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Author Topic: Concert # 38:2013.06.19, Donau-Arena, Regensburg, Germany # SPOILER AHEAD  (Read 13317 times)


  • A Mark in Time
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Location:- http://www.donau-arena.de/
Mark Knopfler:- http://www.donau-arena.de/index.php/component/eventlist/details/97-mark-knopfler-a-band
Clock @ Weather:- http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=999
TICKETS http://www.eventim.de/mark-knopfler-tickets-regensburg.html?affiliate=EVE&doc=artistPages%2Ftickets&fun=artist&action=tickets&key=757635%242292101&jumpIn=yTix&kuid=402&from=erdetaila
AMIT members attending:- http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php/topic,2573.0.html 
Previous Concert:- http://www.amarkintime.org/forum/index.php/topic,3123.0.html
BUY MP3 CONCERT STICK http://www.markknopfler-live.com/epages/es639584.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/es639584/Products/139

31songs now played on this tour

Different from last Concert in RED

01 What It Is
02 Corned Beef City
03 Privateering
04 Father and Son
05 Hill Farmers Blues
06 I Dug Up a Diamond
07 I Used to Could
08 Romeo and Juliet
09 Gator Blood
10 Haul Away
11 Postcards from Paraguay
12 Marbletown
13 Speedway at Nazareth
14 Telegraph Road
15 Brothers in Arms
16 So Far Away
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 03:30:13 AM by shangri la 1 »
My idea of heaven is a place where the Tyne meets the Delta, where folk music meets the blues.


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01 What It Is
02 Corned Beef City
03 Privateering
04 Father and Son
05 Hill Farmers Blues
06 I Dug Up a Diamond
07 I Used to Could
08 Romeo and Juliet
09 Gator Blood
10 Haul Away
11 Postcards from Paraguay
12 Marbletown
13 Speedway at Nazareth
14 Telegraph Road
15 Brothers in Arms
16 So Far Away
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 10:13:51 PM by ingridswing »


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Again no sultans. Just a remark. ;)
any Knopfler, Floyd or Dylan will do....


  • Rüdiger
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Again no sultans. Just a remark. ;)

yes, seems to be gone forever.... :'(

OfflineAr (aka Enlight)

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Again no sultans. Just a remark. ;)

yes, seems to be gone forever.... :'(

Did you hear the time bell rings already ?   ;D
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  • Rüdiger
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You know  why we can say that now the setlist is almost fixed ? and why we can say Mark is in autopliot ?

because, when you look at new gigs threads in this section, there are only 2 or 3 replies the day after the gig, while there was about an average of 10 pages of replies for each gig during the first half of the tour  ;D ;D ;D


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You know  why we can say that now the setlist is almost fixed ? and why we can say Mark is in autopliot ?

because, when you look at new gigs threads in this section, there are only 2 or 3 replies the day after the gig, while there was about an average of 10 pages of replies for each gig during the first half of the tour  ;D ;D ;D

I disagree. What can I write, besides that Frankfurt (number 12 for me) was a great concert again, despite the incredible heat. It's hard to be online and write sensible things. And besides that, the setlist is fixed, but MK is not on autopilot. Still lots more energy in his playing than previous tours and I can't wait for the next concert again to enjoy what I think is the best tour since 1996


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Many of us attended a few shows already, so there is not much new to discuss.

I was positively surprised by Donau Arena. It is not so big, well conditioned (becouse eishockey arena  :)) and without any barrier between the stage and front rows. And without any barrier around the arena itself too  ;) .
The atmosphere in relatively small towns is often more relaxed and more quiet. It weren't really many hard fans there, i think, becouse "running of the bulls" was pretty uncertain and slow this time.

Sitting in the dark at the foot of the stairs of stand or dance, watch the people below or close the eyes and just listen sound of Mark's guitar- that was really fun things to do.
...yes I need a little water of love...


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"Still lots more energy in his playing than previous tours and I can't wait for the next concert again to enjoy what I think is the best tour since 1996"
Ingridswing, that's exactly my feeling and that's exactly why I too can't get enough of this year's shows


  • David Knopfler
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"Still lots more energy in his playing than previous tours and I can't wait for the next concert again to enjoy what I think is the best tour since 1996"
Ingridswing, that's exactly my feeling and that's exactly why I too can't get enough of this year's shows

Nowhere near for me.  Better than than 2008 and 2010, but before that?  Got to keep things in perspective here;  it's easy to think the current tour is better than it actually is - we can only judge it fairly in a few years time when we can reflect upon it.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 06:06:02 PM by dmg »
"...and I blew up the radio in pretty short order."


