A Mark In Time

Mark Knopfler Discussion => Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Love Expresso on August 22, 2011, 03:36:38 PM

Title: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Love Expresso on August 22, 2011, 03:36:38 PM
... the one from the BIA cover, is it really used on ALL of his albums? I know there has been built a new version of that guitar, but you know what I mean.
I came across this idea when I listened to Communiqu
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: ds1984 on August 22, 2011, 05:01:46 PM
1. solo album - at least DWB?
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: aborille on August 22, 2011, 05:41:59 PM
1st album: Wild West End
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: dmg on August 22, 2011, 06:28:43 PM
Guy said on his site that it had, sometimes in the background only though (not lead).  If memory serves he also added that Get Lucky was the first one it hadn't appeared on and that's how the conversation started.
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Love Expresso on August 22, 2011, 08:19:42 PM
Guy said on his site that it had, sometimes in the background only though (not lead).  If memory serves he also added that Get Lucky was the first one it hadn't appeared on and that's how the conversation started.

Really? Can't remember that... But, thanks, makes sense!  :D

The question is still where on STP that guitar can be heard?

Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: dustyvalentino on August 22, 2011, 08:38:57 PM
Was it not the other National in the early days? ie not the palm tree style O but the other one you can see him playing in the Top of the Pops R&J clip, the triolian or something?

Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Love Expresso on August 22, 2011, 09:08:38 PM
ups, not running in Germany...  :'(

since when did MK own the "palm tree" national? I remember he told the story how he drove to Wales in the pouring rain and bla bla during the 2005 introduction to "All That Matters"... But do we know the year?

Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: ustas on August 22, 2011, 11:39:28 PM
it's 1928 National Tricone.


 Written by Mark Knopfler. Taken from 'Mojo', Feb 95.

I'd seen pictures of National Steel guitars in my teens, but it was only when I started going to blues clubs that I saw people like  Steve Phillips actually playing them. I got to know Steve and started really studying country blues as a result. His little house in Leeds was like a university of the country blues. Around 1969 I saw an advert for one in Wales, and I just borrowed the money and a car and drove all the way there as fast as I could. I got it for, I think, 85 pounds. It was a tricone 1928 National Steel Guitar, which I still have. Steve and I then got a duet thing going, which we called the Duolian String Pickers - Duolian being the name of a cheaper model made by The National String Instrument Corporation.

A few years later, I bought Steve's Stylo, the one with the palm trees on the front that we put on the front cover of Brothers In Arms. He charged me 120 pounds, and it's probably worth a little bit more than that now. The National has always been magical to me; the very word is magical. The surprising thing is that I've found there's a place for the National on lots of things you wouldn't expect it to be on. A lot of people give up on them and get rid of them, but they've got a colour and a quality that works very well on a lot of music besides country blues. Having said which, the three artists who immediately come to mind when I think about the instrument are Son House, who I saw at Leeds University, Bukka White, and Blind Boy Fuller. Steve and I then went on to Western Swing and other music, even as far as playing Hawaiian music, and the National seemed to figure in some capacity in all of it.

The thing of my own which I'm proudest of that features the National Steel is probably Romeo And Juliet. I like it on that song because it's different. It's being used in a different way, but it still doesn't sound the same as, say, a flat-top would. It just kind of worked.
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: TheTimeWasWrong on August 23, 2011, 09:43:57 AM
A night in summer long ago
Done with Bonaparte (live, on the record he probably used a Strat or Pensa)
Old pigweed (main part played with a Martin, overdubs with the National, some say it's Richard, I think it's Mark)
The fizzy and the still
Pulling down the ride

Some say there is a National on When it comes to you (OES) but I doubt it.

He also used it during the STP-tour for the intro of Money For Nothing (which is awesome). There are also some Nationals on MK records which are played by Richard (All that matters, Stand up guy) or Sonny Landreth (Je suis desole)

The man's too strong was recorded with an Ovation guitar and had some overdubs with the National (slide). I don't know which acoustic was used for Iron Hand, but definitely not a National.
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: ds1984 on August 23, 2011, 09:46:22 AM
Thank you ustas

Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Love Expresso on August 23, 2011, 09:49:43 AM
Thanks Ustas, great statements. Didn't know them.  :)

Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: ustas on August 23, 2011, 10:12:02 AM
I don't know which acoustic was used for Iron Hand, but definitely not a National.

Gibson J-45
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: ustas on August 23, 2011, 10:16:39 AM
Mark with Tricone


All Nationals used on The Notting Hillbillies album:


Brendan's 1936 National Stile O
Mark's 1938 (or 1937) National Style O
Steve's 1935 National Don

Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: ustas on August 23, 2011, 10:24:44 AM
Reissue of 1937 National O-14 fret from 2006:
http://www.nationalguitars.com/instruments/styleo14fret/styleo14fret.html It looks like Mark's new National.

Also National has second reissue of old National  - 'O-14 fret Replicon': http://www.nationalguitars.com/instruments/styleo14replicon/styleo14replicon.html
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Love Expresso on August 23, 2011, 10:06:06 PM
So no National on STP?  :) I know about the MfN live version, but that doesn't count in this thread!  ;D

Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Hophead on August 24, 2011, 12:11:22 AM
Thanks for the interview piece ustas...and all the pics are fantastic!! I think I had heard somewhere that Mark's National is considered to be one of the most photographed guitars ever..wouldn't be a bit surprised. Isn't the Yorkshire Evening Post the same newspaper that Mark wrote concert reviews for?
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: ustas on August 24, 2011, 12:44:40 AM
There are also some Nationals on MK records which are played by Richard (All that matters, Stand up guy) or Sonny Landreth (Je suis desole)

Richard used National Triplate on All That Matters and Mark's National O on Stand Up Guy.

Sonny Landreth could use Beltona Electro Resonator given to him by Mark.
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: lfblaauw on August 24, 2011, 08:37:51 AM
So no National on STP?  :) I know about the MfN live version, but that doesn't count in this thread!  ;D

It is on STP. Listen to Junkie Doll, you can hear the (or a) National in the beginning. Starts at 0:07.

Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Love Expresso on August 24, 2011, 09:56:15 AM
Hey, Lars, you are right! I was thinking about that song because it was the only one where I was not sure! Should have listened to it again then!
I think it sounds pretty much familiar with the usual National sound, so it is probably the famous one.

Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Mossguitar on August 24, 2011, 10:31:08 PM
Donky town!
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Tobben on August 26, 2011, 05:22:37 PM
I might recall that you can see the 1935 Tricone in the background somewhere in the "a meeting in Halland Park" documentary.  :)
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: JF on August 29, 2011, 06:11:37 PM
it's the first time I post here, but I
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Love Expresso on August 29, 2011, 06:56:34 PM
Hello, Jean-Fran
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: IrisRose on September 03, 2011, 05:04:28 AM
All information helps!  Thanks.   Ustas and Jean-Franc,ois have good technical information which isn't available to a lot of folks.   and our resident experts--dusty, pottel, shangri-la, and allen, whereever the heck he is--and others always help a lot.  
Never worry about "good" or "bad" English.   Everyone is welcome here.  It's your ideas that count.    :)
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Pottel on September 03, 2011, 01:22:20 PM
yeah, where the hell is our dear old friend Allen?? anyone heard from him lately? or is it his yearly long holiday??
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: IrisRose on September 04, 2011, 05:59:56 AM
Neither shangri-la nor I have heard from him since April.   
Title: Re: Mark's famous National...
Post by: Pottel on September 04, 2011, 10:52:08 AM
neither did i for that matter.
anyone on this forum been in contact with Allen since april??