take my laptop to the gig to have it signed by him!  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on August 04, 2016, 03:03:27 PM
What's wrong with Guy's forum right now? It says “The penetration by Sheikh Erdogan Shammari” in Arabic:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on August 04, 2016, 03:07:38 PM
What's wrong with Guy's forum right now? It says “The penetration by Sheikh Erdogan Shammari” in Arabic:


Hacked i suppose  :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: K-alberto on August 04, 2016, 03:13:53 PM

Hacked i suppose  :-\

Dammit, I hoped it was the announcement for the new MK album.... even middle-east influences would be well accepted!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on August 04, 2016, 03:19:49 PM

Hacked i suppose  :-\

Dammit, I hoped it was the announcement for the new MK album.... even middle-east influences would be well accepted!

????? ????? ????? ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on August 04, 2016, 05:47:14 PM

Hacked i suppose  :-\

Dammit, I hoped it was the announcement for the new MK album.... even middle-east influences would be well accepted!
????? ????? ????? ???
The penetration by Sheikh Erdogan Shammari, apparently.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on August 04, 2016, 07:46:36 PM
It could be a good measure to change your passwords, maybe the "penetrator" did see some parts of the data.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on August 04, 2016, 08:02:55 PM
I have always thought Sheikhs have some better things to do apart from "penetrating" musician's websites.

It's up now by the way. Weird...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 04, 2016, 10:29:58 PM
Maybe it was a Sultan...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: K-alberto on August 05, 2016, 12:38:41 PM
Forum updated!! With big news: "Mark and I will head back into the studio very soon".   
 :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on August 05, 2016, 12:54:15 PM
Wow, good news! So maybe a tour in 2017 is still possible ;-)

Oops: note to myself: Start saving as an idiot!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 05, 2016, 01:24:28 PM
Forum updated!! With big news: "Mark and I will head back into the studio very soon".   
 :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

As the question is about the Henrik Hansen documentary, I guess it has something to do with it... maybe someone should ask Guy if it´s because of the documentary or a new MK album...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on August 05, 2016, 02:27:09 PM
Yeah that sure is very very good news! Made my day!! :clap :clap :clap
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on August 05, 2016, 03:01:28 PM
But still this is classic Guy. They are heading back into studio for what? For Henrik Hansen project? Or to recording something? :hmm
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on August 05, 2016, 06:10:41 PM
Forum updated!! With big news: "Mark and I will head back into the studio very soon".   
 :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

As the question is about the Henrik Hansen documentary, I guess it has something to do with it... maybe someone should ask Guy if it´s because of the documentary or a new MK album...

Didn't Guy said why they're heading back to British Grove??? I haven't been on GF's forum for a while since it was holiday time!!! Well I'm pretty sure MK is going to record a new album for 2017!! It's an Anniversary year!!! :wave ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Throttle on August 05, 2016, 06:42:44 PM
They are heading back into studio for what? For Henrik Hansen project? Or to recording something? :hmm

Either way, it sounds better than Pedrino. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on August 05, 2016, 07:08:52 PM
He takes his time more and more regarding the last two releases. If it will be a 2017 release I would go for September/October with  tour in spring 2018. But with Tracker he showed us that he is able to break the rules and take the same effort and long time as 2013 till 2015. So interesting news for some people but a release date could be far away.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on August 05, 2016, 08:03:32 PM

They are heading back into studio for what? For Henrik Hansen project? Or to recording something? :hmm

...for a nice cuppa....

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on August 05, 2016, 10:14:31 PM
Wow, good news! So maybe a tour in 2017 is still possible ;-)

Oops: note to myself: Start saving as an idiot!

Tickets for Europe go on sale at least 6 months before the tour/concert starts. Normal a tour starts in April so perhaps we have some other big news in november  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Not gonna happen.... I would go for a release at the end off 2017 with a tour starting in april/may 2018..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on August 12, 2016, 02:13:22 PM
Forum updated again with lots of questions about back in studio....
No direct answer from Guy about what they are doing. Perhaps they are working on the ducumentary and also starting with the new album  :think :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on August 12, 2016, 04:43:43 PM
Yes too bad but we'll have to be patient I guess!!! Thanks Pensaboy for writing Guy's answer. Have a  nice week-end!!

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Justme on August 12, 2016, 07:30:15 PM
Project won't be a new album, I suppose. But maybe I'm wrong. I do hope so.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on August 12, 2016, 10:08:35 PM
After today's forum update I really don't know wether it was necessary to ask Guy anything or not — I only got even more confused.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 16, 2016, 11:52:29 AM
After today's forum update I really don't know wether it was necessary to ask Guy anything or not — I only got even more confused.

Interesting that MK refers to whatever it is like "project". I´m not sure if it means the Henrik Hansen thing or other "project" but it looks like it´s not just recording new songs, when I think in a project, I think that is something more than a new record...

Let´s see what next months brings.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 16, 2016, 01:39:12 PM
After today's forum update I really don't know wether it was necessary to ask Guy anything or not — I only got even more confused.

Interesting that MK refers to whatever it is like "project". I´m not sure if it means the Henrik Hansen thing or other "project" but it looks like it´s not just recording new songs, when I think in a project, I think that is something more than a new record...

Let´s see what next months brings.

An album is a project too and using the word "project" avoids giving anything away.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 16, 2016, 01:46:51 PM
After today's forum update I really don't know wether it was necessary to ask Guy anything or not — I only got even more confused.

Interesting that MK refers to whatever it is like "project". I´m not sure if it means the Henrik Hansen thing or other "project" but it looks like it´s not just recording new songs, when I think in a project, I think that is something more than a new record...

Let´s see what next months brings.

An album is a project too and using the word "project" avoids giving anything away.

Yes but I can be wrong but, I think Guy didn't use the word project for a MK record in the past...

Maybe it´s just me wishing for something different  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 18, 2016, 10:09:24 PM
stones at BG??
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on August 18, 2016, 10:16:29 PM
stones at BG??

I can't get why this is so remarkable. If they would be at BG and recording with Mark — THAT's what I would call a proper rumour.

Otherwise it's just another famous musicians recording in another famous studio.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 18, 2016, 10:20:35 PM
No it is, coz it shows the respect and awe these stars have for bg.

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on August 18, 2016, 10:35:22 PM
No it is, coz it shows the respect and awe these stars have for bg.

Gesendet von meinem SM-G935F mit Tapatalk

Speaking of respect, honestly I'm deeply surprised how not everybody's recording there. I know British Grove is popular among film composers and stuff, but I mean... Eric Clapton, David Gilmour, Chris de Burgh, Van Morrison, Travis. You can count those big names by one hand.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 18, 2016, 10:38:06 PM
Huh? Ec, dg, the stones...what more could you ask for??

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on August 18, 2016, 10:46:20 PM
Huh? Ec, dg, the stones...what more could you ask for??

Gesendet von meinem SM-G935F mit Tapatalk

No, no, I didn't want to underestimate it at all. I only hope after Stones there would be even more amazing musicians to step in BG.
I thought about asking Guy wether Van Morrison recorded his 2016 album on BG or not, but I thought he will not answer. And was right :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on August 18, 2016, 11:22:24 PM
BG is like AIR studios in the 80's and 90's. No more no less.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on August 19, 2016, 09:50:41 AM
Plus Richard Wright re-recorded parts of Shine On You Crazy Diamond at British Grove Studios.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on August 19, 2016, 11:53:10 AM
Plus Richard Wright re-recorded parts of Shine On You Crazy Diamond at British Grove Studios.
Really ?? For the 2011 remaster ?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on August 19, 2016, 05:51:39 PM
No, Richard had died before that, it was for the SACD version of Wish You Were Here. Watch the video below, it explains all, including about recording at Mark's studio:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 19, 2016, 08:57:45 PM
I read Glyn Johns' autobiography recently and he said that on his opinion BG is the best studio in the world. But I also read an interview with Nick Lowe where he said he would love to record there but couldn't afford it.

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on August 19, 2016, 09:02:05 PM
No, Richard had died before that, it was for the SACD version of Wish You Were Here. Watch the video below, it explains all, including about recording at Mark's studio:

Thank you so much for this gem !! Highly valuable ! Did not know about this piano story,and very happy.to see connections between MK and the Floyd !
But... The sacd was released in 2011,same as the immersion package, so 3 years after Rick's death... So why do these processes take so long to come to an actual product ??
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 11, 2016, 12:01:06 PM
Guy Fletcher just announced his new forum on his new website that's still under construction at the moment. Could mean a lot or nothing.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on September 11, 2016, 12:05:51 PM
Guy Fletcher just announced a new forum on new website that's still under construction at the moment. Could mean a lot or nothing.


I think Guy must take "A lot or nothing" as a name for his next album ;D

Yes, NEW forum is great... I wonder if it would be a forum like AMIT or not.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on September 11, 2016, 12:11:09 PM
Boom, in you face. So it seems like a big deal!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on September 18, 2016, 08:56:01 PM
Page updated:

"NEW WEBSITE ALMOST READY ......Stay tuned......any moment....."

We´re getting there :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on September 18, 2016, 09:05:55 PM
Page updated:

"NEW WEBSITE ALMOST READY ......Stay tuned......any moment....."

We´re getting there :D

LOL I had to screenshot it, so funny!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 23, 2016, 11:50:48 AM
"NEW WEBSITE ALMOST READY ......Stay tuned......any moment....."

In a month's time or so! :lol :lol

Or as Mark once said, "Blokes are bad at dates..."

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 28, 2016, 12:05:16 PM
Ok it's the same shit as with the last studio diary. Why write  "any moment"...

My guess is not too much expectation anyway. Maybe Mark is playing on one or two tracks on GF3. Nothing really great then.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: diremark86 on September 28, 2016, 03:23:12 PM
Ok it's the same shit as with the last studio diary. Why write  "any moment"...

My guess is not too much expectation anyway. Maybe Mark is playing on one or two tracks on GF3. Nothing really great then.


My first thought when he posted that a new website would make things clear, was that a new GF album is on the way. I sincerely hope a new MK album is in the works, but I have said it before, and I will say it again, I don't think we will get any real warning when Mark decides to turn the horse and ride off into the sunset. It just isn't his style to announce such things, and I fear we could already be in that phase. I am not saying he won't be active here and there with guest appearances etc, but I am not sure there will be another large scale project/tour. I HOPE I am wrong... Just a vibe.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on September 28, 2016, 05:29:42 PM
As time has shown, Guy tends to exaggerate things like A LOT, although the new website is something out of ordinary. Don't expect too much, or you will be disappointed as hard as high your expectations was. So I think it would be GF3 (which is cool) and maybe Mark noodling on new songs a bit (why wouldn't he, anyway)? It's about time!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on September 30, 2016, 06:20:17 PM
According to Guy his new website should be in the air today or at least tomorrow.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marijo58 on September 30, 2016, 10:18:50 PM
According to Guy his new website should be in the air today or at least tomorrow.

Thanks a lot for the info Cannibals!! :thumbsup :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: jeffreyvr on September 30, 2016, 11:33:37 PM
It's online! :) Looks nice, and a release date on his new album - High Roads - coming October 7th. No news on a new MK album sadly.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on September 30, 2016, 11:37:37 PM
It's online! :) Looks nice, and a release date on his new album - High Roads - coming October 7th. No news on a new MK album sadly.

It's up only for you apparently :)

Quite as expected, since it's Guy's website :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 01, 2016, 12:30:14 AM
Oh, it's really up now.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 01, 2016, 09:45:39 AM
Not visible here. Still the same as for weeks. I emptied the cache but nothing happened. Saw the new album cover on Facebook though. Very ugly!  ;D

Any hints how I can load the site (using a smartphone)?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 01, 2016, 10:06:52 AM
Not visible here. Still the same as for weeks. I emptied the cache but nothing happened. Saw the new album cover on Facebook though. Very ugly!  ;D

Any hints how I can load the site (using a smartphone)?



This should work, works here, also on my smartphone
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on October 01, 2016, 10:41:38 AM
Really love some of the new songs already!

His best record so far.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 01, 2016, 11:18:08 AM
It's hard to tell with such a small sample, but at the moment I find it very dull-sounding.  I especially loved Natural Selection and still listen to it, so maybe this one will grow on me when I have heard it in its entirety - time will tell.   The album cover isn't very appealing to me either.    Altogether rather a disappointment after such a long wait.    I will definitely buy it though and then give a proper review.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 01, 2016, 11:32:38 AM
Yeah folks, rub it in!!  :lol :lol :lol

Here, it is STILL the old site. I was even able to send him a question via his forum with my old password. I got a confirmation mail and all looks like Germany seems to be stuck in a time lapse at least 24 hours back in time or so...

It is not so much interest in his new stuff,  I never liked his singing voice, and there are a couple of good ones on the first album, but this technical thing makes me sick. I very much hoped for news about London and MK and what will happen next. I guess it will show up soon enough. I can understand of course that promoting his own record is the first thing to do.

So maybe tomorrow, when Germany will have reached ... today...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: jeffreyvr on October 01, 2016, 12:10:43 PM
@Love Expresso
You probably have to flush your DNS. For a Windows computer open your terminal and type 'ipconfig /flushdns'. For more info see:

At this moment your PC DNS cache still points to the old server ip address.

Flushing your DNS might make the site visible, if you don't you might some additional time to see the new site.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 01, 2016, 12:37:40 PM
How cool is that to get such a great answer that fast, thank you very much, it worked perfectly well!  :thumbsup  :thumbsup

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 01, 2016, 02:46:47 PM
Had a quick look through the new site and found this in "about":

"Since 1983 he’s been closely involved in all Mark’s work both in Dire Straits, the solo albums ‘Golden Heart’, ‘Sailing to Philadelphia’, ‘Ragpicker’s dream’, ‘Shangri-La’, ‘Kill to get Crimson’, ‘Get Lucky’, Tracker, all the film projects and some exciting projects upcoming!"

So there ARE plans at least.  ;)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 01, 2016, 03:34:42 PM
Why no one noticed the new forum would be more like a classic forum like AMIT?
I love that kind of musician-fans relationship. Joe Bonamassa used to have a forum.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Silvertown on October 01, 2016, 03:40:11 PM

So there ARE plans at least.  ;)


Of course! But some...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 01, 2016, 04:24:15 PM
Why no one noticed the new forum would be more like a classic forum like AMIT?
I love that kind of musician-fans relationship. Joe Bonamassa used to have a forum.

Yes, that's a big improvement over the old forum.   Now we will be able to talk to each other!    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 01, 2016, 05:41:50 PM
I wonder if I should turn up there as LE with the Making Movies Avatar.. to show some AMIT presence I mean..   ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 01, 2016, 06:20:42 PM
It seems he is still working on it or at least not yet completed? Maybe it will turn up later again..

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolleyway Man on October 03, 2016, 12:29:10 AM
I have to say I'm still struggling to get my head around the new forum. Is it actually possible to post new topics in there?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Banjo99uk on October 03, 2016, 03:05:54 PM
Its got me completely confused.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 03, 2016, 03:51:38 PM
So as far as I can make out all we can do is make a comment and that's it.  What's the point?  Zero maintenance for Guy though as he doesn't have to answer any questions.  No doubt this is the idea.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dannr1 on October 04, 2016, 10:34:35 AM
I think its shit..confusing...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 04, 2016, 12:21:45 PM
I think its shit..confusing...

But all the comments on his 'forum' say it great.  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 04, 2016, 04:09:02 PM
Nobody dares to write there "this is shit"  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 04, 2016, 05:35:30 PM
Nobody dares to write there "this is shit"  :lol

To be honest, MKNews Forum is also shit, I can't get how one can withstand there for more than a minute. Maybe some day people will realise that white font on a black/dark background — the thing that automatically makes your website into category I mentioned earlier.

One fact why I love AMIT is because of its simple design and zero damage to my eyes. Try "invert colors" button and you will understand.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 04, 2016, 09:38:12 PM
By the way, you can subscribe to the threads in his forums by mail, so when someone post you get an email with the post.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dannr1 on October 05, 2016, 08:57:49 AM
I think its shit..confusing...

But all the comments on his 'forum' say it great.  ;)

Site itself is not too bad I think...but the forum-thing...no no...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 05, 2016, 11:41:03 AM
I just found annying the new password thing... it forces you to create a 7 characters password, you have to use at least one capital letter, one number and one sign... I don´t have any other password like that and I know I'm gonna forget it next time I log in his site, so I had to write it in a post it to check it before I log again...

I posted this, and other two messages, let's see how it works. LE message was answered by Guy, so let's hope this Q & A continue working.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 05, 2016, 05:54:16 PM
Did you notice that now we have two sarcastic Fletchers by the same price?  :smack
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 06, 2016, 10:27:05 AM
Found this on his new forum:

Guy: Did anyone see my photo of the Yamaha GS1 on my Instagram page? A resurrected goliath of a synth. Now fully functional and sounding beautiful.


was it used on High Roads? (his new album)

Best, Dom

Guy: It wasn’t Dom but it’s being used now at BG

Looks like Guy & MK (I guess?) are working now at BG  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ingridswing on October 06, 2016, 02:54:58 PM
Guy already said in August that he would go into the studio with MK. But ... as there are no planned tourdates yet I am afraid we have to wait for a new tour till 2018  ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 06, 2016, 07:53:04 PM
Guy already said in August that he would go into the studio with MK. But ... as there are no planned tourdates yet I am afraid we have to wait for a new tour till 2018  ::)

Geez.  Mark is already way beyond his years.  At this rate the band will have to wheel him out and the twiddly bits on Sultans will have to be played by John on his cittern! 

A possible setlist for these gigs could be:

      Grandfather and Son
      Sultans of Sway
      Postcards from Blackpool
      Sit Down Guy
      I Dug Up a Fossil
      This Is It
      The Fizzy and the Steradent
      Stiff Shoulder
      Resthome Farewell
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 06, 2016, 08:07:27 PM
Mark alone with his Martin guitar and songs like River of Grog, Heart of Oak, Iron Man, original Marbletown and so on would be priceless great. And would make a great Blu-Ray. From my point of view he can throw away his electric guitar. It really gave me pain most of the time last year. You should just not sit there and feel bad and cringe your body in expecting the worst when listening to Sultans, you should stand, dance and feel happy. Last time I did that was 2005 really.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 06, 2016, 08:46:04 PM
Mark alone with his Martin guitar and songs like River of Grog, Heart of Oak, Iron Man, original Marbletown and so on would be priceless great. And would make a great Blu-Ray. From my point of view he can throw away his electric guitar. It really gave me pain most of the time last year. You should just not sit there and feel bad and cringe your bidy in expecting the worst when listening to Sultans, you should stand, dance and feel happy. Last time I did that was 2005 really.


One million thumbs from me! :thumbsup × 106

Mark still impress me to the bottom of my heart with songs like that. This is kind of songs I want to run and pick out WHILE first listening, not even after it. You just run like a devil to the guitar and learn it and listen over and over.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 06, 2016, 08:55:15 PM
Just imagine him sitting him alone on a stage surroubded by his acoustics and tell stories about the songs and stuff that inspires him. But it seems he never will enter any stage without Guy.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 06, 2016, 08:57:28 PM
Guy already said in August that he would go into the studio with MK. But ... as there are no planned tourdates yet I am afraid we have to wait for a new tour till 2018  ::)

Geez.  Mark is already way beyond his years.  At this rate the band will have to wheel him out and the twiddly bits on Sultans will have to be played by John on his cittern! 

A possible setlist for these gigs could be:

      Grandfather and Son
      Sultans of Sway
      Postcards from Blackpool
      Sit Down Guy
      I Dug Up a Fossil
      This Is It
      The Fizzy and the Steradent
      Stiff Shoulder
      Resthome Farewell

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 07, 2016, 12:45:59 PM
I am currently in the studio with Mark Knopfler working on a project which we are very excited about. I cannot divulge any details at the moment, a good reason to stay tuned to my new site.

Taken from:

https://www.orbitsound.com/en/social/blog/in-conversation-with...-guy-fletcher/ (https://www.orbitsound.com/en/social/blog/in-conversation-with...-guy-fletcher/)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 07, 2016, 01:02:27 PM
Dutchessy, thanks a lot for posting the news here.
That one I saw on Facebook. About Guy's forum I must say it gets worse every day. How exactly  do you access it? There are three pages with about 61 posts at the moment. Every time I open a page, let it be 1 or 3, it shows Guy's welcome post. No idea which one is new, which was the latest one and so on. It gets worse day by day. I have the feeling that his brother Leon has not the slightest idea what he is doing, or less harsh, what it is that is needed. He f.e. copied the whole forum into this place first , than back into that...
Really a total mess. I always thought MK surrounds himself by professionals..

How great it is to have AMIT. And this time I don't mean the people or the atmosphere but the pure technical structure: easy, good looking, intelligent, well structured, in the hand of people who know what they want and how to achieve it.
 :thumbsup  :thumbsup  :thumbsup  :clap  :clap  :clap

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Crusty on October 07, 2016, 01:31:30 PM
Awezome new!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 07, 2016, 01:58:55 PM
I am currently in the studio with Mark Knopfler working on a project which we are very excited about. I cannot divulge any details at the moment, a good reason to stay tuned to my new site.

Taken from:

https://www.orbitsound.com/en/social/blog/in-conversation-with...-guy-fletcher/ (https://www.orbitsound.com/en/social/blog/in-conversation-with...-guy-fletcher/)

It sounds more and more like a unusual, maybe "big" thing. I really hope it will NOT be a Dire Straits re-union or something similar.. A duet album though with John Illsley, playing bass and singing (only) background vocals, would be very nice, to give back some PUNCH into MK's music...

I guess it must have something to do with the Dire Straits jubilee next year, on the one way or the other.. remember my post about a Jubilee Box?  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 07, 2016, 02:11:04 PM
A record with John Illsley and MK... That would be great...

Misterious words from a misterious man, that usually leds to disappoinment  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Crusty on October 07, 2016, 02:18:04 PM
Mark and only the fokkies! Mark on an akustik guitar and many citter and flute an fiddle! Like a fok trio.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: skydiver on October 07, 2016, 02:23:26 PM
eins_zwei_Polizei, your avatar is fantastic. Reminds me so much of my beloved childhood days!
You made my day!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 07, 2016, 02:23:58 PM
Mark and only the fokkies! Mark on an akustik guitar and many citter and flute an fiddle! Like a fok trio.

In the meantime, we're cleaning our gun...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on October 07, 2016, 06:55:49 PM
ay. I have the feeling that his brother Leon has not the slightest idea what he is doing, or less harsh, what it is that is needed. He f.e. copied the whole forum into this place first , than back into that...
Really a total mess. I always thought MK surrounds himself by professionals..

Leon is his youngest son, not his brother  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 07, 2016, 07:18:56 PM
Do you know all his brothers? As far as I know, he has three brothers...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on October 07, 2016, 07:29:05 PM
You obvouisly won't believe me anyway so let it be his brother then. Go for a walk  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on October 07, 2016, 07:33:49 PM
I am currently in the studio with Mark Knopfler working on a project which we are very excited about. I cannot divulge any details at the moment, a good reason to stay tuned to my new site.

Taken from:

https://www.orbitsound.com/en/social/blog/in-conversation-with...-guy-fletcher/ (https://www.orbitsound.com/en/social/blog/in-conversation-with...-guy-fletcher/)

This does not sound like just a new album but with Guy you never know.  :think
Perhaps another duet album, this time with Ruth  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 07, 2016, 07:36:11 PM
You obvouisly won't believe me anyway so let it be his brother then. Go for a walk  :)

Is not that I don´t believe you, I know he has a son called Leon. Do you know if one of his brothers is called Leon as well?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on October 07, 2016, 07:49:18 PM
I don't know the name of the brothers, so I' m not 100% sure no ? Maybe they stick to certain names in the family, we know there are two Guy's so who knows hehe.
It doesn't matter, let us hope the forum gets better, however is behind it.

Sent fra min SM-A310F via Tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 07, 2016, 08:48:52 PM
Guy is a genius — releasing an album right when speculations started and everybody's checking all over the place about MK's new "Project" :clap
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jarle on October 13, 2016, 08:48:49 PM
Guy today:

At the moment, yes, just me and Mark although we do have a band session next week.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on October 17, 2016, 10:16:00 AM
so this may have been the Project guy was not allowed to talk about?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 17, 2016, 11:08:22 AM
Hmm. Don't think so. I have read about the Stones recording in BG in a newspaper last week, too. There it was mentioned that the Stones recordings had taken place for three days in December 2015. As Guy repeatedly mentioned how busy it is "at the moment", it must be something else.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 17, 2016, 11:42:29 AM
so this may have been the Project guy was not allowed to talk about?


Guy said he and MK were working together at BG, and some days ago he said that next week (probably this one...) will have a band session, so, whatever it is, is something that involve MK, Guy and "a band".

Apparently they worked too in the final touches for the Henrik Hansen documentary...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 17, 2016, 01:44:03 PM
I'm confused. Why rehearse a live show in a multi-million recording studio? I thought they have a separate venue for rehearsals in London.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 17, 2016, 03:43:55 PM
Who says they are rehearsing that show in the studio?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on October 17, 2016, 09:55:45 PM
i do not mean the new record, i mean the project guy was not allowed to talk about...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 17, 2016, 10:19:36 PM
Guy and MK are not involved in the Stones record, actually they recorded at BG while MK was touring the US (they coincided with Clapton at BG...) So not, it has nothing to do with the project Guy cannot talk.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Crusty on October 18, 2016, 08:44:47 AM
The new forum is fooken mess. Imposble to make navigate.  :thumbsdown
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on October 21, 2016, 04:20:27 PM
Guy and MK are not involved in the Stones record, actually they recorded at BG while MK was touring the US (they coincided with Clapton at BG...) So not, it has nothing to do with the project Guy cannot talk.
but earlier someone said it was recorded during three days in december? when did mk last tour in december???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 21, 2016, 06:49:54 PM
It was me who said that. Look at this:


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 22, 2016, 02:03:04 PM
Guy said in his forum Clapton recorded at BG while MK was touring the US

Clapton plays at Stones record because they coincided.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 22, 2016, 02:39:25 PM
It was me who said that. Look at this:



Probably Clapton started to record his record while MK was touring the US and he was still recording in December when the RS went to BG.

By the way, it's December 2015... Mk and Guy are working in BG since THIS september, 2016...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on October 25, 2016, 06:30:10 AM
I really hate his new forum.

I don't hate much.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 25, 2016, 11:52:50 AM
I've been on it all of twice since it changed because it's not good.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 25, 2016, 12:02:24 PM
I've been on it all of twice since it changed because it's not good.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Exactly my thoughts!   It was much better before, in fact I'm very reluctant to post anything.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopflerized on October 25, 2016, 12:05:27 PM
He needs users' experience.
Why not report your feeelings? It could help his team to make it better :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopflerized on October 25, 2016, 12:08:40 PM
Just found Guy's assistance :)

Let me assist.

Just think of ‘NEW TOPIC’ as a way of asking me a direct question. I am alerted to these. The difference from the old is that comments and chat can continue on a subject. It took me a while to get used to it too. Thanks for your patience

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 25, 2016, 12:35:24 PM
He needs users' experience.
Why not report your feeelings? It could help his team to make it better :)

I never registered.  Never saw the point as any questions I wanted to ask would be about Mark and I think that is a little unfair to him as an artist.  I also don't play keys or have any particular interest in them either.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on October 25, 2016, 08:43:03 PM
I registered, but have no idea why my password fails  :smack :smack :smack
So, I ask for a password reset.  And then I have to create another 100-digit (seems like it...) password with security requirements that are so strict that the requirements are normally reserved for access to the nuclear codes.  Honestly, I am surprised I don't need a fingerprint and retina scan. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 25, 2016, 09:08:25 PM
I registered, but have no idea why my password fails  :smack :smack :smack
So, I ask for a password reset.  And then I have to create another 100-digit (seems like it...) password with security requirements that are so strict that the requirements are normally reserved for access to the nuclear codes.  Honestly, I am surprised I don't need a fingerprint and retina scan.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 25, 2016, 10:48:30 PM
You might suggest it to Leon...

 :clap ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on October 25, 2016, 10:59:26 PM
Not too much questions on his new forum if you'll ask me. Besides that he answers only a few in the last 10 days. I think now he reads his forum maybe once a week and answers the questions (not much) that he really wants to..
He's certainly doing it a lot different like the way he did the old forum.
Not my cup of tea this new forum  :thumbsdown :disbelief
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 26, 2016, 10:56:12 AM
He apologized more than once and mentioned that he had to get used to it, too. Also the reason for less Postings is obviously that he is busy at work with MK in the studio. His answers were all friendly and nice. So maybe we should just give him a little more time. It is not his main job to entertain us with funny answers on a daily base.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopflerized on October 26, 2016, 12:18:32 PM
I registered, but have no idea why my password fails  :smack :smack :smack
So, I ask for a password reset.  And then I have to create another 100-digit (seems like it...) password with security requirements that are so strict that the requirements are normally reserved for access to the nuclear codes.  Honestly, I am surprised I don't need a fingerprint and retina scan.

Well it could be annoying yes, but restriction on registration are more than useful now... Bots are everywhere...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on October 26, 2016, 07:03:11 PM
I registered, but have no idea why my password fails  :smack :smack :smack
So, I ask for a password reset.  And then I have to create another 100-digit (seems like it...) password with security requirements that are so strict that the requirements are normally reserved for access to the nuclear codes.  Honestly, I am surprised I don't need a fingerprint and retina scan.

Well it could be annoying yes, but restriction on registration are more than useful now... Bots are everywhere...
You are correct, knopflerized.  I will try to have more patience.  :think
Not my strong point.   :D :D :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopflerized on October 26, 2016, 07:05:43 PM
Good Girl Lis :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on October 26, 2016, 07:06:38 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 26, 2016, 09:38:52 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: knopflerized on October 26, 2016, 10:32:28 PM
maybe you should open a topic and report your feelings :)
that's helpful when you are building a website to have users experience and feedback
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 26, 2016, 10:40:03 PM
I sort of stopped to check Guy's forum... well, not sort of, I just stopped. Maybe it was the actual reason?

To be honest, if I were him, I'd got bored to ask millions of questions about someone else as if he's his wife or something.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on October 28, 2016, 07:52:58 PM
I sort of stopped to check Guy's forum... well, not sort of, I just stopped. Maybe it was the actual reason?

To be honest, if I were him, I'd got bored to ask millions of questions about someone else as if he's his wife or something.

Guy is working FOR Mark for decades. THE STAR is Mark and Guy has fully understood it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Melcuer on October 29, 2016, 07:15:50 AM
I sort of stopped to check Guy's forum... well, not sort of, I just stopped. Maybe it was the actual reason?

To be honest, if I were him, I'd got bored to ask millions of questions about someone else as if he's his wife or something.

I would do it for half of the salary  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on November 14, 2016, 06:42:26 PM
Guy replied on a question a few days ago, more a complain about the new forum: Agreed, will bring back the old system….just as soon as I can find someone who can code it. Right now I’m locked into a WordPress core..

So the old forum will be back in time....... :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 14, 2016, 07:05:58 PM
Guy replied on a question a few days ago, more a complain about the new forum: Agreed, will bring back the old system….just as soon as I can find someone who can code it. Right now I’m locked into a WordPress core..

So the old forum will be back in time....... :thumbsup

That is good news indeed.  I haven't ventured back onto it since my last comment about it a couple of weeks ago.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 15, 2016, 10:51:33 AM
Some guy posted on a Guy's Forum a great guesses of what's going on in BG right now.

