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Author Topic: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD  (Read 37435 times)


  • Honorary Knopfler fans- Editor
  • Mark F. Knopfler
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#33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA



AMIT attendees:

Different from previous show in RED

Mark Knopfler

What It Is
Corned Beef City
Kingdom of Gold
I Used to Could
Song for Sonny Liston
Done With Bonaparte
Hill Farmer's Blues


So Far Away

Bob Dylan
1. You Ain't Going Nowhere
2. Don't Think Twice (Mark Knopfler on guitar)
3. Things Have Changed (Mark Knopfler on guitar)
4. Tangled Up In Blue (Mark Knopfler on guitar)
5. Early Roman Kings
6. Chimes of Freedom
7. The Levee's Gonna Break
8. Visions of Johanna
9. Highway 61 Revisited
10. Soon After Midnight
11. Thunder On The Mountain
12. Forgetful Heart
13. Ballad Of A Thin Man
14. Like A Rolling Stone
15. All Along The Watchtower
16. Blowin' In The Wind
« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 01:10:55 PM by jbaent »
So Long


  • Romeo
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 03:19:04 PM »
Perhaps they will sing one song together again like they did last year  :clap


  • David Knopfler
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2012, 06:13:43 PM »
Perhaps they will sing one song together again like they did last year  :clap

You can "bank" on it! ;D
"...and I blew up the radio in pretty short order."


  • Honorary Knopfler fans- Editor
  • Mark F. Knopfler
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2012, 06:20:26 PM »
Perhaps they will sing one song together again like they did last year  :clap

You can "bank" on it! ;D

O my!!!!
So Long


  • David Knopfler
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2012, 06:22:47 PM »
Perhaps they will sing one song together again like they did last year  :clap

You can "bank" on it! ;D

O my!!!!

I thought it was a noteworthy comment! ;D
"...and I blew up the radio in pretty short order."


  • David Knopfler
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2012, 06:24:07 PM »
Thats 2k!  Now I'm a Juliet! :hmm
"...and I blew up the radio in pretty short order."


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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2012, 06:24:32 PM »
I hope they do something really special together this evening. Don't know if anything can surpass Forever Young at Hammersmith Appollo though. That was truly a joy to behold.


  • David Knopfler
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2012, 08:37:58 PM »
Maybe Mark could suggest this little number from another friend.  I think Krusty could do a job on it ;D

"...and I blew up the radio in pretty short order."


  • Guitar George
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2012, 06:24:07 AM »
Just back from the show. Set list-no surprises, no songs together. But let me tell you, both MK & Bob were on fire tonight! Belive me, Bob was VERY good ( compared to other times I saw him), full of energy, dancing, smiling. His was more of a "sing along" set- familiar songs, but with different arangements. Pretty good sound as well (as pretty as could be in a basketball arena). MK-great, but a bit subdued,  I think he didn't want to "bring down the house" with songs like Speedway or Brothers, being only the oppening number. These boys are very itense, very high level of concentration on stage, but relaxed & having fun at the same time. I' m glad I saw this, as I think MK "pushed" Bob to new hights in performance, and the show was great from both ends!


  • Honorary Knopfler fans- Editor
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2012, 11:24:49 AM »
Maybe someone forgot to mention Krusty that it was the last show  :hmm

 ;D ;D ;D
So Long


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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2012, 12:44:55 PM »
Did they play together?
The setlist above says, the review doesn't!? :hmm


  • Erwin Knopfler
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2012, 01:04:50 PM »
They played together, according to Bob links.   :)
Goin' into Tow Law....


  • Guitar George
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2012, 04:09:16 PM »
Yes, they played together 3 songs. I was also hopingfor something special, like a duet, or "all along the wachtower", but not this time. Still, it' s the last concert they will ever do together (sad), but next time MK will do a full show (happy!!!) MK adds a lot to Bob's songs with his guitar, very tasteful.


  • Camerado
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2012, 12:28:35 AM »
I was there last night with my wife. MK was amazing as usual... Seeing him live in concert over the years has been some of the happiest moments in my life. Don't get me wrong....I am usually happy; but MK just touches something in my soul that I can not describe. That being said, this was a mostly Bob crowd...plent of former hippies and some that have never left the '60s it seems. The crowd was very respectful to Mark, but aside from myself (center stage, 16th row from front) and a few fans on the right side who were up and grooving to the music, everyone else seemed to be sitting and waiting for Bob. Mark's solos on WII, KOG,SL,HFB were the hilights for me. The crowd did appreciate Marbletown and SFA though, but it was strange for me that even during SFA, very few people were standing up. Bob's music literally gave my wife a headache and she abandoned our very valuable seats after 4 songs. I stayed a bit longer, but after MK finished playing with Bob on songs 2-4, the rest really was anti-climatic for me. Couldn't make out the lyrics and his voice sucked. The crowd for the most part lapped it up though. My wife told me afterwards that many people had left during Bob's set. So maybe there were more MK only fans than I thought. :D


  • Romeo
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Re: #33:2012.11.21 Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center, USA # SPOILER AHEAD
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2012, 03:57:08 AM »
5th row centre sounds great but, with some kind of mirror contraption on stage in front of the piano, the sightline to Bob was not great. His performance, on the other hand, was pretty good - lively and engaged, with commentss occasionally interjected in the "standard" lyrics and entertaining if eccentric piano playing - but there was less light and shade compared with the Boston concert.

There was a mix-up with the start time of the Brooklyn show. Some tickets said the start time was 8.00, not 7.30. In consequence, there was a delayed start, with Mark coming on at 7.45 and people still arriving in their seats. Bob did know it was the last show on the tour, adding a 16th song to his set. Sadly, Mark did not join him at the end of the concert, as he had at the final Hammersmith show last year. As has been said elsewhere, Mark's presence on-stage and his contribution to Dylan's set do give the show a lift. Bob tends to raise his game a notch and there is some visual interaction between the two.

Mark's set and performance were of the usual high standard but I doubt I could distinguish this show from the Boston one we'd caught a few days before.  A good show but "So Far Away" got the biggest reaction, I thought, perhaps because it was the one song with which many of the audience were familiar.

We were talking with some folk on the subway back to Manhattan and one asked about Mark's new album and proceeded to write down the title as I spelled it out. I explained that it wasn't actually released in the States but he said he'd search on-line. It was clear he had little pre-knowledge of Mark's  songs but was impressed enough to search the album out.

Based on what we had been told about some of the shows earlier in the tour, security was relatively low key - a quick visual check of bags (nothing too close) and a run-over with some security scanner but pretty perfunctory. I saw nobody actually caught with anything and it was all very freindly. The staff were extremely polite and pleasant.


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