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I think I can put it in perspective very well. I am a dutch girl with both feet steady on the earth. I attended more than one show from each tour from 1985 till now. And if you read the diary-entries from both Richard and Guy, especially Zwolle, I can safely say I am not far from reality here. I also can say which concerts this tour are better or less.


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I think I can put it in perspective very well. I am a dutch girl with both feet steady on the earth. I attended more than one show from each tour from 1985 till now. And if you read the diary-entries from both Richard and Guy, especially Zwolle, I can safely say I am not far from reality here. I also can say which concerts this tour are better or less.

 :clap :clap
Proud member of the AMIT crew

OfflineAr (aka Enlight)

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I think I can put it in perspective very well. I am a dutch girl with both feet steady on the earth. I attended more than one show from each tour from 1985 till now. And if you read the diary-entries from both Richard and Guy, especially Zwolle, I can safely say I am not far from reality here. I also can say which concerts this tour are better or less.

 :clap :clap

Not a reviewer from any magazine or newspaper, No Guy , Richard , any Dutch women or men with  feet on solid or higher ground , not a girl or man in the whole world ...oh my God ....not even Mister Knopfler (and I am sure he even would not, and he has been to every concert for sure) is going to tell me which ,where or when show is the best for any of THEIR reasons..............isn't that a personal possession, free for to have for every human being ? ?  ?

 I''ve got my very own reason to feel emotions and memories  by whatever concert  I wanna feel it!

A concert you listen to the day before a love one dies..........is not better or less..............but a concert to feel, cherish and to REMEMBER!

we can open a subject where everybody can ventilate their best DS/MK etc show , included the pros and cons and why they are capable to do ...........count me out!

Leaving nothing to interfere,
With the crazy balance of your mind.


  • Rüdiger
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"Still lots more energy in his playing than previous tours and I can't wait for the next concert again to enjoy what I think is the best tour since 1996"
Ingridswing, that's exactly my feeling and that's exactly why I too can't get enough of this year's shows

Nowhere near for me.  Better than than 2008 and 2010, but before that?  Got to keep things in perspective here;  it's easy to think the current tour is better than it actually is - we can only judge it fairly in a few years time when we can reflect upon it.

I agree with dmg (as it's often the case ;)).

OK I admit I have not attended any show, so my point view is from "exterior",I might say, but I find that the "big" surprises we were expecting for at the beginning of the tour were a little bit disappointing IMHO.

Ok, some little surprises, some "new" songs, but the same last 1/3 of the gig since 2008.....

and the setlist variation...am I right if I say that it concerns only 1 or 2 song per gig now...well it was already the case in previous tours no ?

I have listened many videos, and Mark plays well for sure,the band got energy, but nothing extraordinary IMHO.

I know you will say I was not there, and youtube videos can't retrancribe live atmosphere, etc...
That's why I call my point of view from "exterior", and I try to "Got to keep things in perspective".

I totally agree with "it's easy to think the current tour is better than it actually is". Guy always says that the current tour is the better, the current band is the better, the last gig was wonderful, etc...
What I like is to "de-zoom" and look at DS/MK's whole career to make myself an opinion, and of course I know, it will be only MY opinion  :)


  • Romeo
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The following objection isn't meant as an offence to the supporters of Eric Clapton, it's just my personal view.

This year I also went to an EC gig. Some research in the internet reveals that EC varies about four or five songs while the rest of the setlist remains quite static. Some criticise that he doesn't play more of his older material while others are regretting that he should play more of his recent songs or own own songs and less cover versions, etc.

As far as I can tell, it's a situation that is comparable to the different opinions at AMIT. (He even seems to have experienced serious backache recently.)

One thing really struck my mind when crawling the EC forums : the absence  of background knowledge regarding the logistics of his touring circus and all the small incidents that make the diaries of Guy and Richard so valuable. So thanks again!

The actual concert experience was ok. EC played on a high level of perfection, but IMHO it did lack something. One thing that nearly ruined it for me was the muddy and far too loud sound. It was mere a wall of sound than a balanced mix with traceable sonic structures. The meantime acoustic set gave EC the chance to rest on a stool, but it took out a lot of the dynamics of his show.
In contrast I do prefer the well-considered approach of MK in building a suspense curve with his setlist.

Please don't get me wrong, EC is still one of the very best and a true living legend. But somehow I wouldn't visit an EC gig in the next years. If MK tours again in the next future I even would consider to visit 20-or-something shows.

We are spoilt.  :)

And she's sitting in her Lusso, in the early morning sun.


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