1. A track for track recreation of Pet Sounds.
2. An audio clinic on proper volume levels for Bob Dylan’s production sound crew.
3. Crowdsourcing the next tour’s set list by randomly feeding song titles into the New York Times’ crossword puzzles to guage popularity.
4. Arm wrestling over who gets to play bass on the next album since, well, everyone can play bass.
5. Driving Glenn Saggers insane with constant requests to hear guitar X with amp z and then guitar z with amp y, and on and on and on.
6. Doc trying to get things done while Mark constantly bothers him with questions like, “Ok, but what does THAT knob do?”
7. Not a damn thing. They were part of a secret task force to rig the US Presidential election and unfortunately failed.
8. Methodically working through every recipe in Doc’s Tour cookbook in order to pre-plan the next tour’s menus.
9. Binge watching old QI episodes.
10. Mark is finally working on the much rumored and planned “Well-Tempered Straits” wherein Mark plays “Walk of Life” in all 12 keys.

Looks pretty plausible to me, but Guy answered:

not even close, keep ’em coming


So if it's not any of THIS, so what?!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on December 02, 2016, 11:27:23 AM
Guy's 'Old Forum' is now back!         
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on December 02, 2016, 12:47:56 PM
Guy's 'Old Forum' is now back!         

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Lis on December 03, 2016, 02:18:13 AM
Fabulous!!!!!!   :D :D :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on December 08, 2016, 11:26:27 AM
I was amused by this post on Guy's Forum today:

Q:    Are you taking some kind of perverse pleasure in torturing us with the silence regarding the new project? I have come up with 83 theories, one of them must be right surely! In the past there have always been a diary or two by this stage in the recording…….say hello to David, John and Pick for me.

Guy: Not at all, powers beyond my control prevent me from providing you with ANY information. You will completely understand when the time is right. There's a lot of good things coming up - that's all I can say.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on December 08, 2016, 12:42:02 PM
"...a lot of good things..."

So more than "just" an album?  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on December 08, 2016, 12:46:28 PM
"...a lot of good things..."

So more than "just" an album?  :think
I am thinking collaboration.....must be....

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Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on December 08, 2016, 01:29:45 PM
I'm not a big fan of a teasing like this, but if this is the rules of the game now, so... I hope it will be something really great and not a simple expectations destroyer. Folks, let's cut the anticipation and think it will be boring as hell and maybe it would come out great at the end :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 08, 2016, 03:09:00 PM
This way of creating expectations, to me is the fastest way to end as a disappointment.

As long as I expect the documentary DVD and a new re order, anything will do my day.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on December 08, 2016, 04:58:46 PM
I'm not a big fan of a teasing like this, but if this is the rules of the game now, so... I hope it will be something really great and not a simple expectations destroyer. Folks, let's cut the anticipation and think it will be boring as hell and maybe it would come out great at the end :lol

Yeah, always think the worst and you'll never be disappointed.  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on December 10, 2016, 07:35:34 PM
I'm not a big fan of a teasing like this, but if this is the rules of the game now, so... I hope it will be something really great and not a simple expectations destroyer. Folks, let's cut the anticipation and think it will be boring as hell and maybe it would come out great at the end :lol

Yeah, always think the worst and you'll never be disappointed.  ;D

I'm beginning to think that way already!     ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 10, 2016, 08:13:57 PM
Yes, can't wait for his polka record...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on December 15, 2016, 03:03:57 PM
It was me who said that. Look at this:



Probably Clapton started to record his record while MK was touring the US and he was still recording in December when the RS went to BG.

By the way, it's December 2015... Mk and Guy are working in BG since THIS september, 2016...

I must say that I really like the small and compact Deluxe Box Set of "Blue And Lonesome". And it has a proper book in it. Much more worthy content than in any of Mark's Deluxe boxes which bigger format of course is necessary because of the vinyls.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on January 12, 2017, 08:34:21 PM
I wonder what he has in store for us  :thumbsup


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 12, 2017, 10:49:18 PM
I wonder what he has in store for us  :thumbsup


Information about his own studio A-bay, it used to be in the old site.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on January 13, 2017, 03:19:57 PM
As he calls it "StudioS"  I guess it will be some kind of replace for information from both, A-Bay and British Grove.
The last Studio Diary was hard for him to work out because of not too much information, remember? We waited for months and got nothing interesting really the first part
of recording time. Later, that changed of course.

So infomation for the new album, not organized as a diary, but put into this new section, that would be my guess.


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 16, 2017, 06:24:53 PM
Erwin: Guy, will you be part of John Illsley’s band when he is on tour this year? I’m reading he is doing some concerts next month and in the summer.

» https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FoYyK1SWPNQ/WHc68BgkLRI...

Guy: no, I'm afraid not, I'll be busy in the studio with Mark
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on December 03, 2017, 09:05:50 PM
I don't know who's idea was to flood Guy's forum with some DS Legends and Caviglia spam. But to his credit, his responses are quite tolerant.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on December 03, 2017, 09:12:46 PM
Why not? It's a forum after all.. and finally there is some life on it... you were to quit his place anyway so "why bother"..

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on December 03, 2017, 09:17:17 PM
Why not? It's a forum after all.. and finally there is some life on it... you were to quit his place anyway so "why bother"..


Rightfully so. I still check it for some news (why not), but I read id diagonally and I read responses only. I'm sure many people do it like that :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on December 03, 2017, 10:00:44 PM
I thought it was a classic discussion ... you know Jackal who is posting there once was an Amiter and he has his point. Guy always leaves discussions between his members uncommented and I think he is doing right so. That 3 Chord Song HAS some potential for discussion I guess..

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on December 04, 2017, 01:43:52 PM
I don't know who's idea was to flood Guy's forum with some DS Legends and Caviglia spam. But to his credit, his responses are quite tolerant.

sent from my Samsung galaxy 7edge via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on December 06, 2017, 12:46:27 PM
I don't know who's idea was to flood Guy's forum with some DS Legends and Caviglia spam. But to his credit, his responses are quite tolerant.
It was mine I guess :)

Sent from my Tab2A7-20F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 21, 2018, 11:03:51 AM
From Guy's latest Diary entry I Iike that pic very much with the complete band sitting on the Sofa and listen to Mark on the acoustic. I would like to grab and safe that picture but I am not able to fetch it from the dia show Guy is providing. If anybody could help and/or give some guidance or even post the pic here, it would be very appreciated.  :wave

LE :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 21, 2018, 11:05:50 AM
Here you have it
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on March 21, 2018, 11:09:33 AM
From Guy's latest Diary entry I Iike that pic very much with the complete band sitting on the Sofa and listen to Mark on the acoustic. I would like to grab and safe that picture but I am not able to fetch it from the dia show Guy is providing. If anybody could help and/or give some guidance or even post the pic here, it would be very appreciated.  :wave

LE :-\

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on March 21, 2018, 11:10:03 AM
Ah, you beat me Jbaent  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on March 21, 2018, 11:13:12 AM
Thank you from me too!    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on March 21, 2018, 11:18:59 AM
From Guy's latest Diary entry I Iike that pic very much with the complete band sitting on the Sofa and listen to Mark on the acoustic. I would like to grab and safe that picture but I am not able to fetch it from the dia show Guy is providing. If anybody could help and/or give some guidance or even post the pic here, it would be very appreciated.  :wave

LE :-\

I just love how everybody seems to appear nearly sleeping or bored beyond belief on these. Like, "do you have something else Mark?".
I wonder what's the reason behind that? My only explanation is that Mark plays about 100 new songs for them for a couple of hours :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 21, 2018, 11:36:32 AM
From Guy's latest Diary entry I Iike that pic very much with the complete band sitting on the Sofa and listen to Mark on the acoustic. I would like to grab and safe that picture but I am not able to fetch it from the dia show Guy is providing. If anybody could help and/or give some guidance or even post the pic here, it would be very appreciated.  :wave

LE :-\

I just love how everybody seems to appear nearly sleeping or bored beyond belief on these. Like, "do you have something else Mark?".
I wonder what's the reason behind that? My only explanation is that Mark plays about 100 new songs for them for a couple of hours :lol

I think that Guy has told about it that what happens is MK plays the song to the band and explains to the band what he thinks will fit the song better to the band, and the band, while MK is playing the songs are figuring out in his head what they can play in the song.

They take notes and then they go for it.

I know this process. I play drums, very amateur, and a friend of mine write songs and record them with his band, Prior to this, he sometimes calls me and another friend who plays guitar and does with us exactly that, he play the song to us, with some indications, and when he's playing I'm planning what to play, how and where in the song, and then right after that, we play together and record the song as a demo. He usually likes what we do and when he doesn't, he ask us to do something different, usually it doesn't take further than two takes to get the demo as he wants.

I'm sure that MK get it ok with one take as this guys are so proffesional, but probably do more takes just to have more to choose.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 21, 2018, 12:36:30 PM
Thanks guys!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 21, 2018, 12:41:31 PM
I like very much that Danny sits among them as a real band member so to say and not just is allowed to come in and do his percussion job and then has to leave...

I am not too happy about Guy's recent comment on lots of Sax solos.. Not too keen to hear much stuff like Wherever I Go... although on River Towns it sounded great. Sax is so 80's in general...

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 21, 2018, 12:59:28 PM
I like very much that Danny sits among them as a real band member so to say and not just is allowed to come in and do his percussion job and then has to leave...

I am not too happy about Guy's recent comment on lots of Sax solos.. Not too keen to hear much stuff like Wherever I Go... although on River Towns it sounded great. Sax is so 80's in general...


I read something in Robbie McIntosh facebook that sounded great to me. He said to Danny C that he was called to BG and he worked on some songs in which featured Danny and Ianto, and that he was amazed about the grooves they played.

Obviously I guess it's the MK record and that comment about the grooves, you say that about a song when it's a cool song, from my very little experience drumming, so I have hopes for this new record.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on March 21, 2018, 01:11:07 PM
Maybe I missed something but it's new to me that Robbie McIntosh was among the Musicians for the album? Did Guy mention him?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on March 21, 2018, 01:28:53 PM
Maybe I missed something but it's new to me that Robbie McIntosh was among the Musicians for the album? Did Guy mention him?


No, so my guess it's not the MK project Robbie talked about.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on March 21, 2018, 01:35:37 PM
I like very much that Danny sits among them as a real band member so to say and not just is allowed to come in and do his percussion job and then has to leave...

I am not too happy about Guy's recent comment on lots of Sax solos.. Not too keen to hear much stuff like Wherever I Go... although on River Towns it sounded great. Sax is so 80's in general...


It is nice to see Danny there again and he appears to be one of the few actually looking interested!  I wonder how he feels sitting near his replacement Ianto who appears to have nodded off... :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 21, 2018, 01:37:19 PM
Maybe I missed something but it's new to me that Robbie McIntosh was among the Musicians for the album? Did Guy mention him?


No, so my guess it's not the MK project Robbie talked about.

Maybe it's the musical... we don't know if Ianto and Danny were involved.

Robbie post in facebook was after Guy already posted his diary, maybe he was called after cause they needed more guitar on any track and call back Richard would had been more difficult...

According to facebook that post was two weeks ago.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on March 21, 2018, 01:49:42 PM
Maybe we should ask Guy?  :) It is indeed interesting.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 21, 2018, 02:02:11 PM
Maybe we should ask Guy?  :) It is indeed interesting.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on March 22, 2018, 12:29:57 PM
Maybe we should ask Guy?  :) It is indeed interesting.


His answer:

Yes it means that Robbie did do some overdubs on Mark's album and Danny has played percussion on the whole record.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: peterromer on April 15, 2018, 03:34:26 PM
So MK is not against everyone that does the Dire Straits Legends thing, since Danny is back with the others. Thats cool.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 10, 2018, 10:47:57 PM
Wow, some hefty stuff going on at Guy's forum. About using auto-tune and copying Playtime Deluxe  (which is indeed a severe issue for me and can only be excused as a song for a special occasion and never again.). Guy is doing very well on those posts, my respect to him for not freaking out.

It took them a year to create Good On You Son. Blimey!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 11, 2018, 08:29:20 AM

It took them a year to create Good On You Son. Blimey!


I'd say that it took them a year to create most of the new record, as they had to interrupt the recording of DTRW many times to keep working in the musical. "Good on you son" has many details that would had took them many sessions to complete, but I doubt that they spent 365 days with it.

Actually it's likely that from a whole year, they spent more than half year working in a musical and less than a half working in the new record... I'd dare to say that it's also likely that Guy had been working in the synths and other overdubs by himself in the studio while MK was working with David Greig and Bill Forsyth.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on October 11, 2018, 09:01:53 AM
Playtime Deluxe is a simple blues song. There are tons of blues songs in that style, so to say that Mark copied someone is strange.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 11, 2018, 09:19:50 AM
Playtime Deluxe is a simple blues song. There are tons of blues songs in that style, so to say that Mark copied someone is strange.

In blues world, there are many songs that are quite the same... "If I had a possesion over judgment day", "Rolling and tumbling"  and many more sounds like the same song...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 11, 2018, 09:39:27 AM
Guy said there is no auto-tune in BG studio 2, but wasn't Shangri-la made in the USA? (i'm not saying he used auto-tune, i don't care at all)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 11, 2018, 09:56:28 AM
Playtime Deluxe is a simple blues song. There are tons of blues songs in that style, so to say that Mark copied someone is strange.

Pretty similar... (understatement)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on October 11, 2018, 10:15:31 AM
Playtime Deluxe is a simple blues song. There are tons of blues songs in that style, so to say that Mark copied someone is strange.

Pretty similar... (understatement)


Yes, it is, but it's wrong to say Playtime Deluxe is a copy or "rip off". Even if Mark had listened to Rollin Man and wanted to give a nod to that song. Still, it's just another blues song, such as Rolling and Tumbling, which jbaent mentioned earlier. The blues format is so standardized that it doesn't make sense to talk about copying.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on October 11, 2018, 10:23:25 AM
But, IT IS exactly the same....  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 11, 2018, 10:28:03 AM
If I remember correctly in the early days of DS Mark played a song called "Nadine" which sounds exactly like "Nadine" by Chuck Berry. Man, surely Mark can change his middle name to Ripoff!

Guy said there is no auto-tune in BG studio 2, but wasn't Shangri-la made in the USA? (i'm not saying he used auto-tune, i don't care at all)

That's a hilarious point, well spotted. To be honest, I think vocals in Our Shangri-La sounds a little bit post-processed, but who listen to the studio version anyway?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on October 11, 2018, 10:54:26 AM
If I remember correctly in the early days of DS Mark played a song called "Nadine" which sounds exactly like "Nadine" by Chuck Berry. Man, surely Mark can change his middle name to Ripoff!

Guy said there is no auto-tune in BG studio 2, but wasn't Shangri-la made in the USA? (i'm not saying he used auto-tune, i don't care at all)

That's a hilarious point, well spotted. To be honest, I think vocals in Our Shangri-La sounds a little bit post-processed, but who listen to the studio version anyway?
I do. Studio versions can be unmatched.
Mark never ever managed to play Sultans live like in the studio - simple and smooth groove...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 11, 2018, 11:03:59 AM
If I remember correctly in the early days of DS Mark played a song called "Nadine" which sounds exactly like "Nadine" by Chuck Berry. Man, surely Mark can change his middle name to Ripoff!

That is because what DS played is a cover of chuck Berry's Nadine LOL
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: olazabalrok on October 11, 2018, 03:05:06 PM
If I remember correctly in the early days of DS Mark played a song called "Nadine" which sounds exactly like "Nadine" by Chuck Berry. Man, surely Mark can change his middle name to Ripoff!

That is because what DS played is a cover of chuck Berry's Nadine LOL

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on October 11, 2018, 03:58:24 PM
If I remember correctly in the early days of DS Mark played a song called "Nadine" which sounds exactly like "Nadine" by Chuck Berry. Man, surely Mark can change his middle name to Ripoff!

Guy said there is no auto-tune in BG studio 2, but wasn't Shangri-la made in the USA? (i'm not saying he used auto-tune, i don't care at all)

That's a hilarious point, well spotted. To be honest, I think vocals in Our Shangri-La sounds a little bit post-processed, but who listen to the studio version anyway?
I do. Studio versions can be unmatched.
Mark never ever managed to play Sultans live like in the studio - simple and smooth groove...
I feel that is nowhere more the case than with solid rock. The live versions never seemed to catch the raw power from the album version

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 11, 2018, 05:36:31 PM
If I remember correctly in the early days of DS Mark played a song called "Nadine" which sounds exactly like "Nadine" by Chuck Berry. Man, surely Mark can change his middle name to Ripoff!

That is because what DS played is a cover of chuck Berry's Nadine LOL


Mark played Nadine with the NHB too - yes, it is a cover of Chuck Berry's Nadine!    ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Shangri-La on October 11, 2018, 09:38:32 PM
Playtime Deluxe is a simple blues song. There are tons of blues songs in that style, so to say that Mark copied someone is strange.

It' s not a music of Mark, only the lyrics.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on October 11, 2018, 09:51:24 PM
Given all the BS Guy has to put up with I suppose it was a wise decision not to release it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on October 11, 2018, 11:30:16 PM
I LOVE studio versions for many many songs
so much details and guitar parts that you can't reproduce live
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 11, 2018, 11:36:52 PM
I LOVE studio versions for many many songs
so much details and guitar parts that you can't reproduce live

I think most of the time they aren't better or worse, just different.  Mark and the band try to find something in them live and like you say JF there are things like double tracking or overdubs that they just cannot do live.

I was listening to the studio version of Border Reiver a few days ago and found it empty compared to the live versions with those nice licks from Mark.  That's certainly one song where the studio version cannot compare to live versions IMHO.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on October 12, 2018, 10:22:16 AM
Yes totally agree.
LIVE and STUDIO are just different,a dn I prefer artists who don't try to reproduce teh studio versions, but rather play them in a completely different way.

The most iconic to do this are power trio like Hendrix, Cream, Who, etc... who play live very different from studio because they don't have, keyboards, several guitars, etc...

I love Hendrix for example and his songs live or studio are sometimes almost two different songs
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on October 12, 2018, 10:27:41 AM
Yes totally agree.
LIVE and STUDIO are just different,a dn I prefer artists who don't try to reproduce teh studio versions, but rather play them in a completely different way.

The most iconic to do this are power trio like Hendrix, Cream, Who, etc... who play live very different from studio because they don't have, keyboards, several guitars, etc...

I love Hendrix for example and his songs live or studio are sometimes almost two different songs
Even more extreme example would be Bobby d.

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 12, 2018, 11:39:03 AM
I love Privateering studio version because of the clapping, the hey hey chorus and all the metallic sounds that aren't reproduced live. In the case of this song, I rather listen to the studio version than the live one
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 2manyguitars on October 12, 2018, 12:02:10 PM
I think what we have to factor in here guys is marks change in approach (and deterioration) as a performer.

Back in the day DS were (almost) always better live than the studio recordings. The alternate arrangements, the dynamics, extended solos etc (ironically the only song I prefer studio to live is TOL despite 22 minute live versions! Terry never quite got the complexity of picks drumming, and mark never quite got the emotion of the studio solo - Just my opinion). The older MK gets it seems to me that live has become less about an external performance and more about feel, less structured more improv, and to my (admittedly jaded) ears he now struggles to match up to what he can do in the comfort of BG. Its not a criticism, but probably more of a process to do with age and longevity in the industry, and its also probably goes someway to explaining why we get' safe' setlists, and less complexity live.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 12, 2018, 12:22:24 PM
I love Privateering studio version because of the clapping, the hey hey chorus and all the metallic sounds that aren't reproduced live. In the case of this song, I rather listen to the studio version than the live one

I HATE the Privateering studio version because of almost exactly the same reasons. The synth parts, especially at the end, are horribly wrong in this track. The Hey Hey got this "ambitious" complicated rhythm to make it look more intelligent but is totally wrong at the place of this Shanty style song. The chorus is cut in very bad and sounds like it's left from a totally other recording session and just cut into it.
The drumming of the live version's outro is so simple but powerful, I love it and miss it in the album version. This track is a total fail and every single existing live version is much better. Even Mark's vocals are weak and half-arsed on the album, especially the very first "noises" annoy me big time.
Far too much worked-on.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 12, 2018, 12:30:32 PM
It's so nice the different visions that two people would have over the same thing, LOL

I have a friend who hates the live end of "I dug up a diamond" on Emmy's tour. According to him it was just noises with nonsense.

I also know someone who hates speedway ends by the same reason.

And I totally love that ends by the same reason that people hates them :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 12, 2018, 12:43:39 PM
I think what we have to factor in here guys is marks change in approach (and deterioration) as a performer.

Back in the day DS were (almost) always better live than the studio recordings. The alternate arrangements, the dynamics, extended solos etc (ironically the only song I prefer studio to live is TOL despite 22 minute live versions! Terry never quite got the complexity of picks drumming, and mark never quite got the emotion of the studio solo - Just my opinion). The older MK gets it seems to me that live has become less about an external performance and more about feel, less structured more improv, and to my (admittedly jaded) ears he now struggles to match up to what he can do in the comfort of BG. Its not a criticism, but probably more of a process to do with age and longevity in the industry, and its also probably goes someway to explaining why we get' safe' setlists, and less complexity live.


I think that changing the setlist and swapping some songs around each night could be the best thing he could do!  It will inspire him and keep his concentration levels high instead of allowing himself to fall into a comfort zone, which is essentially a false sense of security.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on October 12, 2018, 12:47:16 PM
The song itself is a masterpiece and I love it live from the first time I listened to the Glasgow 2011 version. It's just that the studio cut is shit to me.
I am not sure but I guess this one and Haul Away were recorded directly the next day after the last Bob night in London 2011 because the band was still together? Maybe they should have just included live tracks of those two songs, both were live much more intense and better in 2011.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 2manyguitars on October 12, 2018, 01:10:38 PM
I think what we have to factor in here guys is marks change in approach (and deterioration) as a performer.

Back in the day DS were (almost) always better live than the studio recordings. The alternate arrangements, the dynamics, extended solos etc (ironically the only song I prefer studio to live is TOL despite 22 minute live versions! Terry never quite got the complexity of picks drumming, and mark never quite got the emotion of the studio solo - Just my opinion). The older MK gets it seems to me that live has become less about an external performance and more about feel, less structured more improv, and to my (admittedly jaded) ears he now struggles to match up to what he can do in the comfort of BG. Its not a criticism, but probably more of a process to do with age and longevity in the industry, and its also probably goes someway to explaining why we get' safe' setlists, and less complexity live.


I think that changing the setlist and swapping some songs around each night could be the best thing he could do!  It will inspire him and keep his concentration levels high instead of allowing himself to fall into a comfort zone, which is essentially a false sense of security.

But there comes a time for everyone where you cant change all the time, as the saying goes, you cant teach an old dog new tricks. Perhaps this is where mark is at?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on October 12, 2018, 01:25:08 PM
The song itself is a masterpiece and I love it live from the first time I listened to the Glasgow 2011 version. It's just that the studio cut is shit to me.
I am not sure but I guess this one and Haul Away were recorded directly the next day after the last Bob night in London 2011 because the band was still together? Maybe they should have just included live tracks of those two songs, both were live much more intense and better in 2011.

Where did you read that? Never heard about that

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 12, 2018, 01:43:05 PM
The song itself is a masterpiece and I love it live from the first time I listened to the Glasgow 2011 version. It's just that the studio cut is shit to me.
I am not sure but I guess this one and Haul Away were recorded directly the next day after the last Bob night in London 2011 because the band was still together? Maybe they should have just included live tracks of those two songs, both were live much more intense and better in 2011.

Where did you read that? Never heard about that

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Actually I think both were recorded before tour with Dylan because of the difference between the studio and live version. For example, "haul away" intro in studio is totally different to the one they play live... If it had be recorded after Dylan tour they would had recorded the same intro... Which is the same they keep playing, so probably that different intro was recorded before and they didn't like it when playing live...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Stanko on October 12, 2018, 09:41:02 PM
I think what we have to factor in here guys is marks change in approach (and deterioration) as a performer.

Back in the day DS were (almost) always better live than the studio recordings. The alternate arrangements, the dynamics, extended solos etc (ironically the only song I prefer studio to live is TOL despite 22 minute live versions! Terry never quite got the complexity of picks drumming, and mark never quite got the emotion of the studio solo - Just my opinion). The older MK gets it seems to me that live has become less about an external performance and more about feel, less structured more improv, and to my (admittedly jaded) ears he now struggles to match up to what he can do in the comfort of BG. Its not a criticism, but probably more of a process to do with age and longevity in the industry, and its also probably goes someway to explaining why we get' safe' setlists, and less complexity live.


I think that changing the setlist and swapping some songs around each night could be the best thing he could do!  It will inspire him and keep his concentration levels high instead of allowing himself to fall into a comfort zone, which is essentially a false sense of security.

But there comes a time for everyone where you cant change all the time, as the saying goes, you cant teach an old dog new tricks. Perhaps this is where mark is at?
I believe we always get the best of possible from given in the end, and it's always a compromise of course, it has to be that way, but what you can be sure when it comes  to Mark is that is always in Your behalf! end you know, it's never a "done deal", you can't plan it or be sure about it, it is just the best from what Marks wants combined with a current line up and their, always unique, distinctive personality.
Intangible if you try comprehend it if you ask me.
I would say "well just play!" as he tells to Chet in There'll Be Some Changes Made!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: mschaap on October 12, 2018, 10:55:24 PM
I think what we have to factor in here guys is marks change in approach (and deterioration) as a performer.

Back in the day DS were (almost) always better live than the studio recordings. The alternate arrangements, the dynamics, extended solos etc (ironically the only song I prefer studio to live is TOL despite 22 minute live versions! Terry never quite got the complexity of picks drumming, and mark never quite got the emotion of the studio solo - Just my opinion). The older MK gets it seems to me that live has become less about an external performance and more about feel, less structured more improv, and to my (admittedly jaded) ears he now struggles to match up to what he can do in the comfort of BG. Its not a criticism, but probably more of a process to do with age and longevity in the industry, and its also probably goes someway to explaining why we get' safe' setlists, and less complexity live.


Fully agree with you, well said. Back in the day arrangements got developed and enhanced, nowadays the live versions seem to be somewhat pale imitations of the studio versions. The band does a rather good job however Mark’s parts would always remain the most important to me for these tunes. I might sound a bit harsh here but singing/mumbling (too often out of tune) combined with rusty (to put it mildly) guitar leads can’t compete with the carefully produced studio recordings imho. Can’t blame Mark for this because I wouldn’t expect anything radically different from this for an artist of his age and stage in his career. The more amazing it is he still produces one wonderful album after another.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on October 13, 2018, 09:03:11 AM
And it's not that bad at all.
Last concert I attended was Sion 2015. It is not Mark's best concert ever by technical standards, but it is still excellent. TR from that night is slower and simpler than, say, Lyon 2005, but it is quite well played and very enjoyable to listen again. SAN, KOG,BIA, HFB, and even Sultans at times (Sion is one of them) were very well played in 2015.
We are a bunch of spoil kids :) 99,9% of the people attending one of Mark's concerts don't go into small details like we do, and just say "it was magical"...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: crimmer on October 15, 2018, 12:38:20 PM
And it's not that bad at all.
Last concert I attended was Sion 2015. It is not Mark's best concert ever by technical standards, but it is still excellent. TR from that night is slower and simpler than, say, Lyon 2005, but it is quite well played and very enjoyable to listen again. SAN, KOG,BIA, HFB, and even Sultans at times (Sion is one of them) were very well played in 2015.
We are a bunch of spoil kids :) 99,9% of the people attending one of Mark's concerts don't go into small details like we do, and just say "it was magical"...

 :thumbsup :clap :) agreed
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 15, 2018, 12:42:33 PM
And it's not that bad at all.
Last concert I attended was Sion 2015. It is not Mark's best concert ever by technical standards, but it is still excellent. TR from that night is slower and simpler than, say, Lyon 2005, but it is quite well played and very enjoyable to listen again. SAN, KOG,BIA, HFB, and even Sultans at times (Sion is one of them) were very well played in 2015.
We are a bunch of spoil kids :) 99,9% of the people attending one of Mark's concerts don't go into small details like we do, and just say "it was magical"...

 :thumbsup :clap :) agreed

I agree too!    Manchester was very good in 2015 and I still listen/watch with pleasure - it was extra-long too and MK seemed pretty energetic and in good spirits.   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: crimmer on October 15, 2018, 12:45:41 PM
And it's not that bad at all.
Last concert I attended was Sion 2015. It is not Mark's best concert ever by technical standards, but it is still excellent. TR from that night is slower and simpler than, say, Lyon 2005, but it is quite well played and very enjoyable to listen again. SAN, KOG,BIA, HFB, and even Sultans at times (Sion is one of them) were very well played in 2015.
We are a bunch of spoil kids :) 99,9% of the people attending one of Mark's concerts don't go into small details like we do, and just say "it was magical"...

Manchester was great strong sultans and hill farmers really enjoyed it and listen too it quiet often

 :thumbsup :clap :) agreed

I agree too!    Manchester was very good in 2015 and I still listen/watch with pleasure - it was extra-long too and MK seemed pretty energetic and in good spirits.   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on October 29, 2018, 05:57:36 PM
GF today: "Another single on its way I understand...and this one is a KILLER"
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: PensaGhost on October 29, 2018, 05:59:31 PM
GF today: "Another single on its way I understand...and this one is a KILLER"

interesting, implying it's much better than the first
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on October 29, 2018, 06:00:51 PM
GF today: "Another single on its way I understand...and this one is a KILLER"

interesting, implying it's much better than the first

Or maybe he's talking about the 'louder' song with guitars drums etc.?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 29, 2018, 06:04:15 PM
GF today: "Another single on its way I understand...and this one is a KILLER"

interesting, implying it's much better than the first

Or maybe he's talking about the 'louder' song with guitars drums etc.?

I hope it'll be Heavy Up.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: JF on October 29, 2018, 06:11:58 PM
GF today: "Another single on its way I understand...and this one is a KILLER"

interesting, implying it's much better than the first

Or maybe he's talking about the 'louder' song with guitars drums etc.?

I hope it'll be Heavy Up.

noooooooooo  not heavy up ! :disbelief

I hope it will be back on the dance floor or trapper man :P 8)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on April 01, 2019, 08:48:13 PM
Looks like is not possible anymore to post in Guy's forum.

Would it be just to avoid April's fool jokes?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on April 01, 2019, 09:14:01 PM
Looks like is not possible anymore to post in Guy's forum.

Would it be just to avoid April's fool jokes?

Just during site maintenance, I guess.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on April 16, 2019, 07:19:06 PM
Woah, that's some rant by gn33 on Guy's forum there!  Surprised he actually left it on the forum.  Made a lot of good points I thought and I can't really argue with much of what he said.  gn33 obviously missed his Range Rover endorsement funding last tour.  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on April 16, 2019, 08:43:46 PM
Woah, that's some rant by gn33 on Guy's forum there!  Surprised he actually left it on the forum.  Made a lot of good points I thought and I can't really argue with much of what he said.  gn33 obviously missed his Range Rover endorsement funding last tour.  ;D

It's the tone that makes the music. Some statements which are true but the way he wrote it down is quite harsh and doesn't really create an atmosphere where people are going to agree with it.

Edit: typo
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Kris-b on April 16, 2019, 09:01:14 PM
Woah, that's some rant by gn33 on Guy's forum there!  Surprised he actually left it on the forum.  Made a lot of good points I thought and I can't really argue with much of what he said.  gn33 obviously missed his Range Rover endorsement funding last tour.  ;D

It's the tone that makes the music. Some statements which are true but the say he wrote it down is quite harsh and doesn't really create an atmosphere where people are going to agree with it.

Exactly my thoughts when I read that post.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on April 16, 2019, 10:17:39 PM
I can totally agree with it and think that this guy totally nailed it. (and no,  it's not me). This Gin shit is indeed the reason I am selling my ticket, or better, the (literally) drip that overflows the barrel for me. Pretty arrogant answer from Guy about that man in one of the later posts by the way. Fits perfectly.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on April 16, 2019, 10:20:04 PM
I can totally agree with it and think that this guy totally nailed it. (and no,  it's not me). This Gin shit is indeed the reason I am selling my ticket, or better, the (literally) drip that overflows the barrel for me. Pretty arrogant answer from Guy about that man in one of the later posts by the way. Fits perfectly.


You are selling your ticket?  :o That i cannot understand. You are doing yourself short and MK doesn't care at all  :hmm so, why??
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on April 16, 2019, 10:32:31 PM
I can totally agree with it and think that this guy totally nailed it. (and no,  it's not me). This Gin shit is indeed the reason I am selling my ticket, or better, the (literally) drip that overflows the barrel for me. Pretty arrogant answer from Guy about that man in one of the later posts by the way. Fits perfectly.


Wow. That I can't understand why you would sell your tickets because of a bottle of gin..... Besides, why would one would post such a harsh rant at Guys forum? His headband isn't on the bottle is it? It's only a bottle of gin... It's not like MK is promoting alcoholism and anyone who says that he is I simply cannot take seriously.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on April 16, 2019, 11:28:49 PM
I can totally agree with it and think that this guy totally nailed it. (and no,  it's not me). This Gin shit is indeed the reason I am selling my ticket, or better, the (literally) drip that overflows the barrel for me. Pretty arrogant answer from Guy about that man in one of the later posts by the way. Fits perfectly.


I'm also not a fan of this whole Gin situation. Even Mark himself admitted somewhere that it's a kind of a product for collectors to buy as an investment, sort of as his own Gibson Les Paul guitar. And if even MK admits it, why do it in the first place? I guess because he can't say no.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on April 17, 2019, 12:16:44 AM
I can totally agree with it and think that this guy totally nailed it. (and no,  it's not me). This Gin shit is indeed the reason I am selling my ticket, or better, the (literally) drip that overflows the barrel for me. Pretty arrogant answer from Guy about that man in one of the later posts by the way. Fits perfectly.


You are selling your ticket?  :o That i cannot understand. You are doing yourself short and MK doesn't care at all  :hmm so, why??

As we say here: cutting off your nose to spite your face.  Not his finest moment but he's done much worse in my book and I've overlooked it in favour of his music.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 2manyguitars on April 17, 2019, 12:42:31 AM
Have people ever considered that these little ventures actually might be to offset the cost of touring, or recording, because lets face it, artists make next to zero through album sales with the onset of streaming, and every other major artists ticket prices have become massively inflated in recent years. I'd be hesitant to judge any of MKs corporate activities without insider knowledge.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on April 17, 2019, 11:28:40 AM
I can totally agree with it and think that this guy totally nailed it. (and no,  it's not me). This Gin shit is indeed the reason I am selling my ticket, or better, the (literally) drip that overflows the barrel for me. Pretty arrogant answer from Guy about that man in one of the later posts by the way. Fits perfectly.


You are selling your ticket?  :o That i cannot understand. You are doing yourself short and MK doesn't care at all  :hmm so, why??

As we say here: cutting off your nose to spite your face.  Not his finest moment but he's done much worse in my book and I've overlooked it in favour of his music.

 :thumbsup    Nobody's perfect and MK is most definitely flawed.  It wouldn't stop me buying his albums or seeing him in concert, though. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on April 17, 2019, 11:29:03 AM
Yeah, the tone of that post was too harsh. I also agree with several of his points, but sometimes you need to put some sugar in it. Guy's later response was inappropriate, I think.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on April 17, 2019, 11:38:08 AM
Maybe we should remind Guy of this answer from 2010?

By: stephan martin
Categories: Miscellaneous
April 19, 2010 The tour is now well under way and still no mention of the traditional Vitamin G.– Are you guys feeling ok? 😉

I feel great. Believe it or not, I’ve given up all spirits. The long term effects of gin are not to be trifled with, in fact I’m drinking a lot less. Fitness is very important and drinking just ends up making it difficult. No great loss I have to say.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on April 17, 2019, 11:45:00 AM
Maybe we should remind Guy of this answer from 2010?

By: stephan martin
Categories: Miscellaneous
April 19, 2010 The tour is now well under way and still no mention of the traditional Vitamin G.– Are you guys feeling ok? 😉

I feel great. Believe it or not, I’ve given up all spirits. The long term effects of gin are not to be trifled with, in fact I’m drinking a lot less. Fitness is very important and drinking just ends up making it difficult. No great loss I have to say.

Good idea!  I'd love to hear what he has to say!     ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on April 17, 2019, 12:15:36 PM
Maybe we should remind Guy of this answer from 2010?

By: stephan martin
Categories: Miscellaneous
April 19, 2010 The tour is now well under way and still no mention of the traditional Vitamin G.– Are you guys feeling ok? 😉

I feel great. Believe it or not, I’ve given up all spirits. The long term effects of gin are not to be trifled with, in fact I’m drinking a lot less. Fitness is very important and drinking just ends up making it difficult. No great loss I have to say.

 :lol :lol :lol :lol

Absolutely brilliant!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: kaleo74 on April 17, 2019, 03:49:59 PM
Other personalities also do it like actor Rayan Reynolds, but I must admit that I'm not a fan of alcoholic beverages, I think his son is in the alcohol business too, this would explain that, but on overall, it's a commercial approach thats it. I understand that it can affect some people and that it doesn't bother others, as long as he doesn't take a bottle of Gin before his show, I'm okay with that  :)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on April 17, 2019, 09:26:59 PM
Sting owns a vineyard and produce some beautiful and affordable wine. I'm not a fan of strong alcohol so Mark's gin is not for me anyway.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: kaleo74 on April 17, 2019, 09:53:10 PM
Sting owns a vineyard and produce some beautiful and affordable wine. I'm not a fan of strong alcohol so Mark's gin is not for me anyway.

If it was named "They dance alone" I would have had an idea about who's the influencer
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Billy’s Tune on April 19, 2019, 08:41:22 AM
First tour post now on Guy’s site
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on April 20, 2019, 03:43:40 PM
Nice. I'm looking forward to it!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on April 21, 2019, 05:42:57 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: kaleo74 on April 21, 2019, 05:45:20 PM
The latest entry of Guy’s diary is pretty interesting and exciting can’t wait for the show here in Montreal.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: kaleo74 on April 21, 2019, 06:21:34 PM
A blue Rickenbacker guitar ! never seeing this before ?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on April 21, 2019, 06:22:31 PM
A blue Rickenbacker guitar ! never seeing this before ?

Indeed a new one. Also impressive percussion stuff.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on April 21, 2019, 07:12:30 PM
A blue Rickenbacker guitar ! never seeing this before ?

RB's? It's his tech.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on May 01, 2019, 06:15:27 PM
I really don't understand these people who are STILL posting about setlists on his forum...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: straitsway75 on May 01, 2019, 09:55:52 PM
I really don't understand these people who are STILL posting about setlists on his forum...
Yes, I agree with you, so you do nothing but annoy the only direct channel that we have among the people closest to Mark, even if sometimes not exhaustive, but still the only one for better or for worse is what Guy has been until now  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on May 02, 2019, 12:34:03 PM
I really don't understand these people who are STILL posting about setlists on his forum...

Some people are never satisfied....Grrrr...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on July 11, 2019, 08:55:09 PM
interesting interview with Paul Franklin got posted on the forum, MK part starts around the 14 min mark.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dave on July 14, 2019, 07:08:09 PM
interesting interview with Paul Franklin got posted on the forum, MK part starts around the 14 min mark.

Thanks Pottel,
Haven’t seen that before. Nice insight in the man and the instrument.
Btw: I am sure I saw him playing Rotterdam in 1992, not Amsterdam ;-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on July 14, 2019, 07:16:35 PM
interesting interview with Paul Franklin got posted on the forum, MK part starts around the 14 min mark.

Thanks Pottel,
Haven’t seen that before. Nice insight in the man and the instrument.
Btw: I am sure I saw him playing Rotterdam in 1992, not Amsterdam ;-)
Lol, was thinking the exact same thing

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on July 18, 2019, 08:23:25 PM
Curious why Guy is so slow at responding to questions/comments.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: PensaGhost on August 21, 2019, 04:54:44 PM
No GF Diaries in the USA ? quite strange
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 21, 2019, 05:19:52 PM
No GF Diaries in the USA ? quite strange

There have been three so far - Mashantucket, Philadelphia and Vienna.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 21, 2019, 07:43:54 PM
No GF Diaries in the USA ? quite strange

There is but in another section, incorrectly linked in the main page but it's in the list of tour diaries...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 2manyguitars on August 21, 2019, 08:22:01 PM
No GF Diaries in the USA ? quite strange

There is but in another section, incorrectly linked in the main page but it's in the list of tour diaries...

Or just click 'next' on the final European entry and it will drop you straight into the first US entry....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on August 22, 2019, 07:58:26 AM
https://guyfletcher.co.uk/2019-north-american-tour-diary/    :wave :wave

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 25, 2019, 08:36:21 PM
From the Montreal diary:

" We enjoyed an elongated sound check, exploring something that we will play on the final show in MSG."

I wonder what that might be?   :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on August 25, 2019, 10:35:42 PM
From the Montreal diary:

" We enjoyed an elongated sound check, exploring something that we will play on the final show in MSG."

I wonder what that might be?   :think

Radio City Serenade?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 25, 2019, 10:44:14 PM
From the Montreal diary:

" We enjoyed an elongated sound check, exploring something that we will play on the final show in MSG."

I wonder what that might be?   :think

Radio City Serenade?

Why worry, or some other boring song, that submariner thing, or scaffolders wife, or Shangri la ...

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: herlock on August 25, 2019, 10:47:02 PM
From the Montreal diary:

" We enjoyed an elongated sound check, exploring something that we will play on the final show in MSG."

I wonder what that might be?   :think

Radio City Serenade?

Why worry, or some other boring song, that submariner thing, or scaffolders wife, or Shangri la ...

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk
As boring as all that matters ? Hope not :p
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 25, 2019, 10:51:25 PM
From the Montreal diary:

" We enjoyed an elongated sound check, exploring something that we will play on the final show in MSG."

I wonder what that might be?   :think

Radio City Serenade?


It would be something beautiful. The song is very... New York
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 25, 2019, 11:01:31 PM
From the Montreal diary:

" We enjoyed an elongated sound check, exploring something that we will play on the final show in MSG."

I wonder what that might be?   :think

Radio City Serenade?


It would be something beautiful. The song is very... New York
God pls no....mark at his most boring. Let him pls do camerado, long highway, oahoma ponies or something else that moves...

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 25, 2019, 11:04:37 PM
From the Montreal diary:

" We enjoyed an elongated sound check, exploring something that we will play on the final show in MSG."

I wonder what that might be?   :think

Radio City Serenade?


It would be something beautiful. The song is very... New York
God pls no....mark at his most boring. Let him pls do camerado, long highway, oahoma ponies or something else that moves...

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Seriously, Long Highway would be my preference to the snoozefest of aforementioned songs.  Mark at his most boring absolutely. :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 25, 2019, 11:06:12 PM
From the Montreal diary:

" We enjoyed an elongated sound check, exploring something that we will play on the final show in MSG."

I wonder what that might be?   :think

Radio City Serenade?


It would be something beautiful. The song is very... New York
God pls no....mark at his most boring. Let him pls do camerado, long highway, oahoma ponies or something else that moves...

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Seriously, Long Highway would be my preference to the snoozefest of aforementioned songs.  Mark at his most boring absolutely. :thumbsup
And that people,... that means something!!

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on August 26, 2019, 04:45:43 AM
Don't underestimate the power of boredom, folks.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 26, 2019, 12:23:40 PM
I actually think that "Radio City Serenade" is one of the most beautiful tracks that MK had written...

That piano entry with the horns sound from the bay, the sax and trumpet intro, a haunting melody and lyrics, that great little part at the end when a strings sections appears playing the main melody together with the sax and trumpet...

That's the kind of stuff by MK that I love the most. Actually, that's the reason why Privateering wasn't a record I liked when it came out, it mixed such beautiful songs with boring blues... Funnily, it's a record I love nowadays, even with that blues songs on it!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 26, 2019, 12:31:04 PM
Yes it's a wonderful album.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: diremark86 on August 26, 2019, 03:12:20 PM
My first guess is If This Is Goodbye. Think about how fitting that would be. Bonnie can sing with it. Its in New York. Last show of the likely last tour.

Second would be Our Shangri La, which personally, I am praying for in LA.

Last, and far less likely, would be Back On The Dancefloor, but I can't see them practicing something so complex for one show.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 26, 2019, 03:15:23 PM
My first guess is If This Is Goodbye. Think about how fitting that would be. Bonnie can sing with it. Its in New York. Last show of the likely last tour.

Second would be Our Shangri La, which personally, I am praying for in LA.

Last, and far less likely, would be Back On The Dancefloor, but I can't see them practicing something so complex for one show.

If they don't play Dancefloor Guy is leaving so Guy may have been pleading with Mark for that one! :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on August 26, 2019, 04:24:53 PM
My first guess is If This Is Goodbye. Think about how fitting that would be. Bonnie can sing with it. Its in New York. Last show of the likely last tour.

Second would be Our Shangri La, which personally, I am praying for in LA.

Last, and far less likely, would be Back On The Dancefloor, but I can't see them practicing something so complex for one show.
Interesting idea

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rockaway on August 27, 2019, 12:16:42 AM
I actually think that "Radio City Serenade" is one of the most beautiful tracks that MK had written...

That piano entry with the horns sound from the bay, the sax and trumpet intro, a haunting melody and lyrics, that great little part at the end when a strings sections appears playing the main melody together with the sax and trumpet...

That's the kind of stuff by MK that I love the most. Actually, that's the reason why Privateering wasn't a record I liked when it came out, it mixed such beautiful songs with boring blues... Funnily, it's a record I love nowadays, even with that blues songs on it!

I agree, Radio City Serenade is lovely, one of my favorites as well. I still don't like Privateering all that much minus a few songs, maybe the rest will grow on me
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vr46mk on August 27, 2019, 07:06:25 AM
My first guess is If This Is Goodbye. Think about how fitting that would be. Bonnie can sing with it. Its in New York. Last show of the likely last tour.

Second would be Our Shangri La, which personally, I am praying for in LA.

Last, and far less likely, would be Back On The Dancefloor, but I can't see them practicing something so complex for one show.

If they don't play Dancefloor Guy is leaving so Guy may have been pleading with Mark for that one! :lol

Yes i remember that post from Guy  :lol you can remind him after MSG about leaving the band, don't think they will play it... Doesn't fit the brass really when listening to album version... Same with trapper, probably why it's been skipped as well as OSAAT.. they should focus more on MK than the backing brass guys.. OSAAT was obvious in my pre-tour setlist..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 27, 2019, 08:36:43 AM
Actually they can play "Trapper Man" with Bonnie Raitt, the song has brass arrangements, but they are very low in the mix, and also have chorus with female vocals ... and we know they had rehearsed that song for the tour.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: TheTimeWasWrong on August 28, 2019, 12:20:09 AM
What about I Dug Up A Diamond? He played that one in 2013, could be a great guitar duet during the outro.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pierre on August 28, 2019, 12:07:59 PM
I dug up a diamond is a great song but if we are looking for something meant to close the show I don't think it would be fitting.

Wherever I go maybe?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 28, 2019, 12:19:16 PM
I dug up a diamond is a great song but if we are looking for something meant to close the show I don't think it would be fitting.

Wherever I go maybe?

If this is goodbye
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vr46mk on September 25, 2019, 06:23:34 AM
Saw an answer to a question regarding TR being permanently dropped. Guy said it was because the Pensa "sounded awful"...

How awful? I think the soundboards from Spain sound good, to all of you who heard TR in Spain/Portugal, what's your opinion? I really hoped to hear it this tour and was a bit sad when it was dropped.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 25, 2019, 07:13:58 AM
Saw an answer to a question regarding TR being permanently dropped. Guy said it was because the Pensa "sounded awful"...

How awful? I think the soundboards from Spain sound good, to all of you who heard TR in Spain/Portugal, what's your opinion? I really hoped to hear it this tour and was a bit sad when it was dropped.

It was a sarcastic reply to a silly question.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on September 25, 2019, 07:34:17 AM
Saw an answer to a question regarding TR being permanently dropped. Guy said it was because the Pensa "sounded awful"...

How awful? I think the soundboards from Spain sound good, to all of you who heard TR in Spain/Portugal, what's your opinion? I really hoped to hear it this tour and was a bit sad when it was dropped.

It was a sarcastic reply to a silly question.

Totally. Did you expect this kind of answer from always the best, each show is the best show we’ve ever played guy? ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on September 25, 2019, 10:09:49 AM

It was a sarcastic reply to a silly question.

Totally. Did you expect this kind of answer from always the best, each show is the best show we’ve ever played guy? ;D

On the contrary, I didn't find it surprising. He probably had a little wry smile while writing it ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 20, 2019, 11:44:04 AM
Question:  In the spirit of ‘always looking forward’, is there a sliver of possibility of hearing some new music in 2020? Probably the musical is coming which is great and I know you can’t say anything officially but if I was to ask the question, ‘Is 2020 going to be busy for you doing this and that,’ what might you say?

Guy's answer: There’s always a chance. Right now Mark and I are in working on some revisions to the musical which will be at the Old Vic in London in June 2020.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on December 20, 2019, 12:45:19 PM
Silly reply. As all too often

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 20, 2019, 12:55:56 PM
Silly reply. As all too often

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Well, at least we know they are working and not on holidays :-P

I hope whatever they are doing it end recording the Musical cd, and hopefully with MK playing  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on December 20, 2019, 02:22:14 PM
Thank you jbaent:)

I still believe that we will hear Local Hero MK on the album.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on December 22, 2019, 01:21:53 PM
I honestly don't like visiting Guy's Q and A forum anymore. All too often he completely ignores decent, honest questions, and when he decides to answer, the answers are often curt, almost rude. What gives?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on December 22, 2019, 02:25:48 PM
I honestly don't like visiting Guy's Q and A forum anymore. All too often he completely ignores decent, honest questions, and when he decides to answer, the answers are often curt, almost rude. What gives?
Kinda agree.at the same time realising how difficult his position is

sent from my Samsung Galaxy 9+ via tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Mossguitar on January 18, 2020, 09:18:04 AM
I love the answeres and hate the questions.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on January 18, 2020, 01:14:05 PM
I love the answeres and hate the questions.

What you would expect, the majority of questions is something he obviously can't answer (setlist, future releases, plain stupid ones).
For people who ask 10 questions in one question he usually answers only 1, because what else you would expect. Just ask one question...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 19, 2020, 10:23:14 AM
I love the answeres and hate the questions.

Actually when I read his forum, the first read I do is always the answer column and if I have free time sometimes read the questions just in case i can help with some answers that Guy didn't feel like answer himself...

His forum is usually where we can know what they are doing, but only if he wants or can answer. That's how we knew he and MK were working in December on some changes for the London run of the Local Hero Musical.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on January 19, 2020, 11:34:19 AM
Guy's forum is an open forum and as it is the nearest point to reach Mark it is evident that 99% of the question asked are Mark related and that Guy can't really answer.
So it is a sort of a big frustration being at the same time so close to the Master and still not being able to get communication with him.
Many years ago I was one of these until I realised my mistake.
So once you have revised your behaving things may are going better.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Mossguitar on January 29, 2020, 04:39:25 AM
Yep, you have to get his humor, you have to make every question Guy-related and you have to know how to behave properly. If you comply, he’ll answere all your questions. Most questionaires don’t, it seems.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on January 30, 2020, 12:33:48 PM
It is quite obvious how Guy has become less and less patient over the years. Fifteen years ago he would answer almost anything, even extensively.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 30, 2020, 12:52:49 PM
His forum is quiet these days... not only him answering late but nobody has asked anything in a week!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on January 31, 2020, 09:33:24 AM
The quietness tells me that work is in progress. The secrecy thing is back, so I'm guessing the musical is a big part of what's going on. He knows we would like to know, really, and I think he likes to provide us info when he can  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on March 24, 2020, 10:20:05 AM
Judging by Guy's answer to my question on his forum, we might have a new Mark Knopfler song issued soon:

Hi Guy,

I this difficult time for everyone around the world, would it be possible for Mark to release a track that has not seen the light of day before? maybe on his YouTube channel? I am sure this would make his fans a bit happier. I understand if this is not possible.

Answer: I’m sure it would be
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on March 24, 2020, 11:44:35 AM
Judging by Guy's answer to my question on his forum, we might have a new Mark Knopfler song issued soon:

Hi Guy,

I this difficult time for everyone around the world, would it be possible for Mark to release a track that has not seen the light of day before? maybe on his YouTube channel? I am sure this would make his fans a bit happier. I understand if this is not possible.

Answer: I’m sure it would be

It would be, but it doesn't mean it will be :lol

I don't think anything will be released soon, but I always hope for sure.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on March 24, 2020, 11:59:47 AM
I agree, I just wasn't expecting Guy to give that reply. I will keep fingers crossed. I was thinking they must have lots of songs already recorded just sitting on the shelf, including ones we already know about, so it is possible one could be released.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: vr46mk on March 24, 2020, 12:32:09 PM
Judging by Guy's answer to my question on his forum, we might have a new Mark Knopfler song issued soon:

Hi Guy,

I this difficult time for everyone around the world, would it be possible for Mark to release a track that has not seen the light of day before? maybe on his YouTube channel? I am sure this would make his fans a bit happier. I understand if this is not possible.

Answer: I’m sure it would be

His standard short answers  :lol

I think he means he is sure it would be nice for us fans with a new song, not necessarily that it will happen at all..

Why not release Back in the Day?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on March 24, 2020, 02:24:51 PM
I agree, I just wasn't expecting Guy to give that reply. I will keep fingers crossed. I was thinking they must have lots of songs already recorded just sitting on the shelf, including ones we already know about, so it is possible one could be released.

I doubt it, doesn't sound like something MK would do. I would be thrilled though if so!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on March 24, 2020, 03:01:20 PM
I agree, I just wasn't expecting Guy to give that reply. I will keep fingers crossed. I was thinking they must have lots of songs already recorded just sitting on the shelf, including ones we already know about, so it is possible one could be released.

I doubt it, doesn't sound like something MK would do. I would be thrilled though if so!!

These are unprecedented times but you're right - this would be uncharacteristic of Mark.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on March 24, 2020, 03:09:22 PM
Mark hosting a radio show is also uncharacteristic.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: holaknopfler on March 24, 2020, 03:35:23 PM
Mark hosting a radio show is also uncharacteristic.

Didn't think of that. Good point. Let's hope for a miracle to happen ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on March 24, 2020, 06:47:52 PM
It is possible

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on March 24, 2020, 07:34:35 PM
Mark hosting a radio show is also uncharacteristic.

Didn't think of that. Good point. Let's hope for a miracle to happen ;D

Comeback of the year there!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on March 25, 2020, 12:12:18 AM
Let's be clear here, the Coronavirus situation gives us not only terrible times indeed, but (don't throw rotten tomatoes at me) it is a great opportunity for any artist to bump their attention game, releasing concerts, videos, songs, etc. And nobody will blame MK if he would jump on that train as well, because artists will do that forever. My guess is that MK would rather write a song about it, instead of dancing on people's tragedy. He's too old school.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on March 28, 2020, 06:39:49 PM

I just want to say a massive Thank you to Dire Straits/Mark Knopfler and the record label for releasing Dire Straits old singles to streaming! Also wanted to make sure all readers of this forum are aware of this if not already. I have really been enjoying listening to these. Here’s a quick run down of what’s available on Spotify and probably other streaming platforms;
Comfort & Joy film music EP by Mark Knopfler enjoying
Heavy Fuel (single) tracks include Planet Of New Orleans and Kingdom Come (very amusing)
Calling Elvis (single) tracks inc!use Iron Hand and Millionaire Blues (another amusing song)
Dire Straits Extended Dance EP . Tracks are Twisting By The Pool, Two Young Lover’s and If I had You.
Normally I can only listen to the Extended Dance EP on vinyl but it’s great that I can listen anywhere.
So grateful and happy about these releases. I’m left wondering what other goodies are in the pipeline…


You’re welcome. Plenty.

That's interesting. Or it may mean nothing :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on March 28, 2020, 06:56:56 PM
Lol, plenty of old stuff yo've already heard a million times before, is finally available in places where it actually belongs, amazing news :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: localhero1986 on April 01, 2020, 10:06:48 PM
Back in the day, before corona came our way. Maybe a release proposal? ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: kaleo74 on April 06, 2020, 07:25:35 PM
Worth the download  ;) Thank you Guy.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on April 09, 2020, 05:26:12 PM
Angelo posted his cover of Why Worry on Guy's forum and asked Guy to pass it to Mark. I'm not a professional at gambling, but I think his chances of Guy passing the message is like... one in a billion, probably. Everybody knows Guy tend to ban everything tribute and covers related, so I'm surprised that some guys don't know that. And that's the reason why I will never ever post anything from my channel on Guy's forum, let alone asking to pass it to Mark. Crazy stuff, but whatever.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on April 09, 2020, 05:49:44 PM
Angelo posted his cover of Why Worry on Guy's forum and asked Guy to pass it to Mark. I'm not a professional at gambling, but I think his chances of Guy passing the message is like... one in a billion, probably. Everybody knows Guy tend to ban everything tribute and covers related, so I'm surprised that some guys don't know that. And that's the reason why I will never ever post anything from my channel on Guy's forum, let alone asking to pass it to Mark. Crazy stuff, but whatever.

Quite bad version in many ways...

The guitar sounds with something that makes it very wrong... An echo? Distortion? I don't know, but it sounds bad.

Not to mention the backing vocals... Or the keyboards...

They lack from a real musical director, someone who really looks after the perfection a cover should chase, specially when you are playing under the "Brothers in Band" name.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on April 09, 2020, 06:58:46 PM
Angelo posted his cover of Why Worry on Guy's forum and asked Guy to pass it to Mark. I'm not a professional at gambling, but I think his chances of Guy passing the message is like... one in a billion, probably. Everybody knows Guy tend to ban everything tribute and covers related, so I'm surprised that some guys don't know that. And that's the reason why I will never ever post anything from my channel on Guy's forum, let alone asking to pass it to Mark. Crazy stuff, but whatever.

Quite bad version in many ways...

The guitar sounds with something that makes it very wrong... An echo? Distortion? I don't know, but it sounds bad.

Not to mention the backing vocals... Or the keyboards...

They lack from a real musical director, someone who really looks after the perfection a cover should chase, specially when you are playing under the "Brothers in Band" name.

Wow, I love your honesty man. I'd never write it down even if I think like that, with the exception when I'm really being pissed off (like my initial reaction to Down The Road Wherever production). I tend to always give people a chance, and I do think that the guys could've done a better job, but at least they try and of course the whole passing to Mark thing is hilarious. The message itself and the song is great, one of Mark's positivity anthems, very appropriate for April 2020.

And absolutely Mark's music is all about details and every microscopic imperfection shines like a lighthouse on a foggy night. So as always it's more complicated than you may think. And nobody ever hates tribute/cover bands, it's always all about the way they play and present themselves.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on April 09, 2020, 07:26:03 PM
Funny to ask Guy to pass it on to Mark.

I think it was pretty good, though. And he's been working on his English. Sounds a lot less Italian than it used to.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: kaleo74 on April 09, 2020, 08:40:32 PM
Angelo posted his cover of Why Worry on Guy's forum and asked Guy to pass it to Mark. I'm not a professional at gambling, but I think his chances of Guy passing the message is like... one in a billion, probably. Everybody knows Guy tend to ban everything tribute and covers related, so I'm surprised that some guys don't know that. And that's the reason why I will never ever post anything from my channel on Guy's forum, let alone asking to pass it to Mark. Crazy stuff, but whatever.

Quite bad version in many ways...

The guitar sounds with something that makes it very wrong... An echo? Distortion? I don't know, but it sounds bad.

Not to mention the backing vocals... Or the keyboards...

They lack from a real musical director, someone who really looks after the perfection a cover should chase, specially when you are playing under the "Brothers in Band" name.

Wow, I love your honesty man. I'd never write it down even if I think like that, with the exception when I'm really being pissed off (like my initial reaction to Down The Road Wherever production). I tend to always give people a chance, and I do think that the guys could've done a better job, but at least they try and of course the whole passing to Mark thing is hilarious. The message itself and the song is great, one of Mark's positivity anthems, very appropriate for April 2020.

And absolutely Mark's music is all about details and every microscopic imperfection shines like a lighthouse on a foggy night. So as always it's more complicated than you may think. And nobody ever hates tribute/cover bands, it's always all about the way they play and present themselves.

..."Mark's music is all about details and every microscopic imperfection shines like a lighthouse on a foggy night" lol true

Nice try Angelo
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on September 05, 2020, 01:43:44 PM
All this news from Guy makes me happy  ;D

I was a tiny bit miffed that he didn’t give a specific example in answer to my question though. I rarely post there these days but worked hard (mentally) to come up with a good question that could lead to an interesting answer.
lol, i SO know the feeling...

It does make me think, should Guy stop the forum and just keep the existing questions as an archive for people to trawl through (like the old diaries.)
Yes he says he enjoys it and wouldn’t do it unless he enjoyed it but we haven’t had a new answer from him for a long time.
I do understand that there’s a lot of questions he can’t or doesn’t know the answer to, as well as having lots of posts that aren’t real questions when you read them carefully.
But the reality is even with what we might consider “good” questions, I can’t remember the last time a question wasn’t answered along the lines of either: “thank you”, “we look forward not back”, “be patient” or “management are aware”.
If he doesn’t enjoy it anymore then he should probably stop.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 23, 2021, 08:15:14 PM

We have a plan, and a date for the band sessions.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 23, 2021, 08:29:26 PM
Q ......"if Mark hints at resurrecting ‘Two Skinny Kids’ as a tribute for the new album, give him a nudge! Would be nice to hear that song updated."

Guy : "No nudge required".
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: KnopfleRick on August 23, 2021, 08:35:47 PM

We have a plan, and a date for the band sessions.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 23, 2021, 09:00:37 PM

We have a plan, and a date for the band sessions.

Get the kettle on!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on August 23, 2021, 09:16:03 PM

We have a plan, and a date for the band sessions.

Get the kettle on!

By Jove, more tea Vicar!!!! Things hopefully looking up!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Stanko on August 23, 2021, 11:16:51 PM
Q ......"if Mark hints at resurrecting ‘Two Skinny Kids’ as a tribute for the new album, give him a nudge! Would be nice to hear that song updated."

Guy : "No nudge required".
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 24, 2021, 09:03:09 AM
Q ......"if Mark hints at resurrecting ‘Two Skinny Kids’ as a tribute for the new album, give him a nudge! Would be nice to hear that song updated."

Guy : "No nudge required".

I wonder what that means...  :hmm
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on August 24, 2021, 09:15:20 AM
Q ......"if Mark hints at resurrecting ‘Two Skinny Kids’ as a tribute for the new album, give him a nudge! Would be nice to hear that song updated."

Guy : "No nudge required".

I wonder what that means...  :hmm

I take it that MK's already thinking about it or, maybe, he doesn't need reminding about it. :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 24, 2021, 09:20:02 AM

We have a plan, and a date for the band sessions.

I feel tempted to ask him which date  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 24, 2021, 01:08:51 PM
jbaent do it :) Guy is sure to give an exact date  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 24, 2021, 01:13:11 PM
I see that the question is already there :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 24, 2021, 01:43:21 PM
I see that the question is already there :thumbsup

Couldn't resist, but I regret doing it in the end, as it's so tricky finding the way to ask such things when he's a master of ignoring the question or answer without answering, lol

My fault anyway.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 24, 2021, 01:48:58 PM
The question is general. I think he will answer:)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on August 24, 2021, 02:58:30 PM
The question is general. I think he will answer:)

If anyone can remember at least one occasion when Guy revealed a date? I can't. If there are no official announcements, I think it makes no sense to ask Guy about it, and after the announcement, it doesn't make sense either since you know the date anyway :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 24, 2021, 04:08:05 PM
Of course he won't say the exact date. But the question about autumn or winter and  answer, means a lot to us
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on August 24, 2021, 04:39:51 PM
Of course he won't say the exact date. But the question about autumn or winter and  answer, means a lot to us

Agreed, the date and time is irrelevant it's more that he is at all!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on August 24, 2021, 07:37:52 PM
Q ......"if Mark hints at resurrecting ‘Two Skinny Kids’ as a tribute for the new album, give him a nudge! Would be nice to hear that song updated."

Guy : "No nudge required".

I wonder what that means...  :hmm

I take it that MK's already thinking about it or, maybe, he doesn't need reminding about it. :think

Or that Mark doesn't need to be reminded about the song and will record it if he wants.  Never gives much away does our Guy!  :smack
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Stanko on August 24, 2021, 08:28:02 PM
Q ......"if Mark hints at resurrecting ‘Two Skinny Kids’ as a tribute for the new album, give him a nudge! Would be nice to hear that song updated."

Guy : "No nudge required".

I wonder what that means...  :hmm

I take it that MK's already thinking about it or, maybe, he doesn't need reminding about it. :think

Or that Mark doesn't need to be reminded about the song and will record it if he wants.  Never gives much away does our Guy!  :smack
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 26, 2021, 01:46:13 PM
YES. :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on August 26, 2021, 04:25:42 PM
I see that the question is already there :thumbsup

Couldn't resist, but I regret doing it in the end, as it's so tricky finding the way to ask such things when he's a master of ignoring the question or answer without answering, lol

My fault anyway.

He gives a straight answer. Band sessions somewhere this fall
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: benlitmaath on September 21, 2021, 04:51:59 PM
What do band sessions mean? Like when the whole band comes together in the studio and record MK's songs?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on September 21, 2021, 05:12:05 PM
What do band sessions mean? Like when the whole band comes together in the studio and record MK's songs?

Yes, which means that songs are already arranged, thought out, everything is prepared and means the new album on its way. But of course, the album could have more than one session and it means nothing and it easily could be 1 year from release. But either way, it's always something new and exciting. Probably recording diary where Guy will share more photos of cables and miscellaneous things.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on September 21, 2021, 05:45:35 PM
Maybe there is a chance that the album will be released in March just like Tracker.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Darling Pretty on September 21, 2021, 06:41:47 PM
Maybe there is a chance that the album will be released in March just like Tracker.

No Chance. Earliest Sep 22
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on September 21, 2021, 06:43:24 PM
Year of waiting? I don't believe.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on September 21, 2021, 07:08:19 PM
Year of waiting? I don't believe.

Mixing the album always takes a lot of time. My thoughts are also a september release.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 21, 2021, 08:07:43 PM
Maybe there is a chance that the album will be released in March just like Tracker.

Maybe but I'd say a little bit later on in 2022....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 21, 2021, 08:10:50 PM
What do band sessions mean? Like when the whole band comes together in the studio and record MK's songs?

Yes, which means that songs are already arranged, thought out, everything is prepared and means the new album on its way. But of course, the album could have more than one session and it means nothing and it easily could be 1 year from release. But either way, it's always something new and exciting. Probably recording diary where Guy will share more photos of cables and miscellaneous things.

And some microphones for good measure!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 21, 2021, 11:55:49 PM
The other thing is, there is a global delay in vinyl production just now, leading to the bizarre situation where albums are released on Spotify then on vinyl months later. MK might want to wait until people can buy it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 22, 2021, 12:03:19 PM
The other thing is, there is a global delay in vinyl production just now, leading to the bizarre situation where albums are released on Spotify then on vinyl months later. MK might want to wait until people can buy it.

As per this article way back in July..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on September 22, 2021, 12:16:40 PM
Brian May in his recent interview with Rick Beato said that in the UK vinyl sales have surpassed CD sales. I think that's very cool.

Though I won't say it's because vinyl is cool, more because CD format is so inconvenient now that even Vinyl beat it. Crazy!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 22, 2021, 12:21:24 PM
I still buy both, but only new vinyl from my favourite artists.

CDs and used vinyl I pick up cheap second hand. A good 80s CD sounds a lot better than Spotify.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 22, 2021, 12:25:19 PM
It's mainly Vinyl and download these days to be honest. CD's from MK only these days - and purely for 'the collection'
Mind you I only collect Vinyl from The Shadows, Hank, Joe B, DS or MK.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 22, 2021, 12:29:44 PM
Brian May in his recent interview with Rick Beato said that in the UK vinyl sales have surpassed CD sales. I think that's very cool.

Though I won't say it's because vinyl is cool, more because CD format is so inconvenient now that even Vinyl beat it. Crazy!

Again Downloads are so much more convenient than CD but not as nice as Vinyl! Not surprised at all with the CD sales!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 22, 2021, 08:46:28 PM
The problem is it's difficult to get really good CD players now (for prices that normal people can pay). I still buy CDs, but I rip them to FLAC on my computer and stream them over my home network. I actually have about 150-200 CDs stored in FLAC format on my phone, so I can stream from there as well via Chromecast (into a separate DAC). Works very well.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 22, 2021, 11:36:38 PM
I rip to FLAC as well but I have a digital amp so the transport makes no difference (I use a DVD player).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 23, 2021, 12:06:24 AM
I find a lot of DVD and Blu-ray players to be very noisy, same with inexpensive CD players. You hear the disc spinning, plus Blu-ray players often have fans and what not.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 08:02:04 AM
I find a lot of DVD and Blu-ray players to be very noisy, same with inexpensive CD players. You hear the disc spinning, plus Blu-ray players often have fans and what not.

Personally I have a lovely Sony 3D Blu-Ray player that is very silent indeed. But I kind of know what you are getting at......
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on September 23, 2021, 09:05:54 AM
How can CD be inconvenient? you don't need to turn it over, like you do with Vinyl, so I would say it's less inconvenient than Vinyl. I still only buy CD for albums, but for one of songs where I don't want to buy the full album I will download.
I have had a DVD players since they first came out in the mid 90's then Blu-ray, and I have never heard a noisy one, maybe I have just been lucky!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 23, 2021, 09:24:33 AM
How can CD be inconvenient? you don't need to turn it over, like you do with Vinyl, so I would say it's less inconvenient than Vinyl. I still only buy CD for albums, but for one of songs where I don't want to buy the full album I will download.
I have had a DVD players since they first came out in the mid 90's then Blu-ray, and I have never heard a noisy one, maybe I have just been lucky!!

Maybe I'm just very sensitive to noise. We bought a new Samsung Blu-ray (about 200 euro) ten or twelve years ago. It was rubbish. You heard the disc spin, and the (cheaply made) cabinet clearly resonated. My sons Xbox isn't bad, but it has a fan that switches on once in a while, plus you need to have the TV on. What works, though, is to put the player inside a cabinet and on top of foam pads that will kill vibrations. But it's a hassle.

Higher-end CD players are nothing like this and are heavy and silent, but they are just too expensive. No, for me, the most sensible solution is ripping and streaming locally.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2021, 09:38:24 AM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 23, 2021, 09:55:11 AM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

It's not the playback sound I'm talking about, but the mechanical noise of a lot of CD and DVD players. Blessed are those that do not hear these things :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2021, 09:59:36 AM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

It's not the playback sound I'm talking about, but the mechanical noise of a lot of CD and DVD players. Blessed are those that do not hear these things :D

I understood what you meant, but I can't hear the disc rotating on my CD player.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on September 23, 2021, 10:12:45 AM
Neither can I, I bought my current system in 2008 it's a Rotel CD player and Amp, with B&O speakers, it is a high end system that cost about £1500 so at the price I would expect silence, but nowadays there really shouldn't be an excuse for a manufacturer to not to have a silent player, even the cheaper ones.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2021, 10:35:02 AM
@ hunter - I usually transfer my CDs on to a USB stick, plugged into my system and then I can listen to thousands of songs on random, or as individual albums.   They are also on my computer, so I can listen when I'm on line.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 23, 2021, 10:40:59 AM
Neither can I, I bought my current system in 2008 it's a Rotel CD player and Amp, with B&O speakers, it is a high end system that cost about £1500 so at the price I would expect silence, but nowadays there really shouldn't be an excuse for a manufacturer to not to have a silent player, even the cheaper ones.

My latest CD player was a Cambridge Audio 540C. Not high-end, but above entry level. The tray and laser are just cheap plastic crap. Obviously, at louder volumes you don't hear the mechanical noise, but as I live in an apartment, I need to keep the levels down. I had to put the thing inside a cabinet with doors for it to be quiet enough for me.

As for current CD players, a lot of them use cheap mechanisms from China. Since CD sales are dwindling, no-one buys CD players anymore, hence the big electronics manufacturers have no incentive to improve the technhology.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 23, 2021, 10:43:27 AM
@ hunter - I usually transfer my CDs on to a USB stick, plugged into my system and then I can listen to thousands of songs on random, or as individual albums.   They are also on my computer, so I can listen when I'm on line.

That's what I do as well. That is, most of them are on my phone and I can stream them to my hifi via a Chromcast Audio dongle from Google (nifty little gadget).
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 11:38:42 AM
@ hunter - I usually transfer my CDs on to a USB stick, plugged into my system and then I can listen to thousands of songs on random, or as individual albums.   They are also on my computer, so I can listen when I'm on line.

Me too, although I've a lovely Ruark wooden audio system which gives a lovely warm sound to MK's music whether on CD, MP3 or Vinyl....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 11:48:09 AM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2021, 11:57:06 AM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!

Regarding "hissing" I was referring to the days of cassettes, not vinyl.   I have listed previously the disadvantages of vinyl - scratches and clicks, storage (I have a wardrobe full of them) and the most irriatating of all, having to turn the disc over in the middle of a symphony or piano concerto - it just spoils the mood and the same thing is applicable to MK albums.   Sorry!   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 12:00:53 PM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!

Regarding "hissing" I was referring to the days of cassettes, not vinyl.   I have listed previously the disadvantages of vinyl - scratches and clicks, storage (I have a wardrobe full of them) and the most irriatating of all, having to turn the disc over in the middle of a symphony or piano concerto - it just spoils the mood and the same thing is applicable to MK albums.   Sorry!   :)

Oh dear, you are clearly not a Vinyl fan then Superval?!!! Oh well..... :wave

Cassette tapes were just plain rubbish thinking on it now - tape getting unwound, snapping & creasing - need I say more but Vinyl and the sound it creates - just amazing!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2021, 12:12:30 PM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!

Regarding "hissing" I was referring to the days of cassettes, not vinyl.   I have listed previously the disadvantages of vinyl - scratches and clicks, storage (I have a wardrobe full of them) and the most irriatating of all, having to turn the disc over in the middle of a symphony or piano concerto - it just spoils the mood and the same thing is applicable to MK albums.   Sorry!   :)

Oh dear, you are clearly not a Vinyl fan then Superval?!!! Oh well..... :wave

Cassette tapes were just plain - rubbish thinking on it now - tape getting unwound, snapping & creasing - need I say more but Vinyl and the sound it creates - just amazing!

I have listened and loved vinyl since I was about 10 years old, but, believe me, I know all of the disadvantages .  So after I went through the cassette era and CDs arrived it was bliss!   I agree that vinyl has a lovely warm sound and I do, occasionally, dig out something to listen to, but the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.  I must admit, though, that the various clicks have become like old friends and I miss them when I listen to a particular piece of music on CD and they are not there!   ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 12:15:50 PM
Well I'm afraid we shall have to 'agree to disagree' then Superval as I slightly prefer the lovely Vinyl sound.
Similar to you I've been listening to Vinyl since I was 7 (40 years) but boy things have moved on a pace with regards Vinyl technology that you just can't compare to the Vinyl of many years ago .

I admit the 'digital' sound is very good but there is nothing quite like listening to a good old DS/MK LP and cranking the sound up!! and as for my Shadows 'ep's' - just awesome!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2021, 12:26:12 PM
Well I'm afraid we shall have to 'agree to disagree' then Superval as I slightly prefer the lovely Vinyl sound.

I admit the 'digital' sound is very good but there is nothing quite like listening to a good old DS/MK LP and cranking the sound up!!

Well CDs can be cranked up too, which I often do!   :)    btw I do have one MK vinyl, but it has only been played a couple of times, due to having to having to turn it over not once, but twice, because there are four sides!  Approximately two or three songs a side, whereas  I can listen to the CD, or on my usb all through!  ::)   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2021, 12:32:55 PM
...things have moved on a pace with regards Vinyl technology that you just can't compare to the Vinyl of many years ago .

You still have to interrupt the musical experience to turn the disc over  - no amount of technology can do that, or stop the scratches, or solve the storage problem!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 12:43:11 PM
...things have moved on a pace with regards Vinyl technology that you just can't compare to the Vinyl of many years ago .

You still have to interrupt the musical experience to turn the disc over  - no amount of technology can do that, or stop the scratches, or solve the storage problem!

Well of course you have to turn it over unless you get someone else to do it!! When one listen's to Vinyl, one should not be in a rush to turn it over! Not sure I find it interrupting my musical experience, in fact it's the excitement of the tracks to come that i enjoy. You somehow don't get with a CD or even on a memory stick because they just flow which is all a bit of a rush to me.  Storage isn't an issue and in fact they are lovely pieces of memorabilia to have..... Scratches - haven't found any of late.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 12:47:33 PM
Well I'm afraid we shall have to 'agree to disagree' then Superval as I slightly prefer the lovely Vinyl sound.

I admit the 'digital' sound is very good but there is nothing quite like listening to a good old DS/MK LP and cranking the sound up!!

Well CDs can be cranked up too, which I often do!   :)    btw I do have one MK vinyl, but it has only been played a couple of times, due to having to having to turn it over not once, but twice, because there are four sides!  Approximately two or three songs a side, whereas  I can listen to the CD, or on my usb all through!  ::)

Excellent, the more times you have to turn the Vinyl the better!! it heightens the anticipation of the tracks to come unlike playing 'all through' when you are less likely to be concentrating on the music..... :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2021, 12:55:27 PM
Well I'm afraid we shall have to 'agree to disagree' then Superval as I slightly prefer the lovely Vinyl sound.

I admit the 'digital' sound is very good but there is nothing quite like listening to a good old DS/MK LP and cranking the sound up!!

Well CDs can be cranked up too, which I often do!   :)    btw I do have one MK vinyl, but it has only been played a couple of times, due to having to having to turn it over not once, but twice, because there are four sides!  Approximately two or three songs a side, whereas  I can listen to the CD, or on my usb all through!  ::)

Excellent, the more times you have to turn the Vinyl the better!! it heightens the anticipation of the tracks to come unlike playing 'all through' when you are less likely to be concentrating on the music..... :wave

Bye!    :lol     :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 23, 2021, 02:11:33 PM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!

Regarding "hissing" I was referring to the days of cassettes, not vinyl.   I have listed previously the disadvantages of vinyl - scratches and clicks, storage (I have a wardrobe full of them) and the most irriatating of all, having to turn the disc over in the middle of a symphony or piano concerto - it just spoils the mood and the same thing is applicable to MK albums.   Sorry!   :)

I'm in Val's team here and personally can't be arsed with vinyl.  I also think this vinyl thing is just a trend and CDs will have their day once more.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 02:24:42 PM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!

Regarding "hissing" I was referring to the days of cassettes, not vinyl.   I have listed previously the disadvantages of vinyl - scratches and clicks, storage (I have a wardrobe full of them) and the most irriatating of all, having to turn the disc over in the middle of a symphony or piano concerto - it just spoils the mood and the same thing is applicable to MK albums.   Sorry!   :)

I'm in Val's team here and personally can't be arsed with vinyl.  I also think this vinyl thing is just a trend and CDs will have their day once more.

Vals corner for once dmg....sorry not shifting on my love for Vinyl. Not sure there will be a CD resurgence either....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 23, 2021, 02:51:17 PM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!

Regarding "hissing" I was referring to the days of cassettes, not vinyl.   I have listed previously the disadvantages of vinyl - scratches and clicks, storage (I have a wardrobe full of them) and the most irriatating of all, having to turn the disc over in the middle of a symphony or piano concerto - it just spoils the mood and the same thing is applicable to MK albums.   Sorry!   :)

I'm in Val's team here and personally can't be arsed with vinyl.  I also think this vinyl thing is just a trend and CDs will have their day once more.

Vals corner for once dmg....sorry not shifting on my love for Vinyl. Not sure there will be a CD resurgence either....

Vinyl and CD are fighting over the same market share so it's all about the trend.  I think it'll shift at some point, perhaps once vinyl loses its appeal for those who are dipping their toes.  It's obviously trendy, retro or nostalgic for some at the moment.  For collectors it's different due to the box sets and vast back catalogues.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: benlitmaath on September 23, 2021, 04:15:05 PM
Guys, i do not want to speculate on this too much because after all, we just dont know


I know a lot of people are hoping for one last MK tour, even if it's a small tour with some dates in the UK and possibly The Netherlands, Germany, France etc.
I myself am hoping for one last tour because i became obsessed with MK and DS after i picked up the guitar for the first time in April of 2020.

I was too late for MK's 2019 tour and im 21 years old right now, so it's not like i've been around long enough to see DS perform.
I can't let it happen that i won't see MK live in concert ever

Here's the big but:
I've seen some people speculate that Mark's (possibly last) album will be released no sooner than september of 2022.

Mark will be 73 at the time and we've all seen the concerts from 2019...

I can only hope for 1 thing. And that is that MK will get his guitar skills back up there (i'm not saying it is bad right now but the difference between the 2015 and 2019 tour was significant) and give us one last banger of a tour even if it's not a lot of dates.

After all, it is possible. Eric Clapton is on tour in the states right now and he is 76 years old and has been in far better shape.

What is you guys' take on this?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 05:42:31 PM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!

Regarding "hissing" I was referring to the days of cassettes, not vinyl.   I have listed previously the disadvantages of vinyl - scratches and clicks, storage (I have a wardrobe full of them) and the most irriatating of all, having to turn the disc over in the middle of a symphony or piano concerto - it just spoils the mood and the same thing is applicable to MK albums.   Sorry!   :)

I'm in Val's team here and personally can't be arsed with vinyl.  I also think this vinyl thing is just a trend and CDs will have their day once more.

Vals corner for once dmg....sorry not shifting on my love for Vinyl. Not sure there will be a CD resurgence either....

Vinyl and CD are fighting over the same market share so it's all about the trend.  I think it'll shift at some point, perhaps once vinyl loses its appeal for those who are dipping their toes.  It's obviously trendy, retro or nostalgic for some at the moment.  For collectors it's different due to the box sets and vast back catalogues.

Downloads are the future or I should say IS the future....sadly...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 23, 2021, 05:59:25 PM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!

Regarding "hissing" I was referring to the days of cassettes, not vinyl.   I have listed previously the disadvantages of vinyl - scratches and clicks, storage (I have a wardrobe full of them) and the most irriatating of all, having to turn the disc over in the middle of a symphony or piano concerto - it just spoils the mood and the same thing is applicable to MK albums.   Sorry!   :)

I'm in Val's team here and personally can't be arsed with vinyl.  I also think this vinyl thing is just a trend and CDs will have their day once more.

Vals corner for once dmg....sorry not shifting on my love for Vinyl. Not sure there will be a CD resurgence either....

Vinyl and CD are fighting over the same market share so it's all about the trend.  I think it'll shift at some point, perhaps once vinyl loses its appeal for those who are dipping their toes.  It's obviously trendy, retro or nostalgic for some at the moment.  For collectors it's different due to the box sets and vast back catalogues.

Downloads are the future or I should say IS the future....sadly...

I have to agree with you on this occasion, sadly.   There is nothing like the physical article, whether a book or a disc and all that comes with it - the artwork, liner notes.....   Yes, I know they can be downloaded, but its not quite the same somehow.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 06:05:11 PM
I don't find CDs either inconvenient or noisy.   I remember in the past cassettes being very hissy and as for vinyl, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid getting scratches and clicks, also vinyl has to be turned over, interrupting the listening experience.   I have to say, though, I do like the sound of vinyl and I have quite a lot which I have collected over the years, but these are mainly pre-CD and I still listen to them occasionally, clicks included!   :)

Things have most definitely moved on from the 'black and white' days with regards Vinyl - hardly any hissing these days - mind you record playing equipment has indeed moved on too!...

I absolutely love an evening relaxing with the warm sound of MK on Vinyl, and love turning the vinyl over - not great if you are in a rush to listen but as with all  MK music 'great things come to those who wait'!!

Regarding "hissing" I was referring to the days of cassettes, not vinyl.   I have listed previously the disadvantages of vinyl - scratches and clicks, storage (I have a wardrobe full of them) and the most irriatating of all, having to turn the disc over in the middle of a symphony or piano concerto - it just spoils the mood and the same thing is applicable to MK albums.   Sorry!   :)

I'm in Val's team here and personally can't be arsed with vinyl.  I also think this vinyl thing is just a trend and CDs will have their day once more.

Vals corner for once dmg....sorry not shifting on my love for Vinyl. Not sure there will be a CD resurgence either....

Vinyl and CD are fighting over the same market share so it's all about the trend.  I think it'll shift at some point, perhaps once vinyl loses its appeal for those who are dipping their toes.  It's obviously trendy, retro or nostalgic for some at the moment.  For collectors it's different due to the box sets and vast back catalogues.

Downloads are the future or I should say IS the future....sadly...

I have to agree with you on this occasion, sadly.   There is nothing like the physical article, whether a book or a disc and all that comes with it - the artwork, liner notes.....   Yes, I know they can be downloaded, but its not quite the same somehow.

It is very sad indeed.....Gone are the days of a release day and running into: Our Price, John Menzies, WH Smith early to get hold of a copy....thankfully we still have HMV and of course a few independent record stores to obtain our goodies though....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 23, 2021, 06:46:11 PM
Yes, I used to go to Virgins to get mine.  It's not the same downloading it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 23, 2021, 07:03:03 PM
Where exactly is the connection with the topic "Guy's forum" with all this?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 07:31:59 PM
Where exactly is the connection with the topic "Guy's forum" with all this?


And here at last is LE with a diamond quote!!! Go back 3-4 pages and you will note the link with regards the new forthcoming album, Vinyl and gimmicks in box sets - Simples!! :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 23, 2021, 07:35:28 PM
Yes, I used to go to Virgins to get mine.  It's not the same downloading it.

Of course the infamous Virgin Megastores!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on September 24, 2021, 08:21:46 AM
I am still not feeling the whole Vinyl thing, I just prefer CD, with the music I listen to, some of it is continuous, some Mike Oldfield or Pink Floyd albums are meant to be listened to in one go, and the tracks in order, so for me turning a side over would ruin it, I know some of those older albums had a break point build in for this reason though, for example The Great Gig in The Sky ending side one and Money starting side 2 works really well.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on September 24, 2021, 08:32:48 AM
You can spend tens of thousands on excellent equipment, but in the end, it all depends on your ears and your habits. I guess the generation that grew up with CD is just used to it and configurated on it.
Vinyl only sounds better than CD  with a really good equipment. CD sounds good even on a crappy playing device.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 24, 2021, 08:58:55 AM
You can spend tens of thousands on excellent equipment, but in the end, it all depends on your ears and your habits. I guess the generation that grew up with CD is just used to it and configurated on it.
Vinyl only sounds better than CD  with a really good equipment. CD sounds good even on a crappy playing device.


Most people just put their hifi system in the room without much consideration as to where it sounds best. Usually the aesthetic aspects are more important (especially to women), but without proper placement of the speakers and the right listening position, the audio quality will suffer. And you're right, for vinyl to sound really good, there are so many more factors to consider. CDs and digital files are much easier to deal with. A good DAC, a decent stereo amplifier and a set of decent speakers that match the amplifier, are well-suited to the room and properly placed, then you're pretty much set.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 24, 2021, 09:09:37 AM
You can spend tens of thousands on excellent equipment, but in the end, it all depends on your ears and your habits. I guess the generation that grew up with CD is just used to it and configurated on it.
Vinyl only sounds better than CD  with a really good equipment. CD sounds good even on a crappy playing device.


Most people just put their hifi system in the room without much consideration as to where it sounds best. Usually the aesthetic aspects are more important (especially to women), but without proper placement of the speakers and the right listening position, the audio quality will suffer. And you're right, for vinyl to sound really good, there are so many more factors to consider. CDs and digital files are much easier to deal with. A good DAC, a decent stereo amplifier and a set of decent speakers that match the amplifier, are well-suited to the room and properly placed, then you're pretty much set.

Yesterday you were telling us that you could hear your CDs rotating.   Maybe your CD player is too close to your listening position!  Just a thought.  I am a woman btw!  :o
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 24, 2021, 10:09:04 AM
If you can hear a disc spinning surely you are listening too quietly.  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on September 24, 2021, 10:26:47 AM
Exactly, you should not be listening to the drums at the start of Money For Nothing quietly.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 24, 2021, 11:41:43 AM
I am a woman btw!  :o

I know. It wasn't directed at you  ;)  Just pointed out the fact that optimal audio quality often isn't possible in a regular room because of the Wife Acceptance Factor.

I don't have a CD player at the moment, but when I did, I kept in a cabinet with a glass door to avoid hearing it. The cabinet is about four meters away from my listening position.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 24, 2021, 11:45:13 AM
If you can hear a disc spinning surely you are listening too quietly.  :)

I respect my neighbors, man :) Plus I honestly don't like loud listening levels. I mean, it can be fun for a short while, to feel the thump, but I prefer more moderate levels. Less fatiguing, and you pick up a lot more details in the music.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 24, 2021, 12:03:02 PM
I am a woman btw!  :o

I know. It wasn't directed at you  ;)  Just pointed out the fact that optimal audio quality often isn't possible in a regular room because of the Wife Acceptance Factor.

Yes, I know it wasn't directed at me, but it isn't just men who want good audio quality and it isn't just women who want their surroundings looking nice.   I like my home looking as nice as possible, but my speakers are not hidden behind the sofa - they are in the best possible position for good sound and I happen to like the look of them too!    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 24, 2021, 12:23:55 PM
I know hunter is generalising but it's my experience as well, at least with my now ex wife!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 24, 2021, 12:25:54 PM
Of course there are exceptions. Both ways. But I think it's quite obvious what the gender distribution is like if you consider the subsribers of House & Garden versus Stereophile  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 24, 2021, 12:27:08 PM
I'm also on the Steve Hoffman forum, which is basically audiophile forum, and it seems to be exclusively men!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 24, 2021, 12:28:43 PM
Of course there are exceptions. Both ways. But I think it's quite obvious what the gender distribution is like if you consider the subsribers of House & Garden versus Stereophile  ;D

I'm very fortunate that myself and my husband have very similar tastes in house and garden - music too, but he does have his man-cave which helps!    :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 24, 2021, 12:41:45 PM
I'm also on the Steve Hoffman forum, which is basically audiophile forum, and it seems to be exclusively men!

Actually this forum is mainly male-orientated ratio 4:1 at the moment.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on September 24, 2021, 12:53:05 PM
It's a dog-gone sausage fest.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on September 24, 2021, 12:54:13 PM
I'm also on the Steve Hoffman forum, which is basically audiophile forum, and it seems to be exclusively men!

Actually this forum is mainly male-orientated ratio 4:1 at the moment.

Again generalising, probably the case with most online forums, except mumsnet.

Men tend to be nerds!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 24, 2021, 01:23:02 PM
You can spend tens of thousands on excellent equipment, but in the end, it all depends on your ears and your habits. I guess the generation that grew up with CD is just used to it and configurated on it.
Vinyl only sounds better than CD  with a really good equipment. CD sounds good even on a crappy playing device.


Most people just put their hifi system in the room without much consideration as to where it sounds best. Usually the aesthetic aspects are more important (especially to women), but without proper placement of the speakers and the right listening position, the audio quality will suffer. And you're right, for vinyl to sound really good, there are so many more factors to consider. CDs and digital files are much easier to deal with. A good DAC, a decent stereo amplifier and a set of decent speakers that match the amplifier, are well-suited to the room and properly placed, then you're pretty much set.

I just go by the colour.  I've a nice champagne colour CD player.  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on September 24, 2021, 01:45:54 PM
Guys, i do not want to speculate on this too much because after all, we just dont know


I know a lot of people are hoping for one last MK tour, even if it's a small tour with some dates in the UK and possibly The Netherlands, Germany, France etc.
I myself am hoping for one last tour because i became obsessed with MK and DS after i picked up the guitar for the first time in April of 2020.

I was too late for MK's 2019 tour and im 21 years old right now, so it's not like i've been around long enough to see DS perform.
I can't let it happen that i won't see MK live in concert ever

Here's the big but:
I've seen some people speculate that Mark's (possibly last) album will be released no sooner than september of 2022.

Mark will be 73 at the time and we've all seen the concerts from 2019...

I can only hope for 1 thing. And that is that MK will get his guitar skills back up there (i'm not saying it is bad right now but the difference between the 2015 and 2019 tour was significant) and give us one last banger of a tour even if it's not a lot of dates.

After all, it is possible. Eric Clapton is on tour in the states right now and he is 76 years old and has been in far better shape.

What is you guys' take on this?


I hope for a small tour in 2023 with some dates in the UK Europe and US. Max of 40 concerts. . About 15 in the UK and the rest in Europe and some in the US. Nobody knows what will happen
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 24, 2021, 03:04:37 PM
Guys, i do not want to speculate on this too much because after all, we just dont know


I know a lot of people are hoping for one last MK tour, even if it's a small tour with some dates in the UK and possibly The Netherlands, Germany, France etc.
I myself am hoping for one last tour because i became obsessed with MK and DS after i picked up the guitar for the first time in April of 2020.

I was too late for MK's 2019 tour and im 21 years old right now, so it's not like i've been around long enough to see DS perform.
I can't let it happen that i won't see MK live in concert ever

Here's the big but:
I've seen some people speculate that Mark's (possibly last) album will be released no sooner than september of 2022.

Mark will be 73 at the time and we've all seen the concerts from 2019...

I can only hope for 1 thing. And that is that MK will get his guitar skills back up there (i'm not saying it is bad right now but the difference between the 2015 and 2019 tour was significant) and give us one last banger of a tour even if it's not a lot of dates.

After all, it is possible. Eric Clapton is on tour in the states right now and he is 76 years old and has been in far better shape.

What is you guys' take on this?


I hope for a small tour in 2023 with some dates in the UK Europe and US. Max of 40 concerts. . About 15 in the UK and the rest in Europe and some in the US. Nobody knows what will happen

We can only dream and hope of a tour of sorts from the master but unfortunately I just cannot see it....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 24, 2021, 03:08:09 PM
You can spend tens of thousands on excellent equipment, but in the end, it all depends on your ears and your habits. I guess the generation that grew up with CD is just used to it and configurated on it.
Vinyl only sounds better than CD  with a really good equipment. CD sounds good even on a crappy playing device.


Most people just put their hifi system in the room without much consideration as to where it sounds best. Usually the aesthetic aspects are more important (especially to women), but without proper placement of the speakers and the right listening position, the audio quality will suffer. And you're right, for vinyl to sound really good, there are so many more factors to consider. CDs and digital files are much easier to deal with. A good DAC, a decent stereo amplifier and a set of decent speakers that match the amplifier, are well-suited to the room and properly placed, then you're pretty much set.

I just go by the colour.  I've a nice champagne colour CD player.  :lol

How awfully nice dmg  :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 24, 2021, 03:08:35 PM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 24, 2021, 03:09:40 PM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

I agree, but perhaps he may play some 'showcase' shows or similar but I just can't see it to be honest....

Remember his prize quote from the start of the Barcelona 2019 show - 'Must be no more travelling for old Grandad'!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 24, 2021, 04:14:06 PM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

And also some of the band will be aged in 2023 as follows:

Richard Bennett - approaching 72,
Glenn Wharf: 69,
Guy Fletcher: 63,
Mike McGoldrick: 51,
John McCusker: 50,
Ian Thomas: 63,
Danny Cummings: 66....

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 24, 2021, 05:00:20 PM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

I agree, but perhaps he may play some 'showcase' shows or similar but I just can't see it to be honest....

Remember his prize quote from the start of the Barcelona 2019 show - 'Must be no more travelling for old Grandad'!

It's just not happening is it.  Honestly I'm not so disappointed such has been the decline in his performances.

How about finishing the solos on his new albums from now on to compensate!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 24, 2021, 07:06:20 PM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

I agree, but perhaps he may play some 'showcase' shows or similar but I just can't see it to be honest....

Remember his prize quote from the start of the Barcelona 2019 show - 'Must be no more travelling for old Grandad'!

It's just not happening is it.  Honestly I'm not so disappointed such has been the decline in his performances.

How about finishing the solos on his new albums from now on to compensate!

I'm with you with regards the touring thing and convinced it will not happen....Hopefully a little more guitar work in his forthcoming album would be nice.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on September 24, 2021, 07:41:37 PM
So the last concert of MK was at New York MSG in 2019…….
Besides some words at the beginning of the tour that he was thinking about stop touring no words after 10 concerts.
I’ve read somewhere ( i believe it was Guy’s forum) the reactions of the crowds were so overwhelming that he was having doubts. No official word anymore of any kind after that. No press release or something like that, that he stopped touring.
There is also the possibility that he will do some concerts oktober november just after the album release. Perhaps he will not stick at his usual schedule what he has been doing the last 15 years.
No, i think he will do some concerts again… although i do believe his tourschedule will not be the same like the last tour.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 24, 2021, 07:45:56 PM
So the last concert of MK was at New York MSG in 2019…….
Besides some words at the beginning of the tour that he was thinking about stop touring no words after 10 concerts.
I’ve read somewhere ( i believe it was Guy’s forum) the reactions of the crowds were so overwhelming that he was having doubts. No official word anymore of any kind after that. No press release or something like that, that he stopped touring.
There is also the possibility that he will do some concerts oktober november just after the album release. Perhaps he will not stick at his usual schedule what he has been doing the last 15 years.
No, i think he will do some concerts again… although i do believe his tourschedule will not be the same like the last tour.

I like your enthusiasm, but again I just cannot see him touring again - I would love to be wrong but I'm not convinced...

Where are you getting October & November as dates from? When is the album out then?

One off shows perhaps but even then I'm not sure....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on September 24, 2021, 08:43:27 PM
So the last concert of MK was at New York MSG in 2019…….
Besides some words at the beginning of the tour that he was thinking about stop touring no words after 10 concerts.
I’ve read somewhere ( i believe it was Guy’s forum) the reactions of the crowds were so overwhelming that he was having doubts. No official word anymore of any kind after that. No press release or something like that, that he stopped touring.
There is also the possibility that he will do some concerts oktober november just after the album release. Perhaps he will not stick at his usual schedule what he has been doing the last 15 years.
No, i think he will do some concerts again… although i do believe his tourschedule will not be the same like the last tour.

I like your enthusiasm, but again I just cannot see him touring again - I would love to be wrong but I'm not convinced...

Where are you getting October & November as dates from? When is the album out then?

One off shows perhaps but even then I'm not sure....

I’m just saying that it is possible. We all know his tourschedule for the last 15 years or so.
When a new album is out, the year after he starts touring in april/may untill the end of july in Europe and after a break for 6 weeks or so he moves on to the states.. That’s not gonna happen again. But who knows what he will do in the future.
If touring is to hard for him perhaps he will do it in a other way that he is comfortible with…
So no big tours but perhaps something like EC. It is possible but we don’t know if MK wants to do something like that..
Nobody knows, all we can do speculate. Some say he will tour again and some say he will not…
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on September 25, 2021, 08:05:03 AM
I think it is possible, however, it's all down to Mark's health, it's different with Phil Collins, he is the Genesis front man, so can gat away with not playing drums, but Mark is different, there is no point Mark just singing and not playing, I don't think he would ever even dream of doing that, so, we will just have to wait and see, is he the type of person to announce a "farewell tour" I am not sure, but I doubt it, the good news though is that if he doesn't tour again it frees him up to spend more time recording, and doing the occasional live performance. I will be happy with whatever he decides to do.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 25, 2021, 09:47:39 AM
I think it is possible, however, it's all down to Mark's health, it's different with Phil Collins, he is the Genesis front man, so can gat away with not playing drums, but Mark is different, there is no point Mark just singing and not playing, I don't think he would ever even dream of doing that, so, we will just have to wait and see, is he the type of person to announce a "farewell tour" I am not sure, but I doubt it, the good news though is that if he doesn't tour again it frees him up to spend more time recording, and doing the occasional live performance. I will be happy with whatever he decides to do.

I think he will now concentrate on his writing, recording and his life in general....he doesn't owe us a tour after all...he more or less said he wouldn't be touring again during the 2019 tour. I have mixed emotions personally with regards
ever seeing him play live again. Of course I will miss it but I wouldn't want to see him struggling to play on stage either....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: localhero1986 on September 27, 2021, 02:32:53 PM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

And also some of the band will be aged in 2023 as follows:

Richard Bennett - approaching 72,
Glenn Wharf: 69,
Guy Fletcher: 63,
Mike McGoldrick: 51,
John McCusker: 50,
Ian Thomas: 63,
Danny Cummings: 66....

Don’t worry, Keith Richards and Mick Jagger are 207 and 235 respectively. ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 27, 2021, 03:34:20 PM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

And also some of the band will be aged in 2023 as follows:

Richard Bennett - approaching 72,
Glenn Wharf: 69,
Guy Fletcher: 63,
Mike McGoldrick: 51,
John McCusker: 50,
Ian Thomas: 63,
Danny Cummings: 66....

Don’t worry, Keith Richards and Mick Jagger are 207 and 235 respectively. ;D

Hahahaha!  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 30, 2021, 08:00:29 AM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

And also some of the band will be aged in 2023 as follows:

Richard Bennett - approaching 72,
Glenn Wharf: 69,
Guy Fletcher: 63,
Mike McGoldrick: 51,
John McCusker: 50,
Ian Thomas: 63,
Danny Cummings: 66....

if dylan can, he can. full stop.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 30, 2021, 08:55:37 AM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

And also some of the band will be aged in 2023 as follows:

Richard Bennett - approaching 72,
Glenn Wharf: 69,
Guy Fletcher: 63,
Mike McGoldrick: 51,
John McCusker: 50,
Ian Thomas: 63,
Danny Cummings: 66....

if dylan can, he can. full stop.

You can't compare it to Dylan, Dylan doesn't sings, he caws... and he plays keyboards or guitar like someone who doesn't know how to play, it's a total mess and disgrace in anything he does on stage. I rather see Phil Collins struggling to sing on a wheel chair.

I don't want MK to do what Dylan does. I don't want to see MK like Dylan. Never. Ever. Full stop.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on September 30, 2021, 09:10:27 AM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

And also some of the band will be aged in 2023 as follows:

Richard Bennett - approaching 72,
Glenn Wharf: 69,
Guy Fletcher: 63,
Mike McGoldrick: 51,
John McCusker: 50,
Ian Thomas: 63,
Danny Cummings: 66....

if dylan can, he can. full stop.

You can't compare it to Dylan, Dylan doesn't sings, he caws... and he plays keyboards or guitar like someone who doesn't know how to play, it's a total mess and disgrace in anything he does on stage. I rather see Phil Collins struggling to sing on a wheel chair.

I don't want MK to do what Dylan does. I don't want to see MK like Dylan. Never. Ever. Full stop.

Neither do I.   Bob Dylan's part of the 2011 concert was possibly the worst I have ever attended.   I wouldn't want to remember MK sounding like that on tour.   I would rather he concentrates on composing and making albums.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 30, 2021, 09:15:09 AM
If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

And also some of the band will be aged in 2023 as follows:

Richard Bennett - approaching 72,
Glenn Wharf: 69,
Guy Fletcher: 63,
Mike McGoldrick: 51,
John McCusker: 50,
Ian Thomas: 63,
Danny Cummings: 66....

if dylan can, he can. full stop.

You can't compare it to Dylan, Dylan doesn't sings, he caws... and he plays keyboards or guitar like someone who doesn't know how to play, it's a total mess and disgrace in anything he does on stage. I rather see Phil Collins struggling to sing on a wheel chair.

I don't want MK to do what Dylan does. I don't want to see MK like Dylan. Never. Ever. Full stop.

Neither do I.   Bob Dylan's part of the 2011 concert was possibly the worst I have ever attended.   I wouldn't want to remember MK sounding like that on tour.   I would rather he concentrates on composing and making albums.

Anytime someone asks me if he should go to a Dylan concert when he cames to Valencia (which he does often) I always answer "If you never saw him, you have to, swallow the pain he would cause you, and see the legend while he's still alive. If you already saw him once, don't, better stay at home looking cars passing by the street from your window"
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 30, 2021, 12:15:10 PM
Oh dear, I admit hand in the air that I walked out of his concert in 2011 after only a song or two. It was absolutely shocking!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 30, 2021, 12:20:58 PM
Oh dear, I admit hand in the air that I walked out of his concert in 2011 after only a song or two. It was absolutely shocking!!

I didn't by respect to the friend who came to that concert with me, as he is a Dylan fan, but I recall I was looking at my watch every now and then, waiting for the pain to finish.... It was the worst experience I ever had in any concert in my whole life.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on September 30, 2021, 12:26:10 PM
Oh dear, I admit hand in the air that I walked out of his concert in 2011 after only a song or two. It was absolutely shocking!!

I didn't by respect to the friend who came to that concert with me, as he is a Dylan fan, but I recall I was looking at my watch every now and then, waiting for the pain to finish.... It was the worst experience I ever had in any concert in my whole life.

We both tried our best to stay but we just couldn't...we even missed MK playing with BD because we left early!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Peter1981 on September 30, 2021, 12:29:48 PM
A bit off-topic, but this phrase just made me wonder ;  'Must be no more travelling for old Grandad'!
Is he actually a granddad? As in, having grandchildren?

If the album is released in 2022, then the tour could be in 2023 and MK will be approaching 74 yrs.   I doubt very much it will happen, I'm sorry to say.

I agree, but perhaps he may play some 'showcase' shows or similar but I just can't see it to be honest....

Remember his prize quote from the start of the Barcelona 2019 show - 'Must be no more travelling for old Grandad'!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 30, 2021, 12:34:14 PM
A bit off-topic, but this phrase just made me wonder ;  'Must be no more travelling for old Grandad'!
Is he actually a granddad? As in, having grandchildren?

Not as far as I know...

His son Ben was dating a girl who had a child, so if they had familiy meetings, probably it was Grandda Mark, but Ben has another girlfriend nowadays, so, unless his brother Joe has children, which I don't know...

argg this is too gossip even for me, LOL
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on September 30, 2021, 12:48:48 PM
A bit off-topic, but this phrase just made me wonder ;  'Must be no more travelling for old Grandad'!
Is he actually a granddad? As in, having grandchildren?

Not as far as I know...

His son Ben was dating a girl who had a child, so if they had familiy meetings, probably it was Grandda Mark, but Ben has another girlfriend nowadays, so, unless his brother Joe has children, which I don't know...

argg this is too gossip even for me, LOL

Ha ha!  I would expect it to be a turn of phrase whether true or not.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Peter1981 on September 30, 2021, 03:13:37 PM
Haha, I did just expect a 'yes' or 'no'  but this is quite an elaborate answer. Impressive research ;-)

A bit off-topic, but this phrase just made me wonder ;  'Must be no more travelling for old Grandad'!
Is he actually a granddad? As in, having grandchildren?

Not as far as I know...

His son Ben was dating a girl who had a child, so if they had familiy meetings, probably it was Grandda Mark, but Ben has another girlfriend nowadays, so, unless his brother Joe has children, which I don't know...

argg this is too gossip even for me, LOL
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on September 30, 2021, 06:44:41 PM
Haha, I did just expect a 'yes' or 'no'  but this is quite an elaborate answer. Impressive research ;-)

Some years ago I was doing some research to travel to Brighton from Spain, and Google kind of connect that search with my Knopfler activity in internet and suggest me to follow the Instagram of someone called Knopfler who lived in Brighton... That was Ben Knopfler, and he put a lot of photos of him, his girlfriend and the little kid in Brighton. I found funny that MK was his grandpa in law, lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: BrianT on October 01, 2021, 12:46:52 AM
Oh dear, I admit hand in the air that I walked out of his concert in 2011 after only a song or two. It was absolutely shocking!!

I didn't by respect to the friend who came to that concert with me, as he is a Dylan fan, but I recall I was looking at my watch every now and then, waiting for the pain to finish.... It was the worst experience I ever had in any concert in my whole life.

We had front row seats, for the MK & Dylan tour in Montreal.

Loved the opening act Mark Knopfler (anyone heard of him ;D), after the intermission Dylan and MK started, MK played with Dylan
for 2 songs, listening to Dylan was hard. Once Mark left the stage, my wife and myself left the area.
So Knopflerfan, you are not on your own.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 01, 2021, 01:49:34 AM
Oh dear, I admit hand in the air that I walked out of his concert in 2011 after only a song or two. It was absolutely shocking!!

I didn't by respect to the friend who came to that concert with me, as he is a Dylan fan, but I recall I was looking at my watch every now and then, waiting for the pain to finish.... It was the worst experience I ever had in any concert in my whole life.

We had front row seats, for the MK & Dylan tour in Montreal.

Loved the opening act Mark Knopfler (anyone heard of him ;D), after the intermission Dylan and MK started, MK played with Dylan
for 2 songs, listening to Dylan was hard. Once Mark left the stage, my wife and myself left the area.
So Knopflerfan, you are not on your own.


How good to hear from you Brian, I'm glad we are not alone in walking out on BD....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 2manyguitars on October 01, 2021, 07:32:11 AM
Oh dear, I admit hand in the air that I walked out of his concert in 2011 after only a song or two. It was absolutely shocking!!

I didn't by respect to the friend who came to that concert with me, as he is a Dylan fan, but I recall I was looking at my watch every now and then, waiting for the pain to finish.... It was the worst experience I ever had in any concert in my whole life.

We had front row seats, for the MK & Dylan tour in Montreal.

Loved the opening act Mark Knopfler (anyone heard of him ;D), after the intermission Dylan and MK started, MK played with Dylan
for 2 songs, listening to Dylan was hard. Once Mark left the stage, my wife and myself left the area.
So Knopflerfan, you are not on your own.


How good to hear from you Brian, I'm glad we are not alone in walking out on BD....

I often wonder if Dylans vocal delivery live is a quite deliberate act of self sabotage. He has a reputation for such in the studio and often deliberately radically altered his vocal style (listen to Nashville Skyline and tell me that's Dylan!).

My wife and I also walked out mid Dylan at the BIC in Bournemouth UK in 2011, couldn't bare his vocal delivery (later described in the local press as a feral, foreboding animal growl!  :D )

I know, another one on the naughty step.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 01, 2021, 07:55:26 AM
Oh dear, I admit hand in the air that I walked out of his concert in 2011 after only a song or two. It was absolutely shocking!!

I didn't by respect to the friend who came to that concert with me, as he is a Dylan fan, but I recall I was looking at my watch every now and then, waiting for the pain to finish.... It was the worst experience I ever had in any concert in my whole life.

We had front row seats, for the MK & Dylan tour in Montreal.

Loved the opening act Mark Knopfler (anyone heard of him ;D), after the intermission Dylan and MK started, MK played with Dylan
for 2 songs, listening to Dylan was hard. Once Mark left the stage, my wife and myself left the area.
So Knopflerfan, you are not on your own.


How good to hear from you Brian, I'm glad we are not alone in walking out on BD....

I often wonder if Dylans vocal delivery live is a quite deliberate act of self sabotage. He has a reputation for such in the studio and often deliberately radically altered his vocal style (listen to Nashville Skyline and tell me that's Dylan!).

My wife and I also walked out mid Dylan at the BIC in Bournemouth UK in 2011, couldn't bare his vocal delivery (later described in the local press as a feral, foreboding animal growl!  :D )

I know, another one on the naughty step.....

Again I liken BDs voice to Krusty the Clown from the Simpsons!! Feral, Foreboding animal growl suffices!!! Blooming awful!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 01, 2021, 10:27:42 AM
Oh dear, I admit hand in the air that I walked out of his concert in 2011 after only a song or two. It was absolutely shocking!!

I didn't by respect to the friend who came to that concert with me, as he is a Dylan fan, but I recall I was looking at my watch every now and then, waiting for the pain to finish.... It was the worst experience I ever had in any concert in my whole life.

We had front row seats, for the MK & Dylan tour in Montreal.

Loved the opening act Mark Knopfler (anyone heard of him ;D), after the intermission Dylan and MK started, MK played with Dylan
for 2 songs, listening to Dylan was hard. Once Mark left the stage, my wife and myself left the area.
So Knopflerfan, you are not on your own.


How good to hear from you Brian, I'm glad we are not alone in walking out on BD....

I often wonder if Dylans vocal delivery live is a quite deliberate act of self sabotage. He has a reputation for such in the studio and often deliberately radically altered his vocal style (listen to Nashville Skyline and tell me that's Dylan!).

My wife and I also walked out mid Dylan at the BIC in Bournemouth UK in 2011, couldn't bare his vocal delivery (later described in the local press as a feral, foreboding animal growl!  :D )

I know, another one on the naughty step.....

Again I liken BDs voice to Krusty the Clown from the Simpsons!! Feral, Foreboding animal growl suffices!!! Blooming awful!!

I recall that during that 2011 and 2012 tours many of us refered to Dylan as Krusty... That was fun.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 01, 2021, 07:26:06 PM
Oh dear, I admit hand in the air that I walked out of his concert in 2011 after only a song or two. It was absolutely shocking!!

I didn't by respect to the friend who came to that concert with me, as he is a Dylan fan, but I recall I was looking at my watch every now and then, waiting for the pain to finish.... It was the worst experience I ever had in any concert in my whole life.

We had front row seats, for the MK & Dylan tour in Montreal.

Loved the opening act Mark Knopfler (anyone heard of him ;D), after the intermission Dylan and MK started, MK played with Dylan
for 2 songs, listening to Dylan was hard. Once Mark left the stage, my wife and myself left the area.
So Knopflerfan, you are not on your own.


How good to hear from you Brian, I'm glad we are not alone in walking out on BD....

I often wonder if Dylans vocal delivery live is a quite deliberate act of self sabotage. He has a reputation for such in the studio and often deliberately radically altered his vocal style (listen to Nashville Skyline and tell me that's Dylan!).

My wife and I also walked out mid Dylan at the BIC in Bournemouth UK in 2011, couldn't bare his vocal delivery (later described in the local press as a feral, foreboding animal growl!  :D )

I know, another one on the naughty step.....

Again I liken BDs voice to Krusty the Clown from the Simpsons!! Feral, Foreboding animal growl suffices!!! Blooming awful!!

I recall that during that 2011 and 2012 tours many of us refered to Dylan as Krusty... That was fun.

On the Simpsons theme BD was immortalised on the Simpsons!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 05, 2021, 12:17:59 PM
I always find it amusing how much Mark's voice got derided in  the press over the years, saying he is no much of a singer, but to my ears his voice has got better with age, and certainly when compared to Bob Dylan.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 05, 2021, 12:24:46 PM
I always find it amusing how much Mark's voice got derided in  the press over the years, saying he is no much of a singer, but to my ears his voice has got better with age, and certainly when compared to Bob Dylan.
Good point, Mks voice got better once he stopped smoking. MK is MK and BD is just Krusty!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 05, 2021, 01:32:27 PM
I always find it amusing how much Mark's voice got derided in  the press over the years, saying he is no much of a singer, but to my ears his voice has got better with age, and certainly when compared to Bob Dylan.

I love Mark's voice, either singing or speaking and his voice became much better since he stopped smoking.   I still like the rawness in his voice from the early days though - it complemented his beautiful guitar.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 05, 2021, 05:42:51 PM
I always find it amusing how much Mark's voice got derided in  the press over the years, saying he is no much of a singer, but to my ears his voice has got better with age, and certainly when compared to Bob Dylan.

I love Mark's voice, either singing or speaking and his voice became much better since he stopped smoking.   I still like the rawness in his voice from the early days though - it complemented his beautiful guitar.

Yes, on reflection on the amazing 'Golden Heart' album you can really make out MK's 'Rawness' with his vocals but that's cool.....In fact on the GH interview video MK is seen playing with a lit cigarette!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 06, 2021, 09:59:01 AM
Yes you do, and it looks really strange now. I almost forget Mark used to be a smoker,
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 06, 2021, 11:49:54 AM
From the single Cannibals :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 06, 2021, 06:17:48 PM
There is a picture in the GH programme where Mk looks like a dragon, throwing two big lines of smoke from his nose...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 06, 2021, 06:24:31 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 06, 2021, 10:30:35 PM
Fag ash lil!!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 06, 2021, 10:35:01 PM
And another..
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 06, 2021, 11:34:52 PM
I really like this photo from the BIA period. If a photo can talk - there is a lot of emotion here.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 07, 2021, 08:23:41 AM
I agree, I think that is one of the greatest photos of Mark.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 07, 2021, 12:34:22 PM
I really like this photo from the BIA period. If a photo can talk - there is a lot of emotion here.

Absolutely amazing photo!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 07, 2021, 12:57:31 PM
My all-time favorite MK photo is this one.

This is the first picture I ever saw Mark when I was 14, then I thought it's one of the coolest pictures of a man with a guitar in existence. Still think this way :lol

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 07, 2021, 08:06:05 PM
No cigarette though Pavel!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on October 19, 2021, 02:45:28 PM
 Q: - Very simple question… are we any closer to a studio recording update?

GUY:  No problem, I understand your impatience. We have delayed the band sessions slightly in order to make sure the FULL band are all available. This band session will also be longer. There is a lot going on, hugely encouraging for music in general. We’ve been working on a charity project and have had several guest players in. More on that later. sorry I can’t give you more right now. Soon.

Sounds interesting!   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 19, 2021, 03:03:58 PM
Q: - Very simple question… are we any closer to a studio recording update?

GUY:  No problem, I understand your impatience. We have delayed the band sessions slightly in order to make sure the FULL band are all available. This band session will also be longer. There is a lot going on, hugely encouraging for music in general. We’ve been working on a charity project and have had several guest players in. More on that later. sorry I can’t give you more right now. Soon.

Sounds interesting!   :)

charity project

Yes, sound interesting! Thank you superval99 :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: KnopfleRick on October 19, 2021, 04:26:51 PM
I really like this photo from the BIA period. If a photo can talk - there is a lot of emotion here.

Yes, I agree with you.
Every time I see this picture I wonder if Mark still has or ever had stage fright before he hit the stage.
Has he ever talked about it somewhere in an interview or so?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on October 19, 2021, 05:55:22 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 19, 2021, 06:06:37 PM
I really like this photo from the BIA period. If a photo can talk - there is a lot of emotion here.

Yes, I agree with you.
Every time I see this picture I wonder if Mark still has or ever had stage fright before he hit the stage.
Has he ever talked about it somewhere in an interview or so?

I am wondering about that too.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 19, 2021, 06:50:16 PM

Ooooh, Guy you tease....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 20, 2021, 09:44:16 AM

First, these "several guest players" are for a charity project, which sounds like something apart from the new record that would come out from MK sessions with Guy, and the forthcoming band sessions.

Second, several guest players doesn't neccesarily means what we understand for several guests players. I mean, we are thinking in people like David Gilmour, Eric Clapton and such big names... several guest players could many any player that is not usual in MK sessions, but yes, being for a charity project, let's dream big, dissapointment would arrive anyway. We all know it, LOL
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on October 20, 2021, 09:48:23 AM
Totally agree Jbaent. To dream big here is not worth it :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 20, 2021, 10:17:06 AM

First, these "several guest players" are for a charity project, which sounds like something apart from the new record that would come out from MK sessions with Guy, and the forthcoming band sessions.

Second, several guest players doesn't neccesarily means what we understand for several guests players. I mean, we are thinking in people like David Gilmour, Eric Clapton and such big names... several guest players could many any player that is not usual in MK sessions, but yes, being for a charity project, let's dream big, dissapointment would arrive anyway. We all know it, LOL

Eric Clapton - big name???!!!! Nah!!!! :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 20, 2021, 10:27:36 AM

First, these "several guest players" are for a charity project, which sounds like something apart from the new record that would come out from MK sessions with Guy, and the forthcoming band sessions.

Second, several guest players doesn't neccesarily means what we understand for several guests players. I mean, we are thinking in people like David Gilmour, Eric Clapton and such big names... several guest players could many any player that is not usual in MK sessions, but yes, being for a charity project, let's dream big, dissapointment would arrive anyway. We all know it, LOL

Eric Clapton - big name???!!!! Nah!!!! :lol

One of the biggest, yes.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on October 20, 2021, 06:47:59 PM

Quite often though, that means it’s artists who Mark loves but we haven’t heard of. I wouldn’t expect people we have heard of but maybe that’s me being pessimistic!
Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t have heard of Ruth Moody if she wasn’t a guest but I love her records now.
A charity project might be different though.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 20, 2021, 07:04:56 PM

Quite often though, that means it’s artists who Mark loves but we haven’t heard of. I wouldn’t expect people we have heard of but maybe that’s me being pessimistic!
Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t have heard of Ruth Moody if she wasn’t a guest but I love her records now.
A charity project might be different though.

Thats the correct interpretation.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 20, 2021, 07:16:55 PM
What about the musical Local Hero ?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 20, 2021, 07:47:38 PM
What about the musical Local Hero ?

Yes, what?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 20, 2021, 07:52:15 PM
I wonder if they think anything about it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 2manyguitars on October 20, 2021, 11:39:52 PM
Just to Stoke a few dead embers....

How many times did Mark say that the only good reason for a DS reunion would be for charity 😉

I can hope.....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 21, 2021, 10:38:20 AM
Just to Stoke a few dead embers....

How many times did Mark say that the only good reason for a DS reunion would be for charity 😉

I can hope.....

I'm literally rolling on the floor, laughing...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 21, 2021, 10:48:42 AM
Just to Stoke a few dead embers....

How many times did Mark say that the only good reason for a DS reunion would be for charity 😉

I can hope.....

I'm literally rolling on the floor, laughing...

Mark apparently saw ABBA reunion news and thought "wait a minute, if they can do it, I can do it too"! :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on October 21, 2021, 10:53:11 AM
Just to Stoke a few dead embers....

How many times did Mark say that the only good reason for a DS reunion would be for charity 😉

I can hope.....

I'm literally rolling on the floor, laughing...

Mark apparently saw ABBA reunion news and thought "wait a minute, if they can do it, I can do it too"! :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on October 21, 2021, 12:26:35 PM
Just to Stoke a few dead embers....

How many times did Mark say that the only good reason for a DS reunion would be for charity 😉

I can hope.....

I'm literally rolling on the floor, laughing...

Mark apparently saw ABBA reunion news and thought "wait a minute, if they can do it, I can do it too"! :lol

Oh my goodness-now I’m wondering what ABBA song I think Mark should cover. I can feel a new thread coming on!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on October 21, 2021, 01:57:06 PM
Just to Stoke a few dead embers....

How many times did Mark say that the only good reason for a DS reunion would be for charity 😉

I can hope.....

I'm literally rolling on the floor, laughing...

Mark apparently saw ABBA reunion news and thought "wait a minute, if they can do it, I can do it too"! :lol

Oh my goodness-now I’m wondering what ABBA song I think Mark should cover. I can feel a new thread coming on!

I actually arranged "Thank You For The Music" for a resonator guitar in Open G and the song sounds amazing. I just never met anyone who's capable of singing that song and honestly, don't have a resonator guitar so never recorded it yet. I love that song. Abba songs are great songs so are extremely "coverable", even works on a banjo, like here:


So Mark could take almost any of their songs and end up with a hit.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: 2manyguitars on October 21, 2021, 11:12:20 PM
Just to Stoke a few dead embers....

How many times did Mark say that the only good reason for a DS reunion would be for charity 😉

I can hope.....

I'm literally rolling on the floor, laughing...

Mark apparently saw ABBA reunion news and thought "wait a minute, if they can do it, I can do it too"! :lol

Oh my goodness-now I’m wondering what ABBA song I think Mark should cover. I can feel a new thread coming on!

I actually arranged "Thank You For The Music" for a resonator guitar in Open G and the song sounds amazing. I just never met anyone who's capable of singing that song and honestly, don't have a resonator guitar so never recorded it yet. I love that song. Abba songs are great songs so are extremely "coverable", even works on a banjo, like here:


So Mark could take almost any of their songs and end up with a hit.

I remember my music teacher from university commenting on how ABBAs musical arrangements were something to be studied and learnt from. An absolute tour de force in terms if writing and arranging.

I still can't get to grips with the 70s lycra though!  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on October 22, 2021, 10:02:00 AM
80s MK could have done a rockin' Does Your Mama Know a la Two Young Lovers.

Nowadays, not so much. Fernando sounds a bit like Lights of Taormina so maybe that one.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 22, 2021, 10:07:04 AM
What about the musical Local Hero ?

I encourage you to ask Guy in his forum. Looks like i'm the only one asking, so the only one who cares. Maybe is needed that we show more interest on this in his forum?

Please do it!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on October 22, 2021, 10:59:45 AM
When my kids were little I used to watch the main actress from the Local Hero musical on TV a lot.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on October 22, 2021, 11:42:34 AM
When my kids were little I used to watch the main actress from the Local Hero musical on TV a lot.


yes, I had an app in the Ipad called Filmon, which had lot of channels for free, and I used to put the cbeebies channel to my daughter, and I remember she perfectly!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on October 22, 2021, 01:38:37 PM
"When my kids were little..."  Okay, we believe you.  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 22, 2021, 01:58:10 PM
What about the musical Local Hero ?

I encourage you to ask Guy in his forum. Looks like i'm the only one asking, so the only one who cares. Maybe is needed that we show more interest on this in his forum?

Please do it!

Maybe I'll try :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 22, 2021, 06:12:16 PM
When my kids were little I used to watch the main actress from the Local Hero musical on TV a lot.


Well helllooooo!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 23, 2021, 11:18:20 AM
Mark could do an instrumental cover of an ABBA song if he wanted to, not singing though. Mike Oldfield has covered ABBA's Arrival on his album QE2. Benny & Bjorn are amazing song writers and musicians, I asked Guy if they had met them, and it seems like they have!! Agnetha and Frida are 2 of the greatest singers ever. Don't forget Guy had written for Frida too.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on October 23, 2021, 01:55:44 PM
I don’t mind a bit of Abba. I like their song “our last summer” quite a lot. As a teacher by trade, I find their song “When I Kissed the Teacher” a weird and creepy title.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on October 24, 2021, 12:04:43 AM
Mark could do an instrumental cover of an ABBA song if he wanted to, not singing though. Mike Oldfield has covered ABBA's Arrival on his album QE2. Benny & Bjorn are amazing song writers and musicians, I asked Guy if they had met them, and it seems like they have!! Agnetha and Frida are 2 of the greatest singers ever. Don't forget Guy had written for Frida too.

What did he write?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 24, 2021, 09:51:19 AM
Mark could do an instrumental cover of an ABBA song if he wanted to, not singing though. Mike Oldfield has covered ABBA's Arrival on his album QE2. Benny & Bjorn are amazing song writers and musicians, I asked Guy if they had met them, and it seems like they have!! Agnetha and Frida are 2 of the greatest singers ever. Don't forget Guy had written for Frida too.

Phil mcgarrick, who I follow on YT has done some really excellent ABBA Instrumentals all in a Shadows/Hank style....

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 24, 2021, 09:56:22 AM
Mark could do an instrumental cover of an ABBA song if he wanted to, not singing though. Mike Oldfield has covered ABBA's Arrival on his album QE2. Benny & Bjorn are amazing song writers and musicians, I asked Guy if they had met them, and it seems like they have!! Agnetha and Frida are 2 of the greatest singers ever. Don't forget Guy had written for Frida too.

What did he write?
Guy 'co-wrote' the title track from her album 'Shine'

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 24, 2021, 10:02:04 AM
You beat me to it:

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on October 24, 2021, 10:45:23 AM
That may have been his uncle?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on October 24, 2021, 10:46:30 AM
It's not, I have asked Guy, and he confirmed it's him.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on October 26, 2021, 09:41:54 AM
Mark could do an instrumental cover of an ABBA song if he wanted to, not singing though. Mike Oldfield has covered ABBA's Arrival on his album QE2. Benny & Bjorn are amazing song writers and musicians, I asked Guy if they had met them, and it seems like they have!! Agnetha and Frida are 2 of the greatest singers ever. Don't forget Guy had written for Frida too.

Phil mcgarrick, who I follow on YT has done some really excellent ABBA Instrumentals all in a Shadows/Hank style....


Thanks for mentioning him. I hadn’t come across the channel before. Very similar to Dave Monk (with the channel old guitar monkey) who I’m sure you’ve come across before. Lots of Hank Marvin influenced sounds. While they are both very good players, I think I prefer Dave Monk’s song choices a bit more. I had a listen to a few of Phil’s songs and don’t think they all work for solo guitar. Piano Man is one of my favourite songs ever and to be honest, I don’t think it works on electric guitar.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 10:03:33 AM
Glad you enjoyed some of Phil's tracks. Personally I have listened to Mr Monk but I prefer Phil's playing to Dave's....both very good I hasten to add
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on October 26, 2021, 10:54:49 AM
Glad you enjoyed some of Phil's tracks. Personally I have listened to Mr Monk but I prefer Phil's playing to Dave's....both very good I hasten to add

They’re both excellent players. I’m not enough of a guitar player to differentiate who is better. They both have nice instruments and loads of talent.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on October 26, 2021, 10:57:43 AM
Glad you enjoyed some of Phil's tracks. Personally I have listened to Mr Monk but I prefer Phil's playing to Dave's....both very good I hasten to add

They’re both excellent players. I’m not enough of a guitar player to differentiate who is better. They both have nice instruments and loads of talent.

I agree they are both very good players but again its Phil's phrasing and consistent use of 'Hammer ons' I really enjoy - his playing is very reminiscent of Hanks...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 03, 2021, 07:07:57 PM

There’s a lot going on at BG and I am meaning to give you something, it’s just a bit full on this week. Pete Townshend was in yesterday recording with us, not for Mark’s album but for something else. More on that soon.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 03, 2021, 07:37:45 PM

Pete Townshend ?  Certainly a charity project.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 03, 2021, 08:14:16 PM
The fact that it's a charity project doesn't automatically means it's going to be good, unfortunately. But let's see! Turn off all your expectations should be the motto here.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 04, 2021, 12:36:02 AM
Sorry to be a party pooper,but aren’t the charity projects usually awful?

That American one was embarrassing.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 04, 2021, 07:41:25 AM
Sorry to be a party pooper,but aren’t the charity projects usually awful?

That American one was embarrassing.

Oh yes indeed, they usually are very embarrassing!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 04, 2021, 09:52:38 AM
Sorry to be a party pooper,but aren’t the charity projects usually awful?

That American one was embarrassing.

Which American one?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 04, 2021, 10:34:41 AM
Sorry to be a party pooper,but aren’t the charity projects usually awful?

That American one was embarrassing.

Which American one?


I genuinely think this is one of the worst records I have ever heard.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on November 04, 2021, 10:39:31 AM
Mark's guitar playing on the instrumental version is really good. The Dunblane Knocking on Heaven's door is good too, but it is the sentiment for why it was recorded is more important. Mar's contributions to charity singles are good, even if the songs aren't, his playing on Let It Be is great too, certainly better than the over the top Gary Moore.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 04, 2021, 12:22:02 PM
 :thumbsup  I agree.

We know nothing. Charity project. One song or an entire album? If the project should be an album.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 06, 2021, 02:34:35 PM
Today from Guy:

Can we just clarify something here. I am not a source of inside information regarding UMG releases and I cannot possibly say what ‘I think’ might happen for many reasons. Releases are announced via other platforms, ie. Mark’s site or other….also, this latest album project doesn’t have a clear timeline.

HOWEVER. (since I appreciate you lot) I will tell you that we had a band session scheduled for this month that has had to be delayed for unforeseen reasons and is now confirmed for February. I can guarantee there will be lots of pictures and stories for that whole month as we will all be reunited at British Grove and we will be recording ‘together’ for the first time in a while. We ALL can’t wait for that.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 06, 2021, 02:44:46 PM
Thanks superval - interesting read...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 06, 2021, 02:51:02 PM
February? My God. :-\
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 06, 2021, 03:31:20 PM
February? My God. :-\

I guess the mystery charity project will be released earlier than February tho, and also John's book on its way, so it's okay :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on November 06, 2021, 03:51:43 PM
The new album doesn’t have a clear timeline he says…
Wil it be out next year, what do you think.  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 06, 2021, 03:56:19 PM
February? My God. :-\

I guess the mystery charity project will be released earlier than February tho, and also John's book on its way, so it's okay :lol

Yes, but I quietly believed that the new album will be released before summer 2022.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: KnopfleRick on November 06, 2021, 04:05:06 PM
February? My God. :-\

Yes, too bad!
"There's nothing wrong with waiting for the good things in life" MK  :wave
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 06, 2021, 04:10:24 PM
February? My God. :-\

Yes, too bad!
"There's nothing wrong with waiting for the good things in life" MK  :wave

Good things come to those who wait....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 06, 2021, 04:30:55 PM
KnopfleRick, Knopflerfan This is a positive message  :thumbsup :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 06, 2021, 04:38:50 PM
KnopfleRick, Knopflerfan This is a positive message  :thumbsup :)

It most certainly is....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 06, 2021, 05:00:18 PM
February? My God. :-\

I guess the mystery charity project will be released earlier than February tho, and also John's book on its way, so it's okay :lol

Yes, but I quietly believed that the new album will be released before summer 2022.

Everything seems to be delayed with his albums.  I wouldn't be surprised to see a 2023 release. 

From the recent interview we learned that since the Covid breakout Alan Clark has managed a few shows and a release.  EC has a release and EJ tops the charts with his lockdown album.  Mark is still months from his first recording session yet.  :(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 06, 2021, 05:17:59 PM
February? My God. :-\

I guess the mystery charity project will be released earlier than February tho, and also John's book on its way, so it's okay :lol

Yes, but I quietly believed that the new album will be released before summer 2022.

Everything seems to be delayed with his albums.  I wouldn't be surprised to see a 2023 release. 

From the recent interview we learned that since the Covid breakout Alan Clark has managed a few shows and a release.  EC has a release and EJ tops the charts with his lockdown album.  Mark is still months from his first recording session yet.  :(

And at 72 years old he is most probably living his life with his family. I don't blame him one bit not going into the studio especially as we STILL have a pandemic....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: PensaGhost on November 06, 2021, 05:20:37 PM
I am surprised people still believe anything reported by Guy Fletcher

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 06, 2021, 05:24:47 PM
February? My God. :-\

I guess the mystery charity project will be released earlier than February tho, and also John's book on its way, so it's okay :lol

Yes, but I quietly believed that the new album will be released before summer 2022.

Everything seems to be delayed with his albums.  I wouldn't be surprised to see a 2023 release. 

From the recent interview we learned that since the Covid breakout Alan Clark has managed a few shows and a release.  EC has a release and EJ tops the charts with his lockdown album.  Mark is still months from his first recording session yet.  :(

And at 72 years old he is most probably living his life with his family. I don't blame him one bit not going into the studio especially as we STILL have a pandemic....

I don't mind, because I'm sure it will be well worth waiting for.  As for those lockdown releases by EC, EJ, AC et al, they are all a snoozefest and rehashes of old songs!  MK's album will be new material.   :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 06, 2021, 05:43:40 PM
February? My God. :-\

I guess the mystery charity project will be released earlier than February tho, and also John's book on its way, so it's okay :lol

Yes, but I quietly believed that the new album will be released before summer 2022.

Everything seems to be delayed with his albums.  I wouldn't be surprised to see a 2023 release. 

From the recent interview we learned that since the Covid breakout Alan Clark has managed a few shows and a release.  EC has a release and EJ tops the charts with his lockdown album.  Mark is still months from his first recording session yet.  :(

And at 72 years old he is most probably living his life with his family. I don't blame him one bit not going into the studio especially as we STILL have a pandemic....

I don't mind, because I'm sure it will be well worth waiting for.  As for those lockdown releases by EC, EJ, AC et al, they are all a snoozefest and rehashes of old songs!  MK's album will be new material.   :)

EC & EJ especially, cause lots of snoozefests with any of their material!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 06, 2021, 05:44:36 PM
I am surprised people still believe anything reported by Guy Fletcher

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on November 06, 2021, 05:46:55 PM
I am surprised people still believe anything reported by Guy Fletcher


I kind of get it. It’s a great resource for looking up old questions but I think Guy has lost interest now.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on November 07, 2021, 09:41:21 AM
Eric and Elton have both released album with almost the same name which is weird, and The Lockdown Sessions is hardly original, most of the songs on Eric's are covers, and rehashes, so not much thinking needed there, Elton has lots of co-written songs with multiple people too, Mark's might take longer, but they will all be original songs, and all written by him, I know what I prefer.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 07, 2021, 11:34:02 AM
Eric and Elton have both released album with almost the same name which is weird, and The Lockdown Sessions is hardly original, most of the songs on Eric's are covers, and rehashes, so not much thinking needed there, Elton has lots of co-written songs with multiple people too, Mark's might take longer, but they will all be original songs, and all written by him, I know what I prefer.

I take all your points and fully agree, however the fact is they have still gone the full cycle and the albums are released.  Mark is months away from the first recording session, meaning the release is still some way off. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 07, 2021, 11:56:48 AM
Eric and Elton have both released album with almost the same name which is weird, and The Lockdown Sessions is hardly original, most of the songs on Eric's are covers, and rehashes, so not much thinking needed there, Elton has lots of co-written songs with multiple people too, Mark's might take longer, but they will all be original songs, and all written by him, I know what I prefer.

I take all your points and fully agree, however the fact is they have still gone the full cycle and the albums are released.  Mark is months away from the first recording session, meaning the release is still some way off.

No, they didn't do the full cycle - only a part of it, because there is no new material.  How would it feel if MK did the same thing and just re-worked old songs?  It would be justified to call him lazy. 

PS:  This isn't a race!   ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on November 08, 2021, 10:31:53 AM
Exactly Val, I would prefer to wait for Mark to release all new songs for his next album, plus the delays with the band sessions are for some reason we don't know about, and really they are nothing to do with us.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 08, 2021, 01:03:21 PM
They always seem to be fiddling with mics or something.  Perhaps the songs begin to lack that freshness they would if just recorded a lot quicker.  I know there's no rush but I just feel they just fiddle around with knobs and buttons more than ever since he moved into BG and I doubt anyone would notice a difference in SQ if it was recorded in a week.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 08, 2021, 01:32:49 PM
They always seem to be fiddling with mics or something.  Perhaps the songs begin to lack that freshness they would if just recorded a lot quicker.  I know there's no rush but I just feel they just fiddle around with knobs and buttons more than ever since he moved into BG and I doubt anyone would notice a difference in SQ if it was recorded in a week.

It's a kid in a candy store syndrome, imagine you have everything in this world that you want, limitless possibilities, naturally you'll end up wasting too much time. I'd prefer Mark not have his own studio, looking at how it affected his work.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 08, 2021, 01:40:26 PM
But why? He systematically has a new album for us every two years.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 08, 2021, 01:52:11 PM
But why? He systematically has a new album for us every two years.

Mark is a prolific artist, no question about it. I feel that the previous albums offered more variety and surprises than his modern era with limitless studio possibilities. Compare Shangri-La with its perfect sound and all the latest albums that are supposed to be marvels of sonic performance. Which they are, but sometimes I think they care too much about sonic qualities, and on the other hand, sometimes produce songs with merely no production at all, e.g. Gator Blood. It sounds like an iPhone recording lol.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 08, 2021, 02:10:03 PM
But why? He systematically has a new album for us every two years.

Mark is a prolific artist, no question about it. I feel that the previous albums offered more variety and surprises than his modern era with limitless studio possibilities. Compare Shangri-La with its perfect sound and all the latest albums that are supposed to be marvels of sonic performance. Which they are, but sometimes I think they care too much about sonic qualities, and on the other hand, sometimes produce songs with merely no production at all, e.g. Gator Blood. It sounds like an iPhone recording lol.

Gator Blood sounds much better live than the studio version.   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on November 08, 2021, 02:20:43 PM
I would think Gator Blood is meant to sound rough and ready, it's like Swamp Rock.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 08, 2021, 02:39:11 PM
That was a bad example :smack

By the way, why did Guy put "together" in quotes? When he said they will record together soon.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on November 08, 2021, 02:46:58 PM

By the way, why did Guy put "together" in quotes? When he said they will record together soon.

Mmmm, I didn't notice that.   :think   Perhaps they're not all going to be in the same studio - apart, but together.   ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 08, 2021, 06:04:05 PM

By the way, why did Guy put "together" in quotes? When he said they will record together soon.

Mmmm, I didn't notice that.   :think   Perhaps they're not all going to be in the same studio - apart, but together.   ;)

That's what I'd assume too.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on November 08, 2021, 06:12:13 PM

By the way, why did Guy put "together" in quotes? When he said they will record together soon.

Mmmm, I didn't notice that.   :think   Perhaps they're not all going to be in the same studio - apart, but together.   ;)

That's what I'd assume too.

Similar to JBs new record where the band were all in separate studios and their producer was in Australia!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 08, 2021, 10:58:34 PM
Haha, I just stumbled across this article with an interview with Robby Krieger:

https://www.grammy.com/grammys/news/robby-krieger-the-doors-memoir-set-the-night-on-fire-interview-jim-morrison-oliver-stone?fbclid=IwAR1NunTQDemZIbXpv7KxuUkHTik8-ErBZtAJfeVzUIuMYDDasQbcaLfIA3Q (https://www.grammy.com/grammys/news/robby-krieger-the-doors-memoir-set-the-night-on-fire-interview-jim-morrison-oliver-stone?fbclid=IwAR1NunTQDemZIbXpv7KxuUkHTik8-ErBZtAJfeVzUIuMYDDasQbcaLfIA3Q)

And in it, he said that about having too much time and budget while working in the studio, it reminds me...

— Do any particular memories of those sessions [L.A. Woman] come to mind?

— Oh, gosh. That album was probably one of the most fun times ever for us. Up until then, Paul Rothchild had been producing everything — all the albums. Over time, he got a little anal, maybe. When you have unlimited funds in a studio, you tend to go crazy. He would take four hours to get a snare drum sound and stuff like that.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on November 09, 2021, 10:33:56 AM
On the other hand, there have been albums where the artist says they had to little time in the studio, and the end result was rushed. It is interesting to note that Mark stated he recorded the Extendedance EP because he wanted to record quickly after the length of time it took to record the Love Over Gold album, so it took only a couple of days.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 09, 2021, 12:16:56 PM
That was a bad example :smack

By the way, why did Guy put "together" in quotes? When he said they will record together soon.

Because the main room has a lot of isolated booths where probably most of the musicians will be playing, all that booths have windows if I recall well so they can be seen anyone else without beeing really together, also they can play instruments from inside the control room, like keyboards for example, and from there you see the others.

They can also use those mobile walls to create separated spaces inside studio 1.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 09, 2021, 12:56:30 PM
Check the booths with the windows and isolatation walls in studio1



Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: KnopfleRick on November 09, 2021, 06:57:26 PM
Wow, I have never noticed that the ceiling looks so amazing. What a great place to record.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 09, 2021, 07:17:05 PM
Wow, I have never noticed that the ceiling looks so amazing. What a great place to record.

It actually resembles a marketplace I went to when I was a kid, it had exactly the round windows on the roof like this. And it's still standing and working here in Saint Petersburg centre, you can get a glimpse of it on these pics:



So as soon as I saw Mark's studio I immediately thought about my childhood connection lol. Even if it's not true windows in his studio, surely looks like it. I think this studio is a marvel of design and technology, which is quite predictable, to be honest.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on November 11, 2021, 10:37:09 AM
Wow, I have never noticed that the ceiling looks so amazing. What a great place to record.

It actually resembles a marketplace I went to when I was a kid, it had exactly the round windows on the roof like this. And it's still standing and working here in Saint Petersburg centre, you can get a glimpse of it on these pics:


So as soon as I saw Mark's studio I immediately thought about my childhood connection lol. Even if it's not true windows in his studio, surely looks like it. I think this studio is a marvel of design and technology, which is quite predictable, to be honest.

Is this the kitchen at BG studios? Robyn Becker in the background making lunch?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 11, 2021, 10:45:37 AM
Wow, I have never noticed that the ceiling looks so amazing. What a great place to record.

It actually resembles a marketplace I went to when I was a kid, it had exactly the round windows on the roof like this. And it's still standing and working here in Saint Petersburg centre, you can get a glimpse of it on these pics:


So as soon as I saw Mark's studio I immediately thought about my childhood connection lol. Even if it's not true windows in his studio, surely looks like it. I think this studio is a marvel of design and technology, which is quite predictable, to be honest.

Is this the kitchen at BG studios? Robyn Becker in the background making lunch?

LOL! Sure this marketplace looks fancy, right? Speaking of the kitchen, I checked out Mark's studio on Google Maps and hanging right before people's eyes on the street, I noticed these:
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on November 11, 2021, 11:01:29 AM
Wow, I have never noticed that the ceiling looks so amazing. What a great place to record.

It actually resembles a marketplace I went to when I was a kid, it had exactly the round windows on the roof like this. And it's still standing and working here in Saint Petersburg centre, you can get a glimpse of it on these pics:


So as soon as I saw Mark's studio I immediately thought about my childhood connection lol. Even if it's not true windows in his studio, surely looks like it. I think this studio is a marvel of design and technology, which is quite predictable, to be honest.

Is this the kitchen at BG studios? Robyn Becker in the background making lunch?

LOL! Sure this marketplace looks fancy, right? Speaking of the kitchen, I checked out Mark's studio on Google Maps and hanging right before people's eyes on the street, I noticed these:

That’s Danny’s percussion department right?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: KnopfleRick on November 11, 2021, 11:12:36 AM
S'cuse me, s'cuse me
Have you got my roll?

I could order you a toastie
Just like that one there
Or the same in plain white bread
When you're dealing with a toastie
What do you prefer
Brown or red?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on January 05, 2022, 08:28:53 AM
Have nobody seen that he writes that both his and Marks album will be out this year?  :) I know we can't be sure at all...and I don't "jump the roof" like I would do before, but I hope he is right.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 05, 2022, 09:01:14 AM
I really hope MK new album could be out this year, I was told some time ago that it won't be sooner than September 2022, but that was when the band session was expected for autumm 2021, sadly due to the various country restrictions that had to be delayed to february 2022.

With nowadays restrictions, I don't know what Americans have to face to travel abroad, but I know that in order to get to the UK they need to have at least a 48 hours negative test, and when arrive to the UK they need to have a PCR test before the day two of their stay, and they also have to be isolated until they have the result, if that's negative, they would be free to start recording, luckily in two days, maybe less if the PCR they took is one of those express that provides results in less than 24 hours, so, I think it's likely they do their band sessions, if all test negative, of course, and for the Americans, if they are allowed to fly abroad!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on January 05, 2022, 11:42:56 AM
Hm, a short while ago there wasn't a release date or period known for the new MK album. And now Guy said it will be this year? Remarkable... but let's hope  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on January 05, 2022, 12:05:53 PM
No way the album would be pushed another year. I'm positive about the 2022 release. I like, however, how Mark tries to do it all the old school way, bringing all the musicians. I think many albums in the Covid era were really experimental ones. Record the album alone, record it with local musicians, record it over the Internet. I'd love to see musicians change in Mark's lineup at least for once, to freshen it up a bit. All the usual suspects.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on January 05, 2022, 12:42:57 PM
No way the album would be pushed another year. I'm positive about the 2022 release. I like, however, how Mark tries to do it all the old school way, bringing all the musicians. I think many albums in the Covid era were really experimental ones. Record the album alone, record it with local musicians, record it over the Internet. I'd love to see musicians change in Mark's lineup at least for once, to freshen it up a bit. All the usual suspects.

I know what you mean.  He could use a few British musicians to avoid any complications with restrictions.  Marcus Cliffe could be an interesting inclusion to freshen things up and with Mark playing all guitar parts there's really no need to fly Richard over as he can record his parts in Nashville.  Maybe AC would replace Jim on keys.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 05, 2022, 01:05:24 PM
No way the album would be pushed another year. I'm positive about the 2022 release. I like, however, how Mark tries to do it all the old school way, bringing all the musicians. I think many albums in the Covid era were really experimental ones. Record the album alone, record it with local musicians, record it over the Internet. I'd love to see musicians change in Mark's lineup at least for once, to freshen it up a bit. All the usual suspects.

I know what you mean.  He could use a few British musicians to avoid any complications with restrictions.  Marcus Cliffe could be an interesting inclusion to freshen things up and with Mark playing all guitar parts there's really no need to fly Richard over as he can record his parts in Nashville.  Maybe AC would replace Jim on keys.

Actually MK and Guy could record all guitars and keyboard parts, I think they did for KTGC and I think also Tracker, Guy even recorded bass and drums for the guide tracks when Glenn and Danny or Ianto came, actually there are some songs, like Redbud tree and others I don't remember, where the bass lines are played by Guy.

But it looks like MK wants his whole band, and after all happened with covid these years, I totally understand he wants to hangout with his friends, and prefer to have Richard, Glenn and Jim from the US than calling Marcus Cliffe, Ewen Vernal or Robbie McIntosh, like he did for the Local Hero musical demos.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 05, 2022, 04:09:50 PM

"Yes, we will have 2 new albums for you this year, one from me and one from MK"

I am very happy but not a word about Local Hero  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on January 05, 2022, 06:11:58 PM

"Yes, we will have 2 new albums for you this year, one from me and one from MK"

I am very happy but not a word about Local Hero  :think

Maybe that is the album from MK...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on January 05, 2022, 08:09:41 PM
No way the album would be pushed another year. I'm positive about the 2022 release. I like, however, how Mark tries to do it all the old school way, bringing all the musicians. I think many albums in the Covid era were really experimental ones. Record the album alone, record it with local musicians, record it over the Internet. I'd love to see musicians change in Mark's lineup at least for once, to freshen it up a bit. All the usual suspects.

I know what you mean.  He could use a few British musicians to avoid any complications with restrictions.  Marcus Cliffe could be an interesting inclusion to freshen things up and with Mark playing all guitar parts there's really no need to fly Richard over as he can record his parts in Nashville.  Maybe AC would replace Jim on keys.

Marcus Cliffe is also an excellent guitar player. He would definitely have a lot to bring to the table if he were hired for the recording sessions.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 05, 2022, 08:15:41 PM

"Yes, we will have 2 new albums for you this year, one from me and one from MK"

I am very happy but not a word about Local Hero  :think

I asked him.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 05, 2022, 08:17:00 PM

"Yes, we will have 2 new albums for you this year, one from me and one from MK"

I am very happy but not a word about Local Hero  :think

Maybe that is the album from MK...

No, local Hero musical is already recorded, only thing is needed is the cast comes to record his voices.

It's like the rocks and water song we already know, it was recorded by the musicians and the actor came to the studio and recorded the vocals.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on January 06, 2022, 01:42:28 AM
No way the album would be pushed another year. I'm positive about the 2022 release. I like, however, how Mark tries to do it all the old school way, bringing all the musicians. I think many albums in the Covid era were really experimental ones. Record the album alone, record it with local musicians, record it over the Internet. I'd love to see musicians change in Mark's lineup at least for once, to freshen it up a bit. All the usual suspects.

I know what you mean.  He could use a few British musicians to avoid any complications with restrictions.  Marcus Cliffe could be an interesting inclusion to freshen things up and with Mark playing all guitar parts there's really no need to fly Richard over as he can record his parts in Nashville.  Maybe AC would replace Jim on keys.

Marcus Cliffe is also an excellent guitar player. He would definitely have a lot to bring to the table if he were hired for the recording sessions.

And I'm sure Robbie would be available if necessary too - after all he's not a million miles away from British Grove...
Mind you I expect he will be on tour with John during the Spring....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on January 06, 2022, 01:46:40 AM

"Yes, we will have 2 new albums for you this year, one from me and one from MK"

I am very happy but not a word about Local Hero  :think

Superb, but no LH......

I do so hope LH Soundtrack see's 'light of day' one day......
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: NicoMK on January 06, 2022, 10:17:16 AM
No way the album would be pushed another year. I'm positive about the 2022 release. I like, however, how Mark tries to do it all the old school way, bringing all the musicians. I think many albums in the Covid era were really experimental ones. Record the album alone, record it with local musicians, record it over the Internet. I'd love to see musicians change in Mark's lineup at least for once, to freshen it up a bit. All the usual suspects.

I know what you mean.  He could use a few British musicians to avoid any complications with restrictions.  Marcus Cliffe could be an interesting inclusion to freshen things up and with Mark playing all guitar parts there's really no need to fly Richard over as he can record his parts in Nashville.  Maybe AC would replace Jim on keys.

Marcus Cliffe is also an excellent guitar player. He would definitely have a lot to bring to the table if he were hired for the recording sessions.

And I'm sure Robbie would be available if necessary too - after all he's not a million miles away from British Grove...
Mind you I expect he will be on tour with John during the Spring....

It would be great. Also Geraint Watkins. And with Danny too of course. 

But it just won't happen.  :disbelief
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on January 06, 2022, 12:22:45 PM
No way the album would be pushed another year. I'm positive about the 2022 release. I like, however, how Mark tries to do it all the old school way, bringing all the musicians. I think many albums in the Covid era were really experimental ones. Record the album alone, record it with local musicians, record it over the Internet. I'd love to see musicians change in Mark's lineup at least for once, to freshen it up a bit. All the usual suspects.

I know what you mean.  He could use a few British musicians to avoid any complications with restrictions.  Marcus Cliffe could be an interesting inclusion to freshen things up and with Mark playing all guitar parts there's really no need to fly Richard over as he can record his parts in Nashville.  Maybe AC would replace Jim on keys.

Marcus Cliffe is also an excellent guitar player. He would definitely have a lot to bring to the table if he were hired for the recording sessions.

And I'm sure Robbie would be available if necessary too - after all he's not a million miles away from British Grove...
Mind you I expect he will be on tour with John during the Spring....

It would be great. Also Geraint Watkins. And with Danny too of course. 

But it just won't happen.  :disbelief

Oh yes, how could I forget the excellent Geriant.  He'd be very welcome into the UK dream team!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: NicoMK on January 06, 2022, 04:45:11 PM
So the UK dream-team would be :

Mark, Guy, Robbie, Marcus, Danny, one of the Folkies either John or Mike and Geraint.

Sounds like the hell of a band to me  :P

Who else ?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 06, 2022, 07:59:22 PM
So the UK dream-team would be :

Mark, Guy, Robbie, Marcus, Danny, one of the Folkies either John or Mike and Geraint.

Sounds like the hell of a band to me  :P

Who else ?

Ianto, Nigel and Tom
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rmarques821 on January 06, 2022, 08:22:52 PM
So the UK dream-team would be :

Mark, Guy, Robbie, Marcus, Danny, one of the Folkies either John or Mike and Geraint.

Sounds like the hell of a band to me  :P

Who else ?

Ianto, Nigel and Tom
Please leave Tom at home this time. I can't stand another album full of trumpet
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: NicoMK on January 07, 2022, 09:28:14 AM
So the UK dream-team would be :

Mark, Guy, Robbie, Marcus, Danny, one of the Folkies either John or Mike and Geraint.

Sounds like the hell of a band to me  :P

Who else ?

Ianto, Nigel and Tom

If you have Danny in your band, you don't need another drummer. And the guy can play percussions too  ;D

Nigel? Good point, I forgot about a sax player. Tom? Why not on one or two songs but I'm not sure Mark's music goes well with too much trumpet. Again, my 2 ct opinion…

Do we have now our UK dream band?  8)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pierre on January 09, 2022, 04:30:45 PM
Keyboard player has to be Jim, he's way above Geraint or anyone else I think!

His parts always bring something to Mark's songs and his playing is at times heavenly.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: NicoMK on January 09, 2022, 07:36:17 PM
It would be a UK band so no Jim, sorry Pierre. ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 10, 2022, 11:04:58 AM
Diaries starting February 1st.

I doubt they have the band session until February 14th if they want to have the whole band at the same time, as McCusker and McGoldrick are playing the Transatlantic Sessions gigs until February 11st (saturday), so I guess that diary entry would be the typical gear one, unless they start recording the rest of musicians, and the folkies comes some weeks later!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on January 10, 2022, 11:52:18 AM
Diaries starting February 1st.

I doubt they have the band session until February 14th if they want to have the whole band at the same time, as McCusker and McGoldrick are playing the Transatlantic Sessions gigs until February 11st (saturday), so I guess that diary entry would be the typical gear one, unless they start recording the rest of musicians, and the folkies comes some weeks later!

I would suggest March 2022 at the earliest for a full band session at BG due to ongoing Omicron restrictions here in the UK...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 10, 2022, 12:35:59 PM
Diaries starting February 1st.

I doubt they have the band session until February 14th if they want to have the whole band at the same time, as McCusker and McGoldrick are playing the Transatlantic Sessions gigs until February 11st (saturday), so I guess that diary entry would be the typical gear one, unless they start recording the rest of musicians, and the folkies comes some weeks later!

I would suggest March 2022 at the earliest for a full band session at BG due to ongoing Omicron restrictions here in the UK...

As I'm traveling to attend the Transatlantic Sessions concert in Bath, I'm following the current restrictions to fly to the UK, and those had been reduced to a Lateral Flow Test they need to take before the day two of their stay, and they don't have to isolate anymore, so they can start working from day one, and there won't be any problem unless they are positive, so I think they can start recording safely from day one, as I'm sure they would had tested themselves before starting.


If you meaned that, of course. I don't know which are the conditions when it comes to gather people in a recording studio.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on February 11, 2022, 06:24:24 PM
New Studio Diary topic

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on February 21, 2022, 06:08:17 PM
I looking forward the week 2.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on February 28, 2022, 09:06:19 PM
Helluva long first week  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on March 01, 2022, 09:21:17 AM
Helluva long first week  ;D

My thoughts exactly. I know they are busy, but come on ...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 01, 2022, 10:20:05 AM
Going back to what Guy said in the diary entry called "Week 1", that they would be recording for four weeks, and that he's not replying to questions on his forum for a while, I guess they are working hard to record as much songs as they can during the four weeks the band is going to be there.

Someone made the count, but it looks like this can the the last week, or maybe the next week, so they would be close to the band leaving. Probably Guy would upload a kind of week 2-3 entry, and then another one for the mixing, comping and overdubs, when the band is gone, maybe with some musicians coming in and out to record overdubs, further than the band session.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Vesper on March 09, 2022, 12:29:22 PM
Looks like something's coming .......

Guy: Yes, I will update the diary now.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 09, 2022, 12:30:21 PM
Looks like something's coming .......

Guy: Yes, I will update the diary now.

I think he said that yesterday or two days ago already  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on March 10, 2022, 09:39:44 AM
Looks like something's coming .......

Guy: Yes, I will update the diary now.

I think he said that yesterday or two days ago already  :lol

and the wait goes on....................................
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 10, 2022, 09:54:07 AM
Looks like something's coming .......

Guy: Yes, I will update the diary now.

I think he said that yesterday or two days ago already  :lol

and the wait goes on....................................

I always think this is good, means they are working hard!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on March 10, 2022, 06:33:09 PM

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on March 12, 2022, 09:41:49 AM

Such nice photos and great to see the vibe.

The guitar display was truly pornographic.  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on March 12, 2022, 01:42:01 PM

Such nice photos and great to see the vibe.

The guitar display was truly pornographic.  :)

No sign of the Gibson '58 or '59 though.  Surely cannot be.   :'(
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Vesper on March 12, 2022, 01:46:02 PM
I think I see it on the picture of Richard tackling a Mandola
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on March 15, 2022, 10:42:36 AM
Guy on his forum about a new tour and if MK wil release some kind of statement if he dicides to stop touring:

I don’t really know. As it stands, sadly there are no plans to tour but our minds are focussed on finishing the album.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on March 15, 2022, 04:34:24 PM
I wonder if there will be a brass section.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: KnopfleRick on March 15, 2022, 07:38:21 PM
I wonder if there will be a brass section.

I don't need any!  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on March 15, 2022, 07:43:17 PM
I know, I know :) But I really like When You Leave or Slow Learner :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: KnopfleRick on March 15, 2022, 08:38:44 PM
I know, I know :) But I really like When You Leave or Slow Learner :)

Yeah, these two songs are also fine with me, but please no more  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on March 16, 2022, 09:39:53 PM
Graeme Blevins, Tom Walsh.

We have the answer


No, they weren’t on the sessions.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on March 17, 2022, 09:41:39 AM
Good news.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 17, 2022, 10:22:14 AM
Extra musicians are added when mixing, so there is still a chance, Guy only told they were not during the band sessions.

Looking at previous diaries, Nigel went during the mixing process sometimes, as that mixing period involves also overdubs.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on March 17, 2022, 04:28:33 PM
I also think MK will not tour anymore. A few queations the last days on his forum where he did admit there are no plans to tour at this moment. Tours are always planned way in advance so i think the best we can hope for are a few RAH concerts when the new album comes out in 2023...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on March 17, 2022, 06:09:52 PM
I also think MK will not tour anymore. A few queations the last days on his forum where he did admit there are no plans to tour at this moment. Tours are always planned way in advance so i think the best we can hope for are a few RAH concerts when the new album comes out in 2023...

Those has to be planned also way in advance, as they are rescheduling delayed shows from the last two years...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on April 02, 2022, 08:23:20 PM
Audio samples for Anomaly now available to listen to on Guy’s website.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jensen on April 18, 2022, 10:38:13 PM

It's going to be interesting to hear the result and see whether there will be any live activities. I hope they consider some charity acts. It is not too hard to find troubled people these days who could use a helping hand or, unfortunately, need a lot more than that.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 07, 2022, 04:36:36 PM
Is it possible that Guy Fletcher doesn't remember Marcus Cliff? Is it possible that he doesn't remember The Notting Hillbillies concerts?  :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Vesper on October 08, 2022, 10:35:36 AM
Is it possible that Guy Fletcher doesn't remember Marcus Cliff? Is it possible that he doesn't remember The Notting Hillbillies concerts?  :think

What are you talking about?
Guy only says Marcus didn't play guitar with Mark (only bass). And then he acknowledges Marcus' musical talents.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 08, 2022, 12:57:28 PM
Maybe I misunderstood his statement. Together they toured with NTH and the question was also about concerts.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 25, 2022, 08:13:15 PM

"we are back to the other projects. This week I am working on more Dire Straits Atmos mixes and next week, Mark and I will resume things at BG. The TCT project is ongoing, more on that soon.

Thank you jbaent :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 09, 2022, 06:16:51 PM

We are actually still recording so there is no date set for release. (new album MK) Inevitably, the Local Hero musical has delayed things somewhat. Mark and I are back in the studio now. More on this very soon…I will try and keep updates coming from now on.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 10, 2022, 09:48:07 AM

We are actually still recording so there is no date set for release. (new album MK) Inevitably, the Local Hero musical has delayed things somewhat. Mark and I are back in the studio now. More on this very soon…I will try and keep updates coming from now on.

Still recording?

I thought they were in the mixing process!

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on November 10, 2022, 10:07:21 AM
"Very soon" is back.. I don't know which emoji to use.. He knows I lovehate that phrase. Words filled with hope. I have to hold on to the fact that it is good that they are doing *something*
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 10, 2022, 10:12:14 AM

We are actually still recording so there is no date set for release. (new album MK) Inevitably, the Local Hero musical has delayed things somewhat. Mark and I are back in the studio now. More on this very soon…I will try and keep updates coming from now on.

Still recording?

I thought they were in the mixing process!

Me too.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 10, 2022, 01:41:00 PM
They seem to be going backwards with this.  Nothing spontaneous or fresh going to happen in this album once again.  Everyone else seems to record an album in a few weeks! 

I'd like to see a few long tracks on this with extended solos as would normally have been played live since Mark won't be touring to promote it.  It's been a long time since we had one even on an album.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on November 18, 2022, 11:47:32 AM
They seem to be going backwards with this.  Nothing spontaneous or fresh going to happen in this album once again.  Everyone else seems to record an album in a few weeks! 

I'd like to see a few long tracks on this with extended solos as would normally have been played live since Mark won't be touring to promote it.  It's been a long time since we had one even on an album.

How can they possibly maintain inspiration and "artistic flow" over such a long period? Unless they're working on a grand concept album that is going to be Mark's magnum opus of sorts. Yeah, right  ::)  I'm sure it's going to sound fantastic, but I take an inspired recording over great production anytime. Mark is probably writing material for his next album by now LOL
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 18, 2022, 01:09:18 PM
They seem to be going backwards with this.  Nothing spontaneous or fresh going to happen in this album once again.  Everyone else seems to record an album in a few weeks! 

I'd like to see a few long tracks on this with extended solos as would normally have been played live since Mark won't be touring to promote it.  It's been a long time since we had one even on an album.

How can they possibly maintain inspiration and "artistic flow" over such a long period? Unless they're working on a grand concept album that is going to be Mark's magnum opus of sorts. Yeah, right  ::)  I'm sure it's going to sound fantastic, but I take an inspired recording over great production anytime. Mark is probably writing material for his next album by now LOL

 :thumbsup :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 18, 2022, 01:49:39 PM
Stp took almost 4 years to complete...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 18, 2022, 08:31:05 PM
Stp took almost 4 years to complete...

Wag the Dog and Metroland soundtracks both released in-between though.  Also I don't think he was in the studio so long. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on November 18, 2022, 10:33:52 PM
The strangest thing is that actual recording with actual musicians takes... Hours, probably. There are usually just a few band sessions and a lot of songs are recorded in a single take, and the first and the only take makes it to the record. So it naturally raises a lot of questions about what exactly takes so long. But MK is a "Slow Learner".

I'm 100% sure all the latest news in the world inspired MK to write a lot more, and that's what news is all about I think.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 18, 2022, 10:41:40 PM
"I'm 100% sure all the latest news in the world inspired MK to write a lot more, and that's what news is all about I think"

I thought about that too.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on November 19, 2022, 02:12:34 PM
"I'm 100% sure all the latest news in the world inspired MK to write a lot more, and that's what news is all about I think"

I thought about that too.

It'll be a nice cheery album then.   :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 19, 2022, 03:48:55 PM

we are still recording, that makes sense but I’m not aware of any date or strategy for scheduled release. We are indeed recording additional songs, this week in fact.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on November 28, 2022, 08:09:54 PM
Did you see the question that someone asked about Guy’s fave MK song? He gave his standard answer of saying not really but a couple on the new album are really good.

His favourites are always on the next album!
Although I vaguely recall him saying “Behind With The Rent” is a favourite-great choice.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on November 28, 2022, 08:30:39 PM
Did you see the question that someone asked about Guy’s fave MK song? He gave his standard answer of saying not really but a couple on the new album are really good.

His favourites are always on the next album!
Although I vaguely recall him saying “Behind With The Rent” is a favourite-great choice.

That's because he totally changed the song from what MK wrote in the beginning, musically speaking.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 28, 2022, 09:26:44 PM
I wonder what Guy will answer Michael's question:

Does this extra recording mean we're going to get something like a double album (or at least a meatier one!) or is Mark thinking some previously recorded tracks might be jettisoned?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 29, 2022, 06:36:08 PM
No surprising answer :)

Right now, I have no idea.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 16, 2022, 09:47:46 AM
Something is wrong with Guy's site, it doesn't matter where do you click, it only opens the main page.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: superval99 on December 16, 2022, 10:46:44 AM
Something is wrong with Guy's site, it doesn't matter where do you click, it only opens the main page.

I've noticed!   
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on December 16, 2022, 12:30:00 PM
Yep, it's broken
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Darling Pretty on December 17, 2022, 10:24:26 PM
Christmas break
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on December 20, 2022, 08:53:38 AM
i informed him. serious wordpress issue.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on December 22, 2022, 04:54:27 PM
Complete offline now.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on December 22, 2022, 05:05:18 PM
What's going on?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Kris-b on December 22, 2022, 07:52:53 PM
Website is working again
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on December 22, 2022, 08:41:42 PM
I don't think so.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Kris-b on December 22, 2022, 09:20:58 PM
Strange, I think you are right!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on December 27, 2022, 09:12:50 PM
i informed him. serious wordpress issue.
Still not working. What’s going on.  :hmm
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on December 28, 2022, 10:12:49 AM
i informed him. serious wordpress issue.
Still not working. What’s going on.  :hmm

Christmas holidays

I guess they would work on it when holidays end, as far as I remember, it was Guy's brother (the one playing bass on some stp promo gigs) who run the website, he has a business related to web sites.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Markus on December 28, 2022, 07:27:21 PM
Note on page: The website is currently undergoing maintenance - we thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on January 06, 2023, 11:36:03 AM
Part of the website is back.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Kris-b on January 06, 2023, 01:48:23 PM
 But still undergoing maintenance
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolleyway Man on January 07, 2023, 02:52:07 PM
I get the impression that whatever happened to the website has done some sort of damage to it. There’s a lot missing - even Guy’s answers to questions on his forum. I hope he had everything well backed up!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pierre on January 08, 2023, 05:31:29 PM
Or maybe he was fed up with all the ranting going on about this and that and particularly that Brothers in Arms tour best of and decided to pull that "under maintenance" trick, I would have... ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on January 12, 2023, 04:02:50 PM
Something is wrong with Guy's site, it doesn't matter where do you click, it only opens the main page.
Almost 4 weeks now. Stil not working.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on January 12, 2023, 05:47:55 PM
This is back https://guyfletcher.co.uk/dr-fletch-questions/

But all answers are gone
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on January 14, 2023, 11:51:39 AM
Its fixed
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 31, 2023, 07:44:09 PM
Any production to release a DVD of Notting hillbilles live in the years 97/98/99?

I’m certain there will be some releases of these although specifically what, I don’t know yet.


2023 is accelerating. TeenageCancerTrust, Local Hero? aLCHEMY, MK with Brian Johnson and most importantly: a new album :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: KnopfleRick on January 31, 2023, 08:12:14 PM
Any production to release a DVD of Notting hillbilles live in the years 97/98/99?

I’m certain there will be some releases of these although specifically what, I don’t know yet.


2023 is accelerating. TeenageCancerTrust, Local Hero? aLCHEMY, MK with Brian Johnson and most importantly: a new album :)

A Notting Hillbillies DVD would be absolutely amazing. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this really will happen.
Finally there is a lot to look forward this year.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 31, 2023, 08:15:06 PM
Any production to release a DVD of Notting hillbilles live in the years 97/98/99?

I’m certain there will be some releases of these although specifically what, I don’t know yet.


2023 is accelerating. TeenageCancerTrust, Local Hero? aLCHEMY, MK with Brian Johnson and most importantly: a new album :)

A Notting Hillbillies DVD would be absolutely amazing. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this really will happen.
Finally there is a lot to look forward this year.

 :thumbsup Exactly! :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 31, 2023, 08:57:27 PM
Any production to release a DVD of Notting hillbilles live in the years 97/98/99?

I’m certain there will be some releases of these although specifically what, I don’t know yet.


2023 is accelerating. TeenageCancerTrust, Local Hero? aLCHEMY, MK with Brian Johnson and most importantly: a new album :)

Guy is saying yes to things he always said no, so i stay negative.

I even remember Guy said once they didn't record any NHB concert so, release a dvd or whatever from them?

Like Phil Lynnot used to say, don't believe a word.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 31, 2023, 09:15:25 PM
It's true that in 97, 98, 99 The Notting Hillbillies concerts were not recorded. But The Maltings, Snape (May 15, 1990) should have been released on CD/DVD a long time ago.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 31, 2023, 10:18:37 PM
It's true that in 97, 98, 99 The Notting Hillbillies concerts were not recorded. But The Maltings, Snape (May 15, 1990) should have been released on CD/DVD a long time ago.

I hope that the TV station still have the whole recording and could release it properly, but I guess they would only have what they broadcasted.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on January 31, 2023, 11:17:07 PM
It's true that in 97, 98, 99 The Notting Hillbillies concerts were not recorded. But The Maltings, Snape (May 15, 1990) should have been released on CD/DVD a long time ago.

I hope that the TV station still have the whole recording and could release it properly, but I guess they would only have what they broadcasted.

Local radio station Radio Clyde broadcast part of the concert in Glasgow 1990 so it makes you wonder how many others were recorded by local radio.  The 1990 tour was very quickly sold out and tickets were hot property, as far as I can remember reading, so I guess a broadcast would be a ratings hit for any station.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on February 01, 2023, 03:16:15 AM
I remember The Maltings Snape. I recorded from TV to VHS tape. The beginning of Water Of Love - unforgettable :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 01, 2023, 09:19:23 PM
I remember The Maltings Snape. I recorded from TV to VHS tape. The beginning of Water Of Love - unforgettable :)
that and/or That's alright mama....
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on February 01, 2023, 09:25:32 PM
I was thinking about the acoustician who overslept at the beginning of Water Of Love ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 02, 2023, 09:39:43 AM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on February 02, 2023, 11:41:13 AM
Sorry. The man responsible for the sound system:)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on March 25, 2023, 01:42:21 PM

These days Mark is very much ‘all about the song’. Having said that, the impressive assemblage of guitars adorning the walls here in Studio 2 never fails to arouse the creative juices, bestowing upon us a veritable cornucopia of tonal colours and musical textures that invariably make their way onto our meticulously crafted recordings.

I liked these words very much.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on March 26, 2023, 02:29:02 PM

These days Mark is very much ‘all about the song’. Having said that, the impressive assemblage of guitars adorning the walls here in Studio 2 never fails to arouse the creative juices, bestowing upon us a veritable cornucopia of tonal colours and musical textures that invariably make their way onto our meticulously crafted recordings.

I liked these words very much.

See my my comment here : https://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php?topic=8015.msg167720#msg167720
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on April 24, 2023, 02:11:41 PM
Crap, some of the people on Guy's forum are plain nuts.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rmarques821 on April 24, 2023, 02:48:18 PM
A random brazilian dude appeared there asking Guy if he should buy a Volvo xc90  ;D
And he also called him a "superstar full of assholes"
It made me laugh like crazy

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on April 24, 2023, 03:15:44 PM
A random brazilian dude appeared there asking Guy if he should buy a Volvo xc90  ;D
And he also called him a "superstar full of assholes"
It made me laugh like crazy

But hey, on every show Mark advertised Guy as somebody who can repair your bicycle or anything, no wonder he gets asked questions about automobiles :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on May 20, 2023, 09:10:52 PM
Tried logging in to pop a question on Guy’s site and it said I had been locked out for a short while by the owner. Anyone else had this?
Pretty sure it’s a technical fault- I haven’t asked anything controversial or anything on there.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on May 20, 2023, 11:21:48 PM
I tried myself and, I didn't sent any question but, apparently worked
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: peterromer on June 07, 2023, 11:56:14 AM
Tried logging in to pop a question on Guy’s site and it said I had been locked out for a short while by the owner. Anyone else had this?
Pretty sure it’s a technical fault- I haven’t asked anything controversial or anything on there.

I just experienced the same thing. Pretty stragitforward auto reply for accounts that has not been is use for some time. As a sort of cleanup. You can add your email for e re-enable your account.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on June 08, 2023, 06:42:05 AM
Thank you.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Stanko on June 10, 2023, 08:12:09 PM
Should we guess the anouncements here or a new thread should be created?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on June 14, 2023, 11:39:26 AM
Somebody should send this guy to Guy, a perfect example of a keyboard player sharing insights into making albums on YouTube. This time, THRILLER itself.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on July 06, 2023, 12:39:33 PM
Good question on the forum Amiando  :lol I don't think we will get a single, but I think he agrees it has been a looong time. I think something will happen in the autumn.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on July 06, 2023, 02:47:36 PM

The good news is the new album is being mastered this week
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on July 06, 2023, 11:22:12 PM

The good news is the new album is being mastered this week

By the way, also: https://www.guyfletcher.co.uk/studio-diary-2022/

4….on its way
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on July 09, 2023, 05:33:03 PM
Yes :thumbsup
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 11, 2023, 02:20:52 PM

Sorry but I’m having to hold off the diary for now. We have altered a few elements and I need to wait before I can give any info. I understand the frustration.

"a few elements"

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on August 11, 2023, 03:56:17 PM
Maybe they need to make mix brighter so Bernie Grundman can hear the high frequencies?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on August 11, 2023, 04:05:13 PM
It's so ironic. Once upon a time in the 70's they couldn't wait to get their album out quick enough. Scraping the bottoms to finance the demo.

Today, well... Something must have gotten lost on the way.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 11, 2023, 05:20:33 PM

Sorry but I’m having to hold off the diary for now. We have altered a few elements and I need to wait before I can give any info. I understand the frustration.

"a few elements"


And they do this with the record at the other side of the pond being mastered.

Oh my
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter on August 13, 2023, 08:30:35 AM
Well, you know. After they sent the files for mastering, Mark wrote another 40 songs. I think we're looking at a 5 CD project here, which means about 17 LPs 45 RPM, so you can imagine the production time.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 13, 2023, 03:57:00 PM

Sorry but I’m having to hold off the diary for now. We have altered a few elements and I need to wait before I can give any info. I understand the frustration.

"a few elements"


And they do this with the record at the other side of the pond being mastered.

Oh my


Pure audio

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 13, 2023, 05:06:24 PM

Sorry but I’m having to hold off the diary for now. We have altered a few elements and I need to wait before I can give any info. I understand the frustration.

"a few elements"


And they do this with the record at the other side of the pond being mastered.

Oh my


Pure audio


That could be many things...

Or just a quick fix of whatever or a rerecording of hopefully a small part, maybe some songs, maybe a lot of them...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 13, 2023, 05:42:55 PM
We'll see what GF has to say  ;)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 14, 2023, 01:07:37 PM

We just altered the running order slightly

Did they change the order of the songs?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on August 14, 2023, 02:12:26 PM

We just altered the running order slightly

Did they change the order of the songs?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: TJ on August 14, 2023, 07:37:36 PM
Have to love Guy...

"Is it A, or is it B?"

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: milicz on November 08, 2023, 05:54:31 PM
Some of the comments on his forum from the board members here are really embarrassing. 
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 08, 2023, 07:26:26 PM
Some of the comments on his forum from the board members here are really embarrassing.

Can you blame this forum for anything anyone does anywhere else?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: milicz on November 08, 2023, 07:28:04 PM
Some of the comments on his forum from the board members here are really embarrassing.

Can you blame this forum for anything anyone does anywhere else?
Not blaming, just shaming.

Sent from my XQ-DQ62 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 08, 2023, 07:29:25 PM
Some of the comments on his forum from the board members here are really embarrassing.

Can you blame this forum for anything anyone does anywhere else?
Not blaming, just shaming.

Sent from my XQ-DQ62 using Tapatalk

I’m just not sure why you need to bring the board into it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on November 08, 2023, 07:33:56 PM
Some of the comments on his forum from the board members here are really embarrassing.

What do you mean by boardmembers?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: milicz on November 08, 2023, 07:35:46 PM
Some of the comments on his forum from the board members here are really embarrassing.

What do you mean by boardmembers?
Members of this board.  Board and forum are interchangeable words.

Sent from my XQ-DQ62 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 08, 2023, 07:37:30 PM
Some of the comments on his forum from the board members here are really embarrassing.

What do you mean by boardmembers?

Somebody who posts on here posted something rude on Guy’s page so the rest of us should take the blame it seems   ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on November 08, 2023, 07:38:22 PM
Okay, yeah fans are everywhere, coincidentally also on amit. I think vape68 went a bit too far today. But Guy reacted in a good way.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: milicz on November 08, 2023, 07:39:10 PM
Some of the comments on his forum from the board members here are really embarrassing.

What do you mean by boardmembers?

Somebody who posts on here posted something rude on Guy’s page so the rest of us should take the blame it seems   ::)
Good grief Charlie Brown, that was not the intent. 

Sent from my XQ-DQ62 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 08, 2023, 07:39:55 PM
Ok, what was the intent?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: milicz on November 08, 2023, 07:47:15 PM
Let me clarify this point. In any well-mannered community, there are certain unspoken rules that guide our interactions, and this is true for online forums as well. It’s easy for some individuals to lose sight of how their words may be perceived, especially in an online setting where visual cues are absent. Just as children learn through social cues what is acceptable behavior, adults too can benefit from such guidance. Considering that there is an overlap of members between Guy's Forum and this platform, I thought it prudent to highlight the impression their posts are creating, without directly naming anyone.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 08, 2023, 07:49:22 PM
Literally no one would have made any connection with the individual concerned and AMIT (different user names for one thing) until you brought it up.

Thanks for that.  :smack
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on November 08, 2023, 07:55:22 PM
In the other thread i made a comment to him today, but that was purely my opinion. There is nothing we can do about it for sure
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on November 08, 2023, 08:11:48 PM
Milicz is right and I think most of us get that, without taking it so very personal.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 08, 2023, 08:13:07 PM
Milicz is right and I think most of us get that, without taking it so very personal.

I don’t think anyone is defending what he wrote on Guy’s page, I just still don’t understand what it has to do with this place?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: milicz on November 08, 2023, 08:35:05 PM
The first post on this thread literally states: "use this thread for anything interesting/funny on guy's forum", I found the embarrassing comments interesting. 

Sent from my XQ-DQ62 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 08, 2023, 08:47:07 PM
The first post on this thread literally states: "use this thread for anything interesting/funny on guy's forum", I found the embarrassing comments interesting. 

Sent from my XQ-DQ62 using Tapatalk

Fair enough but, again, why bring this forum into it?

Have you tracked this individual down on Facebook? If so you can report them here:


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Elin N on November 08, 2023, 09:13:08 PM
An easy, but hopefully wrong, assumption to make after reading this forum for a while? ok, lets do as Disney says and Let it go  :lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 08, 2023, 09:16:29 PM
Hakuna matata  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 01, 2024, 08:25:08 PM
"is the BIA live tour going to be in your 2024 portfolio amongst other things?


Not currently
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on January 01, 2024, 09:30:47 PM
"is the BIA live tour going to be in your 2024 portfolio amongst other things?


Not currently

The word "currently" leaves it open then, or is that being over optimistic? 

At least he's aware of a demand.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on January 01, 2024, 11:03:46 PM
"is the BIA live tour going to be in your 2024 portfolio amongst other things?


Not currently

The word "currently" leaves it open then, or is that being over optimistic? 

At least he's aware of a demand.

Obviously not a priority. The néw album is foremost on the mind for 2024 surely...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 02, 2024, 09:21:17 AM
"is the BIA live tour going to be in your 2024 portfolio amongst other things?


Not currently

The word "currently" leaves it open then, or is that being over optimistic? 

At least he's aware of a demand.

Obviously not a priority. The néw album is foremost on the mind for 2024 surely...

The new album is done and ready to be released, so it is the TCT project so, we can say that 2024 is empty of work for them as long as we know.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on January 02, 2024, 10:37:46 AM
I know that Brothers in Arms was released in May 1985 but that doesn't automatically indicate that a Jubilee Box has also to be released in spring/summer. Christmas is a good reason to release Boxes in Oct/Nov. So Guy has time enough in early 2025.  :lol

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 02, 2024, 01:07:52 PM
We don't know if they have something in agenda, now that MK is no longer touring, maybe they would do some radio or TV promotion for the new record, and, what's next?

We know MK still wants to record songs, so maybe more songs to work with?

And we also know Guy works on other projects so, maybe a BIA anniversary edition?

Probably he would be doing Atmos mixes of DS and MK records but that depends more on the record company demands.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 02, 2024, 01:21:55 PM
Maybe film music? Eight years have passed since Altamira.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on January 02, 2024, 01:56:13 PM
Is the EP finished? Maybe they are still working on that
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 02, 2024, 02:04:20 PM
Is the EP finished? Maybe they are still working on that

No idea, I guess so as last band session was for that and that was some months ago.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marnix on January 02, 2024, 03:53:33 PM
"is the BIA live tour going to be in your 2024 portfolio amongst other things?


Not currently

To be honest I don’t expect an official BIA live release (although i hope for it) because I remember Guy wrote on his forum (or fb / instagram) I don’t know correctly that they didn’t have multitrack recordings from that tour. But maybe they will surprise us
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 02, 2024, 04:07:32 PM
"is the BIA live tour going to be in your 2024 portfolio amongst other things?


Not currently

To be honest I don’t expect an official BIA live release (although i hope for it) because I remember Guy wrote on his forum (or fb / instagram) I don’t know correctly that they didn’t have multitrack recordings from that tour. But maybe they will surprise us

From other Guy answers I understand that they don't have multitracks recordings for that tour because the record company didn't provide them with any, which doesn't mean they don't exists.

Maybe the record company have plans for a future BIA special release and that's why they didn't provide Guy for the box with any of that era, hence Guy's answers.

The famous Wembley 85 show was recorded multitrack with the Rolling Stones Mobile, same used for Alchemy.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 02, 2024, 04:40:04 PM
"The famous Wembley 85 show was recorded multitrack with the Rolling Stones Mobile, same used for Alchemy"

Exactly! And there is a big of hope. Only they have to be aware of it
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolo on January 02, 2024, 05:53:47 PM
In my opinion, the strangest thing about these new DS releases is that its all the same.
I mean, was nice to hear Phil Lynott in the Rainbow Theatre and was very nice to hear a full 'early days' full concert with some new songs at the time.

I've seen a lot people here claiming for the 'Full Alchemy' release, or the 'Complete On The Night' recordings.
When both was released, was a one week frenzy, then people start to ask about BIA records and other stuff.
They're are not wrong about these claims.
But it's never enought because we all had listened tons of bootlegs. So, we know what is expected.

Chris Witten mentioned on the forum the same opinion that me and my pal Brunno Nunes have.
What is missing on the DS catalogue is a release of Outtakes, Demo versions, Rehearsal clips, Alternative recordings... something like that 50+ songs from The Wall In Progress release.

Sorry about my poor english.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 02, 2024, 05:59:20 PM
I agree with Rolo.

The only thing we need is that the people from the record company agree with us and promote those projects, send the material to Guy to mix and get it released.

Obviously MK's ok is needed before!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolo on January 02, 2024, 06:34:37 PM
The only thing we need is that the people from the record company agree with us and promote those projects, send the material to Guy to mix and get it released.

i've read somewhere that John Illsley have a huge collection of items.
He probably have some video footage from those days or even some demo tapes or so.

For a long time i had imagine that DS Management didn't have access or even have non-released material.
I trully believed that all non released material was put on the trash or burned out.
That demo version of WDYTYG proved me wrong.
The Rainbow Theather release proved that i was completely wrong. ;D

Well, i lost my hope about some Deep Straits material like metioned before.
Even his solo material is a mess.
I still doubt about the Henrik documentary.

I listen to the new songs and that's it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on January 02, 2024, 07:37:18 PM
Wembley '85

First thing is to secure that the tape is not lost.

Then there may be contractual issue with the producer of the Wembley '85 recording.

Who paid the bill to record the show?

I don't know how the deal was set.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 02, 2024, 07:55:48 PM
Are we talking about July 10th?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on January 02, 2024, 08:33:31 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 02, 2024, 08:35:51 PM
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 02, 2024, 10:25:14 PM
Wembley '85

First thing is to secure that the tape is not lost.

Then there may be contractual issue with the producer of the Wembley '85 recording.

Who paid the bill to record the show?

I don't know how the deal was set.

Don't know, but probably is a similar story with the Rainbow 79 gig that was recorded to be used by the Arena tv show in their documentary.

I think Wembley 85 was commissioned by Channel 4 and now itv has something to.do with it too.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on January 02, 2024, 11:19:22 PM
Wembley '85

First thing is to secure that the tape is not lost.

Then there may be contractual issue with the producer of the Wembley '85 recording.

Who paid the bill to record the show?

I don't know how the deal was set.

Don't know, but probably is a similar story with the Rainbow 79 gig that was recorded to be used by the Arena tv show in their documentary.

I think Wembley 85 was commissioned by Channel 4 and now itv has something to.do with it too.

I seem to recall we established it was Tyne Tees TV that produced the show for C4 at the time, which was part of the ITV network.  There used to be regional channels and the whole was the ITV network, but it's all a bit of a mess now.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 03, 2024, 08:02:24 AM
My memory is bad but I seems to recall that Channel 4 was in the final credits of the Wembley 85 broadcast, but it's been a long time ago since last time I saw it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on January 03, 2024, 10:16:54 AM
My memory is bad but I seems to recall that Channel 4 was in the final credits of the Wembley 85 broadcast, but it's been a long time ago since last time I saw it.

It was broadcast on Channel 4 but as David says I think we established previously that it was produced for them by ITV.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on January 03, 2024, 11:15:57 AM
A question on Guy's forum was posed about if he would consider touring with David Gilmour if asked, and he said "of course" There was talk of Guy producing David's album, so he must rate Guy highly, it would be great to see and hear Guy tour with another huge artist, I would love to hear him playing Great Gig in The Sky :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 03, 2024, 12:45:24 PM
A question on Guy's forum was posed about if he would consider touring with David Gilmour if asked, and he said "of course" There was talk of Guy producing David's album, so he must rate Guy highly, it would be great to see and hear Guy tour with another huge artist, I would love to hear him playing Great Gig in The Sky :)

I think he did with Nick Mason in a private concert in a moto or car race or something like that.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 03, 2024, 12:55:17 PM
My memory is bad but I seems to recall that Channel 4 was in the final credits of the Wembley 85 broadcast, but it's been a long time ago since last time I saw it.

It was broadcast on Channel 4 but as David says I think we established previously that it was produced for them by ITV.

I have bad memories these days, too old for this s... Lol
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: binone on January 03, 2024, 01:19:22 PM
About Wembley 85, It has been blocked lately in my YouTube channel the 2 songs that wasn't originally on the broadcast (TOL and Solid Rock), although they seem to be allowed again. That is a movement at least.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on January 03, 2024, 01:34:53 PM
My memory is bad but I seems to recall that Channel 4 was in the final credits of the Wembley 85 broadcast, but it's been a long time ago since last time I saw it.

It was broadcast on Channel 4 but as David says I think we established previously that it was produced for them by ITV.

I have bad memories these days, too old for this s... Lol

I know he played with Nick, but I don't remember what they played.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Matchstickman on January 03, 2024, 03:39:44 PM
It would be great to have a BIA show on official video, but Wembley misses the opening song... :think
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 03, 2024, 04:26:24 PM
It would be great to have a BIA show on official video, but Wembley misses the opening song... :think

The broadcasted part, yes

We have "Expresso love" because it was used for promotion in a polish TV, as far as I recall, which means that parts not broadcasted exists recorded.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 03, 2024, 04:29:44 PM
It would be great to have a BIA show on official video, but Wembley misses the opening song... :think

The broadcasted part, yes

We have "Expresso love" because it was used for promotion in a polish TV, as far as I recall, which means that parts not broadcasted exists recorded.

I should know that. I have to check, because Polish television showed this concert and I recorded it on VHS.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Matchstickman on January 03, 2024, 05:24:40 PM
It would be great to have a BIA show on official video, but Wembley misses the opening song... :think

The broadcasted part, yes

We have "Expresso love" because it was used for promotion in a polish TV, as far as I recall, which means that parts not broadcasted exists recorded.

Releasing a finished product is one thing, but unless RATRiver was edited back in 1985, the chances of its seeing the light of day must be microscopical.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on January 03, 2024, 05:38:46 PM
It would be great to have a BIA show on official video, but Wembley misses the opening song... :think

The broadcasted part, yes

We have "Expresso love" because it was used for promotion in a polish TV, as far as I recall, which means that parts not broadcasted exists recorded.

Releasing a finished product is one thing, but unless RATRiver was edited back in 1985, the chances of its seeing the light of day must be microscopical.

I'm talking about audio, no video. Video seems pointless nowadays.

They should had multitracks of all the show as they used the Rolling Stones Mobile to record the sound and when they did they didn't know what songs were going to synchronize with the images, so they should have the original reels somewhere, as the Rainbow 79 were also archived somewhere!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Matchstickman on January 03, 2024, 08:33:33 PM
I would love a video, and with Youtube, video is bigger than ever (but does not generate sales, as you seem to have indicated).

They could always sell it to a streaming platform. Brothers in Arms live would be money for nothing - why not...  ;D

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: cannibals on January 23, 2024, 11:09:41 AM
Guy on his forum saying there is a window with David Gilmour later this year. David is about to release a new album also this year and is expected to go on tour after the summer.... Guy on tour with David?????
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on January 23, 2024, 07:33:56 PM
Guy on his forum saying there is a window with David Gilmour later this year. David is about to release a new album also this year and is expected to go on tour after the summer.... Guy on tour with David?????

Why not.
He did a good job within the NHB.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 23, 2024, 08:01:21 PM
Guy, are you going to work again with David Gilmour?
A yes or no will do..

GF: No.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on January 24, 2024, 11:37:01 AM
Shame, I would have liked him to fill the Richard Wright role.
Still no diary 4 yet!!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 24, 2024, 10:11:09 PM

The diary. I need to make some changes to it and because of the BluesClub gigs this week, will publish it next week.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on January 25, 2024, 11:01:48 AM
Great, then we will get to find out what the big mystery has been, it must be a special guest on the album, as we know the songs now, it's really only the official musicians left to find out, apart from the obvious ones.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Iron Hand on January 26, 2024, 05:50:25 PM
I'm a bit confused by this interaction.

Question By: lcc77
Categories: General discussion
January 24, 2024
Hi Guy,
Is the Blu-ray/Dolby Atmos version of the new album on this site is OK ? If so, do you know why it isn't possible to order it on Mark's officiel web site ?

» https://www.thesdeshop.com/

Answer: I have no idea.

Question By: lcc77
Categories: General discussion
January 24, 2024
Thanks a lot dear Guy for your quickly reply.
So I'll wait your incredible official Dolby Atmos mix !

Answer: Excellent. Better consumer Atmos playback systems are coming.

Does it only read to me like Laurent thinks SDE isn't legit? Would be good if someone who's got an account there could clear that up a bit, because other than streaming, there probably won't be any other "official Dolby Atmos mix" and I'd hate someone to lose out on a release just because of a misunderstanding...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on January 26, 2024, 06:12:16 PM
If you are interested in Dolby Atmos I think the Blu Ray is the (tech) way to go* but you need compatible hardware equipment and I would bet it will be costly to get this equipement.
More than using a streaming service, as music distribution is more and more based on streaming.

* I assume that the Dolby Atmos will NOT be available on download services, otherwise I will have to correct my statement.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Iron Hand on January 26, 2024, 09:47:47 PM
You can stream Atmos mixes - the Dolby Atmos mix of Brothers in Arms has only been made available on streaming so far - but it's just a few services offering it so far (Apple Music, Amazon and Tidal, I think) and it's a lossy format in order to reduce the bandwidth, whereas Blu-Ray can and usually does offer lossless Atmos.

But the mix should be the same, just the delivery format is different and technically inferior on streaming - although whether you can hear the difference probably differs from one listener to the next.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on January 28, 2024, 11:25:57 AM
Have to admit, I laughed a lot when somebody asked why there are GUITAR PICKS in MARK KNOPFLER's box set. Fair question, actually.

But it's cool to include something one can use, as opposed to something like China-made chips and dice from the Get Lucky box set.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on January 28, 2024, 01:50:28 PM
The Get Lucky Box set also had badges which I love :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Silvertown on February 02, 2024, 12:12:10 PM

The diary. I need to make some changes to it and because of the BluesClub gigs this week, will publish it next week.


Or next week...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 02, 2024, 12:21:15 PM

The diary. I need to make some changes to it and because of the BluesClub gigs this week, will publish it next week.


Or next week...

Very soon
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: border_reiver on February 02, 2024, 01:39:52 PM

The diary. I need to make some changes to it and because of the BluesClub gigs this week, will publish it next week.


Or next week...

Very soon

It's the best wait ever!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on February 03, 2024, 11:40:14 AM
It better be worth it after all this time :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on February 03, 2024, 02:28:10 PM
Lesson 1 : never use the word "soon" but "TBC" or  "waiting for official announcement from the authorised sources"
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Vesper on February 17, 2024, 04:28:24 PM
"The diary will give you more. It’s up this week. Honest!"

We'll see ::)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: skydiver on February 17, 2024, 07:32:11 PM
Diary entry 4 is here at last, but password protected.
Can someone get in and tell us about the content?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on February 17, 2024, 08:25:32 PM
I have a password there, I can use it to ask questions still, but it doesn't work with the diary.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: jf9081 on February 17, 2024, 08:55:43 PM
I have a password there, I can use it to ask questions still, but it doesn't work with the diary.


I can't even use my password. ???
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on February 17, 2024, 09:59:41 PM
Diary entry 4 is here at last, but password protected.
Can someone get in and tell us about the content?

Russian hacker in the chat... Can't access it though, get the error "Wait for the official announcement from Guy".
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on February 18, 2024, 12:24:09 PM

It will be released tomorrow. I was just testing this facility.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on February 19, 2024, 07:26:49 AM
You’re probably all way ahead of me on this but I noticed that all of the old diaries seem restored on Guy’s site now.

Next thing to pester him for………the promised film footage of the Blues Club session
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 19, 2024, 07:34:41 AM
You’re probably all way ahead of me on this but I noticed that all of the old diaries seem restored on Guy’s site now.

Next thing to pester him for………the promised film footage of the Blues Club session

Shangri-la record and tour missing, also KTGC record and tour missing, Privateering recording is not there either.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: jf9081 on February 19, 2024, 10:10:49 AM
Diary 4 ONLINE!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marnix on February 19, 2024, 10:24:14 AM
Diary 4 is alive
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on February 19, 2024, 11:31:20 AM
A lot in there, a couple of initial thoughts.

1. A couple of Dusenberg guitar headstocks sneaking in there.
2. This tape business seems a right pain in the arse. I wonder if there is anyone else in the world fannying about like this.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 19, 2024, 11:37:05 AM
and it tells us there are 4 parts in the One deep river EPK
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on February 19, 2024, 11:42:48 AM
and it tells us there are 4 parts in the One deep river EPK

Where? When?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on February 19, 2024, 11:47:37 AM
and it tells us there are 4 parts in the One deep river EPK

Not sure about that, there was also an epk9 pic, he just named the pics like that. The picture with Danny gave some info about the lenght of the EPK. 6.36 and 13.52 left, or 13.52min in total?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on February 19, 2024, 11:48:32 AM
More FAKE NEWS from Pottel.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Jules on February 19, 2024, 11:55:58 AM
More FAKE NEWS from Pottel.


Just saw myself that Guy just took screen captures from the first part of the EPK and named them with EPK and numbers, LOL
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on February 19, 2024, 11:58:54 AM
EPK is 20 or 14 minutes.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: rmarques821 on February 19, 2024, 12:01:51 PM
I wish they did something like with Tracker, a 25 minute track-by-track video.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on February 19, 2024, 12:25:22 PM
I wish they did something like with Tracker, a 25 minute track-by-track video.

Tracker EPK was a masterpiece. Shot so beautifully, and edited so masterfully, and those acoustic guitar snippets are simply marvellous. I was shocked when I saw Down The Road EPK. Complete opposite of Tracker — shot in a dark room, with heavy-breathing Mark, an interviewer you can't hear and see, static camera angle and no playing snippets at all. As if 30 years have passed between Tracker and Down The Road Wherever, and not just 3.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on February 19, 2024, 12:39:44 PM
Guy talks about that two-bar-loop with the specific sound that Mark was after and describes how they created it and that it can be found on Scavengers Yard and on Two Pairs Of Hands. I think that sound is what can be heard during the beginning of the video pt.1. So it is probably one of those two songs and I was wrong about it being Tunnel 13.

Also I read it as if there are strings on Janine?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on February 19, 2024, 12:47:09 PM
More FAKE NEWS from Pottel.

can someone pls delete my account? the amount of mobbing against me, a peaceful MAGA fan is out of this world.
all a conspiracy to prevent our lord and saviour of saving the world (and especially the sexy ladies) again in nov!
for the record, i do not like children blood, so why would i drink it, so FAKE!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dmg on February 19, 2024, 12:47:51 PM
Guy getting into photo stacking now (the '54 Strat pic).  Some really nice photos.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on February 19, 2024, 04:05:13 PM
My favorite:

Such is the proliferation of songs in Mark’s head, a wonder in these modern times, where a good song is about as rare as a perfectly mismatched sock.

So, there we have it, a typically varied collection of songs that eloquently showcases not only Mark’s stature as a songwriting force but also this band’s extraordinary fluency and mastery across diverse musical landscapes. As with all of Mark’s albums, there are hidden gems, elements, and meanings that are born before our eyes during these sessions, often without the band’s immediate realisation. Maybe you will hear things before we did. I hope you enjoy the journey as much as we have.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter v2.0 on February 19, 2024, 06:20:10 PM
My favorite:

Such is the proliferation of songs in Mark’s head, a wonder in these modern times, where a good song is about as rare as a perfectly mismatched sock.

So, there we have it, a typically varied collection of songs that eloquently showcases not only Mark’s stature as a songwriting force but also this band’s extraordinary fluency and mastery across diverse musical landscapes. As with all of Mark’s albums, there are hidden gems, elements, and meanings that are born before our eyes during these sessions, often without the band’s immediate realisation. Maybe you will hear things before we did. I hope you enjoy the journey as much as we have.

I seem to have heard this before. Oh, that's right - after every album LOL
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Darling Pretty on February 19, 2024, 06:47:03 PM
Cool shot of the Band having some drinks. But without Mark really?
 :think  He surely didn't take the photo I guess
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on February 19, 2024, 06:54:58 PM
He wasn't there probably.... because he doesn't drink  ;D ;D :lol

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on February 19, 2024, 06:57:13 PM
Cool shot of the Band having some drinks. But without Mark really?
 :think  He surely didn't take the photo I guess

And this is the only photo with John and Mike.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Darling Pretty on February 19, 2024, 07:36:36 PM
He wasn't there probably.... because he doesn't drink  ;D ;D :lol


Well,...  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on February 20, 2024, 03:18:01 PM
Diary entry is great……says something about the studio (or my ignorance….) when you see a picture and have to spend a few seconds working out whether it’s a coffee machine or some piece of recording equipment.
The coffee stencil is awesome.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on March 17, 2024, 03:38:28 PM
Has anyone listened to the podcast that Guy was interviewed on recently? Enjoying listening to it.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Dutchessy on June 12, 2024, 11:54:11 AM
Q&A offline?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Silvertown on June 12, 2024, 12:30:04 PM
Q&A offline?

Yes, something is wrong. Or everything has been asked and answered :D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: stratmad on June 14, 2024, 03:34:24 PM
Q&A offline?

Yes, something is wrong. Or everything has been asked and answered :D

Some technical issue maybe. The Bug. Or Deep Thought calculating the right questions. ;-)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on June 25, 2024, 02:08:35 PM

I am sure there is a lot more new music to come.

And I like such words very much:)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Knopflerfan on June 25, 2024, 06:33:22 PM

I am sure there is a lot more new music to come.

And I like such words very much:)

Lovely jubbly!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 10, 2024, 12:32:01 AM
quick question. Has MK, you know, given you the nod to get the band into the studio in the autumn?


I currently have no news to share with you.

That would be too fast.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on August 10, 2024, 10:56:05 AM
quick question. Has MK, you know, given you the nod to get the band into the studio in the autumn?


I currently have no news to share with you.

That would be too fast.

According to MK interviews, he stopped touring in order to have more time to write songs.

Apart of promotion he didn't anything else so, seems he wasn't writing songs,, lol

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 28, 2024, 12:19:32 AM

Because Mark has always been so prolific, there has never been a desire to rehash sub-standard material such as out takes or songs that never made the grade. There will be more DS releases for sure, naturally I cannot say any more than that.

Thanks Rolo :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on August 28, 2024, 12:05:31 PM
Brothers In Arms box set for next year?
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on August 28, 2024, 12:19:09 PM
I hope so. Better would be this year for Christmas, but I guess that would have been anounced already.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: the visitor on August 28, 2024, 04:29:00 PM
Guy is obviously limited in what he can say but hopefully there will be more unreleased live material. A BIA box set would be amazing.  I am sure Guy has stated he didn't mix any BIA stuff for the live box set but I live in hope he has been instructed to do some mixes or at least audio restoration of 2 track masters to support any release.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolo on August 28, 2024, 04:44:26 PM
Guy is obviously limited in what he can say but hopefully there will be more unreleased live material. A BIA box set would be amazing.  I am sure Guy has stated he didn't mix any BIA stuff for the live box set but I live in hope he has been instructed to do some mixes or at least audio restoration of 2 track masters to support any release.

You're welcome  ;D
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on August 28, 2024, 05:06:46 PM
I hope for a Wembley 1985 Blu-Ray and maybe Album and I know already that I will be disappointed because they will 100% mess it up with mixing/deleting/decisions whatever... is anybody really watching the Alchemy Blu-Ray for example?


Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on August 28, 2024, 05:39:07 PM
I know I'm in the minority but I'm dreaming of last concert. April 26th Sydney. Of course I would be very happy with Wembley Arena (10.07.85) or San Antonio and Houston (16,17.08.85)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on August 31, 2024, 09:10:55 PM
New interview with Guy.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on September 02, 2024, 03:32:34 PM
thnx. interesting interview. bit different
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on September 07, 2024, 01:21:06 AM
It's good to read such words from GF:

The songs keep on coming.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on October 31, 2024, 05:28:46 PM

Hope you are well. Love to see you are passionate about atmos. Can’t wait to hear it. Regarding the live shows. Are these straits shows you are mixing or MK gigs?


Sorry Lars, can’t say.

Guy doesn't say he doesn't. Does it mean something?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: qjamesfloyd on November 01, 2024, 08:08:34 AM
I take it as a yes, or Guy would have just said no. I like to think the record company was happy about the reaction to the live box set from last year, so, they hopefully think there is a market worth pursuing, and maybe Mark is happier about releasing this type of material now he is not playing live anymore.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 01, 2024, 08:12:59 AM
I take it as a yes, or Guy would have just said no. I like to think the record company was happy about the reaction to the live box set from last year, so, they hopefully think there is a market worth pursuing, and maybe Mark is happier about releasing this type of material now he is not playing live anymore.

I think so too  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on November 01, 2024, 08:38:24 AM
I guess blu-ray atmos releases of the DS albums would be fun, although I have had the 5.1 of BiA for over 20 years and I think I've maybe listened to it once...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Marnix on November 01, 2024, 09:26:07 AM
If i am correct Guy said after the release of the Dire Straits live box last year we could expect more live releases in the future. so maybe next year volume 2 or a solo live boxset
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolo on November 01, 2024, 02:23:06 PM
If i am correct Guy said after the release of the Dire Straits live box last year we could expect more live releases in the future. so maybe next year volume 2 or a solo live boxset

I think that the problem of DS releases are that they're 'all the same'.
MK/DS seems that not intend to achieve new fans.
The 'new fans' are created by the old ones. And the old ones already listened to everything from DS/MK.

Nothing wrong with the ATMOS stuff. Its a new technology and they are "investing" on it.
However, besides the atmos, I mantain on my opinion that, the best product that DS/MK could release its a 'Immersion Pack' with outtakes, unreleased stuff, interviews with me band, crew, producers, footages made by the band (JI have a LOT of material)

There are 15 recorded songs for LOG that are waiting the sunlight.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on November 01, 2024, 03:05:31 PM
I was happy to buy the DS live box but I did not listen to it as much as I would have expected to do it.

ATMOS stuff would be a simple no for me as I don't have the equipment to listen to

And I am very cautious with unpublished studio songs. The bonus tracks found on single during the DS days were already rejected stuff from the album and honestly I think I understood why.

Takes with longer fadeout or even better without fading would be of interest (like Deep Purple Machine Head 1997 remix for example)

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolo on November 01, 2024, 05:02:08 PM
I don't see unpublished songs as a "bad thing"
I mean, back then these songs could turn the albums "weak".
However, not today.

Just because it's all about the same stuff.
Mark has releasing weak songs on his recent works as bonus tracks.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 01, 2024, 08:28:19 PM
I can't agree. These aren't weak songs:

Sky And Water
Pale Imitation
Don’t Suck Me In

The Living End
Fat Chance Dupree
Along A Foreign Coast
Nothing But Rain
Dolly Shop Man
Your Leading Man
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on November 01, 2024, 10:43:31 PM
I can't agree. These aren't weak songs:

Sky And Water
Pale Imitation
Don’t Suck Me In

The Living End
Fat Chance Dupree
Along A Foreign Coast
Nothing But Rain
Dolly Shop Man
Your Leading Man

Half of them are very weak, in my opinion. The rest are songs worth of being in a record.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on November 02, 2024, 10:53:44 AM
I must admit that I find it very hard to remember most of the ODR songs, especially the whole bonus stuff. I don't know, it all sounds too generic and irrelevant to me. Once there was a time when an MK song was a well crafted monument (Speedway, 5.15am, Baloney Again, One Last Matinee, Hill Farmer etc and so on). These are just ... variations, echoes, weak caricatures of always the same

On Rob's list, I would call good songs the first two, The Living End and Dolly Shop Man, maybe Fat Chance Dupree.  It's sad somehow and the idea that once Long Highway or Camerado or River of Grog were "bonus" songs makes me feel nostalgic about MK's career. This 25something ODR songs better should have merged to an album of the strongest 10 or 11,12, and the rest should have stayed in the vaults or in his Notebook.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolo on November 04, 2024, 01:44:38 PM
I must admit that I find it very hard to remember most of the ODR songs, especially the whole bonus stuff. I don't know, it all sounds too generic and irrelevant to me. Once there was a time when an MK song was a well crafted monument (Speedway, 5.15am, Baloney Again, One Last Matinee, Hill Farmer etc and so on). These are just ... variations, echoes, weak caricatures of always the same

Could not agree more.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on November 04, 2024, 06:06:02 PM
That's the denyal phase...
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolo on November 05, 2024, 11:30:21 AM
That's the denyal phase...

Nah... my denial phase was during the release of Tracker. DTRW just buried my expectations about new Mark's music.
My dislike for Mark's music begun before that. However, the tour with Dylan in 2011 and Privateering kind of saved his skin.

I haven't listening to DS, i believe, since last year.
And, before the release of ODR, last time that I really listened MK was during the pandemics.

The main problem is that my foundation as a musicas was because of Mark. So, happens to be tht everytime that MK releases something or shows up somewhere, it activates my teenager curiosity about music.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Pottel on November 08, 2024, 06:38:56 PM
I can't agree. These aren't weak songs:

Sky And Water
Pale Imitation
Don’t Suck Me In

The Living End
Fat Chance Dupree
Along A Foreign Coast
Nothing But Rain
Dolly Shop Man
Your Leading Man
fully agree. this album has no skippers (FOR ME) and that is a rare thing. LOVE it
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 08, 2024, 06:50:02 PM
I can't agree. These aren't weak songs:

Sky And Water
Pale Imitation
Don’t Suck Me In

The Living End
Fat Chance Dupree
Along A Foreign Coast
Nothing But Rain
Dolly Shop Man
Your Leading Man
fully agree. this album has no skippers (FOR ME) and that is a rare thing. LOVE it

 :thumbsup  :)
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: ds1984 on November 09, 2024, 01:46:07 PM
When your artist is relasing songs that does not moves you anymore you are just in a dead end.

There is still that guitar sound but you can't just reduce him to that.

What a frustration.

You are wishing for a miracle but you know that it won't happen.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on November 20, 2024, 02:07:40 AM
Very good question from Julio:

I understand that anything you’re working on nowadays is you alone, meaning without MK, or is he involved in any way? Anything to work together is in the plans for next year?


No, we are involved in a few things together, and some on my own. For example today I’m doing pre-production work on the album I’m producing (at BG) for Our Man In The Field
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Wario on November 30, 2024, 08:47:23 PM
I would assume that next year there will be a BIA anniversary release, but I don't think there will be another live DS box set released because it would be too repetitive. The logical follow-up (and taking into account the release order of the studio album box sets) would be new MK live solo material, something that is perfectly feasible since there is so much material. We know the DS brand sells a lot, but there's no official Mark release live from RLRR and that wasn't even a typical concert for his style, so I think it would sell well.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Robson on December 08, 2024, 01:40:41 AM

...Would you know or have any sales figures worldwide regards your project and what was raised for the good cause, Guitar Hero’s?


Oddly, I haven’t heard a word. It all seems long forgotten.

It's sad, unfair and incomprehensible.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on December 08, 2024, 10:18:35 AM

...Would you know or have any sales figures worldwide regards your project and what was raised for the good cause, Guitar Hero’s?


Oddly, I haven’t heard a word. It all seems long forgotten.

It's sad, unfair and incomprehensible.

I really don't want to say it, but it's sort of... Maybe... Possibly... To be expected? I mean, all the criticism and rage that filled the forum upon the news of what this project was going to be came not out of thin air. I always said there were ways to make it more effective and everybody's like — you're a hater, shut up.

But the fact that the video hasn't reached even 1M views and Guy avoids questions about its success speaks volumes to me. It was a strange project indeed.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on December 08, 2024, 05:30:52 PM
This kind of things have a big success at the moment it happens but is forgot very quickly.

It has nothing to do with Amit opinions but with the market. It works like that and is not new.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter v2.0 on December 08, 2024, 07:09:51 PM
So much work, so many high-profile artists involved, so much secrecy, and then --- fffft. One small blip on the radar, and then gone. Totally failed strategy, if there even was one.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on December 08, 2024, 07:59:23 PM
They wanted to raise money from this charity thing, the Blu-ray and lp versions were sold out, I'm not sure about the cd so, if they only did a certain number of copies of three formats and two of them are sold out, I would say they were as successful as they expected.

So a success.

In terms of sales, to raise funds for the charity two of the three formats they released sold out!
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Rolo on December 08, 2024, 08:08:33 PM
I don't think that is a 'market issue'.
As have been said at this forum many times, the "problem" is MK's Management old fashion style of marketing.

Points there could add more value to the cause.
- A real video clip with the musicians envolved. Ringo, Eric, David, MK, Jeff and many other had recorded their parts at BG. All others had recorded in a real studio. Neither a simplistic footage was made. Pity on that.
- This secret about the recording, in my opinion, really pushed the whole project down. People who follow social media don't wanna know about the result. They follow and enjoys the process. Revealing the project a year before, more people could be envolved to the cause (TCT). Don't forget that the recording was made as a social contribuition for the TCT.
- Digital and Social influencers could be add as a vehicle for the song/cause.

Other points.
- When the name 'Mark Knopfler' is involved on any kind od project. It must be a secret just because MK name is on it.
- New audience doesn't know anything about who is MK.
- Those MK's involved projects not suit the popular taste anymore. So, the work must be astonishing to be kept as a secret for such a long time. Wicth is not for a good amount of time.

Now, it's not time to complain.
What was done. Was done.
MK is retired and, even if he starts to record a new album tomorrow, we won't see MK & Co on social media showing gear, song teasers or bits of guitar solos.
Guy will stay working remastering old songs and keeping it as "i cannot say at the moment" and then releases the same stuff all over again.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on December 09, 2024, 08:30:55 AM
I don't think that is a 'market issue'.
As have been said at this forum many times, the "problem" is MK's Management old fashion style of marketing.

Points there could add more value to the cause.
- A real video clip with the musicians envolved. Ringo, Eric, David, MK, Jeff and many other had recorded their parts at BG. All others had recorded in a real studio. Neither a simplistic footage was made. Pity on that.
- This secret about the recording, in my opinion, really pushed the whole project down. People who follow social media don't wanna know about the result. They follow and enjoys the process. Revealing the project a year before, more people could be envolved to the cause (TCT). Don't forget that the recording was made as a social contribuition for the TCT.
- Digital and Social influencers could be add as a vehicle for the song/cause.

Other points.
- When the name 'Mark Knopfler' is involved on any kind od project. It must be a secret just because MK name is on it.
- New audience doesn't know anything about who is MK.
- Those MK's involved projects not suit the popular taste anymore. So, the work must be astonishing to be kept as a secret for such a long time. Wicth is not for a good amount of time.

Now, it's not time to complain.
What was done. Was done.
MK is retired and, even if he starts to record a new album tomorrow, we won't see MK & Co on social media showing gear, song teasers or bits of guitar solos.
Guy will stay working remastering old songs and keeping it as "i cannot say at the moment" and then releases the same stuff all over again.

I agree on all points. Very good post.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: dustyvalentino on December 09, 2024, 09:44:50 AM
Even with a sell out I don't think they would have raised that much on physical sales.

However, with these type of things raising attention to and getting press for the charity is important as well.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: hunter v2.0 on December 09, 2024, 10:04:55 AM
I don't think that is a 'market issue'.
As have been said at this forum many times, the "problem" is MK's Management old fashion style of marketing.

Points there could add more value to the cause.
- A real video clip with the musicians envolved. Ringo, Eric, David, MK, Jeff and many other had recorded their parts at BG. All others had recorded in a real studio. Neither a simplistic footage was made. Pity on that.
- This secret about the recording, in my opinion, really pushed the whole project down. People who follow social media don't wanna know about the result. They follow and enjoys the process. Revealing the project a year before, more people could be envolved to the cause (TCT). Don't forget that the recording was made as a social contribuition for the TCT.
- Digital and Social influencers could be add as a vehicle for the song/cause.

Other points.
- When the name 'Mark Knopfler' is involved on any kind od project. It must be a secret just because MK name is on it.
- New audience doesn't know anything about who is MK.
- Those MK's involved projects not suit the popular taste anymore. So, the work must be astonishing to be kept as a secret for such a long time. Wicth is not for a good amount of time.

Now, it's not time to complain.
What was done. Was done.
MK is retired and, even if he starts to record a new album tomorrow, we won't see MK & Co on social media showing gear, song teasers or bits of guitar solos.
Guy will stay working remastering old songs and keeping it as "i cannot say at the moment" and then releases the same stuff all over again.

Video, totally. Especially of the biggest stars. Even snippets recorded on a mobile phone, anything to add something visual to the project.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: quizzaciously on December 09, 2024, 11:05:30 AM
I don't think that is a 'market issue'.
As have been said at this forum many times, the "problem" is MK's Management old fashion style of marketing.

Points there could add more value to the cause.
- A real video clip with the musicians envolved. Ringo, Eric, David, MK, Jeff and many other had recorded their parts at BG. All others had recorded in a real studio. Neither a simplistic footage was made. Pity on that.
- This secret about the recording, in my opinion, really pushed the whole project down. People who follow social media don't wanna know about the result. They follow and enjoys the process. Revealing the project a year before, more people could be envolved to the cause (TCT). Don't forget that the recording was made as a social contribuition for the TCT.
- Digital and Social influencers could be add as a vehicle for the song/cause.

Other points.
- When the name 'Mark Knopfler' is involved on any kind od project. It must be a secret just because MK name is on it.
- New audience doesn't know anything about who is MK.
- Those MK's involved projects not suit the popular taste anymore. So, the work must be astonishing to be kept as a secret for such a long time. Wicth is not for a good amount of time.

Now, it's not time to complain.
What was done. Was done.
MK is retired and, even if he starts to record a new album tomorrow, we won't see MK & Co on social media showing gear, song teasers or bits of guitar solos.
Guy will stay working remastering old songs and keeping it as "i cannot say at the moment" and then releases the same stuff all over again.

Video, totally. Especially of the biggest stars. Even snippets recorded on a mobile phone, anything to add something visual to the project.

The absence of the video was almost an insult, considering Mark recorded multiple takes of his solos for Dion and this song I and everybody else already forgot about, seemingly in front of the green screen, and yet for all these stars, all we have is some text. I think the problem here is just an overabundance of players and the fear it would be a nightmare to edit, which it would be, but judging by Guy's story, it was a nightmare to edit even the audio portion—a bizarre project from start to finish.

I agree it's not time to complain, but even after all this time, I still can't come to terms with this project for how strange it was and how nobody in the long chain of people would ever try to stop Mark and say, what are we doing here exactly? Where was Ed when you needed him? I'm still 100% sure it would blow up indefinitely should it have a proper video portion, making more money for the cause, easier to share by guest stars and worthwhile to last a longer period of time.

It could be done in a shorter amount of time, with less effort, with a bigger impact, and they did everything they could to diminish the result. They haven't forgotten to erect the plaque commemorating the "historical recording" in the studio, though. I don't know, some things in life are just out of reach for my understanding.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on January 19, 2025, 11:31:07 PM
Checked Guy's Q&A first time since a long time, someone asked about the possibility of a new MK album, Guy answered "Always possible – nothing currently planned".
Just for the record.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on January 20, 2025, 09:54:13 AM
Checked Guy's Q&A first time since a long time, someone asked about the possibility of a new MK album, Guy answered "Always possible – nothing currently planned".
Just for the record.


For what record?

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Love Expresso on January 20, 2025, 12:31:23 PM
Checked Guy's Q&A first time since a long time, someone asked about the possibility of a new MK album, Guy answered "Always possible – nothing currently planned".
Just for the record.


For what record?


This thread.

Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: wayaman on January 20, 2025, 12:33:23 PM
Checked Guy's Q&A first time since a long time, someone asked about the possibility of a new MK album, Guy answered "Always possible – nothing currently planned".
Just for the record.


For what record?


This thread.


I know, it was just a bad joke about "for the record" linked with the fact that, with MK retired from touring to have for time to write, there are no plans for a new record yet.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: MagicElliott on January 28, 2025, 04:40:19 PM
Great to hear Guy has become a grandparent. Maybe he’s mentioned it on the socials and I didn’t see.
Title: Re: Guy's Forum
Post by: Markus on February 10, 2025, 05:11:31 PM
What happened to Guy's answers?